Greenpeace SEA 2012 Annual Report

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© Didit Majalolo/ Greenpeace







© Ulet Ifansasti/ Greenpeace © Christopher Allbritton/ Greenpeace



Suzy Hutomo

Von Hernandez

Head of the Greenpeace Southeast Asia board’s Regional Affairs Committee

Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia (GPSEA)

2012 was the year in which the reality of dangers to our environment - and the imperative to take immediate action to protect it - became more obvious than ever before.

business; we are changing the way consumers spend; and most importantly we are making ordinary people stop, think, and realize that the power to protect the planet is in their hands.

We saw massive climate-related disasters around the world, from Typhoon Pablo in the Philippines to Super Storm Sandy in the United States.

Thailand became the first country to register a victory in the KFC campaign, which urged the fast-food giant to cut unsustainable paper companies out of their supply chain.

The long term effects of incidents such as Fukushima and the Gulf oil spill continued to play out in 2012, as it became apparent that it is not possible to simply “mop-up” these kinds of disasters. The effects on human health, food stocks, soil and water will be felt for decades to come. Southeast Asia was not exempt, with massive flooding in Manila and Jakarta an acting as an omen of the future urban climate risks faced by our region’s mega-cities: risks for which the urban poor and vulnerable disproportionately bear the brunt. Our oceans – which provide food and livelihoods for so many of our people - faced the continued onslaught of pollution, global warming and destructive fishing practices. But it is not all is not doom and gloom. We are making an impact: we are changing the way big companies do

After a protracted battle, Asian Pulp and Paper – the world's third biggest paper company -has committed to stop deforestation in Indonesia, and help to restore the habitats of the Sumatran tiger and the orangutan. We will be closely monitoring their progress to ensure they keep their promises. In the Philippines, Greenpeace was part of a successful group of petitioners which asked the Supreme Court to grant a Writ of Kalikasan to stop field trials of the genetically-modified organism (GMO) Bt eggplant. All of this raises the question: “Why is Greenpeace here? And why do we do the work that we do?” Simply put, we are here to achieve social and environmental justice. As the board, our role is to ensure that Greenpeace delivers on its goals in a manner that is transparent and accountable, and that all


staff and volunteers conduct themselves with integrity. Every single volunteer, supporter and staff member is living up to Gandhi's call to "be the change you wish to see in the world". As you will see in other sections of this report, Greenpeace is about creating positive change in Southeast Asia and empowering each person to be part of the movement to create positive change. I am thrilled to see that the spirit of volunteerism is alive and well in GPSEA and that so many Southeast Asians are active citizens, coming together to take collective action to create the kind of world they want to live in. To quote Howard Zinn: “There is a power that can be created out of pent-up indignation, courage, and the inspiration of a common cause, and that if enough people put their minds and bodies into that cause, they can win. It is a phenomenon recorded again and against in the history of popular movements against injustice all over the world.” The battle for environmental justice is the defining struggle of our times. With your continued commitment I am sure we can continue to make great strides in our battle to save the planet.

Environmental awareness globally is now at an all-time high, which is a testament to the sustained efforts and campaigning by environmental groups to make the environment our priority. Sadly, it is also a reflection of the immensity and complexity of the ecological dilemmas that we now face. We are nearing a climate threshold that could lead to farreaching and irreversible changes to life on the planet as we know it. The state of our environment has become a survival issue for millions of people worldwide yet governments and corporations around the world are still operating as if its business-as-usual. We are still sleepwalking into disaster, destroying and consuming this planet as if we have another planet to go to. The window for effective action to prevent runaway climate change from occurring is narrowing down pretty fast. Greenpeace is committed to help ensure that the fundamental changes we need happen now We are doing our best to ensure the emerging economies of Southeast Asia take a green, sustainable development pathway that does not rely on the

mindless and irreversible destruction of the natural environment. We do not need to repeat the mistakes and tragedies associated with industrialisation in the West, but rather we need to learn from those errors and leapfrog the technology ladder, to developing clean and safer alternatives. Development does not need to mean environmental destruction. It is possible for our region to protect the environment and progress at the same time. For a region that is considered one of the critical arenas where we need to win the important environmental challenges of our times, such re-invention of the meaning of progress is vital. Moreover, the biggest challenge is still the predominant mindset in our societies which views environmental environmental activists as economic saboteurs or even worse, as terrorists, especially in places where the spaces for legitimate protest and democratic participation are absent if not shrinking. Nonetheless I remain optimistic about the future because of the many successes that our campaigns have had in Southeast Asia over the last


