implementing energy efficiency in the workplace professional development resources
TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION....................................................... 3 What does this guide offer?................................................. 4 section 1: overview.......................................... 5 section 2: Enabling competencies............. 9 section 3: RTO Capacity Audit...................... 13 Activity One: Individual competency assessment......................... 15 Activity Two: Staff competencies........................................... 21 Activity Three: Resource requirements.................................... 25 section 4: Supporting resources............... 27 Skill Set One: IMPLEMENT energy efficiency..................... 30 Mapping guide............................................................... 36 Mapping tool................................................................. 38 Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency .......................... 41 Mapping guide............................................................... 52 Mapping tool................................................................. 54 section 5: references..................................... 59
Acknowledgements In developing this resource GSA researched information from a number of sources. In particular, we would like to acknowledge: This publication is funded by the Australian Government under the Clean Energy and Other Skills Packages. Clean energy future website: Licensed from the Commonwealth of Australia under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. The Commonwealth of Australia does not necessarily endorse the content of this publication. A number of other websites were also consulted, and are all acknowledged in Section Five of this Guide. We would also like to thank Mark Herselman from Mercury Training Pty Ltd and Phil Shorten from Energetics for their contribution to the content.
Government Skills Australia
INTRODUCTION The evidence that the world is getting warmer is unequivocal. In Australia and across the globe, 2001 to 2010 was the warmest decade on record, and each decade since the 1940s has been warmer than the last. Like all other countries, Australia has a responsibility to reduce green house emissions and carbon pollution, a key contributor global warming. This can be achieved by improving energy efficiency across Government, business and households. Even the smallest of actions can contribute to making a difference overall. Energy efficiency is a key part of the Government’s plan for a clean energy future, and a number of initiatives have been introduced to encourage and support industry and business in implementing sustainable practices across a wide range of workplace environments. The central focus of the resource is two skill sets which have been assembled by Government Skills Australia (GSA) to address the four specific cross-cutting skills surrounding the implementation of energy efficient practices in the workplace environment. These cross-cutting skills are defined as:
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) will play a pivotal role in providing training to assist in building the capacity of individuals and organisations. Through the materials that have also been developed as a part of this project, they will have access to a suite of resources to aid in the design, development and delivery of targeted training and assessment for their clients. On successful completion of one (or both) of the skill sets, Senior Managers and/or Managers will have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in developing strategies, increasing awareness, encouraging engagement and managing change processes for implementing energy efficiency in the workplace environment.
>> Working with systems thinking >> Working in integrated teams >> Developing and communicating a business case for energy efficiency >> Change management.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
INTRODUCTION What does this guide offer? Section One: Overview The information contained in this section can be used by both industry and RTOs to create awareness and understanding amongst current and potential clients - in particular about the emerging need for the introduction of energy efficient practices in the workplace. It also highlights the requirements for education on the skills and knowledge that will be needed to effectively implement those changes.
Section Two: Enabling competencies This section provides guidance to RTOs on a suite of specific competencies that have been aligned to cross-cutting skills that are critical to the effective implementation of energy efficient practices in the workplace.
Section Three: RTO Capacity Audit In this section, RTOs are provided with a number of tools to analyse individual and organisational capacity, with particular emphasis on the skills and knowledge required to deliver and assess the competencies as identified in Section Two. *Whilst sections two and three are predominantly focussed on providing more technical information for RTOs, they can also offer guidance to industry on the competencies that are required to develop and implement strategies for implementing energy efficiency in their workplace.
Government Skills Australia
Section Four: Supporting resources GSA has adopted a different approach to provision of supporting resources, encouraging RTOs to design and develop their own materials in accordance with their distinct client group. This section offers guidance on contextualisation and sample delivery plans using clustering of performance criteria and mapping guides.
Section Five: References This section provides links to a wide range of information on climate change, with a particular focus on energy efficiency. The content can be used by both RTOs and industry in developing better understanding of the issues and possible solutions that are being faced in relation to both energy efficiency and sustainability.
section 1:
overview What is energy efficiency? Energy efficiency encompasses the reduction in unnecessary consumption of energy. Simply, it is about ‘doing more, with less’. This can be achieved in a number of ways; through changes to the way technological services are used - for example, the control of lighting, air conditioning and other electrical appliances, or through improved management and organisation of resources, improvements in building standards, and the selection of more energy efficient equipment. Energy efficiency involves the implementation of strategies for reduction in consumption of energy across all levels of the organisation. Most importantly, energy efficiency needs to be reflected through engagement and commitment to those strategies, and to changes in both collective and individual behaviour.
What is sustainability? The engagement of energy efficiency practices, along with a range of other measures to reduce wastage, minimise or eliminate pollution and use ecologically sound products and approaches in the workplace supports environmental sustainability. Each play an important role in ensuring that future generations benefit from the adoption of environmentally sound practices that are being introduced today. Everyone can be involved in supporting sustainability. From the home to the workplace, through the actions of individuals, industry or business, sustainability must be embedded into all areas of operations and family life. This can be achieved through a wide range of practices, including: >> Adoption of a range of energy efficient practices >> Reduction of waste >> Using ecologically safe products and resources >> Recycling >> Eliminating/minimising pollutants.
Government Skills Australia
Why is improving energy efficiency and sustainability so important? Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The measures that are put in place now – whether by increasing staff awareness, evaluating lease options or, for example, simply committing to a light upgrade, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and offer financial savings. Depending on current energy consumption patterns, energy bills can be reduced by up to 60% year upon year, with savings going directly to an organisation’s bottom line. The benefits of energy efficiency can also extend to corporate reputation and give a business a competitive edge when it promotes its track record in sustainability. The psychological benefits of energy efficiency are also important. Utilising natural lighting, working in well ventilated buildings and using quieter machines and technologies can lead to a more comfortable working environment, therefore potentially increasing employee engagement and productivity. Firms with good environmental practices also often perform better at attracting and retaining staff. All of these measures lead to: >> Increased efficiency and productivity >> Reduced input costs with regard to raw materials, energy and water >> Reduced costs associated with waste management >> Reduced legal and financial liabilities associated with risks >> Increased customer loyalty, sales and market share >> Enhanced business and community profile >> Increased staff commitment.
1 What is the impact of inaction on energy efficiency?
What is the Government doing to address energy efficiency?
