Roots Magazine Spring 2023

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you did it, Lancers! we’re so proud!

After what feels like an endless amount of tests, quizzes, papers, and projects, you’ve made it to the end of another year here at Grace! For some of you, it might feel a bit bittersweet because you’re graduating and moving on. For others, you’re proud that you made it through your first year here. Wherever you are on your timeline as a Lancer, we are so thankful for the time we’ve spent with you. We hope you find joy in reminiscing over the memories this spring! Welcome to Roots, Spring Edition 2023, Grace College. We love you and we’ve loved making memories that last with you.

spring edition 2023 ROOTS spring edition 2023

The verses you will find on the first and last page of the magazine were handwritten by students during the Involvement Fair. We hope you are inspired and strengthened by the truths each verse speaks.

To my fellow peers, classmates and friends:

As this year comes to an end and we reflect upon the experiences behind us, may we see the little moments that have made a difference — the challenges that grew us, the joy that defined us, and the relationships that helped us through it all.

I wanted this magazine to be more than a catalog of events and happenings, but a representation of the “journal” of memories we will carry with us. The end of this year might bring much joy and satisfaction, but it also might bring pain, regret or uncertainty. We each have arrived at this destination in a different way, but what unites us together is the experiences we have shared along the way. Within these pages, I hope you are able to see more than just pictures and events, but meaning and purpose.

When I began the job as Editor-in-Chief, I was not sure what I was doing or what the end result would look like. However, creating these magazines has become so much more to me than organizing content, directing a team, and sending emails. I learned the beauty that is found in teamwork, but even more so, the joy that is made when we trust the ultimate Author of the process.

To those who have made this magazine possible: I will never be able to fully express the profound gratitude that I have for each one of you. From the experienced seniors who gave me grace and wisdom, to those who were new and willing to give Roots a try — thank you for believing in me and our team. It certainly wasn’t easy, but together we did it.

Our lives as college students are filled with unknowns and uncertainties — which class should I take, what grade will I get, what will I do once I graduate, etc. Whatever your thoughts may be right now or wherever you go next, hold onto the memories. The laughs, the cries, the embarrassment, the excitement. The late-night ice cream runs, the 8 a.m. classes, the lunches with friends — whatever it may be. These things are foundational to who you are now.

As you look through each page, I encourage you to celebrate what you have accomplished. But most importantly, I encourage you to thank the One who has gotten you to this point. The Alpha and Omega of our lives, Jesus Christ.


01 02 Editor Letter from the
03 04 Being Doing p. 5 p. 21 p. 33 Celebrating Table Contents of Learning p. 45
05 06 being identity image bearer uniqueness student workmanship living present

Senior Photos

Celebrate with our traditional undergraduate students!

Taco Bell joke made me go Bajajajaja

“Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow just as well.”— Mark Twain

“Whatever happens, just go with it” — Just Go With It

“In victory, be humble. In defeat, be strong. In all things, be fair.” — Eternal Grand Master

H. U. Lee

You’ll either die with faith in Christ, or die in your sins; quit your self reliance, trust the great I AM who’s HIM. — Jn 8:24

“This is nothing but a hive, and I am the one and only Queen Bee.” — Anonymous

“One more step” — Melanie Tierce

I don’t always graduate, but when I do, it’s barely.

“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” — Heb 12:1-2

The best adventures in life rarely have a map, so don’t be afraid to make your own.

“I can do this all day”

— Steve Rogers

“Always salt your water before boiling your pasta.”

Maybe the real college degree was the friends we made along the way.

“Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.”

— Unknown

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different.” — C.S. Lewis

“Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.”

— Psalm 63:3

“In life, it’s more about doing the little things that mean the most.”

— Winnie the Pooh

“Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation.“


vidi. veni. vici.

Do what makes you happy!

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

— J.R.R. Tolkien

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”— Gandalf

I am proud to be a part of everyone life’s

Beauty is in simplicity.

I’m too single for this.

