Gourmet Living Jun July 2014

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Jun / Jul 2014

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食尚品味 Gourmet Living

国际菜品大家学 • 日式小甜点 • 泰式风味菜 • 韩式料理 • 新马港糕点小菜 • 美国马铃薯烹调

Home Cooking with 8 885004 110090

Chef Daniel Koh




54 56 57 58

泰式食谱Thai Recipes • 柚子沙拉 • 泰式酸汤 • 泰式海鲜盒 • 鸡肉炒腰豆 • 泰式迷你可丽饼 食尚活动Workshop Review 学美食,尝美食烹饪示范会 花絮 • 雪菜茭白鸡丝 • 红麴粽香排骨 • 润肠脆皮虾球 旅·影Roving Lenses 流连于川藏线风景 食话食说Frankly Speaking 本地厨师毫不逊色 生活小窍门Household Tips 厨房小妙招 食物笔记The Food Diary 我和薄饼的一段情




6 14 16

食尚活动Gourmet Workshop • Etiquette and Cupcake Decoration Workshop for Children • 吃喝玩乐一日游 • 相约星期天尝美食 餐饮新讯Dining Out 活动Event 好友厨业国外争霸 私房菜Home Cooking 简简单单清粥小菜 不经意间满溢馨香与温暖 • 豉椒江鱼仔炒豆干 • 蒜香紫茄 • 酸菜粉丝炒肉片

食尚品味 GL 2


28 30


厨师食谱Chef ’s Recipes 日式清新小甜点轻松做 • 抹茶海绵蛋糕 • 抹茶红豆沙烤布蕾 • 铜锣烧


厨房料理Ingredients 大蒜,是菜也是药 就爱烘焙Bakes 跟着Mayjun将周末时光消磨 在面粉堆里 • 黑芝麻咖啡厅面包 • 班兰戚风蛋糕 • 菠萝包

52 推广食谱Advertrecipes 52

食尚旅游Gourmet Travel Hard Rock Pattaya - 继续派对

Polleney • 咸蛋黄黄大豆粉 面包

Etiquette and Cupcake Decoration Workshop for Children 日期Date

: 21.6.2014 (星期六 Saturday)


: 10am to 12.15pm

地点Venue :

The Piano Bar (lobby, Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel)


: $53nett per child aged 5 to 12 (includes etiquette and cupcake

Audrey Q uek Image Co nsultant

decoration workshop plus high tea buffet at Café Brio’s, located at the lobby.) All children will be presented a Certificate of Attendance at the end of the workshop. For an accompanying adult, it will be

Yeo Chef Tiffany 14 Gourmet 20 a si A el Food & Hot er Award) ilv (S nge Team Challe

at $30nett (including high tea buffet).

节目表 PROGRAMME 10am

– Registration


– Event Commences


– Etiquette Workshop conducted by AICIcertified Image Consultant


– Etiquette Workshop ends


– Cupcake Decoration Workshop conducted by Chef Tiffany Yeo


– Cupcake Decoration Competition. Prizes will be presented to kids who have designed the top 3 cupcakes.

12.10pm – Lucky Draw 12.15pm – Event Ends 12.20pm – Children to proceed to Café Brio’s for Lunch To register, call 6233 1100 or email dining.gcw@millenniumhotels.com



Contents目录 60







爱心活动Care and Share Nurturing Hope 手作时光DIY Wonders Easy Airtight Storage 星厨Celebrity Chef In The Kitchen With Chef Daniel • Deep-fried Ice Cream with Fruit Coulis • Sautéed Chicken with Scallops and Mushrooms • Clams with Pork Belly Strips 私房菜Home Cooking From Farm to Fork • Korean Fruit Paste Kimchi • Potato Gratin with Sweet Potato Leaves



食尚旅游Gourmet Travel Jeju : Nature’s Paradise

厨师食谱Chef’s Recipes Executive Chef Choi Minchul • Kimchi Soup • Andong JJimdak

86 88


食尚活动Workshop Review A Day of Potatoes and More! • US Potato Grape Cluster • Steamed US Potato and Chicken in Lotus Leaf • Duo of US Potato and Crusted Truffle with Mushroom Cream 市场快讯 What’s in Store 订阅表格Subscription

食尚品味 Gourmet Living

Food Consultants

Senior Graphic Designer


黄清标 Huang Ching Biao 霍铭田 Fok Wing Tin

吴丽碧 Libby Goh

黄清标,黄茹莉,一品,Ah Tee, Chef Cash Fong, Chef Daniel Koh, Chef Eric Teo, Chef Jeeraporn, Chef Jimmy, Chef Julie Tan, Chef Nabpadon, Chef Sayan, Kuo Yung, Mayjun Fan, Regine Loy, Syahrul

