Gl oct nov 2013

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Oct / Nov 2013

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食尚品味 Gourmet Living

钟情客家 复古滋味飘香 甜美糕点大家做

Special Feature

Culinary Legacies 8 885004 110090


Contents目录 5

6 14

食尚活动Gourmet Workshop • CNY烹饪示范会 • X’mas 烹饪示范会

餐饮新讯Dining Out

客家美食Hakka Treats 浓厚乡情客家美食 • 客家萝卜肉丸 • 客家炸肉 • 客家喜粄





座上嘉宾Be My Guest 台湾寻常家常味 给你家一般的温暖 • 珍珠丸子 • 客家小炒 • 金瓜米粉 食疗养生Food Therapy 新一轮美食风向标 吃出好气色 • 黑松露乌鸡汤 • 赛螃蟹伴燕窝 • 淮山上素


快乐厨房Happy Kitchen 糕点甜美气息 迎接美丽周末 • 迷你草莓芝士蛋糕 • 彩绘松饼






味道回忆Nostalgic Flavours 复古滋味零嘴 • 五香螺旋饼 • 豆沙饼 食尚活动Workshop Review 美国马铃薯烹饪示范会花絮 • 夹克马铃薯 • 巴东鸡肉配马铃薯 • 马铃薯烧排骨 • 马铃薯养生粥 食尚活动Workshop Review DIY月饼花絮 • 传统烘皮月饼 • 冰皮月饼








餐饮活动Event 新加坡餐饮业协会星厨争霸 大赛2013 异言堂Frankly Speaking 感同身受 食物笔记The Food Diary 家的味道 生活小窍门Household Tips 6条妙招,让你玩转厨房 手作时光DIY Wonders 让《吉袜娃》充满生命力 旅·影Roving Lenses 奔向婆罗摩火山的怀抱

庆 春 学年菜 为了庆祝金马的到来,芽笼士乃民众俱乐部将于1月12日 举办一场“金马奔腾 • 庆新春 • 学年菜”示范会,并邀请了 Chef Loo和导师李瑞霞为大家示范六道喜庆年菜。大家可别 错过了,赶快报名参加吧! 主办机构:

Chef Loo Tiong Bin




Geylang Serai Community Club

金马奔腾 • 庆新春 • 学年菜

金马奔腾 • 庆新春 • 学年菜 为方便输入电脑资料,请用英文正楷填写。


Chef Loo 导师李瑞霞




2.00pm - 5.00pm

地点Venue: Geylang Serai Community Club 芽笼士乃民众俱乐 99 Haig Road Singapore 438748

姓名 (Name) 居民证号码 (NRIC No.) 性别 (Sex)

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地址 (Address)


6747 2919

电话 (Tel)


每人$12 备有下午茶点招待 Hi-Tea is provided for participants

电邮 (Email)

赠品Goodie : 每位参与者皆可获得赠品 All participants will receive a goodie bag

Geylang Serai CC Workshop


手机 (Mobile)

共S$ 请填妥表格并连同支票寄交或传真至:

InfoMedia Publishing Pte Ltd Blk 163 Toa Payoh Lor 1, #01-1004, Singapore 310163 Tel: 6352 0109 Fax: 6352 0117


Contents目录 60 62



特色餐饮Dining Feature Meat Lovers’ Paradise 甜点世界Sweet Pleasures Creamy Pursuits • Meyer Lemon Tart • Molten Chocolate Cake • Cherry Almond Crumble 专题特写Special Feature Culinary Legacies • Sliced Veal Zurich Style with Rösti • Pork Cordon Bleu with Mashed Potato and Salad • Hot and Cold Sesame Paste • Healthy Fruit Rojak with 2 Sauces • Modern Oriental Stir-fried King Abalone Mushroom • Rainbow Popcorn and Spice-infused Rum Apple




80 86 88

食尚旅游Gourmet Travel Foodie-Fashionista 产品速递What’s in Store 订阅表格Subscription

食尚品味 Gourmet Living

Food Consultants

Senior Graphic Designer

黄清标 Huang Ching Biao 霍铭田 Fok Wing Tin

吴丽碧 Libby Goh

MCI (P) 051/04/2013 ISBN: 8885004110090

Business Development Manager

Published by

Editorial Editors 张君珠 Jean Cheung 克豪 L. Kerhaw Writers 胡玮伦 Katherine Oh 傅丽爱 Jesslyn Poh

YKF, Eric

Photography Audrey & Mok Photography, CS-Studio, Koh Zhi Yong

Circulation Manager Joyce Thian

INFOMEDIA PUBLISHING PTE LTD Reg. No: 200505398D Blk 163, Lor 1 Toa Payoh, #01-1004 Singapore 310163 Tel: 6352 0109 Fax: 6352 0117

Distributed By MEDIACORP PUBLISHING PTE LTD Tel: 6483 7118 Fax: 6483 7291

Contributors 黄清标,朱翠珊,郭兆璋,张靖豪,赖玮婷,张靖芬, 李瑞霞,白杨柯儿,陈鋕晋,郭素菁, 吉雅, Audrey Wang, Jeremy Chen, Chef Judy Koh, Rosabelle, Ryan Huber, Timonthy Chia, Valerie Teo, Zephaniah Tan

版权所有,《食尚品味》杂志社保有所有权力。未经本社书面许可,不得以任何形式,目的翻印,传播和使用本刊的任何图文。 All rights reserved. No portion of this publication covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced in any form without written permission.

