Ghs brochure volunteer and work 2014 15

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Volunteering in Southern Africa Internships in Cape Town Work South Africa

About us . . .

Good Hope Studies is a leading provider of cultural exchange programmes in South Africa. We provide language courses and internships in Cape Town as well as volunteer projects in southern Africa. We are an independent service provider and are proudly South African. Our enthusiastic clients are what keeps us going. Language school As an international English language school we operate two campuses, one in the city centre and one in the upmarket residential area of Newlands. We also run a number of residences.

Volunteering The Good Hope Studies volunteer programme is designed for native as well as non-native speakers of English who wish to give their time and energy to a project in Southern Africa.

Internships Our internship programme is primarily designed for language school students to gather international work experience and to practise English in a working environment. However, our internship programme is open to anyone who is looking for an unpaid international work experience.

Combinations If you are a non-native speaker of English you may want to combine an English language course with an internship or volunteering. Combining both is ideal as the language course gives you time to adapt to your new environment and improve your language skills. This will let you enjoy your internship or volunteering experience even more.






Why choose Good Hope Studies: Well established Good Hope Studies was established in 1995 and has been based ever since on the values of professionalism and excellence.

More than 1200 clients each year More than 1200 clients choose Good Hope Studies each year. Word of mouth is the most important form of marketing and our clients’ positive experiences keep us growing.

Local Good Hope Studies is a proudly South African company with its offices based in Cape Town. If you choose any of our Cape Town based programmes you can visit our team any time.

Individual solutions Every client is special to us and we understand that each individual has their own expectations, needs and dreams. Finding out what those are and putting together the programme that is right for each person is our highest priority.

Independent Good Hope Studies is proud to be an independent, privately owned company based only in Cape Town, and able to send clients to projects within Southern Africa. We are committed to our clients, with no other obligations.

We take time Finding the right programme can take time. We will spend the time it takes to find out exactly what you want and need, and to help you choose the programme that will be best for you.

Detailed information From our website and project descriptions to our student handbook and travel information documents, you can rely on us to provide you with the information you need to prepare for your trip and enjoy your stay to the fullest.

Visa information Use the Visa Wizard on our website to get a quick idea of what kind of visa you’ll need for the programme you’re thinking about. Once you’ve chosen your programme, our consultants will give you more detailed information about what kind of visa to apply for, and which documents you will need.

Videos We provide video clips on YouTube which help you to get a feel for the project and type of accommodation that will be right for you. Volunteers and interns talk about their experiences and give you a good idea of what to expect.

WYSE member

Whh we ffounded When ddG Good Hope Studies in 1995 we were a team of three. We had no experience in running a language school, but we made up for it with plenty of enthusiasm and a very clear idea of what we wanted to provide: programmes that would enable visitors from all over the world to truly experience one of the most beautiful countries in the world and get to know some of the fascinating people who live there. Over the years we have grown to a team of over 50 staff, and we now offer not only language programmes but also internships and work and volunteer programmes. The volunteering in particular is close to our hearts because through this we can not only provide oncein-a-lifetime experiences for our clients, but can also enable organisations to do work that they could not do without the volunteers. We would like to say a big “thank you” to all the volunteers who have supported our projects over the years financially, personally and morally. With this brochure we hope to motivate many more people, both young and old, to start an incredible journey that they will remember for a lifetime.

Alex & Wolfgang (on behalf of the team)

Good Hope Studies is member of the World Youth Student & Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation, the world’s largest network of youth and student travel operators. WYSE Travel Confederation is a not-for-profit association dedicated to supporting the global industry and connecting the organisations that serve millions of young people who travel to study, work and grow. GOOD

Find out more:





Volunteer i ng i n Southern Afr ica

Programme details: • You will be placed in a project of your choice (subject to availability). • Minimum stay: 2 weeks (longer for some projects).

Our volunteer projects are ideal for: • Anyone who wants to contribute to communities or conservation. • People who want to work with children, elderly people, wild or domestic animals, or on a farm. • People who have not volunteered before. • People whose first language is not English and who need to attend a language course before volunteering. • People who wish to gain a deeper insight into South Africa.

• Minimum age: 17 years (older for projects). • English native speaker or a minimum level of Upper Intermediate [B2]. (If your level is lower we recommend an English course at Good Hope Studies prior to your volunteer programme.)