Editorial Editors 张君珠 Jean Cheung jean@gourmetimp.com 克豪 L. Kerhaw kerhaw@gourmetimp.com

Graphic Designer 张伟 Zhang Wei

Business Development Manager YKF, Eric eric@gourmetimp.com


Writers 胡玮伦 Katherine Oh katherine@gourmetimp.com

Glamour Wave Photography Oddinary Studios

傅丽爱 Jesslyn Poh jess@gourmetimp.com

Joyce Thian

Circulation Manager

MCI (P) 049/04/2014 ISBN: 8885004110090 Published by INFOMEDIA PUBLISHING PTE LTD Reg. No: 200505398D Blk 163 Lor 1 Toa Payoh, #01-1004, Singapore 310163 Tel: 6352 0109 Fax: 6352 0117

Distributed by MEDIACORP PUBLISHING PTE LTD Tel: 6483 7118 Fax: 6483 7291

版权所有,《食尚品味》杂志社保有所有权力。未经本社书面许可,不得以任何形式,目的翻印,传播和使用本刊的任何图文。 All rights reserved. No portion of this publication covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

Illustration by Zhang Wei

7月12日,放松您的心情,和我们一起学烹 午餐 • 四款点心拼盘+ 古式马拉糕 • 雪蛤芙蓉羹 • 虫草花蒸鱼片 • 三杯鱼头腩 • 梅菜鸡+馒头 • 美点双飞 (芒果椰汁糕和桂花糕)

吃喝玩乐一日游 日期 : 2014年7月12日 (Sat) 时间 : 11.30am - 8pm 聚集点 : 自然酒楼 Blk 56 Lengkok Bahru #01-443 Singapore 150056 收费 : 每人$100.00

饪、吃粤菜,悠闲逛胡姬花园等活动,尽情吃 喝玩乐享受愉快的星期六!

晚餐 • 四款粤式拼盘 • 花胶鲨鱼骨汤 • 炒油泡青衣球 • 蒸富贵鸡 • 炒蟹黄乳酪蜜桃胶 • 瑶柱焖伊面 • 金瓜南北杏炖雪耳

食尚吃喝玩乐一日游 为方便输入电脑资料,请用英文正楷填写。

One-Day Tour 120714

姓名 (Name) 居民证号码 (NRIC No.) 性别 (Sex)

职业 (Occupation)

地址 (Address)

电话 (Tel)

手机 (Mobile)

电邮 (Email) 报名人数 (Pax) 主办机构

Cairnhill Community Club



请填妥表格并连同支票寄交或传真至: InfoMedia Publishing Pte Ltd Blk 163 Lor 1 Toa Payoh, #01-1004, Singapore 310163 Tel: 6352 0109 Fax: 6352 0117

豉椒江鱼仔炒豆干 Anchovies and Tau Kwa with Fermented Black Soya Bean 用料 油2汤匙 蒜头3瓣,去皮切碎 红辣椒2条,去籽切块 江鱼仔40克 五香豆干200克,切块 豆豉30克 青蒜2棵,切斜片

Ingredients 2 tbsp oil 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 2 red chillies, seeded and cut into pieces 40g anchovies 200g five-spice tau kwa, cut into pieces 30g fermented black soya bean 2 stalks leek, cut obliquely

调味料 酱油半汤匙 蚝油半汤匙 米酒1汤匙 糖1茶匙 清水3汤匙

Seasoning 1/2 tbsp dark soya sauce 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp rice wine 1 tsp sugar 3 tbsp water

作法 1 锅中烧热油,爆炒蒜蓉和辣椒块。 2 放入江鱼仔翻炒片刻,接着加入五香豆干块和豆 豉翻炒。 3 加入青蒜片和调味料拌炒,待汤汁完全收干后即 可关火。

Method 1 Heat oil in wok. Fry garlic and chilli until fragrant. 2 Add anchovies to stir-fry awhile. Then add tau kwa and fermented black soya bean to stir-fry. 3 Add leek and seasoning and toss well. Turn heat off once gravy dries up completely.

