October 2011 issue Go Trail Magazine

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{Trail Running{ Tr {ale} Ruhn-ning (Adj.):

To gain endless inspiration through your individual connection with the earth.


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Editor’s note >

I was recently given the opportunity to be a guest speaker at a trail seminar and asked by the organisers to shed some light on the growing trail running community here in South Africa. To have been able to speak to an audience that consisted of both upand-coming trail runners as well as people who were starting out for the first time and various other stakeholders in the market was a real privilege and something that I was completely humbled by. However the greatest privilege of all was having some of the worlds top trail runners also present in the audience, including 3-time Ultra-Trail Du Mont-Blanc winner Kilian Jornet, recent Trans-Rockies winner in the mixed category Anna Frost and the 2011 Leadville Trail 100 winner Ryan Sandes. The simple fact is, we as South African

Also in this issue > On the cover > Ryan Sandes enjoying some time out while preparing for the Leadville Trail 100 in Colorado, USA in August. Image by Dean Leslie/The African Attachment

Editorial/Advertising Enquiries > james@gotrail.co.za / James Hallet

Design Enquiries >

design@gotrail.co.za / Simphiwe Mathunjwa October 2011



08 Dynamite comes in small packages. Catching up with Cape Town based trail runner Kataya Soggot and how perseverance has helped her achieve her running goals.

trail runners are literally scratching the tip of the

Leslie and Greg Fell share with us some of the

iceberg that is our exposure to the international trail

behind-the-scenes . Find out more about what

running fraternity, and listening to the experiences

it was like to have been with Ryan Sandes as

of these top athletes offers great insight into

he won his debut 100-miler and be sure to click

other trail running communities around the world.

on the exclusive video interview with Ryan

It made me stop and think about how the South

himself. It’s then off to New York (well via a

African trail running community is well and truly

recorded telephone call) to catch up with Zandy

poised to embark on a fantastic journey of growth

Mangold, one of the official Racing The Planet

and development, a sport that will hopefully one

photographers. I chat to him about some of the

day offer the country increased opportunities to

challenges he faces when shooting in some of

host more of the worlds top athletes.

the most extreme landscapes in the world and also ask him about some of the harsh lessons

In the main feature of this months issue of Go

he’s learnt over the years. And then we get you

Trail magazine, we once again catch up with the

“down and dirty” in our filthiest shoe review

guys at The African Attachment, the Cape Town

ever as we check out two new trail shoes to hit

based independent film company that have been

the market. This and much more so grab a cup

following trail sensation Ryan Sandes around the

of coffee and enjoy the read.

world for the past 3 and half years. As the filming for the documentary Wandering Fever comes to an end at the Leadville Trail 100, partners Dean






Inside Trail

Running Ancient Lands

Matt Copeland and Tim Long shed some light and some new theories on the future of the American Ultra Runner of the Year Award.

Check out the trail running scene in the island archipelago of Greece with renowned climber and trail runner Nikos Magitsis October 2011



Go Trail Exclusive


t’s 5am in the Atacama Desert and competitors ready themselves for the day of racing that lies ahead. Searing temperatures, harsh terrain and marathon distances await all the runners taking part in the Atacama Crossing each and every day, but for one man, this isn’t a race. As runners relax before the start in the comfort of the shaded tent, this man’s out on the course in search of a great location, readying himself to capture that “perfect image” as the runners embark on their epic journey. Alexander “Zandy” Mangold is that man, his work mainly that of shooting musicians and models in airconditioned studios. But with a passion and an energy that exceeds the comforts of everyday life, Zandy has become better known in the trail and ultra-running world for the exceptional images he has taken at some of Racing The Planets 4 Deserts Series races around the world. October 2011



Click on the sound icon and listen to this exclusive interview where you’ll get to hear more about the challenges Zandy faces when shooting in some of the most inhospitable places on earth. Learn about where it all began for him and what were some of the more memorable experiences and lessons he’s been able to take from each and every shoot. October 2011