Our philosophy There are thousands of organisations involved in social work and conservation in Southern Africa. From these, we select projects where: • both the volunteers and the projects will benefit • the work environment is suitable for foreign visitors • the project serves the community and/or the environment and/or animals • the project relies on volunteers and donations • the project will take care of the volunteers and provide them with accommodation, meals, work, equipment and training, as needed

Why volunteers need to pay to volunteer All our projects depend on donations and volunteers in order to function. When volunteers provide their time and efforts to the




any pro stes • There are m it different ta rojects to su p of y et ri va • A and needs. d projects. ell-establishe w , le b lia Re • costs. . • No hidden ion up-front led informat ai et d , ar le C • d packages. contri• Well-price e a financial ct fees includ je ro p ce list t ri p os M ck • . Che ds the project bution towar for details.

projects, it is important that no costs arise for the projects. In other words, the volunteers need to pay for all their costs.



res Programme fejeacttsuto choose from.


Good Hope Studies charges a placement fee to cover the costs of running the programme. This is mostly for marketing, putting together all the project information and processing bookings and payments. Further, there is a project fee which covers a donation to the project as well as the cost of the volunteer’s accommodation. For projects outside of Cape Town, the project fee may need to cover additional costs such as a uniform, training, meals or transport. Details can be found on the price list.

How do I choose the right project for me? Decide whether you prefer to work for a social or a conservation project and then answer the questions below to help you to narrow down your options. Social projects: • Would you prefer to be in Cape Town or up country? • Would you prefer to work with children or with elderly people? • Will you find it difficult to work with children who are sick? • How much time do you have available? (Check the minimum stay at each project.)

• How old will you be when you travel? (Check the minimum age at each project.) Conservation projects: • Which animals would you like to work with? • How much money are you able to spend? Some conservation projects are more expensive than others. • How much time do you have available? • Would you like to be in a remote area, or would you prefer to be close to a town? Once you have answered these questions you can choose a few projects to look at more closely. Read the project descriptions and the student testimonials, and watch the videos on YouTube.

Other things to consider when choosing a project

will depend on your skills, the needs of the project at the time of your visit, the season of the year and other factors. So, in choosing a project, rather than thinking about what you will be doing, we suggest you think about what the project is involved in. If you feel strongly about what the project is doing, you will feel happy to support it no matter what your role is. Volunteering/Tourism At some projects, you will be volunteering only, meaning that during your entire time at the project you will serve communities or nature conservation. At other projects, elements of tourism are added to the volunteering experience. Whether there will be a tourism element, and to what extent, can be seen in the list of services included in the project fee on our price list. We also indicate this in our project descriptions under social impact/conservation impact.

Language skills If you are not an English native speaker, you will need to check the level of English required at the project. The minimum level of English for volunteering is Upper Intermediate [B2], but at some projects, such as the teaching centre, an Advanced [C1] level is required. If in doubt, you can do a language level test on our website. If your level is lower than Upper Intermediate [B2] you will need to improve your language skills before starting at the project. Please consult our English in Cape Town brochure for language courses. Your tasks Often volunteers want to choose a project based on what kind of work they will be doing there. We understand this, and we give as much detail as we can in our project descriptions to give you an idea of what to expect. However, please keep in mind that the work volunteers do at each project varies, and the work you end up doing

Andréia from Brazil about the Jeffrey’s Bay Kindergarten Project: “As soon as I read the description of the program “Jeffrey’s Bay Kindergarten”, I felt in love with the project and in that moment I was really sure about what I was desiring... I thought I would be able to give love and hope to those needy children from 2 to 6 years old but when you live this experience, you realize that it is the opposite!

IIt’s for you: • • • •

It’s for anyone who is 17 years or older. No specific skills are needed. From two weeks to one year. It’s open to any nationality.

Even in the first visit, you are greeted with many hugs and soon you find yourself involved with them, to the point of feeling a kind of “sadness” on Fridays because you know that over the weekend, your routine with them will be paused. The exchange of affection is very intense. And Jeffrey’s Bay is an amazing city, with a perfect view to the ocean. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you can find a lot of dolphins in the morning

You don’t need:

through your window! Incredible!”