decade. Our solutions-oriented record speaks for itself, and the work we have done in 2012 captures that winning and enterprising spirit. Our campaigns have already resulted in a number of key local and national victories – which involve not only stopping a polluting waste incinerator, a coal energy plant or a nuclear power proposal, but also mainstreaming safer alternatives such as in the areas of renewable energy, zero deforestation, sustainable agriculture and zero waste. Our initiatives have likewise catalysed and resulted in landmark policy victories in the countries where we operate. But perhaps more importantly, we are making progress in revising the climate of opinion on many of the issues we are working on, and to me that makes for real and lasting change. All of this would not be possible without the hard work and commitment of all of our staff across the region. I appreciate your loyalty, your creativity and most of all your belief that another world is possible. I look forward to another rewarding and productive year of working with all of you.


Watch video: Why we work for Greenpeace We are grateful to each and every one of our supporters who made our work possible in 2012. You are at the heart of everything we do. We rely entirely on voluntary donations from individual supporters, and on grant support from foundations. We don't accept money from governments, political parties or corporations. Your support for Greenpeace means we can act rapidly and independently. Our independence gives us credibility and helps make our work successful. We value your trust and do not take it for granted. We are committed to sustaining and strengthening that trust by ensuring our work is transparent and that we are accountable to you. Most importantly we strive to ensure that all our work has a measurable impact, not just for the environment but for the communities that rely on it.

Thank you

Š Jonas Gratzer/ Greenpeace

Ordinary people. Doing extraordinary things. In recent years we realized we needed to expand our people power potential. It became clear that the only way to save the planet was to reach out and ask everyday people to join us. To do this we set up a Mobilisation department whose focus is to connect ordinary people with extraordinary change. The focus is not simply to win minor policy changes but to build a mass movement of people who will act together to protect our environment for ourselves and for generations after us. The changing social and technological landscape provides us with an opportunity to lead efforts for change, help win campaigns and raise financial support for our work. This is particularly important in a region like Southeast Asia, where many of the key battles against environmental threats are being waged. Through this department we are integrating innovative social media and digital campaigning work with our strong grassroots and coalition building work; taking the battle to save the planet to new virtual and geographic frontiers.


Š Nigel Marple/ Greenpeace



To date Greenpeace Southeast Asia has more than

360,000 supporters in every country in Southeast Asia. They take action online by signing up to cyber-actions, sharing posts on Facebook and spreading the word via Twitter.

2,335 of them

are people who have joined us by taking action and participating in various activities ranging from non-violent direct action to marches, to attending volunteer meetings and helping out in the office. Together we seek to grow both in numbers, and in our commitment to growing a movement to realise our vision of a green and peaceful future. Our great appreciation goes out to the

55,324 people who make regular financial donations and make this work possible. As this support grows, so does our voice and influence, helping to defend the environment across the whole of Southeast Asia.





Volunteer Ahmad Ramdani “Ade Kocil” (32) I joined Greenpeace in 2007 because I want to take real action to make real changes. My first activity was a non-violent direct action at an energy company, calling on them to stop polluting Indonesia’s environment.

Greenpeace volunteers, activists and staff are of all ages, cultures, religions and languages. But they all have one goal in common: a green and peaceful future for the next generations. Our activists are our greatest strength: ordinary people willing to do extraordinary things to protect the environment. Over the years, they have faced jail, physical threats and political persecution. But they have always remained peaceful. They have always persevered. And they have usually prevailed.

I am also an activist in the Volunteer Forum for Natural Disaster Aid (FRPBA), which works to improve the condition of the Ciliwung River. Greenpeace has taught me a lot that I can implement in the other organizations that I volunteer with.


In 2010, I used the campaigning knowledge I learned from Greenpeace to successfully lead a movement to save Gede Pangrango Mountain from further destruction. My most memorable moments with Greenpeace have been during actions, and during preparations when I have had to do tasks like scouting and taking pictures.

Supporter Faratun Nikmah (31) I've been a Greenpeace supporter for more than 3 years, because I know planet earth is now sick because of environmental destruction. As an individual, as just one person, I will not be able to do much to prevent that. So I joined an organization like Greenpeace, so that together we can achieve major changes for the sake of the planet's survival.

I joined Greenpeace to learn and make a positive change. Greenpeace has managed to make real changes in this world. As for me, I still have a lot to learn from the organization.

I know my contribution is making an impact! The bulletins and emails sent by Greenpeace keep me informed about Greenpeace’s work to save the environment. I can see that Greenpeace is getting positive results, so I continue to support Greenpeace.

