2023 University of Central Arkansas Annual Report

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LETTER FROM THE president It is my pleasure to present the 2022-23 Annual Report for the University of Central Arkansas. The previous year provided many points of pride, starting with our incoming freshman class. Enrollment for first-time, full-time undergraduate students was just over 1,800 and represented the second largest freshman class among four-year institutions public and private - in Arkansas. Fall 2022 was the fifth time in six years that UCA’s entering freshman class exceeded 1,800 and also continued our trend to annually set new standards of quality for the academic profile of the incoming class. We also have continued to see increases in retention rates among current students, and our transfer student population continues to grow. Adding to those undergraduate pride points, the fall of 2022 saw a university record of 1,919 graduate students enrolled. Many of the university’s achievements have been supported by generous donors who value this institution and help us transform lives, one student at a time. As a result, our fundraising efforts also continue to shatter records and outpace our expectations. Case in point, Day of Giving in March 2023 set a new record for our institution raising nearly $1.3 million. We ended the fiscal year with $20.2 million raised for the year toward our overall UCA Now comprehensive campaign. This report highlights much more about our fundraising activities and associated stewardship. In this report, you will also learn about the exceptional accomplishments of our outstanding students, faculty, and staff, as well as unique initiatives on our campus such as the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre and the Alliance for Economic Impact. Their outstanding work inside and outside of the classroom is making a tremendous impact on the state and beyond. While it is customary to reflect upon the previous year’s work, we must always look to the future. This next year will find the university making a new and even stronger commitment to student success and building upon the momentum of the past few years. With innovative approaches to scholarship support, service, and volunteerism, our students will be better equipped to pursue their academic goals and overcome financial hurdles during their time at UCA. Now more than ever, UCA is committed to strengthening the future of academic excellence, scholarships, facilities, and all aspects of the student experience. As we begin a new year, we know you will share in this commitment. Thank you for your unwavering support of your university! Go Bears!

Dr. Houston D. Davis President UCA .EDU |


ACADEMICS Enrollment numbers at UCA continued to impress at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In fall 2022, the number of first-time undergraduate students to enroll at UCA was 1,803. This marked the fifth time in six years that first-time undergraduate enrollment exceeded 1,800 with the fall of 2020 being the only outlier. “We are excited about this new class of 2026 and know that they will do great work and build upon our traditions of excellence,” said UCA President Houston Davis. “Academically, their average high school GPA of 3.63 is second historically only to last year’s incoming class by just one-hundredth of a GPA point. They are poised to excel inside and outside of the classroom.” Enrollment in UCA’s Graduate School also continued a second year of growth as fall 2022 enrollment numbers increased by 3.1%. Data for fall 2022 showed Graduate School enrollment totaling 1,919 students which was a significant increase of 199 total graduate students since fall of 2020.

New degree program and certificate CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY IN FINANCIAL LITERACY This certificate prepares students for entry-level positions in financial planning. It requires completion of nine credit hours. This certificate may be awarded without an undergraduate degree, concurrently with an undergraduate major in another field or as a post-baccalaureate study.

WRITING, RHETORIC AND INFORMATION DESIGN The Bachelor of Arts in writing, rhetoric and information design revised and retitled program replaces the Bachelor of Arts in writing. In addition to offering general education writing courses supporting the university’s emphasis on writing and thinking skills across the curriculum, the program offers a variety of courses in rhetoric and composition, technical and professional writing, and the teaching of writing.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION The Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA) revised and retitled program under a new degree designation replaces the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degree programs in the same discipline. The BPA prepares students for careers in government agencies (federal, state, and local) and nonprofit organizations. The program includes a 36-credit hour major offering courses in state government and politics, local government and politics, intergovernmental relations, public management, public policy, program evaluation, government budgeting, and a variety of substantive policy topics (education policy, environmental policy, and community and economic development policy). Requirements include a six-hour internship in a government or nonprofit organization and a one-hour course introducing students to the profession of public service.

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9,913 FALL 2022 ENROLLMENT Declared Majors by College







Top Undergraduate Majors 590




















Source: Office of Institutional Research



College of ARTS, HUMANITIES, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES The mission of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS) is to provide UCA students with diverse learning opportunities to develop creativity, critical thinking and knowledge through artistic performance, professional support, and research. This year, the Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts opened with art classes, college events and its first dramatic production in the Black Box Theatre, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night.”


The Echo, UCA’s student-run newspaper, gained top honors

aforementioned programs and more. The Intensive English

at the Arkansas College Media Association awards in April.

Program and Community Language School will also be

It was awarded best student newspaper and best website.

housed in the SLL. The SLL will be home to more than three

The campus newscast, News 6, earned runner-up in the

dozen faculty members and nearly 400 students.

Television Outlet of the Year category. Individually, Mia Waddell and Madison Ogle were selected Reporter and

was awarded a 2022-2023 Houghton Library Visiting

Photographer of the Year, respectively. ◊

Fellowship for his research of “The Life and Times of

Two students, Pat Laster and Gabrielle Thurman, from the Department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing, won awards for their poems this spring. Junior creative writing

Theodore Roosevelt.” ◊

took place April 6-8. They also coordinated the High School

were honored at the PRA’s Dr. Lily Peter Spring Celebration their work alongside Arkansas Poet Laureate Suzanne Underwood Rhodes. ◊

On July 1, the Department of English and the Department of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures, and Cultures joined forces to become the School of Language and Literature (SLL), offering undergraduate degrees in Chinese, English, French, linguistics, and Spanish. The SLL will also offer the Master of Arts in English; undergraduate minors in the

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The UCA Bands and music faculty coordinated the inaugural UCA Conducting and Teaching Workshop that

minor Madison Porter placed second. Thurman and Porter on April 15, where they received their prizes and read

Professor David Welky, from UCA’s Department of History,

Honors Wind Ensemble in December 2022. ◊

Haitian-American artist Fabiola Jean-Louis spent the spring semester teaching and collaborating with UCA and Morrilton High School students to create a stunning exhibition “Waters of the Abyss,” which debuted May 11 at the Baum Gallery and included the work of artist Tawny Chapman. The project was funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and supported by Green Bay Packaging, Arkansas Kraft Division, Morrilton.

