Zerr Red Angus Production Sale 2023

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Jerrad Zerr • (785) 672-7183

Oakley Livestock Commission • (785) 672-4100

Paul Dwyer • (719) 342-0791

Travis Kerner • (308) 520-4198


Justin Stout • (913) 645-5136


Stephen Russell, Kansas Stockman

Guy Peverly, The Stock Exchange


Sleep Inn Oakley • (785) 671-1111


Dr. Dave Rethorst • (785) 410-6472

LUNCH: Free lunch provided noon central A Lenten menu will be available


Casey St Blanc • (406) 223-6224


Mary Meyer • (785) 769-4014


Amanda Holt • amanda@focusmarketinggroup.net

ONLINE BIDDING: Internet Bidding available through DVAuction



Suggested terms and conditions set forth by Red Angus and announcements from the sale block take precedent over previous printed material.


Zerr Red Angus is retaining one-third semen interest in all bulls sold, unless specified differently in the catalog. Embryo or flush rights will be announced sale day.


All bulls and heifers are guaranteed for a 90 day breeding season from the time of turn out. Injuries or death outside of breeding are not covered. Any penile or preputial injury claims must be submitted immediately and have a Certified Veterinarians statement signed and dated. Zerr Red Angus will issue a credit minus salvage value to be applied in future sales, if no suitable replacement bull is available. Purchasers of Females that fail to conceive via natural breeding, will be issued a credit minus salvage value in future sales. Females that are flushed or super ovulated prior to a completed full term gestation period will not be guaranteed. All buyers are encouraged to buy insurance on their purchases.


All attending does so at their own risk neither Zerr Red Angus nor Oakley Livestock commission and any management and members connected to the sale assume any liabilities legal or otherwise


Cattle taken home sale day will be issued a $50 discount at settlement. Free delivery up to 300 miles of Oakley, KS. Zerr Red Angus will provide free care till April, 21st after that date A $5.00/day will be charged for care. Zerr Red Angus will help Arrange shipment of purchases if needed but will not be responsible for rates that will be charged by third party


Cattle are available for inspection privately any time from publication to April 5th at the Farm. Sale cattle will be available April 6th at Oakley Livestock and sale day morning.


All bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam. All females have been palpated and pelvic measured and guaranteed open.


Exams, and ultrasound data has been completed by Dr Brad Robert of Tall Grass Veterinary Concordia, KS (785) 243-7400

Announcements and Supplemental information take precedence over information listed in catalog.

Annual Production Sale

APRIL 7, 2023 • 1:00PM (cst) Oakley Livestock Commission • 208 S Freeman Ave • Oakley • KS 67748 Oakley is located along Interstate 70 & US Highways 83 & 40


Cattlemen, friends and neighbors; welcome to the second annual Zerr Red Angus Production Sale! I would like to thank everyone for their interest and support, it means the world to my family and me.

As we began 2023, my family entered its eighth year in the Red Angus seedstock production business. I still believe in my core principals of providing maternal driven cattle that are phenotypically correct with adequate performance that meets the challenges, we as cattlemen face in a rapidly changing world.

Our children give us an accurate example of that change, as our lives are continuing to get busier with each passing day. The boys are growing like weeds and ornery as ever! They have joined the Annie Oakley 4-H club. Wyatt will be showing a bred heifer and market hog. Nolan will be entertaining us with a bucket calf project and market hog this summer at the county fair. Hannah is 18 months old and is still as happy and smiley as ever.

We have been blessed with an amazing cow herd that has shown grace and resiliency through a very hot and miserable drought. I take great pride in the numerous compliments that they receive for their outstanding condition and confirmation. A true testament of maintenance and stability.

Again, thank you for your continued support. May you find comfort in your cows and peace with God.

Thank YOU

Special Thanks to my wife Casey our children Wyatt, Nolan and Hannah. My parents Alan and Challis Zerr, My Grandparents Willie and Louella Zerr, without them none of this would be possible. Thank you to all our friends and family that have helped us get to this day. And lastly to all our past and current customers. I am forever grateful for your support.

- 14.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Info

Red Angus Guide to EPDS and Indexes

ProS ... Profitability and Sustainability is an all-purpose index that predicts average economic differences in all segments in the beef supply chain. This index is a combination of the breeding objectives modeled in the HerdBuilder and GridMaster selection indexes. In this index, replacement heifers are retained from within the herd and all remaining progeny are fed out to slaughter and sold on a quality-based grid. Traits included in this index include calving ease, growth, HPG, STAY, Mature Weight, Dry Matter Intake and carcass traits. The resulting index is expressed in dollars per head born (Index/High Value).

HB ..... HerdBuilder is a maternal selection index that predicts the economic differences of animals for traits that are important from conception through weaning. Expressed as dollars per head born, HB is calculated based on the scenario that bulls are mated to heifers and cows, replacement heifers are retained and all remaining progeny are marketed at weaning. Traits included in the HB index include Calving Ease Direct, Calving Ease Maternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnancy and Stayability (Index/High Value).

CED Calving Ease Direct predicts differences in the percent of calves born unassisted out of 2-year-old dams. (Percent/High Value)

BW Birth Weight predicts differences in actual birth weight of progeny. (Pounds/Low Value)

WW Weaning Weight predicts differences in 205-day weaning weight. (Pounds/High Value)

YW Yearling Weight predicts differences in 365-day yearling weight. (Pounds/High Value)

ADG Average Daily Gain predicts differences in weight gain between 205 and 365 days of age. (Pounds/High Value)

DMI Dry Matter Intake predicts differences in daily feed intake as measured in a feedlot during the post-weaning period. (Pounds/Low Value)

MILK Milk predicts differences in weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of the animal’s daughters. (Pounds/High Value)

ME Maintenance Energy predicts the difference in maintence energy requirements. (Mcal per Month/Low Value)

HPG Heifer Pregnancy predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to conceive and calve at 2 years of age following exposure to breeding. (Percent/High Value)

GM..... GridMaster is a selection index that predicts the average economic difference of non-replacement calves through the postweaning phase of production. GM places selection pressure on growth, feedyard performance and carcass traits. Expressed as dollars per head born, GM is calculated based on the scenario that progeny are fed out to slaughter and marketed on a quality-based carcass grid. Traits included in GM include Average Daily Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Matter Intake, Marbling, Back Fat and Rib Eye Area (Index/High Value).

