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SAIC Awarded Contract by U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific Company to Provide Technical and Engineering Support for Maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Information Operations MCLEAN, Va., March 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) [NYSE: SAI] announced it was awarded a prime contract by the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific (SSC Pacific) to provide technical and engineering support for maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and information operations (ISR/IO) for emerging and existing U.S. Navy and joint command, control, communications, computers and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. The cost-plus fixed-fee contract has a two-year base period of performance, three one-year options, and a total contract value of approximately $54 million, if all options are exercised. Work will be performed primarily in San Diego, Calif. SSC Pacific is the Navy's premier research, development, test and evaluation laboratory for C4ISR. Under the contract, SAIC will provide technical and engineering support, including: program and configuration management; technical services; systems engineering; algorithm development; hardware and software development; material analysis; data processing, testing, repair, installation, deployment and recovery; and analysis in support of maritime ISR/IO and autonomous and non-autonomous systems or air systems that can be used in ISR/IO operations. "We look forward to our continued support of SSC Pacific and the critical ISR/IO systems that enable warfighter information dominance and operational success," said Thomas Watson, SAIC senior vice president and business unit general manager.


North Korea Nullifies Armistice, Key Resolve Kicks Off By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 11, 2013 – U.S. and South Korean forces kicked off the annual Key Resolve exercise today, with the North Korean army’s supreme command reportedly responding by nullifying the armistice agreement that has maintained peace on the Korean Peninsula for six decades. Army Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea, opened the annual combined and joint command post exercise today, calling it “a critical exercise in strengthening the readiness of combined Republic of Korea and U.S. forces.” The exercise, which will continue through March 21, begins during a particularly tense time in Korea. North Korea, angered by tighter sanctions the U.N. Security Council approved in response to its latest nuclear test in February, has increasingly ratcheted up its threats over the past week to invalidate the armistice agreement. Today, the North Korean press reported that “the U.S. has reduced the armistice agreement to a dead paper.” North Korea also reportedly cut off a phone line between North and South Korea that provided immediate communication when required to reduce tensions. Meanwhile, under scenarios developed for Key Resolve 2013, more than 3,000 U.S. participants are working with about 10,000 of their South Korean counterparts to hone the skills necessary to defend South Korea. This, officials said, includes improving the operational capabilities of combined U.S. and South Korean forces, coordinating and executing the deployment of U.S. reinforcements and maintaining South Korean military combat capabilities.

Pacom Promotes Regional Cyber Capabilities, Defenses By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 11, 2013 – Two years ago, U.S. Pacific Command set out on a big experiment during its Terminal Fury exercise, subjecting participants for the first time to simulated cyber intrusions and network access denials, among other unexpected curve balls the exercise planners threw their way. Pacom’s cyber cell, serving as a testbed for the newly established U.S. Cyber Command, grappled with scenarios that shot holes through their cyber defenses, compromising their command-and-control systems and, by extension, their ability to control their forces. The exercise underscored what already had become abundantly clear throughout Pacom and the entire Defense Department: the cyber domain is the new military “high ground” -- an advantage to those to use it effectively, and the downfall of those who don’t. So in officially standing up its Joint Cyber Center last year at the direction of thenDefense Secretary Leon E. Panetta, Pacom officials set out to capitalize on cyber capabilities and make them integral to the entire command structure. “The intent is to be a fusion center to integrate cyber in all its versions in the entire cyber portfolio into the command’s daily and warfighting battle rhythm,” Air Force Brig. Gen. John “Mark” Hicks, Pacom’s director of command, control, communications and cyber, told American Forces Press Service during a telephone interview from Camp Smith, Hawaii. Pacom’s vast area of responsibility -- more than half the globe -- makes it particularly reliant on its secure and unsecure networks to operate, Hicks explained. “Nothing happens out here -- we don’t have visibility on anything, we can’t command and control anything, my boss, [Navy] Adm. [Samuel J.] Locklear [III] can’t do his mission -- without assured and secure communications,” Hicks said. “That means communications, not just with his own forces, but also between our allies and partners, because that is a very big part of our job here.”