College of business The College of Business (COB) provides exceptional opportunities for its students to prepare them for leadership in an ever-changing, diverse global business environment. To add to the success of its students, Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems and Analytics Samira Shirzaei Nichols, secured a renewable $84,000 software grant for a new Simulation and Modeling in Data Analytics course. Additionally, the Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE), awarded $28,700 for 70 reading group scholarships among 59 students. The Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE) is an Arkansas focused research center housed in the COB at the University of Central Arkansas.


The COB was recognized on the Arkansas Business

A team of business students led by Louisa Moseley

“Best of Biz” 2022 list as a Best Business School

won first place in May 2023 in the “Up to Us” national

Finalist. Additionally, the COB’s Master of Business

competition for their submission titled, “Aligning

Administration program was recognized by the

Fiscal and Climate Policy.” This team included:

Princeton Review as one of the “Best Business

Michael Isaac, accounting; Caitlyn Bellamy, ’23

Schools” on its 2023 list.

logistics and supply chain management; Mason

Accounting graduates Harris Felton ’22, ’23, and

Smith, finance and economics; and Jayce Burney, ’23 economics. They presented at the Civic Learning and

Kiadan Zheng ’22, ’23, earned university-level service

Democratic Engagement meeting in Boston.

awards for their work in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this spring. This program

Economics professor Jeremy Horpedahl won the

helps qualifying individuals who need assistance

Steven Horwitz Award for Public Scholarship from the

preparing their tax returns.

Southern Economic Association.



College of education The College of Education (COE) continues to inspire leadership and excellence through its programs at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels. The COE houses four departments: Elementary, Literacy, and Special Education; Student Transitions; Leadership Studies; and Teaching and Learning. Supporting undergraduate and graduate students, the college prepares students for success. Graduates of the college are prepared for the challenging and rewarding world of education by practice in the classroom, experience through professional development, and exposure to the latest instructional technologies.


In celebration of Black History Month, Assistant Professor Vincent Price organized UCA’s first African American read-in and open mic.

Senior Lecturer of Writing, Literacy, and Academic Success in Student Transitions Amy Baldwin published the textbook, “College Success Concise.” The book is intended to support first year experience, student success, and college transition courses.

Shelby Morris, an elementary education major who graduated in spring 2023, received the Fulbright award to teach in Taiwan for the 2023-24 academic year.

Brick Cullum ’18, a history teacher at Conway High School, was named the 2022 Arkansas History Teacher of the Year. The award is presented by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

Capri Salaam ’08 was named Arkansas Teacher of the Year.

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College of HEALTH & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES The College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (CHBS) continues to positively impact the health and wellness of Arkansans through educating future professionals and addressing unmet needs in the community and beyond. Programs such as the Conway Brain Injury Community providing occupational therapy and health coaching for brain injury survivors, the Ehlers-Danlos Support Group for patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the CHBS Community Health Fair further impact the health and well-being of individuals in the community. Due to the efforts of outstanding faculty throughout the college and with help from community partners, the college is able to accomplish even more. The 2022-2023 academic year proved to be an exciting one for the college as more than $2.5 million in grant funding was received. Additional planned and major gifts to the CHBS totaling almost $1 million will provide future support and scholarships for students in departments throughout the college.


CHBS received a $2.2 million, five-year, Depart-

A Speak Out Program Development Grant from the Parkinson Voice Project was received this

number of school psychologists in high-need

year. It will provide training for faculty and stu-

areas of Arkansas.

dents in targeting the needs of individuals with

Funding received from the Arkansas Opioid

Parkinson’s Disease.

Recovery Partnership allowed the installation of

The Ergon Foundation provided funding to pur-

Naloxone boxes in strategic locations throughout

chase an Anatomage table for the gross anatomy

campus. UCA is the first university in Arkansas to


do so. ◊

ment of Higher Education grant to increase the

A grant from the Roy and Christine Sturgis

The Blue and You Foundation provided funding

Foundation will fund operations in the Interpro-

for the Student-led Therapeutic Activities Pro-

fessional Teaching Center.

gram (S-TAP) serving patients with dementia and their caregivers.



College of NATURAL SCIENCES & MATHEMATICS Faculty and students from the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (CNSM) published and presented their work in a variety of forums, and received numerous grants and other notable recognitions. CNSM hosted events including the Arkansas State Science Fair, UCA STEM Day, the Student Research Symposium and the Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) Regional Mathematics Contest.