CEM Calving Ease Maternal predicts differences in the percent of daughters who are able to calve unassisted as 2-year-old heifers. (Percent/High Value)

STAY Stayability predicts differences in the ability of an animals’ retained daughters to remain productive in the herd – calve every year – through 6 years of age. (Percent/High Value)

MARB Marbling predicts differences in marbling score – amount of intramuscular fat measured at the 13th rib. (Marbling Score Units/High Value)

YG Yield Grade predicts differences in USDA Yield Grade, which is calculated using CW, REA and Fat. (Yield Grade Units/Low Value)

CW Carcass Weight predicts differences in actual hot carcass weight. (Pounds/High Value)

REA Ribeye Area predicts differences in square inches of ribeye area measured at the 13th rib.(Square Inches/High Value)

FAT Fat predicts differences in the depth of backfat measured between the 12th and 13th ribs. (Inches/Low Value)

- 24.7.23 RED ANGUS EPDs - Guide

Research Validates Red Angus

as Most-Favored Female

Ranchers across the country have long recognized the value of Red Angus females as the foundation of a profitable cowherd. Now, independent research validates those years of cattle production experience with tangible data proving the Red Angus heifer’s worth.

Research Confirmation

Esther McCabe, et al., of Kansas State University, led a study that conrmed Red Angus are the most-favored female in the industry. McCabe and her team compiled ve years’ worth of pricing data from Superior Livestock Auction, comparing 13,804 lots of heifer calves totaling over 1.2 million head that sold in 116 video auctions.

The research team evaluated the effects of independent variables on the sale price of heifer calves that fell into six different breed composition groups: English, English crosses, English-Continental crosses, Black Angus-sired out of dams with no Brahman inuence, Red Angus-sired out of dams with no Brahman inuence, and Brahmaninuenced.

They deduced that Red Angus-sired heifer calves bring $5 to $9 more per hundredweight than all other breed types.

Rancher Trusted

While market research validates the price advantage of Red Angus heifers, ranchers have tested and trusted her worth on the range for years. Red Angus females are desirable as replacement heifers because they mature into productive mother cows that reward producers with extra dollars in their pockets on sale day.

Red Angus cows have gained ranchers’ trust as a complete package through fertility, eshing ability, good disposition, longevity and excellent overall production. They produce feeder calves that earn premiums in the yard and on the rail through docility, feed efciency, conversion and carcass merit.

Over the years, stockmen have voted with their checkbooks, purchasing heifers they know will bring protability to their ranching businesses – and Red Angus females are their most-favored choice. ■

Red Angus Stockyard

List or locate quality Red Angus replacement females at stockyard.redangus.org. Over 20,000 head of cattle are sold each year through the Red Angus Stockyard.


An electronic tool to help locate or market ranchtested replacements. Market your open heifers, bred heifers or cows, or cow-calf pairs. FeMails are designed for offerings of 25 head of more to complement listings on the Red Angus Stockyard.

Breed and Gender Interact to Affect the Sale Price of Beef Heifer Calves*

Independent research studying five years of Superior Livestock Auction data confirms the value of Red Angus replacement females.
* McCabe, et al., 2016. Breed and gender interact to affect the sale price of beef calves sold through video auctions from 2010 through 2014. J. Animal Science, Volume 94, Supplement 2, pp 28. abcd Means with unlike superscripts differ (P<0.05). $164 $163 $161 $160 $159 $158 $157 $156 $155 $154 $153 $152 $151 $150 $149 $148
$161.82a $155.06c $155.22c $157.25b $152.11d Price per hundredweight (cwt) Elih E li h Bl k A R d A B h $
English x Black Angus- Red Angus- BrahmanEnglish X Continental Sired Sired Influenced
RED ANGUS FEMALE - Research - 34.7.23


We lead the catalog off with Kashmir, a herd bull that is in my opinion the most complete Franchise son I have ever seen. K2 will make exceptional sons and daughters and elevate any program to the next level. His beautiful wedge-shaped dam CBAR 707E, resides as lead donor at Zerr Red Angus. A position held for several years now and is well on her way to being one of the most prominent donors in the breed. Maternal brother to lots 2 and 3 and paternal brother to lots 7 and 39. Selling full possession and half interest.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -3.3 57 100 0.27 1.72 33 5 10 10 17 0.45 0.01 29 0.35 0.01 32% 23% 65% 43% 20% 75% 5% 60% 72% 4% 34% 40% 22% 27% 12% 44%
9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 #3555188 C-BAR MIMI 707E #3743461 MPPA: 102 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 ANDRAS FUSION R236 DAMAR MIMI W085 DOB: 1/2/2022 REG# 4617373 Tattoo: K2 100% AR 1A 1 PROS 121 12% HB 67 27% GM 54 18% BW 78 103 ADJ WW 614 102 ADJ YW 1111 101 ADG 3.1 98 WDA 2.92 100 SCR 35.64 Lot
Dam of Lots 1, 2 & 3 - 44.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Bulls ZERR KASHMIR K2 Taken as a calf

Wow, this Duff Red Bear son has great length and plenty of power. If you like them deep and soggy this herd sire prospect will full fill your needs. Look how deep he is in his flanks. Red Box progeny have great fleshing capabilities. Keep your eyes on this deep centered bull on sale day.



- Bulls

Omaha son out of 707E, the attractiveness of this calf is outstanding, study the density and base width, follow the length from his top down through his hip. K17 has tremendous maternal potential. A can’t miss herd sire prospect, that looks just like his daddy! You will keep every female he produces.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 13 -1.9 60 98 0.24 1.42 25 9 11 9 15 0.33 0.07 28 0.04 0 41% 49% 54% 47% 39% 46% 57% 80% 53% 21% 59% 70% 51% 32% 69% 17%
DUFF RED BEAR 18154 #4215450 C-BAR MIMI 707E #3743461 MPPA: 102 MANN RED BOX 55C RED CC PANTERA 20A ANDRAS FUSION R236 DAMAR MIMI W085 DOB: 02-01-2022 REG# 4617407 Tattoo: K19 100% AR 1A 2 PROS 88 57% HB 49 62% GM 39 47% BW 89 ADJ WW 526 ADJ YW 987 ADG 2.88 WDA 2.71 SCR 35.61
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 -1 61 103 0.26 1.51 27 11 12 6 16 0.45 0.01 13 0.12 0.01 82% 66% 49% 37% 25% 55% 35% 89% 43% 70% 39% 40% 21% 85% 51% 33%
J6 MR OMAHA 646 #3556813 C-BAR MIMI 707E #3743461 MPPA: 102 L83 SUPER DUTY 244Z RED SIX MILE MS EXTRA 514B ANDRAS FUSION R236 DAMAR MIMI W085 DOB: 02-01-2022 REG# 4617403 Tattoo: K17 100% AR 1A 3 PROS 87 59% HB 50 61% GM 37 50% BW 81 ADJ WW 571 ADJ YW 1042 ADG 2.94 WDA 2.85 SCR 34.61 Lot J6 OMAHA 646 Sire of Lots 3 & 15 - 54.7.23
3 Lot

K11, this PIE Fullback 7005 son captures the power and phenotype I was going for when I planned this mating. Keanu possesses that big top you want in a herd bull. Look at the length and dimension of muscle he carries all the way down to the ground throughout is skeleton. This bull is ready for heavy use in big operations.


