Dept. of Defense - March 2014

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Department of Defense BUYERS GUIDE

March 2014

A Directory of Products & Services Available for DOD Purchasing

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About this Publication The Department of Defense Buyers Guide is a monthly publication that provides military procurement officers and DOD contracting agents with reliable product and service suppliers. The DOD Buyers Guide Vendor Listings are organized by NAICS codes first, followed by products and/or services offered and all pertinent company information to help you establish bid lists for both short-term and long-term contracts. You can find a complete list of suppliers in the product and company index in the back of the purchasing guide. In addition to pertinent procurement information, this guide serves as a premier resource that covers contracting news, new military missions, policy updates, and information on networking events. If you need further assistance using this guide, please call our corporate office at (805) 963-7470.

Inside this Guide  Up-to-Date Contracting News  News on Military  Department Policy Updates  Networking Opportunities

 Vendor and Supplier Information

Federal Buyers Guide, Inc. Chief Executive Officer Stuart Miller

Vice President of Operations Afzal Hussain Chief Financial Officer Ken Sterling IT Department Shawn Whitney Account Representatives John Jenkins Jeff Stakee Johan Delsol Accounting Department Lori Lynch Production Staff Sahar Reka Jerry Fair Chris Leidecker Andrew Tuttle Reach Us At: Email:

Copyright © 2014 by Federal Buyers Guide, Inc. All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage retrieval system, without written permission of the copyright owner.

Federal Buyers Guide, Inc. 324 Palm Avenue Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Tel: (805) 963-7470 Fax: (805) 963-7478

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Table of Contents News

Department of Defense Fiscal 2015 Budget Proposal and 2014 QDR……..............……...……….6 Department of Defense Fiscal 2015 Budget Proposal..........................…….....................................8 DOD Budget Proposal Continued: Being More Efficient, Compensation Changes, and More…10 DOD Budget Proposal Continued: Air Force and Navy.....................................................….12 DOD Budget Proposal Continued: Marine Corps, Army, Defense-Wide.........................…....….14 Navy to Commission Amphibious Transport Dock Somerset.............................................…....….16

Shows and Events

Military Radar Summit 2014............................................................................................................19 Science & Engineering Technology Conference/ Defense Tech Expo.....................................20 National Logistics Forum...................................................................................................................22 Homeland Security Congress..........................................……...........................................................24 Cyber Security for National Defense Symposium............……...........................................................26


Washington, D.C.……..........................................................................................................................28

Products and Services

Vendor Listing Information..................................................................................................................33


DoD Releases Fiscal 2015 Budget Proposal and 2014 QDR March 4, 2014

President Barack Obama today sent Congress a proposed defense budget of $495.6 billion in discretionary budget authority to fund base defense programs in fiscal year 2015. The request is $0.4 billion less than the enacted FY 2014 appropriation and is consistent with the current budget caps. The Opportunity, Growth, and Security Initiative -- a government-wide initiative -- requests an additional $26 billion in FY 2015 to address significant readiness and modernization challenges. In the years from FY 2016 to FY 2019, the Department of Defense (DoD) is asking for funding that exceeds the current budget caps by a total of approximately $115 billion in order to meet defense requirements. This DoD budget request supports the strategy in the 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), which is being released in conjunction with the budget request. The 2014 QDR builds upon and updates the strategy submitted in January 2012, “Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense,” preparing for the future by rebalancing our defense efforts in a period of fiscal challenges. The DoD budget request reflects a balance between readiness, capacity, and capability. It seeks efficiencies, including another round of base realignment and closure, and slower growth in military compensation in order to free up funds to minimize cuts in force size and readiness. Even with these initiatives, the force gets smaller and modernization programs are streamlined under this budget – with changes made in a manner that reflects the new QDR. The net result is a military force that can fulfill the defense strategy, but with some increased levels of risk. The department can manage these risks under the President’s 2015 Budget plan, but risks would grow significantly if as current law requires sequester-level cuts return in 2016, if proposed reforms are not accepted, or if uncertainty over budget levels continues. For more information and to view the entire fiscal 2014 QDR and budget proposal, please visit

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DOD Fiscal 2015 Budget Proposal Principle Objectives The Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 budget proposal supports the Department’s 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) that is being released in conjunction with the budget. The 2014 QDR updates the Defense Strategic Guidance released in January 2012. This updated strategy focuses on defending the homeland against all strategic threats including violent extremism, building security globally, and remaining prepared to project power to win decisively against any adversary should deterrence fail. This budget seeks $495.6 billion in funding for the Department of Defense (DoD) in FY 2015, an amount consistent with the current discretionary budget caps. In addition, the budget for FY 2015 includes a fully paid-for Opportunity, Growth, and Security Initiative that totals $56 billion government wide. Of that amount $26 billion is for DoD and will be used to address readiness and modernization challenges and to increase base sustainment and military construction. In the years beyond FY 2015, funding under this request grows from $535 billion in FY 2016 to $559 billion in FY 2019. During these years, the requested funds exceed the current discretionary budget caps by a total of approximately $115 billion in order to meet defense requirements.

Balancing Readiness, Capability, and Capacity The FY 2015 request places a priority on balancing readiness, capability, and capacity in both the short and long term. The objective is to ensure that no matter their size, America’s Armed Forces are properly trained, equipped, compensated, and prepared to accomplish their mission. Approximately two-thirds of the requested budget ($336.3 billion) pays for the Department’s day-to-day operations, including pay and benefits for 1.3 million active military personnel, 0.8 million Reserve and Guard personnel, and 0.7 million civilian personnel, as well as healthcare benefits for over 9 million beneficiaries, both active and retired. Also included are funds for training, logistics, fuel, maintenance, service contracts, administration, family housing, and much more. The remaining third of the budget ($159.3 billion) pays for investments in future defense needs, including modernization and recapitalization of equipment and facilities. The budget includes $90.4 billion for procurement, $63.5 billion for research and development, and $5.4 billion for military construction.

Being More Efficient To free up funds for defense mission needs, the FY 2015 budget continues the recent emphasis on improved efficiency across DoD. Institutional reforms in the budget will save $18.2 billion in FY 2015 and an estimated $94 billion through FY 2019. Efficiency actions include a 20 percent cut in headquarters operating budgets, reduced contractor funding, targeted reductions in civilian personnel, reductions in funding for defense support agencies, savings in military health care, and savings from deferred military construction projects and family housing. The FY 2015 budget also includes a request for another round of Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) to begin in FY 2017. Delays in approving this request will mean that funds needed for investments in readiness and modernization will be spent instead on unneeded infrastructure.

Compensation Changes In another effort to free up funds to support high-priority readiness and modernization needs, this budget proposes slowing the growth of military compensation. Men and women in uniform certainly deserve the best support possible, and taxpayers have provided substantial increases in military compensation in recent years. Now there is a need to slow that growth to free up funds for training and modernization. The budget reduces DoD’s commissary subsidies, saving $200 million in FY 2015, $600 million in FY 2016, and $1 billion a year thereafter. The remaining subsidy of about $400 million will go to overseas commissaries and those in remote locations. The FY 2015 request simplifies and modernizes the TRICARE healthcare plans. The 3 largest plans are to be consolidated into one. Modest increases to deductibles and co-pays will be used to guide beneficiaries to the most affordable and effective health care. The Department is also resubmitting changes proposed last year affecting pharmacy co-pays and military health care enrollment fees for retirees age 65 and older in the TRICARE-for-Life program.

Sustaining a Ready and Capable Force – Now and in the Future Despite efforts to become more efficient and to slow growth in compensation, the current budget limits require that the military get smaller and streamline its modernization programs. The military must also seek to recover from readiness problems caused by 13 years at war and exacerbated by last year’s sequestration cuts. As indicated below, each of the military services is confronting these significant challenges.