My hope for the future is simple: I want my grandchildren to be able to see the forests. I want them to see clean water running in the Ciliwung River.

Besides supporting financially, I've also attended several Greenpeace activities: I really enjoyed the “100% Indonesia” cultural event. My hope is that in the future, Greenpeace will do more regular activities where supporters can participate, such as environmental clean ups or tree planting. 8

We have to do our best for the earth! 9









Sitti Maryam “Rhoha” J. Sangkula (33)

Joanne V. Mar (35)

Arnan (Mungkorn) Narknongnoot (25)

Putawat (Jaonine) Thaisom (21)

My interest with Greenpeace began when I was still a high school student in Sulu, Mindanao. I would read newspaper articles about Greenpeace and their many campaigns to save the environment: from their actions at sea, to their hard lobbying in Congress for the passage of the Clean Air Act of the Philippines. In my mind, I wanted to be part of such an organization that was passionate enough to take risks to protect and save the planet through peaceful means. I love the environment because I believe it is Allah’s gift to humanity. The Muslim Tausog in me believes that nature must be cherished, nurtured and preserved, not just for us but for future generations.

I am a career woman, a devoted mom, and a proud Greenpeace supporter. I got involved with Greenpeace in 2009 when, I was in the mall and met a Direct Dialogue Campaigner who talked about the environmental campaigns of Greenpeace. I was impressed with the fact that Greenpeace is able exert tremendous influence on the government and corporations, while relying solely on donations from private donors to be able to carry out their non-violent campaigns. Organizations like that are truly noble and hard to come by.

I am a soldier in Royal Thai Marine Corps, Chonburi province and I have been a Greenpeace supporter since 2008. I first knew about Greenpeace because of its anti-whaling campaign, and I saw the confrontation with whaling fleets on the high seas.

I joined Greenpeace as an intern during my studies at the Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment at Naresuan University. I enjoyed the experience so much that I came back as a volunteer after I graduated.

That moment stuck in my mind and the love for Greenpeace has grown ever since. I don’t have much money but I didn’t hesitate to sign up as a supporter because I know it is a way to help the organization protect the environment.

What I enjoy most about being a volunteer is that I immediately felt like I was accepted as part of the organization and that they trust me to do real work. I not only help with logistics and planning but I have also done things that were both fun and that made a difference. I’ve worn a polar bear suit in 35 degree heat to remind people that we should care about the Arctic, dressed up as a mannequin outside Bangkok’s biggest department store to call for an end to the use of toxic chemicals by big fashion brands, and used my first-aid skills to be the medic on standby at a Greenpeace staff retreat.

Since becoming a Greenpeace supporter, I have attended many events, sometimes bringing along my family. As a mom, I want my daughter Geraldine to be more aware of what’s happening in the environment. I will never forget that fun activity Greenpeace had in Tiendesitas, where Geraldine and I designed our own Greenpeace shirt. I look forward to more Greenpeace events and activities. Supporting the cause is one of my greatest achievements, both as a mom and as a concerned citizen of this fragile planet.

In 2009, I joined Greenpeace as Direct Dialogue Campaigner and the future never looked greener! After my DDC stint, I became an active Greenpeace volunteer in Davao, attending local events, providing logistical support to campaigners and even offering my marketing skills to come up with unique Greenpeace merchandise for fundraising. Truly, working with Greenpeace has been an enriching and rewarding experience. 10

I can feel my voice is really added to the movement. Reading the Greenpeace newsletter about the progress of ongoing campaigns, seeing the impact it makes and knowing that we have been successful, truly makes me feel overwhelmed. My favourite issue is Detox, which urges big fashion brands to commit to making their clothes without harmful toxic chemicals. I feel that the six years I have been donating are really worth it. Being a supporter means I also join in some activities, like the one to form a human banner to save the Arctic. This makes me feel that I am bonded with Greenpeace.


THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF OUR CAMPAIGNS Climate and Energy Energy remains a crucial challenge in Southeast Asia. Rising populations and the aggressive drive towards economic progress has led to ever-increasing electricity demand. The region is at a crucial junction where it could commit to begin developing renewable energy sources and energy efficient technologies to pave the way for a clean, safe future energy supply. Sadly regional energy policy continues its blind reliance on coal and fossil fuel. This will lock Southeast Asian countries into a dirty energy path and continued dependence on fuels that not only harm the climate but are affected by volatile world markets.