Athlete Profile Image by: Neil Hermann

K October 2011



atya Soggot was born in 1975 in Joh annesburg South Africa. At the age of 3, her family moved to London and having been schooled at an all-girls school in the centre of London, Katya jokes “it was unfortunate for a tomboy like me, who loves living close to nature, to have been stuck in a city school.� Later she went on to study a masters degree in Italian and History of art, qualifying through Edinburgh University. One of her fondest childhood memories, and perhaps her

initial connection with trail running, came whilst on one of the many holidays spent in the South of France. “I often found myself whizzing with great pleasure down the Baou de St Jeannet, a mountain in many ways similar to that of Lions Head in Cape Town� she recalls. Fast forward to 2004 and Katya decided to move to Cape Town, the city where she still resides today and enjoys working as a freelance researcher in sustainability. A regular trail racer on the South African trail running calendar, as well as having been selected earlier this year to represent South Africa at the World Trail Championships in Ireland, Katya is a true trail runner and a woman with an affinity for the outdoors. We caught up with Katya recently and chatted to her about where it all began and what trail running means to her in her daily life. October 2011



Go Trail (GT): You’ve only been living in Cape Town now since 2004. When did your affinity with the outdoors begin and more importantly, how did you get into trail running?


Katya Soggot

Childhood summer holidays in the South of France were magical times outdoors, playing in a valley by a river at the foot of a mountain called the Baou de St Jeannet. Trail running only became a regular part of my life in early 2009. A running buddy encouraged me to race, which I resisted, because running for me was always just for spirit. I was drawn to the Old Fisherman’s Trail Challenge because the route was so inviting, so I entered. I raced, and to my total surprise, came first in the women’s category; a fairytale start to competitive trail running. GT: We believe you suffered with knee problems early on in your running career. What were some of the major factors you had to overcome in those early days and how did it all come together?

Image by: Kathy Johnston

October 2011



From the age of 18 I struggled with knee pain whenever I did anything involving knee impact for much more than a half hour. When I came to live in Cape Town, I mountain biked, hiked, and managed runs up Lion’s Head. It was frustrating being so restricted and knee experts told me there was nothing structurally wrong. Then late 2008, at 33, my life changed when I went to see the legendary sports injury/posture therapist Jenni Rorrison. She took one look at me and said it was obvious what was wrong with me: my ‘scaffolding’ was skew. She rubbed here and there and sent me running. It was magic. Suddenly I could run without a knee limit.

GT: What advice do you have for other all fronts – shoes, nutrition, training etc – but women out there looking at getting into trail ultimately it’s good to listen to your body and running? follow your instinct. My advice to anyone trail running is to watch out particularly for rolling an ankle, which is easy to do without realising it. An ankle off centre is a common cause of pain elsewhere. Trail running is all about sensory pleasure, so I’d invest in getting rid of any niggling pain, by going to see a kinesiologist/physio/ chiro, and from time to time having a sports massage. Stretching after run and other basic recommendations are to not run alone, and carry a cellphone and emergency money. I believe that people can give you advice on

GT: Describe the best 21km trail run. The Old Fisherman’s Trail Challenge from Hout Bay beach to Fish Hoek beach is hard to beat. Barring short sections of tar and jeep track, the route is exciting and varied single track with magnificent views. After a steep ascent up Blackburn ravine to the top of Silvermine North, it is more or less a gentle downward sweep. Another favourite spot I like to run for single track with stunning views is in the Cape Point nature reserve. Continued >>

HoutBay2010 Image by:Actionography

I try to remind myself that I run best when I run for pleasure rather than for results. October 2011



GT: You regularly compete in events around South Africa. What are some of the preparation techniques you adopt before a race both mentally and physically? I try to remind myself that I run best when I run for pleasure rather than for results, but it is often a fine line at races. When I race, I really push myself if I have a chance of winning. It’s good, and I love the feeling, both during and after the race. I tend to enter races close to the time, if I am feeling strong and keen, rather than to set my sights on something and work towards it. The only time I have done the latter was in preparing for AfricanX this year, the three-day stage race in Kleinmond. When renowned triathlete Raoul de Jongh contacted me saying he was looking for a partner for a mixed team to hit podium, I gladly accepted the new challenge. At the time my running had fallen by the wayside as I pursued the wind for kitesurfing, so I had just six weeks to get my legs running and racing fit for a stage race, which I had never done before. For the first time, I put my mind to how often and how much I needed to run. I enjoyed the focus, did my homework well, and got very hyped up in the days before the race, struggling to manage the adrenalin and sleep at night. Clutching at crystals wasn’t strong enough...