Missile, Space Intelligence Center Saves Warfighter Lives By Cheryl Pellerin American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 8, 2013 – Engineers, scientists and analysts of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center provide high-confidence assessments of foreign missile and space systems and other critical intelligence products that help to keep warfighters from harm. Spread out over some of the 38,000 acres of the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in the Appalachian highlands of northern Alabama are the laboratories, high-performance computing operations, test areas and hardware storage spaces that make up MSIC’s vast engineering complex. “The work itself is pretty detailed and geeky,” MSIC Director Pamela McCue explained during an interview with American Forces Press Service. “We’re a bunch of engineers and scientists, and by nature we love to figure out how things work.” McCue, an electrical engineer, said the work involves looking at all sources of intelligence and figuring out the characteristics, performance and operations of threat weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank guided missiles, ground-based antisatellite systems and short-range ballistic missiles. Service members who conduct operations anywhere in the world are likely to encounter a variety of weapons, McCue said. “Our job is to understand the threat weapons and push intelligence to the military so they will be prepared,” she added. “Hopefully, we can do it so our service [members] won’t even encounter the threat weapons, but if they do, we want them always to come out on top.” MSIC engineers and scientists focus on how a weapon works, how well it works, and how it’s vulnerable or how it can be defeated, she said. Air and missile defense is a key mission.

Cyber Command Adapts to Understand Cyber Battlespace By Cheryl Pellerin American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 7, 2013 – Since the Defense Department officially made cyberspace a new domain of warfare in 2011, experts in the public and private sectors have been working to make that inherently collaborative, adaptable environment a suitable place for military command and control. In July of that year, the first initiative of the first DOD Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace called for treating cyberspace as an operational domain -- no different from air, land, sea or space -- to organize, train and equip so the department could take full advantage of cyber potential. Cyberspace is defined as a collection of computer networks that use a variety of wired and wireless connections, a multitude of protocols, and devices ranging from supercomputers to laptops to embedded computer systems designed for specific control functions in larger systems. At the 4th Annual Cyber Security Conference held here Feb. 22, Air Force Maj. Gen. Brett T. Williams, director of operations at U.S. Cyber Command, described how Cybercom is using the Internet and other aspects of the cyber environment to execute its mission. “The challenge we have is that the Internet was never designed for military command and control, … yet we’ve adapted it to do that,” he said. In the process, the general added, officials have tried to define the Cybercom mission more clearly over the last few months. As part of DOD, Williams said, part of Cybercom’s mission is to help in defending the homeland, especially against cyberattacks and other activities in cyberspace that could affect national security.

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Transcom, Partners Secure Networks Against Cyberattacks By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 7, 2013 – As the target of more cyberattacks than any other combatant command, U.S. Transportation Command is taking concrete steps to reduce vulnerabilities and ensure the security of networks vital to its global transportation and distribution mission, the Transcom commander told Congress today. Transcom was hit by almost 45,000 cyberattacks during 2011, and quadruple that number last year, Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser III told the Senate Armed Services Committee. “We see a myriad of attacks,” he said, from hackers trying to enter the network to “advanced, persistent attacks out there that we continue to defend against.” Unlike most combatant commands that interface primarily with other secure military and government networks, Transcom relies heavily on its industry and commercial partners that deliver 70 percent of its supplies and passengers around the world, Fraser noted in his written statement to the committee. Ninety percent of the command’s distribution and deployment transactions are over unclassified and commercial systems that lack the safeguards provided on “dot-mil” and “dot-gov” networks, he said. “It is an area that we have significant concern [about], but we have taken a lot of action, and not just in one area,” Fraser told the Senate panel. “We are taking a holistic approach as we work this specific issue.” That approach involves not only shoring up its own network defenses, but also working closely with its commercial and interagency partners to help them strengthen theirs, he said.

