Focus newsletter October 2010

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Health & Kinesiology In the News

Volume 1, Issue 4 October 2010

The Lifespan Wellness Research Center Highlighting Amazing New Equipment

Tara Eaton The Health and Kinesiology Department is pleased to announce that the newly built “Lifespan Wellness Research Center” will be opening its doors for UT Tyler students and faculty this month. This facility will house programs focused on basic wellness principles to influence healthy lifestyle behaviors.

ment will be conducted using state-of-the-art equipment to test cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. It will be free of charge to students and only $25.00 for faculty and staff. In addition to the Fitness Assessments, Body Composition and Bone Density Testing will be done using the best technology in the field today.

Students, faculty and staff who are looking to start an exercise program or would like to know their current fitness level, can schedule a Fitness Assessment. This assess-

The Department recently purchased a DEXA machine that will measure an individ-

ual’s true body fat percentage and bone density. While a DEXA scan usually costs about $300.00, students can be tested for only $25.00 and $40.00 for faculty and staff.

What’s New in H&K Synchronous Online Virtual Classrooms Raise Your Hand, Interact With Teachers & Students, Feel Engaged...All From Your House? Many of you have taken an online class here at UT Tyler; however, how many of you have ever taken an online class that resembles a face-toface class in every single way. You can see and interact with the teacher, you can interact with other students and you can even raise your hand and ask questions. What was once thought to be impossible is now the new reality. This is really awesome technology!

The Department of Health and Kinesiology will start pilot testing small classes that will incorporate what are called “synchronous” online learning environments, or “virtual classrooms” this Spring. ALHS 3315 Nutrition will be taught three ways: 1) traditional face-to-face, 2) traditional online and 3) synchronous online. It is felt that this added feeling of en-

gagement that students will experience will help the overall learning in online classes. A proposed new MS Kinesiology program that will feature extensive use of synchronous virtual classrooms could be coming your way Fall 2011. This would be the first Kinesiology program of its kind and will definitely set UT Tyler apart from the rest.

As we continue through the semester, more programs and equipments will be added to support the growing needs of both this Department and our growing campus. The goal of this facility is to enhance the health and well-being of UT Tyler and eventually the East Texas Community as well. If you are interested in scheduling a fitness assessment or DEXA scan, please contact Tara Eaton at 903-565-5749 or Remember, the key to optimal health is making positive lifestyle changes because being healthy and fit is personal. Are you ready for that?

Volume 1, Issue 4

Department Spotlight:

Balance Boosters

What started as an undergraduate motor learning project, morphed into a large scale research project, has now become a new wellness program offered for the East Texas Community. Christi Satterwhite and Jessye Grigsby are continuing to build on a program that was developed, implemented and evaluated last year and will begin offering it to the public this month! Learning in Action! A shout out to Haley Carson for being an integral part of both the motor learning and research project... Dr. Marzilli One out of every three adults age 65 and older falls each year, causing serious disability, lack of physical function, and loss of independence. The Department of Health and Kinesiology’s Lifespan Wellness Center at UT Tyler is committed to reducing falling risks by offering balance and mobility assessments and training sessions. We are very excited about The Lifespan Wellness Research Center's first community outreach program, Balance Boosters, for older adults. This program, designed by graduate student, Jessye Grigsby, and undergraduate senior, Christi Satterwhite (me), is aimed at reducing participants’ risk of falling by improving their balance and mobility. Individuals participating in Balance Boosters will undergo a balance assessment to determine their risk of falling and will then have a training program tailored to their needs. The

training lasts for 8 con“A very enjoyable secutive weeks, with 1program! The instructors were very hour sessions twice a encouraging.” week. To design this -Gloria (age 67) multi-dimensional program, Jessye and I inte“I have made great improvements in my grated Nintendo Wii Fit everyday life.” balance activities, aero-Grady (age 85) bic exercises, resistance training and balance“I enjoyed it so much and felt it to be very specific exercises. This beneficial!” will hopefully be the -Sandra (age 73) first of many programs the Lifespan Wellness and Research Center will be able to “I would love to do it all over again!” offer the Tyler community. If you are in-Don (age 79) terested in helping us with this program please contact me at: 903-565-5913. This could be an excellent Independent Study or Internship possibility for you during the Spring 2011 term.

Message From the Chair of Health and Kinesiology

Dr. Scott Marzilli Can you believe midterms are approaching? I know you are all getting a bit stressed but just hang in there and realize that every minute, hour, and/or day that you prepare for your midterms the better prepared you will be! It will all be worth it when you walk out of that test knowing you killed it!

I hope this newsletter finds you and your loved ones in great health and happiness. Can you believe that it has already been over 5 weeks? It feels like the semester just started; however, I know by the looks on some of your faces walking up and down the halls that you are quite aware that we are fast approaching the MIDTERM time in every semester. Just hang in there and study, study, study.

Once there, ask away! That’s what we are here for! That’s why we are in our office during office hours...for YOU!

One bit of advice I can give you is to go and see each and every Faculty member before your MIDTERM EXAM. I am seriously not kidding. Take the time, gather up some questions and make your way to your Faculty member’s office .

I am working on the Spring 2011 schedule and I have listened to your comments. There will be more sections, of more classes that are taught at different times. I hope this helps with registration and timely completion of your degree!!

It is our job to set expectation that are high, maybe higher than you knew you could reach...but it is also our job to help you achieve those expectations and, in some cases, to push you right by them on your way to newer, higher expectations!

Tip of the Month Midterms are a very stressful part of your educational experience here at UT Tyler and research has shown that focusing on the more negative aspects of life could make you more susceptible to stress and negative consequences to both your physical and mental wellbeing. Remember to take some time for yourselves during exams to counterbalance the added pressure from the midterms. Take time now to avoid sickness later. Dr. Marzilli

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