Hout Bay Trail Challenge in 2010 was a blissful run and my best win. I entered just a week before the race, inspired by spectacular weather, my legs feeling particularly eager, and the promise of that best of trail routes (35km). There was something supernatural about race day and I felt like I was floating. The competition was fierce so it was all the more sweet to win comfortably and break the ladies record by 11 mins. Since then I’ve had some very challenging race experiences, where I’ve amazed myself how hard I can push my mind and body, in stark contrast to that HBTC. GT: You were recently chosen to represent South Africa at the World Trail Championships in Ireland. What was that experience like and what can trail running in South Africa learn from the team that went there to compete?

Being selected for the SA team for the World Trail Champs was another dream page in my trail running story, an incredible honour. The team was chosen at short notice, with only a month to prepare for a tough 71km course. I had to work hard at making myself believe I could run that distance, far greater than I had ever run before. But the day had bigger challenges for me. After 30km, I had a knee ‘blow-out’. Determined to make the most of GT: What would be your greatest achievement the occasion, i hobbled the remaining 40km. I in competitive trail running in South Africa was very pleased to finish the course, and did thus far and why? not realise I was doing myself harm.

October 2011



The week in Ireland was great fun, and for all of us it was a tremendous experience, representing SA and competing against the cream of ultra-marathon trail runners. Although we had not been sufficiently prepared, reflected in our performance, we proudly put South Africa on the map of the world trail champs. Next time South Africa’s performance will be right up there with the best. Continued >>

Devil’s Peak summit Image by: Neil Hermann

October 2011



Over the last two years I’ve enjoyed my role as a volunteer helping with the co-ordination of a popular series of monthly wine farm runs on the peninsula, to raise funds for TSiBA (Tertiary School in Business Administration). These fun runs are an excellent introduction to the joy and friendliness of trail running, and the number of supporters constantly increases, generating significant funds for TSiBA Eden student entrepreneurial business initiatives.

GT: If you were given the opportunity to help people through trail running, how would you do that?

it’s good to listen to your body and follow your instinct.

I am still recovering from the ITBS/knee problem induced by my marathon hobble in Ireland. I’ve always taken my happy legs for granted and this period of being injured and unable to run has acutely reminded me how much I love trail running and need to look after that love. To run freely in the mountains without pain is my only focus right now. GT: In one sentence, describe what trail running means to you.

GT: What’s on the cards for your trail running in the next year ahead, or haven’t you even I think of trail running as dancing through the thought that far? mountains.

Devil’s Peak Image by: Jonathon Hanks

October 2011



Hi-TEC Trail Tips with Martin Dreyer

Part One

October 2011



Gear Review

October 2011



Our filthiest shoe review yet.

Images by Kelvin Trautman

Make no mistake about it, trail running can be a dirty business, especially when the trail is exceedingly wet and muddy. In our dirtiest review ever

(trust us, it was very dirty) we check out two pairs of trail shoes to have recently hit the trail running market and talk about the intrinsic elements of each one. These are just some of the characteristics that you may need to consider when next choosing the right footwear for your next dirty job. October 2011




X-Ta lon 190


ust when you think that INOV-8 couldn’t design a pair of trail running shoes any lighter; they go and produce these! Designed and tested on the muddy Fells of Britain, the X-Talon 190 brings together a variety of elements that make these shoes a definite for running in wet and muddy conditions. First up is the overall design of the shoe. Make no mistake, this is minimalist footwear at it’s best and the designers have stripped away all the extras to create a very sleek and somewhat feather-light construction. This is a positive factor if any heavy mud from the trail begins to coat the shoes upper, adding temporarily to their overall weight. The rubberised plastic coating around the toe of the shoe does a good job of shedding mud quickly around the forefoot, and with the rest of the upper being constructed from a very porous fabric, they dry very efficiently if wet. Unfortunately however, the X-Talon 190’s very low profile and lack of a one piece tongue does allow grit and lumps of mud to find October 2011



their way into the shoe, something to consider if you know you’re going for longer runs, or prolonged periods in muddy conditions. Next comes the superior grip of the X-Talon 190’s. This is simply because of the big rubber lugs on the out-sole. Small squares of rubber protrude from the base of the shoe like the teeth of crocodile providing that much necessary “bite” into any soft and sticky under footing. Kind of like traction control on a sports car, this offers you the increased confidence when navigating through excessively slippery conditions. Lastly, the contortionist-like flexibility of the entire shoe, coupled with those rubber lugs we spoke of earlier allows mud to seemingly vanish from the out-sole, meaning that

the bottom of your footwear wont be caked in mud, adding unnecessary weight and loss of that much needed traction.