• Any special skills. • Experience as a volunteer. olunteer. • Travel experience (although this is useful for projects outside of Cape Town).

Libby from Australia about the Coastal Lion Park Project: “Simply a awesome! An unforgettable experieence! Interacting with such amazing a animals was definitely the highlight o of the programme. It is not every day tthat you get to hang with lions, tigers

You need to be: • Committed. • Flexible. • Open to new things.

a and heaps of other incredible anim mals. I had such a wonderful time. You meet people from all over the world and get to experience amazing and exciting things every day!”






Volunteering in Southern Africa ... your reward res: Programme fperoajetctus, most of which

lected ccessfully for • Carefully se orking with su w n ee b ve we ha many years. s. ety of project frican • A wide vari experience A to ty ni tu or p op ue iq • A un wildlife. sed projects. udies. • Well-organi Good Hope St om fr t or p p su • Full le including ation availab rm fo in d le ai • Det videos.

Social projects Most social projects are located in the Cape Town area. However, the social projects that we offer outside of Cape Town are amongst the most popular and definitely worth considering. Our various social projects differ in many ways, but there is one thing that they all have in common. At all the social projects you will be warmly appreciated by people, often children, who need the love and care you can give them. Whether you are helping children to read, playing games with them in their hospital bed or just playing outside with them, you can rely on heart-warming smiles and hugs as thanks. If you would find this inspiring and uplifting, then volunteering at a social project is for you. It is so rewarding!

Farm stays This project is the right choice if you are interested in growing your own plants. Volunteers on this program will be involved in learning 6





traditional growing methods, as well as permaculture, the concept of food forests, companion planting and many other environmentally friendly methods of growing. The programme is designed to teach volunteers enough that they will be e able to create their own productive gardens, whether in the city or the country. If you don’t mind a little hard work, warm sun and getting your hands a little dirty then this is the project for you. You couldn’t get closer than this to mother earth.

Conservation projects Meet and work with some of the most fascinating creatures in the world! Conservation projects are the right choice for people with a love of the outdoors and an interest in the environment. Some projects allow volunteers to have close contact with the wild animals. Others don’t allow this because they plan to release the animals back into the wild. You may be asked to help with lion tracking and monitoring or with releasing animals back into the wild, or you may

LLeonardo from Brazil about the African Horizon Project: “The A beauty of Cape Town and South b Africa had always intrigued me. I A always had an interest in Africa. a TTo me it seemed like an amaziing, wild continent. I decided to undertake programme in South Africa. My programme was d k a volunteer l based in Jeffrey’s Bay. I looked after injured animals and learned a lot about animals in South Africa. I saw many animals that we never see in Brazil. Studying English in Cape Town and volunteering in South Africa really gave me a different experience. I experienced a different reality of the country, not just like a tourist. I met wonderful South Africans but also students from all over the world. I really enjoyed learning about new cultures. I also improved my English. You simply will not want to go home. It was one of my best experiences of my life. I dream of returning to Africa every day.” get a chance to work with the local vets on site. Whichever project you choose, and whatever work you are asked to do, you will come away with more knowledge, respect and, most importantly, love for the animals you work with.

Long-term volunteering Some projects are registered non-governmental organisations (NGOs). For these projects it is possible to apply for a volunteer visa for up to 3 years. If you are interested in long-term volunteering, then please refer to our website to find out which projects qualify.

Getting there Before booking your flights, check the project description to find out where the nearest airport is. You may need to book an on-going flight from one of South Africa’s international airports. Once you are at the right airport, the project will organise transfers from the project and back, and this is included in the project fee.

Accommodation The project organises your accommodation. If your accommodation is is not at the project itself, then you will be b transferred to work and back every day. d At some projects, particularly in i rural areas, the accommodation is fairly basic, and is sometimes dormif tory-style. For more information aboutt t accommodation at the projects that a interest you, see the project descripi tions on

Visit goodhopestudies and • watch videos about our projects.

Visit and nd d During your free time You will work 5 days a week (6 days in some projects) and have 2 days off. In your free time you can relax and enjoy the beautiful scen-ery, or organise trips to local attractions with your fellow volunteers. The projects are all located in well-known tourist areas and there are plenty of things to see and do. Some projects also organise activities and trips for the volunteers during their free time (subject to demand and at an extra cost).

