Applying for public procurement contracts in Poland

Page 1

Applying for public procurement contracts in Poland • Legal framework and GPA thresholds • General requirements and stages for bidding tender • Contract award procedures

Legal framework and GPA thresholds

Legal framework for public procurement in Poland

Act of Public Procurement Law (PPL) adopted on 29th January 2004: • The PPL is applied to the contract above 30 000 Euro • Procedures are conducted in writing and in Polish language (in particularly justified cases the contracting authority may agree on the submission in a language commonly used in international trade or in a language of the country in which the contract is awarded)

English version of PPL:


Information in this document is applicable only to tenders that equal or exceed the GPA and EU thresholds Thresholds for the period 2016-2017

Goods and services

Construction services

Procurement Entities





Central Government Entities





Sub-Central Government Entities





Other Entities





* Thresholds in EUR and Zloty are set for 2 years period and do not change depending on the exchange rate 4

General requirements and stages for bidding tender

To take part in public procurement process supplier should take next steps* Find relevant public procurement notice

Request and receive specifications

Prepare necessary documents

Submit tender and deposit

General condition of participating in public contract award procedure is to know about the procedures in course. There are two general categories of sources of information on procedures: public and commercial sources Details on slide 8 Specification of Essential Terms of the Contract (SETC) is primary document in tender. In SETC awarding entity clearly and in detail states all data necessary for preparing tenders by suppliers More about SETC on slides 9-10 In order to confirm compliance with tender requirements, supplier is obliged to provide confirming documents, stated in SETC More information about criteria and documents on slides 11-23 Documentation prepared by supplier should fully comply with SETC. However, while submitting documents, suppliers make various types of errors About criteria and most common errors on slides 24-28 Deposit requirements are stated on slides 30-31

Examination of tenders *Steps are applicable for the most common purchasing procedure and can be different for other types


Public procurement process results in concluding public contract with selected supplier

Examination of tenders Select the most advantageous tender

Awarding entity selects the most advantageous tender based on objective tender evaluation criteria stipulated in SETC. It can be price and other criteria List of tender evaluation criteria can be found on slide 29

Secure contract performance

Supplier, whose tender was selected as the most advantageous is required to provide security to cover the claims in respect of nonperformance or improper performance of the contract More about security on slides 30-31

Conclude public contract

After receiving security of contract performance, awarding entity should conclude public agreement with supplier. Failure to perform public contract by supplier would result in sanctions More information about sanctions on slide 32


Find relevant public procurement notice

Public procurement notices could be found in electronic form

• The “Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union” dedicated to European public procurement is called the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) and available online at:

Commercial internet portals* publishing notices: • (available in English) • •

* Allow search current tenders by key-words, CPV code, date of publishing and deadline for submitting


Request and receive specifications

Specification of Essential Terms of the Contract (SETC) is primary document in tender SETC always includes: 1. Name (company name) and address of the contracting authority

11. Date and place of the submission and of the opening of tenders

2. Procedure for awarding the contract

12. Description of the method of the price calculation

3. Description of the subject-matter of contract

13. Description of criteria which the contracting authority will apply in selecting a tender, specifying also the importance of particular criteria and method of evaluation of tenders

4. Time limit for contract performance 5. Conditions for participation in the procedure and description of the method used for the evaluation of the fulfilment of those conditions 6. Information concerning declarations and documents to be provided by supplier to confirm the fulfilment of the conditions for participation in the procedure 7. Information on the manner of communication between the contracting authority and suppliers as well as of dispatch of declarations and documents, indication of persons authorised to communicate with the suppliers

14. Information concerning formalities which should be met following the selection of a tender in order to conclude a public procurement contract 15. Requirements concerning the security on due performance of the contract

8. Deposit requirements

16. Provisions of essence to the parties which will be introduced into the concluded public procurement contract, general terms of the contract or model contract, if the contracting authority requires the supplier to conclude a public procurement contract with it on these terms