You always want flush mates to be stamped replicas of each other. K15 shows similar qualities that his brother has in terms of length, muscle depth and that great skeletal design. Here’s where we make the sort, you’ve got the flat shouldered calving ease version to lot 4 standing in front of you, A bull that will produce excellent calves, breathtaking daughters, and if your herd is built for him a bull that can be used on replacement heifers.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 -0.3 67 113 0.29 1.68 33 7 10 6 17 0.11 -0.03 22 0.19 -0.01 68% 78% 27% 18% 12% 71% 4% 72% 68% 64% 30% 98% 11% 53% 36% 5% ZERR KEANU K11 PIE FULLBACK 7005 #3838845 SLGN YES I AM 190Y #1425079 MPPA: 105 PIE CINCH 4126 PIE MS PATRIOT 536 SLGN WEST POINT 923W 5L ADINA 893-4039 DOB: 01-28-2022 REG# 4617391 Tattoo: K11 100% AR 1A 4 PROS 76 77% HB 58 44% GM 18 87% BW 90 ADJ WW 626 ADJ YW 1134 ADG 3.18 WDA 3.1 SCR 37.48
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 -0.3 67 113 0.29 1.68 33 7 10 6 17 0.15 -0.03 22 0.19 -0.01 68% 78% 27% 18% 12% 71% 4% 72% 68% 64% 30% 97% 10% 53% 36% 5%
PIE FULLBACK 7005 #3838845 SLGN YES I AM 190Y #1425079 MPPA: 105 PIE CINCH 4126 PIE MS PATRIOT 536 SLGN WEST POINT 923W 5L ADINA 893-4039 DOB: 01-30-2022 REG# 4617399 Tattoo: K15 100% AR 1A 5 PROS 79 71% HB 58 44% GM 22 81% BW 76 ADJ WW 551 ADJ YW 998 ADG 2.79 WDA 2.73 SCR 31.55
- 64.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS -
4 Lot 5 Lot
SLGN YES I AM 190Y Dam of Lots 4, 5, 8 & 9
Bulls PIE FULLBACK 7005 Sire of Lots 4 & 5

Here is the first son offered out of the Bieber Stockmarket H190 we bought back in 2021. Look at the phenotype, long and deep build, clean fronted design. He is well represented out of a 2019 model female that has produced great back-to-back calves to begin her career. I expect to see great things from this one.


Franchise son out of the great ZERR E711, I recommend this one for use in heifers, this bull has an incredible pedigree backed by generations of great breeding. Balanced EPD’s.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 0 74 119 0.28 2.02 28 5 9 6 17 0.49 0.04 33 0.31 0.02 75% 83% 10% 11% 15% 93% 31% 62% 89% 79% 28% 33% 36% 16% 16% 46%
BIEBER STOCKMARKET H190 #4303391 ZERR GLORYANNA G912 #4116744 MPPA: 104 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER TORYANNA 588E J6 FORD C552 GIEFER PATRIOT`S LADY C089 DOB: 02-09-2022 REG# 4625247 Tattoo: K28 100% AR 1A 6 PROS 102 34% HB 57 46% GM 45 33% BW 89 107 ADJ WW 564 105 ADJ YW 1083 105 ADG 3.24 105 WDA 2.87 101 SCR 33.87 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 13 -3 54 93 0.24 1.74 31 5 11 9 16 0.35 0.05 30 0.33 0.03 39% 28% 74% 60% 40% 76% 9% 61% 64% 17% 39% 65% 43% 24% 14% 71%
FRANCHISE K9 9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 #3555188 ZERR MS BAYBERRY FORD E711 #3769423 MPPA: 100 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 J6 FORD C552 WCR MS BAYBERRY CC 4142B DOB: 01-27-2022 REG# 4617387 Tattoo: K9 100% AR 1A 7 PROS 101 35% HB 60 40% GM 41 41% BW 71 94 ADJ WW 563 93 ADJ YW 1048 ADG 3.03 WDA 2.84 SCR 35.45 Lot ZERR JUSTICE J118 Maternal Sister to Lot 6 ZERR BAYBERRY J152 Maternal Sister to Lot 7
RED ANGUS - Bulls - 74.7.23 6 Lot 7 Lot


Great dark colored flush mate brothers out of TLC MANN HEISMAN 2005H a Redbox 55C son backed by the incredibly versatile YES I AM. Opportunity to double up on full brothers that carry a lot of great muscle and design. If you’re looking for bulls that have easy fleshing capabilities while enhancing phenotype it’s all right here.


When I studied Heisman in Oklahoma City in 2021, I appreciated him for his bold rib shape, great leg design and hip dimension. This two sons both carry those same qualities, its rare to find a bull that crosses the fence between the show world and the real world. Pictured below is the ZERR Starlite K7 flush mate Sister, she was built with all the bells and whistles!

