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VACANCY INTERNSHIP PROJECT We are looking for students interested in carrying out their master thesis project at DAT.Mobility

Parallel predicting traffic parameters using micro services and ai Introduction/context At DAT.Mobility we’re responsible for processing large amount of (near)real time traffic data. In order to use multiple sources (GSM data, floating car data, loop detector data, traffic signal data, parking data) we’ll have to merge these flows. After this merge step we want to create prognoses for the upcoming few minutes up to hours for traffic parameters (speed, flow, travel times, …). In our current solution we use small networks to calculate these parameters, but the amount of data is increasing and we want to create predictions for the Netherlands. This means we have to scale up, but the solution we’ve taken doesn’t hold any longer. The predictions should be created within 20-30 seconds. Parallelism looks like the only way to handle this problem. The next problem arising is that – when you split up the network in smaller networks – the networks interfere! How can we solve that? A puzzle that probably can be solved with a scalable architecture and AI.

The challenge You’ve got to do some research on the following areas: parallelism on geographical networks, AI and micro service architecture solutions. After the research you’ve got to build a proof of concept integrating the found solutions. You should also make a calculation of the costs that your solution makes on monthly base. DAT.Mobility DAT.Mobility aims to be leading the transformation of mobility planning and simulation based on data collection, fusion, analyses and visualization, supporting decisions. Don’t guess, know! Innovative solutions in the market of data driven mobility: policy makers, transport planners and transport consultants all have a common need for good and reliable insights in the transportation system of today, tomorrow and the long term. DAT.Mobility combines expertise from the fields of big data, model methodology, geographic information systems and software development. The software solutions from DAT.Mobility range from industry standard tools such as OmniTRANS for strategic planning to personalised mobility tracking and from change

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