07 08
Cassadi Colbert Halley DeLange Gretchen Adams Emily Eubank Lydia Bledsoe Julia Frone Konnor Cabe Annaliese Conant Mackenzie DeLong Korbin Baker Zane Fegley Anna Bower CodyAndersonGeiger Isabel Caes Courtney Dawson Tyler Eckel Isaac Beatty Caleb Felts Allison Bult Zé Goncalves Olivia Calnin Jenna Debbink Jerilyn Ellis Ashley Beckler Katlyn Flachsenberger Emma Burlingame Nadezda Gorbacheva Nordia Campbell Jake Decker Rowan Eshbach AnneMarie Bell Mikaela Fridline Malachi Butzin Savanna Goss Abigail Chupp

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

“Folding was never an option.” — Cayde-6

“Walk in favor.”

— Guys trip to Puerto Rico

Broken crayons still color, so get out of the box and go make your mark!

Don’t change who you are for someone else unless it’s Jesus.

Jesus said “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Have You Received Yet?

2 degrees and all I want is to be a stayat-home mom.

“Self education is the only form of education that exists.”

— Isaac Asimov

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

— Psalms 37:4

“Treat people with kindness.”

Choose joy always

“Just as science is the intellect of the world, art is its soul.”

— Maxim Gorky

After all this hard work it paid off. I know a lot of people are proud of me, especially your mom.

“And that was without even a single drop of rum.”

— Jack Sparrow

“Never be so kind, you forget to be clever. Never be so clever, you forget to be kind.”

Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things.

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.” — Gandhi

Trust in the Lord and you won’t be disappointed.

“From the altar of my life, Christ be magnified”

— Cody Carnes

“Walking in favor.”

— John Foster

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.”

— Romans 1:16

“Long live all the magic we made.”

— Taylor Swift

“I don’t know where I’m going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”

— David Bowie

“It’s okay to not have it all figured out.”

“The process is just as important as the end result.”

— My grandfather, Derald Kruse

She believed she could, so she did.

Don’t take Colby on the water slides at Kalahari.

Trust the next chapter because you know The Author!

“Love ya!”

— Dylan Mulvaney

“Yes I believe in ghosts but more importantly I believe that they should believe in themselves.”

— Ted Lasso

“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, then they can surely make something out of you.”

— Muhammed Ali

“Dependence is maturity and brokenness is a way to get there.”

— Dr. Christy Hill

“Conjugation is a game changer”

— Dr. Zhou

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Rebecca Lewis Sara Groen Sarah McDonald Alicen Holmes Jacob Miller Amy Hutchison David Mullen Annaliese Kruse Cing Lian Bailey Hanes Lauren McKinney Riley Hood Mary Mitchell Anna Keller Colby Murray Winfridah Kyandaluba Kailer Lowin Carter Harris Kayla Menczynski Morgan Hooks Jenny Montoya Brittney Klotz Jenna Myers Claire Lambert Gabriel Lyons Peyton Harts Ben Miller Bailey Hostetler Samantha Moore Will Kmieciak Emma Neal Blake Lawson Kristin Martindale Ariel Heise Emma Miller Neri Hurtado Lyness Mudilla Rebekah Krooswyk Luke Osburn Abigale Lee — Taylor Swift Harry Styles

“Don’t look backyou’re not going that way”

“The older you get, the more rules they’re gonna get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin’ man, L-I-V-I-N!”

— Matthew McConaughey

“This is my command: Love each other.” — John 15:17

“Where there is love we must live on and where there is not love we must provide it.” — Josh

“This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”

You’ll catch a lot of flies with honey, but you’ll catch more honey being fly.

I don’t know what I’m doing, but I have a plan.

“Here’s a toast to my real friends; they didn’t care about the he said, she said.”

—Taylor Swift

“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

— Vincent van Gogh

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

“Wake. Pray. Slay.”

— Anonymous

“Get Jesus, get yoked, get this bread.”

— Terrance Stone

I got a college degree just to go back to elementary school.

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.”

— Dolly

“Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one!”

— Pixar’s Up

In my 4 years, I have learned two things. How to write a email and use Excel professionally.