Biology major David Adams, mentored by Matt Gifford, major Brian Cavin received the 2023 National Internship

majors Peyton Manry, Sahara Morgan and Krista Yari all

Achievement Award from the Cooperative and Internship

won first place poster or presentation awards at regional

Association. He was also recognized as the UCA Intern of

scientific meetings. Associate professors Tori Dunlap, Tammy Haselkorn and Arijit Mukherjee received multi-year research develop-

Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships: James Gabe

ment grants through Arkansas Idea Networks of Biomed-

DuBose, biology major, mentored by Tammy Haselkorn;

ical Research Excellence (INBRE) in support of biomedical

Nikolas Paternoster, computer science major, mentored

research. Associate professor Greg Naumiec also received

by Mita Puri; and Hypatia Meraviglia, physics major, men-

a major instrumentation award from AR INBRE. ◊

Faith Yarberry, senior lecturer, was awarded the Ann

Assistant Professor Marsha Massey was awarded a

Nalley SW Regional Award for Volunteer Services at

four-year grant by the Department of Energy as well as

the 2022 Southwest Regional Meeting of the American

a two-year Petroleum Research Fund grant through the

Chemical Society.

American Chemical Society. ◊

The following students were awarded National Science

tored by Jeremy Lusk and Bill Taylor. ◊

Biology majors Clayton Brewer, Dayoung Eom, Sam Little, Emily Purvis and Jessica Roth and environmental science

the Year. ◊

received a Goldwater Fellowship. Computer science

The Arkansas Coding Academy (ArCA) became part of the

Assistant Professor Ahmad Qamar received a research

CNSM. With more than 100 students trained this year and

grant from NASA Established Program to Stimulate Com-

a total of 400 since its inception, the academy has made

petitive Research (EPSCoR).

an undeniable impact on Arkansas’ technical industry.

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norbert o. schedler HONORS COLLEGE The UCA Honors College is home to the Norbert O. Schedler Honors College, the University Scholars Program and Honors in the Major. Each program offers many unique academic opportunities to further the interdisciplinary understanding and leadership qualities of its scholars. The 2022-23 academic year was a big year for the Norbert O. Schedler Honors College as it celebrated its 40th anniversary. The University Scholars Program also completed its fifth year. While traditions run deep in the Honors College, the vision for honors education remains bold and progressive, their work conscious and deliberate, and the impact long-term and life-changing.


Students completed more than 1,000 hours

The Honors College Peer Coach Program was

of service work within their honors courses,

featured in Honors in Practice, a journal of

including helping to raise over $1,800 to

the National Collegiate Honors Council, as

build rocket stoves in Kanembwe, Rwanda.

an example of promoting holistic wellness in

Honors College Associate Dean Leah Horton

high-achieving students.

and several honors students traveled there to assist in building the stoves.



GRADUATE SCHOOL UCA’s Graduate School offers degrees that provide rigor, opportunities and a vibrant community necessary for students to excel in their careers. Whether the goal is to be an artist, educator, business executive, health care provider or scholar, UCA has dozens of programs to give graduate students expert-level skills as they reach their professional goals. The Graduate School recorded its highest enrollment ever during the fall 2022 semester at 1,919 students. This enrollment was due, in part, to quality graduate programs, streamlined application procedures, an automated communication plan for applicants and interested students, increased external funding that provides tuition assistance for graduate students and flexibility of programs. The Graduate School revealed its four pillars that are the foundation for all graduate programs at UCA: innovation, leadership, expertise and opportunities.


April 3-7, 2023, UCA celebrated Graduate

was awarded the Breaking Barriers Graduate

Student Appreciation Week. This week included


online and face-to-face activities to honor and celebrate our graduate students. The week

Master of Arts in English, received the Master’s

culminated in the annual Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition and presentation of awards. Graduate students Sumit Chaudhary, Master of

Thesis Award. ◊

Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award.

Science in biology, both earned awards. Kaylee Miller, a graduate student pursuing the Doctor of Physical Therapy, was awarded the Robert M. McLauchlin Graduate Scholarship. ◊

Jacqueline Kincade, a graduate student pursuing the Master of Science in Health Promotion,

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Femina Varghese, professor in the Department of Psychology and Counseling, received the

Fine Arts graduate, and Molly Wozniak, Master of ◊

Robert Hall, a graduate student pursuing the

Louis Nadelson, professor and chair of the Department of Leadership Studies, received the Outstanding Graduate Contributions Award.

SERVICE-LEARNING Service-Learning at UCA joins education with service to broaden the academic journey of its students. During the 2022-23 academic year, 1,590 students and 56 faculty members across all colleges participated in various service-learning projects. Nine faculty members participated in the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Institute in partnership with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership.

Bear Boots on the Ground


UCA was recognized as a 2022 Most Engaged

100 hours of service to the community during

Campus for College Student Voting by the ALL

their time at UCA.

IN Campus Democracy Challenge. ◊

UCA’s Bear Boots on the Ground disaster relief

Leaders, was renewed for its fourth year in

and alternative breaks program mobilized a

2022-2023. Thirty UCA students participated

group of 26 volunteers to assist with tornado

in the year-long program serving more than

clean-up in Little Rock in April 2023. An

9,000 hours combined.

additional 10 volunteers traveled to Memphis over spring break to serve for four days with

The Big Event

Schedler Honors College senior Haydyn Hudnall was recognized for her civic

an environmental stewardship project on the

commitment as UCA’s Newman Civic Fellow,

Mississippi River. ◊

UCA’s AmeriCorps program, BearsServe

a national award for students conferred by

This year, 71 students earned a community

Campus Compact.

service graduation cord by logging at least

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

RESIDENTIAL COLLEGES For over 25 years, UCA’s Residential Colleges have brought first-year students together in living & learning communities. Through their participation, students develop lifelong relationships with their peers, receive intellectual inspiration from student-centered faculty and participate in service, research and creative endeavors. Faculty and staff are dedicated to providing specialized classes and co-curricular experiences that enlighten and engage.