食尚品味 GL 19

Ingredients 6 eggs 1 1/2 tbsp whipping cream 180ml milk 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp green tea powder 4 tsp red bean paste Garnishing some whipping cream some strawberries some canned kidney beans


Green Tea and Red Bean Paste Crème Brûlée 用料 鸡蛋6个 打发奶油1汤匙半 牛奶180毫升 糖2汤匙 抹茶粉2茶匙 红豆沙4茶匙 装饰 打发奶油适量 草莓适量 罐装红腰豆适量

食尚品味 GL 26

作法 1 将鸡蛋、奶油、牛奶及糖放入碗内隔水加 热,须不断搅拌至糖溶解。接着加入抹茶 粉拌匀。 2 将抹茶奶油放入冰箱冷藏约20分钟。 3 烤箱预热至摄氏180度。 4 准备4个杯子。每个杯子填入1茶匙红豆 沙,倒入抹茶奶油。 5 将杯子放入烤盘内,在烤盘内加入热水, 热水高度最好没过杯子高度的一半。蒸烤 约15分钟。 6 将杯子取出,在室温下放凉。将布丁放入 冰箱约30分钟至凝固,加上装饰即可。

Method 1 Stir eggs with whipping cream, milk and sugar constantly in a double boiler till sugar dissolves. Add green tea powder. Stir well into a cream. 2 Refrigerate green tea cream for about 20 minutes. 3 Preheat oven to 180°C. 4 Prepare 4 cups. Fill each cup with 1 tsp red bean paste. Pour in green tea cream. 5 Place cups on a roasting dish. Pour hot water into dish until it reaches about halfway up the cups. Steambake for about 15 minutes. 6 Remove cups to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for about 30 minutes for the custard to firm up. Garnish.


撒上薄薄 在布蕾表面 可 你 , 前 。 吃之 烤至糖焦化 以喷火枪烧 le k n ri 的一层糖, sp may rving, you d n Before se gar a layer of su with a thin butane a ar with g su e th burn ed. l caramelis torch unti

铜锣烧 Dorayaki 用料 中筋面粉160克 糖140克 蜂蜜2汤匙 鸡蛋4个

泡打粉2汤匙 清水1汤匙 油少许 红豆沙5汤匙

作法 1 将中筋面粉、糖、蜂蜜、鸡蛋及泡打粉放 入大混拌碗中,搅拌均匀。放入冰箱冷藏 休息约20分钟。 2 然后加入清水搅匀。 3 用中火加热不粘锅。 4 将纸巾沾少许油,均匀抹在锅面上。 5 用勺子舀取面糊,从一尺高的距离倒入锅 中摊成一个圆形。当面糊表面产生气泡, 翻面煎。 6 两个面饼中间夹上红豆沙即可享用。可以 随个人喜好变化,搭配草莓酱或花生酱。 Ingredients 160g plain flour 140g sugar 2 tbsp honey 4 eggs

2 tbsp baking powder 1 tbsp water some oil 5 tbsp red bean paste

Method 1 Add plain flour, sugar, honey, egg and baking powder into a large mixing bowl. Stir well. Refrigerate for about 20 minutes to rest. 2 Add water and stir well. 3 Heat a nonstick frying pan over medium heat. 4 Dip a piece of paper towel into a bit of oil to coat the pan evenly. 5 Use a ladle to pour batter from 1 foot above the pan to create a circle. When the batter’s surface starts bubbling, flip over to cook the other side. 6 Sandwich the red bean paste. Strawberry jam or peanut butter can also be used as desired.

食尚品味 GL 27



May Jun 将周末时光消磨在

面粉堆里 过太多关于戚风蛋糕失败率很高的说法而却步?面对种类颇多的面包,却钟情

于咖啡厅面包?想再次“朝圣”香港茶餐厅,为了那香脆甜美的菠萝包? 这一期,我们邀请范秀萍(Mayjun Fan)为读者分享3道烘焙食谱,有黑芝麻咖啡厅面 包、班兰戚风蛋糕及菠萝包。她也会提供一些撇步,让你在制作时更得心应手。就让 我们随着Mayjun按部就班学,一步步来,从称量材料、搅拌、发酵、分割、滚圆、松 弛、整形至装饰的整个流程。