Good Grief!

Woof woof! Food.

Thanks, I got it at goodwill :)

“His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”

— Lamentations 3:22-23

“Gratitude for mercy given is what motivates mercy extended.”

— Paul David Tripp

“Stop you’re gonna make me cry on my toenails”

— Jenna Debbink

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” — Romans 8:28.

“I give thanks to you, O my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.”

— Psalms 86:12

“Being different is not a bad thing. It means you were brave enough to be yourself.”

— Luna Lovegood

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Abigail Slabaugh Carolyn Pacocha Jacob Stonger Clark Prokop Sophie Townsend Madie Roy Vivian Wilkinson Maliyah Scisney Jacob Slager Landon Paris Rylie Thompson Oli Rainwater Hope Trentadue Carly Ruiz Cameron Williams Natalie Sell Emma Slusser Hannah Pittman Jacob Tiffany Chloe Reel Traveler Trentadue Pek Sang Stephanie Windbigler Ashley Shaarda Kendall Smith Gabrielle Ploss Emily Tonkovich Jaylen Reese Sadie Tuckerman Kate Schlatter Lauren Winyard Elliana Short Naomi Stewart Jacob Poole Nikki Toth Regann Roth Matthew Walters Cassandra Schoonbeck lucy Young Kylee Siers Kiszka Parton
stay safe, stay sweet
Learn to cook. It’s a lifesaver.

What Trail

Are You Taking?

Emily Tonkovich,

a youth ministry and business administration major, is beginning a new journey as a regional director for Delight Ministries. She will be living in Michigan and discipling leaders and teams at Delight chapters in Michigan.

Tonkovich has been involved in Delight since her sophomore year at Grace. She found out about the position through working with regional directors. People at Grace saw Tonkovich’s passion for women’s ministry and encouraged her to try the position.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know girls at colleges and coming alongside them in their journeys,” said Tonkovich.

She will begin traveling and fundraising in July. “This will be a new opportunity to trust God to provide and protect,” said Tonkovich.



a journalism major, will be pursuing a career in marketing communications.

“I’ve always had a deep love for writing,” Toth said. Journalism provided a foundation for Toth to discover her career direction. After taking her first public relations and marketing classes, she fell in love with marketing communications.

“I love the way that I can use my writing talent to tell stories in a new way,” said Toth.

Through contacts at Grace, she was able to get an internship at a marketing agency that has turned into her post-college job. Toth will continue to work remotely for Orange Marketing Group as a writer and project manager. She is also getting married in the fall.

“I look forward to using all of the things that I learned in college and putting them into practice in the ‘real world’,” said Toth.

William Kmieciak, a finance major, is moving to Fort Wayne to pursue a career in finance.

“I’ve always liked numbers and been interested in money,” said Kmieciak. “Finance is a versatile major and you can do a lot with it.”

Kmieciak is keeping his options open with jobs. “I’ve learned to let the Lord guide me,” Kmieciak said. He is excited to live on his own after four years in Beta. He plans to work for a corporate or small business to gain knowledge and experience.

Isaac Beatty is a biblical studies

major. Beatty discovered his desire to be in pastoral ministry through being involved in ministries on campus and at his church.

“I appreciate studying God’s Word and I find a fulfilling joy in teaching others,” said Beatty. He is excited to continue learning Hebrew and Greek so he can better understand the Bible. After graduation Beatty will be at Grace one more year to finish his seminary degree. Then he hopes to become a pastor and plant a church.


How did you get started selling rings?

I saw resin rings on Pinterest and the idea came into my head that it would be a cool side business. I started researching about how to make them. I got the help of a business owner in “The Village” who helped me think through ordering and pricing. I ordered supplies and practiced.

What has been the most rewarding part?

It’s rewarding to see how I’ve been able to follow through on starting a small business. I said I was going to do it and I did!

How did you get started in the landscaping and pier businesses?

My dad owns many rental properties and when his property manager retired, I decided to take over the responsibilities. From there, the business expanded each year.