The HPaW Residential College and the

technology and other resources for the

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences or-

space. Additionally, a $10,000 grant from

ganized “A Time to Give,” a service-learning

the American Philosophical Association will

event utilizing classes in history, nutrition,

provide speakers, LGBTQ+ programming and

mathematics and psychology. Together


with Student Success Coordinator Marvin Williams, over 70 students used traditional recipes to bake six varieties of cornbread. The cornbread was then packaged and distributed locally to those needing a warm and hearty meal. ◊

The Biz@Bear and the Arkansas Center for Research in Economics (ACRE) Cubs reading group members Caitlyn Bellamy, Jayce Burney, Michael Isaac and Mason Smith were awarded first place in a national competition sponsored by Up to Us, a campus-based

Taine Duncan, chair of the Department of

campaign focused on engaging and em-

Philosophy and Religion, and the College

powering students to build a sustainable

of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

economic and fiscal future. The team was

secured two grants on behalf of the Laven-

awarded a $5,000 cash prize, and one mem-

der Library located in the MUSE Residential

ber will have the opportunity to attend the

College. A $5,000 grant from the National

2023 Civic Learning & Democratic Engage-

Alliance on Mental Illness is slated to provide

ment Conference in Boston. UCA .EDU |


SERVICE AWARDS The University of Central Arkansas honored exceptional faculty and staff during Fall Convocation.

Public Service

Research, Scholarship,

Teaching Excellence

Diversity, Belonging,

Sherry Skaggs

and Creative Activity

Donna Wake

Inclusion and Equity

Department of Sociology,

Matthew Gifford

College of Education

Candice Maxwell

Criminology and Anthropology

Department of Biology

Department of Elementary, Literacy and Special Education

External Funding Impact


Classified Employee of the Year

Ginny Adams

Employee of the Year

Judy Huff

Department of Biology

George “Whit” Ables

Department of History

Department of Transfer Services

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BEAR CLAWS Exemplary students or Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) are recognized by President Houston Davis with the CLAWS award during regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meetings. Short for Celebrating the Lofty Achievements of Our Wonderful Students, the CLAWS award is given to those who exhibit distinction in academics, a commitment to excellence and the advancement of UCA’s campus community.

2022-23 BEAR CLAWS HONOREES Collin Gallimore Makenzie Spurling August 2022 Beta Alpha Psi October 2022 Ricardo Gonzalez Guevara Trenton Rhodes December 2022 Vote Everywhere Team February 2023 David Adams Haydyn Hudnall Shelby Morris May 2023



William Biernat - President’s Medallion Recipient

COMMENCEMENT UCA held graduation ceremonies in August and December 2022 as well as May 2023. In total, the university conferred 1,615 undergraduate degrees and 772 graduate degrees for 2022-23. The university welcomed more than 20,600 students and guests to the UCA campus. During May’s ceremonies, the following students received the President’s Medallion for Outstanding Student of the University for the 2022-23 academic year: Haydyn Hudnall

Courtney Clawson

College of Arts, Humanities, and

College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Social Sciences William Biernat College of Business MaryAnna Merideth College of Education

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Hypatia Meraviglia College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Women’s Leadership Network Board

2022-23 CAYLI Graduates

OUTREACH AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UCA’s Division of Outreach and Community Engagement (OCE) offers a myriad of opportunities and resources to the community through continuing education, customized and nontraditional training and event planning services. The OCE houses the Conway Area Youth Leadership Institute (CAYLI) and UCA’s Women’s Leadership Network. The OCE is also home to the Center for Community and Economic Development (CCED) and the Community Development Institute (CDI) which furthers the vision of a positive impact for the state.


The Faulkner County Imagination Library

CCED received a three-year grant for

(FCIL) program had enrollment of 3,600

$456,627 from the Walton Family Foundation

children between the ages 0-5. The OCE also

to support the creation of the Community

received over $25,000 in contributions to FCIL

Development Pipeline (CD Pipeline) program,

over 2022-23.

which will provide training and technical

The Women’s Leadership Network hosted

assistance to communities and leaders in

programs for more than 400 women this year. One such event was the Women’s Business Showcase which showcased more than 50

northwest Arkansas. This grant award is the first of its kind between the Walton Family Foundation and UCA.

women-owned businesses at UCA with over 200 guests in attendance.



Participants in events managed by Conference Services

2022-23 CAYLI class graduates from five different school districts in Faulkner County



EXPANSION MCALISTER HALL Through a grant funded by Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council (ANCRC), McAlister Hall will undergo renovations for East and West lobbies, an ADA ramp on the South side of the building and an ADA restroom on the first floor.

SCHICHTL RENOVATION The renovation of Schichtl Hall is slated to begin in fall 2023. Global Learning and Engagement and Norbert O. Schedler Honors College will be housed there.

STUDENT SUCCESS AND VETERANS RESOURCE CENTER Renovations in the former Communication Sciences and Disorders building at the corner of Bruce Street and Donaghey Avenue are currently underway and anticipated completion is late 2023. This building will be home to the Veterans Resource Center and will have study rooms, classrooms, a computer lab, lounge and a gaming area for veteran students to enjoy. The Office of Student Success will also be housed in this building ready to assist students with their journey to academic success.