Spe e dcro s s I I I


ith the release of the new brother in the already very popular Speedcross family, the Speedcross III combines a balanced overall design that you would expect f rom a true trail racer, coupled with that of a supportive and rob ust piece of equipment you would require to go the extra distance. Although the Spee dcross III’s are a slightly heavier shoe, their significant comfort is apparent which is provided by the well (but not over) c ushioned mid-sole, designed from a new lightweight foam S alomon refers to as LT Muscle. The designers over at Salomon have also dropped the differential from forefoot to heel by over 50% compared with that of the Speedcross II’s, making the ride a lot more natural then before.

The snug fitting upper has been manufactured with a tightly woven water-resistant fabric that, along with the much higher profile, and the PVC coating around the toe cap, arch and outside of the forefoot, sheds chunks of mud with ease, restricting the build-up of unnecessary extra weight. Unfortunately, the collar around the ankle, as well as the top portion of the tongue, has quite a bit of padding in it and we found that it soaked up excess water like a sponge resulting in this part of the shoe remaining considerably wetter for longer. Like all successful mud shedding footwear, the out-sole is critical and on the Speedcross III’s, row upon row of chevron-shaped rubber lugs, together with a smooth and flexib le rubber construction, offer a combination of superior mud busting and traction characteristics. October 2011



October 2011



Ti m : What a year of racing so far.

races. Salomon seems to have single-

with acute focus on the big 100

American ultrarunning has experienced

handedly retooled American ultrarunning

milers, specifically Western States. The

globalization in its biggest events and

to the international colors and to the

organizers of this award will have to either

narrow perceptions have been peeled

meaning of the word “team”.

clarify, which they don’t do currently,

wide open. It all seemingly began with

whom is eligible for this award or

Salomon surging to a convincing men’s

What does this storm of white and red

specifically rename it the “UROY award for

and women’s sweep at last year’s North

compression clothing do to the sport

North American residing runners placing

Face Endurance Challenge Championship

here in the US? It reestablishes the

highest in primarily western US trail

in San Francisco, thus earning the $20,000

concept of “elite” and “best”. The coveted

100 mile races with arbitrarily weighted

prize and introducing a significant

annual award of Ultra Runner Of the

importance to which only the selection

change in the landscape of US ultras. That

Year (UROY), presented by UltraRunning

board is privy.” Personally, I say open

spark set off the firestorm of not only

Magazine has been awarded to North

it up to the world. What do you think,

“foreigners” winning the big American

Americans (Canadians and Americans,


events, but one team dominating the big

mostly) who’ve won the big US events,

M a t t : I think this is a

UltraRunning Magazine North

runners who have excelled at

problem: I could say that the

American ultramarathoners of

the 100 mile distance (a specific

the year.” That is fairly clear as

kind of ultramarathon). More

t o w h o m t h e a w a r d g o e s ; i t ’s

specifically, as you have already

reserved for an American (and

pointed-out, the winners have

rare Canadian). The point is this:

excelled at 100 milers in the

clarify the intent of the award,

western half of the U.S., and

which is to recognize ultra

even more specifically at one

runners from North America

particular race. So, just call

only. I bet a lot of people think

it the Western States 100 Mile

it carries more weight than that.

Champ award or the Champion

U R O Y a w a r d g o e s t o t h a t y e a r ’s “ w o r l d ’s b e s t u l t r a r u n n e r, ” a n d up through 2010 there might not be much opposition to that. My audience would half-nod in agreement, not really knowing what they’re agreeing to. But really the award is for the best American runner (which echoes your earlier reference to “narrow perceptions.”). From the UR website, the announcement of the award reads like this: “2010

October 2011



of the 100 Milers in the Western Another problem comes from

Half of the States award. All

just a fleeting glance at the

kidding aside, many interested

past winners. The UROY prize

people have shared these

has pretty much gone to trail



are chosen or the committee must face

the American Wild West? The “old boys”

a lot of tangential conversations that

the diluted value of the award. In many

network has its work cut out. Regardless,

emerge from this topic. Back to my

people’s minds, including mine, Kilian

Salomon has smashed the rosy, narrow-

original point, the merging of nationalities

Jornet is the UROY, worldwide. The UROY

view lens through which we’ve enjoyed

is common at races like UTMB, but

voters in the US have had a somewhat

looking, believing that America had the

we’ve never really seen it here in the US

easy task when voting in the past; “Who

best ultra runners in the world. The North

(especially in the bigger 100 milers). I

won Western States? Okay, that’s our

Face Championship will be the climax

think the organizers of UROY have to

UROY winner.” What do they do now

event of 2011. I’m excited that we at

face the task of either revamping the

that a Spaniard, a Frenchman, and a

Inside Trail will be there.