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Air Force Under the President’s budget, the Air Force will receive funding to support 59 Active, Reserve, and Guard combat-coded air squadrons, with an emphasis on meeting emerging threats. The Air Force emphasizes its modernization program in this budget request. Budget requests include $4.6 billion for 26 Joint Strike Fighters in FY 2015 and $31.7 billion for 238 planes over the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). The Long Range Strike Bomber is funded at $0.9 billion for FY 2015 and $11.4 billion over the FYDP. The budget requests $2.4 billion for seven KC-46 Tankers in FY 2015 and $16.5 billion for 69 aircraft over the FYDP. In addition, the budget invests $1 billion over the next five years in a next-generation jet engine. These investments required tradeoffs. The A-10 Warthog is being phased out. The 50-year-old U-2 is being retired in favor of the unmanned Global Hawk system. The growth of Predator/Reapers forces is being slowed, and plans for the new combat rescue helicopter are being reviewed.

Navy Under the President’s budget, the Navy will have funds to support a fleet of 288 ships in FY 2014, rising to about 309 ships by FY 2019. The President’s budget plan protects investments in attack submarines, guided missile destroyers, and afloat staging bases to confront emerging threats. The budget includes $5.9 billion for two Virginia-class attack submarines in FY 2015 and $28 billion for two submarines a year through FY 2019. Also requested is $2.8 billion in FY 2015 and $16 billion over the FYDP to acquire two DDG-51 guided-missile destroyers per year through FY 2019. The budget also includes a request for $1.5 billion in FY 2015 to buy 3 Littoral Combat Ships and $8.1 billion over the FYDP to buy 14 LCS. The Navy is also requesting $3.3 billion in FY 2015 for 8 Joint Strike Fighters – 2 for the Navy and 6 for the Marine Corps – and $22.9 billion for 105 aircraft over the FYDP. Offsets are, however, required. The Navy will put 11 cruisers in long-term phased modernization. These ships will be placed in reduced operating status while they are modernized; they will eventually be returned to service with greater capability and a longer lifespan. The Navy will also re-examine its Littoral Combat Ship program.

Marine Corps The budget requests $22.7 billion to support end strength of 182,700 Marines for FY 2015, including funds to support 900 Marines for increased security at American embassies overseas. Funds will also support a geographically distributed force posture in the Asia-Pacific, which will be increasingly important as U.S. forces are rebalanced to that region.

Army The FY 2015 request will support 32 Active Army brigade combat teams and 28 Army National Guard brigade combat teams. Since DoD strategy will no longer size the force for large and prolonged stability operations, the Army will accelerate the pace of its post-war drawdown, attaining a range of 440,000 to 450,000 Active Duty soldiers. When combined with the Marine Corps, these end strength numbers will be sufficient to meet the needs of the President’s defense strategy, including capability to decisively defeat aggression in one theater, while defending the homeland and supporting air and naval forces in a second theater. There will, however, be somewhat higher risks at these force levels, particularly for missions involving multiple and simultaneous conflicts. To maintain a balanced force, the Army National Guard and Reserves will also draw down, reducing to 335,000 Guardsmen and 195,000 Reservists. The Army’s Ground Combat Vehicle program has been terminated and alternative options are being evaluated. Changes are also planned for the helicopter force. Aging Kiowas will be retired and replaced with National Guard Apaches and Lakotas. In return, the National Guard will receive the more versatile Blackhawks.

Defense-Wide The FY 2015 request includes $7.5 billion for the Missile Defense Agency and $5.1 billion to fully fund cyber operations, which will enable both offensive and defensive capabilities across the full range of cyber contingencies. U.S. Special Operations Command is allocated $7.7 billion, a 10 percent increase over the appropriated level in FY 2014, which will support a Special Operations force of 69,700 personnel. At this level, SOCOM will have the resources for full-spectrum training, global capabilities, and regional expertise.


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Navy to Commission Amphibious Transport Dock Somerset February 26, 2014

The Navy will commission the newest amphibious transport dock, USS Somerset (LPD 25), Saturday, March 1, during an 11 a.m. EST ceremony at Penn’s Landing in Philadelphia. Somerset is named in honor of the courageous passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 that crashed near Shanksville, Pa., in Somerset County during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Somerset honors the heroic actions of the 40 crew and passengers of United Flight 93 for their collective sacrifice and the tremendous courage displayed in the face of overwhelming adversity. “As we commission the Navy’s newest LPD, the USS Somerset, we remember the heroes of United Flight 93, whose selfless actions on Sept. 11, 2001, serve as an inspiration to us all,” said Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus. “I have no doubt that the sailors and Marines who will serve aboard this ship will live up to the ship’s motto of ‘courage through adversity’ and proudly honor those who acted so heroically nearly 13 years ago.” The third of the three U.S. ships named in honor of victims and first responders of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Somerset will join USS New York (LPD 21) and USS Arlington (LPD 24) which are already a part of the Navy’s combat force. Gen. James F. Amos, commandant of the Marine Corps, will deliver the ceremony's principal address. Mary Jo Myers, wife of former chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff, retired Air Force Gen. Richard Myers, will serve as sponsor of the ship. The ceremony will be highlighted by a time-honored Navy tradition when Myers gives the first order to “man our ship and bring her to life!” Designated LPD-25, Somerset is the ninth San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock ship. Its design incorporates state-of-the-art self-defense capabilities, including command and control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) suites. Somerset also has a reduced radar cross-section. The advanced enclosed mast/sensors, which enclose the ship's radars and communications antennas, characterize the ship's distinctive profile.


Military Radar Summit 2014 April 7-9, 2014: Washington, DC “IDGA's Military Radar Summit is the only gathering of radar executives from the department of defense, the US Government, OEMs, subcontractors and academia that provides a platform to partner, discuss, and develop future innovations and partnerships in military radar. This year’s summit will look to the future of military radar while examining projects aimed at prolonging the lives of current U.S. military radars.”

Radar has been one of the most important elements of military equipment for over 60 years now. From initially being used purely as an air-defense tool, they are now used in a range of tasks from urban operations to ballistic missile defense. The importance of maintaining our current radar systems while simultaneously developing the next generation of radar cannot be understated in keeping the US on the cutting edge of technology. At this year’s Military Radar Summit we will look to the future of military radar while examining projects aimed at prolonging the lives of current US military radars. Join us for the only exclusive military radar event in the country!


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Science & Engineering Technology Conference/Defense Tech Exposition April 8-10, 2014: Hyattsville, MD "Leveraging the DoD Science and Technology Program to Create Future Warfighting Capabilities Through Rapid Prototyping and Emerging Concept Demonstration" Disruptive military capabilities such as low observability, precise timing and location, and “owning the night” were developed through strategic DoD and industry IR&D investment. These advancements were in “out of the box” emerging technology development and demonstration efforts, which are proving difficult to continue under the changing climate and uncertain budgets. Everyone involved in science and engineering development must proactively pull together to show the decision makers, requirement generators, and operators the immeasurable value in DoD S&T and industry IR&D. The value has been and can continue to be demonstrated through emerging operations concepts and rapid innovative prototyping. Advanced technology is a force multiplier and has been leveraged to produce new or enhanced military capabilities. During this time of rapidly changing global security and a declining defense budget, it is increasingly important that we identify capabilities to meet future challenges and enable development of supporting technologies. College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center 3501 University Blvd., East Hyattsville, MD 20783 (301) 985-7300 Contact  Ms. Molly Holt, Meeting Planner, or (703) 247-2572.  Ms. Allison Hitchner, CEM, CMP, Associate Director, Exhibits, or (703) 247-2573. For more information, visit:

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National Logistics Forum April 14- 16, 2014: Washington, DC “The Forum will bring together senior Pentagon-based logistics policy officials and senior government logistics practitioners and leaders to address the daunting challenges presented by the current severe fiscal constraints and future austere budgetary environment, and their impact on support for the Warfighter and sustainment of a viable logistics industrial base.” Why Exhibit? The National Logistics Forum will bring together senior Pentagon-based logistics policy officials and senior government logistics practitioners and leaders to address the daunting challenges presented by the current severe fiscal constraints and future austere budgetary environment, and their impact on support for the Warfighter and sustainment of a viable logistics industrial base. A technology exhibition will spotlight cutting-edge logistics capabilities being developed to support Warfighters in an efficient and effective manner. About NDIA: The National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) is America’s leading Defense Industry association promoting national security. NDIA is proud to provide a legal and ethical forum for the exchange of information between Industry and Government on National Security issues. Our members foster the development of the most innovative and superior equipment, training and support for our warfighters and first responders through our divisions, local chapters, affiliated associations and events. Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20004 Contact  Allison Hitchner, Associate Director, Exhibits, (703) 247-2573, For more information, visit:

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Homeland Security Congress April 28-30, 2014: Washington, DC “Homeland Security Congress is the nation’s premier conference for discussing the challenges and opportunities in protecting the USA and its citizens. With topics ranging from border management to disaster preparedness to cyber security, Homeland Security Congress is the conference for solution providers, academics and government personnel who will have a say in the future of our Homeland Security efforts.” Join us this year as we welcome government presenters from:  Customs and Border Protection  Transportation Security Administration  US Coast Guard  Federal Emergency Management Agency  DHS Science and Technology Directorate  Attendees will have the opportunity to examine future trends, identify immediate and long-term needs, and uncover up-andcoming technologies for use in critical areas of the homeland security mission. Homeland Security is an area of constant innovation and transition and IDGA’s Homeland Security Congress is a unique opportunity to learn from the decision-makers in charge and share your perspectives and solutions!

Contact  James Linney, Divisional Marketing Director at IDGA, at For more information, visit:

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Cyber Security for National Defense Symposium May 13- 14, 2014: Washington, DC “As the Cyber Domain expands dramatically, technology must keep up with rapid advancements in malicious activities designed to interfere, deter, and degrade our defense networks. Cyber threats also threaten the lives and safety of our Defense Forces as well as the civilian population.”

This symposium will focus on policy and technology designed to defend US Federal Networks as well as public/private partnerships and authorities to defend civilian critical infrastructure which affects the safety of the US. DSI’s Cyber Security for National Defense Symposium is designed as an educational and training “Town Hall” forum, where thought leaders and key policy-makers across military and civilian organizations can come together for actionable discussions and debate. The symposium will focus on increasing the security and resiliency of the Nation’s critical networks, operating freely in the Cyber Domain, and the protection of infrastructure in support of national defense and homeland Security. The symposium will provide valuable information on efforts from the policy and operational communities on how the US Government plans to meet the threats from the cyber domain to our Nation’s defense capacity and national safety. 20 F St. NW Conference Center 20 F St. NW Washington, DC 20001 Contact  Thomas Engelman, Senior Partner of Defense Strategies Institute at (917) 725-3194 or For more information, visit:

Washington D.C.

Event Visitor

Getting to D.C. via Airplane: Most people heading into D.C. to for business arrive at one of Washington's two major airports: Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) and Dulles International Airport. Located less than 5 miles south of The White Hou se, the DCA is only a short ride away from downtown D.C. The Dulles International Airport is located about a half hour from the city. further But if your business is taking you to the Dulles Corrider in Northern Virginia, flying into Dulles International Airport makes more sense. Ground Transpiration: From the Reagan airport into downtown Washington, taxi fares will run between $8 and $17 because it is so close to the city. If you're coming from Dulles airport to downtown DC will cost more than $50 plus tax, with lesser charges along the Northern Virginia route into the city. Renting a car is another available option at both Dulles and Reagan airports. Public Transportation: If you're heading into Downtown D.C. from the Washington Reagan airport, the Metro can get you the in about 15 minutes and will cost about $2 oneway, depending on your stop. Stations are located in terminals B and C. Weather: Although weather in D.C. is relatively mild compared to the rest of the nation, you should still be mindful of the season when packing your suitcase because the capital region has four distinct seasons. In the Fall, the foliage changes colors and the temperatures are cool, so take a medium or light jacket and long pants. Wintertime temperatures in Washington D.C. fluctuate above freezing, so bring your rain boots and umbrella — there will be lots of rain and the occasional snowstorm. In the Spring, temperatures begin to climb to a comfortable range in the mid 60s and 70s. During the Summer, the weather can get hot, humid, and uncomfortable. Temperature highs rise to the upper 80s, so bring along some shorts and light blouses.

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Washington D.C.

Event Visitor

Off the Clock: International Spy Museum: For the business traveler who's off the clock, there is a plethora of museums, art exhibits, and historic monuments to check out. For those who are intrigued by the secretive world of spies, head over to the International Spy Museum. There you can live out your espionage fantasy by enrolling in spy school to learn how to morph your identity, hone your intuition and observation skills, and take a pathology workshop. The museum invites visitors to explore a realistic forensics lab, create ID cards with fingerprinting, and try out a lie detector test. The International Spy Museum is also equipped with a simulated FBI shooting range and high-speed police chase simulators. McCormick & Schmick's at 16th and K: Once the clock hits 5, head over to McCormick & Schmick's on 16th and K Street to relax after a long business day. The McCormick franchise has locations all across the country, and is best known for serving great seafood. The K Street branch, however, is especially popular because it is frequented by lawyers, lobbyists, business types, and politicos who work in the surrounding metropolitan area. Its clientele makes it the perfect place to grab a drink after work and mingle. The Washingtonian Magazine named McCormick & Schmick's the “Best Happy Hour� in town, with specials on draft beers, well spirits, wines, cocktails, and martinis. POV Roof Terrace and Lounge: For those itching for a lively night in town, head up to the Point of View Rooftop Lounge and Terrace. Located in the heart of Washington D.C., this popular hotspot is renowned for its magnificent views of the city's historic monuments. The modern terrace is decorated with striking decor to complement the skyline; it provides patrons with indoor and outdoor seating for breathtaking views during any season. This unique venue is a great place for after-work cocktails, intimate gatherings, and late-night bottle service. P.O.V. is equipped with a full bar that offers a seasonal cocktail menu perfect as well as an eclectic tapas menu. On weekends, P.O.V. sets the standard for the ultimate nightlife experience by transforming into a high-energy dance club featuring the hottest Djs on the East Coast. P.O.V. is also offers guests an alternative W Living Room Lounge bar, which books live entertainment on Friday nights and a DJ on Saturday nights.

Washington D.C. Recommendations for a Business Meeting

Event Visitor

Dining in D.C.

Brasserie Beck: Established Spring 2007, Brasserie Beck is quickly gaining a reputation for serving quality Belgian cuisine all day from lunch to late night. Located at the heart of D.C.'s burgeoning McPherson square, the contemporary European style brasserie has become a popular place for Washingtonites to meet up both during and after business hours. The beautifully decorated dining room doesn't carry conversations across the room, so it's a great spot for business lunches and private meetings. Restaurant owner and critically acclaimed chef Robert Wiedmaier brings inspiration from his Belgian roots into his dishes. Guest favorites include the moules and frites with a trio of homemade dipping sauces, the Charcuterie Plate, the classic Belgian mainstay of Beef Carconnade, and the Crispy Skate Wing. Beck also features a raw oyster bar and a full-service bar that boasts the city's most comprehensive Belgian beer list outside Belgium with nine draught beers and over 100 offered by the bottle. Old Ebbitt Grill: Just steps away from The White House, Old Ebbitt Grill is a popular dining destination for suits to discuss business over traditional American food. Its Beaux-Arts facade and Victorian interior is reminiscent of Washington saloons at the turn of the century. The 1856 establishment was a favorite amongst U.S. presidents like Grant, Cleveland, Harding, and Theodore Roosevelt. Its mahogany and velvet booths provide the perfect privacy for political insiders, lawyers, business executives, journalists, and celebrities to meet up, negotiate deals, or swap stories. This historic eatery serves upscale American saloon food with an emphasis on fresh and seasonal ingredients. Their menu offers a wide variety of traditional cuisine, from pasta to steak to seafood. If you are a fan of oysters, be sure to stop by D.C.'s most famous Oyster Bar in the back of the room.