Illustration by Zhang Wei

Mayjun说,咖啡厅面包的制作与一般的中种面包没什么差异,等待发酵的面团必须 用保鲜膜覆盖以免水份流失,面皮干燥。开始搅拌时,牛油也不可与其它材料同时加 入混合,以免影响面粉的吸水性与面筋的扩展。还有在滚圆的过程都需注意表面应呈 光滑状态,同时也要将松散的底部黏紧。可以用冷豆奶来取代冷牛奶,展现出不一样 的味道。 Mayjun解说,制作戚风蛋糕,“安定”的蛋白霜是最大关键。蛋白霜除了发泡状态要 良好,气泡还得不容易消失而且十分安定。在蛋白中加入砂糖,蛋白的水份会被砂糖 所吸收,使气泡膜不易被破坏。加入砂糖的方式要加倍留意,以适量的份量加入蛋白 搅打(分3次加入为佳),才能制作出气泡膜结实的蛋白霜。另外,蛋一定要新鲜,多采 用A size的蛋,因为过大的蛋会形成蛋糕体膨胀得过高而造成蛋糕表面容易焦而内 部不够熟透。如果不用塔塔粉,也可以用一些酸性原料如柠檬汁或玉米粉来代替。一 旦掌握了基本的戚风蛋糕制法后,就可在面糊中加入其它材料,调制出各式口味和 颜色的戚风蛋糕。 菠萝包实际上并没有菠萝(黄梨)的成份,中间也没有填入馅料,但是外层的脆皮,为平 范秀萍Mayjun,走过了 14年当一名“白衣天使” 的光景,3年前离职成为 全职妈妈,全心全意的打 理起了家务。这时候的她 开始对烘焙和烹饪深感兴 趣。每当烘焙成品的香气 弥漫在整个厨房,都会让 她脸上绽开了笑容。她 说,很满意现在简简单单 的生活方式。

食尚品味 GL 30

凡、软身的面包加上了口感。Mayjun说,制作菠萝包的面团时,水的部份可以采用牛 奶来代替,让美味倍增!至于菠萝皮的粉团,搅拌好后会有些黏贴,擀扁时比较难操 作,所以可放进冰箱内冷藏半个小时。 Mayjun说:“在烘焙方面,我也经历过无数次的失败,不过经过反复练习与找出失败 的原因和对策,最终还是会成功。” 为了顾及家人的健康,她会以适量的糖份当考量。优质的牛油往往是她的首选,其天 然油脂有助于提升蛋糕与面包的风味。糖类方面,她多采用黄糖,因为具有独特的风 味与上色效果。在制作蛋糕与面包的过程,她都充满着期待与兴奋的感觉。最重要的 是,可以让家人减少摄取外买含有添加物的食品而倍感欣慰 。

中种面团用料 高筋面粉214克 冷牛奶128克


作法 1 将以上用料混匀成团,盖上保鲜膜,室温发酵4-5 小时。 主面团用料 高筋面粉62克 黑芝麻粉30克 牛奶12克 蛋液30克 速发干酵母3克

盐半茶匙 黄糖45克 奶粉12克 无盐牛油45克,室温软化 烤香黑芝麻25克

作法 1 将发酵完成的中种面团撕成小块,与主面团的所有 用料(牛油和黑芝麻除外)搅拌成团。 2 接 着 加 入 牛 油 和 黑 芝 麻 继 续 搅 拌 至 光 滑 且 扩 展 阶段。 3 静置10分钟后,分割成9份小面团,滚圆,排入已 抹油的8寸烤盘。 4 将 面 团 覆 盖 着 , 室 温 进 行 最 后 发 酵 6 0 分 钟 至 双 倍大。 5 置 入 预 热 好 摄 氏 1 7 0 度 的 烤 箱 , 烘 烤 约 2 0 分 钟 即可。

黑芝麻咖啡厅面包 Black Sesame Kopitiam Milk Bun Sponge Dough Ingredients 214g bread flour 2g instant yeast 128g cold milk

12g milk powder 45g unsalted butter, softened to room temperature 25g roasted black sesame seeds

Method 1 Mix above ingredients into dough. Cover with cling wrap. Let it rise in room temperature for 4 to 5 hours.

Method 1 Tear sponge dough into little pieces. Mix with main dough ingredients (except butter and black sesame seeds). 2 Add butter and black sesame seeds. Continue to beat until smooth and elastic. 3 Set aside for 10 minutes. Divide into 9 small portions. Round them then arrange on an 8-inch greased baking tray. 4 Cover dough. Rest at room temperature for 60 minutes until double in size. 5 Bake in preheated oven at 170°C for about 20 minutes.