Forest Indonesia is one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, mostly due to deforestation. The chief drivers of these emissions are the pulp and palm oil sectors. While cutting Indonesia’s contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions is a major objective of our forests work, we are also deeply concerned about the destruction of the habitats of iconic species such as the orang-utan and the highly endangered Sumatran tiger. 12

Oceans Southeast Asia is one of the world’s richest centres of marine biodiversity, but its oceans are also among the most threatened. More than half of the total population in Southeast Asia live within 50 kilometers of the sea, and more than 100 million people in Indonesia and the Philippines rely on the sea for food and livelihood. Fragile marine ecosystems in the region are being destroyed at an alarming rate. Overfishing and destructive fishing activities are depleting our seas’ resources without giving it time to recover. Pollution is suffocating what were once pristine waters while rising temperatures due to climate change are killing corals and causing ocean acidification.

Sustainable Agriculture Agriculture is a vital sector in ASEAN countries with the majority of ASEAN member states relying heavily on the agriculture sector for GDP growth, trade and investment. Agriculture accounts for a significant proportion of GDP in Indonesia (15.3%), Thailand (12%) and the Philippines (20%). Production and consumption of agricultural products have increased rapidly across ASEAN in the last decade. As agriculture in the region shifts from traditional subsistence farming to commercial agriculture, the environment is increasingly threatened by agrochemicals. Genetically modified organisms threaten not just the diversity of our crops and seeds, but our long-term food security. Greenpeace believes ecological agriculture is the most sustainable way to improve both the quality and quantity of food production. We advocate shifting funding and support for research and development towards suststainable agriculture

Toxics Countries across Southeast Asia are seeing their water resources facing a serious threat from industrial pollution. Sadly, some governments think pollution is a fair price to pay for progress. This short-sighted view has resulted in the widespread dumping of hazardous chemicals into our water sources. These substances can cause long-lasting and irreversible environmental and public health problems. Clean water is a basic human right; corporations and polluters have no right to treat water bodies and resources as their private sewers. Corporations have no right to poison our water, destroy natural habitats and endanger the well-being of millions of people. In Southeast Asia, these environmental hazards are exacerbated by the absence of effective regulatory frameworks and weak enforcement of water pollution control laws. 13

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Our Climate and Energy Campaign focuses on discouraging investment in coal projects and promoting clean, green energy approaches. More than 15,000 people in Thailand joined our call for a government to adopt a robust Renewable Energy Law. In the Philippines, the Energy Regulatory Commission finally approved feed-in tariff rates – the culmination of years of work advocacy and lobbying by Greenpeace Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, Greenpeace lit up the ancient temple of Borobudur on the outskirts of Yogyakarta – a UNESCO World Heritage site – using only renewable energy sources. The symbolic event illustrated that Indonesia can achieve a clean, green energy future. Numerous government leaders at various levels declared their support for the uptake of renewable energy, and their willingness to work with Greenpeace to achieve this.


© Ulet Ifansasti/ Greenpeace


© Ulet Ifansasti/ Greenpeace

We continued to strive for the goal of for zero deforestation by 2020, by challenging destructive industries to change their practices and lobbying political leaders to take the action necessary to protect the world’s forests. An early victory came during the the global KFC campaign, which called on the fast food giant to drop Asian Pulp and Paper (APP) from their paper products supply chain. The first and second offices to win a victory in this campaign were from Greenpeace Southeast Asia: in Thailand the company acceded to our demands within 24 hours of the website launch, and in Indonesia they followed suit within two weeks. After a decade of public pressure from Greenpeace, APP published a new ‘Forest Conservation Policy’ that, if implemented, could spell the end of its long and controversial history of rainforest destruction. While we commend APP for making this commitment, we will continue to closely monitor their implementation progress. 19

DEFENDING OUR OCEANS We successfully launched the Oceans campaign in the Philippines by maximizing the presence of the Esperanza to bear witness, both to destructive fishing practices but also to the effects of Typhoon Pablo. We formed a strong network composed of stakeholders in the field including media, fish dealers & small traders and GPSEA is now identified as a key player on issues around the Philippines Seas. We built have built strategic alliances in the tuna fishing industry and with trade unions and civil society organisations that actively support our vision of a sustainable and equitable tuna industry.


Š Pat Roque/ Greenpeace


CREATING A TOXIC-FREE FUTURE Industrial pollution is a severe threat to water in this region, where some governments and industries hold the view that pollution is an acceptable price to pay for progress. The goal for our Toxic-free campaign is to reduce the release of hazardous industrial chemicals by half by 2020 and eliminate these chemicals within one generation.

