Ithaca Times-July 27, 2022

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Ithaca Times, Ithaca

Tanner Harding & Harlin McEwen

Excellent reporting on big moves to reform the police dept. in Ithaca. Thoughtful, thorough and balanced. I can’t tell if the retired police chief’s editorial was considered in the reporting on the whole issue, but it was a great complement to the overall story of this community grappling with its police dept. in the wake of cries for police reforms. And the SWAT truck reference (and artwork) felt so representative. The entire endeavor felt like a considered dialog about a critical issue. Excellent all around.



Ithaca Times, Ithaca

Charley Githler

Very well written. Even though the column is too long for many readers in today’s soundbite world, it manages to keep your interest.



Ithaca Times, Ithaca

Tanner Harding & Marshall Hopkins

Love the size, style of drawings and color of the numbers. Great colors. Well Placed drawings to illustrate points.



Ithaca Times, Ithaca

Marshall Hopkins & Casey Martin

Wonderfully put together series of ads.



Ithaca Times, Ithaca

Tanner Harding

Good subject matter is the first ingredient of a good story. The reporter did a fine job with this story about the much-needed fight against vaccine misinformation.

2 T HE I THACA T IMES /J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 Enjoy Indian Cuisine With Us! Order online: Call for takeout: 607-272-1003 • 106 W. Green St. • 607-272-4508 • 5-10p B Beeeer r & W Wiinne e • C Caatteerriinng g • 1 1006 6 W . G 8 • New Delhi Diamond’s Thanks for choosing mon for Best Indian Food & 010 Celebrate Spring with U No dine in. Order takeout by phone. Delivery through Doordash and IthacaToGo. Mon-Sun: 11:30-3:00 p.m. Dinner: 4:30-9:00 p.m. Openfortakeout! Volunteer Be a Boater Go the Distance Support a Swimmer
Swim Day is August 13! ith aca com Finger Lakes Community Newspapers PRESS ASSOCIATION Award Winner
Illustration by Emily Hopkins
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Ithaca Times, Ithaca Nice
April 2022
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Committee Bringing Homelessness Ideas To Full Council

Apparent Consensus On Need For Speed

The “Jungle,” Ithaca’s decades-old unsanctioned homeless encampment has long been like the weather: everybody talks about it, but nobody does anything about it. Perhaps the pieces are nally coming together for concrete steps to be taken to address what everyone involved characterizes as “a sensitive issue.” At least that was the guardedly optimistic sense coming out of the July 20 meeting of Ithaca Common Council’s Planning and Economic Development Committee meeting.

Even though it was a non-voting item on the agenda, there were members of the public present to provide their input. Two individuals stressed the importance of not criminalizing homelessness by creating an approved encampment and then having law enforcement actively confront those who do not move into the approved location.

A resident of Ithaca’s West End stressed the urgent need for action, citing incidents of public urination and defecation, assaults, burglaries, home invasions, and a noticeable increase in the rat population that are impacting their neighborhood, which they linked to the expansion of e Jungle.

Nels Bohn, director of the Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA) presented a

memo to the committee outlining seven possible next steps the City could take in addressing what many see as Ithaca’s growing homelessness problem:

1. Approve issuance of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a sanctioned encampment on speci ed City lands and request Tompkins County participation to jointly develop a funding model to pay for the encampment;

2. Approve issuance of a Request For Expression Of Interest (RFEI) inviting a variety of proposals to address chronic homelessness, including unsanctioned encampments, and other needs addressed in a recent assessment;

3. Appoint a working group charged with developing a proposed city policy regarding encampments on city property;

4. Clarify priority uses for the former SW Park area and other City land used by unsanctioned encampments;

5. Authorize a feasibility study of a solar array installation at SW Park, except-


ing out about 4 acres for facilities serving unhoused persons;

6. Direct city sta to develop an interim policy focused on prevention of the spread of unsanctioned encampments to previously uninhabited City properties; or

7. Request Tompkins County to work with the City and Continuum of Care to explore strategies to increase access to emergency shelter housing for those in unsanctioned encampments who have been unable to successfully navigate, for one reason or another, the Department of Social Services application process.

Discussion of the possible next step quickly focused on the need for action sooner rather than later. An apparent consensus grew that the City’s tacit acceptance of illegal camping by the homeless on public and even private land, when combined with the City’s service-rich environment, was leading to an increase in


Rick Blaisell, Steve Burke, Deirdre Cunningham, Jane Dieckmann, Amber Donofrio, Karen Gadiel, Charley Githler, Linda B. Glaser, Warren Greenwood, Ross Haarstad, Peggy Haine, Gay Huddle, Austin Lamb, Steve Lawrence, Marjorie Olds, Lori Sonken, Henry Stark, Bryan VanCampen, and Arthur Whitman


NYers Lose Almost $2 Billion

To Cyber Crimes — According to a Forbes Advisor analysis of data from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, in the past ve years New York ranks as the third worst state for data breaches in America. It’s reported that 141,170 New Yorkers were victims of data breaches from 2017 through 2021. These individuals have collectively lost $1,775,479,397 from cyber crimes. The most expensive type of data breach in America is having your email

account compromised, with nancial losses nationally of over $7.5 billion. Non-payment or non-delivery is the most common type of data breach nationally, with 361,972 cases over the last ve years. And over that time, data breaches have a ected over two million Americans resulting losses of over $20 billion.

 Library


Chance For the Tat Hesitant — The Tompkins County Public Library is o ering a Fine Line Henna workshop on Thursday, August 11 from 5:30 to

7:30 the Makerspace. Attendees aged 12 and up are invited to join Joanna Fine of Fine Line Henna to learn the art, science, and history of henna body art. Participants will create their own temporary henna tattoos and will receive some henna to take home and share with family and friends. To learn more and register visit https://www.tcpl. org/event/ ne-line-henna-workshop. Those with questions can contact Cady Fontana at or 607-272-4557, ext. 247.

All rights reserved. Events are listed free of charge in TimesTable. All copy must be received by Friday at noon. The Ithaca Times is available free of charge from various locations around Ithaca. Additional copies may be purchased from the Ithaca Times offices for $1. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $89 one year. Include check or money order and mail to the Ithaca Times, PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. ADVERTISING: Deadlines are Monday 5 p.m. for display, Tuesday at noon for classi ed. Advertisers should check their ad on publication. The Ithaca Times will not be liable for failure to publish an ad, for typographical error, or errors in publication except to the extent of the cost of the space in which the actual error appeared in the rst insertion. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising for any reason and to alter advertising copy or graphics deemed unacceptable for publication. The Ithaca Times is published weekly Wednesday mornings. Offices are located at 109 N. Cayuga Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-7000, FAX 607-277-1012, MAILING ADDRESS is PO Box 27, Ithaca, NY 14851. The Ithaca Times was preceded by the Ithaca New Times (1972–1978) and The

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 3 VOL. XLII / NO. 49 / July 27, 2022 Serving 47,125 readers weekly N EWS LINE
our website at
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Barbara Adams,
NEWSLINE .................................... 3 SPORTS 7 FREEVILLE CELEBRATES ITS PAST ........................................ 8 Park Recalls Rail History STAGE .......................................... 11 MUSIC 12 FILM ............................................ 14 BOOKS ......................................... 15 TIMES TABLE 16 CLASSIFIEDS .............................. 18
Good Times Gazette (1973–1978), combined in 1978. F OUNDER
THE COVER: Freeville’s new
Continued on Page 10
“The Jungle” has been part of Ithaca for decades. Here is a picture of the encampment from 2004. (Photo: File)



Proposed Collegetown Site Toured

New “Green” Fire Station Needed To Keep Pace With Local Development

On July 19 members of the Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA) and other interested parties toured Collegetown’s past and future by exploring the existing Fire Station No. 2 and the site of its proposed replacement.

For more than half a century Fire Station No. 2 has been a xture at 309 College Avenue, watching over Collegetown as it grew from a neighborhood of small shops and quaint modest homes to an almost urban corridor of modern high-rise housing and national chain stores.

e City of Ithaca, Cornell University, and the Ithaca Fire Department have known for close to a decade that No. 2 would need renovation or replacement to keep pace with the development taking place all around it.

e choice between renovation or replacement seemed, in the end, to be a simple one. Given that No. 2 is in a cramped, populous area, and given the way the station is structured, the latter was the only real option.

e existing re station’s current infrastructure is outdated. Renovating it would mean almost complete demolition, which would leave a disastrous carbon footprint and cost an estimated $1.5 million. Renovation would also mean sta displacement and potential delays in responding to emergencies in the area. erefore, the City ultimately decided to work together with the IURA in order to conduct a sale

of the existing re station and the purchase of land to construct a new building.

Total estimated costs for a new station run around $9 million, but over $5 million of that will be covered by the sale of the existing re station.

e City had also applied for and received a $1 million grant from New York State in 2014, which will also be applied to the new station. e resulting net bill to the City of about $3 million represents $1.5 million more than renovation would have cost, with none of the disruptions to the environment or protective services. ere are also hopes that Cornell and the Town of Ithaca may help pick up some of the cost.

“None of [the existing station is] green. It’s not insulated well, and it’s actually too narrow to do renovation to make it greener, and we can’t insulate the building because it’s constructed of a certain kind of material that we can’t do anything with. Obviously, the goal with the new station is to make it greener,” City of Ithaca Fire Department Fire Chief Tom Parsons said. A new “green” re station would also dem-

onstrate the City of Ithaca’s commitment to its Green New Deal, a policy adopted in 2019 to tackle climate change.

e new building’s design would also open up more opportunities for re ghter training. “We have some additional space that we can use to do training within the building, some training that we’re not able to do in certain outdoor environments. Like we can do some con ned space training. We have a mezzanine where we can build a manhole and we can train like we’re going into a tunnel. Sometimes people get injured, so we need to be able to rescue people out of those situations. We also have to do some ropework, just practicing getting over edges at about 20 feet high. So it’s not going to be a Swiss Army Knife, but there’ll be multiple functions that we could accomplish at the [new] station,” Parsons said.

