FALL 2014
Registrar and Academic Services (605) 394-2400 or 1-800-544-8262, ext. 2400
MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014 ALL CLASSES BEGIN – there is no longer a Registration Day ORIENTATION SESSIONS Sunday to Thursday August 17 - 21 Wednesday August 20
FIRST Omniciye Bridge Week Sunday 1:00 pm Move-in 3:00 pm Parent/student sessions 5:00 pm Welcome Banquet Monday-Friday Orientation Sessions Math Refresher Cultural Connections Recreation To Apply, contact: Office of Multicultural Affairs (605)394-1828,
International Students 9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Bump Lounge, Surbeck Center, upper level International Students 9:00 am to 12:00 noon – Bump Lounge, Surbeck Center, upper level Military and Veteran Students 10:00 am to 1:00 pm – Veterans Resource Center, Surbeck Center, lower level; Followed by Tablet PC Orientation - Electrical Engineering/Physics Building, (EEP), room 252. Contacts: Brad O’Brien – (605) 394-2215, Cathy Payne, VRC Coordinator - (605) 394-2560, Toni Schauer, SCO - (605) 394-2553
Thursday August 21
Transfer, Non-Trad, Readmit Students 10:00 am to 12:30 pm OR 12;00 pm to 2:30 pm OR 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm - Electrical Engineering/Physics Building, (EEP), rooms 252 and 254. This includes a Student Experience informational meeting.
Parents - for parents of new students, (choose one) 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm OR 3:15 pm to 4:45 pm – Ballroom, Surbeck Center, upper level
New Students 8:00 am - Goodell Gymnasium – Orientation begins with the President's New Student
Friday August 22
Convocation, Tablet PC orientation, meet your classmates, learn about all of the resources on campus, and find all the in's and out's of the School of Mines. After that students will break-up into their orientation groups, meet new friends, and attend information sessions. Welcome Week begins after that! Check it out here: Please use the new student checklist to register for orientation. You can find it here: (
President’s Parent to Parent Message 9:00 am to 9:45 am - King Center Tablet PC Orientation 10:00 am to 11:00 am OR 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm OR 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm – Electrical Engineering/Physics Building (EEP) room 252. Contact: Brad O’Brien - (605) 394-2215
Saturday August 23
Parents - for parents of new students 10:00 am to 4:00 pm – Ballroom, Surbeck Center, upper level or the Music Center. Includes: Informational sessions given by several campus departmental personnel Lunch on the Quad from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm President’s Reception for new students and their parents 4:00 pm and Farwell Dinner at 5:00 pm on the Quad.
Graduate Student 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm – King Center, Christiansen Hall of Fame. For further information, contact
STOP at any one of these locations for quality student care!
O’HARRA BUILDING – MAIN FLOOR Registration help including on-line registration via WebAdvisor, tuition classification: Registrar and Academic Services, room 201. You will not be allowed to register for a course if you do not meet the pre-requisite(s) for that course.
Financial Aid deferments/payment arrangements AND scholarship questions/issues: Financial Aid Office, rooms 216C or 216E. All refund checks will be direct deposited or mailed to the address specified in your Attendance Confirmation. Admission/readmission/acceptance – If you have not yet been accepted for admission/readmission, report to the Admissions Office, room 200. Please bring your immunization records with you.
CLASSROOM BUILDING – MAIN FLOOR ALL students awarded FEDERAL WORK-STUDY must attend a mandatory information session held by Monica Darrow- You may attend one of the sessions set for August 25 & 26 at 3:00 pm, room 205 east and west. o o o
Bring photo ID (Driver’s License or School of Mines ID and Social Security Card) If you want your paycheck direct-deposited to a checking or savings account, bring a voided check or savings deposit slip For assistance, contact the Financial Aid Office: local (605) 394-2274, toll free (877) 877-6044 or
Testing: Math and/or English COMPASS placement testing: Tech Learning Center, (TLC),**8:00 am to 11:30 am and 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.** On August 25th you may take this exam at any time during the hours listed. For any other day, please call 605-394-2400 and make an appointment. Appointments are scheduled between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
SURBECK CENTER – UPPER LEVEL Immunization records: Submit proof of immunizations for mumps, measles and rubella, (MMR), to the Dean of Students Office. Compliance must be met before attending classes.
