THE UNIST JOURNAL Publisher :Moo Je Cho
Tel :+82-52 -217 -0114
UNIST-gil 50(100 Banyeon-ri), Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea, 689-798
Nobel Prize winner, John B. Gurdon visited opening ceremony for Stem Cell Research Center
UNIST held the ‘2012 Forum on Stem Cell Research’ for two days, with the opening ceremony of the stem cell laboratory. Many of the world`s greatest scholars, people related with stem cell laboratories and companies, and students participated in the forum. The participation of Hans Scholer, who is the director at the Max Planck Institute, and chair-professor and Rudolf Jaenisch, who is a biologist at MIT, was a great honor to UNIST. Also, there was a special lecture on October 18th about Nuclear Reprogramming of Eggs and Oocytes by Nobel Laureate Sir John B. Gurdon, who is a professor at the University
of Cambridge. Sir Gurdon was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that mature cells can be converted to stem cells with Shinya Yamanaka. Special lectures were made by Sir Gurdon, Hans Scholer and Rudolf Jaenisch. Sir Gurdon gave a lecture about his study to solve the question that if all cells of the body have the same set of genes, then how can cells differentiate to various types, and how can they retain their characteristics. He said that the stability of cell differentiation, experimental reversal of cell differentiation, transcription activity and resistance to reprogramming are the key factors for solving these
questions. After this lecture, Hans Scholer gave a talk about cell`s pluripotency and multipotency which is dominated by a delayed early gene. Lastly, Rudolf Jaenisch talked about zinc finger nuclease technology, message edit description IPS technology, and disease research. Cho Moo-je, who is the president of UNIST, said, “I hope that UNIST can grow to an international level in stem cell and regenerative medicine, by building the stem cell laboratory. I hope that this 2012 Forum on Stem Cell Research can be a forum for exchanging knowledge and information.” Park, Yong-jae
Identification of a Cause of Mental Retardation N-type graphene semiconductor technology developed Prof. Min in UNIST discovered Gene, cause of Down’s Syndrome and Fragile X Syndrome
The easy method of making graphene semiconductor was developed by UNIST research team ( Prof. Jun Prof. Park (SNU) ). Graphene semiconductor has larger conductivity and high flexibility rather than silicon semiconductor. However, it has much more cost and complex processes to give N-type character. Research team succeeded making N-type graphene with a method exposing carbon-need edgraphene to hydrogen gas. This technology can apply to nano sized solar Korean scientists have identified that the same gene results in Down’s syndrome and Fragile X syndrome, which has opened up the possibility of cure. Professor Min Kyungtai, in the department of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering at UNIST, had their research paper about the discovery published on August 3rd in The EMBO Journal, a leading publication in molecular biology. The journal especially acknowledged the important role of developing a medicine for intellectual disabilities, attaining the distinction of the most notable paper of those submitted in the EMBO Journal for August, and going out with editor’s comments through a press release to the world’s media. Prof. Min stated that the common causes
cell, hydrogen storage as well as semiconductor diode. Prof. Jun said, “We expect that it will contribute to developing low cost, high efficiency semiconductor device”. This research was introduced on the global journal, ‘Scientific Report’ on September 25th. (The title of paper: ‘N-type graphene induced by dissociative H2adsorption at room temperature’) Kwon, Hye-ri
inducing mental retardation are two; Down’s Prof. Oh and Prof. Yang’s research team developed syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. Down’s control technology for electron and hole’s mobility syndrome is a genetic disorder, regardless of relatives and one newborn baby per 700 has the nal, ‘Advanced Functional Materials’ on syndrome. Fragile X syndrome can be caused by October 10th. a loss of a genetic function, which one in 2000 Prof. Oh and Prof. Yang's research team develnewborn babies has. The researchers showed oped the control technology for an electron and that Down’s syndrome and Fragile X syndrome hole's mobility. To control this, they had to share molecular and biochemical paths in the remove the tert-butoxycarbonyl using the heat brain, using several model systems. “Even if the treatment. general know the intellectual disability unrecovThis research resolved the organic thin film ered from now on, those can be cured by undertransistor’s chronic problem using simple heat standing the genetic function of the cause as an aspect of molecules and cytology,” Prof. Min Prof. Oh Joon-hak and Prof. Yang Chang- treatment. Cheap and flexible display’s commersaid. duk's research team’s paper was introduced as a cialization is expedited soon. Kwon, Hye-ri Lee, Sang-myeon front cover on the global material science jour-
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Feb, 2013
Stop thinking about getting a job alone! Visit the UNIST Career Development Center 1:1 career consulting program, career camp etc Support building up the capability for career Uni, who is Junior this year, can’t seem to concentrate on anything, seeing the seniors preparing to graduate next spring. She finally realizes that around this time next year, she’ll be a senior who is writing letters of introduction for jobs or graduate school. Actually, she should start preparing for a job from now on, but she isn’t sure what she’d like to do. Therefore, she is not clear about the company that she wants to work for, and she is numb from the preparation. She asks her roommate, but she also doesn’t have any plans to find her way. Finally, there is glad news. UNIST Career Development Center opened earlier this year to build up undergraduate students’ paths, as well as capabilities for careers.