What has been the most rewarding part?

Interacting with the clients is my favorite part. I get the job done on time and the clients appreciate that. It’s my way to shine a light in people’s lives by being different from the rest. I’m the manager of the resources God has given me so He’s the One who gets the glory.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a business?

Just go for it. Find someone to mentor you and then figure it out. Be willing to make mistakes and learn as you go.

Where can your product be found?

I can be contacted through my Grace email. The rings are also at Letterwood in the Village.

How did you get started with DollarStockClub?

I got interested in website development when I was 16. This past summer I started a stock trading software to track government trading and send alerts to customers. I sell it as a subscription and there are 75 users now.

What has been the most rewarding part?

It’s been rewarding to see people make money with the app.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a business?

You’re going to fail at first, but don’t get discouraged—it’s a slow growth process.

Where can your business be found?

All the information can be found on my website dollarstockclub. co. I have a discount code, “FREE” to try it one month free.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a business?

Don’t be afraid to take risks. Sometimes you have to learn the job while doing the job.

Where can your businesses be found?

My business is all through word of mouth, but the companies’ names are Paris Property Services and Lighthouse Pier and Lift.

How did you get started with your salon and boutique?

I went to cosmetology school in high school and got my license. I wanted to still practice my skills when I came to Grace, so I opened A Ray of Beauty Full Service Salon. It started with my close friends and then spread through word of mouth.

I started thrifting during quarantine doing live sales on Instagram and selling clothes from my house. I used award money from the Business Plan Competition to buy a trailer to house my inventory. I travel with my mobile shop in the summer and host campus events during the year.

What has been the most rewarding part?

Connecting with people and seeing women come together has been rewarding for me. Last fall I was able to donate 300 pieces of clothing to WeCare Warsaw. It was made possible by people supporting my business.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start a business?

Follow your God-given talents. We are called to glorify God with our unique gifts. If you’re doing something God has given you a passion for, you won’t get tired of it because He’s sustaining you.

Where can your businesses be found?

On Instagram: araeofbeauty and rae_thrift_boutique. You can purchase items from Instagram.

StudentOwned Businesses

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Lauren Crumbley Landon Paris Mackenzie DeLong Drew Sigler Paris Property Services and Lighthouse Pier and Lift. A Ray of Beauty Full Service Salon Dollar Stock Club

My favorite memory was cheering at the men’s championship basketball game. I’ve been on the cheer team at Grace for three years. I love seeing all the students come together and have fun.

Humans of Grace

Students reflect on their time at Grace…

I’ve loved going out with my hall to Applebee’s. We all joke around and get along well. Being with others is important.

I’ve learned to find the good in everything. Whether that’s what is happening in my life right now, or whether I’m reflecting on what has happened. I’m seeing how God works everything and all for good. There is goodness in everything; God’s plan is perfect.

Building a community around disc golfing has been a great experience. I’ll get a group of friends together and people start jumping in to play. The community at Grace is so helpful.

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Will Woods Hannah Schultz Ashley VandenBoom Tye Wade


Halley Krochta

“Being a graduate assistant is being poured into and pouring into others.”

Position: Graduate Assistant for Women’s Rugby Program: Master of Divinity in counseling

Responsibilities: Meeting people, recruiting prospective students, giving tours, sending emails and messages, and helping to coach rugby

Favorite Part of Position: I love coming alongside people and encouraging them. Most important lesson: The value of showing up. Faithfulness is not based on success.

Jalen Williams

“Being a graduate assistant is a stepping stone to something bigger.”

Position: Graduate Assistant for Chapel Tech Team

Program: Master’s in communication

Elizabeth Brooks

“Being a graduate assistant is the combination of mentoring and being mentored; of having authority and being guided by authority.”

Position: Graduate Assistant for Student Involvement

Program: Master’s in business administration

Responsibilities: Overseeing the SAB team, coordinating vendors for events, managing finances and mentoring coordinators

Favorite Part of Position: Decorating for events.