award and the process in which runners

South African have won the big 100s in


have more credibility than the

I would guess that the 554 races

has only been complicated by

winner of the IAU 100k World

probably include road ultras.

the non-American wins at big

Championship? Because UROY

And based on the voting, the

American 100s (and yes the

is about trail/mountain 100

races that really count are, in

TNF50 in December will be

milers, not some subordinate

fact, 100 milers run on trails.

e p i c ! ) . T h e a w a r d ’s v a l u e w i l l

road ultra? Essentially, what

certainly be diluted if the much

happens in mountain 100 milers

In the end, clarify what the

larger (internationally enhanced)

in the western portion of the

UROY award means (as it

audience doesn’t concur with

U.S. says a lot more about who

apparently means a lot – at least

t h e j u d g e ’s d e c i s i o n , e s p e c i a l l y

is “the best” ultrarunner (or it

in the U.S.). Because of the

i n t h e m e n ’s “ r a c e ” t o U R O Y .

used to say that). According to

confusion about the true criteria

By reading what others have

the UROY web page, regarding

of the award, and because of the

already said about the UROY and

the 2010 voting, “A panel of

huge displacement of American

U S A T r a c k a n d Fi e l d ’s a w a r d s ,

18 race organizers from all

runners in these “big” races

one has to wonder why there

regions of North America

t h i s y e a r, t h e a w a r d c o m m i t t e e

hasn’t been more effort to find a

submitted ballots this year.

probably ought to reassess

true governing body to oversee

An ultramarathon is generally

( q u i c k l y ) w h a t i t ’s l o o k i n g f o r .

these important recognitions.

defined as any race longer than

After all, what exactly is an Ultra

Is that what the International

a 26.2-mile marathon. There

Runner of the Year?

Association of Ultrarunners is

were 554 ultramarathon races

all about? Why does the UROY

held in North America in 2010.”

As you point out, there are

Yes, the process

Inside Trail is made up of two avid fans of trail, mountain, and ultra competitive running, providing in-depth exploration into the world of the competitors, the events, and the international cultures that form our sport. www.insidetrail.com October 2011



Through the lens


alive Images & Text By: Nick Muzik

Surviving extreme weather trail running.

“I had been watching the weather. It wasn’t looking good a week prior and wasn’t about to clear either. I woke up the morning of the race to horrendous weather, packed the car anyway and headed out to Stellenbosch. There was no text messages saying ‘race cancelled!’ I got out onto the route prior to the start at 7 am to get set up for the front runners. It was 9 degrees, windy and very wet, but I love the elements. After the first half of the field came past, I clambered down the hillside and started the long ascent up to the 18 km mark on the opposite side of the Jonkerhoek Valley to meet the runners

once more. With all my gear packed safely in my bag, I reached the first two competitors just after the half way mark. With a huge lead on the rest of the field, they disappeared into the grayness and left me to wait in the rain for the rest of the competitors. As the pack started coming past, I moved with them headed for home, crossing rivers and navigating ledges. At this stage I was stuck using my zoom lens as the large lens hood was doing a great job of keeping off the rain. Thanks to my camera being weatherproof, it soldiered on despite being totally wet. By the time I reached the finish, I was wet and cold but had some great images to show for it.”

October 2011



The weather moves in as the extreme 30km race begins.

October 2011



Sideways rain was the order of the day!

October 2011



Runner in the mist.

October 2011



Greg Goodall splashes his way through the waterlogged single track.

October 2011



With low visibility, the orange route markers were vital to staying on course.

October 2011



Runners making use of the safety rope and gushing waterfalls became treacherous to cross.

October 2011



Go Trail Exclusive



The Leadville Conclusion. Images by The African Attachment

October 2011




ubbed as “The Race Across The Sky”, the Leadville Trail 100 (or the LT100 for short) is one of America’s oldest and most prestigious trail running events. Having first begun in 1983, this race has become legendary amongst not only the local American running community but also that of the world.