Maryland Guard Partners With Bosnia for Peace, Security By Amaani Lyle American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 5, 2013 – Armed forces from Bosnia and Herzegovina deployed with a military police task force to Afghanistan’s Kandahar province in January, thanks to ongoing training and integration with the Maryland National Guard. The integration, which began in 2003 through the National Guard State Partnership Program, ranks among the Bosnia Armed Force’s top accomplishments since civil unrest began in the former Yugoslav republic region two decades earlier, said Evelyn Farkas, deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russian, Ukrainian and Eurasian affairs. “This partnership is a testament to the great strides Bosnia has made to become a real contributor within the international security landscape,” Farkas said. “The troops are stepping up and showing significant progress in their capabilities and professionalism, moving them closer toward the goal of membership in the NATO alliance.” Citing one of the most recent success stories of U.S. National Guard and foreign nation pairings, Farkas explained that Bosnia’s highly-trained and capable force shows promise that would have seemed unachievable in the mid-1990s. But the Maryland National Guard, she said, has brought a sense of community that distinguishes itself from conventional joint training missions. “The Bosnians display a great sense of pride, confidence and teamwork that has, in part, been built during these military and security exchanges,” Farkas said. “The work they’re doing with the Maryland National Guard has not only primed them to support International Security Assistance Force Afghanistan missions, but [also has] prepared them for international security involvement around the world.” NATO officials said they have long since championed nation partnership and collaboration, concepts that have gained particular interest in an era of fiscal uncertainty.

State Dept

Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases Press Statement John Kerry Secretary of State Washington, DC March 13, 2013 The United States and the international community remain committed to maintaining pressure on the Iranian regime until it fully addresses concerns about its nuclear program. That is why today I am pleased to announce that based on additional significant reductions in the volume of its crude oil purchases from Iran, Japan has again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. Additionally, 10 European Union countries – Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom – have also qualified for a renewal of the NDAA exception because they have not purchased Iranian oil since July 1, 2012, pursuant to a decision made by the whole of the European Union in January 2012. As a result, I will report to the Congress that exceptions to sanctions pursuant to Section 1245 of the NDAA for certain transactions will apply to the financial institutions based in these countries for a potentially renewable period of 180 days. Today’s determination is another example of the international community’s commitment to convince Iran to meet its international obligations. A total of 20 countries and economies have continued to significantly reduce the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran. The message to the Iranian regime from the international community is clear: take concrete actions to satisfy the concerns of the international community, or face increasing isolation and pressure.

Formation of New Tunisian Government Press Statement John Kerry Secretary of State Washington, DC March 13, 2013 The United States welcomes the establishment of a new government under the leadership of Prime Minister Laarayedh. We encourage Tunisia’s leaders to work together quickly to finalize a constitution that respects universal human rights, and to develop a plan for elections so Tunisians can vote on their country’s future. Announcing a fixed election date will provide clarity about the direction of Tunisia’s democratic transition and will help stabilize the political, security, and economic situation. We look to the Government of Tunisia to foster an environment of justice and accountability that is conducive to a free and fair election process, including freedom of the press and access for domestic and international observers. The United States remains a friend of the Tunisian people and will continue to support the transition to an enduring democracy in which the rights of all Tunisians are respected and protected.

2013 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC March 12, 2013 The U.S. Department of State submitted the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report for 2013 to Congress on March 4, 2013. The two-volume report offers a comprehensive assessment of the efforts of foreign governments to reduce illicit narcotics production, trafficking and use, in keeping with their international obligations under UN treaties. The Report also examines anti-money laundering policies and practices and related financial crimes. The Drug and Chemical Control section covers the efforts of 92 countries and jurisdictions. The second section, Money-Laundering and Financial Crimes, describes the efforts of the 65 Major Money Laundering Countries to implement strong anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing regimes. The Report is a requirement of section 489 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and is due in March each year.


First Lady Urges Businesses to Hire Veterans, Spouses By Terri Moon Cronk American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, March 13, 2013 – Veterans and military spouses make good employees because they know how to develop and execute complex plans, and they’re at their best when faced with high-pressure situations, First Lady Michelle Obama told attendees at the Business Roundtable Conference Center here today. In her remarks, Obama continued her call on the private sector to hire veterans and military spouses as part of the Joining Forces initiative she co-sponsors with Dr. Jill Biden, wife of Vice President Joe Biden. Now as hundreds of thousands of veterans and military spouses look for work, she said, one million more will leave the military in the next few years and join the ranks of those seeking jobs. “They will be trying to figure out how to achieve that sense of financial security and stability for their family, how to find that next mission to accomplish. That’s where all of you come in,” she added. “This group of veterans –- the 9/11 Generation –- holds a special place in our history. These are the Americans who stepped up and volunteered to serve during wartime, knowing full well they would be sent into harm’s way,” she said. “They are young -- the majority are between 18 and 34 years old –- and a record number of them are women.” The members of the 9/11 generation, she said, are highly skilled, serving as information technology specialists, operations managers, logistics coordinators. They’ve overseen millions of dollars of assets and operated complicated machinery, Obama said. “On the battlefield, they are the leaders of today’s dynamic modern warfare,” she said. “And they’re doing all of this on the razor’s edge, when one wrong move could mean the difference between life or death.”