However, those functions will not include selling pizza, despite the hopes of those who still miss the o erings of e Nines, the bar/restaurant that was located in the historic former Ithaca Fire Station No. 9, that neighbored the existing Fire Station No. 2.

Before a sale of No. 2 can be conducted, the proposed location at the corner of Elmwood Avenue and Dryden Road needs to be approved. at location is currently

“Two words. TABLE. TENNIS.” –
Greg B. Jackie V.
Beatles Karaoke was an event, I’d win the gold.”
Simone G.
Jessie S.
Scotty R. IN
Continued on Page 10
An architectural rendering of the proposed new Collegetown fire station. (Photo: Ithaca Fire Department) An aerial view of the proposed site of the new fire station. (Photo: City of Ithaca) The existing Fire Station No. 2 (Photo: City of Ithaca)

Dazed And Confused

State Promises End To Cannabis Bewilderment

e journey to legalizing cannabis sales in New York State has been slow going, but an end to the limbo between legalizing recreational marijuana use and legalizing its sale is hopefully in sight.

Confusion stemming from this limbo state has had its impact in Tompkins County, with two area businesses and an Ithaca-based organization either running afoul of or being dazed by the actions of the New York O ce of Cannabis Management (OCM).

NYS is “‘on track to have the rst sales before the end of 2022,’” stated Tremaine Wright, chair of the OCM’s Cannabis Control Board, in a recent press release.

Earlier this month, the OCM voted to approve regulations detailing the approval process for the rst conditional adult-use retail dispensary licenses and the application form itself.

As promised, the rst batch of licenses will go to “justice involved” applicants.

is term describes people that received a cannabis conviction, or have been a ected by a family member’s cannabis-related o ense. Applicants must also meet certain criteria related to owning and controlling a business or nonpro t.

With these guidelines in place, “New York’s rst legal adult-use retail dispensaries will be operated by those most impacted by the enforcement of the prohibition of cannabis and who also have strong business backgrounds,” stated the OCM press release.

e application window will open up later this summer.

$200 million in funding has been authorized by Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature to bolster the rst conditional adult-use retail dispensaries, also with the aim of promoting equality within the cannabis industry and ensuring that those historically disproportionately impacted by cannabis policing are among the rst to reap the pro ts of the legal industry.

e $200 million will go towards “leasing and equipping up to 150 conditional adult-use retail dispensaries in New York

State,” a press release from Governor Hochul’s O ce explained.

As part of the e ort to build a legal, well-regulated cannabis market, the OCM has been cracking down on illicit “sticker shops,” which have ourished based on the reasoning that cannabis cannot be sold yet in New York State, but it can be gi ed alongside another purchase, such as a sticker.

e OCM sent cease and desist letters to 52 businesses in February and chose to publish the unredacted letters earlier this month. e letters took a hard stance against sticker shops, stating that “illegal sales include the sale of cannabis products in-person at a retail location, online, via delivery, or at an event; and include socalled ‘gi ing.’”

Lakewatch Inn and Good Vibes Customs were the two Tompkins County businesses amidst the published letters, though the owners of both businesses claimed they did not actually receive a letter in the mail.

Good Vibes has been fairly transparent about its sticker sales in the past, but declined to comment on whether they would be changing their business model based on the letter.

Lakewatch Inn owner Nicole Reynolds has been adamant that the letter sent to her business was unfounded; she had agreed to host CannaMarket, which bills itself as a pop-up social experience, at her venue, but later decided that she didn’t feel comfortable hosting the event, and the market found a new venue—the Cherry Artspace.

“I think it's unfortunate that LakeWatch got sent a letter,” CannaMarket organizer Kenneth McLaurin said. “I'm not sure why they sent that letter to LakeWatch. It seems odd, especially since they don't do any hemp or cannabis [sales].”



The rains nally arrived so there’s no need to su er in heat to save your plants and owers or worry that your well is going to run dry.


But along with the welcome rain came thunderstorms and power outages. Ithaca giveth and Ithaca taketh away.



A Park & Ride operation for those who commute to Corning may soon be coming to the Farmer’s Market parking lot at Steamboat Landing. Common Council is looking at an amendment to the lease to allow use of some of the parking spots on weekdays.


Lansing dairy farmer Jake Palladino stars in the latest video on The CU grad talks about following in his father’s footsteps and how his four older sisters prepared him for his career.

IF YOU CARE TO RESPOND to something in this column, or suggest your own praise or blame, write news@ithacatimes. com, with a subject head “U&D.”



13.5% Yes. Ithaca is more vibrant when they’re in town.

86.5% No. It’s a lot easier to park when they’re not around.



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Are you missing the students?
your favorite swimming setting?
Continued on Page 10
The state claims it is on track to have the first legal cannabis sales before the end of this year. (Photo: CannaMarket) The owner of the LakeWatch Inn has gotten caught up in apparent OCM confusion. (Photo: Provided)

What Could Go Wrong?

The following took place two weeks ago in a ctitious small collegebased city nestled in the Finger Lakes region. I accessed through the County Clerk’s o ce the transcript of court proceedings in which one M. T. Fagin was being arraigned on ve charges of 3rd degree Burglary, supplementing the six similar charges already pending. Hon. Oliver Wendell Cornstarch, presiding; Larson E. Whipsnade, Esq. appearing for the defendant; Marcia Clark, Esq. representing the People of the State of New York. I nd court cases so fascinating, don’t you?

BAILIFF: All rise. e matter of the People vs. Fagin, Judge Cornstarch presiding. Please be seated.

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Good morning, all. How refreshing to see you for the third time in a single week, Mr. Fagin.

WHIPSNADE: Your Honor, my client would like to enter a plea of Not Guilty to…

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Not so fast, counselor. Your client was released on his own recognizance last ursday a er being charged with burglarizing four local businesses, released without bail

again the very next day a er burglarizing two more businesses, and here we are on Tuesday morning and he’s hit ve more businesses over the weekend.

WHIPSNADE: Allegedly. My client is presumed innocent.

FAGIN: Yeah, aren’t I innocent until proven guilty? It’s in the Constitution.

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Mr. Fagin, if I were you...say, where’s my gavel?

BAILIFF: Here it is, Judge. (holds up gavel)

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Let the record re ect that the gavel was in Mr. Fagin’s pocket. Give me that.

CLARK: Your Honor, the People request substantial bail under the circumstances. Mr. Fagin has a clear tendency to commit further crimes. His own lawyer accused him of stealing his iPhone.

WHIPSNADE: at’s privileged communication!

FAGIN: Oh, Sure. Jamie Dimon costs the public billions in 2008, but never spends a day in jail. He’s still CEO of JPMorgan Chase! A poor guy like me winds up in jail awaiting trial. How am


More Than 174 Years Later And We’re Still Fighting for Women’s Rights

On July 19, 1848, 174 years ago, 300 women and men gathered in Seneca Falls, NY, to speak out about the inequality facing women, demand the same rights and freedoms that men held, and make known their discontent with the way this country was progressing. e Seneca Falls Women’s Rights Convention was the rst convention of its kind in American history. From that convention, it took more than 70 years for women to gain the right to vote in 1919.

Sometimes the ght for equality goes slowly. Sometimes it goes backwards. Like right now, a er the recent Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

I don’t believe this decision was about abortion, or pregnancy, or whether life starts at conception. If it was, if it was really about taking care of babies and honoring all life, there would be a massive influx of resources, organizations, money, and support for pregnant women and mothers. But that’s not happening. No, I believe this decision is the result of a culture of control and domination of women. It is the result of a deep and intense societal misogyny.

Let me share an example to illustrate misogyny and how the Supreme Court’s ruling will fail women in this country.

A couple months ago, a ten-year-old girl was raped and became pregnant. When the child was taken to a doctor in her home state of Ohio, she was unable to get an abortion there. anks to the Supreme Court’s ruling, Ohio now denies all abortions a er six weeks, and the girl was a bit further along in her pregnancy than that. Le up to the government of Ohio, a ten-year-old girl would be forced to carry the embryo of her rapist to term and live with the consequences of then raising a baby or the trauma of giving it up for adoption. is is not freedom. is is not equality. is is state-sanctioned child abuse. is is misogyny.

Women have made progress since that original Convention in 1848. But every freedom, every step must be fought for tooth and nail against a society dominated by, primarily white, men.

In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the rst woman to register to run the Boston marathon. While running, she was forcibly pushed o the course by a race organizer and male participants.

Until 1974, banks and nancial institutions could deny women credit lines, unless they had their husband co-sign the application.

Until 1978, employers could refuse to hire a pregnant woman. Because she was pregnant.

Until 1981, 205 years into the American experiment, no woman had ever served on the Supreme Court.

Also, 1981 was the rst time that the number of female members of the House of Representatives got up to 20. Twenty out of 435 seats.

Until 1993, a woman who took time o to give birth or adopt a child could be denied her job when she returned to work. With the Family Medical Leave Act, women and men are allowed 12 weeks of unpaid time o .

In 2000, the Supreme Court ruled that a woman could not sue in federal court a man who had raped her.

In 2001, the number of female senators broke the double digits, when 13 females served in the Senate. irteen out of 100.

And now, in 2022, women and girls have been told by the highest court that they are not t to make decisions about their lives and bodies. ey can be sued

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Amanda Champion represents District 12, which spreads across West Hill, Inlet Valley, and the Ithaca College region of South Hill. (Photo: Provided)


In October of 2019, I wrote a column featuring two young boys trapped in the bodies of 60-something men. In “Rose Colored Oasis,” I wrote about David Moriah and Buck Briggs—Cornell grads who have been pals for a half century— bonded by their shared wide-eyed love for all things baseball.

Along with the column, the Ithaca Times ran a photo of the two guys grinning while holding some prized memorabilia—like some cherished baseball cards and a photo of Moriah with Casey Stengel, when David was the Mets' batboy in 1963—and Briggs laughed when he described them as “members of a bizarre fraternity of baseball memorabilia collectors.” Buck called his baseball card collection “a Time Machine,” and went on to recall that he learned to read as a boy by looking at baseball cards. I got the feeling—though he did not verbalize this—that if I ever learned where his vast and valuable collection was kept, he'd have to kill me.