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 0.4 63 103 0.25 1.79 30 11 10 7 13 0.33 -0.06 22 0.3 -0.01 70% 87% 39% 37% 35% 80% 14% 90% 76% 57% 82% 70% 6% 53% 17% 6%
TLC MANN HEISMAN 2005H ET #4343287 SLGN YES I AM 190Y #1425079 MPPA: 105 MANN RED BOX 55C TLC ALAYNAH 329 SLGN WEST POINT 923W 5L ADINA 893-4039 DOB: 01-31-2022 REG# 4617401 Tattoo: K16 100% AR 1A 8 PROS 57 94% HB 26 94% GM 31 64% BW 90 ADJ WW 569 ADJ YW 1068 ADG 3.12 WDA 2.92 SCR 34.58 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 0.4 63 103 0.25 1.79 30 11 10 7 13 0.34 -0.05 22 0.3 0 70% 87% 39% 37% 35% 80% 14% 90% 76% 57% 82% 67% 8% 53% 17% 13%
TLC MANN HEISMAN 2005H ET #4343287 SLGN YES I AM 190Y #1425079 MPPA: 105 MANN RED BOX 55C TLC ALAYNAH 329 SLGN WEST POINT 923W 5L ADINA 893-4039 DOB: 02-02-2022 REG# 4617411 Tattoo: K21 100% AR 1A 9 PROS 57 94% HB 26 94% GM 31 64% BW 89 ADJ WW 538 ADJ YW 1056 ADG 3.24 WDA 2.9 SCR 31.64 Lot SLGN YES I AM 190Y Dam of Lots 4, 5, 8 & 9 ZERR STARLITE K7 Flushmate Sister to Lots 8 & 9 - 84.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Bulls 8 Lot 9 Lot



Youngest bull in the offering and what a good one. The second H190 Son in the catalog out of G482 Ginger a tremendous Flashback sired YES I AM daughter, that was shown in Denver. We used her J169 son last summer to clean up. Take advantage of a herd sire bull that has numbers on paper, power in the blood and looks to take your herd to the next level. Zerr Red Angus will be Sampling this bull.


Stockmarket E119 son out of a Hard Drive Y120 granddaughter that traces back to the Zerr Red Angus foundation dam GIEFER SMOKY HILL C081, this bull is big topped, huge hipped, deep down through his shoulder, wide based and carries exceptional depth across his lower third. He was indices rankings in the top ten in PROS AND GM top 6% WW top 4% YW AND top 3% MARB.


Ultra cool designed Stockmarket son, out of Wyatt’s Omaha daughter ZERR GUMMY BEAR H21. Look at the pictures of his dam and maternal grand dam. Elite phenotype and elite genetics. If you’re looking to make elite females that compete in the show ring here’s a great opportunity.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -1.1 80 129 0.3 2.29 26 9 10 7 15 0.4 0.02 34 0.39 0.01 62% 64% 3% 4% 7% 98% 42% 80% 82% 59% 53% 52% 24% 14% 9% 41%
BIEBER STOCKMARKET H190 #4303391 ZERR MISS GINGER G482 #4116808 MPPA: 104 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER TORYANNA 588E AHL FLASHBACK 446B SLGN YES I AM 190Y DOB: 03-30-2022 REG# 4629387 Tattoo: K62 100% AR 1A 10 PROS 84 64% HB 49 63% GM 35 54% BW 78 102 ADJ WW 602 111 ADJ YW 1079 110 ADG 2.97 108 WDA 2.95 105 SCR 33.96
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -1.2 76 127 0.32 1.96 22 7 9 7 18 0.8 0.05 24 0.31 0.04 54% 63% 6% 4% 4% 90% 81% 74% 92% 55% 18% 3% 44% 45% 16% 83%
BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 ZERR SMOKY HILL 823F #3927059 MPPA: 104 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C BIEBER HARD DRIVE C250 GIEFER SMOKY HILL C081 DOB: 02-13-2022 REG# 4625257 Tattoo: K34 100% AR 1A 11 PROS 125 9% HB 62 35% GM 62 10% BW 88 103 ADJ WW 543 101 ADJ YW 1048 102 ADG 3.15 102 WDA 2.84 100 SCR 34
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 -2 73 124 0.32 1.85 24 8 8 4 15 0.87 0.09 25 0.29 0.05 83% 47% 12% 6% 3% 84% 61% 77% 95% 93% 52% 2% 64% 40% 19% 93%
BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 ZERR GUMMY BEAR H21 #4277527 MPPA: 99 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C J6 MR OMAHA 646 ZERR MS LANA BELLE E704 DOB: 02-11-2022 REG# 4625253 Tattoo: K31 100% AR 1A 12 PROS 107 28% HB 35 85% GM 71 4% BW 80 100 ADJ WW 528 98 ADJ YW 1067 103 ADG 3.35 108 WDA 2.75 97 SCR 36.94 Lot ZERR GUMMY BEAR H21 Dam of Lot 12 ZERR RED ANGUS - Bulls - 94.7.23 10 Lot 12 Lot 11 Lot ZERR MS LANA BELLE E704 Maternal Granddam of Lot 12


K14 Dam is ZERR MISS FIREFLY D605 a foundation dam at Zerr Red Angus. This Bull offers great muscle shape and phenotype. Massive rear quarter, big wide top, smooth clean angular shaped shoulders. Best Stockmarket yearling in the offering. Man among men here. Ranks in the top 1% in MARB, 5% PROS, 7%


Seneca F330 son out of Iron Ore E27 daughter, that is easy fleshing, long spined and deep ribbed. March bull that has plenty of growth in front of him.


Omaha Alert! This bull has the meat. Big shape, Great dark color, dam is the great A1 Roxie 3343 a foundation donor that has been a staple at ZERR RED ANGUS for years. Ready for heavy service.

GM. CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -0.6 68 107 0.25 1.5 19 -2 8 7 18 0.92 0.13 24 0.15 0.04 57% 74% 24% 28% 35% 54% 94% 25% 97% 61% 20% 1% 82% 47% 45% 93%
BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 ZERR MISS FIREFLY D605 #3558755 MPPA: 99 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C WCAT CADILLAC 900Z WCR MISS FIREFLY RE 2061Z DOB: 01-29-2022 REG# 4617397 Tattoo: K14 100% AR 1A 13 PROS 132 5% HB 66 28% GM 66 7% BW 80 105 ADJ WW 585 98 ADJ YW 1093 99 ADG 3.17 101 WDA 2.92 100 SCR 35.51
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 13 -1.8 63 103 0.25 1.91 21 8 12 7 17 0.27 0.24 38 0.11 0.06 51% 50% 42% 37% 32% 88% 88% 78% 41% 47% 33% 84% 99% 7% 53% 99%
C9CC MR SENECA G350 #4108788 BIEBER TILLY 401C #3474480 MPPA: 99 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T PARINGA IRON ORE E27 BIEBER TILLY 180A DOB: 03-05-2022 REG# 4625293 Tattoo: K52 100% AR 1A 14 PROS 84 63% HB 57 46% GM 27 71% BW 90 103 ADJ WW 518 96 ADJ YW 932 90 ADG 2.59 84 WDA 2.61 92 SCR 35.65 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 -1.6 62 101 0.24 1.66 28 8 12 6 15 0.43 -0.05 4 0.1 0 78% 55% 44% 41% 38% 69% 32% 78% 37% 66% 56% 45% 8% 97% 56% 19%
J6 MR OMAHA 646 #3556813 A-1 ROXIE 3343 #1614496 MPPA: 98 L83 SUPER DUTY 244Z RED SIX MILE MS EXTRA 514B C-BAR ANTICIPATION 101W 5L ROXIE X 974-3598 DOB: 02-07-2022 REG# 4617417 Tattoo: K24 100% AR 1A 15 PROS 69 85% HB 48 65% GM 21 82% BW 95 ADJ WW 665 ADJ YW 1169 ADG 3.15 WDA 3.21 SCR 37.81 Lot ZERR ROXIE J142 Flushmate to Lot 15 - 104.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Bulls 13 Lot 15 Lot 14 Lot

1214 is loaded with muscle, bold rib shape and heavy bone. He was born on one of the toughest days this state has endured. I wasn’t expecting a December calf but got this guy. His sire, ZERR OUTER BANKS G904, was a 2019 division champion at the America Royal!