WINDGATE CENTER FOR FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS The new Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts, made possible by a $20 million gift from the Windgate Foundation, merges art, music and theatre in one amazing, state-of-the-art building furthering UCA’s position as a leader in the arts community. Announced in January 2019, this remains the largest single gift in UCA history. This 104,000-square-foot facility includes a 450-seat concert hall, black box theater and public art gallery.

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Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts Concert Hall



CAMPUS LIFE At UCA, student involvement offers connection, community awareness and opportunities to pursue areas of interest and leadership while building friendships that last a lifetime. With more than 175 student organizations, clubs and recreational groups, students enjoy meeting new people and experiencing a vibrant campus community. Involvement in Greek Life as well as academic and cultural clubs enhances the academic experience. Students also benefit from amenities such as the Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) Center, which includes training and equipment along with the Student Health Center that provides assistance and care for UCA’s diverse student population.

ORGANIZATIONS AND STUDENT INVOLVEMENT More than 1,350 Recognized Student Organizations (RSO) meetings, events and activities were registered on CubConnect this academic year. Additionally, 10 new RSOs were developed this academic year. The Student Involvement Awards reception took place on April 27. There were more than 60 unique nominees across 12 categories. These awards acknowledge the outstanding efforts of students, advisors and RSOs during the current academic year and recognize the leadership achievements of our students in their academics and co-curricular activities.

FAMILY DAY Family Day, an annual event at UCA inviting families of UCA students, faculty and staff to campus, took place on October 1, 2022, and had more than 1,000 people in attendance. There were various festivities on this day including: face painting, games, giveaways, a picnic lunch and more.

HOMECOMING UCA’s Homecoming was October 29, 2022. There were 34 royalty nominees and more than 1,500 votes were cast. The planning committee also expanded to include more student members to represent multiple campus organizations. The Office of Student Life developed a full week of programming, including the return of a stand-alone Homecoming Parade for the first time in a decade. Pictured are Anastasia Coleman, 2022 Homecoming Princess; Gisselle Hernandez, 2022 Homecoming Queen; Nelson Omolo, Homecoming King; and Dylan White, Homecoming Prince.

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REYNOLDS PERFORMANCE HALL With its variety of fantastic series and state-of-theart facilities, Reynolds Performance Hall never fails to impress. This venue provides countless opportunities for enjoying the performing arts for all audiences, young and old alike from all over the state and beyond. Amy Grant


Reynolds 2022-23 season presented crowd favorite hit shows and sold out performances of singer Amy Grant, holiday fun with “A Charlie Brown Christmas LIVE!,” Broadway hit “Anastasia” as well as the

Blue Man Group

captivating Blue Man Group. Eclectic and inspiring shows such as “R.E.S.P.E.C.T.,” “On Your Feet!, The Story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan,” and the comedy of Preacher Lawson, a favorite from America’s Got Talent, provided a wonderful celebration of diversity. World music options also brought fresh, new cultures to Reynolds with performances from The Celtic Angels Ireland and Mnozil Brass from Austria.

MAIN STAGE EDUCATION Reynolds also hosts the Main Stage EdUCAtion


Series, which exposes pre-K through 12th grade students across Arkansas to live performing arts. Productions, performed by national touring companies, are based on educational themes. In just seven years, this series has served more than 60,000 students in 55 different school districts in 29 counties. During the 2022-23 academic year, more than 8,000 students were served with five educational shows that had two performances each. The shows included two science-focused titles, “The Magic School Bus” and “Doktor Kaboom,” as The Magic School Bus

well as “The Wizard of Oz,” and a sensory friendly performance from magician Kevin Spencer. This year the Main Stage EdUCAtion Series Endowment crossed the $100,000 mark. The endowment ensures that students for generations to come will be provided with the educational and cultural experiences of live performing arts, a truly great legacy.



ATHLETICS The Central Arkansas Bears and Sugar Bears had another successful year in their second time through the ASUN Conference. UCA student-athletes won both individual and team championships during the 2022-23 academic year and continued to excel in the classroom as well as in the community.



Sandra Rushing resigned after leading the Sugar Bears to 184 victories since she took over in 2012-13.

◊ ◊

Kierra Prim was a two-time ASUN Newcomer of the Week

Championship in fall 2022 with a 3-2 conference mark. ◊

of three finalists for the prestigious Buck Buchanan Award

Tony Kemper was hired in March as the new head women’s

which recognizes the national defensive player of the year at

MEN’S BASKETBALL Sophomore guard Camren Hunter was named to the AllASUN team and ASUN Player of the Week on Dec. 12. ◊

the NCAA Division I FCS level.

The Bears went 4-1 against in-state opponents, beating Little

BASEBALL The Bears knocked off perennial power and ninth-ranked Vanderbilt in March 2023 in Nashville. ◊

The Bears had three ASUN Pitchers of the Week including Payton Windham and Jesse Barker who was named twice.

Former UCA pitcher Gavin Stone (2018-20), made his Major League Baseball debut with the Los Angeles Dodgers on May 3, 2023.


Louisiana and Stephen F. Austin.


Twins Julian Haessner and Philipp Haessner both earned All-ASUN honors at the 2022 ASUN Championship. Julian finished seventh overall, breaking the school record.

UCA’s men’s team finished sixth, and the women’s team placed 10th overall.

Sara Steimel was the ASUN Runner of the Week, and Sequoya Prentice was the Freshman of the Week on Sept. 14.

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Madison Holmes had a Top 10 finish at the ASUN Championship, finishing ninth overall.

Graduate student Elin Kumlin was named to the ASUN All-Academic team.