David has written for Sports Collectors Digest, MLB post-season programs and Hall of Fame publications, and he had been in attendance for thirty-two consecutive induction ceremonies (interrupted brie y by the pandemic).

Both men were in Cooperstown last weekend, and on the Baseball People Facebook page, David posted a photo he took of the three living inductees, and he pointed out that Jim Kaat, Tony Oliva and David “Big Papi” Ortiz all played for the Minnesota Twins. Having missed two ceremonies due to the pandemic, being back at the festivities was, David said, “Like Roy Hobbs was nally back in the game!”

I have been fortunate to attend a few of the induction ceremonies, and there is a palpable bond that exists between attendees, sta , former and current players, and inductees. Fans who act like “grown-ups” most of the time wander about wide-eyed, wearing the jerseys of their favorite players, seeking autographs and shamelessly and joyously channeling their inner 12 year-old.

Buck Briggs met up with a guy he called “an old friend” last weekend, and their bond runs a bit deeper than the typical fan/fanboy connection.

It is time, dear readers, to dig into the box while I hurl a series of baseball metaphors at you. In 2017, Briggs was way behind in the count. He had been facing

the power pitcher that was heart disease, and it had come down to the simple fact that if he did not nd a “reliever” for his damaged heart—which needed to come out—he would himself be out of the game. A er many exhaustive conversations and evaluations—both physical and psychological—Buck found himself at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. A fellow future transplant recipient—who was also going through the process—happened to be a fellow he recognized. A few weeks later— when both men were in the same unit for their surgeries—Briggs told a nurse, “I'll bet you were not aware that between this gentleman and myself, we have won seven American League batting titles!” e sta er said, “ at's very impressive...congratulations!” Briggs wryly added, “Well, he won all seven, but thank you nonetheless!” His roommate—a fellow by the name of Rod Carew (who also happens to have been a Minnesota Twin)–got a grin out of it, and was grateful for the levity as he, too, awaited a new heart.

Five years later, Briggs—now 68—has yet to win a batting title, and he told me, “It was the rst time Rod and I had seen each other since our transplants, and it wasn't really a big, emotional moment for us.” He added, “We just kind of looked at each other and 'We made it'. Never in our wildest dreams did we imagine in 2017 that we'd be meeting up in Cooperstown in 2022.” Buck and I are friends, and he has shared some compelling memories of what it was like to have the Grim Reaper have one hand around his throat and feel the other hand closing in, and he told me, “When we got together, I sort of felt like I was looking at myself, and that I now know what people feel when they look at me. For a long time, it was day to day, week to week. I made it.”

The Talk at


Endorsing Josh Riley

Iwill be voting for Josh Riley in the August 23 Democratic Primary for the 19th Congressional District. His opinion piece, “A Plan of Action to Restore and Protect Reproductive Justice for Women” which ran in the July 13 [Ithaca] Times, demonstrates why he will make a great Congressman. Josh is right on this issue as well as on the bread-and-butter issues facing us all. He learned about them first hand growing up in working class Endicott. His “Plan” shows that he will be a practical problem-solver based on his previous experience in Congress, his professional knowledge of the law, and his having already worked in a bi-partisan fashion with folks from all parties and walks of life. In short, when Josh is elected, he will hit the ground running. For the best


I supposed to get bail money if I can’t ply my trade? It’s not fair! e system is rigged!

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Mr. Whipsnade, instruct your client...damn it! Baili , please retrieve my gavel from Mr. Fagin. Again. (rubbing wrist) See if he has my watch, too.

BAILIFF: (a er searching the defendant) Gavel, sir, and your watch. Also, my


by boyfriends, parents, or rapists if they try to have an abortion. e doctors, friends, or family members who try to help them or provide care can be sued.

A country, a state, a government cannot function without a ording all its citizens the same rights and freedoms, regardless of race, gender, ancestry, sexual orientation, ability, belief system, or any of the other human di erences that make our society so wonderfully diverse and beautiful.

interests of us in the new 19th CD and for the country, please join me in voting for Josh in August and again in November.

Endorsing Leslie Danks Burke

New York women do not face an abysmal future in which abortion is illegal and only women with the financial and social resources to travel to another state can obtain a safe and legal abortion. They retain this right in large part thanks to the efforts of women like Leslie Danks Burke, candidate for the NY 52nd State Senate seat which includes Tompkins County.

Leslie has always been there. The persistent lobbying she and other reproductive rights activists carried on for years played an enormous role in securing the 2017 passage of the NY Women’s Reproductive Health Act. Well before her current campaign, Leslie demanded a constitutional amendment guaranteeing New Yorkers a right to abortion.

I urge you to join me in voting for Leslie Danks Burke in the NY State Democratic primary on August 23rd.

handcu s and the stenographer’s wedding ring. Plus two wallets, a tape dispenser, the name plate from your chambers, and Mr. Whipsnade’s iPhone.

WHIPSNADE: My phone!

JUDGE CORNSTARCH: Let the record so re ect. Ms. Clark, you know as well as I that New York State law requires that Mr. Fagin be released on his own recognizance for non-violent felonies. So ordered. My hands are tied in this matter. He’s free to go. On an unrelated note before the next case...has anybody seen my car keys?

I honor the women who stood up for their rights 174 years ago in Seneca Falls. I also honor the women who have been ghting for equality and equity since then, and those who raise their voices all over the country to be heard. But the ght is not over.

Bodily autonomy is one of the most basic human rights. If men have this right, women are entitled to it also. Without the ability to choose what to do with your own body, what else is there?

Amanda Champion represents District 12 in the Tompkins County Legislature.

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 7
Buck Briggs and his “old friend” Rod Carew (Photo: Provided)
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continued from page 6


New Park Recalls A Once Vital Rail Hub

Twenty-four trains each day used to pass through the small village of Freeville as late as during the 1920s. Today, not a single piece of original track remains. But the village is freshly aware of this segment of its history, thanks to a handsome small park with historical panels that describe aspects of the railroads

that once served Freeville. It is located at the corner of Railroad and Factory Streets, just east of the intersection of Main Street and Route 38.

David Fogel, who retired as mayor of Freeville last November, says that the whole project began when it became necessary to remove the last remaining relic of the railroad era.

“We had to demolish a local landmark that stood at the site for more than a hundred years—an octagonal concrete structure that had once supported a circular wooden water tower next to one of the two Lehigh Valley Railroad branch lines that used to cross in Freeville.”

Fogel was featured more than 30 years ago in the Ithaca Times for a detailed model he built of Ithaca’s West End as it looked before the construction of the Inlet ood control channel and the “Octopus” intersection. at model took eight years to build and was on display on the second oor of the Alternatives Credit Union for several years, though it’s now in storage.

“Around the time that I became mayor of [Freeville] in 2014,” he says, “I built a scale model of a history-themed pocket park for the Village-owned parcel on the old railroad right-of-way. [It] was designed to commem-

8 T HE I THACA T IMES /J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022
The new Station Park celebrates Freeville’s history as a railroad hub. (Photo: Gene Endres) David Fogel, former mayor of Freeville was the driving force behind the creation of the new park. (Photo: Gene Endres)

orate the old railroad junction and included a proposed TCAT bus shelter modeled on Freeville's last passenger depot.”

ough all traces of stations, tracks and water tanks used by the railroads have been obliterated in recent years, those familiar with the history know the village was an important junction. Fogel’s model, on display at the village o ce, attracted the attention of Freeville residents and most seemed supportive of his idea for a park. TCAT felt the plan had merit.

How did Freeville come to be such a nexus of various railroads?

In the post-Civil-War era, railroad construction became a center of attention and investment. Laws allowed municipalities to purchase bonds to help rail entrepreneurs build these new roads and assured the towns and villages that they would be served. Highways at the time were generally dirt and unpaved, turning into mud in the spring and unplowed but actually better when snow-covered.

Railroads, unlike canals and roads, could operate largely throughout the year and were fairly fast. ey did, however, suffer from washouts and derailments and even collisions between trains.

e Southern Central Railroad came into Freeville from the south. It started at Athens, Pennsylvania, passing through Dryden and Freeville on to Auburn and North Fair Haven, on Lake Ontario.

Another railroad was planned from Ithaca to Cortland and gained the support of Ezra Cornell. is became the Elmira, Cortland and Northern, running all the way from Elmira to East Ithaca to Cortland and Camden, north of Oneida Lake.

Yet another was the New York and Oswego Midland, which meandered through hill and dale from either the

This is reportedly the second Freeville Station, circa 1901.

Hudson River or New Jersey and planned to build west, perhaps to Bu alo. It was a roundabout route and only got as far as Scipioville or Merri eld in the middle of Cayuga County.

e railroad building boom would not last. e Panic of 1873 caused a number of railroads to fail nancially. Town and village investments become worthless but debts still had to be paid. It was the worst depression the United States had faced until then and didn’t ease until 1879. e

Freeville railroads did recover, with all the lines consolidated by 1890 under the control of the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

With railroads coming into Freeville from four or ve directions, usually twice each day, there was lots of activity. Passengers could get out, change trains, have a meal or even stay overnight. Add local and regional freight trains carrying items like lumber, milk, manufactured products and more and you had a very busy railroad junction in a very small village.

It all centered around the railroad station, the focus of all business. By 1900 four lines were le , all were part of the Lehigh Valley system. In that year they built a ve-sided wooden depot. As business increased, that odd building was demoted to be the freight station and a ne stucco station was erected, including indoor plumbing and even a restaurant. ere were extra side tracks so that four trains could meet and exchange passengers simultaneously.

Freeville continued on, as did many other towns and villages. Places with railroad service prospered, while those without connection o en withered. Following the rst World War, the rise of the automobile and better roads meant the railroads were less useful. Passenger trains, used for local travel, even as trans-

port for local schoolkids, were replaced by the car. Trucks distributed many products locally, though some, like milk, were still delivered by train until a er the second World War.