• find out about all our projects, ects, • choose your favourite project je ect and an nd • get detailed information aabout bout your favourite project including testimonials and photographs.






Volunteering in Cape Town . . . your reward res: Programme Fesatotchuoose from. Residence Volunteer House

project n office. • A variety of our Cape Tow om fr le b la ai av of our • Support is ily or at one at a host fam ay st n ca u • Yo residences. ate all year. ist in Cape • A mild clim d do as a tour an e se to y nt • There’s ple re of a large n. w To e infrastructu th om fr t efi • You can ben ic transport, city. ached by publ re be t. n ca ts by the projec • Most projec t is arranged or sp an tr er t, ov all and where no students from nguage travel la g in with e in th in t jo ee M • ces and by en d si re r ou the world at ties. al Club activi the GHS Soci

ing children tend to prefer longer stays so that the children and volunteers can get to know each other, and to avoid the disruption of frequent changes.

Conservation projects Social projects Our Cape Town based social projects take care of children and elderly people. As a volunteer you will be completely involved in the everyday running of the project. Although you can choose to work in administration, most volunteers prefer to be in direct contact with the children. The projects are day-care centres, orphanages or hospitals. At some projects it is possible to volunteer for as little as two weeks, for those who don’t have much time available. For those who do have more time, it’s well worth staying longer. The projects involv-






Most conservation projects are based in other parts of southern Africa. As Cape Town is a large city there is no opportunity for wildlife conservation with the exception of a bird sanctuary. Other projects involve working with domestic animals.

Combine volunteering with a language course You can combine any projects and, if you are not an English native speaker, you can either do a language course before a project or combine a morning course with afternoon volunteering. Morning English course + afternoon volunteering If you are a not an English native speaker, have limited time, but still

JJefrey from Brazil about the Domestic Animal Rescue ProD jject: ”This kind of programme provides a unique growth. The p feedback we have of these f lovely animals is indescribable. l It I is a pleasure to help dogs in everything, we ffeed them, make happy in many cases like walking thi h d th h k tthem h h around the Tears and also teach them how to respect people.”

Andrea from Switzerland about the Recovery Hospital Project: “I really enjoyed my time volunteering at the Recovery Hospital. I made a lot of good experiences which I will never forget. There were two departments - one for the until more or less 2 years old babies and one department for the toddlers, were I found my place. I used to play with the children, feed them and helped the nurses to change nappies. The children are very affectionate - so my favourite experience was just to see that it’s possible to have a very good relationship to some of the children the longer I worked there. I wished I could have done it for a longer period of time and I would definitely chose this project again.”

want to do an English course plus volunteering, you can do a General English course in the morning (9am to 12:40pm) and volunteer in the afternoon (2pm to 5pm). This option is only available for certain of our Cape Town projects. The only requirement is a good command of conversational English (Upper Intermediate [B2]). If you have more time, we recommend that you do your English course first and start your volunteering afterwards.

During your free time Cape Town is the highlight of every round trip through South Africa. There are world heritage sites like Robben Island where Nelson Mandela and many other political prisoners were kept in prison, natural wonders such as Table Mountain or the Cape of Good Hope and many other things to see and do. As a Good Hope Studies volunteer you can take part in the GHS Social Club and meet up with international students from our language school. There are a few evening activities each week and there’s a full-day tour every weekend.

Accommodation For projects that can’t easily be reached using public transport, volunteers are required to use accommodation facilities provided by the project. For more details, please see the project descriptions.

Visit goodhopestudies and • watch videos about our projects.

Visit and • find out about all our projects, • choose your favourite project and • find testimonials and photographs about each project.

Where possible, students stay at accommodation provided by Good Hope Studies. Volunteers can choose to stay with a South African host family or in one of our residences. GOOD





Internships in Cape Town

Add a highlight to your curriculum vitae and further your command of the English language in a professional environment. Internship programmes are useful if you are looking to gain international work experience. You will be placed with a company in the field of your choice, giving you insight into the working practices of a company in an English speaking country.

Programme details: • You will be placed at a local company to work in your professional field. • The work is unpaid. • Minimum duration: 8 weeks.

Good Hope Studies Internships are ideal for: • Young professionals who want to gain international work experience in their professional field. • Non-native speakers of English who want to improve their conversational English in a professional environment. • People who want to gain a deeper insight into South Africa. • People who want to combine an English language course with an internship.