Information Desk: Located immediately to the left of the main doors. Personnel available to answer your questions. Payment of tuition/fees, on-line payment support, Dining Service meal plan changes or questions: Student Accounts/Cashier’s Office, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Photo ID’s: Acquire your photo ID in the McKeel Room. Parking permits: Available in the McKeel Room, Cash or check only You must bring your student ID and license plate number, or you can register online:
To change or add a residence hall room, go to the Residence Life Office, located immediately to the left of the Information Desk. All first and second year students must live on-campus OR be granted exemption from the SD BOR Housing Policy. If you are not living on-campus, you must complete an Exemption Request available on-line at Exemption requests will be reviewed individually for approval or denial. The BOR housing policy is stated in full at
HOW TO Acquire your network login information - Go to ITS Tablet Central in the basement of the Library or go to the following URL: and click on the How Do I..? link on the left side for more information.
On-line payments for tuition and fees - Students must access their tuition bills online through WebAdvisor, paper bills will NOT be sent. To pay your tuition and fees choose SDePay/View Account/Pay Here option
If you are a transfer or continuing student report to your advisor to discuss your course schedule. Once you have done this, you may then register on-line via WebAdvisor. Your advisor information is available on WebAdvisor for Students, under My Profile. If you need help with logging into WebAdvisor contact the Registrar and Academic Services Office in the O’Harra Building.
Set up your Mines e-mail use the following URL: or go to the IT Help Desk in the Library. Know Your Rights - Family Educational & Privacy Act, (FERPA): Complete Direct Sub/Unsub and/or Perkins Entrance Loan Counseling
All first time borrowers at SDSM&T must complete the on-line loan counseling. If you have borrowed a Stafford, Direct Sub/Unsub and/or a Perkins loan at another university, contact the Financial Aid Office in the O’Harra Building, room 216 (go through the Admissions Office entrance and down the hallway), call toll free at 877/877-6044, or locally, call 394-2274 or email at: for further instructions. On-line counseling is available at the SDSM&T Financial Aid web site: o Click on the link for Loan Counseling – Entrance.
SEPTEMBER 4th Last Day to:
Add or drop classes and receive a refund Request and Audit or Pass/Fail option Make changes to meal plans Submit a Graduation Application for fall 2014
CHECK WITH THE DEPARTMENT Lab start dates vary – check with the department
OCTOBER 29th Last Day to: Withdraw entirely from the university and still receive a partial refund
NOVEMBER 7th Last Day to: Drop a class with a “W”
Safety: Includes the campus crime report
To avoid delays in your Financial Aid disbursement you will need to complete the Attendance Confirmation by midnight August 15, 2014, otherwise, potential refunds may not be available until after September 12, 2014.
Accessible through the Student Menu on WebAdvisor The attendance confirmation process consists of five steps.
ALL FIVE STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED Step 1: Attendance Confirmation – This form asks you to confirm or cancel your attendance. If you cancel your attendance, you are given a second chance to confirm that you really intended to cancel your attendance.
School of Mines & Technology Policies
South Dakota Board of Regents Policies
FERPA – Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act
Anti-harassment Policy
Student Code of Conduct
If you confirm your attendance, you must go to Step 2 Step 2: Arrangements for Payment of Your Bill – This step requests your primary method of payment.
Step 3: Refund Preferences – You may choose direct Deposit or a refund check mailed to you.
Step 4: Address Verification – This step consists of several
forms. The first form displays the address we have on file for you. Subsequent forms allow you to add/update your address/phone information.
Step 5: Final Confirmation Page – Allows you to review your responses and/or update your banking information.
When you complete this process, you are certifying your acceptance of financial responsibility for charges on your student account and confirming your attendance. If you confirm you will be coming to SDSMT and then decide not to attend you must contact the REGISTRAR’S OFFICE, (605) 394-2400. THE ATTENDANCE CONFIRMATION IS MANDATORY; COURSES MAY BE DROPPED IF NOT COMPLETED
Registered Sex Offenders
Student Health Insurance Information/Application
Academic Freedom &Responsibility, Board Policy No. 1:11
Employee-Employee & Faculty-Student Consensual Relationships
Environmental Health & Safety (Incident reporting, Emergency preparedness, chemical hygiene plan, etc.)
All of these URL’s listed above are on the SDSM&T Student Life web page at:
If you have any questions, contact the Dean of Students Office Surbeck Center - upper level, or by phone at: (605) 394-2416 REMINDER No refund of tuition/fees for courses dropped after September 4, 2014, unless withdrawing from the university, e.g. dropping all courses at all South Dakota public universities. The last day to withdraw from the university and still receive a partial refund is: OCTOBER 29, 2014