Buy D.El.Ed.501, 502, 503, 504, 505 Guide Books & Help Books – 2018 Frequently Asked Questions about NIOS’ D.El.Ed. Assignment (2018)
FREE NIOS D.El.Ed. Solved Assignment Course (501, 502, 503, 504 & 505)
Untrained teachers have a chance to upgrade their qualifications with the Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed) offered by NIOS. It is compulsory for teachers working in government primary schools. They must pass the exam and obtain certifications. For this purpose their task becomes easier when they can access GPH D.El.Ed. study materials in Hindi and English.
Nios D.El.Ed. Programme Important Tips & Information The NIOS D.El.Ed. programme is designed for untrained teachers in primary and upper primary schools with the objective of helping them develop better teaching skills. Here are some important tips for NIOS D.El.Ed.
Teachers must obtain state sponsorship to undergo the two year programme. Teachers must meet eligibility criteria of senior secondary qualification or 50% marks in graduation level. The course lasts two years. It is best to refer to D.El.Ed. guide books and D.El.Ed. solved papers to succeed at first attempt.
D.El.Ed. Programme Structure
Students pursue a programme that empowers them with knowledge and skills to improve classroom teaching, mobilize community, take part in school administration and implement development plans. All these topics are covered in GPH, NIOS D.El.Ed question papers slanted with success in exams in mind. GPH D.El.Ed. Solved papers focus on theory forming the first part and practical’s forming the second part. Topics include contextual issues, teaching at primary and upper primary level and internship in schools. Within these topics there are compulsory subjects and optional. The course also includes topics on Understanding Children, Elementary Education in India, Pedagogic Process, Community and Elementary education, Learning Languages, Art Health and Physical Work Education and others. D.El.Ed. Study material is the best source to get knowledge about these topics and D.El.Ed solved papers help students succeed in exams. 1) Objectives of the Programme
Further information about D.El.Ed. programme objectives: Empower teachers to improve teaching and address diversity in context of teaching Develop capacity to follow child-friendly process and familiarize them with suitable methods How to teach children about leadership and problem solving Learn about safeguarding children’s rights. 2) Target Group & Edibility Conditions Untrained working teachers teaching classes I to VII with senior secondary qualifications of 50% marks in graduation with 5% relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates Students must obtain state sponsorship. 3) Duration The course duration is two years. Registration is valid for 3 years so students can prepare with NISO deled question papers for the topics they have missed and complete the course. 4) Medium of Instruction Students have a choice of studying in Hindi or English medium. GPH provides appropriate study materials, guides, question papers and solved papers in both languages.