Washington D.C.

Event Visitor

Quick Eats on a Budget Taylor Gourmet:If you're tight on time or money, head over to Taylor Gourmet for a delicious sandwich. Located less than a mile from the convention center, this deli shop has become a favorite amongst working Washingtonians and visiting tourists alike. Taylor Gourmet uses only the freshest and finest ingredients to create Philly-style hoagies stuffed with salamis, prociuttos, cheeses, breaded and fried cutlets, handmade meatballs, roasted turkey, beef and pork. They also offer several vegetarian sandwiches, as well as an array of salads, sides such as risotto balls and stuffed peppers, and even cannolis for dessert. Locals frequent this sandwich joint because of its excellent quality hoagies, great food prices, and reasonable portions. Taylor's is open from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days a week. 485 K St NW. Washington, DC 20001

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517 Ceragon Networks Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Microwave Links, Data Backhaul, Communication Networks, Wireless Networks, Transmission, Point to Point Data


Address: 10 Forest Avenue, Suite 120 Paramus, New Jersey 7652 US Toll Free: 877-342-3247 Phone: 201-845-6955 Fax: 201-845-5665 Email: Website:

Our customers have come to rely on unmatched technology and cost innovation, and advanced point-topoint microwave systems that allow them to evolve their networks from circuit-switched and hybrid concepts to all-IP networks. Ceragon solutions are designed to support all wireless access technologies, delivering you more capacity over longer distances under any given deployment scenario. You can rely on our expertise to provide you with wireless backhaul solutions that meet your needs today and perhaps more importantly, in the future.

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services

541 Mobile Medical Maintenance Co.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Hospital Equipment, Defibrillator, Ventilator, Ivac Pump, AED, Transport Equipment


Address: 15027 State Road 1 Leo, IN 46765 US Toll Free: 888-662-6246 Phone: 517-438-0100 Fax: 517-659-5906 Email: Website:

Biomedical Service and Repair company specializing in Hospital, Air/Ground Transport Medical Equipment. We perform service and maintenance On Site so you do not have to ship or risk losing your equipment. We have the quickest turnaround time in the industry at 24 hours. We are bonded, insured, licensed and accredited.

Ship and Boat Building

3366 American Airboat Corp. PRODUCT/SERVICES Airboats, Air Boat, Search, American, Rescue, Law Enforcement


Address: 108 E. Lutcher Drive Orange, TX 77632-2702 US Toll Free: 800-241 6390 Phone: 409-883 7725 Fax: 409-988 0111 Email: Website:

There has been a growing demand for airboats because of their ability to be applied in such diversified situations and environments. A few of the applications are as follows: rescue, aquatic weed control, farming, guided hunts, fishing, law enforcement, pipeline work etc. Let us show you how American Airboat Corp. has surpassed all competition and is leading the Industry today.

Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

3391 Eminent Spine

PRODUCT/SERVICES Spine, Fusion, Interbodies, Pedical Screws, Cervical Plate, Lumbar


Address: 7200 N Interstate 35 Building #1 Georgetown, TX 78628 US Phone: 512-868-5980 Fax: 512-864-1462 Email: Website:

We are a highly innovative, medical device engineering, manufacturing and distribution company that specializes in orthopedic surgical tools and implants. We have cervical and lumbar PEEK implants designed for spinal fusion. We have interbodies designed for anterior, posterior, transforamal, and lateral approaches. We also have pedicle screws, cervical plate, and buttress plate needed for the fixation and stablization process of fusion.

Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

3391 Andover Healthcare, Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Manufacturer, Cohesive, Bandages, Made in USA, Latex-Free, Patented

Address: 9 Fanaras Drive Salisbury, MA 1952 US Toll Free: 800-432-6686 Phone: 978-465-0044 Fax: 978-462-0003 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Andover Healthcare, Inc. has been a leading manufacturer of bandages and tapes for more than 35 years and currently supplies the healthcare, sports medicine and animal health industries with high quality products made in the USA. Founded in 1976, Andover is committed to new and innovative technology and distributes its patented products around the world. Andover was first to develop a truly cohesive latex-free bandage and first to offer cohesive bandages with controlled compression

flex Inc.

Streine Drive

n, OH 45869

9) 629-2603 VOLUME 10

Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

3391 Konica Minolta Medical Imaging

PRODUCT/SERVICES Computed Radiography Image, Digital Imaging Medical, Laser and Specialty Film, Management Solutions, Diagnostic Equipment, Film Processing Equipment


Address: 411 Newark-Pompton Turnpike Wayne, NJ 7470 US Toll Free: 800-934-1034 Phone: 973-633-1500 Fax: 973-633-0562 Email: Website:

Konica Minolta Medical Imaging USA, Inc. is an innovative manufacturer/distributor of digital and traditional imaging products for diagnostic use by hospitals, imaging centers, clinics and private practice physicians. Leading products include the Xpress, IQue and REGIUS family of Computed Radiography systems, the DRYPRO family of laser imagers and image networks, NetStar Image Management Solutions, medical, laser and specialty films and film processing equipment.

Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing

33329 Sebright Products Inc

PRODUCT/SERVICES Compactor Waste Sludge Foam Trash Dewatering

Address: 127 North Water Street Hopkins, MI 49328 US Toll Free: 800-253-0532 Phone: 269-793-7183 Fax: 269-793-4022 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Sebright Products and Bright Technologies, specialty equipment div. of Sebright Products, Inc. designs, manufactures, provides turnkey installations, and services more than 80 models of waste and recyclable processing equipment, mostly for the industrial and municipal sectors. Major equipment lines include stationary and self-contained trash compactors from 1/3 to 10 cubic yard capacities; complete enclosures for security, safety, and energy savings; patented High Density Extruders for de-watering pulp and paper waste, grinding swarf, and more;

Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing

33911 Duraline Medical Products, Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Diapers, Underpads, Pads, Incontinence, Briefs, Liners


Address: 324 Werner Street PO Box 67 Leipsic, OH 45856 US Toll Free: 800-654-3376 Phone: 419-943-2044 Fax: 419-943-3637 Email: Website:

Duraline is a nationwide mail-order distributor of incontinence products. Products include disposable protective underwear, briefs, pads, liners, undergarments, underpads, catheters, reusable and skin care items. Duraline is on the FSS and all products may be ordered through GSA Advantage.

Sign Manufacturing

33995 C I P International PRODUCT/SERVICES

Address: 9575 Le Saint Drive Fairfield, OH 45014-5447 US Toll Free: 800-899-9575 Phone: 513-874-9925 Fax: 513-874-6246 Email: Website: COMPANY PROFILE We are a retail design company specializing in turnkey solutions. We are a team of highly skilled and experienced individuals that turn conceptual visions into reality. Specializing in developing retail environments for the past 30 years, CIP International is at the forefront in developing retail brand experiences. Interior decor elements, scenic design, signage, architectural elements, interior design, fixtures, lighting

Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant

42399 Jones Dairy Farm

PRODUCT/SERVICES Gluten Free, Meat Products, Turkey, All Natural, Pork, Food Products


Address: 800 Jones Avenue P.O. Box 808 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538-2118 US Toll Free: 800-762-6524 Phone: 920-691-0230 Email: Website:

125 year old, 6th generation family owned manufacturer of premium sausage, bacon, ham and veggie burger products.