Lockheed Martin

Eight is Great: Davis-Monthan AFB Receives Additional HC-130J Combat King II

MARIETTA, Ga., March 6, 2013 Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] delivered an HC-130J Combat King II to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., today. Aircraft number 5717 is the eighth of 15 HC-130Js to be assigned to the Air Combat Command (ACC) since initial contract award in 2008. The HC-130J Combat King II, along with the existing HC-130 legacy fleet, is the U.S. Air Force's only dedicated fixed-wing personnel recovery platform, and is flown by ACC and the Air Education and Training Command. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 120,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation's net sales for 2012 were $47.2 billion.

Lockheed Martin Wins $100 Million Aegis Combat System Engineering Agent Contract MOORESTOWN, N.J., March 5, 2013 — The U.S. Navy has awarded Lockheed Martin a 5-year, $100 million contract to provide combat system engineering services - including the design, development, integration, test and life cycle support - for all Aegis-equipped ships. Lockheed Martin has partnered with the Navy for decades as the Aegis combat system engineering agent (CSEA), while evolving the system through nine technology baselines to outpace a wide array of dynamic and evolving threats. "This program award validates Lockheed Martin as the Navy's choice for combat management systems," said Dale P. Bennett, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin's Mission Systems and Training. "Our team met the Navy's challenge to reduce costs and drive innovation into Aegis CSEA by increasing productivity, utilizing automated testing and analysis and increasing the role of small businesses." Aegis is the world's premier combat system and is the foundation for the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense capability. Aegis-equipped ships are multi-mission surface combatants that can simultaneously attack land targets, submarines and surface ships while automatically implementing defenses to protect the fleet against aircraft and missiles. Aegis is also the combat system of choice for the navies of Australia, Japan, Norway, the Republic of Korea and Spain. More than one hundred Aegis-equipped ships are in service around the globe. They have more than 1,200 years of at-sea operational experience and have launched more than 3,800 missiles in tests and real-world operations. Lockheed Martin is a leader in combat systems integration and the development of integrated air and missile defense systems and technologies. The company makes significant contributions to most major U.S. missile defense systems and participates in several global missile defense partnerships. Lockheed Martin developed its CSEA offering with its partners Mission Solutions Engineering, General Dynamics Advanced Information System and Integrated Defense Technologies. Lockheed Martin will perform the CSEA work at its Moorestown, N.J. facility.


Fluor Awarded FEED Contract for Qatar Petroleum / Shell Al-Karaana Petrochemical Project Wednesday, March 6, 2013 5:30 pm EST IRVING, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) announced today that it has been awarded a front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract by Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Shell Global Solutions for a proposed grassroots petrochemical project located in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. Fluor will book the undisclosed contract value into backlog in the first quarter of 2013.

“The Middle East is an extremely important region for Fluor, and we are honored that QP and Shell have selected our experienced petrochemical team for this project.”

“Fluor is focused on continuing our long-term relationship with both QP and Shell, and we are pleased to have been selected to perform the FEED stage of this project, which could become the cornerstone of future petrochemical development projects planned for Qatar,” said Peter Oosterveer, president of Fluor’s Energy & Chemicals Group. “The Middle East is an extremely important region for Fluor, and we are honored that QP and Shell have selected our experienced petrochemical team for this project.” The potential scope of the Al-Karaana petrochemical project includes a mix-feed steam cracker, two train monoethylene glycol units, linear alpha olefins and oxo alcohol units, and required utilities, infrastructure and offsites. Fluor will lead the FEED project execution from its Haarlem, the Netherlands, office with support from other global Fluor locations. About Fluor Corporation For more than 100 years, Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) has partnered with its clients to design, build and maintain many of the world's most challenging and complex capital projects. Through its global network of offices on six continents, more than 40,000 employees provide comprehensive capabilities and world-class expertise in the fields of engineering, procurement, construction, commissioning, fabrication, operations, maintenance and project management. Today, the company serves a global client base in the energy, chemicals, government, industrial, infrastructure, operations & maintenance, manufacturing & life sciences, mining, power and transportation sectors.