圣诞美食糕点 烹饪示范会

Christmas Delights WORKSHOP

今年的圣诞节想学点不一样的美食? 那就让新加坡国敦河畔大酒店的意大利 名厨Daniele Sarno和获奖无数的糕点师 傅Tiffany Yeo为大家示范两道不一样的 圣诞美食和甜点。当然,烹饪示范后还 可以再享用美味下午茶点!名额有限, 赶快行动,以免向隅! Planning some interesting Christmas treats? Pick up some tips from Grand Copthorne Waterfront’s renowned Italian chef Daniele Sarno and award-winning pastry chef Tiffany Yeo before indulging in a high tea buffet! Sign up before all seats get taken up!

Chef Da

niele Sa

y Yeo

Chef Tiffan




Chef Tiffany Yeo Tutti Frutti Swiss Roll 缤纷瑞士卷

地址 (Address)

日期Date :


时间Time :

3pm - 5pm

地点Venue : Grand Copthorne Waterfront 392 Havelock Road Function Room 收费Fees :

每人S$60 备有自助下午茶点招待 Hi-Tea buffet provided for participants



Chef Daniele Sarno Risotto Funghi, Mascarpone, Trevigiano & Noci (Vialone Nano Rice, Porcini Mushrooms, Mascarpone Cheese, Italian Radicchio & Walnuts) 意大利牛肝菌芝士核桃烩饭

示范师傅 :


Grand Copthorne Waterfront Workshop

姓名 (Name) 居民证号码 (NRIC No.) 性别 (Sex)

电话 (Tel)

职业 (Occupation)

手机 (Mobile)

电邮 (Email) 报名人数

共S$ 请填妥表格并连同支票寄交或传真至:

InfoMedia Publishing Pte Ltd Blk 163 Toa Payoh Lor 1, #01-1004, Singapore 310163 Tel: 6352 0109 Fax: 6352 0117



摄影:Koh Zhi Yong






























然而在此刻,厨房里传来水声和碗碟 碰撞丁丁当当的声音。循着声音找过 去,看见有位女士围着围裙,在厨房 里弹奏锅碗瓢盆交响曲,嘴角泛起一 个若有若无的弧度。 今晚,如往常一样,这户人家打算宴 请旧雨新知前来寒舍一叙,吃一顿家 常饭。入口处的右边墙上挂着几幅书 法作品,再走过长廊,一束束盛开着 的洁白百合花便映入眼帘。 长长的餐桌上早已准备好了碗碟、筷























蓬莱米煮成的地瓜稀饭吃,是绝配。 他发自内心的说,最喜欢太太做的台 湾小菜,总是那么的朴实温暖。 对兆璋来说,做菜是表达情感的方 式,也是纾解压力的方式。在孩子念 书的时候,每逢周五,她让孩子把同 学们带来家里吃饭。这些孩子来自马 来西亚、台湾、印尼等国家,最喜欢 她制作的肉羹、扣肉以及台式米糕。










食尚品味 GL 20





深刻的惦念。于是,钻进厨房,揣摩 年轻时所吃到的味道,成为了她“任 重而道远”的使命。像是萝卜糕、葱 油饼或鼠壳粿,经过反复试验,让空 气里流动的都是这种足以让她雀跃、 相仿的味道!

属于行动派的兆璋,一度为了了解 茶文化,去学茶、寻茶,几座茶山都 留下了她的足迹。有人说人生就是一 个大舞台,可是生活并非是演戏,像 是今晚的家宴,家里插着的花瓣,不 是因为有客人到来而刻意去买花布







叠出协调的美味。她制作的肉羹汤, 是在猪肉碎里掺合墨鱼胶,加上笋 丝、香菇丝及高汤一起煮,并以黑醋 与胡椒粉调味。兆璋也乐于分享高汤 的煮法,采用猪大骨、鸡骨、鸡爪、 姜与清水熬煮3小时左右,直至汤汁呈 乳白色,舀出用筛过滤。为了家人与

饱餐一度后,在舒舒缓缓的音乐中, 兆璋将清明节前采制的龙井茶倾入 茶壶。蜷缩的茶叶在开水中舒展 着绿萝裙裳,缓缓浮上水面。悠悠的 茶香氤氤氲氲,伴着精致清淡的茶 点,让我们似乎忘却了时间,继续畅 聊着…… 食尚品味 GL 21

食尚品味 GL 22

特色Speciality •

沾满糯米的丸子蒸熟后,糯米晶莹剔透, 像珍珠一般美而称为珍珠丸子。 • After steaming, the coat of glutinous rice on the meatballs will have a pearl-like appearance, befitting their namesake.