Watch video: Zara 'Detox' Day of Action in Bangkok


© Yudhi Mahatma/ Greenpeace


In Indonesia, we published a series of “Detox” reports and hosted activities to raise awareness about hazardous chemicals being pumped into the Citarum River – Jakarta’s main source of water. We focused on the effects this pollution has had on communities that live along the river – and who rely on it for all their needs, from water for households to fishing for food. We used the issue to engage with candidates for governor in the West Java elections, and asked them to commit to toxic-free waterways.


AGRICULTURE © Veejay Villafranca/ Greenpeace

The fight for sustainable agriculture is the key to solving the world’s food crisis and providing food for all in the future. In a landmark decision, the Philippine Supreme Court ruled in favour of Greenpeace and other petitioners who launched a court case against on-going field trials of genetically engineered (GE) Bt eggplant. The Supreme Court ruled unanimously that GE Bt eggplant violates the public’s constitutional rights to a healthy environment and therefore recognized the scientific uncertainties of the health and environmental safety of the modified crop. 24

© Veejay Villafranca/ Greenpeace



Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. We don't see our role as merely pointing out evironmental problems: we are also an integral part of catalyzing solutions.

Watch video: Sumatra's sustainable palm oil

Dosan village in Sumatra, Indonesia is an example of how Greenpeace works with communities and other civil society groups to find solutions to destructive industrial-scale oil palm plantations.

Click here to learn more: Interactive Story

Oil palm plantations have expanded rapidly over the past two decades in Indonesia, clearing large swathes of natural forest and critical peatland areas. Promises of economic development and jobs to local communities have not come true for many. An innovative, independent smallholder approach has delivered social and economic benefits and helped protect the remaining forest. The Dosan community has committed to protecting its forests and moving to improved environmental management practices that include zero burning, no herbicide use and improved water management to maintain the peatland water system. 26

HOW YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS WERE USED In 2011, Greenpeace Southeast Asia raised 121 million Thai Baht. Greenpeace takes its responsibility for transparency and accountability very seriously. We always ensure the efficient use of funds given by the people who support us.




The figures here were extracted from 2% our audited financial SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTRE statements. To read our full audited report, please get in touch with our supporter care team by clicking here.

18% 16%



BEARING WITNESS Headlin e MediaTi tle Date Section Page No Langua ge Journalis t Frequenc y © Pat Roq

ue/ Greenpe


Kesatria Muda un tuk Cita Pikiran rum Pela Rakyat ngi 20 Nov 2012 News 29 Indonesia n N/A Daily

Headline MediaTitle Date Section Page No Language Journalist Frequency Color Circulat ion Readersh ip ArticleSi ze AdValue PR Valu e

A13 Indonesian Untung Widyanto Daily

Pencemar di Sungai

Citarum Color Circulation Readership ArticleSize AdValue PR Value

Full Color 200,000 720,000 163 cm² IDR 23,438,276 IDR 70,314,828

Full Colo r 225,000 583 cm ² IDR 75,9 43,421 IDR 227, 830,263

h Meriah

Headline MediaTitle Date Section Page No Language

Surviving Pablo

Greenpeace Tandai Koran Tempo 06 Dec 2012 Ilmu & Teknologi

Bearing witness is a core value of Greenpeace. Unlike non-violent direct action – such as the activist chained to a ship’s anchor – it does not bear instant results.

Journalist Frequency

ura ya yang AM Energi Sur onesia Media Ind 2 08 Dec 201 News 23 n Indonesia Iis Zatnika

Color n Circulatio p Readershi e ArticleSiz AdValue PR Value

Full Color 250,000 750,000 991 cm² 0,000 IDR 178,38 0,000 IDR 535,14

© Toto Santiko Budi/

Most ordinary people cannot travel to our endangered rainforests or coral reefs to witness this destruction at first hand. Greenpeace bears witness through stories, video or pictures, which are very powerful ways to make people around the world aware of the truth of environmental destruction, and to create change in the longer term. Some people who view this “testimony from the frontline” will take action, some will change their thinking, some will not – but no one who has witnessed the injustice can claim they did not know.



“Once you have witnessed an injustice, you cannot claim ignorance as a defence for inaction. You make an ethical choice: to act or not.”

– Ben Metcalfe, member of the original Greenpeace crew.

Greenpeace uses media as a channel to facilitate the act of bearing witness, and to amplify the voices of affected communities that might otherwise not be heard in mainstream media.

© Pat Roque/ Greenpeac






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