Freeville itself had a history both before and a er the railroads.

e well-watered valley of both Virgil and Fall Creeks was undoubtedly used by the native peoples for raising crops and building communities. e Sullivan Expedition around Cayuga Lake, dispatched by General Washington to drive out these natives, may have caused some to seek shelter further east in places like Freeville.

When Revolutionary War veterans came here in 1798, they found few such original peoples. Daniel White, a veteran and early settler, built a dam and mill on Fall Creek. e location was known as “White’s Mill”, but some years later it is said that White himself felt it should not be named for any person and it came to be Freeville. It is the only “Freeville” in the country, perhaps anywhere, and thus you see the phrase “ e One and Only” in the new Station Park.

Freeville had a large number of businesses over the years ranging from factories producing cinder blocks and furniture to hotels, restaurants, gas stations and phone companies. According to the town historian, it supported ve weekly newspapers and yes, even a baseball team.

e third Freeville passenger station lasted until 1940, when the railroads were beginning to lose their grip on American transportation. By the 1980s, railroad business in Freeville was no more, and even the ve-sided freight station was gone. ere remained the octagonal concrete base that had supported the old water tank for lling the tenders of steam locomotives. And its removal led to the idea of a park celebrating the community’s past.

“Over the course of the eight years that it took to construct Station Park, I functioned as project manager, coordinating the work of various contractors, Village employees, and volunteers,” notes Fogel. “For some ten months, I worked closely with Ithaca-based graphic designer Amelia Kaufman to create the nine large display panels mounted on the kiosk and in the bus shelter.”

ose panels highlight not only the rail history of Freeville, but also summarize much of the entire history of the village. ey show pictures of historic houses built in Freeville, as well as other notable buildings and businesses. e kiosk and bus shelter provide welcome shade and lots of information in a compact space.

Most drivers heading through the village today may be bound elsewhere, as were most of those who used to travel on the railroads. Yet Station Park is worth a stop, giving the visitor a true sense of history of a place that really is “the one and only.”

Special thanks to: e History Center in Ithaca; the Dryden Historical Society, which published the reminiscences of Ken Rice who was an agent at Freeville and a number of other local stations; and John Marcham, editor of the third edition of A History of Railroads in Tompkins County.

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 9
The appropriately named Junction House hotel catered to those having a meal or staying overnight while they waited to make a rail connection. Freeville was once a major regional railroad intersection. An aerial view of Freeville circa 1950 showing the unique fivesided freight station at the upper right and highlighting the location of the new Station Park.

the homeless population and illegal behavior seemingly linked to this increase.

Ithaca Acting Mayor Laura Lewis acknowledged that, “the Tacit acceptance policy is not… working, it is not helpful to the city, it is not helpful to unhoused residents, it is not helpful to the community at large, and does not address some of the issues that contribute to the growing homeless encampments.”

City Alderperson Cynthia Brock noted the “pressure tacit acceptance was placing on City personnel, including police o cer, re ghters, building department personnel,” and others, who are unsure of what they could or should do.

No one disputed that other e orts to provide options to residents of “ e Jungle,” including access to a ordable housing at the Arthaus project on Cherry Street, had fallen short of expectations.

City Alderperson George McGonigal acknowledged: “Arthaus is not a safe place right now.”

e need for speed quickly focused attention on the rst option from Bohn’s memo: an RFP and basing it on e Ithaca Designated Encampment Site (TIDES) proposal. e TIDES plan was proposed by a Volunteer Working Group consisting of Brock and McGonigal from Ithaca’s Common Council, Bohn of the IURA, Rich John and Travis Brooks of the Tompkins County Legislature, Frank Kruppa of the Tompkins County Department of Health, Chris Teitelbaum of St. John’s Community Services (the agency in the County that shelters people experiencing homelessness), Carmen Guidi of Second Wind Cottages (a New eld-based not-forpro t that provides housing for the homeless), and Jerry Dietz of CSP Management

and Michael Carpenter who has served on the En eld Planning Board, both of whom own property on Cherry Street.

e TIDES proposal foresees a total cost for construction of an encampment at just over $1 million, with just over $600,000 in annual sta ng costs. e almost $2 million price tag raised eyebrows and concerns. However, as Teitelbaum noted, “local businesses and residents in Ithaca’s West End are already paying a hidden tax” by having to deal with issues arising from problems stemming from e Jungle.

Guidi, acknowledged for his laudable past e orts on behalf of the homeless and his expertise in dealing with the issue, noted that “these people have been living on this land for years and years and years, and nothing has ever been done. Now we want to try to do something that can improve their lives and get them more help…. Just pull the trigger. ey're there. You’re obviously not going to remove them, so let's make [life] better for them.”

Acting Mayor Lewis seemed to guardedly agree: “Right now we may be at a nexus point. We may have the right constellation of people in our community to really take some concrete steps.”

e next one of those steps is for the committee to present the issue to the full Common Council.


occupied by two adjacent student rental houses at 403 Elmwood Avenue and 408 Dryden Road. “ is is all proposed. e agency is looking at this [land] and asking for the public to comment on if there are any issues, and then this community will make a recommendation to the IURA. en the IURA will make a recommendation to the Common Council, and the Common Council will make the nal decision. ere’s a process involved in this, and it gives the public the opportunity to be involved in the situation,” Nels Bohn, Director of Community Development at IURA, said.


When asked about the situation, the OCM said that it doesn’t comment on investigations.

“Our intent when sending out these cease and desist letters was to get unlicensed sales to stop. We deeply appreciate all recipients of these letters who ceased to participate in any unlicensed sales. e O ce of Cannabis Management’s intent is to discourage any unlicensed sales, and we are thankful to those who cooperated,” Deputy Director of OCM Communications Aaron Ghitelman said.

As for the CannaMarket events, McLaurin asserted that no cannabis sales take place, including “sticker” sales, though attendees could exchange marijuana if they desire.

Future feedback is likely to center on the impact the re station will have on what is a more residential area that that of the existing re station, and how re and rescue vehicles will navigate the notoriously crowded Collegetown roads.

“ ere [are] so many legal ways to exchange cannabis…. Within our event, people are allowed to exchange cannabis in the ways that [are] legal in New York state,” McLaurin said.

He feels that the goals of CannaMarket actually align with the state’s goals as an event that allows cannabis and CBD enthusiasts, farmers, educators and other people a liated with the industries to meet up.

“I think I think what we're doing through the CannaMarket supports and highlights what New York State wants from the legalization of cannabis. Really positive, healthy education, events, community,” McLaurin said.

Julia Nagel is a reporter from e Cornell Daily Sun working on e Sun’s summer fellowship at e Ithaca Times.

10 T HE I THACA T IMES /J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022
WELCOME TO “THE JUNGLE” continued from page 3
Chris Teitelbaum noted, “local businesses and residents in Ithaca’s West End are already paying a hidden tax” to deal with homelessness. (Photo: Provided via Zoom) Carmen Guidi of Second Wind Cottages stressed, “You’re obviously not going to remove them, so let’s make [life] better for them.” (Photo: Provided via Zoom)
from page 4
A street view of the proposed site of the new Collegetown Fire Station at the corner of Dryden Road and Elmwood Avenue (Photo: File)
continued from page 5
CannaMarket is actively promoting its local pop-up events and merchandise. (Photo: CannaMarket)


Outdoor Productions

Welcome Relief

atching performances outdoors in the relative cool of evening is one way to cope with this month’s insufferable heat. At the Hangar eatre’s tented space near the marina, audiences are treated to a lively production of

Dave Malloy’s 2012 musical, “Natasha, Pierre, & the Great Comet of 1812.” And Ithaca Shakespeare Company, for its 20th season, returns to the lush greenery of Upper Robert H. Treman State Park with two seldom-seen works, William Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra” and “Two Gentlemen of Verona.”

Malloy’s electropop opera, adapted from a segment of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” features two ill-fated Russian aristocrats: Pierre, in the familiar Slavic role of the discontent aging intellectual, all philosophy and little action; and Natasha, a naïve, spoiled young countess, engulfed by fantasies of love.

WEngaged to Prince Andrey, a soldier o ghting Napoleon’s invasion, the impressionable girl falls for Anatole, a suave, handsome rake who conceals his own marriage in order to seduce her. Responsible friends and relatives intervene, of course, and Natasha, still lovestruck, is chastened, while Pierre ends up discovering the value of love on his own terms.

e particular delight of this musical (ever since its inception) is how the large cast spills over the stage, down the aisles, and through the audience; under Shirley Serotsky’s direction, both movement and music convey a sense of life irrepressibly erupting. Czerton Lim’s e cient set provides a straightforward cutout of the towers and onion domes of Moscow’s skyline, with most of the stage le open for frequent dances (varied choreography by Fatima Sowe). e set’s simplicity is countered by Debra Sivigny’s striking costumes, all boots and gold braid and delicious gowns. Elizabeth M. Stewart’s lighting strings bare bulbs overhead, suggesting intimate bowers, and one dazzling chandelier stands in for the celebrated comet awing everyone in the play’s nal moments.

e story unfolds in a distinct sung-through narrative style: each character sings directly what he or she is right then doing or thinking. e e ect is simultaneously distancing and en-

gaging, and sometimes even comical (or is that just the obviousness of the script? –– as when all, writing letters, chant “In 19th century Russia, we put down in writing what’s happening in our minds”). e spirited music is a mash-up of styles and forms: heartfelt ballads, rousing folk tunes, sonorous anthems, operatic arias –– at times electronic. (Here’s pop opera for young people unfamiliar with the medium; in fact, the inexperienced Natasha, attending an opera, loudly whispers “I can’t follow the plot.”)

In a funny ri on the di culty of grasping Russian names in a large cast, Malloy’s script has the actors each introduce themselves, and their name-chant repeats, like a memory game.