珍珠丸子 Pearl Meatballs 用料 绞肉(肥多瘦少)300克 鲜虾200克 马蹄8个 虾米30克 鸡蛋1个 葱末30克 姜末20克 糯米200克 清水100毫升 樱花虾适量,过油 调味料 盐1茶匙 胡椒粉2茶匙 麻油2茶匙 做法 1 糯米洗净泡水两小时。 2 鲜虾去壳,挑肠切丁。 3 马蹄去皮切丁, 压掉水分。 4 虾米泡软切小丁。 5 将绞肉、虾米、虾肉丁、马蹄丁、葱末、姜末、鸡蛋 及调味料一起置入大碗容器,以逐次加水的方式,搅 拌摔打所有食材,直至出筋,与其它材料完全黏合。 6 糯米滤干,平铺盘中。 7 将馅料捏成丸状,沾上糯米成糯米球,置蒸笼布上。 8 取锅将水烧开,大火蒸15分钟,缀上樱花虾即可。

Ingredients 300g minced meat (more fat, less lean) 200g fresh prawns 8 water chestnuts 30g dried shrimps 1 egg 30g minced spring onion 20g minced ginger 200g glutinous rice 100ml water some Sakura prawns, blanched awhile in oil Seasoning 1 tsp salt 2 tsp pepper 2 tsp sesame oil Method 1 Wash and soak glutinous rice for 2 hours. 2 Shell and devein prawns before dicing. 3 Skin water chestnuts and dice. Press to squeese away the juices. 4 Soak dried shrimps till soft before dicing. 5 Mix minced meat, dried shrimp, prawn, water chestnut, minced spring onion and ginger, egg, and seasoning in bowl. Add water bit by bit while mixing and beating the mixture until mixture completely sticks together. 6 Drain glutinous rice. Spread evenly on plate. 7 Shape fillings into balls and coat with glutinous rice. Place them onto the steaming cloth. 8 Steam over high heat for 15 minutes. Garnish with Sakura prawns. 食尚品味 GL 23

特色Speciality • 色香味俱全,配饭,下酒皆宜。 • Fragrant, tasty and aesthetically pleasing. Suitable with rice or wine. 贴士Tips • 葱白和虾米一定要爆至香气溢出才可。 • 辣椒丝一起爆香或后放皆可。 • Spring onion (white part) and dried shrimps must be heated till fragrant. • Chilli strips can be heated together or added afterwards.


Stir-Fried Dried Squid with Tou Kua 用料 干鱿鱼1条 五花肉300克 黄豆干1块,切条 青葱5棵,切段 芹菜3棵,去叶切段 辣椒3条,切丝 虾米5汤匙

Ingredients 1 dried squid 300g pork belly 1 piece tou kua, cut into strips 5 stalks spring onion, sectioned 3 stalks celery, sectioned with leaves removed 3 chillies, shredded 5 tbsp dried shrimps

调味料 酱油2汤匙 胡椒粉少许 糖1汤匙 米酒1汤匙

Seasoning 2 tbsp dark soya sauce pepper to taste 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp rice wine

做法 1 干鱿鱼用水和盐浸泡3小时,撕去硬膜洗净,对切为 二,再横刀切丝。 2 五花肉切成条状。 3 起油锅,鱿鱼丝过油盛起。再放豆干条,干煸盛起。 4 爆香虾米和少许葱白。放入肉条同炒,加入调味料, 再放入豆干条和鱿鱼丝拌炒。最后放入剩余葱段、芹 菜段及辣椒丝快速拌抄,盛起。

Method 1 Soak dried squid in salt water for 3 hours. Remove membrane and wash, cut into half then slice horizontally into shreds. 2 Slice pork belly into strips. 3 Heat oil in wok. Blanch squid briefly before removing. Add tou kua to stir-fry. Dish out. 4 Stir-fry dried shrimps and some spring onion (white part). Add pork belly to fry. Add seasoning, tou kua and dried squid to stir-fry. Lastly, add remaining spring onion, celery and chilli. Stir-fry quickly and dish out.

食尚品味 GL 24

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特色Speciality •

南瓜软化后,其色泽与甜份完全被米粉吸 收,颜色金黄,就成为色、香、味俱全的 金瓜米粉。 • After pumpkin softens, the vermicelli would have absorbed the sweetness and colour of the pumpkin, giving it a pleasing aesthetic, aroma and taste.




Pumpkin Vermicelli 用料 南瓜300-400克 台湾新竹米粉或一般细米粉300克 小虾米干300克 绞肉200克 青葱20克,切段 沙拉油3汤匙 高汤2碗

Ingredients 300 to 400g pumpkin 300g Taiwan Xinzhu vermicelli or any thin vermicelli 300g dried shrimps 200g minced meat 20g spring onion, sectioned 3 tbsp salad oil 2 bowls stock

调味料 盐1茶匙半 胡椒粉2茶匙

Seasoning 1 1/2 tsp salt 2 tsp pepper

做法 1 南瓜去皮,切细丝或用刨刀刨成丝。 2 细米粉洗净,稍微泡软滤干。 3 起油锅,爆香葱段和虾米,加入绞肉炒熟,再放入 南瓜丝、高汤及调味料。 4 汤滚即放入米粉,拌炒至南瓜软化,与米粉均匀贴 合即可。

Method 1 Skin pumpkin then cut into thin shreds. 2 Wash vermicelli and briefl y soak until soft. Drain. 3 Heat oil in wok. Heat spring onion and dried shrimps till fragrant. Add minced meat and fry till cooked. Add pumpkin shreds, stock and seasoning. 4 Once boiling, add vermicelli to stir-fry till pumpkin softens and sticks to the vermicelli evenly. 食尚品味 GL 27


