Health & Kinesiology In the News
Volume 1, Issue 6 December 2010
H&K Students Semester of Service With over 350hrs of community service...H&K students make their mark! Starting during the Spring 2010 academic The Best Way to Find semester, Yourself to Lose I have Yourself in the Service of Others ~M. Gandhi been working with students to really increase the Department’s commitment to community service. Christi Satterwhite and Cassie Osborn really took the lead last year and this commitment has continued with the Department’s Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society, and the Kinesiology and Health Clubs. Just this semester alone, students in H&K have contributed over 350 hrs of service to
the East Texas community. Just some of the service our Department has been involved with includes the American Heart Association’s Heart Walk, Run for the Woods, Wounded Warriors, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s Great Strides Walk and Cycle for Life, Tyler Rose Marathon, Fit City, Wellness Trail Clean-up and Trinity Mother Frances Health/ Wellness Screenings. To date, there has been over 800lbs of food gathered to help less fortunate individuals within the East Texas community and we are just starting the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree to help provide Christmas gifts to kids in East Texas.
Much of this community service is directly related to the members of the Kappa Omicron Nu Honor Society. As part of the membership responsibilities, each member is required to commit to community service and research activities. In fact, Honor Society members that gain 1000pts of service earn the “Service Medallion” that is to be awarded to them during graduation commencement. To date, the Honor Society members that have earned the “Service Medallion” are: James Gardner, Michelle Hagler, Danielle Henderson, Jessica Hyde, Ashley Lewis, Brooke Lewis, Christi Satterwhite, Crystal Skains, PJ Verdan
What’s New in H&K Success in Sports: An Online Elective Do You Still Need an Elective For The Spring? If So, Success in Sports May Be Your Class!! As many of you ponder your schedules for the Spring 2011 academic semester, you may be needing or wanting to take one more additional class. PYED 4356.60: Success in Sports is an online class that I teach and it will be offered Spring 2011. This class is limited to just 30 students and promises to be an exciting way to learn about how the environment, genetics, home field advantage, performance
enhancing drugs, etc impact many of the sports and activities that you love to watch and/or participate in. Although there is no textbook for the class, there are readings provided by me to enhance each of the 13 online sessions. Past students have really enjoyed the class for its content, its organization and its ability to engage the student in a
positive way to promote real learning. Make sure you ask your advisor to include this course on your degree plan and share this class with your friends in other majors! You don’t have to be a Health and Kinesiology student to take the class, you only need to have a love for sports! I hope to see you in the class this Spring. Dr. Marzilli
and Claudia Viramontes. Congratulations on such a tremendous achievement and I hope that you continue your service endeavors after graduating from the University of Texas at Tyler. Starting in January, the Department of Health and Kinesiology will be working towards the President’s Volunteer Service Award! The President’s Volunteer Service Award program was developed as a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service. Once again...Thank you to all that have helped our community this year! Dr. Marzilli
Volume 1, Issue 6
Department Spotlight:
Our Graduating Students
Graduation is always bittersweet for me, and December 17th, 2010 will be no different. To me, there is nothing more exciting then seeing our students walk across the stage to be honored for their incredible work ethic and perseverance; however, it is also a time of sadness as I have to say goodbye to our students, many of whom I call my friends. I would like to use this Newsletter to recognize our Graduating Seniors and Graduate Students! All my best!!! Your life is just beginning!!! Dr. Marzilli
Fall 2010 Undergraduate Students Candy Banda
Danielle Henderson
Jenifer Moore
Brett Erwin
LaQuita Patton
Danielle Templeton
Lyndy Benton
Brett Holland
Becky Ndoko
Craig Fandel
Sequoia Pryor
Jairod Terrell
Kristen Breaux
Heather Hunt
Austin Newell
Chad Harper
Krystal Sandifer
Bethanie Unger
Brent Chambrel
Fred Leonard
Saleha Rassool
Kirk Hesse
Mark Saroni
PJ Verdan
Amber Cummins
Brooke Lewis
Roald Raymond
Meleaha Davis
Ashley Lindsey
Christi Satterwhite
Fall 2010 Graduate Students
Julie Dugas
Lezlee Loveless
Crystal Skains
Whitney Agnew
TJ Camara
Jessica Layne
Cydnee Elrod
Dolores Martinez
Patrick Sonefeld
Gina Blackwell
Sanitra Davis
Judy Stanley
Chelsea Fiscus
Lauren McEnery
Claudia Viramontes
Evan Gillispie
Laura McVicar
Andrew VonFeldt
Asa Calhoun
Aida Kapetanovic
Joshua Utay
Corinna Green
Tiffany Moffeit
Jessica Waldrep
Kam Hall
Brianna Moore
Summer Werner
Summer 2010 Undergraduate Students Paulina Aguilar
Kara Knutson
Loren Sedej
Sally Daly
Kacie Mitchell
Amberly Stone
Summer 2010 Graduate Students LeAnne Beason
Jason Kraus
Rae Leanne Euler
Kathryn York
La Tisha Hooper
Message From the Chair of Health and Kinesiology
Dr. Scott Marzilli In just a couple of weeks the Fall 2010 semester will be completed and you will be off for almost 1-month on vacation. Take this time and spend it with family and friends. Relax, rejuvenate and don’t think about school! You just spent 16 weeks working extremely hard-take a break, you earned it!!
I don’t know about all of you, but this semester has just flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was writing the first Focus Newsletter, or preparing for my two classes. It seems like just yesterday that I was talking to new students and preparing the Spring 2011 schedule. It is amazing how fast these 16 weeks have passed! As I was thinking about this last semester, I started to think how fast the last 21/2 years have also passed by. I can’t believe I have been here 21/2 years already. Students that I just met are already graduating and moving on. Students that graduated when I first got here are now finishing Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and
Ph.D. programs! It is funny how we can try to control everything, and many of us are successful in controlling most things; however, one thing that we can not control is time!! If I can share only two things with you as you go into this vacation they would be to savor the time spent during this vacation with as many friends, family and loved ones as you can and don’t take any time with them for granted. Second, don’t be in such a hurry all the time! Take some time to smell the flowers! Take some time to really LIVE!!! Embrace the time with your family and friends and when you get back, embrace your time here at UT Tyler!
Tip of the Month Take a break and go for a walk, read a book, or just sit down and daydream. I think in today’s world we are always inundated with information: emails at school, emails at home and now even emails on our phones! You are never free from information! Take some time and disconnect from your digital life and just relax. Just spend time to think about things you have not had time to think about! Its ok to be still and think!!! Dr. Marzilli