Imminent for First Graduates! UNIST is facing the first graduation ceremony next February. Employment Support Officer, Park Gyeong-yong, spoke about the present condition for seniors’ path after graduation, “Currently, the rate of job seekers is 42 people (15%), graduate school candidates are 234 people (82%), and another 10 people have other options (3%, entering the military, taking a leave of absence, etc.) in the total of 286 seniors in UNIST.” It seems to be clear that students prefer entering graduate school as the character of a world class university, however, sophomores, who attend the company recruitment briefing, are increasing in these days, so job seekers in the
future are expected to gain steadily. What are the career development programs? The Career Development Center supports programs such as a career fair (first-half of year, second-half of year), career development course (paper counseling, employment issues, image making, mock job interview, etc), career camp (summer session, winter session), vocational test, 1:1 job consulting, an internship program, and CAP+ (Career Assistance Program Plus). CAP+, which is generally done by other universities as a group counseling program, provides the knowledge of career fields and promotes the confidence for career development. Until now, the participation rate has been quite low in the career development program. Support Officer Park said, “There were difficulties in management due to the low attendance rate” and, “We should promote it in many different ways, but we hope students themselves show us their responsibility”. Focus on the second-half program in this year! The one-on-one job consulting program is making progress now. It proceeds during 4 weeks and it will additionally accept the students through the students’ feedback in the secondhalf. In addition, a career camp is coming, depending on participation rates through the demand survey during and after the winter semester. It assists in the acquisition of job search skills, and professional consultants give individual counseling and interview clinics, therefore, students can make up for their weak points. Let’s visit the career center! If someone visits the Career Development Center in the Main Administration Building BF1, employment support officer, who has personal career for 20 years in company, provides career trend as well as career counseling. This year, the center supplies students with free books
The Leadership of the Age The First McKinsey & Company Korean Representative gave lecture
related to job searching, such as guides for a career, recent vocational tests, and a job encyclopedia. Also students can borrow some books like leadership, vocational tests, and self-help books. If students have a headache alone, visit the career center. Hope for Career Development Center! In the current Career Development Center homepage, there is no year-schedule, so students had a problem to find out the plans. Hereby, Support Officer Park said, “Students’ visiting records are quite low, we’ll discuss this with the systems related departments and support making year-schedule on homepage in the next year”. Rather than preparing for a job alone, there is a case that it is more effective to join a club where people can share their information, as well as study activity. Actually, in other universities, there is a system that supports the club for licenses or venture. Currently, a group in the career development course replaces it, but it is the firstyear business so it is insufficient. However, with this start, they’ll support career clubs ahead. Also, if students have an interest in organizing a career club, they’ll welcome a visit anytime and give positive aid to it. The rate of foreign students in UNIST will be expected up to 4% in the next year. That is the second highest record after KAIST in the internal engineering specialized universities. When questioned about special career development programs for about 100 foreign students, Support Officer Park said, “In the case of foreign students, there are no job seekers among them, so special programs do not exist, but we’ve noticed the International Job Fair and introduced internships for them”. The goal of UNIST is to become a top 10 global engineering specialized university in 2030. Hereby, the rate of foreign students will be raised to 20% to cultivate the global talents. However,
it must not to be the tail wagging the dog like only focusing on the rate not the internal stability. Hope for UNISTAR Career Support Officer Park Gyeong-yong spared no pains to give advice to students. His interview is below. “I think most of you know the Chinese quote (If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle). If you search only high profiled companies or high-paid companies, you can’t work long with satisfaction. Because, the ‘work’ is always with oneself together, so you should approach through a long-range view. First of all, you should know yourselves a lot, then you can choose your own job and match your papers to a company’s ideal talent. Further, after getting a job, you can adapt easily. I hope you should remind your strength and lack as well as your history steadily. Finally, if you want to find a job, you must determine your path at least before your junior year, and explore the company, prepare in many ways to enter the company. I hope you guys consider your ways seriously from lower grades and prepare for it in advance.” Kwon, Hye-ri
Now UNIST campus is bigger and better Research laboratory and the 4th dormitory are being built