Responsibilities: Making sure chapel sounds good and the video works; organizing production teams for guest artists

Favorite Part of Position: This job has kept me connected to events on campus. Most important lesson: Anybody can learn from anyone if they listen — we’re never done growing.

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21 22 doing routine effort day to day connecting action exploring regular

Music Ensembles

String Ensemble

The String Ensemble is a group of five students directed by Shana Brath. They play music from baroque, classical and modern periods. This year they’ve performed at “Messiah Sing!” and the fall performing arts recital. In April, they will perform movements from Mozart’s A Little Night Music.

Lancer Chorus

The Lancer Chorus is an opportunity for any student to sing and perform choral music from a variety of styles. The chorus has sung at various community choral concerts and at the inauguration of President

Wind Ensemble

Chloe Reel

is a third year senior studying visual communication design with a minor in marketing. During her time here at Grace, she has taken a variety of courses to further her artistic talents, including physical arts such as acrylic painting, digital design courses, and even some photography courses. All of her hard work culminated in her senior capstone project. Chloe was given complete creative liberty with this project, the only stipulation being that at the end of the session, she had to have a finished deliverable product to present.

Chloe decided to create a coffee trail for the various coffee shops in the Fort Wayne area after participating in one in Columbus, OH. She notes that a quick Google search revealed that Fort Wayne has plenty of coffee shops with minimal marketing. This gave her the perfect opportunity to combine her two areas of study. She admits that this project was a lot of trial and error, especially when it came to her hand drawn illustrations and that her process was not straightforward in the slightest.

She visited all 11 stores and interviewed their managers on the same day, especially as an introvert.

In regards to this feat, she said. “It took me a good 48 hours of solitary confinement to recover.”

In the future, she plans to sell her coffee trail to the Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce, so she notes that if you are interested in it to keep an eye on their website.

Chloe’s work can be viewed at

Top 2 Coffee Shops

Firefly Coffee & Friendly Fox

Micaela Eberly, a third year French and Journalism double major, was looking for a way to combine both her passions for her Humanities Capstone project. She decided to interview French speakers in northern Indiana.

Eberly found many sources from Dr. Lindsay Richter. Eberly did interviews by phone, email and in person. She met many interesting people including a Haitian man who sent her a six-page response in French. Another subject was a tea shop owner from Belgium. Eberly was fascinated by the multicultural community the woman had built in Goshen, Indiana.

“Knowing I had the opportunity to highlight a community of people and to tell their stories was impactful,” said Eberly.

Eberly had her project published in the Warsaw Times-Union.

26 25 Senior Portfolios
Micaela Eberly Chloe Reel

Backin5isanimprov comedygroupknownfor theirmidnightshows.

Backin5isthegoofiestthingI’veeverbeena partofandthebiggestblessing.



-Whatdoyoucallsomeonewithfiveeyes,two noses,amouthandthreehairs?


Remnant ...andChristiantravelingtheatre troupe!

Remnant is a drama ministry group that goes to schools and churches to share skits and spread God’s Word.

We work hard, and we play hard. – Shelby Huiner, member of Remnant

If you could only wear one pair of shoes the rest of your life, what ones would you wear?

-Black boots.

your favorite student-led improv group...

Back in 5



SERVE is a student organization that equips students to serve through intentional opportunities. It actively teaches students to focus on others and develop a love for community. SERVE sponsors events like FunFest (a free Halloween alternative for kids) and Apple Orchard Day (a day for students to pick apples for local food banks). Here, Roots highlights a couple of SERVE’s most popular initiatives!

Jefferson Buddies

Jefferson Buddies is an opportunity for students to meet weekly one-on-one with a student in need at Jefferson Elementary. Thirty students participate in the program. Emma Conrad, SERVE coordinator, explains why the program is successful.

“Because the students are consistent, the kids look forward to seeing the college students come each week,” said Conrad.

The Jefferson students get mentorship, and the Grace students form meaningful connections.

Supermarket Sweep

Supermarket Sweep is an invitation for the community to raise money and donate food to local food banks. The event was moved from November to February to better fill the food bank’s shelves.

