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Grace Halbert News Profile Slightly more than 50 Auburn University public relations students have the potential reach more than 67 million people through Facebook and Twitter. Reach, which is generally studied in advertising, is the total number of people exposed to a message during a given period of time. Robert French, an Auburn University public relations professor, is now illustrating how this phenomenon can be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of using social media and social networking sites to reach potential audiences. French had his 53 students in three classes provide statistics for the amount of contacts they had on Facebook and Twitter, the amount of friends that five of their friends on Facebook had and the amount of followers five of their Twitter followers had. With this information, he began averaging. Although not precise, his estimates for potential reach of his students are staggering. “When you talk about six degrees of separation, it used to be one to two, two to three, and so forth,” said French. “Now it explodes because of the number of potential contacts.” What French shows with these statistics is that if these students, who have an average of 1,000 contacts, share information on Facebook and Twitter and then their contacts, who also have an average of 1,000 contacts, share that information again, within just three degrees of separation, 67 million people are exposed to that information. French acknowledges that realistically, no students are going to have 100 percent of their friends or followers repeat the information shared with their friends, but if only

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