2 minute read
Summary of the Design concept: The main purpose is to develop Bristol as a "Digital City" which mens by a 5G coverage of the city and the advance development of the technology to enhance it status in digital business. The technology park is the main focus with the nearby commercial land use as a spatial strategy. A VR center is proposed as a support function for the development of digital city. The concept of sustainable development is important nowadays which will be highly emphasized in this design including the proposed water bus to improve envrironmental issues. Social sustainability is also highly considered by design and planning of public green park and sport facilities to support the community and enhance the quality of life and social cohesion.
1.0 The Process
This D&A report will be written according to CABE standard and by site visit to the site for primary information and reviewing the Bristol Local Plan, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for analysis and implementing
the needs in design’s concept. National Planning Policy Framework and Core Strategy have been reviewed for the design’s concept. 1.1 Assessment
1.1.1 Physical Content The selected site is analysis for current land use and set the priority for land use development. The map is shown at Map1. After studying the current land use analysis, Map2 is produced for proposed land use
and Measurement for development area. Below show the exiting land use of the selected site with different color as classification for region 1 to10. For the remaining region within the blue color line boundary will
be reserved for future development.
The selected site is located around the Bristol Temple Mead and the Bristol Quay which has good transport network and it is covered by the River Avon and Floating Harbor providing a great opportunities for transport link development such as water transport to reduce the pressure on vehicular flow. The center of the site is occupied by the abandoned building which is a waste of resources which should be at the first priority for development. The Eastern and part of the site is mainly occupied by the light industrial land use but most of them are deteriorating at appearance, regeneration project is required. Connection and accessibility of the site need to be improved for the selected site and its surrounding area. The rest of the site is mainly used as commercial land use as office with the Northern part presents a new and descent design with the use of landscape and bridge as pedestrian path. Photo3: Eastern Boundary of the site
P ho to1: S out hern B ou ndary of t he s it e
The selected site for development is not within the Bristol’s conservation areas. The planning policies need to be taken
Photo2: Bristol Temple Meads Station into consideration will be stated at 1.1.4.