Vocally the actors are strong and ne; even more impressively, most are playing instruments as well (e ectively handled by Chris Blisset’s musical supervision). Alan Mendez’s Pierre is a genial bear of a man, complicated, re ective, escaping himself in drink; his every song and speech demands attention. Natasha, played by Chloe Castro-Santos, is an impossible adolescent; she’s so vain and willful one wonders what everyone is so charmed by. (Also, in this production, her unruly hair could use combing; its disarray counters the notion of her innocence.) Unfortunately, the powerful, over-miked vocals le much of Natasha’s lyrics indecipherable.

As Anatole, Jong Sang Rheu is surreally smooth and manipulative; his voice and trumpet both compelling. His sister, “the slut” (also the unhappy Pierre’s wife) is a gorgeously sophisticated Zoe Dongas, who lights up the stage. Equally compelling, from the opposite end of the moral spectrum, is Madelaine Vandenberg as Natasha’s loyal friend, Sonya. Her singing is exceptionally clear; her poise and sensitive acting absorbing.

Arts & Entertainment

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 11
Alan Mendez’s Pierre is a genial bear of a man, complicated, reflective, escaping himself in drink. (Photo: Rachel Philipson)
Continued on Page 13
Natasha, played by Chloe Castro-Santos’ Natasha is vain, willful…and charming, while Jong Sang Rheu’s Anatole is surreally smooth and manipulative. (Photo: Rachel Philipson)

Graham Nash Refuses To Sit Still

The Hollies/CSN Legend Comes To Hammondsport

Graham Nash refuses to sit still. He has a new album out now, “Graham Nash: Live”, featuring some great songs, pedal steel and harmonics and a pointed arrangement of Nash’s “Chicago/ We Can Change e World” with Trump added into the mix, and he’s also just completed an untitled studio album. Nash will be bringing a stripped-down version of his show to Point of the Blu Vineyards in Hammondsport for a 3PM concert on July 31.

Nash spoke to the Ithaca Times about, among other topics, changing the world, the Everly Brothers and memories of “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes”.

IT: I just nished listening to “Graham Nash: Live”.

GN: Ah.

IT: anks for reminding me that we can change the world. Seriously.

GN: Yes we can. When I was making this record, I realized how many of my songs are quite relevant even today. I mean, “Immigration Man“, and “Chicago” and “We Can Change e World” and “Military Madness”. It’s so sad that we have not learned from history.

IT: Americans seem to need to hear that message a lot. [laughs] I know this isn’t your rst rodeo, but what was the process of picking the songs and the performances?

GN: For the show? Well, there’s two things going on: the show, obviously, and the live album that’s out right now. And I’ve just nished work on a new studio record, which I’m very excited about. So there’s three things we’re talking about.

IT: Let’s talk about the show in Hammondsport.

GN: Yes, Hammondsport. What an interesting name. Why not? I mean, it’s coming up soon. I’ll be doing some songs from “Graham Nash: Live” because some of those songs, I’ve never even played live before. But the show will just be me and Shayne Fontayne (Joe Cocker, Ian Hunter) on guitar and Todd Caldwell on keyboards. [It’s] a stripped-down show, very intimate and personal.

IT: I love It when you get country.

GN: Yeah, I don’t know where that comes from in me. I’m from the north of England, I have no idea. [laughs] Who wouldn’t love e Everly Brothers? I just did a wonderful thing for one of the last releases that Don Everly was working on, and I sang “So Sad” with Christopher Stills, who is Stephen’s son. We did a wonderful version of it.

IT: Boy, that’s surreal, when you’ve moved on to the next generation.

GN: I know. [laughs]

IT: ere’s these new venues, like wineries and cideries that are producing big shows and attracting acts like yours. Have you ever been to Point of the Blu Wineries before?

GN: No, and I’m lookin’ forward to seein’ it. I mean, I’ve played a lot of places in my life, but I really like new places. I’m liking these more intimate shows. ey’re more personal, they’re more intimate, and I can see my audience’s faces, and I really love that. I mean, when you’re singing “Guinevere” with one microphone and one acoustic guitar and two voices for half a million people at Woodstock, y’know, that’s a lot of people. I like playing for smaller places. ere’s more contact with the audience.

IT: When it’s that many people at Woodstock, is there a disconnect?

GN: No, ‘cause we try and always reach the last row. I mean, that’s what we’re always conscious of doing when we have people of that kind of volume.

IT: I had the pleasure of interviewing Judy Collins earlier this year. Can you remember anything about when Stephen Stills played “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes” for the rst time?

GN: Absolutely. I have some photographs in my new book that I put out

Continued on Page 13
Graham Nash plans a stripped down, very intimate show in Hammondsport. (Photo: Provided)

In other roles, Trevor Lindley Cra does a nice turn as stony Andrey and also his father, the dyspeptic old Prince Bolkonsky. Among the dancers, Daniel Mejil stands out for his expressive presence and form. And head guitarist Chris Blisset, as Balaga, the lord of all revels, is the life force personi ed; I haven’t seen bouncing joy like this onstage since “Fiddler.”

As it turns out, Natasha and Pierre were both looking for love in all the wrong places; refer to Tolstoy for the rest of their story. Meanwhile, the Hangar’s production o ers much light-hearted diversion.

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Under the dramatically shedding sycamores of Upper Treman Park, Ithaca Shakespeare Company’s large wooden platform invites audiences on all four sides. But staging in the round (or in this case, the square) is challenging; in “Antony and Cleopatra,” directed by Stephen Ponton, I only saw the queen’s back as she died, and two gures blocked Mark Antony’s death, as well as other key moments.

Another disadvantage was only being able to hear about two-thirds of the speeches distinctly (and even from the front row, o en straining to hear that much). E ective miking is admittedly di cult and expensive, and choosing to present plays in the round complicates the matter. In the company’s previous venues in other local parks over the years, conventional proscenium staging allowed actors to be seen and heard far more successfully.

And this is Shakespeare, a er all –– we can eke out the story, but nally, we’ve come for the language. In “Antony and Cleopatra,” Pompey and his attendants were entirely inaudible. at said, two key characters were not only distinct but marvelously acted: NYC-based Andrew Ryan Perry as Antony and Will DeVary as ambitious Octavian, the new Caesar. Both men inhabited their roles thoroughly, in every gesture and expression; the struggle between these two historical titans truly


a month ago. ere’s three portraits of Stephen when we’re actually listening to the rst playback of what we did with the song. Yeah, I remember the rst time ever Stephen played it for me, I thought it was from Mars! I had no idea that, you know, someone could take four individual pieces of music that are in di erent keys and

came alive. eir conviction was so powerful that they carried the action through uneven minor performances.

Louise Montgomery’s Lepidus had presence, and Lloyd Harris proved a worthy follower to Antony. But Holly Adams’s Cleopatra felt misconceived: Yes, Shakespeare’s Egyptian queen progresses from ighty to majestic, but that doesn’t warrant playing her as a mugging spoiled teenager. Here she’s seldom fascinating and regal enough to captivate Anthony, and though far more convincing in the nal scenes, her voice drops then too low to be completely heard.

Cleopatra’s stature demanded a long gown, but otherwise Elizabeth Kitney’s plain white linen costumes served adequately, with Antony’s leather armor particularly impressive. roughout, vivid battles alternate with lovers’ intimacies, reinforcing, as the Bard intended, how the personal life a ects the public.

Chris Nickerson’s direction of “Two Gentlemen of Verona” o ers a more evenly acted show, opening each act with pleasing Renaissance music and song. Staging is well paced and creative, all lively action thoroughly visible. But speaking in four directions takes its toll here as well: For nearly every actor, when their back is to you, the voice disappears. (Imagine reading this page with a quarter of the words randomly blacked out. Frustrating.)

In this early work, Shakespeare introduces themes and tropes that will reappear in later plays –– gender disguises, friend-

di erent rhythms, and puttin’ ‘em together into one song. And it was an amazing thing for him to get to the end of that song the very rst time he played it for me. It was an amazing feeling.

IT: And the average music listener hears that song on the radio and has no idea how complex it is. ey just love the song.

GN: Yeah, just the song. But you know what, the truth is, when we got to the end

ship and betrayal, exile and forgiveness, the excesses of young love. Two friends end up at odds: Valentine (Jack Hopkins) counts on Proteus (Dexter Conlin) to support his love for the Duke’s daughter Sylvia (Joan Raube-Wilson). But Proteus, who’s already wooed Julia (Carolyn Best), is so smitten with his friend’s beloved that he pursues her himself, most ruthlessly.

As the lovers, these four young actors are attractive, engaging, and dynamic, well-matched to lo this comedy. Dave Dietrich ably plays the Duke and Bob Arco the foolish fop urio, who thinks he has a chance with Sylvia. But Sylvia (she whom all the swains commend, if you recall) proves to be most upright (and a protofeminist at that).

More humor is provided by two servants, the witty Speed (Jorin Clougherty) and the literal Lance (Mike Chen), but alas, their projection is too o en low. Only Lance’s hound, Crab, ever patient, steals the show with his silence.

• “Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812” by Dave Malloy (composer/lyricist), directed by Shirley Serotsky. At the Hangar eatre, Ithaca. rough July 31. Tickets at or 607-273-2787.

• “Antony and Cleopatra” and “Two Gentlemen of Verona,” by William Shakespeare, directed by Stephen Ponton and Chris Nickerson. Ithaca Shakespeare Company, Upper Treman Park, Ithaca. In repertory July 27-31. Tickets at

of it, and I took those pictures of Stephen listening to our rst playback, I said, “What do ya think?” He said, “Well, I’m not sure we got it.” I said, “Really?” He said, “Yeah, let’s do it all again.” And we re-recorded all seven and a half minutes of it. And we got to the end of the second take and I said, “Okay, how do you feel about it now, Stephen?” And he said, “Well, maybe we did get it the rst time. at’s the better take.”

And that’s the one we used.