Main Dough Ingredients 62g bread flour 30g black sesame powder 12g milk 30g egg wash 3g instant yeast 1/2 tsp salt 45g light brown sugar

食尚品味 GL 31


多年来,Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya,俨然已成为芭提

雅海边的著名地标之一。感觉上,Hard Rock这个品牌,设 在芭提雅这个海边,非常的贴切合拍,还颇有相辅相成的作 用。夜间紫红色的灯光、泳池畔长长的吉他杆,设在任何一 个宁静沙滩都显得突兀,屹立在芭提雅海边,却显得那么的 时髦热闹,那么的活力洋溢。怀旧又新潮的美式氛围,重金 属摇滚的强劲节奏,那么hard rock,又那么芭提雅。 Hard Rock Pattaya在2001年盛大开张,当时是芭提雅沙 滩上最夯的时尚酒店,拥有全芭提雅最大的泳池。十多年来 芭提雅改变了很多,酒店也跟上时代,分阶段进行了大规模 的全面翻新,耗资1000万美元,花了15个月的时间,刚于去 年完成。 翻新后的酒店展现焕然一新的气象,我们在4月份到访,正 好是泼水节的前几天,入住的家庭住客很多,工作人员忙忙



市,Hard Rock很好地融入了这个氛围,每逢周末举行的泡 沫舞会,已成为酒店最受欢迎的特色活动之一。寻常日子来


派 食尚品味 GL 36

到酒店,大厅里陈列着各种明星穿用的服饰、乐器、唱碟等 等,为整个地方注入不少明星气氛。酒店还提供一项特别服 务,住客可以免费借用摆在大厅里的电子吉他,拿到自己的 房间里尽情摇滚!

为1048与1389泰铢。自助餐台上选择很多,有各种亚洲与国 际美食,包括泰式菜肴、海鲜烧烤、沙律寿司、各式甜品等 等。除了晚餐时段的自助餐,餐馆里全日推出单点菜单,提 供西式与亚洲菜肴,试了这里的青咖哩、泰式炒面、牛肉河 酒店的另一卖点是泳池,总面积为2000平方米,一边是水 上篮球场,一边有人造沙滩。“沙滩”上有木制凉亭可供租 用,亭子里的迷你冰箱有啤酒、汽水等等。泳池周边有各种 设施,如攀岩墙、水上滑梯,不同时段也安排各种活动给住 客参加,很适合一家大小。 玩累了,rock spa就在泳池畔,环境清幽舒适。最著名的是

粉,收费各为307泰铢,道道都很令人满意。 入住期间,酒店还特别安排了烹饪课程(食谱请参考第 40页),由厨师带领我们到当地的菜市场Na Klua Market选 购食材,回酒店后一道道示范,完成了三道热菜和两道凉 菜,正好是午餐时间,享用忙碌了一个上午的成果。这项活 动平时并没有举行,有兴趣参加请在预订时提出特别要求。

品牌特色的Hard Rock Massage,最特别的是以竹子进行按 摩的Rhythm Sticks。而来到泰国,不容错过的当然还有传



餐饮方面,有多种不同选择。酒店里主要的全日餐厅是Starz Diner,外面没有冷气的部分是比萨餐厅Pizzeria。泳池中间 有水中酒吧The Shack,酒店大厅里还有Soul Lounge酒廊, 下午可以在这里享受茶点,晚上可以小酌一杯。酒店后门靠 近海边的部分,还有著名的Hard Rock Cafe。 Pizzeria的比萨与意大利面都有一定的水准,不过以泰国的 物价算起来并不便宜,点了一道牛尾宽面Pappardelle(泰铢 530元),牛排Grilled Black Angus Prime Ribeye Tagliata(泰铢 1150元)。几个人又分享了两个比萨饼,每个也要500-600泰 铢左右。 算起来,到Starz Diner用餐比较划算(又有冷气),自助晚餐收 费每人930泰铢,附带饮料为1272泰铢,星期六的收费分别 食尚品味 GL 37

来到Hard Rock当然也要去Hard Rock Cafe看看,餐馆位置

Central Festival,有个不错的超级市场和许多餐饮店面。另


一边的大门走出去不远的Central Pattaya Road,芒果糯米



Hard Rock Cafe都有的标准菜色,









(Silverlake Vineyard)



距离芭提雅市区不 到1小时车程,是芭



活动就是看人妖秀、玩水上活动、逛factory outlet,周边也




曾几何时,芭提雅改变了很多,市容更整洁、高速公路更便 捷,也出现更多大型购物中心、水上乐园等,吸引自助旅客 与家庭式游客。 我们此行对美食最感 兴趣,上午逛菜市场、 夜里逛夜市,采购和 品尝了不少当地食材 与小吃。酒店门口步行 数分钟就是大型商场

食尚品味 GL 38

种植各色花卉,游客入园可以搭乘游览车绕行一周,指定 地点会停下车来让你拍照。庄园里最近刚推出品酒活 动,250泰铢可以品尝几种 不同葡萄酒。酒庄里也附设 餐厅与住宿,专店里售卖各 种葡萄相关产品,如果汁、 果酱、饼干等等。我们在餐 厅里试了一红一白的Shiraz与 Chenin Blanc,红酒顺滑,白 酒清爽。

