me to k o c l e W k
The Village at Winona
Just a short walk from Grace's campus is the beautiful town of Winona Lake. Located on the shore of its namesake, Winona Lake boasts a wide variety of activities for students and their families. Visitors can take a walk on the Greenway, explore the many miles of wooded hiking and mountain bike trails, or simply relax in one of the lakeside parks. Winona Lake is also home to The Village at WinonaÂŽ, a thriving shopping, dining, and relaxation destination nestled along the scenic canal. The Village is home to a quaint variety of boutiques, emporiums, and eateries.
What we’re
As small children, we have an “insatiable curiosity,” as Rudyard Kipling once wrote. We enjoy an unhindered and artful c reativity, a compassionate empathy that has no biases, and an inclination to explore all that God has created. We want students to capture those ideas and carry them into adulthood. We want them to develop an appetite for learning and a vibrant life of the mind. The integration of faith and learning is central to our classrooms. It’s the model of scholarship in our disciplines and provides an ongoing discussion informed by great Christian themes and thoughtful reflection from a Christian worldview. By example, our faculty apprentice their students, inspiring them not only toward excellence in their respective fields, but also to live purposeful lives dedicated to following Christ.
PRINTER TECHNOLOGY We are excited to announce the arrival of six 3-D printers to campus. These ground-breaking printers are available for use by all disciplines and give students exposure to and experience with emerging technology before they enter the job market.
Dr. Mark Norris Dean, School of Arts & Sciences
THE CENTER FOR LAKES AND STREAMS conducts research, provides resources, engages and educates residents, and collaborates with local organizations in an effort to make the over 100 lakes and streams of Kosciusko County cleaner. Our Environmental Biology students have some of the best opportunities in the nation for hands-on research. Our Political Science majors can choose to take internships with members of the U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND STATE AND LOCAL POLITICIANS. The Indiana Congressional Internship Program gives Grace students an immersive experience and exposure to the political landscape with hands-on, face-to-face learning opportunities.
THE LOS ANGELES FILM STUDIES CENTER is academically grounded in a Christian liberal arts context. Grace students have the opportunity to spend a semester in L.A. studying the Hollywood film industry through a biblically oriented curriculum. Students with a passion for their faith and for film will thrive in this truly integrated approach to the industry.
What we’re
The human mind is an endless research project, and we are just beginning to understand how it really functions. Our behaviors, our personalities, our habits and tendencies, and our interpersonal relationships are all intricate designs of a holy God. The School of Behavioral Sciences offers students broad exposure to experimental and clinical methods for studying the theoretical concepts and research findings in the fields of psychology, counseling, sociology, and criminal justice.
Preparing students for success in graduate school and in their role as future professionals who perform effectively in the field.
We evaluate and appreciate psychology’s relationship to Christian beliefs and gain insight into the catalysts of human motivation through the lens of Scripture. Our full-time faculty are licensed professionals and earned their living working in the field prior to teaching. Are you looking to eventually become a licensed counselor? Our Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is accredited by CACREP.
Dr. Tom Edgington Dean, School of Behavioral Sciences
What we’re
The Grace College School of Business is a business incubator specializing in collaborative work-life scenarios — real, hands-on business interaction that allows young executives to recognize and develop leadership and management behaviors they need for success. We want our students thinking like p rofessionals and like Christ from day one. We want them to embrace biblically based managerial skills, weigh ethical choices, and demonstrate servant leadership where they live and work.
Dr. Jeff Fawcett received the 2013 Chewning Award, an honor established by the Christian Business Faculty Association to perpetuate the passion and commitment of integrating personal faith and business.
A unique aspect of our program is the Freshman Business Plan Challenge. Incoming students are required to write and defend a business plan before a panel of Grace College business alumni. These practitioners provide valuable insights on the knowledge base students will need to succeed in their respective fields. Because of the experiential nature of our program, we have realized exceptional growth. From 2011 to 2013, our declared majors have increased 54 percent in the School of Business.
Dr. Jeff Fawcett Dean, School of Business
THE BUSINESS STRATEGY GAME, a required part of a Grace student’s business curriculum, is a web-based business simulation software that provides students a hands-on opportunity to learn how the global marketplace works. Since 2013, six Grace student teams have ranked among the top 100 simulation companies in the world. They ranked in stock price performance, EPS performance, and ROE performance.
In the latest statistical release, Grace College's accounting program RANKED 2ND HIGHEST (surpassed only by Notre Dame) for first-time pass rate on the Certified Public Accountant exams across all Indiana colleges and universities.
What we’re
They called Jesus many things: Savior, Messiah, Master. But as they listened to Him and learned from Him, it was with great affection that His disciples often called Him Teacher. I f you love inspiring wonder and i magination, and you are passionate about unlocking the potential of young minds and encouraging the next generation, a degree in education should be on your to-do list. Our mission is based on Micah 6:8, which states, “He has shown you ... what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Our students graduate as moral practitioners who possess the disposition, knowledge, and skills needed to be e ffective educators. Their experience a t Grace is a purposeful balance of guidance in planning, instruction technique, management, and applied learning in field experiences that include P-12 classroom teaching and community service projects.
Dr. Laurie Owen Dean, School Of Education
Modern educators are in a perpetual cycle of learning and recertification, requiring teachers to be committed to excellence and hard, but rewarding, work. Our examination pass rates demonstrate the caliber of preparation and promise our School of Education graduates embody.
Grace's chapter of CEC has been recognized by the CEC State Executive Board for exemplifying ongoing dedication to the principles and high professional standards in special education. Members of the Grace CEC chapter presented at the CEC state and national conferences this past spring.
What we’re
OUR VALUES Biblically Rooted
The School of Ministry Studies consists o f the undergraduate School of Biblical Studies and Grace Theological Seminary, which offers graduate degrees in ministry and theology.
Culturally Sensitive
Both programs are learning communities dedicated to teaching, training, and transforming the whole person for local church and global ministry.
Academically Excellent
We care deeply about the tool sets, skills, and the biblical fidelity that are foundational to what our students are learning.
Biblically Wise
Spiritually Transforming Ministry Focused
That’s why our faculty is committed to the passionate and accurate study of God’s Word. There’s familiarity and solidarity in our classrooms because we stand together on the essentials.
Dr. Jeff Gill V.P. and Dean, Grace Theological Seminary and School of Ministry Studies
Bible Biblical Studies Bible Translation Educational Ministries
Intercultural Studies Sports Ministry Studies Urban Ministry Studies Youth Ministry
me to k o c l e W k
The Village at Winona
Just a short walk from Grace's campus is the beautiful town of Winona Lake. Located on the shore of its namesake, Winona Lake boasts a wide variety of activities for students and their families. Visitors can take a walk on the Greenway, explore the many miles of wooded hiking and mountain bike trails, or simply relax in one of the lakeside parks. Winona Lake is also home to The Village at WinonaÂŽ, a thriving shopping, dining, and relaxation destination nestled along the scenic canal. The Village is home to a quaint variety of boutiques, emporiums, and eateries.