How far temperatures rise in coming decades will depend on how much carbon pollution increases. Modern industrial society relies heavily on fossil fuels for energy and transport, and many industrial processes also release greenhouse gases. The world’s developing economies are industrialising rapidly, lifting millions of people out of poverty, but adding to carbon pollution. If the world were to continue as it has in the past, in a ‘business as usual’ fashion, scientists project that the concentration of carbon pollution in the atmosphere would rise up to around 940 parts per million by the end of the century. Before the industrial revolution, this concentration stood at around 280 parts per million. Two centuries of population growth and economic development later and that number has risen to around 390 parts per million. The projected rise could see temperatures rising up to a dangerous 6.4 degrees Celsius above 1990s temperatures.
The Australian Government has an extensive energy efficiency agenda to secure a clean energy future. The plan brings existing policies together and introduces several new critical initiatives, including: >> Carbon price >> Renewable Energy Target (RET) >> Renewable Energy Certificates >> National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) >> Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Rating Labels (ERL) >> Commercial Building Disclosure.
Evidence shows that ignoring climate change will eventually damage economic growth. Our actions over the coming decades could create risks of major disruption to economic and social activity, later in this century and in the next, on a scale similar to those associated with the great wars and the economic depression of the first half of the 20th century, and it will be difficult or even impossible to reverse these changes. The earlier effective action is taken, the less costly it will be. (The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review, 2007)
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
overview An industry perspective: Each of GSA’s five industry sectors was surveyed as a part of the 2012 Environmental Scan. In the survey they were asked about how work practices had changed, or where new practices had been introduced to address issues surrounding energy efficiency and sustainability. A summary of their responses is listed below:
Correctional Services Almost 50% of GSA survey respondents in the correctional services sector indicated that they have introduced changed work practices with regard to greater use of recycling, water and electrical energy conservation, and consideration of the environmental impact of the construction of new prisons and extensions to current prisons. Just over 40% of survey respondents also indicated there has been an introduction of new technologies to reduce the sector’s impact on the environment.
Local Government Approximately 55% of local government councils indicated they have introduced new work practices to address the impact of their operations on the environment and climate change. 46% indicated that they had introduced new technologies for the same reason. One respondent also indicated they are researching the possible impact of the carbon tax on their local community and employment in their region.
Public Safety Climate change and the environment continue to play a role in how the public safety sector considers going about its role. Almost 60% of survey respondents indicated they have changed work practices, and over 40% introducing new technologies to better consider the impact on the environment. There is a perception for some that changes in the climate and environment have a two-fold impact on the public safety sector, with not only a need for a change in practice, but concerns that natural disasters are occurring more frequently, and for longer duration, thereby increasing the pressure on public safety resources.
Government Skills Australia
Public Sector The public sector’s consideration of the impact of climate change and the environment continues to alter its practices. Almost half of GSA survey respondents indicated new technology had been implemented to factor environmental issues and 40% have introduced changed work practices to reduce the sector’s impact on the environment. For example, new government school buildings are being constructed using environmentally sustainable methods, and the workforce itself is practicing environmentally sustainable methods within office environments, particularly regarding recycling and energy consumption.
Water The water sector’s core work is greatly affected by climatic issues, with the sector responsible for effectively managing water resources during times of drought - through desalination plants, dams and river management systems and emerging technology to maximise waste water usage. Over one third of GSA survey respondents in the water sector advised of a change in work practices as a result of climate change and environmental issues. A further third also indicated that new technologies have been introduced in order to reduce the environmental impact of the sector. For larger water corporations these changes can be conducted in a more viable manner but for some of the smaller regional and remote providers, introducing such changes may take longer to implement due to budgetary constraints.
What are the challenges? Whilst some excellent initiatives are already in place, there is still a need for greater emphasis on improving energy efficiency in the workplace. In particular, the capacity of organisations, Senior Managers and Managers in ensuring that energy efficient practices are implemented and adhered to, in developing and communicating strategies, managing the change process and dealing with issues as they arise. As the cost of consumable resources rises (for example, electricity, gas, water), the drive for improving energy efficiency will also gather momentum, serving as a catalyst for developing strategies to minimise consumption and improve efficiencies across entire organisations.
section 2:
Enabling competencies
Enabling competencies Industry, organisations and individuals need to develop a greater understanding and awareness of the impact of energy efficiency on the environment and, in particular, of the role that they can play in helping to eliminate waste and reduce green house gas emissions. They also need to be informed of the costs associated with inaction – not only on the economy and the environment, but also on their own business. The ‘Review of Energy Efficiency Skills Demands and Training Provision across the Trades and Professions’ report (April 2012) identified a range of ‘cross cutting skills’ that are critical to the effective implementation of energy efficient practices in the workplace, they include:
Government Skills Australia
>> Working with systems thinking >> Working in integrated teams >> Developing and communicating a business case for energy efficiency >> Change management. GSA has developed two skill sets that address these cross cutting skills. They are designed to provide the relevant skills and knowledge for senior managers and managers/supervisors to effectively manage the implementation of energy efficient practices in the workplace.
2 Skill set one: Implement Energy Efficiency This skill set has been developed for managers, supervisors or team leaders who hold the responsibility of ensuring that energy efficient strategies and practices are implemented in the workplace and may be required to: >> Coordinate and/or participate in energy efficiency audit processes on behalf of senior management >> Oversee the audit process, and/or participate in completing subsequent audit reports >> Where required, contribute to the development of strategies and action items - for inclusion in the organisational strategic planning process >> Implement strategies as directed, and in accordance with strategic and business planning activities >> Deal with change management and team culture issues >> Monitor and report on all activities, providing feedback to senior management.
Target group This role may involve the coordination, implementation and monitoring of audits, reports and strategies, as well as the facilitation of change management and team culture/behaviours.
Units BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
PSPGOV514A Facilitate change
Pathway The unit from PSP12 Public Sector Training Package may contribute generalist or specialist supervisory or management qualifications across a number of industry sectors.
Suggested words for Statement of Attainment These units meet industry requirements for those people responsible for implementing energy efficient practices in the workplace. RTOs will be able to deliver and assess one or both of the skill sets in accordance with the needs of their clients.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Enabling competencies Skill set two: Manage Energy Efficiency This skill set relates to senior managers who hold the responsibility of ensuring that energy efficiency targets are achieved in the workplace and may be required to: >> Commission audits and subsequent audit reports on current approaches to energy use >> Conduct a detailed analysis of those audit reports, developing strategies for addressing inefficiencies in the workplace and identifying areas for improvement
Target group This role may involve the analysis, design and development of strategies, policies and procedures and include overseeing the implementation of energy efficiency practices for the whole of organisation or individual business units.