泰国湾是泰国主要的生蚝产地,南部的素叻他尼一带有专门 开放给游客参观的大型蚝场。芭提雅这里看到的是比较原始 的渔村风貌,渔民在海边整理着大串大串的蚝,风中飘有咸 咸的海水味道。附近的餐馆里可以品尝生蚝,道地的吃法是 把新鲜生蚝滴入柠檬汁与特调酱料,再搭配水含羞草一起食 用。水含羞草口感微涩略苦,配着生蚝入口,却更衬托出蚝 肉的鲜美滑溜。 芭提雅还有一个很特别的景点“真谛圣城”(Sanctuary of Truth),听起来像宗教场所,其实是一座很庞大的柚木建 筑。整个园区占地32英亩,位于芭提雅的rachaveto海角, 依山面海,傲视一方。建筑本身高度为105米,相当于20层 高的大楼。这座木建筑是由一名泰国华商所建,目的是为了 保存和展示传统的木雕工艺。 圣城始建于1981年,至今还没有完成。创办人已在14年前去 世,如今由他的儿子接手,预计还有20年才可完工。由于工 程庞大、历时多年,一边建造还要一边维修,整个工程动用 了200多名工艺师,分成四个部分,分别展示泰国、缅甸、 中国和印度的木雕工艺。建筑里里外外的每一寸木头都雕满 了精细造型与花饰,令人叹为观止。 在发展旅游业以前,芭提雅曾经是个小小渔村。时至今 日,出了市区依然可以找到昔日的渔村风情。我们在距 离市区不远的Ban Saen一带稍作停留,参观当地的 Tai Oyster Farm,还坐上小小的嚤哆艇出海视 察。海面上极目是一片蚝养殖场,水底下是 一颗颗一串串的蚝。看起来并不干净的 芭提雅海边,原来出了海岸水质还 是清澈的。

食尚品味 GL 39

鸡 肉 炒 腰 豆

Recipe by Chef Jimmy

食尚品味 GL 44


用料 腰豆150克 鸡胸肉300克,切块 高筋面粉200克 棕榈油适量 蒜蓉10克 洋葱100克,去皮切块 青灯笼椒100克,切块 黄灯笼椒100克,切块 红灯笼椒100克,切块 鸡汤30-50毫升 辣椒干20克,切段 青葱30克,切段

Ingredients 150g cashew nuts 300g chicken breast, cut into pieces 200g bread flour some palm oil 10g chopped garlic 100g onions, peeled and cut into pieces 100g green bell pepper, cut into pieces 100g yellow bell pepper, cut into pieces 100g red bell pepper, cut into pieces 30 to 50ml chicken stock 20g dried chilli, sectioned 30g spring onion, sectioned

腌味料 蒜蓉10克 盐20克 胡椒粉20克 蚝油150克 酱青100克

Marinade 10g garlic, chopped 20g salt 20g pepper 150g oyster sauce 100g light soya sauce

调味料 蚝油80克 酱青50克 糖60克 胡椒粉10克

Seasoning 80g oyster sauce 50g light soya sauce 60g sugar 10g pepper

作法 1 将腰豆油炸后捞起待用。 2 将鸡肉块拌入腌味料腌制。加入高筋面粉 混匀,油炸至熟。 3 锅中烧热棕榈油。加入蒜蓉炒至香。加入 洋葱块和灯笼椒块炒至熟。加入鸡汤和调 味料搅匀。 4 加入炸鸡块、腰豆、辣椒干段及青葱段翻 炒均匀即可。

Method 1 Deep-fry cashew nuts. Remove and set aside. 2 Marinate chicken. Mix with bread flour and deep-fry until cooked. 3 Heat palm oil in pan. Add garlic and stir-fry until fragrant. Add onion and bell pepper to sauté till cooked. Add chicken stock and seasoning. Toss well. 4 Add fried chicken, cashew nuts, dried chilli and spring onion. Stir well.