9. Time limit during which a supplier must maintain its tender

17. Information on legal protection measures available to a supplier during the contract award procedure

10. Description of the manner of the tender preparation 9

Request and receive specifications

Hints and tips Explanations and amendments to SETC: Each of the suppliers has the right to address the awarding entity on providing explanations to SETC Time limit when suppliers can address questions on explanation of SETC expires on the last day of the half of the period of submitting tenders (minimum on the 20th day) Awarding entity is obliged to provide explanations immediately, however not later than: •

within 6 days prior the closing date of submitting tenders

within 4 days prior the closing date of submitting tenders – in restricted tendering and negotiated procedure with publication, in case the need arises to award contract

In justified cases the awarding entity can amend SETC prior expiry of the period of submitting tenders

Contracting authority provides SETC: •

On the web-site from the date of publishing notice, for free or

In a paper form, at the request of supplier, within 5 days (fee for covering printing and delivery costs may be required) 10

Prepare necessary documents

Criteria for exclusion of suppliers from contract award procedures (1/2) Suppliers against whom the winding up procedure has been started or whose bankruptcy has been declared

Suppliers who are in arrears with payment of taxes, charges or social insurance or health insurance premiums

• Natural persons • Registered partnership whose partner • Professional partnership whose partner or member of the management board • Limited partnership and limited jointstock partnership whose general partner • Legal persons whose active member of the managing body

has/have been validly sentenced for an offence committed in: • connection with a contract award procedure • offence against the rights of people performing paid work • offence against the environment • for bribery • for an offence against economic turnover or for any other offence committed with the aim of gaining financial profits • for treasury offence • offence of participation in organized crime group or in a union aimed at committing an offence or treasury offence 11

Prepare necessary documents

Criteria for exclusion of suppliers from contract award procedures (2/2) Collective entities, with respect to whom a court has issued a decision prohibiting them from competing for contracts Suppliers who directly performed actions in connection with the preparation of the conducted procedure Suppliers who have not provided a tender deposit by the expiry of the time limit for tender submission Suppliers who provided false information that have impact or might have impact on the outcome of the procedure being conducted Those who failed to evidence the fulfilment of conditions for participation in the procedure Suppliers who as part of the same capital group, submitted separate tenders or submitted separate requests to participate in the same contract award procedure 12

Prepare necessary documents

To compete for a contract, suppliers should meet several conditions 1. Authorisations to perform specific activities or actions, if such authorisations are required by the law 2. Knowledge and experience 3. Appropriate technical potential and personnel capable of performing a contract 4. Economic and financial standing

As additional requirement, in the contract notice can be stipulated that only those suppliers may compete for a contract whose employed staff is in over 50% composed of disabled persons

The description of the manner of the fulfilment of conditions is included in the tender notice


Prepare necessary documents

Documents and declarations required from suppliers There has been closed catalogue of documents, which may be required by the awarding entity. Also the form of the documents submitted has been strictly established Such documents are specified in:

Supplier shall provide all required documents and declarations not later than on the date set for submission of requests to participate in the procedure or the date set for submission of tenders

Minimal set of documents, which can be required: • Evidence of absence of conviction for natural and legal persons • Evidence of non-bankruptcy and financial status • Evidence of compliance with fiscal obligations • Evidence of compliance with social security obligations

• Proof of the tenderer's identity • Evidence of economic and financial standing • Evidence of technical and/or professional ability • Evidence of quality assurance


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (1/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of absence of conviction for natural persons

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Source reference Департамент інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення МВС, інформаційні підрозділи ГУМВС, УМВС України в областях та місті Києві, інформаційні підрозділи районних управлінь МВС України

Format of submission

Electronic format: xml, Paper format

Source contacts

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted 6798


Оригінал та ксерокопія документа, що посвідчує особу (паспорт громадянина України, паспорт громадянина України для виїзду за кордон, посвідка на проживання тощо)


Протягом 30 календарних днів, в разі відсутності необхідності проведення додаткових перевірок – протягом 15 діб