Passenger Car Rental and Leasing

53211 Yusuf Ahmad Alghanim & Sons

PRODUCT/SERVICES Car Dealers Automotive, Spare Parts, Fmcg Wholesale & Distribution, Lubricants, Electronics, Engineering


Address: Alghanim Industries Shuwaikh, Kuwait 13003 Toll Free: 965-1881111 Phone: 965-24969818 Fax: 965-24969886 Email: Website:

Alghanim Industries, named one of Hewitt Associates? Best Employers in Middle East 2009, is one of the largest, privately-owned companies in the Gulf region. A multi-national company in outlook with operations in 40 countries, Alghanim Industries is a multi-billion dollar conglomerate with more than 30 businesses. Alghanim Industries has a 75+ year heritage as a successful commercial enterprise in the Gulf region, with a proven track record of reacting to economic and market changes.

Security Systems Services

56162 Perceptics, LLC


PRODUCT/SERVICES License Plate Reader, License Plate Address: 9737 Cogdill Road Suite 200N Recognition, Under Vehicle Knoxville, TN 37932 US Inspection Systems, Gate Access Toll Free: 800-863-4498 Control, Security Access Control, Automated Number Plate Reader Phone: 865-966-9200 Fax: 865-966-9330 Email: Website:

When security and efficiency are mission critical, you need to know more about the vehicles passing through your environment. And only one company possesses the focused expertise and 30-year track record of providing reliable vehicle intelligence courtesy of innovative solutions that instill complete confidence. A company that stands behind its customers and a suite of products proven to stand up in the field, they deliver precisely the kind of results your difficult job demands.

Artificial Turf Installation

238990 FLEXI-LINER PRODUCT/SERVICES Tank Liner, Tank Lining, Tank Repairs, Water Tank Repair, Water Tank Maintanence, Tank Maintanence

Address: 3198 Factory Way Pomona, CA 91768 US Toll Free: 800-423-4909 Phone: 909-594-6610 Fax: 909-594-6672 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Manufactures and installs plastic tank liners for water tanks and other storage tanks

Cheese Based Salad Dressing Manufacturing

311941 The Morning Star Packing Co.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Tomato Paste, Diced Tomatoes, Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Address: 13448 Volta Road Los Banos, CA 93635 US Phone: 209-826-8000 Fax: 209-826-8266 Website:

COMPANY PROFILE We offer a full line of tomato ingredients in 55-gallon drums and 300-gallon bins. We also have a tube-in-tube line which makes diced, purees, ketchup and crushed products. The flexibility of our operations is unsurpassed in the industry. Our ability to meet specifications of even the most unusual products allows us to better serve all customers.

322220 PDC Healthcare-A Brady Business PRODUCT/SERVICES


Patient Identification Wristbands Manufacturer, Healthcare Label Manufacturer, Medical Records Filling Supply Manufacturers, X-Ray Products, Pharmacy Labeling & Supplies, Infection Control & Patient Safety Products

Address: 27770 N. Entertainment Drive Suite 200 Valencia, CA 91355 US Toll Free: 800-435-4242 Phone: 661-257-0233 Fax: 800-321-4409 Email: Website:

We manufacture and sell Patient Identification products including Wristbands of all kinds and Healthcare Labels for Lab, Pharmacy and Pharmacy Robotics, Main Admission, Radiology and Interventional Radiology, Surgery/OR both sterile and non-sterile, E.R. Labor and Delivery, Dietary, BioMed and more. Additionally we sell consumable products for Radiology and Mammography such as Skin Markers, Cassette Covers, C-Arm Covers, X-Ray Filing Supplies, etc.

Activated Carbon or Charcoal Manufacturing

325998 ULTRA Scientific, Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Standards, Reagents, Analytical solutions, Chemicals, CRMs, Reference Materials


Address: 250 Smith Street North Kingstown, RI 2852 US Toll Free: 800-338-1754 Phone: 401-294-9400 Fax: 401-295-2330 Email: Website:

Standards, reference materials, reagents and solutions for environmental, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical analysis.

Bags, Plastics Film, Single Wall or Multiwall, Manufacturing

326111 Ampac

PRODUCT/SERVICES Tamper Evident Innovations, Security Bags/Pouches, Collection, Storage and Transfer of Secure Property/Documents, Chain of Custody, Security Bags - Made in America, Recycled Content/100% Recyclable


Address: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website:

US 800-541-6492 513-671-1777

Ampac is the worlds leader in creative packaging solutions. We passionately create and bring to market new packaging designed to advance our customers brands. Ampac drives packaging transformation and performance by creating packages that are more innovative, progressive and dynamic than those used by competitive brands. Ampacs comprehensive approach to packaging is a balance of rigorous, technology-driven thinking and exceptional creativity. Our team of engineers and designers act as change agents to build value for our customers.

Acrylic Film And Unlaminated Sheet (Except Packaging) Manufacturing


Bayer MaterialScience LLC PRODUCT/SERVICES Plastic Sheet_unsupported, Blast Resistance, Bullet Resistant, Containment Resistant, Abrasion Resistant,

Address: Toll Free: Email: Website:

US 800-254-1707

COMPANY PROFILE Bayer MaterialScience is a world-leading materials provider: innovative, sustainable and diverse. Being present around the globe and close to the markets, we are the partner of choice for a variety of industries.

Alloy Steel Castings (Except Investment), Unfinished, Manufacturing


Metallurgie Castech Inc PRODUCT/SERVICES Steel, Iron, Manufacturing, Mines, Crusher, Bucket

Address: 500 Boul Frontenac E Thetford Mines, QC G6G 7M8 Canada Phone: 418-338-3171 Fax: 418-338-5930 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Castech Metallurgy can cast parts up to 40 000 pounds in mild steel, alloy steel, stainless steel and manganese steel, grey iron, ductile iron, white iron and abrasive iron. Castech is able to cast up to 40 000 lbs. Our products are present in mine, aluminium plant, pulp and papers, energy.

332216 Snap-on Industrial PRODUCT/SERVICES Hand Tools, Automotive Diagnostic Equipment, Industrial Tools Equipment, Power Tools, Automotive Shop Equipment, Torque Tools Equipment

Address: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website:

US 888-418-5600 815-425-8392

COMPANY PROFILE The Most Valued Productivity Solutions in the World: At Snap-on Industrial, we have one goal: to enhance your productivity with products, services, and capabilities for Aerospace, Education, Energy and Natural Resources, Military, Defense, & Government, Maintenance, and Manufacturing and Assembly. Visit us online at


Buildings, Prefabricated Metal, Manufacturing

Creative Tent International, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Engineered Portable Structures, Re-locatable Structures, Deployable Facilities, LAMS, Clear Span Engineered Tents, Installation Service

Address: 2245 Kiowa Blvd N, Suite 100 , Lake Havasu AZ 86403 US Toll Free: 888-484-8368 Phone: 928-854-3700 Fax: 928-854-3708 Email: Website: COMPANY PROFILE Creative Tent International, Inc. is a woman owned, solutions-based, large volume, clear span fabric structure manufacturer. We specialize in a creative approach to integrate customer requirements into our standard product lines. We have more than 50 years of experience in design, manufacturing and service to the fabric structure industry. Our technicians are field sensitive to onsite environmental conditions, complexity of installation and logistics. All products are made in the USA and are designed, engineered, and manufactured for superior quality.