Units BSBSUS501A
>> Develop a business case for implementing energy efficient practices in the workplace. These strategies may also be incorporated into the organisational strategic and business plans
Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
>> Communicate strategies and resultant requirements to managers and team members
Develop a business case
>> Provide support to managers, supervisors or team leaders in implementing energy efficient practices in the workplace >> Monitor and review progress of all action items.
PSPMNGT607B PSPMNGT604B Manage change
Pathway The units from PSP12 Public Sector Training Package may contribute to Diploma or Advanced Diploma generalist or specialist management qualifications across a number of industry sectors.
Suggested words for Statement of Attainment These units meet industry requirements for those people responsible for providing strategic direction and management of energy efficient practices in the workplace. RTOs will be able to deliver and assess one or both of the skill sets in accordance with the needs of their clients.
Government Skills Australia
section 3:
RTO Capacity Audit
RTO Capacity Audit This section is designed to assist RTOs in completing a detailed analysis of the capacity of their organisation to deliver and assess against one or both of the identified skill sets. On completion of the first two activities, RTOs will have mapped the individual skills and knowledge of each staff member against the defined competencies in both skill sets, and identified gaps in knowledge or understanding.
Activity One: Individual competency assessment
The final activity involves the identification of existing resources, highlighting additional development/contextualisation requirements.
Part 1: Level of understanding of issues surrounding the Energy Efficiency Sustainability
Results of this analysis may provide useful documentation to support an RTO’s application for registration under the National VET Regulator or relevant State/Territory RTO audit process.
This activity guides RTOs training and assessment staff through a self-assessment process, mapping their relevant skills, knowledge and experience against the identified competencies in each skill set.
Part 2: Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set Part 3: Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set
Activity Two: Staff competencies Using the results of each individual competency assessment, this activity allows RTOs management to map staff competencies against the two skill sets. This process will assist in identifying those most qualified to design and develop supporting resources, and to deliver and/or assess training as required. Part 1: Collate results Part 2: Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Sets Part 3: Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set
Activity Three: Resource requirements This activity focusses on encouraging RTOs to design and develop their own materials in accordance with their distinct client group. RTOs are offered guidance on contextualisation and provided with example learning and assessment tools and resources. Part 1: Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set Part 2: Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set
Government Skills Australia
Part 1: Level of understanding of issues surrounding the Energy Efficiency Sustainability Please place a tick in the box (either None, Limited or Good) to indicate your level of understanding or knowledge in the defined areas. Feel free to make further comments in the relevant column if required: Name:
Key policies and initiatives in energy efficiency in Australia
Current level of understanding/knowledge: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good
I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
The differences and links between energy efficiency and sustainability
Current level of understanding/knowledge: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good
I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
The social, economic and environmental benefits of improving energy efficiency in the workplace
Current level of understanding/knowledge: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good
I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
The overall impact of action, or non-action, on the introduction of energy efficient practices
Current level of understanding/knowledge: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good
I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
Current approaches to measurement of energy efficiency eg: audits
Current level of understanding/knowledge: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good
I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment Part 2: Level of qualifications and experience for the Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set You may wish to refer to the units of competency in this skill set for further guidance on the detailed requirements for those areas described. Name:
Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Experience Describe the different roles or positions where you have had experience or responsibility for this area.
This area covers: >> Investigating current practices in relation to resource usage >> Setting targets for improvements >> Implementing performance improvement strategies >> Monitoring performance. Qualifications Please list all relevant qualifications. Is your experience in this area: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
Facilitate change This area covers:
Experience Describe the different roles or positions where you have had experience or responsibility for this area.
>> Planning for the introduction of change >> Dealing with emerging challenges and opportunities >> Handling ambiguity in the change process. Qualifications Please list all relevant qualifications.
Is your experience in this area: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No 16
Government Skills Australia
Working with systems thinking
Relevant Experience Please provide time frames.
Relevant Knowledge/Qualifications Please note the year of completion.
Working in integrated teams Comments:
Relevant Experience Please provide time frames.
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment
Relevant Knowledge/Qualifications Please note the year of completion.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment
Developing and communicating strategies and strategic plans
Relevant Experience Please provide time frames.
Relevant Knowledge/Qualifications Please note the year of completion.
Certificate IV in TAA/TAE or similar VET qualifications
Relevant Experience Please provide time frames.
Relevant Knowledge/Qualifications Please note the year of completion.
Government Skills Australia
Part 3: Level of qualifications and experience for the Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set You may wish to refer to the units of competency in this skill set for further guidance on the detailed requirements for those areas described. Name:
Management of change
Experience Describe the different roles or positions where you have had experience or responsibility for this area.
This area covers: >> Confirming the need for change >> Determining the impact of that change >> Developing a change management strategy >> Fostering commitment to workplace change >> Implementing a change management strategy. Qualifications Please list all relevant qualifications.
Is your experience in this area: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity one: INdividual competency assessment Development of a Business Case This area covers:
Experience Describe the different roles or positions where you have had experience or responsibility for this area.
>> Researching a business case >> Examining business solutions >> Constructing a business case >> Development and costing of options >> Recommending a business solution >> Finalising a business case. Qualifications Please list all relevant qualifications.
Is your experience in this area: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No
Developing workplace policy and procedures for sustainability This area covers:
Experience Describe the different roles or positions where you have had experience or responsibility for this area.
>> Developing and implementating a workplace sustainability policy >> Modifying policies to suit changed circumstances >> Accessing industry information, applicable legislative and WHS guidelines >> Communicating the sustainability policy >> Reviewing the implementation process. Qualifications Please list all relevant qualifications.
Is your experience in this area: ¨ None ¨ Limited ¨ Good I would like to learn more about this topic: ¨ Yes ¨ No 20
Government Skills Australia
Part 1: Collate results Complete this form using the results of each individual competency assessment (Activity 1)
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity two: Staff competencies
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit 22
activity two: Staff competencies
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Additional PD requirements:
Government Skills Australia
Part 2: Alignment to Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set Please nominate the person(s) with relevant competencies as aligned to individual units in the skill set. Note if they are also able to develop resources, deliver and/or assess.
