TRANSPORT MONTH DRAFT KEY MESSAGES BRIEF: Transport Month in October 2013 will be hosted under the theme: “Celebrating 20 years delivering efficient, reliable and safe transport services.” This annual campaign serves as a platform through which the Department of Transport (DoT) engages directly with its stakeholders. October was declared Transport Month in 2005 during the Transport Lekgotla. It is used to raise awareness on the important role of transport in the economy and to encourage participation from civil society and business; the provision of a safe and more affordable; accessible and reliable transport system in the country. The month is also used to engage in extensive campaigns showcasing progress achieved in various transport programmes and projects. During Transport Month government will highlight the successes of all stakeholders in creating safe transport modes; contributions towards socio-economic development; innovations and the like. Government will also mobilise public and private sector participation in transport projects aimed at developing the country’s economy and ensuring sustainable job creation. Job creation and growing the economy is essential if we are to achieve the goal of a better life for all. Over the last few years South Africa has made great strides and undertaken a number of strategic investments in its transport infrastructure as it moves towards an integrated rapid transport network, both for freight and passenger users. We commemorate Transport Month with the knowledge that South Africa’s road death toll remains at an unacceptable high level. The statistics around pedestrians are especially concerning, given that pedestrian deaths topped the 2013 Easter statistics. It is worrying that these casualties occur in spite of government’s continued call for responsible driving behaviour such as maintaining the speed limit; not engaging in drinking and driving; and being aware and sensitive to other road users and pedestrians.
The Launch of October Transport Month (OTM) presents an opportunity for the Department to heighten its communication by showcasing all its key flagship programmes and projects. OTM is an important platform for launching the 20 years of Freedom programme for the Department, whilst concurrently highlighting the achievements of the current administration in the transport sector.
Delivering efficient, reliable and safe transport services is a key objective for government.
Transport is the heartbeat of South Africa’s economic growth and social development.
Transport infrastructure is a precondition for economic growth
Road fatalities are a major concern.
The Department of Transport is working with all stakeholders to provide a safe, reliable and efficient transport in the country.
Government’s commitment to an integrated rapid transport network both for freight and passenger users will result in a safe and reliable system. Government’s efforts to make transport the heartbeat of the economy continues unabated.
Transport is an enabling sector which impacts on growth and development in other sectors of the economy.
We must further leverage the critical role of transport in advancing economic growth and reducing historic inequalities by driving social development.
Transport is a crucial driver of trade and exports and imports.
Transport enables regional integration and is the driver of tourism and human interaction.
Transport is important to the economy of South Africa and the region both because our economy is driven by freightdependent industries (manufacturing and agri-food) and because of our geographic location in relation to our major trading partners Government will develop and implement an integrated transport system and road network infrastructure to improve road traffic management and reduce road accidents and the resultant fatalities.
Inadequate transport infrastructure is a severe growth constraint to a country’s social and economic development
The Department of Transport has intensified efforts to develop and improve South Africa’s transport system to serve as a catalyst for social and economic development.
An effective transport system is vital for the economic and social fabric of South Africa and it is a contributing factor for positioning the country as an attractive investment destination.
An integrated transport and road network is a key factor in attracting investment into the country and the continent. We have undertaken to reduce the number of road deaths by half by 2020 in support of the United Nations’ Decade of
Action 2011-2020.
South Africa’s transport infrastructure is one of the most developed in SubSaharan Africa.
In this regard, the Department of Transport and its agencies – the Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA), Road Traffic Management Agency (RTMC), Road Accident Fund (RAF) and South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) will be implementing its 365 Programme of Action for road safety this year. We will be executing this programme in conjunction with the private sector.
Government is steadfast in its commitment to reduce road fatalities which remain unacceptably high at 40 road related deaths a day.
Community Road Safety Councils have been established to identify high accident areas and implement interventions such as traffic calming measures like speed humps, traffic circles, visible road signage or traffic lights.
Through the Learners and Drivers’ licence programme for Grade 12 and tertiary level learners we are introducing a culture of responsible driving at an early age.
A more stringent application of regulations that control road transport operations and greater law enforcement on issues such as vehicle roadworthy and driver fitness behind the wheel will be undertaken. Government has sought to solve challenges related to transport infrastructure through a culmination of efforts including; research innovations and technology transfer in government, semi government, universities and private institutions.
Government remains committed to spending over R800 billion on key projects including transport related expenditure in the coming years. We will address the following issues that hamper our transport sector: a. alleviation of congestion b. adaptability of the transport sector c. coastal engineering and port infrastructure d. freight logistics, corridor development and transportation e. ports and maritime transport development f. environmental sustainability in transport g. implementation of optimal transportation solutions
Investment in transport infrastructure is changing the country’s urban landscapes, improving economic efficiency and our attractiveness as an investment destination.
Planning for the future starts now.
Integrated and reliable Public Transport Networks is the future.
These transport infrastructure investments are in line with the country’s long-term developmental goals to provide infrastructure in a manner that is efficient and affordable to individuals and corporate users.
An efficient transport system allows citizens to access services, places of work, education and entertainment. The National Development Plan (NDP) calls for sustainable transport infrastructure to allow South Africa to move from a developing country to a developed country.
Working together to build a reliable transport system can stimulate faster economic growth and create jobs, while promoting access to economic opportunities into the next decade of freedom.
