Confusions Regarding IGNOU Assignments Cleared

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Confusions Regarding IGNOU Assignments Cleared IGNOU courses are great and degrees are recognized in job markets. The one bugbear for all students is that they must take on IGNOU assignments and submit them in time because assignments are counted in marking. Students do have confusions regarding IGNOU assignments and a few of them are cleared here.

Are IGNOU Assignments and IGNOU term end Examination Form connected? There is a definite connection between IGNOU assignments and term end examinations. If you do not submit assignment in time you will not be permitted to take the exam for the said topic. Prepare and submit them in time with the help of GPH IGNOU solved assignments. Can I submit an IGNOU assignment only with the term end examination (TEE) form? There is no compulsion to submit TEE form with assignment. You can complete assignments with the help of GPH solved assignments and submit TEE form separately or not submit it at all. However, it is recommended to apply for TEE since registration for a paper is valid for only two years. Is IGNOU assignment validity limited to a Semester or till the paper’s registration duration? IGNOU assignments are valid for the duration of the IGNOU program you have joined which can vary from 3 years (for MBA) to 8 years maximum. Your assignment that you prepare with the help of GPH solved assignment reference material is valid though you may have to re-register for TEE assuming the assignment is accepted.

IGNOU Assignments once submitted and Completed (passed or cleared) are valid for the entire IGNOU programme duration This is true. You may simply re-register for the TEE but assignments once submitted and approved are valid for course duation. You can ensure your assignments are approved by taking help of GPH IGNOU solved assignment 2018. You can submit assignments which you prepared during the last semester? No. You cannot. IGNOU prepares fresh assignments each semester. You have to submit relevant assignments for each semester well before the prescribed last date for that semester to your regional centre. However, you can appear for TEE later on and the previously submitted assignment that you prepared with help of IGNOU study material from GPH will be valid. You have to pay LATE FEE for late Submission of Assignments? No. You do not because IGNOU does not have any provision to collect fees of any kind for assignment submission. You have to submit assignments by the prescribed last date, a task you can complete with the help of GPH solved assignment reference material. If, however, last date for submitting TEE form is earlier than last date of submission of assignments for the semester, you can submit TEE form with late fees along with assignment. March 31 and 30th September are last dates for submission of TEE forms for June and December term end exams. Last Date for submission of IGNOU Assignments? This may vary according to the course. The latest is that for December 2018 TEE the assignments for relevant papers should be submitted on or before 10th November 2018 at the nearest regional centre. Get the latest IGNOU solved assignments from GPH and remain compliant. Importance of IGNOU Assignments? Assignments account for about 30% of the total marks for a given subject so they are important from that aspect. Evaluators look at presentation, diagram, figures and other factors to arrive at a score so prepare well with IGNOU study materials from GPH and know how to submit IGOU solved

assignments to make sure you are not at fault. You should treat assignments like exams. Weightage of IGNOU Assignments? IGNOU assignments account for about 30% of total marks for a subject. From where can I obtain the latest assignment question paper? IGNOU posts assignments for each course and topic on its websits. Students should log in and get only the latest assignment. Download the assignment question paper and for help in answering questions you can always refer to GPH assignment 2018 guidebooks nd solved assignments. Which type of Paper should I use for the assignments? It is recommended to write the asignment on foolscap paper and tie it or ring bind it. However, you can also use A4 size paper. Should I write the assignments on single side of a paper or on both sides or should I use a notebook instead? Always write assignments on foolscap paper in clear legible way. You can write on only one side or on both sides. There is no rule. However, please do not use notebooks to write assignment. Use ruled foolscap paper and stick to only one side as it helps in readability for the evaluator. How many colors of pen should I use? You may use different colored pens. However it is best to stick to one or two colors, one for questions and another for answers so that both stand out. Use other colored pens only when you wish to highlight diagrams or tables. Should I make a margin or start writing like a maniac? Always ensure there is at least one inch margin on all sides of the paper. It looks good. Do not start writing like a maniac. Should I staple or spiral bind the assignment pages?

Spiral bound assignments look professional and keep pages secure. There is no hard and fast rule but do what is better, which means spiral binding. There is no rule that says you cannot staple or tie together pages. Can I print or type the assignments as it is easy to Copy-Paste the answers from internet? Write by hand. It is preferred. Copy pasted assignments printed on paper are easily detected and you get lower marks. How to start your IGNOU Assignments? Write Name, Study Centre Code, Programme, Course Code, Enrolment Numbher, Course Title, Session, address, mobile phone, email and date of submission on first page and sign at bottom. IGNOU has a standard first page form that you can use. The second page is the assignment question paper. Tick questions you will answer. Start writing answers from 3rd page onwards with 500 words for each question. Write each assignment and bind it separately. Write question number or better still the entire question before the answer. Should I keep a photocopy of the Assignment? You should. Will IGNOU extend the Assignment submission deadline like it extends admission dates? Unfortunately IGNOU is very strict but it may, on its own, extend date for submission of assignment. Your regional centre counselor may take a lenient view and condone a delay of a day or two in submission but it is best to make sure you submit a day or two before last date. Can I apply for Re-evaluation of IGNOU assignments? Not in ordinary circumstances. You can do so only when assignment sheet is not evaluated right or when marks are not entered right in your grade card.

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