食尚品味 GL 45

食尚品味 GL 60

Photography:Oddinary Studios

What is it like to be invited into the kitchen of a celebrity chef ? Katherine Oh had the privilege of learning three recipes side by side with chef Daniel Koh at his new restaurant Le Cuisine. She reiterates her experience


ubber shoes, check! Apron, check! Hair, check! Trimmed nails, check! I am now ready to meet my instructor for the day, celebrity chef Daniel Koh. The wave of the lunch crowd has receded, it is now my turn in the kitchen. My heart leaped in my chest in excitement. The venerable name in East-meets-West cuisine will be teaching me how to cook! How cool is that? Just before that, I took a walk around the vicinity and caught a glimpse of Koh working in his kitchen separated from a walkway only by a glass panel. Yes, you can catch him in action as you do your shopping in Chinatown Point. The interiors of his new restaurant is fresh looking, chic and modern. It is like stepping into a Parisian bistro. In fact, the barely three-month-old restaurant just won the “Highly Commended Retail Interior (Singapore)” award recently. This was my second time meeting Koh up close. Like most of you, I have seen him on a variety of culinary shows on television where he is always firm with the contestants but encouraging when he appraises their dishes. Seeing him face to face, he looked a little beat, especially since it was just after lunch service, yet he greeted me with a warm handshake and smile and showed me where we will be working in the kitchen. I babbled a lot, out of excitement and nervousness of course. I told him how much I love his homemade chicken liver terrine, one of the salads on his menu, among others such as his signature crabmeat burger, braised lamb shank and lychee pork. What is more, all these are at walletfriendly prices. Koh has decided to share these three dishes with Gourmet Living readers: Deep-fried ice cream with fruit coulis, sautéed chicken with scallops and mushrooms, and clams with pork belly strips. They are perfect for homemakers who

want easy, hassle-free cooking in their kitchens. He said with a smile, “Sometimes the simpler the dish, the tastier it is. Simplicity is simply the best.” He was a very patient teacher, explaining everything in detail as much as possible. With every word, I could see his eyes lighting up and the tiredness melting from his demeanor. Koh never wanted to be a chef – he landed the job of a kitchen helper when he was 16 and has since been involved with the culinary arts. He actually aspired to be a hairdresser or a singer. Now, more than 40 years on, he has become a household name and created a number of dishes well-loved in Singapore and beyond. He shared that his biggest achievement was creating the wok-charred salmon in 1989 which set a trend for many years. It was actually created in Australia where he and his family migrated in the 1980s. It was there where he honed his style of cooking by introducing Asian influences in Western cooking, such as the use of Chinese herbs and spices. As I spoke with him, I realised he was actually quite philosophical too. I could sense that he melds his heart into his cuisine, which I feel, contributes to his success today. For instance, the pork belly and clam dish, a surf and turf concept, has a philosophical musing behind it. He revealed: “How come two very different ingredients that come from two different worlds – the land and the sea – can work and taste so marvelously exquisite when put together. Yet, mankind cannot work harmoniously with each other.” This same dish was featured on a television programme two years ago with the late actor Huang Wen Yong as the host who was full of praise for Koh’s dishes that were full of introspection and brimming with life philosophies. So when you cook this dish, contemplate as you savour every bit of it, just like how Koh did. 食尚品味 GL 61


Deep-Fried Ice Cream with Fruit Coulis 用料 香草冰淇淋1球 香草磅蛋糕薄片1片 中筋面粉1汤匙 鸡蛋1个,打散 面包糠1勺

油适量 芒果泥1汤匙 草莓水果泥1汤匙 荔枝水果泥1汤匙

装饰 薄荷叶适量 蓝莓适量,切半 醋栗适量,切半 作法 1 冰淇淋用香草磅蛋糕包裹之后,放入冰箱冷 冻格冷冻。 2 取出蛋糕球,裹上面粉、蛋液及面包糠。 3 油炸蛋糕球至面包糠变成金黄色。 4 搭配水果泥,并用薄荷叶、蓝莓及醋栗装饰。


将1个芒果,10个草莓及10个 荔枝,分别加入用1杯白砂糖和 1杯清水制成的简单糖水,再用 搅拌机打匀,即成水果泥。 Make fresh fruit coulis by blending 1 mango, 10 strawberries and 10 lychees, respectively with simple syrup (1 cup water and 1 cup sugar).

Ingredients 1 scoop vanilla ice cream 1 thin slice vanilla pound cake 1 tbsp all-purpose flour 1 egg, beaten 1 scoop breadcrumbs some oil 1 tbsp mango coulis 1 tbsp strawberry coulis 1 tbsp lychee coulis Garnishing some mint leaves some blueberries, halved some gooseberries, halved Method 1 Wrap ice cream with vanilla pound cake. Keep in the freezer. 2 Remove cake ball from freezer to coat with flour, egg wash and breadcrumbs. 3 Deep-fry cake ball till breadcrumbs turn golden brown. 4 Serve with fruit coulis and garnishing.

In The Kitchen With Chef Daniel 贴士TIP

烹煮这道菜肴,你可加入白 葡萄酒或中式烹调酒提味。 You can also add white cooking wine or Chinese wine when cooking.