Meat Lovers’

Paradise Just cannot get enough of Spanish food? Serenity Spanish Bar and Restaurant has just opened at a new location – Ngee Ann City! It has also introduced five meaty items to the menu. Katherine Oh tastes and tells


earty meals are made of these: Spanish-style honey pork ribs, pork paella, braised beef tendons, char-grilled beef tongue and the slow-cooked beef cheek. Drooling yet? These are just some of the new menu items, specialities of inland Spanish regions, introduced at the new restaurant. The third Serenity Spanish Bar and Restaurant (the second being in Bali, Indonesia) opened its doors in the heart of Singapore’s shopping district so customers can have more of the good stuff. Located on the fifth level of Ngee Ann City, one will find the new outlet a breath of fresh air, different from the casual dining atmosphere at its VivoCity outlet. Instead, this new restaurant has a classy black and white theme, complemented with a touch of fuchsia for vibrancy. The interior is decked out in beautiful chandeliers, customised Baroque-style upholstery and paintings. A mural of flamenco dancers steals the limelight while a wine fridge embellishes the romantic ambience which is perfect for dates, anniversaries and other celebrations. In this meat lovers’ paradise, besides its famous suckling pig, start with a tapas of char-grilled beef tongue with Spanish sweet wine sauce. Do not be intimidated by the unique cut for the beef is braised in red wine and herbs for up to six hours which makes it extremely tender. Some customers have even mistaken it for wagyu. The accompanying Spanish sweet wine sauce is a perfect match, and the flavourful olive oil-seared potatoes is simply delish. Matching the char-grilled beef tongue in tenderness is the slow-cooked beef cheek, also cooked in red wine for six hours. It is served with sautéed mushroom and poached baby carrots. The beef cheek is moist and juicy while the mushrooms

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have a touch of garlic. Those who love beef tendon will also enjoy the braised beef tendon in red wine with chickpeas, butter beans, baby carrots and mashed potato. This dish is extremely hearty and wholesome. The soft chickpeas and butter beans offer a nice contrast to the springy tendons. Do not let the tasty gravy go to waste – mop it up with some freshly baked bread! You would have noticed a recurring use of red wine in the meat dishes. This is because Spanish cuisine adores using wine in cooking, particularly regions in the south and west of Spain. Apparently, red wine is a natural tenderiser, yet it can keep the juices of the meat intact and lend it a rich aroma to enhance the flavour of the dish. In addition, Serenity is also known for importing its own Spanish wines. Wine lovers will be delighted to know that it carries a good stash of reputable bottles that even wine connoisseur Robert Parker would approve. And what is dining at a Spanish restaurant without ordering a paella? It is like visiting Spain without catching the flamenco dance. The restaurant now has a new pork paella that will find favour with meat lovers. The bomba rice as usual is plump and packed with flavour from the myriad of ingredients such as onion, tomato, bacon, Spanish chorizo, pork ribs, potato, capsicums, chickpeas and seafood stock. Squeeze a slice of lemon over and the zest will heighten the flavour and mask any fishy smell.

composition of red Spanish peppers, garlic, olive oil and nuts, the sauce is really delicious. All in all, the succulent ribs are not to be missed. End the meal with Serenity’s assortment of Spanish cocktails and sangria, the perfect way to wind down for the rest of the evening. 391 Orchard Road, #05-32 Podium Block Ngee Ann City, Tel: 6235 9989

Last but not least, the BBQ honey pork ribs with baked potato and romesco sauce is exceptional. The caramelised marinade, that clings on to the seared ribs like a second skin, has a delectable sweetsavoury smokey to it. The romesco sauce is a secret recipe that originated from the city of Tarragona. A

食尚品味 GL 61



he love for cooking runs in the blood. A passion that is so contagious, inspiring and nurturing that Ryan Huber, Valerie Teo and Timothy Chia indulge their whole life in ingredients and recipes, following in the footsteps of their parents. Huber is now the managing director of Huber’s Butchery, a name renowned for gourmet meats in Singapore. While Teo, the lady in the trio, has started a Good Food Heals movement and is in her own words, a “natural juice therapist” and “healthy recipe developer”. For Chia, while he is now serving the nation (conscription), the budding chef hopes to study at the famous Culinary Institute of America in the US, apprentice at restaurants and help his mum run her Creative Culinaire cooking school and Caffe Pralet bistro. Their stories are further explored in the following pages coupled with secret family recipes tagged with heartwarming memories.

MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY The sliced veal Zurich style with rösti is the best dish Ryan Huber has ever eaten. It is a speciality dish from Zurich in Switzerland where his father Ernst Huber grew up in. The older Huber

Ryan and Ernst

Culinary Legacies

If the art of cooking is an inheritance, what would it be like in the hands of the next generation? Katherine Oh has a tête-àtête with three personas, the offspring of famous chef parents

globe-trotted and worked in many establishments before settling down in Singapore. In the 70s and 80s, he was the executive chef at Hilton Singapore and Dynasty Hotel (now Marriott Hotel). Soon after, he opened the European-style butchery and delicatessen in 1994. Talking about the other featured recipe, pork cordon bleu with mashed potato and salad, the younger Huber declared that his father makes the best mashed potato and salad dressing. It was also the very first recipe that his father taught him when he was a child. “I have always looked up to my father as a role model and his passion for food had rubbed off on me. What I remember is that I would see him for a few hours per week, mostly on the afternoons when he occasionally came home during split shifts. He had a library of photos he took of the animals at the African safari while he was cooking at a lodge and many photos of his culinary life. I was an inquisitive child and would pore through them when I was not in school or playing football. “He had hundreds of food pictures, neatly arranged and displayed. When I asked him about the food pictures, he 食尚品味 GL 70

would passionately explain how they prepared the foods during competitions in a short time when he was part of the Singapore culinary team. His passion and dedication to his work has been a great inspiration to me. I had considered cooking as a career but he advised me that cooking at home and in a real kitchen is very different. He persuaded me not to take up cooking as a career as it is a tough job,” reminisced Huber. But that did not deter him from working part-time at Italian and American restaurants during school days to earn some pocket money. Finally, it was the hectic hours spent at the butchery during school holidays and festive seasons that helped him understand why the patriarch dissuaded him from the F&B line. But his passion for cooking never really fizzle out. He also credited his mother’s sense of achievement when making meals for the family an inspiration, for he said, “It is the pride of making someone else happy, especially through cooking, which inspires me.” Finally, in order to stay in Singapore where family and friends are near, Huber left his job with BMW and convinced his father to employ him full-time. Now, the

摄影:CS Studio

Valerie and Anna

Timothy and Judy

managing director, he said, “He was almost 60 years old then and it was about time I helped take some load off his shoulders. Since, I have never looked back.” Now, an expert of gourmet meats and sausages, with a good knowledge of cooking techniques, he is able to advise customers on the most suitable cooking method for the different cuts of meat. This brings out the best quality of the meat and at the same time helps him win customer satisfaction.

CELEBRATION OF FOOD THAT HEALS Valerie Teo’s recipes were inspired by her mother Anna Phua, a celebrity cooking instructor and author of many popular recipe books such as Active Vegetable and Fruit Enzymes, Zesty Southeast Asian Treats and Festive Delight, among others.

made by my mom. She is well-known for her local dishes. For my version, I have tweaked my rojak sauce for a higher nutritional content without compromising on deliciousness. The caramel rojak uses wholesome ingredients such as Medjool dates and Manuka honey. With these, we can easily have a healthier and flavourful version of caramel,” she said. Teo also shared her philosophy on eating and cooking. She highlighted that she mindfully eats a high-raw diet as cooking most food above 42°C denatures the enzymes which are good for the body. When choosing ingredients for a meal, she likes researching on their nutritional value and eats them according to what her body needs.

“Learning about what real food can do for people excites me! I was influenced by my mom’s passion for cooking; it was an ambition she knew since a teenager. I used to watch her write recipes into the wee hours and we often spend quality time shopping for books related to food and nutrition. We will study them together when we got home,” Teo shared.

“Cooking for myself is my way of loving my body. When I cook for others, I also enjoy sharing and loving people in ways words cannot express. I see cooking as the only art that can touch a person’s five senses – visually, aromatically, audibly (the sound of biting into food), tastily and texturally (the different ways you can cut a vegetable, for example). A nutritious meal is a profound gift you can give a loved one,” she expressed enthusiastically.

Bringing back fond memories are Teo’s favourite hot and cold sesame paste dessert and smoothie; treats her mother always makes for her when she was young. Especially the cold banana sesame smoothie which made her recall an incident when she was admitted to the hospital for critically low potassium. By ingesting bananas, she was saved from the tormenting drip and soon after, she was discharged. She also shared her testimony on beating psoriasis – a skin problem which doctors have diagnosed incurable – through healthy eating and a juicing lifestyle. This convinced her on the healing potential of fresh foods.

While Teo admitted it was pretty tough trying to fill the shoes of her mother, Teo is now in a league of her own with the launch of the Good Food Heals movement and business that educates and encourages children and adults alike on the healing potential of food. Kick-starting the programme was her first workshop with kids from low-income families, where she taught them how to make smart food choices on a budget every day. She will also be running more workshops where participants will learn what are the top superfoods that build up the body’s immune system and how to make delicious smoothies.

“My mom has taught me to embrace and enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables since I was little. Thus, to share my love for all things fresh I wanted to share this unique rojak recipe

Teo was recently certified as a natural juice therapist at UK’s Juice Academy run by Jason Vale. She also got another food therapy certification from Ouyang Ying who is a renowned 食尚品味 GL 71

food therapist and author in Taiwan and China. She will soon be taking a degree in traditional Chinese medicine as well.

