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Lake Viking News
from LVN_April2023
by GranDesign
VVA Board of Directors Monthly Meeting April 16, 2023
Call to Order
Board Pres. Doug Winter, lot 46, called the meeting to order, held in the upper level of the Clubhouse, at 2:00pm. Board members present were: Allan Slavin, lot 62, Terry Nibarger, lot 657, Jeremy Lillig, Lot 3041, Tom Rice, Lot 343, Tony Gronniger, Lot 2281 and George Eshnaur Lot 505. Jeremy Lillig led in prayer. Jeff Ferguson, Managing Lake Director, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Minutes
Allan Slavin made a motion to approve the March 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes. Second by Tony Gronniger. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Handbook Committee
Tom Rice reported: Tom stated no report. Doug Winter gave information about several changes to the handbook coming at next month’s board meeting. Most of these verbiage changes relate to the Condo application.
Finance Committee
Terry Nibarger reported: Terry stated the BTC signers card needs to be updated to add new board members and removed the board members who are no longer on the board. Doug Winter made a motion to remove the following signers from the BTC account as they are no longer on the VVA Board. These include Celeste Armanees, Mike Booth, Marvin McNabb and Troy Lesan. The motion was seconded by Tom Rice. The motion was approved unanimously. Motion was made by Terry Nibarger to add the following incoming board members as signers on the BTC bank account. The new board members are Tom Rice, Jeremy Lillig and Tony Gronniger. The motion was seconded by George Eshnaur.
The vote was approved unanimously to add these three new board members as signers on the VVA BTC account. This motion passed unanimously. Finance Committee met in March 2023 and was led by Paula Hepinstall. Terry reported as of March 31, 2023 the Morgan Stanley Investments showed a gain of $15,402.30. The total of all three of the Morgan Stanley accounts was $1,466,329.98. Taxes for VVA have been filed. We had a tax savings of $55,141. Terry reported that the Finance Committee is doing budget review and will be doing a five year look back. The Safety Department salary shortfall was discussed. Terry also reported that the Association owned lake lots have been reviewed and new asking prices for these lots have been assigned to reflect current value of the lots. Terry reported Campground
1 is safe and we have paused further work until future time. Lot S131 still remains unsold. Berm was completed on Beach 2 and the bathroom redo has been completed for Beach
2. Terry reported Sticker fees for Watercraft and ATVs has been pushed back to 2024 and the Finance Committee has been challenged to find a way to replace the dollars this fee would have generated.
Strategic Planning Committee
George Eshnaur Lot 505 reported: Meeting was held March 12, 2023. The committee is following up ondock safety. Dock LifeGuard has been studied and may be recommended for installation by owners on decks to warn swimmers if there is any problem with the electrical system on the dock which might make swimming or any other water activity unsafe. The committee is studying the possibility of installing Pickle Ball Courts. The committee is working on expanding uses of the basement of the Clubhouse. Terry Nibarger asked about securing a pro bono architect to review how the basement of the Clubhouse might be spruced up. Mr. Leeper indicated his son is an architect and he might be able to provide this service. It was reported that Beach 2 Bathrooms have been completed. Discussion ensued regarding signage on the doors of the restroom as there are no signs there now. It was agreed signs need to be added to the doors. Sue Wolf and George Eshenaur are working on a survey to secure member input on strategic planning ideas.
Activities Committee
Jeremy Lillig Lot 3041 reported: The Wine and Cheese sampling event brought in $930.00 from persons enjoying the event. Events upcoming include the Spring VVA Garage sale on March 22, 2023, Cinco De Mayo will be held May 6, 2023 at the clubhouse. The Annual Poker Run will be held June 10, 2023 from 1:00pm to 4:00 pm. Shirts and VVA flags will be sold in conjunction with the poker run. Many more events will be held through the rest of the year.
Building Committee
Allan Slavin Lot 181 reported: In the past month, the committee has received & reviewed 15 Building Permits—none were for houses. Most of the permits were for decks, docks and shoreline work.
Fire Department
Tony Gronniger Lot 2281 reported: The Fire Department continues to meet monthly. Our ISO rating is expected to remain the same with an improvement in points. This rating is important as it impacts our insurance rates.
Also on Monday, April 17, 2023 Fire Department will be doing a Pump Test using an outside company.
Campground Committee
George Eshenaur reported: The committee has met twice since the March 2023 annual meeting. Flint and Mary Hibler stated there are 39 vacant camping spaces still available. Eighteen (18) of these are full service and the remainder are without sewer hook ups. George Eshenaur made the motion to add the following members to the campground committee. These additions Bob Gates, Michelle Sullivan and Denise Ferguson. Terry Nibarger seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. The Campground Committee will be meeting to discuss Strategic planning needs.
Lake Committee
Tony Gronniger Lot 2281 reported: Roadside inspections are being done and one of the things they are checking is to ensure the lot number and the street address are displayed on every house at Lake Viking. Tony also stated that because of high winds there have been several limbs blown from trees and urged residents to take advantage of getting their firewood for summer.
Infraction Committee
Jeremy Lillig Lot 3041 reported. Jeremy made a motion to add Marvin McNabb, Anthony Castillo and Mary Ann Hughes to the Infraction committee. Tony Gronniger seconded the motion. Motion was approved unanimously.
Dredge Committee
Shawn Hepinstall reported: Don Leeper and Jim Miller were recognized for their outstanding volunteer efforts spearheading the remodeling of Beach 2 restrooms. Shawn reported the Dredge and equipment for the project will be moving in the Week of April 17. They will be using Community Area 10 as a staging, working, fueling area for their equipment and will use power from Lot 309, Dan & Connie Weidmaier. Dredge America will work 12 hour shifts seven days a week. This will include holidays. The project will take approximately 60 days to complete. Dredging will begin in the back creek area behind the Yacht Club and work out toward the peninsula and then move north of the peninsula.
Dredge America asks from VVA Members: 1. Please stay away from the dredge and the pipe. No Boating, Paddle Boating, Kayaking, Fishing, etc. in the area. 2. Dredge America will not be moving docks or dredging under docks. The equipment will stay approximately twenty (20) (continued on page 10)
Dredging to Begin May 1st

