Focus newsletter February 2011

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Health & Kinesiology

Volume 1, Issue 8 February 2011

In the News “Staying Connected” Summer 2011 Initiative The Department of Health and Kinesiology’s Summer Semester Online

There will be Lower Division, Upper Division and Graduate courses to choose from. Upper Division courses like Human Diseases, Ethics, Drugs and Health, Principles of Training, Sports Nutrition, Prescriptive Training and more will be offered 100% online. Additional Department Elective courses such as Success in Sports, Performance Enhancement in Sports and Eco-Adventure Tourism will also be offered.

One of the hardest jobs as the Chair of the Department of Health and Kinesiology is to make sure we offer both the courses that you need, as well as the times you need them. Previously I have explained why I decided to cancel the ITV courses offered at Palestine and Longview and promised that I would work on a plan to help those students that were hurt by that decision. I did not forget! I am proud to announce the “Staying Connected” Summer 2011 Initiative. This program will not only help Palestine and Longview residing students, but all The Department of Health and Kinesiology’s more than 500+ students.

Starting Summer 2011, the Department’s new “Staying Connected” initiative will allow, for the first time, students to not only take classes from Palestine and Longview, but from all over the World!!

The “Staying Connected” Summer 2011 initiative will provide over 20 online classes for you to choose from. These classes will be the “hard to schedule” and “high demand” classes that you all need to graduate.

What’s New in H&K S 3 Academic Success Program Students Helping Students Succeed When I was an Undergraduate Student at Cal Poly, I participated in the Athletic Department’s Student-Athlete Tutoring program. This was a great program that promoted academic success for the student athlete. Recently, I met with a couple of graduate students who shared the same vision I had and we talked about starting a student based tutoring and mentoring program within the Department. The new S3 Academic Success

Program (Students Helping Students Succeed) will be coordinated by students, run for students and will promote student success. The program will be free to students that need that little bit of extra help to get them to that next level. It will consist of Student Tutors that will be paid $10.00/hr to help other students succeed in Health and Kinesiology courses like Human Diseases, Biomechanics, Principles of Training, Consumer

Health, etc. The exact list of courses will be determined by the need of our students. Student Tutors will need to apply for these positions and selection will be rigorous. These Student Tutoring positions will be a great way to not only help your fellow students succeed, but to build your resume. There will be more information coming in the next couple of weeks and will be posted in the Computer lab. Dr. Marzilli

If you take advantage of this amazing opportunity and maximize your Summer 2011 Academic Semester by “Staying Connected” with will be just that much closer to your dream of Graduation Day! Dr. Marzilli

February Events Summer Registration Begins Texas ACSM informational Meeting Feb 2nd at 12:30 in Room 3035 Kinesiology Club Meeting Kappa Omicron Nu first Spring Semester Meeting Health Awareness and Promotion Society Meeting Texas ACSM Conference in Austin, Feb 24th and 25th

Volume 1, Issue 8

Department Spotlight:

Student Research

Participating in Research with Health and Kinesiology Faculty is one of the best ways for H&K students to enhance their educational experience here at UT Tyler. I am a strong believer in learn by doing, and there is no better way to utilize what you have learned in the classroom than by putting it to use as a member of a research team. Some of my most memorable experiences from Higher Education were not found in the classroom, but in the research laboratories. I am highlighting this month a few examples of student-faculty research. Dr. Marzilli

Texas Chapter of The American College of Sports Medicine (TACSM) This month at the TACSM Conference on the 24th and 25th of February, there will be 5 student research projects presented by over 20 students! That is pretty awesome! These students have worked with Drs. Spier, Dong and Marzilli on research projects over the Fall 2010 semester and now are ready to present! The research projects include ACL injury and ground reaction forces, running barefoot, terminal and concurrent feedback on performance, the effects of Balance Bands on strength, flexibility and balance, and the effects of exercise on cerebral vessels. It will be very exciting for The Department of Health and Kinesiology to be so well represented by our students at this Regional ACSM meeting.

Interprofessional Health Science Education Conference (San Antonio,TX) Additionally, this month, three Health Sciences students will also present research at a Conference. Their topics reflect

Innovations found from working with Health & Kinesiology Faculty such as Drs. Cooper and Sorenesen. Equally Awesome! Brianna Moore, a graduate student in Health Sciences, is presenting a poster that evaluates a Global Health class which has been offered in the Department in the past. Two evaluative questions were asked: 1) What do students know about Global Health? and 2) How did they change in terms of knowledge and beliefs from the class? Brianna has found that, principally, make and female undergraduate students learn differently in regards to Global Health, controlling for ethnicity, age, number of years in college, whether they have traveled in the past, and their beliefs. Jason Simmington and Samrita Thapa, both undergraduate Health Studies majors, are presenting the “Show Me-Tell Me” project for Public and Community Health as an innovative teaching method for health educators at UT Health Center in San Antonio. “Show Me-Tell M” is a modified version of Photovoice, where photography is used to promote dialogue about community health issues and topics.

Message From the Chair of Health and Kinesiology

Dr. Scott Marzilli Can you believe we are already starting week 3 of the Spring Semester. It seems like just yesterday I was returning from my long and needed vacation. This is going to be a fun filled semester with many promising new programs and initiates coming your hold on for the ride!!!

I wanted to use my message this month to talk to you about “civility”. Civility is defined as a Courteous behavior; politeness; A courteous act or utterance. But to me, civility is more than just a definition, it’s a way of life. I am an optimist, so much so, that some say it is a fault. I tend to always see the good in people’s behavior; however, more recently, I have noticed in our society an increase in rudeness, self-centeredness, and the complete lack of being thoughtful towards other people. I am not sure why I have begun to notice this lack of civility so much, maybe because it’s been in the news more, or

maybe it is just because I am getting old!! But for whatever the reason, it is there...a lack of concern for others, a lack of being polite and courteous to one another. I just want you to think about “civility” this month. Please think about what is courteous behavior, and what type of courteous act or utterance you could do to make our Department a better place to go to school and learn within. It is important to realize that sometimes, just sometimes, all it takes is that one act of kindness, politeness and/or courteous utterance that could make someone’s day. Just think...a 5 second act could last an entire day!!! Now that’s not bad!!

Tip of the Month I urge all of you to meet with your academic advisor as quickly as possible so that you are one of the first to register for classes this Summer Semester. When you meet with your Academic Advisor make sure to ask them about the “Staying Connected” initiative and how taking classes this summer could speed your graduation plans. I really hope you utilize this great opportunity!! Dr. Marzilli

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