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 13 110 North Cayuga St., Ithaca • 607-272-4292 BUY TICKETS NOW! • 607.273.ARTS 801 Taughannock Blvd in Cass Park JULY 21–31
continued from page 12
Andrew Ryan Perry and Holly Adams as the tragic lovers Antony and Cleopatra. (Photo: Stephen Ponton)
STAGE continued from page 11
Lucetta (Miranda Bianchi) and Julia (Carolyn Best) in Two Gentlemen of Verona. (Photo: Stephen Ponton)

One Frame At A Time

Animator Phil Tippett’s Passion Project And Going Back For 4ths Of “Thor: Love And Thunder”

I’ve never seen a lm like Phil Tippett’s “Mad God” (Shudder, 2021, 83 minutes) and I may never again. It’s the damnedest thing: you could show “Mad God” to 17 people, like the opening night screening at Cinemapolis I attended in July, ask each person what the lm was about, and you might get 17 di erent views on the lm that are all valid. No wrong answers.

“Mad God” is like a Ray Harryhausen tour of hell. An enigmatic emissary gets dropped into an apocalyptic landscape to look around and investigate. He’s captured and put on an operating table where he’s opened up and eviscerated. Depending on your point of view, the emissary is reanimated by a mad scientist and sent back on his mission, or he’s been replaced.

I wouldn’t say that “Mad God” follows the classic Hollywood narrative, but once you give yourself over and immerse yourself, there is a story that drives the lm. And even though “Mad God” boasts the lushest, technically advanced stop-motion animation you’ve ever seen, the lm does have actual human actors in it.

“Mad God” feels pretty unique and yet, there are echoes of the Brothers Quay, the gnarlier aspects of “Robot Chicken,” and for some reason, I was getting a real “12 Monkeys” (1995) vibe from the movie.

You might not recognize Phil Tippett’s name, but you’ve seen his expert stop-motion work in the “Star Wars” series, “Piranha” (1978) and “Starship Troopers” (1997), among many other sci- classics. “Mad God” has been Tippett’s passion project for more than 30 years. He animated three minutes of the lm when he was working on “RoboCop 2” (1990). Finally, he got hip to Kickstarter and raised $250,000 and there were sporadic bursts of production over the years. Tippett still has most of his models and gures, and thanks to collectors like Guillermo del Toro, every time he sold one of his pieces for, say, $60,000, he put that money into shooting more “Mad God” scenes. Besides live screenings, it’s streaming on Shudder. I love it.

I ran into a co-worker today. Before I could say anything, he said, “Don’t say a word about ‘ or: Love and under’

(Disney-Marvel, 2022, 120 minutes). I’m seeing it tonight.”

All I said was, “It’s fun. Everything they set up in ‘ or: Ragnarok’ pays o really nicely.”

He grinned and got on his way.

Taika Waititi’s movie feels like six different movies, all but one hilarious, and it’s a pleasure watching it all coalesce. I’m not sure that Christian Bale as the latest big bad is well established but then again, I said the same thing about Cate Blanchett in “ or: Ragnarok” and it’s one of my favorite MCU movies. I really didn’t like the rst two MCU “ or” movies, but I did notice that Chris Hemsworth was a lot more fun as a avor in the “Avengers” stew. Bringing in Waititi and a welcome turn to comedy was a smart move and yes, “Love and under” builds on stu we all loved last time, and even brings back thespian Matt Damon and the other Asgard players for an adroit recap of the past. (Wait until you see who plays Cate Blanchett.) I also dug Waititi’s return as Korg, Tessa ompson as Valkyrie, now keeping the village of Asgard safe, and any number of other callbacks.

“Love and under” brings back Natalie Portman as Jane Foster for the rst time since “ or: e Dark World” for the lm’s emotional center, and two di erent characters mistakenly refer to her as Jane Fonda and Jodie Foster. Russell Crowe shows up as Zeus, talking in a Chico Marx “tootsie-frootsie” accent. I don’t know why he’s doing it, but he’s doing it, and it’s fun. ● ● ●

“Mad God” is streaming on Shudder. “ or: Love and under” is playing at Regal Stadium 14.

RIP Composer Monty Norman (the “James Bond eme”)

Read BVC’s interview with Corey Rosen, vice president of creative Marketing at Tippett Studios, at

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● ● ●
“Mad God” is a stop-motion passion project (Photo: Provided)

Blakinger Reflects On Racism And Privilege

Keri Blakinger, is the author of Corrections in Ink: A Memoir, which traces her struggle with bulimia, a heroin addiction, prison life, and eventually graduating from Cornell. Blakinger, an Ithaca Times as well as Cornell alum, is currently a sta writer for the Marshal Project and covers prisons and jails. Blakinger, who was in town for a talk at Bu alo Street Books, spoke with the Ithaca Times about racism and privilege.

IT: Talk about your experiences as a white women who was incarcerated for two years.

KB: I think one of the really insidious things about white privilege is that it’s o en so hard to de nitively point to individual instances of it, situations where everyone can agree a given police encounter or disciplinary ticket or prosecution would have gone di erently. at makes it easy for some people to deny that privilege exists—except perhaps in the most egregious cases. But I think that’s usually not the right way to think about privilege, and it’s easier to see when you step back and look at it in the aggregate. For instance, instead of wondering how much race impacted the outcome of my 2010 arrest and prosecution, I can step back and reasonably see all the ways it impacted my life before that—all the police encounters that could have gone di erently and resulted in a longer criminal record going into that arrest in 2010. With a longer record, I could have quali ed for a longer sentence and done more time for the same crime.

IT: How were you able to write when you knew the guards might at any time con scate your belongings?

KB: Every few days, I would mail pages of my journal to people in the free world— friends or, usually, family. at way I never had too many pages on me at once. While that helped keep my writing from being con scated or destroyed, it also meant that I could never look back. So it wasn’t until I got out and put everything together into a book that I really got a sense of how I’d changed over time.

IT: Can you explain the second chance you earned?

KB: It’s so funny to be answering this question for the Ithaca Times because I think I was at the Ithaca Times the rst time that I addressed it publicly in writing—in an essay for the Washington Post somewhere around 2015 called “Heroin addiction sent me to prison. White privilege got me out and to the Ivy League.” I’m not sure I can explain it here better than I did then.

IT: How do you respond to people who feel there is no racial bias in our society or in the justice system?

KB: People making this claim in 2022 are not making it in good faith. I’m not sure that there’s great value in arguing with people who just deny racial bias altogether — to me it seems more fruitful to engage with folks who might at least agree it exists, but just have a di erent view about severity of it.

IT: What can people do for inmates who are incarcerated?

KB: For me, at least, time passed a little more quickly—or a little smoother, at least—when I had books to read. ere are so many things we can do for people behind bars, but I think one of the easiest entry points is buying books. If you know someone in prison, you can nd out the regulations about sending them books. Or if you don’t, you can donate to prison book projects across the country, which help send free reading to people behind bars.

J ULY 27 – A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 15 1DETAILS OF OFFER: Offer expires 8/31/2022. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Buy one (1) window or entry/patio door, get one (1) window or entry/patio door 40% off, and 12 months $0 money down, $0 monthly payments, 0% interest when you purchase four (4) or more windows or entry/patio doors between 4/15/2022 and 8/31/2022. 40% off windows and entry/patio doors are less than or equal to lowest cost window or entry/patio door in the order. Subject to credit approval. Interest is billed during the promotional period, but all interest is waived if the purchase amount is paid before the expiration of the promotional period. Financing for GreenSky® consumer loan programs is provided by federally insured, federal and state chartered financial institutions without regard to age, race, color, religion, national origin, gender, or familial status. Savings comparison based on purchase of a single unit at list price. Available at participating locations and offer applies throughout the service area. See your local Renewal by Andersen location for details. License number available upon request. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. "Renewal by Andersen" and all other marks where denoted are trademarks of Andersen Corporation. © 2022 Andersen Corporation. All rights reserved. RBA12848 *Using U.S. and imported parts. Windows and Patio Doors! Interest accrues from the date of purchase but is waived if paid in full within 12 months. Minimum purchase of 4. 40% AND OFF 1 BUY ONE, GET ONE $0 Money Down $0 Interest $0 Monthly Payments for 12 months 1 844-550-8828 Call by August 31 for your FREE consultation. Prepare for power outages today WITH A HOME STANDBY GENERATOR $0 MONEY DOWN + LOW MONTHLY PAYMENT OPTIONS Contact a Generac dealer for full terms and conditions *To qualify, consumers must request a quote, purchase, install and activate the generator with a participating dealer. Call for a full list of terms and conditions. REQUEST A FREE QUOTE CALL NOW BEFORE THE NEXT POWER OUTAGE (866) 701-5047 FREE 7-Year Extended Warranty* – A $695 Value! Books
Keri Blakinger, author and Cornell and Ithaca Times alum, urges people to donate to prison book projects across the country. (Photo: Provided)



7/27 Wednesday

New eld Music Series at Mill Park: Home Remedy | 6 p.m. | Mill Park | Free

Homer Summer Concert Series: M3 | 7 p.m. | Village Green | Free

7/28 Thursday

SingTrece & Stone Cold Miracle2022 Summer Concert Series | 6 p.m. | Bernie Milton Pavilion, Center Commons

Sunset Music Series: Radio London | 6 p.m. | Six Mile Creek Vineyard, 1551 Slaterville Rd

Music in Myers Park: Iron Horse | 6:30 p.m. | Myers Park | Free Molly & The Ringwalds - Cortland Youth Bureau Summer Concert Series | 7 p.m. | Courthouse Park, Court House Park

7/29 Friday

Friday Sunset Music Series - ft. Five Man Trio | 5 p.m. | Wagner Vineyards, 9322 State Route 414 Cortland Main Street Music Series: Upstate; Miss Tess Duo; Cloey Tierno | 6 p.m. | Main Street, Cortland

Friday Night Farm Jams: Common Railers | 6:30 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider

The Tarps | 6:00pm| Hopshire Farm and Brewery, 1771 Dryden Rd., Freeville

7/30 Saturday

Jesse Collins Quartet - Outdoor Summer Concert Series at Brooktondale Community Center | 1 p.m. Taughannock Falls Concert Series: Gunpoets | 7 p.m. | Taughannock Falls State Park, 1740 Taughannock Blvd | Free

7/31 Sunday

Acoustic Brew | Hosmer Winery | 1 p.m.

