Lingo: education communication device

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education communication system

initial research

At first, I explored several directions and areas of interests that I thought had a lot of potential for improvement. These included the areas of outdoor social retreat, child obesity, and education. After exploring these topics, I stumbled upon an area that I felt had alot of potential - primary education. I then proceeded to dissect and analyze the many issues and problems surrounding primary education, eventually leading me to ideas and potential solutions.


Defining: topic

area of interest :

primary education

opportunity needs users

children 9-13 Issues to problem(s)

Evidence of Problems insights ideas

Problems to concepts

Refinement of idea to final solution

research extensive exploration and analysis into my area of interest, primary education, was done in order to determine the issues and problems that need to be solved.


research at a glance.

This graphic represents my thought process in determining and breaking down opportunities, needs, users, issues, problems, and evidence.


What about primary education ?


Improving the primary education / elementary school experience for teachers, parent, & students.

Why primary education?




Primary education has much to improve in terms of how our schools are run, structured, and taught. Our education is at, and at some cases below that of other equally developed countries.

Improvement and enhancement of educational experience Improvement of the understanding of language Improvement of communication between parent, teacher, student, peers.

The audience being affected will be students ages 6-12, parents, and teachers. The primary consumers will potentially be schools, teachers, & parents


basics A few of the basic questions needed to be answered, narrowing down more specifically what I wanted to tackle.


( home ) parent-student parent-teacher

( school ) student-student student-teacher

Fitting in

Common etiquette



Proper values


Making friends


High expectations put on girls to be good at everything

Parents approach school with a defensive or angry attitude

Failure to communicate regularly

Teachers have different thought process / method than parent Parents feel uncomfortable talking with teacher Not communication / talking early enough Failure to make the first move language / cultural barriers

Failure to follow-thru on actions

Intimidation & shyness Race & gender differences/ impact Effectiveness of instructing Student teacher ratio Lack of interest



Through conducting interviews and research key insights were discovered, that lead me to further refine guidelines and direction.


Kids who’s parents talk to the teacher more, do better at school. Teachers are like second parents to child. Parents should approach teachers cooperatively.

Parent-school relationships: Expectations of both parties should be communicated Mutual communications of responsibilities School’s involvement in the community is very important

Tackle problems early! It is beneficial for the parent to be friends or in good standing with the teacher. Good student-teacher relationship= good parent-teacher relationship.

Parents should approach school and teacher(s) with the questions “ Whats the plan? What can I do at home?”

Sources : “Key Issues for Primary Schools” by Michael Farrell Interview with Adina Davidson, Phd. on 9.14. 2010 “Effective Parent-Teacher Communication” - Center for Effective Parenting 2000 Mark C. Edwards, Ph.D.




( relating to student experience )


( relating to parent-teacher communication)

Lack of confidence, self-awareness of progress, understanding, and interaction between students.

Lack of differentiation of teaching styles for girls and boys, as well as communication of expectations.

Lack of the promotion and understanding of assembling, scheduling, planning parent-teacher interaction, such as event, visits, and conversations, in a timely manner. Lack of communication about teaching methods, strategies, and cultural context, as well as the communication of child progress and assignments on a regular basis Lack of effective communication of teaching methods, strategies, requirement, and relevance to both the student and parent.

concept maps

problem to object. After much research, I found that opportunities for solving this problem lied in designing a physical object that traveled back and forth from home to school.




The chosen direction of the book-like object was then analyzed, developed and refined in both 2-d and 3-d. Scale studies, material samples, CAD sketching.


scale models. In order to get a grasp on the scale of the device, foam core mock-ups were constructed of various lengths and depths.


book 1 6” W x 6” L x 3/4” D

book 2 6 1/2” W x 8 1/4” L x 1 1/2” D

book 3 6 1/4” W x 10” L x 1” D

Industrial F-2 1/4� Felt & canvas

Black craft felt & paper

Black canvas with stitched edges

grey & green felt, Velcro


book cover and feel. Mock-ups were constructed from various materials and fabrics that had a soft, natural feel to them. Such materials included canvas and different types of felt.

re-think. After getting into CAD 3-d modeling, I realized my solution did not quite take to appropriate form and visual language that was desired. I then went back and thought about much more inviting and playful forms, which I continued to ideate and refine through drawing and modeling.


CAD form development.



finessing the form.

education communication system


Lingo is a digital interface system that puts parent, teacher, and child better in touch with one another. Lingo is a solution to problems with homework, assignments, and communication of important information that is vital to a child’s success.

The Lingo system is also an alternative to large and cumbersome textbooks. It allows the student to bring school home with them, bridging the gap between home and school.

first encounters.

Lingo’s physical appearance is one of a book. The first encounters with the device involve the interaction with a warm, soft, and inviting manageably-sized object. When Lingo is opened, one encounters two sides. On one side, a small pocket made of soft warm felt for the storing of small notes, pens, and accessories. On the other, a fun, colorful device, who’s form has a unique character and simplicity to it.


features. The inside of the cover incorporates a fabric bumper that runs along the three sides of the cover that allows the main interface to be protected when closed.