UCA won the Arkansas State Lady Red Wolves Classic in October 2022 in Jonesboro.


Freshman Luke Sienkiewicz was named to the ASUN AllFreshman team, the first since joining the ASUN in 2021-22. Sienkiewicz was also named ASUN Men’s Golfer of the Week

UCA’s Beach Bears recorded eight victories including wins over Southern Mississippi, New Orleans, Southeastern

UCA finished third in the 2023 ASUN Championship in Huntsville, Alabama.


Graduate placekicker Hayden Ray was named the ASUN Football Scholar-Athlete of the Year.

Rock, Hendrix, Champion Christian and Arkansas State.

Sophomore All-American defensive David Walker was one

selection. basketball coach.

The Football Bears won a share of the first ASUN

on March 23, 2023. ◊

It was the debut season for head coach Austin Eoff who came to UCA from Purdue.


The Bears reached the semifinals of the 2022 ASUN Championship as the sixth seed.

UCA upset defending champion Lipscomb on penalty kicks in the quarterfinal round.

UCA head coach Jeremy Bishop reached the 100-win mark with a win over Little Rock on August 28, 2022. He is the winningest coach in school history.




The Bears reached the championship game

Lapointe-Guevara (second-team All-ASUN)

of the 2022 ASUN Championship before

and Pietro Fontana (All-Freshman team).

losing to the No. 1 seed. ◊

The Bears earned numerous postseason awards from the ASUN, including Sebastian Andreassen (first-team All-ASUN),

Andreassen and Knutson were named to the ASUN All-Academic team.

Andreassen and Lapointe-Guevara were named to the United Soccer Coaches

Karim Diao (first-team All-ASUN), Bradyn

All-Region team.

Knutson (second-team All-ASUN), Richy


The UCA Softball Bears dominated the

The Bears were ranked in all five major

ASUN regular season in 2023, finishing

national polls for the first time in school

with a 22-2 league record and their first


regular-season championship. ◊

UCA swept a pair of games from Top

Jordan Johnson was the ASUN Pitcher of

10 power and in-state rival Arkansas,

the Year and Madi Young was the ASUN

winning in Fayetteville and Conway.

Defensive Player of the Year.

The Fayetteville win was the first for

UCA advanced to the NCAA Regionals in

the Bears over the Razorbacks.

Tuscaloosa, Ala., for the second time in

school history.

The rematch with Arkansas at Farris Field in Conway drew a stadium-record crowd of 2,475 fans.


The Bears reached the quarterfinals of the

2023 ASUN Championship before losing

UCA finished with a 7-3 record at home this season.

to top seed and eventual champion North Florida.


The men’s and women’s programs were

UCA’s women’s team finished sixth at the ASUN Indoor behind a gold-

Weaver for the first time.

medal performance from Kendelle

UCA’s men’s team finished fifth at the

McCoy in the 60 meters.

ASUN Indoors, with Armonte Paulk earning ◊

under the direction of head coach Josey

The UCA men finished fifth and

a gold medal in the 400 meters.

the women sixth at the ASUN

Hunter Henderson was named to the

Outdoor. UCA won gold medals in the men’s and women’s 4x100

ASUN All-Academic team.



The Volleyball Sugar Bears drew the fifth

Setter Caylan Koons was

seed out of 14 teams for the 2022 ASUN

named to the ASUN All-Fresh-


man team. Koons was also a

Junior Lexie Gregory was named to the

three-time Freshman of the

CSC Academic All-District team.

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Week and a one-time Setter of the Week.

ty r on e lu c k e tt

450+ Number of student-athletes who competed in UCA’s athletics programs

Gav i n Sto n e





ADVANCEMENT UCA’s Division of Advancement raised $20,267,004 in 2022-23 - the second largest amount raised in a year and propelling the university past its $100,000,000 campaign fundraising goal 10 months ahead of schedule. Another record that was shattered in 2022-23 was the Day of Giving with more than $1.2 million raised in a single day from 1,894 individual donors from 80 different countries across the world. A total of 6,814 donors gave in 2022-23, and the UCA Now Campaign, which made the overall number of unique donors to the campaign 17,883, well beyond the 17,500 goal. This past year, the UCA Foundation awarded more than $1.5 million in privately-funded scholarships to 768 students. Since its inception in 1981, the UCA Foundation has awarded more than $19 million in scholarships. Alumni, friends and others can help support UCA by contacting the Division of Advancement at 501-450-3421 or by visiting uca.edu/giving.

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$20,267,004 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000

* $20,267,004

$20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 -19












This figure includes a $20 million gift from the Windgate Foundation. This was the largest gift in the history of the University of Central Arkansas and supported the new state-of-the-art Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts.



ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association hosted 22 events during the 2022-23 fiscal year. During the Homecoming Alumni and Friends Award Dinner, Ann Hoy was honored as the Alumni Service Award recipient, Dr. Monica Steinberg received the Young Alumni Award and Kim Crissler was honored as the inaugural Alumni Service Award recipient. The UCA Alumni Board of Directors appointed two new members, Beth Branscum Burgess and Dr. Alice Griffin. The UCA Alumni Association is an organization that serves as a link between the university and its graduates. Its primary purpose is maintaining a robust and active relationship with UCA alumni by offering various

Dr. Monica Steinberg, Kim D. Crissler and Ann Burns Hoy

services, benefits, and programs.



