Chia-Wei Hsieh Portfolio 2022

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Curriculum Vita

嶠 ⌕䝆 Chia-Wei Hsieh +886 958 961 923 hsiehaoao / instagram

“A young industrial design student observing every possibility and seek for the relationship between design and life”

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Group Project Designer Chia-Wei Hsieh, Jia-You Chen Material Celluloid Acryl Duration Six Months

The most accessible things in life are often the most inconspicuous. Using these materials to process, combine curves, curved surfaces, and layers of overlap to create a sense of space and layering, and combined with lighting effects, make ordinary materials create a new look.

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Since the celluloid material is soft and easy to bend, at the beginning, we tried to buckle the celluloid slices into a flat or three-dimensional shape.

After trying several shapes, it is found that the heated celluloid sheet is easy to bend and shape, and it can maintain the shape after cooling. Because the shape is softer and can also be shaped, we decided to start from here.

Yán | 2020


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Svartvitt | 2020

Ideation At the beginning, I wanted to use simple geometric shapes. The choice of curved and round shapes is to break the rigid image of the previous screen. The base also has different sizes to choose from. The whole is mainly divided into screens and bases, users can make adjustments and combinations according to their own needs. There are three main types of screens, each with a two-color frame and two-color cloth. Users can also rotate the screen 90 degrees according to their preferences to create different contexts. There is a light attached to the inside of the frame, which can be used as a screen in the morning and turned on at night, and can also be independently used as a lamp.

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Svartvitt | 2020

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Fatigue Detection Steering Wheel. Detection and reminder to avoid fatigue driving accidents

Group Project Design Chia-Wei Hsieh, Wei Chen, Jia-Rong Chang Duration Three Months

Chia-Wei Hsieh Design Portfolio

Sleep-deprived driving is the operation of a motor vehicle while being cognitively impaired by a lack of sleep.

Causes of road traffic accidents Although the proportion of fatigue driving in the chart is not high, it has always been the top cause of traffic accidents.

33.7% Improper driving

3.2% Fatigue driving

22.8% Driving distance not maintained

Therefore, we want to design a warning steering wheel that senses the driver's mental state by sensing the temperature and immediately issues a warning. A temperature sensing device is implanted on the outer edge of the steering wheel. Driver can control the car by holding the steering wheel while sensing temperature (touch the steering wheel with their hand). In the center of the steering wheel, we install an infrared detector as an auxiliary sensor to make the overall temperature measurement more accurate. When the driver's temperature drops, vibration and sound will warn the driver to reduce fatigue driving and prevent accidents.

Fatigue Detection Steering Wheel | 2020

Warning methods and stages The first warning will be to vibrate at a low frequency which will warn the driver that he is fatigued. The second vibration will be at a higher frequency indicating the driver that he needs some rest and he shall not drive anymore. If these 2 warnings are ignored or the driver doesn’t wake up, the third warning will be by continuously vibrating and beeping indicating that the accident can happen at any time.The third warning will be continuous vibrations and beeping. When it comes to the third warning, it means the pervious warning did not really awake the driver, and accident could happen at any time. Therefore, the driver will be warmed by continuous vibration and beep alarm via the device. Meanwhile, the driver can either push the button on the steering wheel to cancel the continuous vibration and beep or keep the device alerting.

Infrared assisted sensing

Sensing temperature of outer ring

Internal vibration device

Fatigue Detection Steering Wheel | 2020

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Logo Design The direction of the logo design is to refer to the appearance of the department hall, using simple geometric shapes and clean lines as the overall logo shape.

color&typeface PingFang Semibold

PingFang Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWIXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 12345678901@#$%^&* 0-+=0:*<>?/

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWIXYZ abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz 12345678901@#$%^&* 0-+=0:*<>?/

PingFang Medium

PingFang Regular

人文思維環境,培育學生具創造邏輯思考 濃郁的藝術、人文薰陶暨數位化工業設計

人文思維環境,培育學生具創造邏輯思考 濃郁的藝術、人文薰陶暨數位化工業設計

#f9f6f1 R249 G246 B241 C3 M4 Y6 K0

#f9f6f1 R249 G246 B241 C3 M4 Y6 K0

THUID Admissions Brochure | 2021

Graphic Design

Happy Mother’s Day



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Happy Mother’s Day



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Mother's Day Card This card uses three different flowers as the main axis and is decorated with leaves. The center of the card is surrounded by a soft ribbon, and "Happy Mother's Day" is added to the ribbon as the main axis of the whole card. Designer Chia-Wei Hsieh

Chia-Wei Hsieh Design Portfolio

Thanks for you payment

Greeting card design | 2019-20

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Teacher's Day Card Erasers, books, and chalk are the items most commonly used by teachers. Simply stacking these objects is the focus of the card. Both of these works were designed for the teacher’s school in my middle school, and they were printed as greeting cards. They were produced in 2019 and 2020 respectively. Designer Chia-Wei Hsieh

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