Dredge America will be starting earlier than expected on the dredging project on the south end. Here is a rundown.
1.) Equipment will begin arriving Tuesday, April 18th and the dredge will arrive Wednesday, April 19th. DA will assemble pipe and prep the remainder of the week. The week of April 24-28th Dredge America has corporate safety training and will NOT be on site. Dredging will begin May 1st.

2.) Dredge America will bring in their own dredge, pipe, and operators. Lake Viking Maintenance team will act in a support roll if needed and not be operating equipment.
3.) Dredge America will be using CA 10 as their primary working, staging and fueling area. Thank you to Dan & Connie Weidmaier, Lot 309, for helping with electrical to operate the fuel tank pump.

4.) Dredge America will work 12-hour shifts, 7 days a week. Including Holidays.
5.) During dredging the pipe will be submerged and lay on the bottom of the lake. There will be times when the pipe is floating, and it will be identified with marker flags. A sag will be maintained should members with a dock behind the pipe need to enter or exit an area.
6.) This project will take approximately 60 days to complete.

7.) Dredging will begin in the back creek areas behind the Yacht Club and work out toward the peninsula and then move north of the peninsula.
Dredge America asks.......
• Please stay away from the dredge and the pipe. No Boating, Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Fishing, etc. in the area.
• Dredge America will not be moving docks or dredging under docks. The equipment will stay approximately 20’ from structures and docks.

Any questions please let us know. Thank you for your continued support.

Shawn Hepinstall Dredge Committee
As shown in this “Breaking News” blast from Anne Kersaway, Dredge America has moved their equipment in to start on this year’s contract dredging operation.

Self-Management Training for Diabetes and Pr ediabetes
Are o diabe c or prediabe c? Do o ha e Medicare? Yo are in ited to a free class on ho to manage o r diabe c health. Cooking demonstra on is incl ded and l nch ill be pro ided. All Medicare Beneficiaries are elcome.
Just a reminder for all members that the dump is open Wednesday-Sundays weekly. This is for members only, not for contractors doing work for you.
We have also added a couple of Concrete Washout areas here at the lake for concrete trucks to wash out. One is at the Maintenance Dump area and the other one is on the South side at 165th & LVT at South End Containment Pond (known as Temporary Road).

Lunch is provided.
Le arn about Medicar e’s Preve ntat ive Se rvices and Scree nings f or diabetic s e lf -mana ge me nt