The lone Fall born bull is a Stockmarket E119 son back to a full sibling to Bieber Spartacus, the 596D Tilly cow a new Donor to the program. Being the only Fall born calf on the entire place I hurt this bull’s potential to grow properly. He still put together a great profile and has legendary genetics backing him. I highly recommend this sire for use on heifers. Ranks in the top 6% PROS 3% GM 16% CED 14% BW 12% WW 7% YW 1%MARB. Selling full possession and half interest

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 8 1.5 50 79 0.18 1.10 21 -2 11 4 16 0.33 0.02 10 0.06 0.01 96% 96% 84% 83% 80% 22% 85% 26% 58% 94% 47% 71% 24% 90% 66% 36%
ZERR OUTER BANKS G904 #4116730 ZERR COUNTESSA G907 #4116736 MPPA: PIE ATLANTIC 2204 WCR MISS FIREFLY RE 2061Z WSF/BRYLOR FINCH 68M 13W J6 COUNTESSA D255 DOB: 12-14-2021 REG# 4535561 Tattoo: 1214 100% AR 1A 16 PROS 72 82% HB 48 63% GM 23 79% BW 88 ADJ WW 519 ADJ YW 1183 ADG 4.14 WDA 2.78 SCR 36.02 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 15 -4.0 72 123 0.32 2.09 27 9 7 9 17 0.97 0.12 29 0.23 0.05 17% 14% 12% 7% 4% 95% 41% 84% 99% 19% 30% 1% 81% 27% 28% 94%
STOCKMARKET J916 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 BIEBER TILLY 596D #3537212 MPPA: 106 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C BIEBER ROUSE SAMURAI X22 BIEBER TILLY 233U DOB: 09-16-2021 REG# 4535547 Tattoo: J916 100% AR 1A 17 PROS 127 8% HB 53 54% GM 74 3% BW 74 ADJ WW 626 ADJ YW 1110 ADG 0 WDA 0 SCR 38.5 Lot
- 114.7.23 16 Lot 17 Lot



K55, is another great son out the Bieber Stockmarket H190. His dam CBAR MIMI 709E is a flush mate to 707E, which would make her a flush mate to the 2019 Denver NWSS Grand Champions. Genetically speaking this well balanced, adequately muscled, smooth flat shouldered bull is a jackpot winning lottery ticket! This bull is recommended for use in heifers.

K56, want in on a secret? He’s carried that big center since he was a young calf. Built like his Hard Drive Y120 sired dam 583E and backed by Seneca on top. Take him home, put him to work, make Money. Repeat. Don’t be surprised if I don’t come asking about his daughters.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -3.5 64 103 0.25 1.92 25 7 10 8 18 0.43 0.05 31 0.24 0.01 27% 21% 38% 36% 36% 88% 53% 75% 83% 26% 19% 45% 40% 23% 26% 44%
BIEBER STOCKMARKET H190 #4303391 C-BAR MIMI 709E #3743463 MPPA: 101 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER TORYANNA 588E ANDRAS FUSION R236 DAMAR MIMI W085 DOB: 03-06-2022 REG# 4625299 Tattoo: K55 100% AR 1A 18 PROS 103 32% HB 64 32% GM 40 45% BW 75 86 ADJ WW 657 109 ADJ YW 1027 104 ADG 2.31 96 WDA 2.82 104 SCR 36.68 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -1.9 70 117 0.29 1.67 25 10 14 7 17 0.25 0.12 35 0.14 0.02 62% 50% 16% 13% 12% 71% 57% 87% 15% 46% 30% 87% 81% 12% 45% 64%
SENECA K56 C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 BIEBER SURPRISE 583E #3763033 MPPA: 111 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T BIEBER HARD DRIVE Y120 BIEBER SURPRISE 278X DOB: 03-08-2022 REG# 4625301 Tattoo: K56 100% AR 1A 19 PROS 96 44% HB 62 35% GM 34 57% BW 88 102 ADJ WW 583 108 ADJ YW 1082 105 ADG 3.12 101 WDA 3.01 106 SCR 32.75 Lot - 124.7.23
RED ANGUS - Bulls 18

Kickstart K36, I really like this one, has shape, dimension, power, full of raw potential. If you’re in the mood to help rebuild the cow herd. Start right here Seneca back by a direct TOWAW INDEED 104H daughter! Ranks 8% HB 19% HPG 6% STAY.


The lone Six Mile Parabellum son in the offering out of a Red Cockburn Assassin Daughter backed by the eternal YES I AM 190Y. How about this Canadian Mating found here in Kansas good Bull that post elite numbers 3% WW 4%YW 5% MILK 4% CW.


CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 7 1.8 64 101 0.24 1.62 24 5 13 5 19 0.25 0.15 26 0.01 0.03 97% 96% 38% 40% 45% 66% 67% 62% 20% 90% 7% 88% 90% 38% 76% 82% ZERR KICKSTART K36 C9CC SENECA F330 #3926275 ENGD COUNTESS 5526C #1748044 MPPA: 102 RREDS SENECA 731C DAMAR REALIN Y157 RED TOWAW INDEED 104H SOO LINE COUNTESS 6125 DOB: 02-13-2022 REG# 4625261 Tattoo: K36 100% AR 1A 20 PROS 92 51% HB 74 16% GM 18 86% BW 88 ADJ WW 582 ADJ YW 1095 ADG 3.21 WDA 3.03 SCR 38 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 2.5 80 128 0.3 2.15 32 14 9 7 14 0.46 0.12 42 0.17 0.01 64% 98% 3% 4% 8% 96% 5% 95% 85% 41% 70% 38% 79% 4% 40% 44%
SIX MILE PARABELLUM 675G #4161396 ZERR HEIDI H38 #4277561 MPPA: 107 SIX MILE JOHN WICK 882E RED SIX MILE KURUBA 712A RED COCKBURN ASSASSIN 624D SLGN YES I AM 190Y DOB: 02-13-2022 REG# 4625263 Tattoo: K37 100% AR 1A 21 PROS 84 65% HB 38 82% GM 46 32% BW 89 111 ADJ WW 629 117 ADJ YW 1111 108 ADG 3 97 WDA 2.85 101 SCR 35.5 Lot
- 134.7.23 20 Lot 21 Lot

K57 is recommended for use in heifers, has balanced EPDs, a dark red coat, adequate top and shape to his loin. Dam is a foundation female the J6 MS. INSTINCT B427. His maternal grand sire is RED SSS OLY 554T.


The K50 is a super smooth, deep sided march born bull with a royal maternal pedigree. Has excellent growth index numbers, paired with adequate female retention indices. Lots of growth and maturity left in this yearling.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -4.6 58 94 0.23 1.51 22 1 11 8 15 0.21 0.09 24 0.17 0.03 31% 9% 61% 57% 50% 55% 80% 38% 57% 22% 56% 93% 63% 48% 40% 79%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 J6 MS. INSTINCT B427 #1679937 MPPA: 103 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T RED SSS OLY 554T WCR MISS INSTINCT DE 148Z DOB: 03-09-2022 REG# 4625303 Tattoo: K57 100% AR 1A 22 PROS 78 74% HB 58 45% GM 20 84% BW 78 90 ADJ WW 583 97 ADJ YW 1008 102 ADG 2.66 110 WDA 2.77 102 SCR 34.78 Lot CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -2.5 66 107 0.25 1.70 19 10 13 7 16 0.17 0.12 30 0.15 0.03 56% 37% 29% 29% 31% 72% 95% 86% 17% 42% 39% 96% 80% 12% 45% 79%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 ZERR BAYBERRY G903 #4116728 MPPA: 99 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T SILVEIRAS MISSION NEXUS 1378 WCR MS BAYBERRY CC 4142B DOB: 03-03-2022 REG# 4625289 Tattoo: K50 100% AR 1A 23 PROS 78 74% HB 60 40% GM 18 86% BW 88 105 ADJ WW 590 98 ADJ YW 950 96 ADG 2.24 93 WDA 2.51 92 SCR 32.58 Lot - 144.7.23
22 Lot 23 Lot
- Bulls



C9CC SENECA G350 sired out of the Six Mile Jagger Daughter D601, the first-born registered calf for our operation. This bull has tons of shape, depth, and muscle that compliment his strong maternal backing. Good rascal ready for service.


K60 is a smooth made bull with elite rankings, 18% WW 17% YW and a top 8% ranking in STAY. Dam is Nolan’s favorite cow, the GIEFER


K07, I found this bull and his dam while on a delivery last year. Sired by Glacier Chateau his Dam is sired by Sleep Easy. Recommended for use on heifers.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 -2.5 55 83 0.17 1.46 24 0 12 8 15 0.22 0.14 22 -0.05 0.03 62% 38% 69% 77% 83% 50% 63% 32% 43% 38% 57% 92% 87% 56% 87% 71%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 ZERR MS ST RENEE D601 #3558752 MPPA: 103 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T SIX MILE & CO JAGGER 780A J6 MS. ST RENEE B488 DOB: 03-13-2022 REG# 4629381 Tattoo: K59 100% AR 1A 24 PROS 66 87% HB 58 44% GM 9 95% BW 88 111 ADJ WW 563 104 ADJ YW 944 96 ADG 2.38 87 WDA 2.63 94 SCR 34.91
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 1 70 114 0.28 1.87 20 7 13 6 19 0.22 0.21 37 -0.06 0.03 86% 93% 18% 17% 17% 85% 91% 70% 28% 77% 8% 92% 98% 9% 87% 71%
HILL C081.
C9CC MR SENECA F330 #3926275 GIEFER SMOKY HILL C081 #3505674 MPPA: 99 RREDS SENECA 731C DAMAR REALIN Y157 LCS Z 6 GIEFER SMOKY HILL Y036 DOB: 03-14-2022 REG# 4629383 Tattoo: K60 100% AR 1A 25 PROS 99 39% HB 75 14% GM 24 77% BW 86 108 ADJ WW 522 97 ADJ YW 978 100 ADG 2.85 104 WDA 2.77 99 SCR 34.94
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -5.4 48 82 0.21 1.44 26 5 9 9 17 0.46 0.03 18 0.21 0.02 27% 4% 87% 79% 60% 48% 46% 61% 85% 12% 34% 38% 31% 69% 32% 62%
GLACIER CHATEAU 744 #557331 BROWN MS SLEEP EASY E819 #3783081 MPPA: 96 LMAN KING ROB 8621 GLACIER REBALA LSF SRR SLEEP EASY 4083B BROWN MS EPIC B537 DOB: 01-09-2022 REG# 4564341 Tattoo: K07 100% AR 1A 26 PROS 100 37% HB 57 45% GM 43 38% BW 65 85 ADJ WW 422 ADJ YW 823 ADG 2.5 WDA 2.19 SCR 30.87 Lot
- 154.7.23 24 Lot 26 Lot 25 Lot
- Bulls


Check out this Stockmarket Daughter! Backed by a solid Renown x One of Kind 352 female from the Younkin Family. She’s got all the makings to be an influential female for any program. K6 carries herself extremely well, She’s long bodied, big centered and clean fronted. Outstanding female to rebuild the cow herd, complemented with outstanding data. Zerr Red Angus is retaining two flushes.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 -0.9 79 126 0.29 2.03 24 5 7 6 16 0.71 0.12 29 0.26 0.05 71% 67% 4% 5% 11% 93% 69% 63% 99% 64% 45% 7% 81% 26% 23% 96%
BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 SMOKY Y RABSTAR 1976G #4231090 MPPA: 107 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C RED U-2 RENOWN 193C SMOKY Y MOONBEAM 1678D DOB: 02-01-2022 REG# 4617381 Tattoo: K6 100% AR 1A 27 PROS 99 40% HB 48 65% GM 51 23% BW 78 111 ADJ WW 630 119 ADJ YW 1042 113 ADG 2.54 105 WDA 2.74 113 Lot - 164.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers 27 Lot

Stockmarket on a YES I AM daughter. I can’t believe I talked myself into letting this one go. The G909 dam to K4 is with out a doubt one of my best 190Y daughters in the herd and the last natural born daughter from her. Big time female from a Great Cow family, what an outstanding female offered here. Zerr Red Angus is retaining two flushes.


CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 17 -4.3 65 111 0.28 1.89 25 6 8 10 16 0.79 0.01 18 0.31 0.03 7% 11% 32% 22% 14% 87% 58% 67% 97% 6% 36% 4% 23% 71% 16% 74%
BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 #3751659 ZERR GLENDA G909 #4116740 MPPA: 97 PIE STOCKMAN 4051 BIEBER CL ADELLE 475C SMOKY Y SPYDER 7110E SLGN YES I AM 190Y DOB: 01-22-2022 REG# 4617377 Tattoo: K4 100% AR 1A 28 PROS 117 15% HB 58 44% GM 59 13% BW 66 94 ADJ WW 537 101 ADJ YW 916 100 ADG 2.34 97 WDA 2.37 98 Lot ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers - 164.7.23 28 Lot


Parabellum on a Recluse from YES I AM. Great pedigree of champions. What a sweet rig, this one should have been haltered and pampered. I really love her design, so feminine, extremely attractive, I think this one may still have a chance to find a show ring as a heavy bred. If not, her progeny should be very competitive. Her paternal brother is Lot 21. Zerr Red Angus is retaining the right to one flush.


I love when a female stamps herself a clone. K39 is dark cherry red and deep centered just like her Omaha dam. Adding the influences of Seneca and Mulberry on the top side give you the fire power of producing high quality cattle for years.


Here’s a great opportunity to buy a female that is blood related to lot 30. Packed with a heavy maternal pedigree. Take the opportunity to double up on these good Sierra females.


K44 is out of a foundation dam with good numbers. C089 has raised a lot of females that have been retained in the herd including the up an coming G912 which is the dam to lot 6 take advantage of a quality female right here.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 3.4 76 126 0.32 1.96 27 11 10 6 14 0.23 0.03 38 0.26 0 86% 99% 7% 5% 5% 90% 33% 89% 76% 79% 71% 90% 33% 7% 23% 13%
SIX MILE PARABELLUM 675G #4161396 ZERR HALEY H763 #4294553 MPPA: 96 SIX MILE JOHN WICK 882E RED SIX MILE KURUBA 712A H/H RECLUSE 8003 SLGN YES I AM 190Y DOB: 02-08-2022 REG# 4617421 Tattoo: K26 100% AR 1A 29 PROS 71 83% HB 35 86% GM 36 53% BW 84 124 ADJ WW 484 91 ADJ YW 937 102 ADG 2.84 117 WDA 2.43 101
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 8 1.7 62 101 0.24 1.32 22 4 11 3 15 0.39 0.0 16 0.22 0.01 96% 96% 44% 41% 37% 37% 81% 53% 56% 98% 61% 53% 17% 76% 31% 40%
ZERR OUTER BANKS G904 #4116730 ZERR SIERRA G935 #4116790 MPPA: 96 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 WCR MISS FIREFLY RE 2061Z J6 MR OMAHA 646 BECKTON SIERRA B326 J DOB: 02-16-2022 REG# 4625267 Tattoo: K39 100% AR 1A 30 PROS 70 83% HB 34 86% GM 36 53% BW 88 111 ADJ WW 477 94 ADJ YW 865 99 ADG 2.4 106 WDA 2.3 97 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 8 1.7 62 101 0.24 1.23 23 2 11 3 14 0.39 -0.02 14 0.22 0.01 96% 96% 43% 42% 42% 30% 73% 44% 56% 99% 63% 54% 12% 83% 29% 34%
ZERR OUTER BANKS G904 #4116730 ZERR PATTY SIERRA 818F #3927049 MPPA: 98 PIE ATLANTIC 2204 WCR MISS FIREFLY RE 2061Z J6 MR OMAHA 646 BECKTON SIERRA B326 J DOB: 03-01-2022 REG# 4625279 Tattoo: K45 100% AR 1A 31 PROS 68 85% HB 34 86% GM 34 57% BW 90 111 ADJ WW 497 98 ADJ YW 864 99 ADG 2.25 99 WDA 2.36 99
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 11 0.2 67 109 0.26 1.92 23 9 12 7 18 0.28 0.19 35 -0.01 0.03 72% 85% 25% 25% 27% 88% 70% 84% 40% 48% 12% 81% 97% 12% 79% 82%
C9CC SENECA F330 #3926275 GIEFER PATRIOT`S LADY C089 #3505739 MPPA: 107 RREDS SENECA 731C DAMAR REALIN Y157 LCS Z 6 GIEFER PATRIOT`S LADY W056 DOB: 03-01-2022 REG# 4625277 Tattoo: K44 100% AR 1A 32 PROS 96 44% HB 70 21% GM 26 74% BW 80 96 ADJ WW 604 119 ADJ YW 987 113 ADG 2.34 103 WDA 2.71 114 Lot - 184.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers 29


Very Attractive Copper Penny Daughter. her dam is a foundation dam C108, this one has excellent balance and poise, a great representation of the females in our herd, Balanced EPDs.


This might be the first time I’ve let a Renee go, she is out the B488 Majestic Lightning female that is one the original nine that started this program. Dark color, bold rib shape. Easy keeping kind.


And now there were two gone, K49 is the first calf out of the Renee H45 and sired by the Bieber H190 bull that is a senior herd sire for us. This is the first female to be offered sired by H190, if you notice in the pedigree you’ll see she shares the same MGS as lot 28.