To understand the nature of this event, all one has to do is look at the vital statistics of the course. 160km in length, a vertical gain of almost 16000 feet (5000m), a cut off time of 30 hours and the centrepiece of the entire route, Hope Pass, towering up at a staggering 12620 feet (3850m). It is not hard to understand why less than half of the field of starters each year fails to complete the race. Earlier this year, Go Trail magazine caught up with the guys at The African Attachment, an independent film company based in Cape Town, South Africa. From a very humble beginning, and with the desire to achieve great things in the local South African film industry, partners Greg Fell and Dean Leslie set about doing what they do best. Having grabbed the opportunity to begin production on a documentary that would follow the path of one of South Africa’s trail running sensations, Ryan Sandes, filming began in October 2011



2008 in the desert of Namibia. Almost 3 and half years on, and with a journey that has taken Greg and Dean to places around the world that includes South America, Australia, Namibia and the Antarctic Peninsula, Wandering Fever enters its final stages. In mid-August 2011, The African Attachment travelled to the Leadville, Colorado to film what may well have been the last footage of Ryan Sandes to be added to Wandering Fever. In an exclusive interview with The African Attachment, find out more about this final shoot in Leadville and how Ryan Sandes’s victory at his debut 100-miler was the perfect cherry on the proverbial cake.

October 2011



Q+A with Go Trail (GT): We chatted

to you guys earlier in the year about the incredible journey you’ve been on since starting with Wandering Fever. Were there some serious emotions before going to Leadville, knowing that it was possibly your last shoot?

Dean Leslie: It has been

a crazy year for us with a lot of travelling and deadlines for other work so it has been tough at times to get in to the right headspace. The few days before I left and on the flight over there, I was in quite a reflective mood. I was nervous, for what was going to play out, and for Ryan. It definitely won’t be the last shoot as there are going to be interviews and a few scenes still filmed in South Africa but it was probably the last big trip for the project and that certainly hit home. It has been a long journey with lots of ups and downs but it has been a privilege to witness Ryan’s story unfold.

GT: You couldn’t have scripted it any better, what with Ryan winning the Leadville Trail 100 on his debut effort. How do you think this now affects the outcome of the film and more importantly, the overall message to the person who watches Wandering Fever?

Dean Leslie: There was a

lot of friendly banter before the race between myself and Ryan about making sure he either wins or passes out for a DNF.. We had a laugh about it but I think he knew I needed something to happen for us to end the film. We just needed an ending, winning wasn’t the be all and end all, if that makes sense? Ryan is a good friend, I have known him for a long time; and to see him dig deep, like he did, to win that race, in that time, was very emotional. There are some many strong themes and messages within the film that I don’t think the outcome really mattered, we just would have had to film for another a year! Ryan’s story is hugely inspiring and the film will use this to delve into the world of running, or more specifically, running in the wild. We have interviewed an array of personalities from all around the world to try understand this beautiful fascination with running and what it can teach us about our past, and our future.

Greg Fell: I wasn’t in

Leadville, we had sent Dean and a very talented Cinematographer Grant Appleton from Cape Town to make sure we got the best visuals we could for what would ultimately be the climax of the film. Following it on Twitter through the night was awesome, I mean what Ryan achieved blew us all away. We obviously wanted him to win for himself but also for the film but I don’t think it changes what the message of the film will be. Ryan’s story is the vehicle for what the documentary is about - you can never determine where his life is going to go as it happens but we do know what we want our audience to get out of the movie at the end of the day.

GT: Dean, you were there in

Leadville prior to the event and obviously out filming while Ryan was running the race. What were some of the difficulties you faced as you filmed Ryan, both in his preparation and while competing in this massive race…or was it just another day at the office for the crew (and cast) of the film?

Continued >>

Dean Leslie: You get so

invested in everything that it does get emotional and it sometimes hard to maintain an objective view on the story; I think that is the most difficult part, or it was on this shoot. The first day I was there, I went up Hope Pass with Ryan to film some setups. I had just landed the night before and only had about 4 hours of sleep and I really struggled with the altitude. On the way down I actually fell apart, headaches, nausea etc We laughed about it later cause it was the first time in 3 years that I actually couldn’t have cared less about filming. Ryan was suggesting things and I would half grunt that I was over it (in more explicit language). That definitely gave me a new found respect for running at altitude. We didn’t have many other difficulties filming besides getting eaten alive by Mozzies.

October 2011



W e want our audience to be blown away and I believe it will be worth the wait.