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Harris/US Air Force/DoD/VA

Harris Corporation Awarded Study Contract To Help Modernize U.S. Defense Weather Satellite Program MELBOURNE, FL, March 6, 2013 — Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS), an international communications and information technology company, has been awarded a contract to study and make recommendations to help modernize the U.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. The contract was awarded by the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center's Defense Weather Systems Directorate. As part of the study, Harris will analyze the existing Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) space and ground assets and create plans to show how each can evolve into the Weather Satellite Follow-on to meet mission needs and lower life cycle costs. Key items to be considered include information assurance, net-centric data strategies, scalability and affordability. The comprehensive study will address potential compatibility and transition issues, cutover of operations, sustainment impacts, minimizing of disruptions to operations, and security accreditation implications. The recommendations likely will include an evolutionary approach that leverages Harris' innovative and proven data processing capabilities to meet critical weather information needs for the warfighter. The approach provides the flexibility, adaptability and scalability required by the Department of Defense to meet current and future national security challenges in an affordable and cost-effective manner. "Harris has been a technology partner of DMSP for over five decades and is excited to play a role in shaping the program's architecture for decades to follow," said Romy Olaisen, vice president, Environmental Systems product line, Harris Government Communications Systems. "The Harris study approach will apply proven expertise in satellite data processing, command and control, and automated product generation and distribution to enable a cost-effective approach for providing weather information to the warfighter."

Exelis/US Coast Guard

ITT Exelis to Supply U.S. Coast Guard with Airborne Surveillance Radar Systems CLIFTON, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar. 7, 2013-ITT Exelis (NYSE: XLS) has received a $6.5 million award to supply a radar system to the U.S. Coast Guard. The radar will support the service’s maritime reconnaissance mission. Integrated on the new HC-130J Super Hercules long-range surveillance aircraft, the AN/APY-11 multimode radar is designed to support the Coast Guard’s changing missions, including long-range surveillance, drug interdiction and counterterrorism. First provided to the Coast Guard under a 2005 contract award, the AN/APY-11 multimode radar is produced by Exelis and partner ELTA Systems Ltd. “Our multimode radar system is the most effective maritime surveillance radar in its class,” said Peter Martin, director of Programs, Defense Systems, for the Exelis Electronic Attack & Release Systems business. “As the Coast Guard’s mission continues to grow, our radar will adapt to evolving operational requirements.” The HC-130J aircraft performs maritime surveillance in areas that cannot be patrolled efficiently by medium-range surveillance aircraft or cutters. The aircraft also provides heavy air transport for maritime safety and security teams, port security units and National Strike Force personnel and equipment. About ITT Exelis Exelis is a diversified, top-tier global aerospace, defense, information and technical services company that leverages a 50-year legacy of deep customer knowledge and technical expertise to deliver affordable, mission-critical solutions for global customers. We are a leader in communications, sensing and surveillance, critical networks, electronic warfare, navigation, air traffic solutions and information systems with growing positions in C4ISR, composite aerostructures, logistics and technical services. Headquartered in McLean, Va., the company employs about 19,900 people and generated 2012 sales of$5.5 billion. For more information, visit our website at or connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Teradyne Selects HP to Speed Development of New Products HP FlexNetwork architecture reduces total cost of ownership for manufacturer’s network by 35 percent PALO ALTO, Calif. — HP today announced that Teradyne, a developer and supplier of automatic test equipment, has selected HP FlexNetwork architecture to improve operational efficiency, reduce network downtime and boost design-phase efficiency for new products. Teradyne designs and manufactures automatic test equipment for the world’s leading electronics companies. It relies on complex, bandwidth-intensive applications to run its business. As the company grew, its legacy network strained under the expanding load of project design and simulation applications, creating a bottleneck in production. “Rapidly delivering new products to market is critical to maintaining a competitive edge, which led us to seek a partner that would help us keep pace with the ever-changing technology market,” said Frank Spiridigliozzi, director, Information Technology, Teradyne. “In just one weekend, HP redesigned our network environment to eliminate disruptions, while reducing our network total cost of ownership by 35 percent.” The redesign of its network to enable virtualization has allowed Teradyne to eliminate network silos by unifying its servers and storage infrastructure. As a result, Teradyne engineers could speed the time needed for simulations and quickly deliver projects with improved accuracy. “Prior to implementing the HP FlexNetwork architecture, our IT staff had to shut down our network for maintenance, resulting in14 hours of lost productivity annually,” said John O’Brien, Technology and Tools Group, Teradyne. “Today, our IT staff can perform the necessary maintenance without impacting the productivity of our engineers, which translates into a $350,000 savings per year.” Teradyne worked closely with HP Elite partner CompuCom Systems Inc, a Dallas-based outsourcing specialist and provider of network integration services, to architect and conduct a “proof of concept” (POC) on the technology platform.