• Minimum age: 18 years • A level of English of at least Upper Intermediate [B2]. If your level is lower, we recommend an English course at Good Hope Studies prior to your Internship. • Relevant qualifications or work experience.




n organi ies where • We’ve bee e of compan as ab at d e rg la • We have a s. y place intern rl la fields to gu re e w professional of y et ri va e id • There is a w d . st families an choose from ailable at ho av is n io at • Accommod ces. udies residen ge Good Hope St ational langua rn te in h it w n io ct ra • Social inte h an students. ge course wit bine a langua m co ly si Ea • internship.

Finding the right company F



res Programme fesingatinuternships since 1998.


EEach placement is tailor-made to suit your individual profile. Is your emphasis on improving your command of English in the workplace? e Or are you looking to broaden your work experience within your O own field? Whatever your needs, we will find a placement to suit you. o Good Hope Studies has been offering internship programmes in G Cape Town for over 15 years. During this time we have built up a C

comprehensive database of local companies. Our extensive network of contacts means we can find the right placement for each client.

include you in the daily work will depend on your skills, your motivation, the business area and the time and duration of your internship.

Our internship programme manager will establish your exact needs and will find the placement that is best for you. We will also provide information before your departure, so that you can be sure that you get the right visas and documents. Further, we will help you once in South Africa to find long-term accommodation, and will be there to advise, support and guide you throughout your stay.

The companies will include you in their processes as much as possible, but legal regulations, workload, time of the year and other factors do play a role. For instance, doctors and nurses cannot be placed in hospitals as they are legally not able to work in South Africa.

Combine your internship with a language course We do not require you to do a language course before your internship if your level of English is already at an Upper Intermediate [B2] level or above. However, if you are not a native speaker we would strongly recommend starting with a course. Bear in mind that the success of your internship will depend, to a large extent, on your language skills. Starting with a language course will also give you time to settle in before starting work, and you’ll have a chance to make friends with other language students from all over the world.

What kinds of companies are available? We have a wide variety of companies available, in many different fields, including small, medium-sized and large local companies, and multinational corporations. See the box on this page for a list of fields available.

Accommodation Interns can stay at a South African host family or in one of the Good Hope Studies residences. Details can be found on page 14 of this brochure.

Will I need a car? We can recommend a course length (usually at least 2 weeks) depending on your level of English as well as on the work that you will be doing. For more information about our language courses please see our website.

Almost all our companies can be reached by public transport, so it is not necessary to rent or buy a car. In certain cases, where the company is not easy to get to, or if you are staying for a long time, you could consider getting a car. Laura from Germany: “I learned so much during my time in Cape Town, but the most unique and special experience was working alongside others from Africa. The Rainbow Nation’s multiculturalism and the rremarkable unity of so many people from widely diverse backgrounds proved to be w a real learning curve for me. I learned that despite the fact that we are all different, d we have a lot in common. I feel like South w A Africa has everything that you can find around the world, but all in one country. My internship […] provided me valuable work experience and an opportunity to practice and improve my English skills. I provided administrative assistance to the venue’s staff

Visa Vi i

– and assisted with events ranging from company meetings to large

Citizens from most countries can visit South Africa for up to 90 days without applying for a visa in their home country. Instead, the visa will be stamped into your passport on arrival. For some countries, the maximum stay is 30 days, and for some countries all visitors need to apply for a visa in their home country. Please refer to our website for the latest information.

conferences of over 500 participants.”

Applying for your internship Applications for internships need to be sent to Good Hope Studies at least 12 weeks before arrival in South Africa. This is because the placement process can take several weeks. In addition, in cases where the visa needs to be applied for at home, this can only be done once you have been placed, and the visa application process can also take several weeks.

What work will I be doing? The goal of our internship programme is to give you an opportunity to experience a South African work environment first hand and to practice the English language. The extent to which the company is able to

Professional fields available Accounting / bookkeeping Administration Advertising Arts, culture Automotive Conservation, animal protection Event management Fashion General administration Graphic design Human resources Import, export IT, computer science Job recruitment Law

Logistics Market research Marketing Media - TV, radio, photography Music NGOs Politics Public relations Print media Restaurants Sales Social work Sport and leisure Tourism






Work South Afr ica . . .