“It helps the community know we see their need and we truly want to help,” said Kearstin Criswell, the director of Student Involvement.

Anyone who walks through the Warsaw Kroger the day of the event is given the list of items. This year the sweep was split into two time slots for Grace students. This refocused the goal on student innovation and generosity, according to Criswell. Grace students raised $9,766. Over the whole day 7,233 items were donated.

“The Supermarket Sweep is fun but also meaningful,” said Criswell.

Student Involvement Spotlight:
“I’m excited for SERVE to grow and take new forms,” said Conrad. “It’s easy to serve once but SERVE wants to create projects that build a foundation of service for students.”
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33 34 celebrating community quality time fellowship growth involvement enjoyment excitement


Interview with Kiersten Martin Student Body President 2021-2023

Looking Back

Martin got interested in student senate in high school.

“I loved communicating with the students and planning things,” said Martin.

Martin ran for Student Senator her freshman year at Grace and then was the administrative coordinator. She originally wasn’t planning on running for president, but when her schedule changed, she decided to run.

Martin recalls some of the important lessons she has learned in her time as president.

“Not every situation requires action, and not every issue is discussed. When you communicate the why to students, it helps them understand policies,” said Martin.

Looking Forward

What’s next for Martin?

Martin is an elementary education major and entrepreneurship minor. Last year she won the business plan award for her bulletin board business for teachers. She is launching the business this summer. She is pursuing a master’s degree in higher education and could go into any number of fields. Eventually, Martin wants to open her own kindergarten.

Martin explains how beneficial it was to be in contact with other student body presidents at colleges nationwide.

“The job turns over so quickly, so it is helpful to have others to bounce ideas off of,” said Martin.

“We do what students talk about,” said Martin. “You can’t pass down a manual for this job.”

One of Martin’s favorite parts of the job has been public speaking. She got to speak at Welcome Weekend and the dedication of Alpha Dining.

“Town hall is my favorite event. It helps the students be heard and helps the senate know they are on the right track; I also love Chick-fil-A.” Martin said.

One of the most rewarding parts of the job for Martin has been the day-to-day building of relationships with faculty and students.

Martins says how it’s important to take initiative and make connections with many people so you can hear many opinions.

“I hope I’ve been encouraging, welcoming and empowering,” said Martin. “It’s been so much fun to be a voice for students.”

Sydney Victa Student Body President for 2023-2024
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JOUST 2023

Blue Team

“Blue Angels”

Team Captains: Katie Parks and Emma Neal

What made you want to be a captain?

Ever since being roped into running the ring by spring race my freshman year, I fell in love with competing in the wild and crazy Joust events with friends!

What are you most excited about for this year’s Joust? Having the most epic, awesome time!

Green Team

“Lucky Charms”

Team Captains: Kayla Menczynski and Anthony Chasteen

What made you want to be a captain?

I want to lead my team without losing focus on Jesus.

What are you most excited about for this year’s Joust?

I am excited to see the lip sync this year and to watch people compete all weekend.

Red Team

“The Red Sea”

Team Captains: Kendall Smith and Grace May

What made you want to be a captain?

I love cheering on others. The Joust is a great way to meet people and make friends. What are you most excited about for this year’s Joust?

I’m excited that I get to lead our team in all of the new events.

Yellow Team

Team Captains: Bethany Seyden and Jenna Myers

What made you want to be a captain?

The Joust is such a fun, unique experience that campus looks forward to every year. I wanted to play a part in facilitating a fun team experience for everyone involved. What are you most excited about for this year’s Joust?

I’m most excited to see everyone at the opening ceremonies! I’m excited to see campus bring the hype for their teams and enjoy some friendly competition as we close the year.

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Use the QR code to view photos from this year’s Joust!
“Lego People”

“Hoopin’ for Hagen #33.”

For the Grace men’s basketball team, bracelets with this slogan are a reminder that they’re playing for something greater.