Ammunition Carts (i.e., 30 mm or less, 1.18 inch or less) Manufacturing


Barrett Firearms Mfg., Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES

Barrett, Rifle, Sniper, .50 BMG, .338 LM

Address: PO Box 1077 Murfreesboro, TN 37133 US Phone: 615-896-2938 Fax: 615-896-7313 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE BARRETT Firearms Manufacturing, Inc.Manufacturer of .50 BMG Special Purpose Rifles and other long range sniper systems. Used by over 72 friendly governments worldwide for EOD, barricade penetration and defeating light armor. The .50 BMG cartridge delivers a level of energy not attainable in .30 caliber. Police uses include explosive and ordnance demolition, destroying engine blocks to disable moving or static vehicles, and penetrating barricades. Barrett offers four .50 caliber rifles. Accurate long range shooting is possible with all configurations.

Diesel and Semidiesel Engines Manufacturing

333618 CK Manufacturing/Industrial Concepts Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Manifolds, Modules, Fuel Assemblies, Lug Nuts, Harness’, Hose Assemblies

Address: 1735 Sylvestre Drive Tecumseh, ON N8N 2L9 Canada Phone: 519-739-1614 x4 Fax: 519-979-8599 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE CK Manufacturing/Industrial Concepts Inc. build and test various Military vehicle assemblies.

CD-ROM Drives Manufacturing

334112 Newport Computer Solutions, Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Memory Upgrades, GBIC - Transceivers, Storage - Hard Drives, Server, Flash Memory, Cisco, Juniper, Exteme, HP

Address: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website:

US 866-780-7070 949-461-9917

COMPANY PROFILE Newport Computer Solutions, Inc. is a computer hardware and software reseller. We specialize in memory, networking products and storage.

Airborne Radio Communications Equipment Manufacturing

334220 A.H. Systems, Inc.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Antennas, Log Periodic Antennas, Testing Equipment, Preamplifiers, EMI, Current Probes

Address: 9710 Cozycroft Avenue Chatsworth, CA 91311 US Phone: 818-998-0223 Fax: 818-998-6892 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE A.H. Systems manufactures a complete line of affordable, reliable, individually calibrated EMC Test Antennas, Preamplifiers, Current Probes and Low-Loss, High - Frequency Cables that satisfy FCC, MIL-STD, VDE, IEC and SAE testing standards.. We provide rental programs for our equipment and offer recalibration services for Antennas, Preamplifiers, Current Probes and Cables, including other manufacturers worldwide. A.H. Systems provides next-day, on-time delivery for a fast turn around schedule to help minimize any down time the customer may be experiencing during testing Computer Cable Sets (e.g., Monitor, Printer) Manufacturing


Ultra Electronics - EMS Development Corporation PRODUCT/SERVICES Filters, EMI, EMC, HEMP, Powerline, Magnetics, Transfomers, Modulators, Pulse Forming Networks, QPL Filters, Capacitors, High Voltage, Engineering, Reverse Engineering


Address: 95 Horseblock Road Unit 2, Yaphank NY 11980 US Phone: 631-345-6200 Fax: 631-345-6216 Email: Website:

EMS/RFI’s filter products include EMI/EMC/RFI power filters, UL filters, QPL filters to MIL-PRF-15733, communication and data filters. EMS/RFI also offers magnetic components such as high-voltage pulse modulators, pulse packages, pulse forming networks, pulse & power transformers and reactors, high-voltage capacitors, reconstituted mica capacitors, high & low frequency capacitors. EMS/RFI is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company, with extensive engineering & manufacturing capabilities.

INSTAKEY SeCurIty SySteMS Locks and keys are simple in theory, but complicated in practice. At InstaKey® we’ve spent over a quarter of a century helping Government and Institutional organizations manage their keyed access as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. We don’t think of keyed access as just ‘locks and keys’. We think of it – and help our Clients run it – as a program built on the 4 Cornerstones of KeyControl®.

Key Management Cornerstones Web Accessible Key System Records

Individually Serialized, Restricted Keys

Administered Program Support & Partnership

Simple, Cost-Effective Rekey Avenue

Individually Serialized, Restricted Keys – ensure our InstaKey® key blanks cannot be distributed. Simple, Cost Effective Rekey Avenue – with ‘single key turn’ rekeyable lock technology, Instakey® locks empower you to rekey in seconds.

Web Accessible Key System Records – everything you need to know about your key system in a scalable, web-accessed format. Administered Program Support & Partnership – we partner with you to help you keep your keyed access program stable and secure.

Call us to find out how we can help you with your keyed access.




Arc Lamp Units, Electrotherapeutic (Except Infrared, Ultraviolet), Manufacturing


Starkey Hearing Technologies PRODUCT/SERVICES Hearing Aids, SoundGear, Ear Plug, Hearing Protection, Hearing Products

Address: 6700 Washington Ave. S. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 US Toll Free: 800-328-8602 Phone: 952-941-6401 Fax: 952-828-6974 Email: Website: COMPANY PROFILE Starkey is the largest manufacturer of hearing aids and ear molds/ear based products in the United States. We manufacturer award winning hearing aids, earmolds, and hearing protection.


Alarm Clocks Manufacturing

BRG Precision Products PRODUCT/SERVICES Time Zone Clocks, Clocks, Digital Clocks, Emergency Notification, Message Displays, LED Clocks

Address: 600 N River, Derby KS 67037 US Toll Free: 800-295-0220 Phone: 316-788-2000 Fax: 316-788-7080 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE BRG Precision Products manufactures time zone displays, moving message displays, digital LED clocks, synchronized clock/time systems and emergency mass notification systems.

Ceiling Lighting Fixtures, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional, Manufacturing

335122 Ledtronics Inc

PRODUCT/SERVICES LED Bulb, LED Lamp, Street Light, Light, LED Lighting Products, Roadway Lights

Address: 23105 Kashiwa Court Torrance, CA 90505 US Toll Free: 800-579-4875 Phone: 310-534-1505 Fax: 310-534-1424 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE LEDtronics Mission Statement: To Replace Energy-Wasting Lighting With World-Class Environmentally Responsible LED Bulbs and Products. The LEDtronics website is packed with direct-incandescent-replacement bright LED (Light Emitting Diode) lamps and LED bulbs. Our LED lamp and LED Bulb product offerings are available in a wide range of bulb sizes for multiple lighting applications.

Dishwashers, Household-Type, Manufacturing

335228 A. O. Smith

PRODUCT/SERVICES Water Heater, Tankless Water Heater, Gas Water Heater, Electric Water Heater, Solar Water Heater, Boiler


Address: 500 Tennessee Waltz Parkway Ashland City, TN 37015 US Toll Free: 800-527-1953 Phone: 866-362-9898 Email: Website:

Sold exclusively by plumbing wholesalers and plumbing contractors, A. O. Smith’s selection of residential and commercial water heaters, boilers and storage tanks is unmatched for quality and diversity. Anywhere hot water is needed, A. O. Smith can provide an energy-efficient solution with maximum value during and for years after installation. And, A. O. Smith stands behind its products and its customers with world-class service, combining cutting-edge technology with committed people who take pride in being the very best.

Assembly Plants, Passenger Car, On Chassis of Own Manufacture


Greentech Automotive, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Automotive, Green Technology, Affordable, Electric Vehicle, Advanced, American

Address: 6266 Hurt Road Horn Lake, MS 38637 US Phone: 662-996-1118 Fax: 662-996-1119 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE GreenTech Automotive (GTA) is a US-based automotive manufacturer dedicated to developing and engineering environmentally-friendly, energy-efficient vehicles. GTA’s core values encompass green technology, affordability, and job creation. GTA was founded in 2009 by accomplished entrepreneurs Terry McAuliffe and Charles Wang. Together, these two accomplished business and political leaders are committed to making GTA a major automotive enterprise in the US and around the world.