Joe Lule | 1 p.m. | Red Newt Cellars, 3675 Tichenor Road | Free

Cider Sunday Concert Series: Travis Durfee| 1 p.m. | Finger Lakes Cider House, 4017 Hickok Road

8/1 Monday

Mondays with MAQ | 5:30 p.m. | South Hill Cider, 550 Sandbank Road

7/27 Wednesday

Homer Summer Concert Series: Travis Rocco | 7 p.m. | Village Green | Free


7/28 Thursday

Symphoria Summer Concert: Song Mountain | 7 p.m. | Song Mountain Resort, 1 Song Mountain Rd | Free

Skaneateles Festival: The Miro Quartet & David Shifrin | 8 p.m. | Various - Check schedule

7/29 Friday

Skaneateles Festival: The Miro Quartet | 8 p.m. | Various - Check schedule

The High Kings | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St

7/30 Saturday

Summer Music Academy Intermediate Gala Concert at Ford Hall | 1 p.m.| Ithaca College

7/31 Sunday

Deer Tick | 8 p.m. | Center for the Arts of Homer, 72 S Main St

8/2 Tuesday

Andrew Bird | 7 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road

The Happy Together Tour Featuring The Turtles, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap, The Association, The Buckinghams, The Vogues, and The Cowsills, | | Tag’s Summer Stage

8/3 Wednesday

Grad Session Concert at Hockett Family Recital Hall | 7 p.m. | Hockett Family Recital Hall, Gym Rd

8/4 Thursday

Skaneateles Festival: The Brass Project & David Higgs | 8 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church, 97 E Genesee St. | $30.00 - $40.00

8/5 Friday

Skaneateles Festival: Ayano Ninomiya & Maxim Lando | 8 p.m. | First Presbyterian Church, 97 E Genesee St. | $30.00 - $40.00

8/6 Saturday

Govt Mule | 7 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road

Skaneateles Festival: Maxim Lando; Xian Zhang, conductor; and the Festival Orchestra | 8 p.m. | Anyela’s Vineyard, 2433 West Lake Road | $40.00 - $60.00

8/7 Sunday

Bill Knowlton’s Bluegrass Ramble Picnic | | Dwyer Memorial Park, 6799 Little York Lake Road

8/9 Tuesday

Dashboard Confessional w/ Andrew McMahon | 7 p.m. | Beak & Ski Apple Orchards, 2708 Lords Hill Road


Ithaca Shakespeare presents: Antony and Cleopatra | 6 p.m., 7/27, 7/29, & 7/31 Wed/Fri/Sun | Robert H. Treman State Park, 105 En eld Falls Rd. | The very rst play that ISC performed outdoors, 20 years ago! A continuation and expansion of the story begun in Julius Caesar, this epic love story spans two continents and the rise of the Roman Empire, but is dominated by one of Shakespeare’s most complex and fascinating women. Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 | 7:30 p.m., 7/27 Wednesday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd. | Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 by Dave Malloy Transport yourself to Imperial Russia, during the time of the Napoleonic Wars. Last weekend! (Thru 7/31.)

Ithaca Shakespeare presents: The Two Gentlemen of Verona | 6 p.m., 7/28 & 7/30 Thurs & Sat | Robert H. Treman State Park, 105 En eld Falls Rd. | A play that ISC has never produced in any form -- a sparkling romantic comedy featuring smart

women, foolish men, a gang of outlaws, and of course, a bit with a dog...

KIDDSTUFF: Dragons Love Tacos | 10 a.m. & Noon, 7/29 Friday & 7/30 Saturday | Hangar Theatre, 801 Taughannock Blvd. | Watermusic and Dancing on the Trail | 5 p.m., 7/31 Sunday | Cayuga Waterfront Trail | http:// www.cityo aspx?EID=4787

Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night

@ The Downstairs at Downstairs | 7 p.m., 8/2 Tuesday | First and third Tuesdays of the month! Kenneth McLauren hosts Open Mic Stand Up Comedy Night at The Downstairs. View on site | Email this event

Bethany Stahl’s book, “Save the Ocean.” | Free


120 E. Green St., Ithaca

July 29- August 3, 2022. Contact Cinemapolis for showtimes. New lms listed rst. *

Fire of Love* | Katia and Maurice Kra t loved two things — each other and volcanoes. For two decades, the daring French volcanologist couple roamed the planet, chasing eruptions and documenting their discoveries. Ultimately, they lost their lives in a 1991 volcanic explosion, leaving a legacy that forever enriched our knowledge of the natural world. | 93 mins NR

ArtA Gathering: From Baskets to Brownstones by Elizabeth Wickenden McMahon | | Kendal Gallery , 2230 Triphammer Rd. | A mid-career retrospective by Elizabeth Wickenden McMahon that brings together works that stretch across di erent years and di erent media, and between representation and abstraction. A common theme emerges, each work explores the energetic interplay of spontaneity and structure. | Free

New Members’ Show | 12 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | State of the Art Gallery, 120 W State St #2 | New Members’ Show at State of the art Gallery: Carol Spence and Vincent Joseph Andrew Paine: New And Recent Paintings. | 5 p.m., 7/29 Friday | The Gallery at South Hill, 950 Danby Road | Free

“ESSENCE” Art Exhibit | 5 p.m., 7/29 Friday | The Cherry Gallery, 130 Cherry St | The Cherry Arts presents Essence, a collaborative art exhibition featuring the elaborate masks, prints, and performative works | Free

Common Thread Invitational | 11 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | corners gallery, 903 HANSHAW RD | Common Thread Invitational showcases work by ve contemporary artists working in ber and textiles.

Tanglewood Nature Center comes to the New eld Public Library | 3:30 p.m., 8/2 Tuesday | New eld Public Library, 198 Main Street | Tanglewood Nature Center comes to the New eld Public Library Tuesday, August 2 3:30 pm with a program on saving the oceans, exploring with a mermaid and a sea turtle with

Vengeance* | The directorial debut from writer and star B.J. Novak is a darkly comic thriller about Ben Manalowitz, a journalist and podcaster who travels from New York City to West Texas to investigate the death of a girl he was hooking up with. With an ensemble cast that includes Issa Rae, Ashton Kutcher, Boyd Holbrook, J. Smith-Cameron, and Dove Cameron.| 94 mins R

Marcel the Shell with Shoes On | A beloved character gets his big-screen debut in this hilarious and heartwarming story about nding connection in the smallest corners. | 89 mins PG

Nope | The residents of a lonely gulch in inland California bear witness to an uncanny and chilling discovery. The latest lm from Jordan Peele, with Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Brandon Perea . | 135 mins R

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris | A widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, and decides that she must have one of her own. | 92 mins PG

Where the Crawdads Sing | From the best-selling novel comes a captivating mystery of Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of North Carolina. 125 mins PG-13

16 T HE I THACA T IMES / J ULY 27–A UGUST 2, 2022
New eld Old Home Days | 5 p.m., 7/29 Friday | New eld Central School, 247 Main St | New eld Old Home Days THIS WEEK
FRIDAY, JULY 29TH. MOVIE BEGINS AT DUSK Stewart Park, Ithaca | Movies in Stewart Park is back beginning this Friday! The Tompkins Chamber presents this family-friendly series, showing ve FREE community movies on Friday nights in the summer. Kicking o this season is the classic adventure and tale of friendship and perseverance. (Photo: Facebook)
FRIDAY, JULY 29 FROM 5-8 AND SATURDAY, JULY 30 FROM 11-5 New eld Central School, Main St. | Enjoy the quaint village of New eld’s annual celebration of community. Featuring concerts, carnival games, reworks, a parade, along with lots of food and fun for the entire family. This year’s theme is “Music in Motion.” (Photo: Facebook)
Special Events

are Friday, July 29 5:00 to 9:00, and Saturday, July 30 9:00 to 5:00.Two days of fun! Includes free live music both days, lots of food, reworks and fun events for all. Parade starts 11:00 Saturday. | Free

Route 90 Garage Sale | 9 a.m., 7/30

Saturday | The annual 50 mile Route 90 Garage Sale takes on a festival atmosphere each year as friends, family members and the occasional family dog go searching for surprises.

4-H Youth Fair Family Fun Day

| 9 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | 4-H Acres

| For a week in July each year, 4-H members in Tompkins County have an opportunity to share and showcase their projects at an entirely youth-run event, the 4-H Youth Fair. | Free Run to the Summit Trail Fest at Greek Peak | 7/31 Sunday | Greek Peak Mountain Resort, 2000 Rt. 392 | Trail festival at Greek Peak Mountain Resort. Hosting an uphill challenge, 5k loop, 10k loop, and mountain mash-ups (uphill challenge plus 5k or 10k loops).


S.T.E.A.M. Book Club: The London Eye Mystery | 3:45 p.m., 7/27

Wednesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Secrets of the Library: Every Picture Tells a Story - Children’s Writing Workshop with Anne Mazer | 1:30 p.m., 7/30 Saturday |

Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Comic Book Club | 6:45 p.m., 8/2 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Book Club | 5 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Cortland Free Library, 32 Church St | Join us to discuss A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins. New members are always welcome!


Meet an Entomologist! | 11 a.m., 7/28 Thursday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Do you have a question about insects? Ask an expert!

Toddler & Preschool Music | 11 a.m., 7/28 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Circus Culture Workshop for Kids | 1 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Tween Board Game Club | 3 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Storytime with Jae | 10 a.m., 7/29 Friday | Edith B. Ford Memorial Library, 7169 Main St | At 10am every Friday in June and July, join Jae, the Edith B. Ford Memorial Library’s Storytime Facilitator, for several fun activities and a craft!

Summer Baby Storytime | 10:30 a.m., 7/29 Friday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Get up close with a roach! | 10 a.m., 7/29 Friday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Get ready to ‘bug out’ and get up close with a roach! Join us on Fridays at 10am in July and August to meet-andgreet a cockroach and learn about this incredible insect!

