life loyal Life Loyal is a special program available for all Gamma Phi Beta members to continue their lifelong support of our beloved Sorority beyond their collegiate years while receiving exclusive benefits. This is just one way to continue your lifetime involvement as a member of Gamma Phi Beta while fulfilling your financial obligations with an easy, one-time payment. The dedication of our alumnae members who continue to be involved and financially supportive helps ensure the future of our traditions and sisterhood.
Thank you to the following sisters who joined Life Loyal between August 1 through October 31, 2021.
GAMMA (Wisconsin-Madison) Vicki Johnson Nokleby Rebeca Britton Zimpfer EPSILON (Northwestern) Neelofur Rahman Ahmad ETA (California-Berkeley) Thao Le IOTA (Columbia) Lauren Anuszewski LAMBDA (University of Washington) Lauren Patrick XI (Idaho) Christina Fowler Cochran Kristin Williams-King PI (Nebraska-Lincoln) Patricia Krotter Madsen Jeanne McBride Mia Sharpnack Catherine Bland Wolfers RHO (Iowa) Tucky Wheeler Hobbs TAU (Colorado State) Ashlyn Foster
PSI (Oklahoma) Reagan Martin Nicole Heyland Potter Jillian Duty Tran
BETA GAMMA (Bowling Green) Christine McDonald Conrad BETA DELTA (Michigan State) Cheryl Heidt Nakahata Sarah Perry
ALPHA ALPHA (Toronto) Vivian Zhang
BETA RHO (Colorado-Boulder) Lynnly Busler Marcotte Jessica Wanamaker Preece Saaren Thorn
BETA EPSILON (Miami-Ohio) Karen Zateslo Gray-Krehbiel
BETA UPSILON (Kansas State) Summi Gupta Ahuja Michelle Anderson Barbara Stanton Reed
BETA ETA (Bradley) Linda Schaefer Russo
BETA PHI (Indiana) Jamie Ring Fryrear
ALPHA DELTA (Missouri-Columbia) Mary Katinas Zara
BETA THETA (San Jose State)
Karen Storer Bode
BETA PSI (Oklahoma State) Sara Downing Pedram
ALPHA ZETA (Texas-Austin) Julie Koy Angle Susan Carpenter Shaffer
BETA KAPPA (Arizona State) Mariann Costello
GAMMA ALPHA (Memphis) Brenda Coleman Riggins
BETA LAMBDA (San Diego State) Nicole Arias Hardwick
GAMMA GAMMA (Wisconsin-Milwaukee) Annabelle Arney Shillinglaw
ALPHA BETA (North Dakota) Stacie Erickson Frandrup Tatiana Hamilton Gerri Gillund Smith
ALPHA IOTA (California-Los Angeles) Katherine Lewis
BETA XI (Ohio State) Norma Orlando Hasen
ALPHA XI (Southern Methodist) Hailey Ashmore Adrienne Campbell Demory Shannon Deakin Helmreich Nicki Nicol Huber
BETA OMICRON (Oklahoma City) Claire Griese F. Lawhon Jobe BETA PI (Indiana State) Constance Heine Lund Marty Kuhn Pool
ALPHA CHI (William & Mary) Janet Moscicki Martin
GAMMA EPSILON (Puget Sound) Kathleen McCarthy Duncan Eleanor James GAMMA ETA (California State-Long Beach) Holly Lewis