MY MOTHER, MY MENTOR Timothy Chia also grew up under the tender loving care of executive chef Judy Koh who is also the founder of Creative Culinaire. Growing up with her cooking, Chia has great admiration for his mother, also his mentor who nurtured his passion for the culinary. From the age of four, his mother would encourage and include Chia in her baking and cooking sessions. He said, “She is different from other moms, she is the funky kind. She would expose me and my sister to many different things like allowing us to dissect a whole fish and letting us run around in the rain and roll on the wet grass just to have fun. When she cooks, I would stand by her side and help her with whatever simple tasks I could manage. I guess all these helped shape me into an adventurous person as I love to try out new things especially bizarre exotic food. It was this that fanned my passion for the F&B industry. As I grew older, I was sure that this is the only career I wanted to pursue – to be a great chef!” At only 11 years old, Chia started from scratch learning from his mother at the culinary school together with the other students. He was offered no special treatment and his mother was frank with the appraisal of his creations. “The cakes I baked were not always the best and my mom would not purposely praise me in class just because I am her son. It was definitely for my own good and I am proud that my mom did not treat me any differently. She is certainly my greatest mentor and every moment spent in the kitchen with her is precious.” The aspiring chef also loves cooking for his family for he said that the dinner table has always been a place where the family would bond. He gets deep satisfaction from watching his family finishes the food he cooked, which usually consists of Asian cooking like stir-fries and soups. For the magazine, he has created a modern version of the oriental king abalone mushroom stir-fried with celery. For his other recipe – the rainbow salted caramel popcorn and spiced-rum apples, the rainbow salted caramel popcorn are remnants of his childhood where his mother would prepare popcorn for the family before going to the movies. Here, he has recreated it into a dessert that pays tribute to his mentor. After completing his National Service, he hopes to continue working in a few more restaurants and cafes to learn and gain more experience. And when the time is right, his dream is to study at the Culinary Institute of America in San Francisco, and then come back to help his mother with her bistro and cooking school, to bring them to even greater heights. 食尚品味 GL 72

苏黎世小牛肉伴 马铃薯煎饼 Sliced Veal Zurich Style with Rösti 煎小牛肉用料 小牛腰肉600克,切片 中筋面粉20克 橄榄油30毫升 盐适量 白胡椒粉10克 牛油30克 白洋葱150克,切碎 新鲜白蘑菇200克,切片 白酒100毫升 西餐烧汁100毫升 鲜奶油150毫升(乳脂含量35%),拌打至半硬 固态 欧芹15克,切碎 作法 1 将小牛腰肉片均匀裹上中筋面粉。锅中放 橄榄油,放入牛肉片,以大火煎不超过2分 钟。将肉取出放在碗里,用盐和胡椒粉调 味。 2 在干净的锅里,加入牛油,倒入洋葱碎翻 炒出香。加入蘑菇片,翻炒约1分钟。 3 白酒下锅煮至减半,加入烧汁煮滚,加入 打发奶油拌匀。 4 将牛肉片回锅加热,如有必要再调佐料。 盛盘,缀以欧芹碎。 马铃薯煎饼用料 美国褐斑薯600克 盐适量 无盐牛油100克 作法 1 把马铃薯煮15分钟至熟,注意不要煮得太 软。放置一边待凉,去皮后碾磨马铃薯, 再用盐调味。 2 在不粘锅上均匀铺上一层约1公分的马铃薯 碎,与一半的牛油用中火一起煎。用刮铲 将马铃薯均匀摊平压薄,当锅底那面煎至 金黄色后,翻面。 3 加入剩余牛油,炒至锅底那面呈金黄色。




Stir-fried Sliced Veal Ingredients 600g milk-fed veal loin, sliced 20g plain flour 30ml olive oil salt to taste 10g white pepper 30g butter 150g white onions, finely chopped 200g fresh white button mushrooms, sliced 100ml white wine 100ml brown sauce 150ml cream (35% milk fat), whipped until semi-stiff 15g parsley, finely chopped Method 1

Coat veal loin pieces evenly in plain flour. Stir-fry in olive oil over high heat for less than 2 minutes. Transfer to bowl and season with salt and pepper.


Add butter to a clean pan and sweat onions



until fragrant. Add mushrooms to sweat for


another minute.


Parboil potatoes in water for 15 minutes until

Add white wine and reduce to half. Add brown

tender but still firm. Set aside to cool before

sauce and bring to a boil. Add semi-whipped

peeling skin. Grate potatoes and season

cream and stir.

with salt.

Add meat back to pan to warm it up and season


Put nonstick pan on medium heat and spread a thin layer (about 1 cm) of grated potato.

to taste. Dish out to garnish with parsley.

Fry with half the butter. Press potato flat Rรถsti Ingredients 600g US russet potatoes salt to taste 100g unsalted butter

with spatula. Flip over when bottom turns golden brown. 3

Add the rest of the butter and fry until bottom is golden brown.