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Raytheon's dual-band datalink tested with Thales radar Success broadens Europe's ballistic missile defense options DEN HELDER, Netherlands, March 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) tested its company-funded dual-band datalink with a Thales Nederland Advanced Phased Array Radar (APAR). The test took place at a shore-based Dutch facility and marked a key step toward enabling more European ships to employ the full range of missiles within the Standard Missile family, including the Standard Missile-3. "Right now, few of Europe's naval ships can participate in the 'upper tier' ballistic missile defense of NATO countries because their radars cannot communicate with the SM-3," said Wes Kremer, vice president of Air and Missile Defense Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. "A common datalink that operates with both X- and S-band radars is a very affordable, near-term solution that allows Europe to take advantage of proven technologies available today." Using both sending and receiving signals, the test validated the ability of the dual-band datalink to communicate with the APAR X-band radar, which is part of a radar suite used by the Danish, Dutch and German navies. Integrating a dual-band datalink into any of the Standard Missiles is a 'drop in' replacement for the current hardware. "The dual-band datalink has significant implications for our U.S. Navy customers as well, because it allows them to save money by eliminating the need to maintain two separate inventories of Standard Missiles for the Zumwalt (X-band) and Aegis (S-band) ship classes," said Kremer. About the Dual-Band Datalink In 2009, a joint U.S.-Netherlands study concluded SM-3 could be integrated with the Signaal Multibeam Acquisition Radar for Tracking-L and Advanced Phased Array Radar (SMART-L/APAR) sensor suites, providing non-AEGIS ships a viable missile defense capability.

Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin to Provide Virtual Training Technologies in Support of Saudi Arabia’s F-15SA Modernization Program ORLANDO, Fla., March 11, 2013 – Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] received a $253 million contract agreement to begin work on F-15SA pilot and maintenance training systems for the Royal Saudi Air Force. The technologies will provide a comprehensive ground-based training environment for Saudi Arabia’s F-15SA modernization program. Pilots will complete air-to-air combat, air-tosurface missions, air combat maneuvers and tactical intercepts with 360-degree full mission trainers. As a first for F-15 training, the systems will feature a single dome over the dual-seat cockpit to enable crew coordination training. Lockheed Martin will also deliver egress, avionics and desktop trainers for procedure training by pilots. “The complement of F-15SA training systems starts with desktop trainers and progressively increases in capability to full mission weapons systems trainers,” said Jim Weitzel, vice president of training solutions for Lockheed Martin’s Mission Systems and Training business. “This creates a cost-effective program since the appropriate level of technology is applied to meet the training objectives.” For maintainers, Lockheed Martin will provide virtual systems to enable training without the actual aircraft. The systems include basic maintenance, landing gear and arresting hook, armament, flight controls and jet fuel starter trainers. Lockheed Martin will deliver the training systems by 2020. Work will be performed in Akron, Ohio, and Orlando, Fla. The contract is managed through a foreign military sales agreement by the U.S. Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. .

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