There is no better way to travel and work your way around South Africa than on the Work SA programme. You can sample the real everyday South Africa while meeting the locals and earning money at the same time. The choice of location is totally up to you - from the casual beach life of Cape Town to the hustle and bustle of Johannesburg or the laid back surfer city of Durban. It’s also an opportunity for young people to add to their resumes, to be totally independent, make new friends and visit some incredible places such as the Kruger Park, Table Mountain, Robben Island and vibrant townships. Programme details: • Participation in this programme allows you to do casual work anywhere in South Africa. • You will be paid for your work. • Assistance in finding a job is provided, but you are responsible for finding a job. • You can stay in South Africa for up to one year. • You can combine this programme with an English course (recommended if you are not an English native speaker).

The Work South Africa programme is ideal for:

res Programme feapetTouwn office.

om our Ca • Support fr . thusiastic staff HS • Friendly, en milies and G fa st ion at ho at od ks. m ee om w cc 4 • A ur first ailable for yo nla l na residences av internatio raction with • Social inte ts. ith a guage studen experience w e your work in b m rs). co ke ly ea si sp Ea • native urse (for nonlanguage co

• University students or recent graduates who want to gain work and travel experience in an English speaking country. • Non-native speakers, who can practise their English while travelling and gaining experience.


What is the Work South Africa programme?

Requirements to qualify for the visa: • Age restriction: 18 - 25 years. • Applicants must be full-time students or must have completed a University qualification within 6 months of the date of the application. • Please refer to our website for further requirements such as proof of funding, an air ticket, medical certificate etc.

This is an exchange programme which allows university students from all over the world to do paid jobs in South Africa. The visa only allows you to do casual work, but it is not limited to a specific employer or place. This enables you to change your job several times while travelling through South Africa if you want to.

Requirements to find work: • Communicative, open minded, self-confident. • If you are not a native speaker, your level of English needs to be Upper Intermediate [B2] or higher.







Our local office in Cape Town is there to assist you in finding a job, accommodation and a car if necessary. However, you will need to go out yourself to meet employers and negotiate your employment.

What kinds of jobs will I get? The visa restricts you to casual work. The idea is to do the same kinds of jobs as the local university students. Most students find work at restaurants, back-packers or bars.

Will it be easy to find a job? This largely depends on you. Principally there are enough jobs available. If your command of English is at least a strong Upper Intermediate [B2], you are an outgoing, communicative person and you have worked in the service industry before, you will find an appropriate job. The time of year is also important, as there are more jobs available from November to March, as these are the summer months when a lot of tourists visit South Africa.

Matheus from Brazil: “I would like to say that my trip was better than I expected, e I could stay one year in South Africa. I could ge g get e a job at the restaurant (Mama Africa) long street. I’I’v v travelled to West Africa, Ghana and Ivory Coast, to I’ve sstudy African drums. About my English I could improve st itt a lot. In South Africa I’ve been to Johannesburg and Bloemfontein. Cape Town is a such good place to do the Work South Africa programme, full of options, food, restaurants, tours, night life and music. I’m very proud of myself and I would like to say thank you to all the Good Hope Studies crew.” Rafael from Brazil: “My experience in South Africa couldn’t be better! When I came to Cape Town I didn’t speak anything in English. So I had a really good course at Good Hope Studies, just for one month, but enough to get a reasonable level in my English. I kept studying by myself at home and then, one month after finish my course at school, I found a job in a restaurant as waiter. The restaurant was close to my house and this job really helped me a lot to improve my English. While I was studying and still after that, the school always supported me to find my job or whatever I wanted. Now I am in the end of my interchange in Work South Africa programme and I am sure I can say that I had my best time ever! I really suggest everybody to do the same I did. Cape Town is a really good place to live, work and study English. If you come to South Africa you will enjoy it FOR SURE!”

Will I earn enough money to support myself while in South Africa? Again, this largely depends on you. The jobs are usually poorly paid, but it is common in South Africa to add a 10% tip to the bill. Also, your employer might give you accommodation as a form of remuneration. If you share a flat with other students and don’t spend a lot of money in your free time, the income will just be enough to cover your costs. However, it is our experience that most students need at least US$600 (€ 500) per month, in addition to earnings, to fund their stay.

