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Mechanical Integrity (MI)
The element requires written procedures to be available to maintain: • Pressure vessels, storage tanks, piping systems and pumps. • Relief and venting systems, emergency shutdown systems and controls (such as alarms, trip interlocks, etc.) The standard also requires quality assurance during the fabrication and installation of plant equipment.
GPIC Compliance
At GPIC, a comprehensive inspection schedule, in line with international standards and the process licensor(s) guidelines, is being followed. A Risk Based Inspection (RBI) technique is also employed to strengthen the inspection programme. The following activities are carried out during turnarounds: • Internal examination of major equipment. • Checking and testing of safety relief valves, emergency shutdown systems and interlocks. When new equipment is being procured it must be ascertained according to the fabrication, construction and installation specifications laid down in the technical enquiry and is checked that it adheres to the applicable codes and standards. Furthermore, a comprehensive critical equipment list exists at GPIC identifying process equipment that has an impact on safety, health and the environment.
Controlling Documents
• SOP-PLN-30-05: Preventive Maintenance Management • SOP-PSM-00-02: Mechanical Integrity