食尚品味 GL 74


Pork Cordon Bleu with Mashed Potato and Salad 蓝带猪排用料 猪小里肌4块,每块120克 火腿4片 格鲁耶尔芝士4片,每片30克 中筋面粉50克

鸡蛋2个 面包糠200克 橄榄油30毫升 柠檬1个,切成4个角

Pork Cordon Bleu Ingredients 4 pork escalopes, 120g each 4 slices ham 4 slices Gruyère, 30g each 50g plain flour

2 eggs 200g breadcrumbs 30ml olive oil 1 lemon, quartered

调味料 盐适量


Seasoning salt to taste

10g white pepper

作法 1 拍松猪小里肌块,双面用盐和胡椒粉调味。在肉块上 铺上火腿片,铺上芝士片,然后对折。 2 把猪排均匀裹上中筋面粉,沾上蛋液,再裹上面包 糠。轻轻按,使更多的面包糠嵌入肉排,抖落多余的 面包糠。 3 不粘锅放入橄榄油,用小火至中火将猪排煎至金黄 色。搭配柠檬角。 马铃薯泥用料 马铃薯600克 无盐牛油100克 温全脂牛奶120毫升 白胡椒粉3克

盐适量 豆蔻粉3克 综合生菜叶适量

作法 1 马铃薯去皮后用放了少许盐的水煮熟。沥干,压成马 铃薯泥,加入牛油搅拌的同时,加入牛奶拌匀。 2 加入胡椒粉和盐调味,撒上豆蔻粉。

Method 1 Pound pork escalopes flat and season both sides with salt and pepper. Lay a slice of ham followed by the cheese on top of each escalope. Fold the escalope in half. 2 Evenly coat the escalopes with plain flour. Dip in beaten egg wash and coat with breadcrumbs. Gently press as much breadcrumbs onto escalopes and then shake off excess. 3 Fry escalopes on low to medium heat in a nonstick pan with olive oil until golden brown. Serve with lemon wedge. Mashed Potato Ingredients 600g potatoes 100g unsalted butter 120ml warm full-cream milk

3g white pepper salt to taste 3g ground nutmeg


1 Peel potatoes and boil in slightly salted water until 沙拉用料 芥末30克 蛋黄酱60克 盐5克 白胡椒粉5克 巴萨米可醋(意大利黑醋)60毫升 橄榄油80毫升 作法 1 在大碗里一起拌匀芥末和蛋黄酱,加入盐和胡椒粉搅 拌,并同时慢慢倒入巴萨米可醋拌匀。 2 慢慢倒入橄榄油,迅速搅拌以避免油醋分离。一旦充 分混合,将沙拉酱淋在菜叶上即可。

cooked. Drain then mash potatoes. Stir in butter, then add milk while stirring continuously. 2 Add white pepper and salt to taste. Sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Salad Ingredients 30g mustard 60g mayonnaise 5g salt 5g white pepper

60ml balsamic vinegar 80ml olive oil some mesclun

Method 1 Whisk mustard and mayonnaise together in a large bowl. Add salt and pepper. Pour in balsamic vinegar slowly while whisking until evenly combined. 2 Slowly pour in olive oil and whisk very fast so that oil and vinegar do not separate. Once fully combined, drizzle over mesclun and serve.


Hot and Cold Sesame Paste 冷香蕉芝麻冰沙用料 香蕉1条,去皮,切段 黑芝麻2汤匙, 烤香 黑糖或蜂蜜3汤匙

无糖豆奶200克 冰块450克

作法 1 把香蕉段、黑芝麻、黑糖、无糖豆奶及冰块放在搅拌机 里,以高速搅拌至滑即可。 热芝麻糊用料 黑芝麻150克, 烤香 白芝麻30克,烤香 烤花生30克

清水1公升 有机无漂白红冰糖100克 湖盐1/8茶匙

作法 1 在 搅 拌 机 里,加入黑白芝麻和花生,加入清水搅拌成 糊状。 2 将混合物煮滚,加入有机无漂白红冰糖和湖盐拌匀即可。 Cold Banana Sesame Smoothie Ingredients 1 banana, peeled and sectioned 2 tbsp black sesame, roasted 3 tbsp dark brown sugar or honey 200g unsweetened soya bean milk 450g ice Method

1 Blend the banana, black sesame, dark brown sugar, soya bean milk and ice in a blender at high speed until smooth. Hot Sesame Paste Ingredients 150g black sesame seeds, roasted 30g white sesame seeds, roasted 30g roasted peanuts 1 litre water 100g unbleached organic red rock sugar 1/8 tsp lake salt Method

1 Put black and white sesame seed and peanut together in a blender. Add water and blend into a paste. 2 Bring mixture to a boil. Add the red rock sugar and lake salt. Stir evenly before serving.

食尚品味 GL 76

ie Teo


健康水果罗惹配双酱 Healthy Fruit Rojak with 2 Sauces 黑糖罗惹酱用料 有机黑糖40克 清水2汤匙 有机白芝麻糊2汤匙 白芝麻2汤匙,烤香

蜂蜜1汤匙 酸柑汁1汤匙半 糖蜜2汤匙

作法 1 把有机黑糖和清水煮至完全溶解。 2


焦糖罗惹酱用料 椰棗8颗,去核 杏仁70克,浸水隔夜 无糖杏仁奶125克

1 湖盐适量 麦卢卡蜂蜜1汤匙




综合水果用料 红苹果1个 黄梨1/4个 黄瓜1条 番石榴半个


木瓜200克 青梨1个 青芒果1个



把全部水果切块。 搭配黑糖罗惹酱或焦糖罗惹酱一起吃。

Brown Sugar Rojak Sauce Ingredients 40g organic brown sugar 2 tbsp water 2 tbsp organic white sesame paste 2 tbsp white sesame, roasted 1 tbsp honey 1 1/2 tbsp lime juice 2 tbsp molasses

Blend all ingredients in a blender together until a thick paste forms.