Combine your stay in South Africa with a language course If you are not an English native speaker, we strongly recommend that you do a language course before you start working. This gives you time to settle in, get used to speaking English all day, improve your language skills and start looking for a job. It also gives you time to get to know other language school students and to find accommodation for the rest of your stay.

Accommodation You can book accommodation with Good Hope Studies for the first four weeks of your stay. This will give you enough time to find longterm accommodation at a reasonable price for the rest of your stay. Details can be found on page 14 in this brochure.






Accommodation i n Cape Town ...

While attending a Cape Town based project, an internship or a language course, you can make use of Good Hope Studies accommodation. Choose between a host family and one of our beautifully decorated residences.

s: me feargteudreatab Program ase of t from our la

• Benefi . host-families n easy ation is withi od m m co • All ac ansport. tr nce of public walking dista n ee recently ces have all b • Our residen refurbished. over the ents from all • Meet stud residences. world at our anager will modation m • Our accom queries. you with your gladly assist

ƚůĂŶƟĐ KĐĞĂŶ Table Bay

GHS City Centre

Metr oRa il Residence

Homestay Volunteer House GHS Newlands

Homestay Areas






South African host-families are well known for their friendliness and hospitality. Staying with a family will give you a unique insight into the South African lifestyle. The projects can be reached by public transport (busses and MetroRail). In the southern suburbs, all host-families stay in private houses with gardens, while in the city centre most stay in apartments.

• Single rooms (double rooms for 2 people booking together) • Bathroom to share (Homestay-Plus: private bathroom) • Breakfast & dinner • Bedding and towels are provided • Most families can provide Internet access and laundry at an extra charge

Volunteer House The Volunteer House is a private house in an upmarket residential area. It is decorated in a young and modern style. There is a large student lounge and a beautiful garden with a swimming pool to relax in. A MetroRail station, major shopping areas as well as restaurants and pubs are all within walking distance. It is a very inexpensive form of accommodation, ideal for long-term volunteers and language students. • • • • • • •

Shared rooms 4 students share one bathroom Fully equipped kitchen for self-catering Lounge area with TV and DVD player Garden with pool Bedding and a safe provided WLAN available at an extra charge

Residence If you prefer to be independent, want to mix with other students, and socialise easily, then this is for you. The Residence is situated in the suburb of Observatory. This is a lively suburb with many young people, and there are lots of trendy bars and restaurants close to the residence. The Residence has a welcoming Africanstyle finish. Rooms are decorated in friendly colours with photographs of Cape Town. It is mostly our younger volunteers and language students who opt for the Residence. Single rooms 5 students share one bathroom Fully equipped kitchen for self-catering Lounge area with TV and DVD player Bedding and a safe provided WLAN available at an extra charge

20 minutes

20 minutes

15 minutes

Muizenberg Beach

Volunteer House


Newlands School

Visit youtube and check out the videos about our accommodation. City Centre School

• • • • • •

30 minutes 30 minutes






Other ser vices we offer . . . English in Cape Town

Good Hope Studies operates two English language schools. One school is situated in the beautiful residential area of Newlands and the other one in the city centre on a pedestrian road. We offer short-term and long-term programmes for General English as well as exam preparation courses, business courses and university pathway courses. Our schools are well known for the professional, but relaxed environment in which it is both challenging and fun to learn. Students from up to 50 different countries benefit from our courses each year. TThe Good Hope Studies social club organises activities and trips during the week and on weekends. Students enjoy social activities as d well as trips to the highlights in and around Cape Town, such as Robw ben Island, Table Mountain, the Cape of Good Hope, the Winelands b aand much more.

Teacher Training Courses T

Good Hope Studies runs the CELTA and Delta Module courses, both G aapproved and moderated by the University of Cambridge ESOL. TThese courses are internationally the most widely recognised qualifications in the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other q LLanguages.

AAsk for our brochures: English in Cape Town

CELTA & Delta in Cape Town



Agency Stamp




A big thank you to all our volunteers who assisted us with testimonials, feedback, photographs and videos. Thanks is also due to our projects and partners for supplying us with information and photographs or supporting us during our photo shoots. Good Hope Studies is a proud member of:

Good Hope Studies Š 2013


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