DD M2 Journal

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Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Grace Creati

(913143) Xiaoran Huang + Studeio 8

Week Three

Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age

Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)

The three fundamental fabrication techniques are: Additive Additive fabrication is the process of adding material incrementally to form an object layer-by-layer. The fundamental principle is that the digital model is sliced into 2D layers and then physically built as previously mentioned. Subtractive Subtractive fabrication is the process of the removal of materials of specific volume from a larger solid. Formative Formative fabrication is the process of applying forces to a material to reshape or deform it into the desired shape. There are many potential benefits that come out of using Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) fabrication with parametric modelling. The parametric software workload is divided between user and computer, creating a streamlined dataflow allowing for a rapid iterative process and thus greater exploration of new and rich formal possibilities. This is, and will be, a very important pairing of technology for architecture and many industries in the future as the direct computability to physical fabrication will bring design closer to production and construction. In turn, this will develop better designers with a greater knowledge and understanding of the entire process from concept to product.


Week Three

Surface Creation


{60,150,150} {30,0,150}


{0,90,0} {0,42,0} {120,0,0}

Originally my surfaces were extremely curved and were not aligning with each other. This produced interesting relationships between the surfaces but was not going to be viable for physcial production. Therefore two surfaces that had the same ground plane and top plane where produced (Image 5 ) in order to produce a structure that can stand unaided and has a rhythm between the two surfaces.

Image 1 - Surface Script Image 2 - Surface Iteration 1 Image 3 - Surface Iteration 2 Image 4 - Surface Iteration 3 Image 5 - Servace Iteration 4


Week Four Panels & Waffle

The iterative process of developing a final Panelled Surface design for both a 2D and 3D surface was the element that allowed for the greatest creativity. The multiple interations can be seen in the Appendix. My two develeoped panelled surfaces have been inspire by the ocean as when i first looked at the two surfaces I had come up with it reminded me of craching waves, rolling over each other. This has been further developed into two sections. The water coming into the shore and a wave crashing over rock pools.

Comment on the waffle structure of your model. The waffle structure along with Grasshopper personally took some time to develop and understand as both the program and idea of a waffle structure were new.


Week Four

Laser Cutting

Creating a laser cut file is relatively simple as most of the work has already been done in the unrolling processin Rhino. The constrains of lazer cutting is you have to find the balance of what is possible in the digital realm and what can then be translated into a physcial model. I found this difficult with the size of the circular cut out on the 2D surface as it was hard to know if the design would be completed successfully through the laser cutting process to a precision that reflects the digital design. The physical lazer cutting process itself was realtively quick due to my surfaces being nested well and the types of lines used. I was suprised that the detail of the 2D surface did not take long to manufacture. Laser cutting has taught me the direct course that can be taken from a digital design and concept to a relatively immediate outcome that can then be reviewed, revised and remodelled if neccessary.

913143 Grace Creati Sheet 01 of 01

913143 Grace Creati Sheet 01 of 01

Lazer Cut nesting

Lazer Cut nesting

Two surface structures (2D & 3D)

Waffle Structure

Ivory card

Mountboard 0.1mm


Week Five

Having now had more experience with Grasshopper the scripting process was a lot more straight forward. The advice given was to think about what you would like the outcome to be and work backwards from there. I have found this very helpful advice when developing the boolean form in regards to point attractors and the other attractor functions avaiable. Trialing boolean forms was.....to come to a final design. When designing the boolean form it was still partically unclear how the internal voids could look ....


Week Five


The isometric view of my Sectioned Boolean Model here demonstrates a subtractive process where by the spheres are subtracted out of the greater cube form in order to develop a form shaped by voids. I chose this iteration as it further devloped my ideas in Task 1 of spherical shapes and the forms that can be created when they overlap and it also demonstarates a variety of spatial qualities. The structure has a balance between enclosure and openness. In the image to the left it is clear that the left side of the structure has been heavily hollowed out leaving an impression of entry and being welcomed into the space. Whereas, the structural form to the back of the image have a greater sense of privacy and intimacy created by the size, shadow and tighter enclosure of the space. The voids cut out the the structure provide a physcial diagram of proosity and permeability. When considering porosity this is usually considered on a smaller scale such as in soils and skin. However, here it is presented as if it is not bound by scale. This form could be miniscule or a large megaform. Porosity is not limited to the small but can be explored as a means of intergrating spaces and not having to define an area, rather there is a free flow throughout the structure. Porosity talks about being able to move through a structure whereas permeability is focussed on getting into a structure. Can its walls be breached and if so how and in what ways? There is a large amount of permeability is some areas of the structure such as in the centre where larger spheres have been cut from the structure. However, in other areas there is a reduced amount of permeability capable due to the variation in opening and the amount of enclosure meainly created by smaller spheres.


Week Six Task 01







{0,0,0} {0,150,150}



{0,90,0} {0,42,0} {120,0,0}

Paneling Grid & Attractor Point

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}

{Index Selection}






{30,78 ,75}




{Surface Domain Number}

{Random Attraction Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}

{Attractor Point Location}





Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Grid Points


Task 01 Matrix The many iteration that resulted in the final design above were all part of my decision process as to how I wanted to try and best convey my idea of the ocean. Much of the final design was custom dont in rhino but ther iterations above created in rhino and grasshopper were yourful in seeing quickly how a design would look played out across a surface. I I chose a triangualted base for my 2D model as this was an efficient and aesthetic way to unrol the surface as give directionality further emphaising the concept of a wave. The 3D surface was a combination of many iterations using the panelling tool and I finally decided on my design because it demonstrated architecturally the dynamic rhythm of nature that I was striving for. I can see the 2D surface being applied to a building providing an outer skin, creativing interest especially with light and shadow.


Week Six

Grid Manipulation





Key {0,0,0}

Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points

Sphere Distribution Sphere Transformation

{Point Attractor}

{Point Attractor}

{Point Attractor}

{Point Attractor}





{Curve Attractors}

{Curve Attractors}

{Curve Attractors}

{Curve Attractors}





{Max reversed scaling}

{Random Scaling}

{Large Variation}

{Constant Scaling}

Task 02 Matrix I chose to continue with a spherical shape as it was very prominent in my development for the 2D surface. The overall segment design can out of a process of finding the best section of the booleaned structure that represented the ideas of permeability and porosity while also remaining conceptually scale less. The overlapping spheres have been positioned that provides moments of different spatial qualities, an aspect of architecture that can sometimes be overlooked, leaving a monotonous form. the opening that penetrate the outer surface provide an interesting intercourse of thresholds, as the height and size of these openings, when applied to a larger building, will alter how it is perceived from the outside and how it is experiences from within.


Week Six

Final Isometric Views



Appendix Process





Appendix Process



Appendix Process

Creating Tabs 1.Area for tab 2. Draw tab on other side where it will be so that the size is correct 3. bring tab over to side that requires the tab 4. Rotate to make it flush with surface 5. Finiahed tab




Appendix Process



3D surface process



Appendix Process





Appendix Process





Appendix Process





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