For their teammate Hagen Knepp, it’s motivation to keep fighting to stay alive.

Knepp, a first-year student, was training for the season in September 2022.

As practices started in October, Coach Scott Moore noticed Knepp’s chest and abdomen were bloated.

Knepp told teammate Jake Wadding that his stomach had hurt for six weeks, but he pushed through because he could. Wadding said Knepp needed to talk to Moore or the trainer.

The next day the trainer sent Knepp to get a CT scan; doctors told Hagen it could be cancer.

Knepp was transported by ambulance from Warsaw to Fort Wayne. He saw many doctors, but none could identify the problem until they discovered a tumor in his stomach.

A surgery scheduled for Dec. 6 was meant to remove the tumor, but the surgeon found the problem was worse than expected — there were many tumors, in a cancer that was aggressive and fast spreading.

The surgeon decided against operating and recommended six months of chemotherapy before considering surgery again.

Within 48 hours something changed.

The same doctor decided the condition wasn’t as serious as originally diagnosed and proceeded with the surgery.

“It was prayer and the work of the Lord,” Moore said.

On Jan. 12, Knepp had surgery that removed his appendix and parts of his pancreas, colon, spleen, liver and stomach lining. Then he underwent a chemotherapy bath to wash out his stomach. The surgery that was meant to take 12 hours took 22 — the longest the surgeon had ever completed.

The surgeon removed 99% of the cancer. Knepp remained in ICU as his stomach was shut down.

Seven days later, Moore took the team to see Knepp in the hospital while they were playing in Marion.

The team was devastated to see their once-healthy teammate being fed by tubes and needles.

Knepp had lost 45 pounds and many of his organs, but his smile remained.

“His smile changed him,” Moore said.

“It gave the team life,” Graber, a teammate, said. “If Hagen could have a joyful attitude, we all could.”

The same day Knepp’s stomach began working, and within 48 hours he was discharged. While Knepp started the recovery process, the

Lancer Nation

community started to help him.

The Grace basketball team started a GoFundMe that raised $9,000 in two days. Ladies from the physical plant at Grace College held a bake sale during one of the games. Soon people from the community started helping. Basketball teams from across Indiana donated thousands of dollars.

The fundraising now totals over $30,000, according to Moore.

“It’s crazy how the community has come together,” he said.

Knepp’s story has refocused the whole team.

“This is an all-star team, top-five in the country, setting records all season — but winning and losing isn’t the focus anymore,” Moore said.

Moore said he is inspired by what the team has gone through together.

“It’s incredible to see the team’s constant love and support for Hagen,” he said.

Knepp attended the Crossroads Tournament in Marion to cheer on his teammates.


Women’s Basketball

Most wins in a single season: 21 wins- Most Historic Season in GCWBB History

Third Place finish in the NCCAA National Tournament

First NAIA win in program history

Men’s Basketball

Crossroads League Champions

Crossroads League Tournament Champions

Elite Eight

Pep Band
Men’s Basketball Women’s Basketball

Jr&Sr Banquet F r e s h m e n & Sophomore

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information thoughts

Prof Trivia!

Guess which fun fact corresponds to which prof!

This professor met his wife in a virology class.

This professor once did an entire 5K, while juggling!

This professor was the founding member of the Library Advisory Club in high school.

This professor played Elizabeth Proctor in “The Crucible” her senior year of high school.

This professor got run over by a car with no driver.

This professor has been to seventeen different countries.

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Dr. Frentzel – A & 4 Dr. Owen – E & 1 Dr. Rich – D & 3 Dr. Richter – C & 5 Dr. Rata – F & 2 Prof. Yocum – B & 6 Answers (hold up to a mirror to read): Who’s Who? Prof Bank
Prof. Yocum A D E F B C
Dr. Frentzel Dr. Owen Dr. Rich Dr. Richter Dr. Rata
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Number of fish at the Lily Center:

a) 263

b) 282

c) 321

d) 314

2. Most common name on campus

a) Emma

b) Abigail

c) Caleb

d) John

a) 124

c) 135

b) 150

d) 146

of3.Maximumcapacity theLittle Theatre:

4. Number of Campus Visits:





a) 9

b) 12

5. Fire alarms gone off this year:


c) 7

d) 11

1)b 2)a 3)a 4)c 5)b
49 50

Go Encounter

Central Europe

Students journeyed through Hungary and Austria visiting Budapest, Vienna and Salzberg. They absorbed historical cities, cozy cafes and stunning architecture. They browsed Christmas markets and booked it through the airport.