Applicable fee


Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template tFile?id=112162

Document content details

Identity of the issuing authority Identity of the receiving party, including: Address, Unique identifier Issuing date, Issuing place Document-specific information: relevant court decisions (if any)

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Electronically signed, via advanced signature based on a qualified certificate

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 6 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (2/9) Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of absence of conviction for legal persons

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission

Electronic format: xml, Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template tFile?id=112181

Document content details

Identity of the issuing authority Identity of the receiving party, including: Address, Unique identifier Issuing date, Issuing place Document-specific information: relevant court decisions (if any)

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Electronically signed, via advanced signature based on a qualified certificate

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 6 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available

Analogue in Ukraine Analogue in Ukraine is absent Certificate may be replaced by “Довідка про внесення юридичної особи до Єдиного державного реєстру осіб, які вчинили корупційні або пов’язані з корупцією правопорушення ” Since this register is still not available, a certificate can be issued in free form and signed by company’s authorized person


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (3/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of non-bankruptcy and financial status

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Source reference Міністерство юстиції України Єдиний реєстр підприємств, щодо яких порушено провадження у справі про банкрутство Source contacts id=3&is_registry=1&keywords=&usertype=all


Код боржника за ЄДРПОУ (для юридичних осіб) Дата і номер запису в Єдиному державному реєстрі юридичних осіб та фізичних осіб підприємців про проведення державної реєстрації (для фізичних осіб підприємців)


У день подання електронного запиту через офіційний веб-сайт

Applicable fee

Безкоштовно, потрібна реєстрація на порталі електронних послуг Міністерства юстиції України

Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template


Document content details

Document-specific information: Identification data, details and scope of incorporation and representation. details and scope of chosen model of liquidation or bankruptcy

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Not applicable (no electronic document is available)

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 6 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available Declarations under oath or solemn declarations


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (4/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of compliance with fiscal obligations

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the EU thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission Paper format Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Flexibility of submission

Copies of the document are permitted


Document content details

Identity of the issuing authority; identity of the receiving party, including address, unique identifier; issuing date; issuing place. Document-specific information: confirms that at a given date no taxes are overdue, or stipulates the type and the amount of the taxes overdue

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Not applicable (no electronic document is available)

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 3 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available Declarations under oath or solemn declarations

Source reference

Орган ДФС за основним місцем обліку

Source contacts datkovezakonodavstvo/nakazi/62931.html


Заява з обов’язковим посиланням на відповідний нормативноправовий акт та назвою підприємства, до якого Довідку буде подано


Строк розгляду заяви – 5 робочих днів. Строк дії довідки – 10 календарних дів

Applicable fee



Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (5/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of compliance with social security obligations

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template


Document content details

Identity of the issuing authority Identity of the receiving party, including: Address, Unique identifier Issuing date, Issuing place Document-specific information: confirmation whether the economic operator has met the social security obligations at a given date

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Electronically signed, via advanced signature based on a qualified certificate

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 3 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available

Source reference Орган ДФС за основним місцем обліку

Source contacts


Заява у довільній формі для отримання довідки про відсутність заборгованості зі сплати ЄСВ


Протягом 15 календарних днів

Applicable fee



Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (6/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Proof of the tenderer's identity

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Source reference Міністерство юстиції України: Єдиний державний реєстр юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб-підприємців та громадських формувань Source contacts


Організаційно правова форма Назва юридичної особи П.І.Б. фізичної особи підприємця


У день подання електронного запиту через офіційний веб-сайт

Applicable fee

50 UAH

Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template


Document content details

Identification data Details and scope of incorporation and representation Details and scope of chosen model of liquidation or bankruptcy

Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Not applicable (no electronic document is available)

Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 6 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Equivalent documents issued by judicial or governmental bodies, if available Declarations under oath or solemn declarations


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (7/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of economic and financial standing

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Common (41-70%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Flexibility of submission

Copies of the document are permitted




Заява у довільній формі

Document content details

Balance sheet, Profit and loss statement, Additional information (introduction to the statement and descriptions) Information from a bank wherein the economic operator holds an account confirms: the amount of financial resources held or the economic operator's creditworthiness