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity two: Staff competencies
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver ¨ Assess
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit 24
activity two: Staff competencies Part 3: Alignment to Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set Please nominate the person(s) with relevant competencies as aligned to individual units in the skill set. Note if they are also able to develop resources, deliver and/or assess.
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
¨ Develop
¨ Deliver
¨ Assess
Government Skills Australia
Part 1: Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set Use this activity to map existing resources to each skill set, and identify the need for review, contextualisation and/or development of new materials.
Facilitate change
Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Existing resource materials Specify all existing resources and their applicability
Review/re-write required Specify the level of work needed to update the resource materials
Contextualisation required
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity THREE: Resource requirements
Based on selected client groups, specify the level of contextualisation needed
New resources required Specify what new resource materials need to be developed
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – RTO capacity audit
activity THREE: Resource requirements Part 2: Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set Use this activity to map existing resources to each skill set, and identify the need for review, contextualisation and/or development of new materials.
Develop a business case
Manage change
Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Existing resource materials Specify all existing resources and their applicability
Review/re-write required Specify the level of work needed to update the resource materials
Contextualisation required Based on selected client groups, specify the level of contextualisation needed
New resources required Specify what new resource materials need to be developed
Government Skills Australia
4 section 4:
Supporting resources
Supporting resources The learning and assessment materials that have been developed to support delivery and assessment of the two skill sets are designed to provide guidance on developing appropriate resources to suit the individual needs of learners. Rather than producing a number of ‘generic’ learning and assessment guides as a ready resource, more ‘non prescriptive’ materials guide development of materials in response to the variety of contexts and needs. Each skill set is aligned to identified job functions and the relevant cross cutting skills for employees operating at either senior management, or Management level in an organisation. Units of competency for each skill set were selected based on their appropriateness for the role as well as to the corresponding AQF levels of performance, and will assist both groups of employees to effectively manage and implement energy efficiency strategies in their enterprise.
What is a skill set? Skill sets are logical groupings of units of competency from an endorsed training package which link to a licence or regulatory requirement or a defined industry need. Skill sets are developed by Industry Skills Councils (for example, GSA), using an extensive consultative process involving relevant industry representatives and licensing and regulatory authorities. RTOs can also identify, develop and deliver skill sets to meet the needs of their clients, however, these skill sets would not be recognised in a nationally endorsed training package. Skill sets can be based on units contained in one training package, or can include units from other training packages. By definition they are: >> A unit or group of units meeting requirements set by an agency external to the VET sector; for example, for a national licence, regulatory requirements or professional body membership >> Having a commonly understood meaning in the industry—for example, worksite induction requirements constituting a specialist role that benefits from separate identification >> Providing a valuable extra set of skills for someone with technical (or other) qualifications. Source: Training Package Development Handbook Guidelines
Government Skills Australia
The introduction of skill sets into nationally endorsed training packages occurred in 2007. Prior to that time RTOs were only able to issue statements of attainment for ‘partial’ completion of qualifications. The acknowledgement of skill sets has provided learners with the ability to receive formal recognition for completion of combinations of units of competency, as defined by, and in accordance with, specified industry needs.
Developing learner resources In designing and developing delivery and assessment tools for either the Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set or the Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set, RTOs will need to take into account the distinct needs of their client group. The adoption of preferred delivery styles and assessment methodologies, as well as the most relevant and appropriate supporting resources will always be dependent on both the learner and the workplace environment. Rather than providing a ‘prescriptive’ selection of resources that may become outdated, or will require further development to suit individual client needs, these supporting documents have instead been designed to provide guidance and stimulate ideas on ways in which learning and assessment can be contextualised and clustered – thereby offering an holistic approach and avoiding any duplication in delivery or assessment across several units of competency. The resources that have been provided to support delivery and assessment of both skill sets comprise: >> Suggested delivery activities and methodologies >> Suggested assessment activities and methodologies >> Alignment of each delivery and assessment activity to relevant units of competency >> Mapping tools - to assist in ensuring that all ‘clustered’ assessment activities have met the required competencies. RTOs and facilitators are encouraged to use these supporting resource materials to develop their own delivery and assessment strategies and plans. They may wish to use one, some or all of the suggested activities, but are encouraged to select the most appropriate methodology - in accordance with their own client groups, or to meet the needs of individual learners.
Skill Set One:
IMPLEMENT energy efficiency
Skill Set One: IMPLEMENT energy efficiency This skill set is designed for managers, supervisors or team leaders who hold the responsibility of ensuring that energy efficient strategies and practices are implemented in the workplace. Given that every workplace will have differing requirements, it is imperative that all learning and assessment plans and activities are tailored to suit the workplace environment and the individual needs of the learners. Those people working in management or supervisory positions across a range of organisations will approach the implementation of energy efficient practices in different ways – either based on their current level of understanding, or taking into account differing workplace environments, or on issues that will need to be addressed concurrently. All of these factors should be taken into consideration prior to commencement. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) will play a large part in the delivery and assessment of the Implement Energy Efficiency skill set. This must be considered in the first instance, and the results of any RPL activity can then be taken into account when designing final learning and assessment plans. For this skill set, units have deliberately been clustered to ensure that tasks are linked in logical order, and that delivery and assessment activities are not duplicated. The following activities have been suggested as one approach to delivery and assessment of the competencies contained in the Implement Energy Efficiency Skill Set. You may wish to use one, some or all of the activities listed. Each have been mapped to the elements and performance criteria as identified in the tables below. A blank table has also been provided so that you can create your own activities and map the competencies accordingly.
Government Skills Australia
Position: Managers AQF level: 4/5 Function: >> Coordinate audits and reports >> Implement strategies >> Change management >> Team culture/behaviours >> Monitor and report on activities/results.
Relevant Cross-Cutting Skills >> Change management >> Integrated teams >> Communicating a business case.
Skill Set PSPGOV514A Facilitate change BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
4a Cluster – Investigate the need for change Delivery 1 >> Identify and review relevant environmental legislation and codes of practice
>> List and report on all matters relevant to their own organisation/sector
Mapping: 1.1, 1.2. 1.4, 3.6
>> Highlight compliance issues and suggest areas for improvement.
Assessment Evidence 1
>> Copies of, or access to, relevant legislation, laws or codes of practice
Mapping: 1.1
>> Completed analysis >> Identified areas for improvement.
Assessment Methodology 1 >> Documentation >> Reports >> Verbal or written questions >> Demonstration >> Observation.