The NDP places transport at the centre of South Africa’s vision 2030. It argues that “moving towards 2030, South Africa’s transport system will support economic development, job creation and growth, providing equitable access to opportunities and services for all and reducing poverty”. Government’s ultimate goal is to move our people in the most effective and efficient way to access social and economic opportunities.
In 2013/14 over R5.5 billion will be spent in up to 13 cities on planning, building and operating integrated public transport networks.
Both Johannesburg and Cape Town have already constructed over 20 km of dedicated bus lanes on which services are operated, supported by over 100 km of complementary, feeder and distributor services.
In the 2013/14 financial year both Cape Town and Johannesburg will expand operations on Phase 1 Rea Vaya and My CiTi services to carry up to 100 000 passenger trips a day on each system.
Nelson Mandela municipality’s Libhongo Lethu will continue to run a pilot service on its upgraded network.
For the financial year 2013/14 construction will commence in four more cities, namely, Tshwane, eThekwini, Rustenburg and Mbombela for public transport network development.
Buffalo City, Ekurhuleni, Mangaung, Msunduzi and Polokwane will complete their public transport network
development planning and service contract designs during the course of 2013/14 and will commence with network development in the 2014/15 financial year. Each of these cities will offer some unique and innovative approaches to the development of quality public transport networks. The Department of Transport has prioritised infrastructural development and is continuing to invest billions of Rands to improve airways, railways, roads, and ports in order to improve the competitiveness of the country in the global market.
Working to integrate the various modes of transport.
We have a long-term vision that sustains South African’s projected growth and in line with this the Department is in the process of finalising the National Transport Master Plan (NATMAP).
NATMAP will focus on integrated transport planning to ensure that the different modes of transport complement each other.
The plan takes into account the integration of bus, rail and train services from airports and in cities around the country. The Department of Transport and its agencies; the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), Air Traffic Navigation Systems (ATNS) and Airports Company South Africa are hard at work to ensure a safe and efficient aviation service not only for the country, but for the region as a whole.
Providing a safe and efficient aviation service.
The revitalisation of our rail industry promises enormous benefits for our public transport system.
Challenges in the aviation industry continue to provide fertile ground for further research and development and product refinement.
Technological advances in electronics and communications systems must be used to achieve cost reduction, promote less congestion, improve traffic safety, save time, reduce infrastructure needs and limit environmental pollution. Government is committed to invest in rail infrastructure.
As part of our effort to improve our passenger rail system, we have concluded the procurement process for the fleet renewal programme of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) in December 2012.
The success of the programme will lead to: a. A new coach building and locomotive assembly plant in Gauteng.
b. The creation of 8 300 direct jobs c. the creation of another 22 000 jobs through localisation
The accelerated rolling stock programme has been concluded and has resulted in 579 coaches being delivered in 2012/13 to Metro Rail and 9 locomotives upgraded at a cost of more than R1.3 billion.
Furthermore 49 stations were upgraded and improved as part of the National Station Improvement Programme at a cost of R221 million.
The total capital spend of R6.2 billion was reached at the end of March 2013.
Harnessing the potential of our coastal waters.
In the medium term, the focus in rail will continue to be on: a. The upgrade and expansion of the priority commuter rail corridors b. The safety of communities, especially children, who reside very close to railway lines, as a result of poor apartheid spatial development planning
Government will conclude the National Rail policy development process during the 2013/14 financial year which will ensure the revitalisation of the sector through an investment led approach. Government has intensified its efforts to promote the maritime sector. South Africa is strategically located to facilitate and process outbound and inbound seaborne cargo.
South Africa has a coastline of over 3000km, and is a strategic hub for international merchant ships, connecting the East and West.
We are working closely with our agency SAMSA and maritime stakeholders to unlock South Africa’s maritime potential.
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This year’s major projects will include: The finalisation of an all-inclusive Maritime Transport Policy, the development of a Green Paper on maritime shipping and concluding consultations on the Ballast Water Management Bill The finalisation and launch of the Inland Waterways Strategy The finalisation and adoption of the Maritime Transport Broad Based Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) implementation plan, and the appointment of its Council.
Powering the economy by investing in our roads.
South Africa has a total road network of 750 000 km of which 17 000km is managed by SANRAL.
The non-toll road network accounts for 83.1% of the
national road network which is funded by the fiscus, the balance of 16.9% forms part of the toll portfolio network of roads. During the 2012/13 financial year, SANRAL awarded 202
contracts for new works, rehabilitation and improvement, periodic and special maintenance, routine road maintenance, community development, supervision and other activities to the value of R11.6 billion with R9.5 billion being spent on non-toll roads. Investment in transport infrastructure is defining our development.
Our comprehensive rail upgrade through the acquisition of 7,224 Metrorail coaches place rail at the centre of our freight and commuter movement in an effort to meet passenger demand over the next 20 years.
Investments in new infrastructure which includes signalling and rolling stock will position rail as a reliable and efficient mass mover both in the commuter and long distance space.
We continue to invest in national and provincial roads to address the backlog in road construction and maintenance programmes.
Through the S’hamba Sonke Roads Programme government has made a clear commitment for a targeted capital investment programme on roads infrastructure, particularly in the rural areas.
The improvement of travel conditions resulting from transport infrastructure investment has a wider impact on the transport network, investor confidence and ultimately economic development.