Applicable fee


Technical characteristics for electronic documents

Electronically signed, via advanced signature based on a qualified certificate

Technical characteristics for paper documents


Validity period

Document validity is limited to: 3 years and if the activity period is shorter - in this period - in case of financial reports In case of information from banks document validity is not limited, but must have been issued in the last 3 months

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

No specific rules exist

Source reference

Копія балансу за останній звітній період (форма Ф-1 «Баланс») Копія Звіту про фінансові результати за останній звітній період (форма Ф-2 «Звіт про фінансові результати») Довідка про кредити та обороти та відсутність заборгованості

Source contacts -


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (8/9) Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of technical and/or professional ability

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Frequent (71-99%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Flexibility of submission

Copies of the document are permitted



Document content details

Varies from document to document but can not exceed: List of corresponding works executed in up to the previous 5 years; List of corresponding supplies or services executed in up to the previous 3 years; List of tools and appliances at the tenderer's disposal necessary for executing the contract; Description of the technical equipment and organizational technical measures applied by the supplier or service provider to ensure the quality and description of the science and research base owned by the economic operator or at its disposal; Statements about the average, annual employment size on the part of economic operator of services or works and size of managerial staff, within the period of past three years prior to the expiry of the time limit for submission of tenders or requests to participate in a procedure, and if the duration of economic activity is shorter – within that period; List of persons and entities which may be involved in executing the contract performance, particular responsible for service provision, quality control, management of works, along with information on their professional qualifications, experience and education necessary to perform a contract, as well as the scope of activities carried out by them and information on the grounds for disposal of those persons; Statements that the personnel involved has appropriate qualifications, if these are required by law

Technical characteristics for electronic documents


Technical characteristics for paper documents


Validity period

Document validity is not limited in time

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

No specific rules exist


Prepare necessary documents

Certificate required to participate in public procurement (9/9) Analogue in Ukraine

Requirements to certificate in Poland Name

Evidence of quality assurance

Mandatory or optional

Mandatory above EU thresholds, optional below the thresholds

Frequently requested

Rare (1-15%)

Format of submission

Paper format

Time of submission

When the offer is submitted

Source reference Акредитовані органи з сертифікації продукції Source contacts


Документи, які підтверджують якість продукції Технічний опис декларованої продукції Контракт Інвойс Товарно-транспортна документація


Залежить від обраного органу з сертифікації продукції

Applicable fee

Залежить від обраного органу з сертифікації продукції

Flexibility of submission Copies of the document are permitted Template


Document content details

Identity of the issuing authority Identity of the receiving party, including: Address Issuing date Document-specific information: The contracting authority must accept equivalent attestations from other Member States, or generally any other documents proving compliance with equivalent requirements

Technical characteristics for electronic documents


Technical characteristics for paper documents

Signed, Stamped

Validity period

Validity period is set by accrediting institution

Translation requirements

Informal translation

Foreign equivalence

Declaration of compliance


Submit tender and deposit

Hints and tips

Suppliers may compete for a contract jointly: Suppliers shall appoint a plenipotentiary to represent them in the contract award procedure and conclusion of a public procurement contract

If a tender submitted by suppliers has been selected, the contracting authority may request prior to the conclusion of a public procurement contracts, an agreement resolving cooperation between those suppliers

Suppliers shall be jointly responsible for the execution of the public contract and provision of security on due performance of the contract


Submit tender and deposit

Tender submitted by supplier can be rejected by awarding entity Rejection criteria are: • Tender is not in conformity with the Act PPL • Tender’s content is inconsistent with the SETC • Tender’s submission is an act of unfair competition • Tender contains an abnormally low price in relation to the subject-matter of the contract • Tender was submitted by a supplier excluded from the award procedure or one that was not been invited to tender • Tender contains computational errors in the calculation of prices • Within 3 days from the submission of notification, the supplier did not agree to the correction of a error • Tender is not valid under separate provisions