姬菇炒鸡肉 与帆立贝

Sauteed Chicken with Scallops and Mushrooms 用料 油适量 鸡腿肉1块,切成方块,加盐和胡椒粉调味 帆立贝6个 蒜蓉30克 姜丝30克 鸡汤1/2杯 芫荽头1个 姬菇30克 芫荽适量 调味料 盐和胡椒粉适量 酱青1汤匙 作法 1 锅中烧热油,放入鸡肉块(鸡皮朝下),炒至 呈金黄色。接着加入帆立贝,煮几分钟至呈 褐色。 2 加入蒜蓉翻炒至香,依序加入姜丝、鸡汤及 芫荽头。 3 将 火 候 调 高 , 煮 到 汤 汁 变 少 , 继 续 焖 煮 鸡肉。 4 倒入姬菇翻炒3分钟至软嫩。 5 去除芫荽头,用盐、胡椒粉及酱青调味。撒 上芫荽点缀即可。

Ingredients some oil 1 chicken leg meat, cubed and seasoned with salt and pepper 6 hotate (Japanese scallops) 30g chopped garlic 30g julienne ginger 1/2 cup chicken stock 1 head coriander root 30g shimeji mushroom some coriander Seasoning salt and pepper to taste 1 tbsp light soya sauce Method 1 Heat oil in pan. Place chicken cubes skin down and sauté till golden brown. Add scallops and cook for a few minutes till brown. 2 Add garlic to cook till fragrant. Add julienne ginger, chicken stock and coriander root in sequence. 3 Turn up heat to reduce the stock and cook chicken further. 4 Add shimeji mushroom to stir-fry for another 3 minutes till tender. 5 Remove coriander root. Season with salt, pepper and light soya sauce to taste. Garnish with coriander. 食尚品味 GL 63


Executive Chef




ooking since young, Choi had always whipped up a wholesome meal for his younger siblings when his parents were at work. This ignited his passion for cooking and propelled him to venture into the culinary world after high school. He has worked for 15 years in the kitchens of international hotels such as The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Seoul and The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Florida, specialising in European cuisine. After a few years, he returned to his Korean roots and cuisine, working at The Park Hyatt Seoul. More recently, he joined The Ritz-Carlton Singapore Millennia and right after that, Marina Bay Sands Singapore, taking charge of the development of the Korean menu for the hotel’s food and beverage outlets. Now, he rules the roost at Kimchi restaurant which recently opened at Suntec City, offering his personal hometown favourites along with some dishes given a contemporary touch borrowed from his international experiences. The Andong native whips up a mean Andong jjimdak that is not to be missed. Similarly, his kimchi soup packs a punch – both goes deliciously and comfortably well with a bowl of warm fluffy white rice. Check out chef Choi’s recipes on the following pages.

食尚品味 GL 76


可随个人喜好,加入金 针菇和西葫芦片。 You can add enoki mushrooms and sliced zucchini.

泡菜汤 Kimchi Soup

用料 猪三层肉200克,切成1公分薄片 蒜蓉20克 青蒜蓉14克 韩国辣椒粉14克 泡菜300克 蔬菜上汤400毫升 泡菜汁300毫升(取自腌渍泡菜的原汁) 豆腐200克,切成方块 洋葱片8克 青蒜片8克 花菇片8克 青辣椒片5克 红辣椒片5克 调味料 海盐8克


作法 1 锅中放入猪三层肉片,用中火炒 至油脂释出。 2 加入蒜蓉、青蒜蓉及韩国辣椒粉 翻炒至香。 3 加入泡菜炒10分钟。 4 加 入 蔬 菜 上 汤 和 泡 菜 汁 , 煮 1 5 分钟。 5 最后加入豆腐块、全部切片的蔬 菜、海盐及味醂,继续煮10分钟 即可。

Ingredients 200g pork belly, cut into 1cm slices 20g chopped garlic 14g chopped leek 14g Korean chilli powder 300g kimchi 400ml vegetable stock 300ml kimchi stock (marinating liquid from kimchi) 200g tofu, cut into blocks 8g sliced onion 8g sliced leek 8g sliced shiitake 5g sliced green chilli 5g sliced red chilli Seasoning 8g sea salt

Method 1 Stir-fry pork belly in pot over medium heat until oil exudes from the belly. 2 Add chopped garlic, chopped leek and Korean chilli powder to sauté. 3 Add kimchi and fry for 10 minutes. 4 Add vegetable stock and kimchi stock to simmer for 15 minutes. 5 Add tofu, all the sliced vegetables, salt and mirin. Simmer for 10 minutes.

14g mirin

食尚品味 GL 77

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