Arthropod or Insect Tour | 1:30 p.m., 7/29 Friday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | Crawl around the Museum on an arthropod or insect tour this summer! These ‘ANTastic’ tours will be on Fridays at 1:30pm in July and August.

Movies in Stewart Park: The Goonies | 7 p.m., 7/29 Friday | Stewart Park, 1 James L Gibbs Dr | Tompkins Chamber, in collaboration with Serendipity Catering, presents Movies in the Park, showing ve free community movies this summer at Stewart Park. We welcome families and kids of all ages! So, grab your

blankets or chairs, enjoy dinner or a snack while the sunsets and the movie beings! | Free

4-H Youth Fair Family Fun Day | 9 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | 4-H Acres | For a week in July each year, 4-H members in Tompkins County have an opportunity to share and showcase their projects at an entirely youth-run event, the 4-H Youth Fair. | Free Animal Encounters! at Cayuga Nature Center | 12 p.m., 7/31 Sunday | Join us in the courtyard at noon to learn all about the Cayuga Nature Center’s animal ambassadors!

Secrets of the Library: Every Picture Tells a Story - Children’s Writing Workshop with Anne Mazer | 1:30 p.m., 7/30 Saturday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street | Art Mondays! | 2 p.m., 8/1 Monday | Museum of the Earth, 1259 Trumansburg Road (Route 96) | ‘Bee’ sure to join us at the Museum this summer to create insect themed arts and crafts! This drop in activity will be happening on Mondays at 2pm in July and August.

LEGO Build Night for Families | 5 p.m., 8/2 Tuesday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |


Sunset Boat Cruise on Cayuga Lake at Allan H. Treman Marine State Park at 1000 Allan H. Treman Park Rd. , Ithaca, NY 14850 | 7 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Come aboard the comfortable and spacious MV Teal for a 1.5-Hour Sunset Cruise on Cayuga Lake.

Loaves & Fishes of Tompkins County -Indoor Meal Service | 12 p.m., 7/27 Wednesday | St. John’s Episcopal Church, 210 N. Cayuga St. | Free hot meals are served every weekday. Lunch: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 12 noon -1:00 pm. Dinner: Tuesday, Thursday from 5:30-6:30 pm. Interested in volunteering? email, or go to www.loaves. org. All are Welcome! | Free

Trumansburg Farmers Market | 4 p.m., 7/27 Wednesday | Farmers Market, Hector St. | Marijuana Anonymous Meeting | 7 p.m., 7/27 Wednesday | Ithaca Community Recovery (518 W. Seneca St), 518 West Seneca St | Marijuana Anonymous in-person meeting every Wednesday @ 7pm at Ithaca Community Recovery, 518 West Seneca St, 2nd oor in Room #2. Enter from back door of building. For more info: | Free

Free Community Cruise | 7 p.m., 7/27 Wednesday | Allan H. Treman Marina, 1000 Allan H. Treman Road | Free 1.5 hour cruise with presentations by community members on board. | Free

Nutrition Workshop Series - A Peach of a Season | 3 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Tompkins County Public Library, 101 East Green Street |

Candor Farmers Market | 3:30 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Candor Town Hall Pavilion, 101 Owego Road | Local vendors with produce, crafts, cheese, meat, maple products, baked goods, food truck | Free

Ecstatic Dance Sanctuary | 7:30 p.m., 7/28 Thursday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Ecstatic Dance at the Foundation of Light. 7:30pm: Doors open, intro music set begins 8pm: opening circle 8:30pm: full music set begins 9:45pm: closing circle and sharing time. Sliding scale donations

Red Cross Blood Drive | 12 p.m., 7/29 Friday | The Shops at Ithaca Mall, 40 Catherwood Rd. | Be kind and become a blood donor! Donate in July for chance to win a Shark Week merch package thanks to Discovery! Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit to make your appointment today!

Ovid Farmers Market | 3 p.m., 7/29 Friday | Three Bears Complex, Main St. | Every Friday from 3-7. Be sure to purchase fresh, local produce and other local products. Support your local farmers and producers and keep your hard-earned dollars in your local community. | Free

Ithaca Farmers Market Saturdays! |Steamboat Landing | 9 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | Visit the farmers market every Saturday, rain or shine, at the pavilion.

Route 90 Garage Sale | 9 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | The annual 50 mile Route 90 Garage Sale takes on a festival atmosphere each year as friends, family members and the occasional family dog go searching for surprises.

Brooktondale Farmers Market | 10 a.m., 7/30 Saturday | Brooktondale Community Center, 526 Valley Rd | Dance Church | 11:30 a.m., 7/31 Sunday | Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd | Dance Church Ithaca continues in person — and online — every Sunday from 11:30 AM to 1 PM at the Foundation Of Light. Come join the dance!Masks are required, and air puri ers are running inside. Dancing on the lawn is encouraged! | Free Tree “Buds”: Weekly Tree Phenology | 3 p.m., 8/1 Monday | Cayuga Nature Center, 1420 Taughannock Blvd | Be our tree “buds” and join our weekly citizen science walk to observe and collect data on seasonal changes in trees. | Free

Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club Guest speaker Sam Comfort | 4 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | FLBC Apiary, 2017 Houghton Road |

Virgil C.O.V.E. Concert Series at Virgil Town Hall | 6 p.m., 8/3 Wednesday | Virgil Town Hall, 1176 Church Street | We are bringing back the Virgil Concert Series at the Virgil Town Hall!

J ULY 27–A UGUST 2, 2022 / T HE I THACA T IMES 17
4-H YOUTH FAIR FAMILY FUN DAY SATURDAY, JULY 30TH 4-H Acres, 418 Lower Creek Rd., Ithaca | For a week in July each year, 4-H members in Tompkins County have an opportunity to share and showcase their projects at an entirely youth-run event, the 4-H Youth Fair. (Photo: Facebook) GUNPOETS SATURDAY, JULY 30TH AT 7:00PM Taughannock Falls State Park, South Point o Route 89, Trumansburg | If you missed their set at Grassroots, you have another opportunity this Saturday. $5 for parking and get there early to claim your spot on the lawn. (Photo: Facebook) THIS WEEK
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Phone: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm Fax: 277-1012 (24 Hrs

Internet: Mail: Ithaca Times Classified Dept PO Box 27 Ithaca NY 14850

In Person: Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm 109 North Cayuga Street





SUNY Cortland’s Department of Performing Arts has several positions available for the 2022-23 academic year.

• Director of the College Community Orchestra

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Required Qualifications: High School diploma and/ or its equivalent; Ability to transfer knowledge and skill concepts to children and young adults; Ability to work and relate well with children through the age of 21 and their parents/families; Access to reliable transportation; Able to perform daily work responsibilities in the Ithaca and surrounding area. Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree; Background in education;

Ability to speak Spanish; at least a basic level, ability to read Spanish; at least a basic level; or Spanish fluency; Demonstrated experience working with people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. This position starts at $31,200 annually and includes a comprehensive benefit package available including health, dental, vision, retirement and paid time off.



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Ithaca Times is seeking an experienced journalist with strong organizational, reporting and editing skills. You would oversee both the news and arts &entertainment sections of our community weekly. Duties include copy editing all content, layout coordination, some reporting, and feature and editorial writing. You need to develop stories, plan several weeks ahead, and set the course for the editorial direction of the newspaper. A staff reporter,and several freelancers report directly to you. You must have a strong sense of place to do this job; the Ithaca Times is about Ithaca, and Ithaca is fascinating. Respond with cover letter, writing samples, and resume to jbilinski@ithacatimes. com and

Part-Time Photographer

The Ithaca Times is seeking a part-time photographer to work on a per assignment basis. Please send letter of interest, and indicate photography experience to:

Cortland Migrant Educational Tutorial and Support Services The SUNY Research Foundation at SUNY Cortland

The Cortland Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services Program (METS) is looking for a full time tutor serving Ithaca and surrounding areas. This is a federal grant-funded position administered through The Research Foundation for SUNY at SUNY Cortland. This position provides direct academic support and instructional services, offers social support, and coordinates services with various agencies as needed for migrant students and families. This position is 37.5 hours per week and will provide day-time and evening, in-home and in-school ENL, math, and other subject-specific tutoring, as well as relevant advocacy services and referrals.

The State University of New York College at Cortland is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity/Americans with Disabilities Act (AA/ EEO/ADA) employer. The College actively seeks applications from women, veterans, individuals with a disability, members of underrepresented groups or anyone that would enrich the diversity of the College.


Cortland Migrant Educational Tutorial and Support Services The SUNY Research Foundation at SUNY Cortland The Cortland Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services Program (METS) is looking for a full time tutor serving Ithaca and sur

rounding areas. This is a federal grant-funded position administered through The Research Foundation for SUNY at SUNY Cortland. This position provides direct academic support and instructional services, offers social support, and coordinates services with various agencies as needed for migrant students and families. This position is 37.5 hours per week and will provide day-time and evening, in-home and in-school ENL, math, and other subject-specific tutoring, as well as relevant advocacy services and referrals.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For a full job description, application instructions and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.

As an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer, The Research Foundation for SUNY will not discriminate in its employment practices due to an applicant’s race, color, creed, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, transgender status, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, physical and mental disability, criminal record, genetic information, predisposition or carrier status, status with respect to receiving public assistance, domestic violence victim status, a disabled, special, recently separated, active duty wartime, campaign badge, Armed Forces service medal veteran, or any other characteristics protected under applicable law.


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Required Qualifications: High School diploma and/or its equivalent; Ability to transfer knowledge and skill concepts to children and young adults; Ability to work and relate well with children through the age of 21 and their parents/families; Access to reliable transportation; Able to perform daily work responsibilities in the Ithaca and surrounding area.

Preferred Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree; Background in education; Ability to speak Spanish; at least a basic level, ability to read Spanish; at least a basic level; or Spanish fluency; Demonstrated experience working with people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

This position starts at $31,200 annually and includes a comprehensive benefit package available including health, dental, vision, retirement and paid time off.


Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For a full job description, application instructions and to apply, please visit: https://jobs.




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