March Health and Kinesiology Newsletter

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Health & Kinesiology

Volume 1, Issue 9 March 2011

In the News Creativity, Originality and Innovation When do we lose our ability to be creative and who is to blame? When is it that we lose our ability to try new things, be creative, and not worry about what others think of us? Interestingly, research has shown that before age 5, 90% of children's answers to questions are "original", over the next 2 years, this originality drops to 20%, and by adulthood, only 2% of answers are original. Although I don't have my own children, I have been lucky enough to have friends and family with young kids that I have been able to interact and play with. What I notice is that these kids don't worry about going out on a

limb, they don't worry about being laughed at, they don't worry about what others think, and most importantly, they are willing to take chances and TRY! My best friend sent me a video of his 3-year-old boy dancing and doing his first "fist pump" the other day (you got to love IPhones). I saw Ethan dancing, laughing and just living in the moment. He was TRYING new things without the fear of failure and/or embarrassment. When do we lose this ability? When do we stop being creative and innovative and start to conform to what we believe society wants? Some believe that our education system actu-

ally kills our ability to be creative. In a TED Video, Sir Ken Robinson told a story of a young child in an art class. The story went something like this: students were supposed to draw a portrait of someone they loved and when the teacher walked by and asked the young child who the portrait was of, the young child said "God". The teacher instantly told the child that no one knows what God looks like and therefore He could not be drawn. The child's response was priceless…if

What’s New in H&K “Above and Beyond” Achievement Award

Student Recognition For Excellence I strongly believe that the Department of Health and Kinesiology has some of the best students in the University! Although they never ask for recognition, I would like to provide an opportunity to reward their Excellence and therefore I am proud to announce the Department of Health and Kinesiology’s new “Student Recognition for Excellence” award program this month for you, our students. This program is designed to give a little extra recognition

to students that have gone the extra-mile in our classes. I feel it is important for you to know that we see what you all do, and we know that you try extremely hard in our classes. I am asking our Faculty to nominate students that have gone above and beyond what was required in their classes. This might be from being extremely creative on a project, to helping other students during class, to even scoring extremely well

on tests or homework assignments. I am leaving the particulars up to the Faculty and I look forward to the first group of students to be nominated and awarded for their commitment to Excellence. Faculty will be able to nominate one student each month to receive one of the Department’s “Above and Beyond” Achievement Awards. Please know we are watching you and we are proud of you! Dr. Marzilli

you just wait 3-4 minutes more and let me finish my portrait, you will know exactly what He looks like! Don't be afraid to TRY new things, don't be afraid of what others will think of you for being creative and don't let others tell you you cant. Because let me tell you… YOU CAN. It is only through creativity and originality that we will continue to be innovative and move our Country forward into the 21st Century. YOU are our future and I urge you to take chances, be creative and original, move toward your dreams, and don't be afraid of what others will think of you during your journey!! Dr. Marzilli

February Events Summer Registration Begins Texas ACSM informational Meeting Feb 2nd at 12:30 in Room 3035 Kinesiology Club Meeting Kappa Omicron Nu first Spring Semester Meeting Health Awareness and Promotion Society Meeting Texas ACSM Conference in Austin, Feb 24th and 25th

Volume 1, Issue 9

Department Spotlight:

Distinguished Speaker

It gave me great pride to see a packed house for our 1st Distinguished Lecturer, Dr. Lem Taylor. I am very proud to announce that we will be having the 2nd Distinguished Speaker, Dr. Ludmila Cosio-Lima, come to UT Tyler on March 28th to give a lecture on the response of inflammatory markers in diverse populations during exercise in hot and cold environmental conditions. This should be another great lecture!! It will be in room 2255 from 11:00 to 12:00. I hope you can make it!! Dr. Marzilli

Dr. Ludmila Cosio-Lima

Associate Professor Exercise Science The University ofWest Florida I take special pleasure in announcing that Dr. Ludmila (Ludi) Cosio-Lima will be the Department’s 2nd Distinguished Lecturer. Dr. Cosio-Lima is currently an Associate ProDistinguished Speaker Dr. Ludi Cosio-Lima fessor at The University of West Florida in Exercise Science. Dr. Cosio-Lima earned her undergraduate degree from the University of New Mexico, and her final two degrees from Springfield College in Massachusetts. Dr. Cosio-lima has too many Licensure/Certifications to list; however, some highlighted ones would include: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, ACSM’s Health and Fitness Instructor, USA Weightlifting’s Sport Performance and a USA Triathlon Level II Coach Certification. To say that Dr. Cosio –Lima is a fitness expert is an understatement.

She currently has published 10 peer-reviewed research articles, 18 peer-reviewed abstracts and has made too many presentations to list. Her current areas of research interest include: 1) Prevention of illness and injuries in civilian and military populations, 2) Investigation of modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease through brachial/and or carotid ultrasound and 3) Response of inflammatory markers (IL-6, IL-10, TNF-a, and cortisol) in diverse populations during exercise or diverse environment conditions. Dr. Cosio-Lima teaches Physiological Basis of Strength Development, Exercise Physiology, Exercise Testing & Prescription, Exercise Testing in Special Populations, Sports Nutrition and Weight Control, Aging and Physical Performance and Personal Health. She is an excellent teacher and the students at UWF are very lucky to have her! A couple of interesting facts about Dr. Cosio-Lima: 1) Has competed in every IRONMAN USA since 2000, 2) Qualified for short distance triathlon World Championships, 3) Took 1st place in the IRONMAN Pucon, Chile and 4) is fluent in 6 different languages!! I can’t wait for you all to meet her!

Message From the Chair of Health and Kinesiology

Dr. Scott Marzilli Is it already Spring Break? Please take this time to go and do something fun and recharge your batteries. It is really important that you use this time to get prepared for the push towards the end of the semester, and for some of you, the end of your Academic Career! Take it all in!!! I want to take the opportunity to ask you all to just “SLOW DOWN” a little and disconnect from technology long enough to smell the roses! Life seems to just blow on by us, moving from one Facebook Status Update to another. Before there was Facebook, Google and the Internet, there was more time for real thought, real conversation and real creativity! Recently I was speaking to some colleagues about how technology has apparently allowed us to move so much faster and get so much “stuff” done; however, when we really started to think about it, we realized that although we were getting more “stuff” done, we were lacking the time required for real CREATIVITY, real

THOUGHT and real REFLECTION. I love my job; however, technology has made it, that if I’m not careful, I can find myself spending hours upon hours answering 100’s of emails. There is no time to offer creativity, thought or reflection, only time to move from one task to the other. My time for real creativity, real thought and real reflection comes during my afternoon runs. This time allows me to be 100% disconnected from TECHNOLOGY and allows me time to really be creative and reflect on the day and think about the next!! Put your phone down...just try it! Free yourself from the chains of technology and go out for a walk or run and take time to smell those roses!

Tip of the Month I would like you to find at least one hour each day this month to put away your cell phone and free yourself from your technology. Take that time and go for a long walk or a long run and just THINK about your day, your friends, your family and your life. THINK about how you are going to approach the next day or how you should approach the current situations in your life. Beethoven walked every morning for two hours to clear his mind and to work on his music! This was his process for promoting creativity-what is yours? Dr. Marzilli

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