K40, A female I felt strongly about keeping home, her dam the 369C Sheba unfortunately passed away at the beginning of the year and this is the only daughter she ever produced for us. Study this female, she is built just right for the times and will have calves that carry deep into their flank and have eye appeal for days.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 12 0.1 66 106 0.25 1.74 22 12 13 7 18 0.35 0.15 28 0.06 0.03 63% 84% 30% 31% 34% 76% 81% 92% 17% 52% 14% 65% 88% 31% 65% 82%
C9CC MR SENECA F330 #3926275 GIEFER COPPER PENNY C108 #3505700 MPPA: 103 RREDS SENECA 731C DAMAR REALIN Y157 LCS Z 6 GIEFER COPPER PENNY W090 DOB: 03-09-2022 REG# 4625305 Tattoo: K58 100% AR 1A 33 PROS 97 43% HB 68 24% GM 29 68% BW 78 94 ADJ WW 530 104 ADJ YW 904 103 ADG 2.28 101 WDA 2.51 106
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 -0.9 57 86 0.19 1.4 21 0 11 6 15 0.15 0.12 22 -0.01 0.03 86% 67% 65% 72% 77% 44% 86% 33% 63% 74% 60% 97% 81% 54% 80% 70%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 J6 MS. ST RENEE B488 #1679941 MPPA: 98 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T MAJESTIC LIGHTNING 717 SGMR UBAR ST RENEE 704 DOB: 02-13-2022 REG# 4625259 Tattoo: K35 100% AR 1A 34 PROS 55 95% HB 49 63% GM 7 96% BW 82 99 ADJ WW 465 92 ADJ YW 825 94 ADG 2.19 97 WDA 2.25 95 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 13 -2.5 66 105 0.24 1.72 26 2 9 7 16 0.3 0.04 30 0.15 0 45% 37% 31% 33% 37% 75% 49% 41% 90% 44% 46% 77% 34% 24% 45% 14%
STOCKMARKET H190 #4303391 ZERR RENEE H45 #4277575 MPPA: 99 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER TORYANNA 588E SMOKY Y SPYDER 7110E ZERR MISS RENEE 802F DOB: 03-02-2022 REG# 4625287 Tattoo: K49 100% AR 1A 35 PROS 87 59% HB 56 49% GM 31 63% BW 76 101 ADJ WW 500 98 ADJ YW 869 99 ADG 2.31 102 WDA 2.28 96 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 10 -1.3 54 93 0.24 1.33 22 0 13 4 17 0.33 0.16 27 -0.03 0.03 84% 61% 75% 60% 38% 38% 81% 34% 23% 96% 34% 70% 92% 35% 83% 76%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 BIEBER SHEBA 369C #3474654 MPPA: 97 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T PIE RIGHT KIND 342 BIEBER SHEBA 330W DOB: 02-16-2022 REG# 4625269 Tattoo: K40 100% AR 1A 36 PROS 94 47% HB 55 51% GM 39 45% BW 83 100 ADJ WW 457 90 ADJ YW 864 99 ADG 2.49 110 WDA 2.38 100 Lot ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers - 194.7.23 33 Lot 36 Lot 34 Lot 35 Lot


H190 daughter out of a female with a double shot of Ribeye, powered by one of the deepest centered cows we’ve ever owned.


K47 is backed by the CBAR Stony 6020D dam that we bought as a bred heifer and will probably be the last 6020D female offered, you just don’t let Stoney’s walk away. Great tribe represented here, has the look of ideal Red Angus females.


Franchise female backed to the influence of Hard Drive, this attractive female has the ground work laid out, just let her do the work for you. Time tested genetics.


Sleep Easy 4083B sired female that has bold rib shape and deep flanks, Dam out of J6 Ford C552 the first herd sire we used to build this herd. You can trace the bottom side pedigree back to the J6 MS INSTINCT B427. Lots of quality in this female, should produce great moderate framed cattle with great foot structure, along with all the Zerr Red Angus traits that are on display in this sale.

CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 13 -0.7 68 108 0.25 1.81 25 5 11 7 17 0.5 0.09 33 0.15 0.02 53% 72% 22% 26% 34% 81% 55% 63% 66% 55% 26% 30% 67% 16% 45% 47%
BIEBER STOCKMARKET H190 #4303391 ZERR MS FORD ELORA E715 #3769429 MPPA: 100 BIEBER CL STOCKMARKET E119 BIEBER TORYANNA 588E J6 FORD C552 LRW MISS ELORA 3172A DOB: 02-12-2022 REG# 4625255 Tattoo: K33 100% AR 1A 37 PROS 107 27% HB 63 34% GM 45 34% BW 81 99 ADJ WW 522 103 ADJ YW 881 101 ADG 2.19 97 WDA 2.38 100 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -4.1 56 86 0.19 1.8 23 4 12 6 14 0.35 0.05 14 0.1 0.02 38% 13% 67% 73% 76% 81% 76% 56% 36% 64% 73% 65% 39% 81% 56% 58%
C9CC SENECA G350 #4108788 C-BAR STONY 6020D #3617888 MPPA: 107 RREDS SENECA 731C RED BLAIRS ELORA 23T 5L DEFENDER 560-30Z C-BAR STONY W914 DOB: 03-02-2022 REG# 4625283 Tattoo: K47 100% AR 1A 38 PROS 53 96% HB 40 78% GM 13 92% BW 82 99 ADJ WW 554 109 ADJ YW 848 97 ADG 1.78 78 WDA 2.31 97 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -3.2 58 97 0.24 1.68 30 1 10 10 15 0.54 0.03 31 0.34 0.02 34% 25% 59% 51% 42% 71% 14% 36% 72% 9% 53% 23% 31% 22% 13% 53%
9 MILE FRANCHISE 6305 #3555188 ZERR MS GENEE G910 #4116742 MPPA: 95 SPUR FRANCHISE OF GARTON C-BAR ABIGRACE Y11 BIEBER HARD DRIVE C250 ZERR MS ST RENEE D601 DOB: 01-29-2022 REG# 4617393 Tattoo: K12 100% AR 1A 39 PROS 117 15% HB 62 35% GM 55 17% BW 69 99 ADJ WW 489 92 ADJ YW 835 91 ADG 2.13 88 WDA 2.17 90 Lot
CED BW WW YW ADG DMI MILK ME HPG CEM STAY MARB YG CW REA FAT 14 -3.2 60 98 0.23 1.59 27 6 10 8 16 0.43 0 22 0.37 0.02 31% 25% 51% 49% 45% 63% 40% 64% 70% 37% 40% 45% 17% 54% 10% 62%
LSF SRR SLEEP EASY 4083B #1681923 ZERRMS INSTINCT H24 #4277533 MPPA: 97 LSF NIGHT CALVER 9921W LACY LARKEISA 9008 J6 FORD C552 ZERR MS INSTINCT D603 DOB: 02-14-2022 REG# 4625265 Tattoo: K38 100% AR 1A 40 PROS 95 46% HB 55 49% GM 39 46% BW 72 95 ADJ WW 474 93 ADJ YW 844 96 ADG 2.31 102 WDA 2.18 92 Lot - 204.7.23 ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers 37 Lot 40 Lot 38 Lot 39 Lot


ZERR RED ANGUS - Heifers - 214.7.23

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