The Leadville course is actually very accessible to film and I think we got the most coverage on this one than any other race which was pretty cool.

GT: We would assume Dean

that Wandering Fever, and Ryan’s progress as a runner, has become quite a part of your life. Was it hard not to be able to celebrate with Ryan after the race was complete at Leadville as we understand that you basically hopped straight onto a plane bound for France a few hours later?

Dean Leslie: Ja definitely.

Race day was so emotional. He ran past me at about the 40 Mile mark, just before heading up Hope Pass, and he was not having the greatest day. He said his quads were sore and that he was going to have to dig deep mentally. When he came over the other side of Hope Pass in the lead, you could sense his determination. Watching someone run a 100 Mile race is a humbling experience. Filming him crossing the finish line, It was tough not to celebrate and to keep the camera rolling and then we had to pretty much start packing gear immediately the next morning and fly out and all of a sudden you are sitting at the foot of Mont Blanc and this crazy, intense experience of the last 10 days feels like it didn’t even happen. It was very surreal.

GT: Greg, your vision with

Wandering Fever ultimately now culminates with the post production work on the documentary. Tell us a little bit more about the process you guys will adopt in bringing these last few years of filming together? Continued >>

October 2011



Greg Fell: We’re planning on getting into the edit towards the end of the year. Our idea is to spend 6 months on post-production; after 3 years of filming you really don’t need to be rushing what is ultimately the construction of your story. Dean has a very good idea of what he wants the film to look like and where it is going - it is his vision we are ultimately aiming for. We currently have about a quarter of our interviews transcribed so first and foremost it is getting the rest typed out. We will then read through all of them and start to channel out the meat of the story. In documentary filmmaking the key direction comes out during the post-production process so Dean will steer the film in the direction we want it to go throughout our time in post. Once the visuals and story have combined we then go in to adding the soundtrack/score which we are planning to have written especially for ‘Wandering Fever’ and then the high-end postproduction and colouring complete the process. In between all of this we’ll be dealing with a range of parties that have expressed interest in buying/distributing/broadcasting the film and tying up how we’re actually going to get a lot of people to watch it!

October 2011



GT: With Ryan’s busy schedule, will you still get ample time to work with him on a few other elements of the documentary, or is his input not needed anymore?

Greg Fell: We really have to see where the story is sitting and if there are any holes we need to fill with Ryan. For now he is off the hook. Dean Leslie: Ryan is as invested as we are in the film, so he will always have input.

GT: Probably the biggest question on everyone’s lips, when can we expect to see the finished product released?

Greg Fell: Our idea is for a release in late 2012, time is key to create the right film and we definitely don’t feel under any kind of pressure to rush out a mediocre end product. We want our audience to be blown away and I believe it will be worth the wait.


Go Trail magazine was able to send some questions to Dean Leslie from The African Attachment before he left to film Ryan Sandes preparing for and competing in the Leadville Trail 100. In this one on one exclusive video interview, Ryan Sandes shares his thoughts of what it’s been like filming for the documentary. He gives some incredible insight into what some of his more memorable moments have been and also what it was like to have finished the last shoot for the documentary on a high after winning his debut 100-miler at the Leadville Trail 100.


October 2011



October 2011



Go explore

October 2011




Running the with



Wa minute to think about

hen one usually stops for

Greece, you begin to imagine the gods of Greek Mythology, ancient architecture such as the Parthenon and the turquoise Mediterranean Sea that surrounds this island archipelago. But begin to think about Greece from a trail runner’s perspective and immediately the towering peak of Mount Olympus springs to mind. Trail running in Greece has seen a tremendous growth since 2007

with a multitude of trail running events beginning to dot the annual trail running calendar. And why wouldn’t it! With a myriad of trail networks that criss-cross the mountains of Greece, most of which occur between 1000 – 2000m altitude, you’ll be hard pressed not to find yourself staying that little while longer to explore what Greece has to offer. One such region that is perfect for the sport is the beautiful Pelion peninsula situated in

the prefecture of Magnesia in Thessaly, Central Greece. Well known amongst trail runners for the Centaurs Ultra-trail of Pelion, a 63km ultra-trail held annually on the second weekend of May, this area is great for technical and mountainous trail running. We chat to the organiser of the Centaurs Ultra-trail, Nikos Magitsis, to find out more about this growing trail community, and what it’s like to travel to Greece to trail run. October 2011



Q+Awith Nikos Magitsis

Go Trail (GT): Tell us a little bit more about how you got involved with trail running in Greece?

