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would be caused by the large dependence of industrial development and the neglect of a diverse economic development.
The Bristol city center is occupied by the abandoned buildings for development and the northern side of the site is mainly occupied by the light industrial land use. An improvement of employment
structure is required for high skillful and higher educational qualification jobs are required so as to cope with the changing economy structure and the university’s graduates. The economic status of
Bristol need to be improved by the proposed spatial strategy and land use planning in the future development.
Social: Inadequate housing with increasing demand and future development according the Bristol local plan review. New types of housings with affordable housing need to be considered in the
development plan. Besides, student accommodation is predicted to have increasing demand in the coming future due to increasing university’s student number.
Bristol offers a wide varies of infrastructure to support current development including art and museum, sport and swimming pool open space based on the information provided from the Bristol Local
Council. From Google map search, there are primary schools and high schools located evenly among Bristol. The future development should have the proper ratio of infrastructure to the population
at Bristol.
1.1.4 Planning Content Planning policy from the Bristol Local Plan Review has been studied to assess the needs for future development in town and to fulfill the planning application. Draft Policy
IDC1: Development contributions and CIL
-Future development in Bristol will be supported by new and improved infrastructure such as schools, parks, transport facilities and health facilities. Infrastructure, facilities and services
required to support growth, which will be secured through a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for Bristol. Draft Policy UL1: Effective and efficient
-The local plan as a focus on ensuring the delivery of new homes. It promotes urban living and seeks to secure and exceed the level of homes set out in the West of England Joint Spatial
Plan. Key to this will be the efficient use of land by all land uses.
-Urban living optimizes densities, balancing the efficient and effective use of land with aspirations for making quality places to live, successful placemaking, and a positive response to
“Making efficient use of land” defined by the policy text: New development will be expected to reflect Bristol’s urban character by maximizing opportunities to re-use previously developed
land and delivering high quality well designed environment at higher densities. Development proposals should develop land to its optimum density. This may include introducing new types
of design, scale and form into its location and the development of mixed used within buildings as well as development sites.
Draft Policy UL2: Residential densities Residential densities sets out minimum densities that will be sought in different locations across the city. For residential development in
Bristol, a minimum net density of 50 dwellings per hectare will be expected. For Bristol City Center, the suggested minimum density (dph) is 200 dph.
Draft Policy H1: Delivery of new homes
The development strategy has a focus on ensuring the delivery of new homes. This policy sets out a minimum target from delivery and a clear aspiration to exceed that amount where this