Submit tender and deposit

Most common errors made in documents submitted by suppliers (1/2)

Spelling errors and errors in writing, meaning wrong wording, unintentional spelling errors, language error or omitting word

Calculation errors, meaning arithmetic errors: • errors in project estimate • errors in calculating gross price • other errors, meaning inconsistencies between tender and specification of essential term of the contract, not causing significant changes in tender • other inconsistencies in tender, meaning declaring apart from the period in accordance with the awarding entity’s request other period of performance of contract


Submit tender and deposit

Most common errors made in documents submitted by suppliers (2/2)

Specific form (in most cases – of closed envelope) has to be kept Proper addressing and signing applications on participation in procedure or tenders in accordance with guidelines from awarding entity: • Addressee • Title of the envelope • Numbering and signing each written page

Formal errors do not result in any sanctions (such as rejection of the offer). The most part of errors made by suppliers can be corrected on motion of awarding entity in course of procedure 27

Submit tender and deposit

Most often errors concern procedure powers of attorney

Not submitting power of attorney together with application on participation in tender Submitting together with tender a defective power of attorney, meaning: • in wrong form (i.e. in form of xero-copy – instead of original document or copy certified by notary pubic) • signed by unauthorised representative of members of the management board or against the rules of representation disclosed in the register of entrepreneurs (i.e. power of attorney signed by one member of the management board when signatures of two members are required); • lack of signature of any of suppliers applying for awarding public contract in case of applying for contract by consortium


Select the most advantageous tender

Selection of the most advantageous tender is based on tender evaluation criteria stipulated in SETC Tender evaluation criteria are price or price and other criteria In particular: •

Quality, Functionality and Technical parameters

Use of best available technologies with regard to the impact on the environment

Exploitation costs

After-sales service

Period of contract performance

Other than the price mandatory tender evaluation criteria: Awarding entity specifies the importance of particular criteria and method of evaluation of tenders 29

Secure contract performance

Submit tender and deposit

Deposit and securing contract performance Deposit


secures that only suppliers interested in concluding contract would participate in the procedure

serves to cover the claims in respect of non-performance or improper performance of the contract

Prior to the final date for submission of tenders Not more than 3 % of the contract value

• Cash* • Bank sureties or guarantees of collective savings-loan fund, however the surety of collective savings-loan fund is always a financial surety • Bank guarantees • Insurance guarantees Immediately upon the selection of the best tender or cancellation of the procedure, except for the supplier whose tender has been selected

Deadline for payment

At the latest on the day of signing the contract with the awarding entity


Fixed at 2 to 10% of the price quoted in the tender

Form of payment

• Cash* • Bank sureties or guarantees of collective savings-loan fund, however the surety of collective savings - loan fund is always a financial surety • Bank guarantees • Insurance guarantees

Return of payment

Within 30 days of the completion of the contract and acknowledgement by the contracting authority as duly performed

* A deposit paid in cash shall be paid by a bank transfer to a bank account indicated by the contracting authority and shall be kept by the contracting authority in a bank account.


Submit tender and deposit

Secure contract performance

Hints and tips Security and deposit With the approval of the contracting authority a security may be provided also: • bills of exchange with the surety of bank or collective savings-loan fund • by establishing a pledge on securities issued by the State Treasury or unit of territorial self-government • by establishing a registered pledge, in accordance with the principles laid down in the provisions concerning registered pledges and the pledge register Reasons for keeping deposit by awarding entity: • Supplier in response to the request of awarding entity does not provide necessary statements or documents or powers of attorney • Supplier refused to sign the public procurement contract on terms specified in the tender • Supplier failed to produce the required security on due performance of the contract • The public procurement contract could not be signed due to a fault on the part of the supplier 31

Conclude public contract

Failure to perform the contract

Failure to perform public contract by supplier would result in sanctions stipulated in the agreement by awarding entity and sanctions resulting from prospective tort responsibility