Ambulance Bodies Manufacturing

336211 Jerr-Dan Corporation

PRODUCT/SERVICES Carriers, Rollbacks, Wreckers, Tow Trucks, Tow Truck Parts, Tow Truck Accessories


Address: 13224 Fountain Head Plaza Hagerstown, MD 21742 US Phone: 240-420-8785 Fax: 301-745-5375 Email: Website:

Jerr-Dan Corporation is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of wrecker tow trucks and rollbacks/ carriers. Our wrecker line includes standard, medium, and heavy duty wreckers, as well as rotators. Our carrier line includes standard, medium, and heavy duty rollbacks and transporters. Jerr-Dan also offers a complete line of accessories for each product line, including a side recovery system (SRS). For additional product information and GSA offerings, please visit us at

Armored Military Vehicles (Except Tanks) And Parts Manufacturing


Global Seating Systems LLC PRODUCT/SERVICES Military Seats, Manufacturers, Light Weight Seats, Blast Mitigating Seats, Ground Vehicles, Armored Vehicles

Address: 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 US Phone: 610-265-3610 Fax: 484-362-2291 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE GSS manufactures seats for military vehicles the meet all current threats including crashes, ied blasts, mine blasts and efp attacks. Seats are ergonomically correct and provide comfort even in daunting terrain.

Boxspring Frames Manufacturing

337215 Strong Hold Products

PRODUCT/SERVICES Storage Cabinets, Adjustable Shelves, Shop Desks, Supply Caninets, Bin Storage, Personal Lockers

Address: PO Box 9043 Louisville, KY 40209 US Toll Free: 800-880-2625 Phone: 502-363-4175 Fax: 502-363-3827 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Strong Hold Products manufactures 12 gauge metal storage products. All welded construction, adjustable shelves, capacity up to 1900# and 3-point lock system with hasp, 8 gauge hinges and ships completely assembled. Over 300 items are stocked for immediate shipment. Storage cabinets, shop desks, tool and computer cabinets, bin storage, shop tables, personal lockers, outdoor, ventilated, clearview, paint and drum storage products, accessories and custom fabrication available.

Abrasive Points, Wheels, and Disks, Dental, Manufacturing

339114 Dentalez Group

PRODUCT/SERVICES Dental,Chairs, Handpieces, Cabinets, Air Compressor, Vacuum


Address: 2 West Liberty Blvd. Suite 160, Malvern PA 19355 US Toll Free: 866-383-4636 Phone: 903-466-1748 Fax: 903-575-0473 Email: Website:

DentalEZ Group is committed to advancing the practice of dentistry through innovative products and services. Encompassing six distinct product brands, StarDental DentalEZ, CustomAir, RAMVAC, NevinLabs and Columbia Dentoform-DentalEZ Group is your one-stop for all your major product needs in the dental clinic. DentalEZ Group works directly with all government facilities, federal, state and local provideing dental products and factory installation.

THINK TANK A Water Heater That Keeps Thinking... About Saving You Money.

Cyclone ® Xi with our intelligent control system We design and build our water heaters to meet the challenging environments of commercial applications. Our new Cyclone® Xi features engineering innovations that save you money. You’ll appreciate the simplicity of its intelligent control system. Cyclone Xi’s high thermal efficiency lowers your operating costs—and its superior tank protection delivers years of exceptional performance. The Cyclone Xi from A. O. Smith. It’s the water heating equivalent of a five-star restaurant.

500 Tennessee Waltz Parkway • Ashland City, TN 37015 •

Archery Equipment Manufacturing

339920 Miracle Recreation Equipment Company

PRODUCT/SERVICES Playground, Play Equipment, Play Structures, Recreation Equipment, Fitness Equipment, Site Amenities

Address: 1615 Airpark Drive Farmington, MO 63640 US Toll Free: 888-458-2752 Phone: 704-949-1609 Email: Website:


For more than 86 years, Miracle Recreation has been building innovative commercial playground equipment that meets industry and federal safety standards. Miracle Recreation’s playground equipment is designed for children age 2 to 12. We also manufacture site amenities such as benches, bleachers, grills etc., as well as fitness equipment.

421830 Modular Packaging Systems, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Tablet Filling, Channel Counters, Line Intergration, Slat Counters, Pharmaceutical Packaging, Nutraceutical Packaging

Address: 6 Aspen Drive Randolph, NJ 7869 US Phone: 973-970-9393 Fax: 973-970-9388 Email: Website:


Modular Packaging manufactures tablet bottle filling machine and provides complete turn-key packaging lines. Filling machines from small bench models to large format Slat counting machines.

Computer Boards, Loaded, Merchant Wholesalers

423430 Intercom Computer Systems Inc.


PRODUCT/SERVICES 3420, 3480, 3490, ESCON, B&T, Tape Address: 3182 Golansky Blvd., Suite #102 Woodbridge, Virginia 22192 US Toll Free: 888-611-0909 Phone: Email: Website:

Supplier and vendor of universal Control units for mainframe attachment via FICON, ESCON or B&T. For more than 30 years Intercom Computer Systems has been the place for computer users to turn for peripherals and storage Systems.


Antennas Merchant Wholesalers

Newark Corporation PRODUCT/SERVICES Electronics, Microcontroller, Test Power Analyzer, Testing Equipment, Display Panel, Continuity Tester

Address: 4801 N. Ravenswood Chicago, IL 60640 US Toll Free: 800-463-9275 Phone: 773-784-5100 Fax: 888-551-4801 Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Newark stocks everything from the latest design-in technologies to popular replacement parts to meet its customers‚ A diverse needs, and continually expands its supplier portfolio to offer a true one-stop shopping experience. Beyond semiconductors, Newark offers: passive components, interconnect products, wire & cable, optoelectronics, lamps/displays, electrical and circuit protection products, power and electromechanical products, industrial control, tools, production supplies, test & measurement, enclosures and datacom products.

Blades (e.g., Knife, Saw) Merchant Wholesalers

423710 Vingcard Elsafe

PRODUCT/SERVICES Security, Locks, Safes, Energy Management Solutions, Front Desk Systems, Wireless Solutions


Address: 631 International Pkwy Suite 100 , Richardson TX 75081-6623 US Toll Free: 800-225-8464 Phone: 972-907-2273 Fax: 972-907-2771 Email: Website:

VingCard Elsafe has products installed in more than 39,000 properties worldwide (6.5 million hotel rooms), and offers advanced technology solutions for hospitality providers and their guests. VingCard Elsafe’s international network covers more than 165 countries worldwide. VingCard Elsafe is part of ASSA ABLOY, the world’s leading provider of locking solutions. ASSA ABLOY is a publicly listed Swedish company traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. ASSA ABLOY Group has around 30,000 employees and annual sales of approximately EUR 3 billion.

Bakery Machinery and Equipment Merchant

423830 Amerex Corporation dba Getz Manufacturing

PRODUCT/SERVICES FM-200, DryChemical, AFES, Halon, CO2, EFES


Address: 540 S Main Street North Pekin, IL 61554 US Toll Free: 800-553-3503 Phone: 309-382-4389 Email: Website:

World’s leading manufacturer of hand portable and wheeled fire extinguisher servicing equipment. Pollution and dust control are essential elements of our product designs. Sophisticated control of quality insures you of receiving the finest equipment in the industry. Careful inspection of all incoming materials and careful control of all manufacturing processes guarantee maximum performance. This combination of environmental concern, quality equipment, and servicing experience can provide you with the tools you need to service your clients efficiently and safely.