Amount awarded in scholarships by the UCA Alumni Association

Total amount donated by UCA Alumni Association Members

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DAY OF GIVING The University of Central Arkansas raised $1.295 million in its ninth annual Day of Giving, outpacing the previous record set in 2020. More than 2,000 gifts were contributed by 1,894 donors from 32 states and 80 countries. The average gift size was $629, a nod to the institution’s stewardship approach that every gift matters. Since its inception in 2015, UCA’s combined annual Day of Giving efforts have raised nearly $5.2 million for students, scholarships and programs. UCA alumni represented the largest population of donors at 39 percent and current students at 32 percent. Faculty and staff, friends of the university and parents accounted for the remaining number of donors. Funds raised during Day of Giving support a wide range of needs including

1,894 total number of Day of Giving donors

scholarships, state-of-the-art equipment, research and experiential learning opportunities that equip students to be leaders in regional and global economies.

Mary Lackie, vice president for University Advancement, Haley Fowler, senior director of Annual Giving, student government representatives and President Houston Davis celebrate the fundraising progress of the UCA Now campaign during the announcement of Day of Giving results.




GIFTS OF $500,000 - $999,999

Windgate Foundation

Heber Hardy*

Sunderland Foundation

Aaron Knight*

GIFTS OF $100,000 - $499,999 Karen and Curtis Barnett

Gary O. Bunn*

The Hearst Foundations

Thomas W. Nowlin*

Kristin and Kyle Basham*

Conway Regional Health System

Gini Ingram and Susan Higgins*

Patty and Hank Phelps*

Blue & You Foundation for a Healthier Arkansas

Darrell R. Crowder*

Mary “Beth” Kunkel*

Sandy Quillen*

Kim and Chris Fowler

Donna and Ray Nielsen*

Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

GIFTS OF $25,000 - $99,999 Carol and Bunny Adcock ARAMARK Services, Inc. Jane and Bill Arthurs* Stephen E. Baker Ann Ballard Bryan Sara Hendricks Batcheller and Jimmy Batcheller

Conway Advertising and Promotion Commission Conway Corporation

Linda and Rush Harding Yolanda and Christopher Hervey*

Roy & Christine Sturgis Charitable Trust Jaimie and James Self

Teri D. Cox-Meadows

John and Robyn Horn Foundation

Jan and Granger Davis

LuRene H. Jolly

Sissy’s Log Cabin, Inc.

Rellia Wilson Dillinger*

Kimberly and Zack King

Tricia and Lloyd Smith*

Simmons Bank

Morgan D. Drayton*

Bradley R. Mullins*

Bridges-Larson Foundation

Linda L. Beene*

Taine Duncan and George Ernst*

Jan and Bruce Newcomer*

Jamille and Korey Thomas*

Elizabeth “Liz” Blankenship

Carolyn Eidson

Patsy Minton Newton

Virginia G. Van Vleck*

Sarah Grigsby Breshears*

Engage Management

Maria and Mike Norvell

Virco Manufacturing Corporation

Lisa Batson Brown


Oaklawn Jockey Club, Inc.

Merrily and Chris Wyrick

Janet and Arvil Burks

Ergon Foundation

Katrina and Jeremy Owoh*

Karen S. Yezzi

Centennial Bank

First Security Bank

Peak Sports Management

Shelvie and Larry Cole*

The Goff Foundation

Darshon Reed and David Reed*

Acxiom Corp.

Crain Hyundai of Conway

Insight Enterprises

Joanie and Tom Roberts

The American Philosophical Association, Inc.

DDS Dentures & Implant Solutions

The Kroger Co. Foundation

Stephanie F. Rose*

Lisa L. Birdwell Anderson and Phillip Anderson

Eric Rob & Isaac

Wakita and Thurston Lamb

The Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable & Educational Trust

GIFTS OF $10,000 - $24,999

Arkansas Blue Cross & Blue Shield Arkansas Community Foundation Baldwin & Shell Construction Company Biotest Pharmaceuticals Corp. Broker Solutions Buckler Management, Inc. Janet and Wesley Burks Ricky D. Combs* Cousins’ Office Furniture, Inc.

F O Williams Advertising, Inc.

Local Initiatives Support Corporation

Fairfield Inn & Suites - Conway

Venita & Ben Lovelace-Chandler

Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Arkansas

Kay Maloney

Farmers Insurance Group First Community Bank Laura and David Grimes Lakeisha and Tremayne Harris HCJ CPAs & Advisors PLLC HD Roofing and Construction LLC Andrew P. Hiegel

Nabholz Construction Debbie and John Nix Patterson Food Services, Inc. Petit Jean Meats PFMFC Inc. Diana G. Pounder

Marilu Behar and Pablo Seminario Snap-On Shelia and Robert Templeton Textbook Brokers, Inc. Toad Suck Daze Turner Holdings/Hiland Dairy Weaver-Bailey Contractors, Inc. Westrock Coffee Company

Tom Pyle and Erin Vander Leest Shirley and John Richardson

* Includes planned/estate gifts Please note: Gifts listed above are newly established gifts and sponsorships made between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023. Every effort has been made to prepare this list accurately. We apologize for any omission or error and ask you to inform us accordingly at foundation@uca.edu or 501 450-5288.