The corner of the interface sticks out of the main form when closed, allowing for the unit to be carried by its corner, as well as adding interest.

The inside pocket allows for storage of the usb power cable as well as small notes, pens, and pencils.







5.25” (closed)


10 1/2”


exploded view.

A very basic breakdown of the main pieces, without technical components.


front cover corner piece screen pc board speaker battery back cover fabric hardcover felt pocket felt bumper mini usb port power button

The power button is conveniently located on the top of the device. It is also the only button on the device, making it simpler and easier to find.

The device is charged via mini usb to usb or power outlet, the port located on the left side of the device, allowing for it to be charged while closed.

The speaker for the device is located on the lower right corner. The shape of the speaker holes hints at the logo for the product, a symbol for three entities (parent, teacher, and student) coming together.


customize! Students can draw on and customize their own covers in order to make it their own. The covers are replaced every year, much like disposable textbook cover protectors.



power on. When Lingo is powered on, it displays a simple, straight-forward interface that is both playful and familiar.

welcome to


e to

please enter the following information:

please enter the following information:









interface. When the child first turns on the device, they are prompted to enter personal info, as well as customize the color scheme and theme of their interface.

Hi Tim, What is your favorite color?

make it your own. Selecting and scrolling is easy and familiar to existing touch screen devices. Students can customize their own color backgrounds and themes.

welcome to

welcome to

welcome to


battery indication

Wi Fi signal

new message waiting

new chat thread waiting


science- assignment s

questio n


11/6 - Read chapter 6

scienc e

assignment s

11/7- Read chapter 7, complete questions 1-5 11/8- Complete photosynthesis workshee t What is the main bypr oduct from photosynthesis?


questio n



Quiz on 11/1 6 science- dates 11/16 quiz on plants 11/20 gr oup project duuee

Remember to study for the quiz on the 16th. The quiz will consist of material from chapters 4-7 .

12/1 science fair p roject due

note to parents

Each assignment and important date is checked off as its completed.

academic calendar. The calendar function shows the academic school year laid out. The calendar combines information from important dates from classes as well as assignments to display on a day to day basis. This makes students more organized and more aware of what is going on in their classes.


main menu:

classe s calender

academic calendar November 2010

curriculum message s parents/ guar dians an ans n settings

early release day math project due science quiz

main menu:

classe s calender curriculum m message s

pa rents/ guarrdi dians rdians settings


Choose a subject: Math English Science Social studies



curriculum- progress

progress (Were are we?) benchmarks









(were are we heading?) this week: Benchmarks N.5.1, N.5.2, N.5.3

curriculum- math benchmark s N.5.1 Understand that every natural number can be written as a product of prime numbers in only one way (apart

curriculum info.

from order). a. Extend knowledge of prime and

The curriculum can be viewed for each subject. Lingo also displays each classes progress in covering the designated requirements for each class.

composite numbers up to 100. b. Decompose composite numbers into products of factors in different ways and identify which of these combinations are products of prime factors. N.5.2 Know how to divide whole numbers.


main menu:


classe s calender curriculum message s parents/ guar dians ardians settings



messages- parent

enter passwo rd

messages- parent inbox

Re: Meeting r equest Homework incomplete on...


Schedule for Dec... Open House this Friday at 7...


Permission slip for field trip ... Take home test Hello, Welcome to Lingo, ...

messaging. Lingo incorporates a messaging system between parent and teacher that can be accessed both on the device and online.

11/ 3

main menu:

classe s calender curriculum message s parents/ guar dian dians settings


enter passwo rd


parents menu:

parent-teacher discussion

discussion child p rogress grade r eports

teacher: Your child is doing gr eat! I will be sending the progress report home shortl y.

pa re nt : Thank you! Im looking forwar d to meeting with you on the 24th .

chat discussions. Parents and teachers can also engage in private discussions, were more shorthand conversations can take place.

main menu:

classe s calender curriculum message s parents/ guar dian dians settings


enter passwo rd

parents men

discussion child p grade r


arents menu: choose a subject :


child p rogress


grade r eports

english social studies

scienc nc e

science- overall pr ogress Total GPA : 3.5 Quiz on 10/20 In-class on 10/25 HW on 10/3 0 HW on 11/0 3 HW on 11/1 5

note to parents up to date grades. Parents can view individual grade reports for each class that are updated biweekly


main menu:

choose a subject:

classe s

display settings user info parent passcode

calender curriculum message s parents/ guar dians settings


cdisplay settings- text size




display settings:

color /themes text size brightness sleep mode settings

display settings- sleep settings

1 minut e 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 30 minutes

display settings- brightness


Lingo addresses the problems associated with lack of communication between parent, teacher and student, assignments, child progress, and expectations. It establishes a stronger connection between parent and teacher by assisting them in improving their communication. Lingo helps better connect home and school, making the educational experience better for parent, student, and teacher.



thank you.

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