Bags, Paper and Disposable Plastics, Merchant Wholesalers


Delco Packaging Products, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Foam, Stretchfilm, Machines, Adhesives, Tape, Strapping


Address: 100 Division Street Hurlock, MD 216433418 US Phone: 410-228-2905 Fax: 410-228-6454 Email: Website:

We distribute packaging products to a variety of companies in the Mid-Atlantic region. We are also a premier distributor for Henkel adhesives. In fact, there are several advantages to buying your packaging supplies from a premier distributor.

Air Cargo Carriers (Except Air Couriers), Nonscheduled

481212 Speedex Ltd.

PRODUCT/SERVICES Charter Flight, Forbidden Cargo, Airport Handling, Overfly Permit, Landing Permit, Cargo Transportation


Address: Block 2, Entrance 1 1, Brussels Blvd. Sofia Airport, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Phone: 359-2-945-9137 Fax: 359-2-945-9135 Email: Website:

SPEEDEX Ltd is an Air Charter Broker and Handling Agent in Airport. We can support and arrange all Airline and Airport activities esp. in Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine and countries in the region

Bus Charter Services (Except Scenic, Sightseeing)

485510 Arrow Stage Lines Inc

PRODUCT/SERVICES Transportation, Bus, Charter, Motorcoaches, Delivery, Deluxe


Address: 720 E Norfolk Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701-5 US Toll Free: 800-672-8302 Phone: 402-371-3850 Fax: 402-371-3267 Email: Website:

Arrow Stage Lines is family owned and has been in the charter bus rental and service business since 1928. We charter buses for all kinds of groups including VIPs, businesses, travel agencies, sports teams, schools, civic groups, weddings, churches, and conventions, just to name a few.Arrow is one of the largest privately held charter bus companies in the United States, with a network of charter bus service facilities across the nation. This gives Arrow the ability to serve both local markets and nationwide clients. Your charter bus service will be handled quickly, efficiently, and affordably.

Dentatus USA Denticator Dentsply Caulk Dentsply Maillefer Dentsply Midwest Dentsply Pharmaceutical Dentsply Professional Dentsply Rinn Dentsply Trubyte Dent-X E.C. Moore Co. EPR Industries Essential Dental Systems Inc. First Medica Flow X-Ray Corportaion GC America Inc Gingi-Pak Harry J. Bosworth Company Hatho Health Sonics Corporation Heraeus Kulzer Hu-Friedy Manufacturing Inc. Infection Control Technology Jelenko Johnson & Johnson KaVo America Kendall Health Care

Kerr Corporation Keystone Industries Kimberly Clark L&R Manufacturing Company Lang Dental Manufacturing Co. Inc. Matech Inc. Matrx Medical Inc. Maytex Corporation Metrex Research Group Microbrush Corporation Microcopy Miltex Instruments Co. Inc. Motloid Company Nevin Laboratories Inc. Op-d-op Inc. Palmero Health Care Pascal Company Inc. Pinnacle Premier Dental Products Professional Results Inc. Pulpdent Corporation JR Rand Corporation Reliance Dental Manufacturing Co. Richmond Dental Products Roydent Dental Products SciCan Inc. For more information, please contact: Frank Nowtash Shofu Dental Corporation Direct: 425-321-1220 or Cell: 206-391-0138 - Email:

3M ESPE Accutron, Inc Allied Diagnostics Imaging AllPro Inc. Almore International Inc. Aluwax Dental Products American Eagle Instruments Inc. Athena Champion Inc. Baldor Electric Company Bard-Parker Barnstead / Harvey Sterilizers Beutlich Pharmaceuticals Biotrol International Buffalo Dental MFG Co. Inc. Bull Frog Motor Repair Division Cadco Dental Carestream Health Inc. Cetylite Industries Inc. Ched-Markay Clive Craig Company Coltene/Whaledent Inc. Certol International Crosstex DeLar Corporation Dental Health Products Dental Supply Company of CA DENTAMERICA

S.S. White Burs Star Dental Steri-Dent Corporation Sultan Healthcare Inc. WaterPik Tidi Products Inc. Tokuyama America Inc. Tuttnauer USA Co LTD Van R Dental Products Inc. Vector Vivadent Whip Mix Corporation Hager Worldwide Inc. Yeti Young Dental Manufacturing Zenith Dental Zirc Dental Products Inc.

Federal Supply Schedule: V797P-3187m NAICS Code: 423450 - Cage Code: 3F688 - Duns: 027408483

Authorized dealer of the following manufacturers

16531 13th Ave. W. Suite A102 Lynnwood, WA 98037 (425) 712-8786 - Toll Free (800) 562-6645

Small Business Serving the Dental Community


Appraisal (Except Real Estate) Services

Homeland Transportation Services PRODUCT/SERVICES Transportation Brokerage, Shipments, Transportation, Trucking, Carriers, Deliveries


Address: 13532 Haugh Road Waterford, PA 164419635 US Phone: 814-796-1409 Fax: 814-796-1419 Email: Website:

Homeland Transportation Service, Inc. is a Transportation Brokerage Company with extensive knowledge in the Transportation Industry & Knowledge obtained from over a decade of experience serving the transportation industry. We look forward to: Working with you to Service the Homelands of America


Alarm System Monitoring Services

FM Systems, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Video, Audio, CCTV, Meters, Amplifiers, Manufacturer

Address: Toll Free: Phone: Email: Website:

US 800-235-6960 714-979-3355


FM SYSTEMS, INC. is a manufacturer of products for the Audio Video and CCTV marketplace. We have a line of test equipment to measure video and audio signals and CCTV test gear for installation and trouble-shooting. With two GSA contracts our company serves both the Government and Commercial markets with a full line of audio and video problem solving equipment.

Bird Proofing Services

561710 Bird B Gone, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Bird Control Spikes, Bird Proof Netting, Bird Deterrent, Bird Repellent, Bird Control, Pigeon Control


Address: 23918 Skyline Mission Viejo, CA 92692-1872 US Toll Free: 800-392-6915 Phone: 949-472-3122 Fax: 949-472-3116 Email: Website:

We offer architectural bird control products. Bird-B-Gone is a leading manufacturer of bird deterrents and is dedicated to solving pest bird problems. Bird-B-Gone products are the lowest cost, highest quality bird control products on the market. We offer the longest guarantees! MADE IN THE U.S.A.!

Air Ambulance Services

621910 Inflight Medical Services International, Inc. PRODUCT/SERVICES Aircraft Charter Air Lifeflight Medical Transportation Ambulance Inflight Medical Treatment

Address: PO Box 413005 Naples, FL 34101-3005 US Toll Free: 800-432-4177 Fax: 800-828-3515 Email: Website:

COMPANY PROFILE Since 1978, we have provided aeromedical transport for more than 20,000 patients and families worldwide. Committed to professional, compassionate, medical care, we established the air ambulance industry standard for Inflight Medical Protocol. BOP contract for: Air Ambulance and Air Charter Services, #(BPA) DJBFAOBPA004 Duns #115210408 Registered with CCR (United States Defense Department) of Transportation:


Air Force

Inert Products, LLC. PRODUCT/SERVICES IEDD Training Kits Inert Simulated Explosives Replica Guns and Weapons IED Training Aids Posters and Materials Inert Dummy Ordnance HME and Improvised Explosives


Address: 100 Powderly Court Scranton, PA 18504 US Phone: 570-341-3751 Fax: 570-300-1693 Email: Website:

Inert Products, LLC. provides Law Enforcement, Homeland Security and the United States Department of Defense with extremely durable, highly realistic training aids used in training against terrorist threats. Located in Scranton, PA, Inert Products, LLC produces and supplies support materials used by security forces in training to recognize, respond to, and mitigate the threat of explosives & terrorism.



Contact (805) 963-6524 or for more information

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