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UCA ALLIANCE FOR ECONOMIC IMPACT This alliance is made up of key programs across campus that share a commitment to meeting economic and workforce needs of Arkansas. By bringing together fields of community development, talent, innovation, workforce development and entrepreneurship, these programs empower individuals, attract and retain top professionals and showcase Arkansas as the best choice for leadership in talent, training and technology. Alliance partners include: ◊

Applied Data Analytics and Computer Information Systems

Arkansas Coding Academy

Center for Community and Economic Development


College of Business

Cyber Range and Computer Science

UCA Makerspace

Learn more by visiting uca.edu/economicimpact



GOVERNING BODIES Three governing bodies represent students, faculty and staff at

The Student Government Association serves as a liaison

the University of Central Arkansas. The Student Government

between students and administration. The Faculty Senate

Association, Faculty Senate and Staff Senate each work

represents the more than 550 faculty members at UCA, while

independently and together to support the campus.

the Staff Senate advocates for staff members.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES The seven members of the University of Central Arkansas Board

ending Jan. 14 of the final year of the term. The board elects its

of Trustees are appointed by the governor and approved by the

chair, vice chair and secretary from among its members, each

Arkansas Senate. The members must be residents of Arkansas

serving a one-year term.

and can be selected from any part of the state. Each member

Members of the University of Central Arkansas Board of

of the board serves for seven years beginning on Jan. 15 and

Trustees and term expiration are shown below:

Mr. Everette Cornell

Ms. Kay Hinkle

Dr. Terry Fiddler

“E.C.” Maltbia



Mr. Curtis Barnett Chair 2027


Ms. Amy Denton

Dr. Michael Stanton

Mr. Jim Rankin, Jr.

Vice Chair





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SHARED GOVERNANCE STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION The Student Government Association (SGA) focused on projects centered on improving students’ well-being this year. The students hosted the Dean-for-a-Day event and reported having the most applicants ever for the event. SGA funded 50 new bikes, bike locks and bike racks for Campus Outdoor Pursuits & Activities. Outdoor games such as a giant chess board, checkers board and giant connect four game were also funded and are scheduled for completion prior to the 2023-24 academic year. Finally, SGA funded giant outdoor letters that say “UCA” for photo opportunities for campus and the community. stu d e n t g ov e r ment asso ciatio n

FACULTY SENATE The Faculty Senate had several achievements this year. These include the creation of the Faculty Welcome Committee, a group made up of Senators focused on easing the transition of new faculty members into their role on campus and helping them feel a sense of belonging within the UCA community. The committee will work with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Academic Leadership (CETAL) during New Faculty Orientation in the fall. They also passed a resolution to support strong, innovative teaching practices by recommending general guidelines to be used for evaluating teaching efforts in tenure and promotion documents. The senate provided funds used for the Veteran’s Day celebration. They also worked with the Faculty Handbook Committee to clarify language in the Faculty Grievance Process.

sta f f s e n ate

STAFF SENATE The Staff Senate’s Winter Feast committee raised $3,205 in ticket

scholarships for staff members and their dependents. They also

sales and donations to help support the Angel Bear initiative

awarded nearly $32,000 for professional development assistance.

through which they sponsored 63 children and provided meal

During the Spring Social, roughly 700 faculty and staff joined

assistance to 30 families. Staff members logged more than 1,800

together to raise over $4,950 for various campus initiatives. The

volunteer hours with 159 staff assisting with campus initiatives.

senate also hosted two Food Truck Fests and started the “Focus

The Staff Senate provided nearly $3,800 to help employees who

Fridays” initiative.

experienced unforeseen circumstances and awarded $3,100 in UCA .EDU |


OXFORD AMERICAN The Oxford American is a nonprofit organization dedicated to exploring the complexity and vitality of the American South. The award-winning quarterly literary magazine features the best writing and art being created in the South. In addition to the print publication, there are also digitalfirst features on OxfordAmerican.org and programming across the South. In recent months, live programming features included songwriter Margo Price, food writer Alice Randall and painter Jodi Hays. The Oxford American published its popular Southern Music Issue this year focusing on Country Roots, which is accompanied by a CD and Spotify playlists highlighting the impact of the region. The Oxford American’s internship program provided UCA students the opportunity to engage with all aspects of publishing. As of 2021, the OA’s business and editorial offices were located in Irby Hall on the UCA campus. This created more opportunities for collaboration and face-to-face interaction with faculty, staff and students. Interim managing editor Allie Mariano taught the Oxford American Publishing Practicum class in the department of Film, Theatre, and Creative Writing in spring 2023. This capstone course gave students hands-on experience in the editorial and marketing processes of the magazine. The OA was selected by the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation as one of six organizations to participate in the HEAL Narrative project. The award comes with general operating support and access to marketing and media firms dedicated to helping the OA grow its audience and attract attention to the important work being done in Arkansas. Additionally, the Oxford American began an outreach program in fall 2022 which provided copies of magazines to underserved communities including BIPOC-led writing workshops, incarcerated readers and other Southern-based literacy efforts. The Oxford American is the recipient of awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Poetry Foundation, the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses and the Julia Child Foundation, among others.

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ARKANSAS SHAKESPEARE THEATRE The Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre (AST) had its first full season since 2019 with one of Shakespeare’s greatest works, “The Tempest,” the irreverent comedy “The Complete Works of Shakespeare (abridged),” and “The Shakespeare Cabaret.” In collaboration with the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, the first two works were preformed for a limited time at the Global Campus Theatre in downtown Fayetteville. The AST’s primary home will be the Windgate Center for Fine and Performing Arts. AST’s reach was also extended through a collaboration with Shake on the Lake Theatre Company located in western New York. Through this partnership, the show toured to eight counties in Western New York including stops in Rochester, East Aurora, and Silver Lake reaching thousands of audience members in summer 2022.



University of Central Arkansas 201 Donaghey Avenue | Conway, Arkansas 72035

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