Delivery 2 >> Investigate and identify methods for measurement of energy use >> Assess current energy usage patterns >> Review work processes and purchasing strategies >> Identify areas for improvement.
Assessment Evidence 2 >> Completed review of relevant documentation >> Evidence of reviewed invoices, comparisons on energy use, purchasing documents, work processes
BSBSUS301A Mapping: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 3.6
PSPGOV514A Mapping: 1.1, 1.2
>> List of recommendations for improvement.
Assessment Methodology 2 >> Portfolio >> Documentation >> Report >> Verbal or written questions.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set One: IMPLEMENT energy efficiency
Cluster – Stakeholder engagement and communication Delivery 3 Gather information from a range of stakeholders through:
>> Brainstorming or other group analysis techniques
Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5
>> Group and one on one meetings >> Conduct of surveys >> Awareness raising activities – ie presentations, small work groups, staff meetings, emails, letters/questionnaires >> Observation of current work practices.
Assessment Evidence 3 >> Verbal and written questions >> Documentation >> Email and written communication >> Surveys >> Meeting notes >> Feedback sheets >> Observation.
Assessment Methodology 3 >> Portfolio >> Written and verbal questions >> Documentation >> Observation >> Presentations.
Government Skills Australia
PSPGOV514A Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1
4a Delivery 4 Review stakeholder feedback using:
>> Results of internal surveys
Mapping: 2.1, 4.5
>> Group and individual meetings >> Questionnaires >> Conduct of external surveys where appropriate.
Assessment Evidence 4 Completed review of all feedback, outlining: >> Compilation of key stakeholder feedback from a variety of sources
PSPGOV514A Mapping: 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 2.3
>> Identification of both internal and external stakeholders >> List of critical factors that may impact on implementation.
Assessment Methodology 4 >> Documentation >> Meeting notes >> Report >> Verbal or written questions.
Delivery 5 Prepare a communication plan:
>> Determine the objectives of the communication plan
Mapping: N/A
>> Choose the audience >> Select the most appropriate communication channels.
Assessment Evidence 5 Completed communication plan, including: >> Documentation of the process involved in development of the plan
Mapping: 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.4, 3.1
>> Details of each staff member and their involvement in the change process >> Rationale behind selection of particular communication strategies.
Assessment Methodology 5 >> Documentation >> Portfolio >> Report >> Verbal and oral questioning >> Minutes of meetings, agendas.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set One: IMPLEMENT energy efficiency
Cluster – Stakeholder engagement and communication Delivery 6 Develop content of communication documents and processes through: >> Taking into account individual and group needs >> Ensuring communications are pitched at the appropriate level >> Using strategies to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty >> Preparing information that is clear, concise and easily understood.
Assessment Evidence 6
BSBSUS301A Mapping: N/A
PSPGOV514A Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 3.1, 3.2
>> Completed communication plan >> Evidence of consultation in selection of the most appropriate methods of communication >> Explanation of the selections made for each approach.
Assessment Methodology 6 >> Documentation >> Emails >> Letters >> Flyers >> Newsletters >> Third party reports >> Observation >> Verbal and written questions.
Delivery 7 >> Identify risks associated with implementing change >> Consider ways in which support could be provided so as to minimise risks >> Develop a resource to provide guidance and support to those people experiencing difficulties or resisting the change process.
Assessment Evidence 7 >> Detail on the identified risk factors and potential candidates >> Suggested approaches to deal with and/or minimise risks >> Supporting resources/strategies (including personnel.)
Assessment Methodology 7 >> Documentation >> Verbal or written questions >> Third party reports.
Government Skills Australia
BSBSUS301A Mapping: N/A
PSPGOV514A Mapping: 2.3, 3.2
4a Cluster – Evaluating change Delivery 8 >> Confirm desired outcomes for effective implementation of energy efficient practices in own workplace
>> Identify and select appropriate evaluation processes and tools for monitoring and evaluation
Mapping: 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
>> Develop communication documents to inform and update stakeholders on progress, and on the achievement of goals.
Assessment Evidence 8 >> Processes for monitoring progress of all activities >> Feedback mechanisms to ensure all parties are included in the process
Mapping: 2.5, 3.3
>> Completed evaluation tools >> Clearly defined time frames for reporting and review.
Assessment Methodology 8 >> Documentation >> Portfolio >> Verbal and written questions >> Web-based tools/information >> Observation >> Third party reports.
Delivery 9 >> Review progress of implementation through use of monitoring tools and feedback mechanisms
>> Evaluate outcomes as aligned to defined goals
Mapping: 4.4
>> Identify any significant issues or areas for improvement >> Provide recommendations on new efficiency targets where appropriate.
Assessment Evidence 9
Mapping: N/A
>> Completed review of feedback and evaluation tools >> Report on all activities to include: >> Identified issues >> Suggested areas for improvement >> Recommendations.
Assessment Methodology 9 >> Portfolio >> Report >> Verbal and written questions >> Third party report. Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
mapping guide BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices Cluster - Investigate the need for change Unit
Delivery 1
Delivery 3
Delivery 4
Delivery 2
Cluster – Stakeholder Engagement and Communication u
Delivery 5 Delivery 6 Delivery 7
Cluster – Evaluating Change Delivery 8
Delivery 9
PSPGOV514A Facilitate change Cluster - Investigate the need for change Unit
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Cluster – Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Delivery 3
Delivery 4
Delivery 5
Delivery 6 Delivery 7
u u
u u
u u
Cluster – Evaluating Change Delivery 8 Delivery 9
Government Skills Australia
u u
u u u
u u
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET ONE
mapping tool The following mapping tool will enable the assessor to choose appropriate methods, construct their own meaningful assessment tools and demonstrate that all evidence requirements are captured in the assessment of the Skill Set. While an example has been provided to identify where similarities in competency standards exist and consequently where efficiencies in training and assessment can be made, trainers and assessors are encouraged to use their own current work experience as well as their specific skills and knowledge of the concept of energy efficiency to develop assessments.
Trainers and assessors can use the table below, which identifies the assessable elements and performance criteria of each unit of competency, as a mapping document to ensure that collectively, the assessment tasks developed provide adequate assessment coverage. This task should be undertaken in consultation with the unit of competency, paying close attention to the critical aspects of assessment required in each unit.
BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices Investigate current practices in relation to resource usage
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
1.1 Identify environmental regulations applying to the enterprise 1.2 Analyse procedures for assessing compliance with environmental/ sustainability regulations 1.3 Collect information on environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures, and provide to the work group where appropriate 1.4 Collect, analyse and organise information from a range of sources to provide information/ advice and tools/resources for improvement opportunities 1.5 Measure and document current resource usage of members of the work group 1.6 Analyse and document current purchasing strategies 1.7 Analyse current work processes to access information and data to assist in identifying areas for improvement Set targets for improvements 2.1 Seek input from stakeholders, key personnel and specialists 2.2 Access external sources of information and data as required 2.3 Evaluate alternative solutions to workplace environmental issues 2.4 Set efficiency targets
Government Skills Australia
Implement performance improvement strategies
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
3.1 Source and use appropriate techniques and tools to assist in achieving efficiency targets 3.2 Apply continuous improvement strategies to own work area of responsibility, including ideas and possible solutions to communicate to the work group and management 3.3 Implement and integrate environmental and resource efficiency improvement plans for own work group with other operational activities 3.4 Supervise and support team members to identify possible areas for improved practices and resource efficiency in work area 3.5 Seek suggestions and ideas about environmental and resource efficiency management from stakeholders and act upon where appropriate 3.6 Implement costing strategies to fully value environmental assets Monitor performance 4.1 Use and/or develop evaluation and monitoring, tools and technology 4.2 Document and communicate outcomes to report on efficiency targets to key personnel and stakeholders 4.3 Evaluate strategies and improvement plans
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET ONE
BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
4.4 Set new efficiency targets, and investigate and apply new tools and strategies 4.5 Promote successful strategies and reward participants where possible
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET ONE
mapping tool PSPGOV514A Facilitate change Plan for the introduction of change
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
1.1 Research for the introduction for change is undertaken in order to consider the broader context of the organisation and emerging and future trends in the public sector 1.2 Own knowledge and understanding are supplemented through advise and consultation with others 1.3 The interconnectedness of people, systems and structures is recognised and taken into account in planning for change 1.4 Plans are made in consultation with stakeholders in accordance with legislation, policy and procedures. 1.5 The organisation’s rationale for introducing change is communicated effectively to individuals/workgroups. 1.6 Information needs of all stakeholders are anticipated and facilitated as part of change management Deal with emerging and challenges and opportunities 2.1 Strategies to engage stakeholders in the change process are developed and implemented. 2.2 Internal and external clients are informed about the change process, possible inconveniences and the benefits intended from the change. 2.3 Risk factors affecting change are identified, monitored and addressed in accordance with the organisation’s risk management plan. 2.4 Sensitivity is shown to people’s individual responses to change and a range of support mechanisms is provided in line with specific needs. 2.5 Learning from the implementation of change are identified and shared with others. Handle ambiguity in the change process 3.1 Ambiguity in the change process is identified and the need to work with issues that cannot be resolved immediately is communicated to others as part of any change process.
Government Skills Australia
Skill Set two:
manage energy efficiency
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency The development of any learning and development activities for those people employed in senior management positions will require a flexible approach. In most cases the facilitator will need to design activities and tools that best relate to the specific work environment. This process may involve workplace visits and initial interviews with candidates, allowing developers the opportunity to design the most appropriate learning and assessment plans to suit individual requirements. Those people working in senior positions across a range of organisations will approach the implementation of energy efficient practices in different ways – either based on their current level of understanding, or taking into account differing workplace environments, or on issues that will need to be addressed concurrently. All of these factors should be taken into consideration prior to commencement. RPL will play a large part in the delivery and assessment of the Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set. This must be considered in the first instance, and the results of any RPL activity can then be taken into account when designing a final learning and assessment plan. The following activities have been suggested as one approach to delivery and assessment of the Manage Energy Efficiency Skill Set. You may wish to use one, some, or all of the activities listed. Each activity has been mapped to the elements and performance criteria as identified in the tables below. A blank table has also been provided so that you can create your own activities and map the competencies accordingly.
Position: Senior Managers AQF level: 5/6 Function: >> Commission audits and reports on EE across organisation/enterprise >> Analyse reports and determine actions arising >> Set strategies and develop a business case >> Communicate requirements and strategies >> Monitor resultant activities.
Relevant Cross-Cutting Skills >> Systems Thinking >> Change Management >> Integrated Teams >> Communicating a Business Case.
Suggested Skill Sets PSPMNGT607B Develop a business case PSPMNGT604B Manage change BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
Government Skills Australia
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency
1. Conduct audit of current Energy Efficiency Practices Delivery 1.1 Includes the review and involvement of:
>> Stakeholders
Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
>> Current legislation >> Initiatives >> Resource usage
>> Sustainability practices.
Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2
Assessment Evidence 1.1 >> Evidence of process used to identify most appropriate audit/research methodology >> Evidence of people used in the audit process/documentation >> Completed audit documents/recommendations
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
>> Evidence of research into current legislation and government initiatives >> Evidence of consultation with key stakeholders.
Assessment Methodology 1.1 >> Portfolio >> Written reports >> Observation >> Verbal and written questions >> Completed documentation >> Diary/meeting notes/agendas >> Letter of engagement, contracts (for external auditor) >> Minutes >> Briefings >> Demonstration (eg search for web based information, audit tools.)
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency
1. Conduct audit of current Energy Efficiency Practices Delivery 1.2 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (Swot) exercise
Assessment Evidence 1.2
Mapping: 1.2, 1.3
>> Completed SWOT (or similar) analysis >> Evidence of people involved and relevant contributions >> Explanation of process/outcomes.
Assessment Methodology 1.2 >> Completed documentation >> Agendas/process documents >> Verbal or written questioning >> Observation >> Third party reports.
PSPMNGT607B Mapping: 1.3, 1.4, 2.2
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
Delivery 1.3 Analysis of results:
>> Includes risk assessment
Mapping: 1.1, 1.2,1.4
>> Community environmental impact >> Organisational requirements.
Assessment Evidence 1.3 >> Completed SWOT analysis >> Evidence of people involved and relevant contributions
PSPMNGT607B Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
>> Explanation of process/outcomes.
Assessment Methodology 1.3
>> Documentation
Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
>> Reports >> Surveys >> Diary meeting notes and minutes >> External/third party reports >> Verbal or written questions.
Government Skills Australia
4b Delivery 1.4 Impacts of change:
>> Staff
Mapping: 1.5, 1.6
>> Organisation >> Other (incidental.)