Caramel Rojak Sauce Ingredients 8 Medjool dates, seeded 70g almond, soaked overnight 125g unsweetened almond milk lake salt to taste 1 tbsp Manuka honey Method




Boil organic brown sugar in water until completely dissolved.

Blend all ingredients in a blender at high speed until smooth.

Fruit Mix Ingredients 1 red apple 1/4 pineapple 1 cucumber 1/2 guava

200g papaya 1 green pear 1 green mango



Cut all fruits into cubes.


Serve with brown sugar rojak sauce or caramel

rojak sauce.

y Chia


用料 油适量 红葱头2颗,去皮切片 蒜头3瓣,去皮切碎 杏鲍菇60克,切丁 干贝30克,浸水,撕成丝 新鲜黑木耳30克,切碎 调味料 蚝油1汤匙 麻油1茶匙


Modern Oriental Stir-fried King Abalone Mushroom

青葱10克,切粒 豆腐30克,切丁 西芹3根,切成5公分长段 鳟鱼鱼子酱20克 苜蓿芽适量

酱油1/2茶匙 花雕酒1茶匙

作法 1 烧热油,油炸红葱头片至金黄色。捣碎葱油酥,留葱油。 2 烧热葱油,爆香蒜茸,加入杏鲍菇丁、干贝丝及黑木耳 碎,用中火翻炒1分钟。 3 加入调味料拌炒,然后加入青葱粒和豆腐丁拌匀。熄火, 待凉后加入葱油酥碎。 4 把馅料铺放在西芹段上,缀上鳟鱼鱼子酱和苜蓿芽即可。 Ingredients some cooking oil 2 cloves shallot, peeled and sliced 3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 60g king abalone mushrooms, diced 30g dried scallops, soaked and shredded 30g fresh black fungus, chopped 10g spring onion, chopped 30g tofu, diced 3 sticks celery, cut into 5cm lengths 20g trout caviar some alfalfa sprouts Seasoning 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tsp sesame oil

1/2 tsp dark soya sauce 1 tsp hua diao wine


1 2



Heat oil to deep-fry shallots till golden brown. Pound fried shallot and retain the oil. Heat shallot oil and fry garlic till fragrant. Add mushroom, scallop and black fungus to cook for a minute over medium heat. Add seasoning to stir-fry. Add spring onion and tofu to stir. Turn off heat and let it cool before adding the pounded fried shallot. Place the filling onto the celery stick and garnish with trout caviar and alfafa sprouts.

朗姆酒香料苹果用料 柠檬汁3/4茶匙 豆蔻粉1/4茶匙 肉桂粉1/4茶匙 澳洲青苹200克,去皮切丁 牛油50克 黑糖20克

朗姆酒20克 丁香2个 八角1个 红苹果1个 香草冰淇淋1球

作法 1 把柠檬汁、豆蔻粉及肉桂粉与澳洲青苹丁混合在一起。 2 在锅中,加入牛油、黑糖、朗姆酒、丁香及八角,以中 火加热。加入澳洲青苹丁,并不时搅拌至稍微软。 3 用小刀把红苹果中心挖空,然后填入馅料。用盐味焦糖 爆米花装饰,搭配冰淇淋一起吃。 Salted Caramel Popcorn Ingredients 20g butter 1/2 tsp salt 30g popcorn kernels some liquid colouring 100g sugar 1/4 tsp baking soda Method 1 Add half the butter with some popcorn kernels in a large pan. Cover with lid and heat over medium heat. When the kernels pop (which means the oil is hot enough), add the remaining kernels. Cover with lid and shake the pan occasionally till the popping stops. Transfer popcorn to a bowl. 2 In a separate pan, heat remaining butter and sugar over medium heat. Add salt, liquid colouring and baking soda. Once it froths, drizzle salted caramel onto popcorn and toss. Spread out in a tray to cool.

彩虹爆米花伴朗姆酒 香料苹果 Rainbow Popcorn and Spiceinfused Rum Apple 彩虹盐味焦糖爆米花用料 牛油20克 糖100克 干粟米粒30克 盐半茶匙

液体食用色素适量 苏打粉1/4茶匙

作法 1 用有盖大锅,加入一半牛油和一些干粟米粒,加盖用中火 加热。当干粟米粒爆开(表示油温够热),加入其余干粟米 粒,加盖。不时晃动锅,直至听不到卜卜的爆裂声。盛入 碗中。 2 在另一个锅子,用中火加热其余牛油和糖。加盐、液体食 用色素及苏打粉。一旦冒泡,将盐味焦糖淋在爆米花上并 拌匀,平铺在盘上待凉。

Spice-infused Rum Apple Ingredients 3/4 tsp lemon juice 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder 200g Granny Smith apples, peeled and diced 50g butter 20g brown sugar 20g rum 2 cloves 1 star anise 1 red apple a scoop of vanilla ice cream Method 1 Mix lemon juice, nutmeg powder and cinnamon powder with diced Granny Smith apples thoroughly. 2 In a pan, add butter, brown sugar, rum, cloves and star anise to cook over medium heat. Add Granny Smith apples and stir occasionally till lightly softened. 3 Core a red apple then place the filling inside. Decorate with salted caramel popcorn and serve with ice cream.

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