Nikos Magitsis (NM):

I’m on the mountains since 1984, 16 years old, hiking, rock climbing, biking. My favorite hoby was rock climbing and after 1994 climbing high mountais above 5000 meters. In March 2008 I finished the “7 summits” climbing the highest mountain in every continent, inclunding Everest in 2004. Many times on the mountains had to walk fast and also many times liked to run at the paths. This was very interesting for me and I enjoyed more and more. Also trail running was the main part of my training for climbing high mountains. I’m running on the mountains since 1990. As an organizator I organize the Centaurus ultra trail since 2007 in pelion mount , at region of Magnesia near to Volos city in the middle of Greece. We strat to October 2011



organize this races as a company of friends and now is a big and very important event. You can see more at www.kutp.gr

GT: As the sport grows in Greece, what do you think are some of the exciting new prospects in terms of events and top trail runners?

NM: It is reallity that in Greece trail running is growing very fast and there are events with very good runners. We have more than 40 races every year arount Greece, and totally we calculate about 5000 participations. What we need we have, beautiful nature, chalanging paths, long routes, nice clima and a lot of fun. That’s why more and more trail runners appears on Greek mountains. At the end it is an interesting exiting and cheap sport. We have many half marathons, about 15 marathons and 3 ultras.

GT: As a traveller, how easy would it be to find GT: places to run at and people to meet up with that would be able to show you around?

What does the annual Greek trail race calendar look like, are there some well known events that attract top runners from Europe?

NM: Greece is a small country, 800 kms from NM:

Yes this is true. There are many trail running events in the Greek calendar. Most of north to south and 400 kms from east to west. There are a lot of mountains till 2400 meters them they are very well organized with many and altitude, full of forest also mount Olympus with good runners. Also there 3-4 events that attract 2918 meters. In Greece there are 2 international top runnres from Europe. It is good thet many air ports (Athens and Thesaloniki) and also many europian runners are coming to Greece and also international airports for charter flighs in summer that many Greek runners are running all over the time from April to October. To find a nice place to world. run you must drive less than one hour and you are there. Also last 4-5 years there many sport clubs GT: With Greece being a member of the with a lot of runners. I can tell you Parnitha(near International Skyrunning Federation, how has to Athens), also mount Pelion near to Volos air that helped grow the sport in the country? port and Skiathos air port, Pageon near to Kavala airport and for sure mount Olympus near to NM: Greece is a member of the international Skyrunning Federation, and this helps a lot the Thesaloniki October 2011



sport. We try to be better, to follow the international roules (when and if it possible, like electronical timming). Never the less I think that every country and every area must have the own character and this is the magestic of the adventure.

international air port. Volos is in the midle of Greece, 2 h driving from Thesaloniki and 3 h driving from Athens. You can run on the mountain, you can run near beautiful beaches by the sea, and there is a long net of paths more than 200kms. Also there are very nice places to swim and at winter GT: If someone was travelling to Greece for a time there is a small but very good ski center. At week to trail run, where would you suggest they the mount Pelion you can can at the paths from go for the best Greek trail running experience? village to village, so there are many local stadart support points to have fresh water and delicius NM: You can stay in Greece not only one week food. For more infos www.kutp.gr and to me at for trail running but much more. Personaly the info@magitsis.gr . The most important is the very best place in Greece is mount Pelion, near Volos good wether we have at the area arount the year.

October 2011



GT: Does the Greek government embrace trail

trail, and we can see many volenteers coming to running as an element of positive tourism, and if oue races to support. For us the race is an event, so what do they do to help out with the promotion is a big festival. I think that Greece will be a super Paradise for trail running at the feuture. of the sport?

NM: The Greek government has many problems GT:

Finally, what do you think trail running means to the people in Greece that do it? to find solutions. Trail running is organized by local municipalities, and local sport clubs. Actually every body interesting for this kind of turism and NM: Many people running for fun and this is this is important. At the end I think that every very important. Also there are many good athletes event must find sponsors and supporters by that they run fast and they compete hard. So for it’s shelf. I’ very happy that local municipality in the moment Greek mentality is following the Volos and Agria is positive for Centaurus ultra European and this is not bad. We are waiting and we try to do the best because we love running on the mountains.

October 2011



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072 368 0094 nick@nickmuzik.com


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