Assessment Evidence 1.4 >> Evidence of identified key factors impacting on the effective implementation of energy efficient practices (as a result of/linked to all research activities) >> Explanation of reasons behind identification of each.
Assessment Methodology 1.4
Mapping: 2.1, 3.1
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
>> Documentation >> Verbal or written questioning >> Reports >> Surveys.
Delivery 1.5 Key issues /Recommendations
Assessment Evidence 1.5
Mapping: 1.5, 1.7
>> List of key recommendations, taking into account results of all research/audit processes and analysis of results >> Clear definition of key issues, risks and challenges, with recommendations to address each.
Assessment Methodology 1.5 >> Documentation >> Verbal or written questions >> Reports.
PSPMNGT607B Mapping: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 1.5, 2.4, 2.5
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency
2. Develop Policies for implementing energy efficiency Delivery 2 Use results of analysis:
>> Take into account key issues and recommendations
Mapping: 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7
>> Ensure policies reflect: >> >> >> >>
Organisation’s commitment to sustainability Specific organisational requirements Specific staff requirements Specific resource requirements.
PSPMNGT607B Mapping: 1.1, 1.2
Assessment Evidence 2 >> Evidence of mapping issues to most appropriate policies >> Completed policies that address identified aspects of energy efficiency in the specific workplace environment.
Assessment Methodology 2 >> Documentation >> Verbal/written questions >> Third party validation.
Government Skills Australia
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 4.1
4b 3. Determine strategies Delivery 3 >> Identify key personnel
>> Establish parameters >> Review policies and determine procedures
Mapping: 1.3, 1.4
>> Develop strategies.
Assessment Evidence 3
>> Identification of strategies for implementation of policies
Mapping: N/A
>> Evidence of mapping personnel to tasks/policies >> Workplans or action sheets.
Assessment Methodology 3 >> Verbal or written questioning >> Documentation
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
>> Email/written notes.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency
4. Develop a Business Case for energy efficiency in workplace Delivery 4 >> Identify priorities >> Link to business goals and priorities >> Analyse budget and financial implications
BSBSUS501A Mapping: 1.3, 1.4
>> Involve key stakeholders/personnel >> Communicate with relevant personnel
>> Utilise information gathered via audit, reports and analysis
Mapping: N/A
>> Confirm policies align with Business Case >> Present Business Case for approval.
Assessment Evidence 4 Evidence of: >> Completed Business Case >> Finalised Policies and Procedures >> Finalised budget >> Presentation notes. Explanation of processes used to develop Business Case/strategies.
Assessment Methodology 4 >> Documentation >> Verbal or written questioning >> Third party validation (eg Budget, Board, Senior Management.)
Government Skills Australia
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
4b 5. Implement policies/strategies Delivery 5 >> Develop communication plans
>> Develop change management strategies (taking into account issues identified in section 1) >> Prepare relevant documentation/communications
Mapping: 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
>> Involve key personnel >> Foster commitment
>> Implement the strategies.
Mapping: N/A
Assessment Evidence 5 Evidence of: >> Completed communication plans >> Change management strategies >> Relevant documentation >> Strategies for fostering commitment
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 2.6, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
>> Identified personnel.
Assessment Methodology 5 >> Documentation >> Verbal or written questioning >> Minutes/agendas >> Written information.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Skill Set two: manage energy efficiency
6. Monitor and evaluate success Delivery 6 >> Develop performance indicators for monitoring change >> Develop a system and/or process for monitoring progress >> Set timelines for review
BSBSUS501A Mapping: 3.1, 3.3
>> Utilise key personnel.
Assessment Evidence 6
Evidence of:
Mapping: N/A
>> Completed performance indicators >> Workplans and timetables for implementation >> List of identified personnel >> Written communication to involved parties.
Assessment Methodology 6 >> Surveys >> Questionnaires >> Reports >> Gantt Chart >> Documentation >> Diary notes >> Timetables >> Third party reports >> Demonstration >> Verbal or written questions.
Government Skills Australia
PSPMNGT604B Mapping: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
4b 7. Analyse results and develop recommendations Delivery 7 >> Review performance against indicators >> Seek feedback from key personnel on progress >> Analyse all information and identify collated results
BSBSUS501A Mapping: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
>> Modify/adjust policies or procedures where required >> Modify or adjust approaches to implementation where required
>> Prepare progress reports for key stakeholders and interested parties.
Mapping: 3.1, 3.2
Assessment Evidence 7 PSPMNGT604B
Evidence of: >> Completed analysis of performance against indicators >> Feedback from key personnel
Mapping: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6
>> Modified policies and procedures, approaches to implementation >> Completed progress reports.
Assessment Methodology 7 >> Documentation >> Questionnaires >> Reports >> Feedback sheets >> Surveys >> Meeting notes >> Third party reports >> Verbal or written questions.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
mapping guide
BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and pro Conduct audit of current EE practices Unit
Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 1.1
Delivery 1.2 Delivery 1.3
Delivery 1.5
Develop policies for implementing energy efficiency – Delivery 2
Determine strategies – Delivery 3
u u
Delivery 1.4
Develop a business case for energy efficiency in workplace – Delivery 4
u u
Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 5 Monitor and evaluate success – Delivery 6 Analyse results and develop recommendations – Delivery 7
PSPMNGT607B Develop a business case Conduct audit of current EE practices Unit
Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 1.1
Delivery 1.2
u u
Delivery 1.3
Delivery 1.4
Delivery 1.5 Develop policies for implementing energy efficiency – Delivery 2
Determine strategies – Delivery 3 Develop a business case for energy efficiency in workplace – Delivery 4 Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 5 Monitor and evaluate success – Delivery 6 Analyse results and develop recommendations – Delivery 7
PSPMNGT604B Manage change Conduct audit of current EE practices Unit
Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 1.1
Delivery 1.2
Delivery 1.4 Develop policies for implementing energy efficiency – Delivery 2 Determine strategies – Delivery 3 Develop a business case for energy efficiency in workplace – Delivery 4 Implement policies/strategies – Delivery 5 Monitor and evaluate success – Delivery 6 Analyse results and develop recommendations – Delivery 7
Government Skills Australia
Delivery 1.3 Delivery 1.5
2.2 u
ocedures for sustainability 2.3
u u
u u
u u
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET TWO
mapping tool The following mapping tool will enable the assessor to choose appropriate methods, construct their own meaningful assessment tools and demonstrate that all evidence requirements are captured in the assessment of the Skill Set. While an example has been provided to identify where similarities in competency standards exist and consequently where efficiencies in training and assessment can be made, trainers and assessors are encouraged to use their own current work experience as well as their specific skills and knowledge of the concept of energy efficiency to develop assessments.
