2 minute read
Activity Committee Meeting
from LVN_April2023
by GranDesign
Held April 7, 2023

Present: Mary and Flint Hibler, Dustin and David Hibler, Tina Daniel, Cassie and Logan Martin. Not Present: Gail Bush, Resa Wiltse, Connie and Don Weidmer

The meeting started with discussion of the Wine & Cheese Event. Those members that attended said they really liked the flow of the table arrangements The event brought in $993, without expenses. Discussion of the upcoming event to be held is the Lake-wide Garage Sale. David will be getting all the forms from office to make the maps and list. They will be available a few days prior to the garage sales, at the association office, Gallatin Casey’s, and Wall Street Station.
Then we discussed Cinco De Mayo is May 6. Frank Armanees is donating the mix for the margaritas. All members planning to attend will be asked to bring their favorite Mexican dish. It is also BYOB but we will have margaritas for those who prefer.
Mary will be providing a basket to be given away at this event.
The committee, then checked supplies for the event, and will get those ordered through Annette at the office.
Next discussion was the Poker Run scheduled for June 10, we will be selling Poker Run Shirts prior to the event when you sign up in the association office. We will sell Lake Viking flags at this event. David and Dustin Hibler oversee the poker run.
Then the committee discussed their feelings of what we should use our reserve money for. It was decided to ask the board if they were in favor of the committee purchasing 150 Lifetime poly chairs and 3 additional round tables. The approximate cost of these items was $4500.
We also discussed the possibility of getting bids for what it would cost to put small shelters behind clubhouse to be used for the fall wine festival and for members to use for picnicking or parties.

The meeting was then adjourned.

Campground Committee Zoom Meeting 3/14/2023 7:00 pm
Present: Flint & Mary Hibler (chair), Campground Managers; James Funk; Mike Booth; Charles Sudduth; Randall Davidson; George Eshnaur, board contact; Michelle Sullivan, guest (joining campground committee, will go through board approval at April board meeting). Not Present: Kathy Price; Jeff Sprague Meeting commenced at 7:01 pm. Mary advised, as of today, there are 30 empty spaces, 20 in campground #1 and 10 in campground #2. Thirteen members were on the waiting list and have filled spots, but there are still around 30 empty spaces. Three have committed to an additional camp space and with ruling in rule book, that only can add these if no camping list exists, which it does not at this time.
Discussion on Phase 1 of CG electrical. Coming along and looks good. Need clarity on how the rest of the phases will roll out. Connecting with lake director on this.
The committee decided to hold off on electing campground committee officers until the next committee meeting in April.
Another goal of this committee is to further better communication with fellow campers and the committee members and to have a meet and greet. This is especially important because there being some new campground members this season. This will also be an opportunity to collect ideas/feedback on items that should be part of the 3-5-year campground strategic plan. Can Condo Control help with this? Does Condo have the ability to create a communication list for those members who are in the CG?
Discussion on rewording campground rules/regulations in the handbook to express that anything concerning camp spaces that has been added cannot be removed (i.e., gravel, landscaping timbers/railroad ties, etc.) Although RV Ports and decks are not included in this except if member utilizing camp space