The New Orleans Go Encounter Trip explored the culture, the neighborhoods, the art, and the culture of NOLA. Students experienced the history of the city through touring plantation homes and eating at restaurants.

The Portugal Go Encounter stayed at an Airbnb in Lisbon. They visited an international church and learned the importance of community. The Portuguese culture of being present caused them to pause and enjoy life.


Students experienced the beauty of God’s creation through waterfalls and volcanoes. They engaged with local culture on a Costa Rican farm and learned about the coffee and chocolate industries.

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New Orleans Costa Rica England Grenada Los Angeles Portugal South Africa South Korea — Bailey Gagnon — Sophia Hopkins — Emma Conrad — William Kmieciak
Australia + New Zealand Summer Trips! Israel Austria London + Brussels Chile New York City India Romania Italy + Greece Vietnam
53 54

Meet the Team

Hannah Tate: Editor-in-Chief

Hannah is a second year and has seen 494 Hallmark movies.

Ella Ruh: Photographer

Ella is a first year and she raced GoKarts for a year when she was six.

Liv Snyder: Photographer

Liv is a first year and she owns eight disco balls.

Julia Frone: Graphic Designer

Julia is a fourth year senior and has eaten a live octopus.

Abby Smith: Photographer

Abby is a third year and has been to 11 National Parks.

Madie Roy: Graphic Designer

Madie is a third year senior and has read 15 books this year so far.

Rebekah Krooswyk: Graphic Designer

Rebekah is a third year senior and is studying Spanish, Dutch, & Turkish.

Allison Mroczek: Graphic Designer

Allison is a second year and has been surfing.

Anna Kezar: Journalist

Anna is a first year and did Irish Step dancing for six years.



56 55
P h o t o g r a p h e r s D e s i g n e r s
L-R, Back Row: Madie Roy, Allison Mroczek, Liv Snyder, Rebekah Krooswyk, Ella Ruh; Front Row: Julia Frone, Hannah Tate, Abby Smith, Anna Kezar
chaotic team vibes!

what’s all involved with

Red Zone

Red Zone’s purpose is to support Grace College athletes by establishing a welcoming and exciting atmosphere at games.

Positions: Coordinator and Officers

Student Involvement?

(... aside from Serve and Roots!)

Council for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI)

CDI seeks to create an inclusive and empowering environment for underrepresented students on campus.

Positions: CDI Director and Affinity Coordinator(s) Senate

Student Senate acts as the voice between the students and administration by collaborating to make decisions that help students thrive.

Positions: Student Body President, Administrative Coordinator, and Class Senators

Clubs: American Marketing Association, American Sign Language (ASL), Chess Club, Council for Exceptional Children, Delight, Grace Outdoors, Grace Roundnet Club, Investment Club, Korean Club, Mediation, Psychology Club, Students for Life, Turning Point USA at Grace College


Marketing presents information on media platforms to advance students’ awareness of events and to represent Christ to our community.

Positions: Coordinator, Social Media Manager, and Graphic Designers

Student Involvement Members 2022-2023

Student Activities Board (SAB)

The Student Activities Board enriches the campus community by providing opportunities for the student body to connect with each other, staff and faculty, and the surrounding neighborhood through affordable events and recreational fellowship.

Positions: Coordinator and Officers

Grace Intramural Program (GIP)

Grace Intramural Program aims to foster student community and promote well-being through sporting and recreational events. They strive to represent Christ by exercising God-given abilities and opportunities in a fun, safe environment.

Positions: Coordinator and Officers/Referees


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