Trainers and assessors can use the table below, which identifies the assessable elements and performance criteria of each unit of competency, as a mapping document to ensure that collectively, the assessment tasks developed provide adequate assessment coverage. This task should be undertaken in consultation with the unit of competency, paying close attention to the critical aspects of assessment required in each unit.
BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability Develop workplace sustainability policy Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
1.1 Define scope of sustainability policy 1.2 Gather information from a range of sources to plan and develop policy 1.3 Identify and consult stakeholders as a key component of the policy development process 1.4 Include appropriate strategies in policy at all stages of work for minimising resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, and employing life cycle management approaches 1.5 Make recommendations for policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and cost 1.6 Develop policy that reflects the organisation’s commitment to sustainability as an integral part of business planning and as a business opportunity 1.7 Agree to appropriate methods of implementation Communicate workplace sustainability policy 2.1 Promote workplace sustainability policy, including its expected outcome to key stakeholders 2.2 Inform those involved in implementing the policy as to outcomes expected, activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned
Government Skills Australia
Insert Assessment
Implement workplace sustainability policy
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
3.1 Develop and communicate procedures to help implement workplace sustainability policy 3.2 Implement strategies for continuous improvement in resource efficiency 3.3 Establish and assign responsibility to use recording systems for tracking continuous improvements in sustainability approaches Review workplace sustainability policy implementation 4.1 Document outcomes and provide feedback to key personnel and stakeholders 4.2 Investigate successes or otherwise of policy 4.3 Monitor records to identify trends that may require remedial action and use to promote continuous improvement of performance 4.4 Modify policy and or procedures as required to ensure improvements are made
PSPMNGT607B Develop a business case Research a business case 1.1 Business problem is identified and confirmed in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET TWO
BSBSUS501A Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability
1.2 Analysis of key stakeholder requirements is used to clarify objectives. 1.3 A range of factors is considered through research to identify opportunities and constraints. 1.4 Market analysis is conducted in accordance with legislation, policy and procedures. Examine business solutions 2.1 Business and technical impacts and risks are analysed through research and consultation and documented in accordance with organisational requirements.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET TWO
PSPMNGT607B Develop a business case 2.2 Community, environmental and human resource impacts are analysed. 2.3 Alternative solutions and their financial implications are canvassed and discussed with senior management and business case originator. Construct a business case
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
Insert Assessment
3.1 Options are developed and impacts, risks, costs and stakeholders are determined and documented. 3.2 Recommendation is made and justified. 3.3 Business case is prepared in accordance with organisational requirements. Finalise a business case 4.1 Business case is presented and recommendations are explained in a manner suited to the audience. 4.2 Approvals and management endorsement are obtained in accordance with organisational policy and procedures.
PSPMNGT604B Manage change Confirm that change is required 1.1 The requirement for change is confirmed through consideration of factors impacting upon the business unit, the organisation or within the political environment. 1.2 Key stakeholders are consulted in establishing that change is required/imminent and the nature of the change. 1.3 Benchmarking is conducted with other similar organisations/ functions/best practice standards to confirm the need for change. 1.4 Specialists and experts are consulted as required to assist in the identification of major change requirements or opportunities. 1.5 The need for management support, expertise and advice is identified and addressed to maximise the advantages of change management strategies.
Insert Assessment
Government Skills Australia
Determine the likely impact of change 2.1 The proposed change is analysed in relation to organisational structure and function, and business unit strategic objectives. 2.2 The individuals, groups and others likely to be affected by change are identified and their expectations and concerns are identified. 2.3 The eventual impact of the proposed change on employees and employee relations within the business unit is identified and explained in line with individuals’ specific needs and their differing responses to change. 2.4 Options and specific proposals for change and the consequences are discussed with staff and feedback is invited to ensure that people are involved in the decisions that affect them. 2.5 Potential risks associated with change are identified and planned for in accordance with the organisation’s risk management procedures. 2.6 The requirements and planned outcomes for change are communicated in accordance with government requirements. Develop a change management strategy 3.1 Change management strategy and related communication strategies are prepared participatively with key stakeholders. 3.2 The strategy is structured to address the transition from present to future arrangements and identifies tactics for dealing with ambiguity in roles, functions, organisational priorities or structures.
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET TWO
PSPMNGT604B Manage change
3.3 Future trends and organisational needs are discussed and considered in the process of developing strategies for dealing with change. 3.4 Change management activities are designed to comply with the framework provided by relevant legislation and organisational policy. 3.5 Time schedules, performance standards and interim checkpoints are devised for change management strategies. 3.6 Approval to implement the chosen change management strategy is obtained from senior management.
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Government skills australia – energy efficiency – MAPPING SKILL SET TWO 58
PSPMNGT604B Manage change Foster commitment to workplace change 4.1 A range of strategies is used to foster a positive attitude to change, especially from the individuals on whom the organisational change will have the most effect. 4.2 Advice is provided to key stakeholders on strategies for effective change management and sensitivity is shown to people’s individual responses to change. 4.3 Resources required to implement change within the business unit are obtained and used. 4.4 Leadership and communication strategies are used to assist others to deal with ambiguity and adapt to change. Implement a change management strategy 5.1 Policies, practices and procedures are altered and implemented as required to support the change management strategy. 5.2 Barriers to change are identified and addressed in accordance with the organisation’s risk management plan. 5.3 Priorities are identified, reviewed and renegotiated with key stakeholders in light of changing circumstances. 5.4 Strategies for embedding the change are activated in accordance with the change management strategy. 5.5 A system/process and performance indicators are developed to monitor the impact of change. 5.6 Adjustments to the change management strategy are implemented if necessary as a result of performance monitoring, to ensure change is managed effectively for sustained positive outcomes.
Government Skills Australia
section 5:
references pubs/purchasing-guide.pdf
Government Skills Australia
Energy Efficiency – Professional Development Resources (Ver 2)
Level 11, 147 Pirie Street Adelaide SA 5000 T (08) 8100 7400 F (08) 8232 7444 E W
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