Supplier who has caused damage by not performing the contract or by its improper performance – will be entered on list of entrepreneurs who cannot participate in public contract award procedures for 3 years


Contract award procedures

The general purchasing procedures are open and restricted tendering General procedures: • Open tendering - all interested suppliers may submit their bids • Restricted tendering - suppliers submit requests to participate in a contract award procedure, but only invited suppliers can bid Other procedures (only under the circumstances specified in the Public Procurement Law act): • negotiated procedure with publication • competitive dialogue • negotiated procedure without publication • single source procurement procedure • request-for-quotations procedure • electronic bidding procedure* *The procedure of an electronic bidding has been applied only for contracts of value below the EU threshold 34

Typical Open tendering process consists of 5 main steps

Publication of notice on contract Invitation for suppliers to submit tenders

Minimum period for placing tenders

Awarding entity concludes the public contract agreement:

• 40 days from the date of dispatching the notice via electronic means • 47 days from dispatching the notice in other way

• not less than 5 days if information was sent by fax or by E-mail • not less than 10 days if it was sent in other way

Submitting tenders by suppliers

Deposit • Amount of the deposit - not more than 3 % of the contract value • Deposit shall be paid prior to the final date for submission of tenders

Evaluation of tenders

Selecting the most advantageous tender

Concluding contract

Tender evaluation criteria are price or price and other criteria. In particular: • Quality, Functionality and Technical parameters • Use of best available technologies with regard to the impact on the environment • Exploitation costs • After-sales service • Period of contract performance Other than the price mandatory tender evaluation criteria: 20non-_price_mandatory_tender_evaluation_criteria.pdf


Hints and tips Deadlines • If the contract value is above EU thresholds • Information on contract has been included in the initial informational notice • Such initial informational notice included all information required in the notice • Such information is available in time of publishing the notice and has been dispatched to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities or published on the purchaser’s profile for at least 52 days and not more than 12 months prior to the date of dispatching the notice on contract

The minimum period of placing tenders: • 22 days from the date of dispatching the notice via electronic means • 29 days from dispatching the notice in other way

• In establishing minimum periods for submitting tenders the hour of submitting tender in the last day of such period is also of certain significance. Therefore breach of the time limit means any delay in submitting tender regardless from the exact number of minutes or hours of such delay 36

Typical Restricted tendering process consists of 6 main steps

Publication of notice on contract

Invitation for suppliers to submit requests to participate in a contract award procedure

Minimum period for placing requests

Minimum period for placing tenders

• 30 days from the date of dispatching the notice via electronic means • 37 days from dispatching the notice in other way

• 40 days from the date the invitation to submit tenders is dispatched

Initial verification of participants

Invitation to submit tenders and deliver SETC 5 to 20 suppliers satisfying the conditions for participation in the procedure

Submitting tenders

Evaluation of the tenders and selecting the most beneficial one

Concluding contract

Awarding entity concludes the public contract agreement: • not less than 5 days if information was sent by fax or by E-mail • not less than 10 days if it was sent in other way


Hints and tips (1/2)

1. In case of an urgent need: Minimum periods of competing for participation can be shorter, although they cannot be shorter than: • 10 days from the date of dispatching the notice via electronic means • 15 days from the date of dispatching the notice by fax Minimum periods of competing for submitting tenders can be shorter, although they cannot be shorter than: • 10 days from the date the invitation to submit tenders is dispatched 2. Declaration and documents Supplier shall attach to his request to participate in contract award procedure a declaration that he satisfies the conditions for participation in the award procedure, and where the contracting authority requires so, he shall also submit documents confirming the fulfilment of those conditions


Hints and Tips (2/2)

• If the contract value is above EU thresholds • Information on contract has been included in the initial informational notice • Such initial informational notice included all information required in the notice

The minimum period of placing tenders:

• Such information is available in time of publishing the notice and has been dispatched to the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities or published on the purchaser’s profile for at least 52 days and not more than 12 months prior to the date of dispatching the notice on contract

22 days from the date of dispatching the notice via electronic means


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