The First McKinsey & Company Korean Representative, Choi Wonsik, was invited as a prominent figure for delivering a discourse, which was held on in September 6 in Engineering Building 1. Choi emphasized that a global leader should rely on simple business management, and by extension, sharing one’s decisions with others. For that, someone needs to combine noble goals, initiatives, and devotion into one, as he said. In particular, he mentioned a fertile mind of many talents to be a global leader and hoped the education infra system of UNIST makes students great leaders. A student attending the speech received an impression of his talks as being a special one, standing her in good stead when she establishes her own future and vision. McKinsey & Company is the best source
of information on management consulting services for top executives in the world. After being established in 1991 in Seoul, it elected him the first Korean representative. He got his doctorate in mechanization and aviation cosmology at Princeton University and completed the whole course from a graduate school of business administration at Pennsylvania. He has been busy doing Merger and Acquisition (M&A) at the company since 1991. UNIST has held a special lecture each month by a prominent celebrity in each section for cultivation of leadership and to help students set-up their future. People interested wanted this lecture to give hopes and dreams to students, who wish to get a job in a global corporation, like McKinsey & Company. Lee, Sang-myeon
August 22 2012, the Stem Cell Research Building was completed, behind the Nature Science Building. It is the first stem center in a domestic university. This building is named the Hans Scholer Stem Cell Research Center because of the high value of Hans Scholer’s work. The principal of the research center is a professor Kim Jung-Bum who is a student of Hans Scholer. The research center focuses on stem cell reprogramming, which makes a destiny of stem cell change to differentiate all of organisms’ organization. It has an aim that establishes the technology using stem cell to patients properly. Also, they try to develop medication. In the basement, there is an in vivo research center, which was built to sustain a constant temperature and humidity. By the Stem Cell Research Building, the Advanced Biomaterial Research Center is coming into being. It is under construction, and it may be completed in October 2013. This building will be used to research nano- and advanced material extensively with the Korean Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRISBB). Also, the Low-Dimension Carbon Renovation Material Research Building is planned to be built on the right side of the Advanced Biomaterial Research Center. Now the building is under consideration in a public procurement service, and it
may be completed by 2014. The scale of this building is two floors above the ground, and one floor under the ground. The present Graphene Research Center is moving to this building, and they are going to focus on low-dimension carbon material. Not only research centers, but also an engineering building and a dormitory will be built by the second BTL (Build Transfer Lease) project. This project is now under examination, and will take 3 years to complete. The constructing of the 3rd and 4th engineering buildings, and the improving of Academic Information Building are planned to be included in this project. The 4th dormitory, which is under construction, will be used by graduated students primarily. It is due to be completed by February 2014. A special feature of the 4th dormitory is having rooms for married people. There are 200 rooms for married people, including 40 two-rooms for families with children. There are also 306 shared rooms for graduate students. In total, about 800 students can live in the 4th dormitory. The bigger the order of dormitory is, the wider and the more convenient the dormitory is. It is owing to the efforts of the Building and Facilities Team. The manager of the team, Han Changhoon said, “You might expect a more developed UNIST campus.” Jo, Hye-jin
Feb, 2013
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UNIST selected as 2012 Excellent Case Institute in Transfer of Technology and Commercialization
UNIST was selected as the excellent case institute through the establishment of strategies for industrialization, technology marketing and technical briefing. UNIST(President Cho Moo-je) was selected as the 2012 Excellent Case Institute in the Transfer of Technology and Commercialization by National Science and Technology Commission(Chairman Kim Do-yeon) and the Korean Institute of Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (President Lee Jun-sung).
Inverted Learning Model, A to Z Innovative, Newly designed course UNIST adopted a differentiated lecture model called the Inverted Learning Model (ILM) for General Physics and General Chemistry during the 2nd trimester. Lee HaiWoong, chair professor of DGS (Division of General Studies), lectured the General Physics class (152students) and Shin Kook-Joe, also chair professor of DGS, lectured the General Chemistry class (23students). Im Jin-Hyouk, a professor in the School of Technology Management, who is also the chief information officer of the CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning), pointed out ‘efficiency (competition of quality)’ and ‘cost’ as two problems that university education is faced with right now. Professor Im said “Time has changed from memorization and conveyance to application-and-creativity-stressed education. Therefore, from now, we will use an innovative learning model which is changing the activity in class and out of class, which means that simple knowledge acquisition is assigned to students themselves. and at the lecture, application of knowledge is ILM.” He adds two more advantages of ILM. That is, through ILM, reducing professors’ labor, reduces the most expensive cost (professors’ labor cost) with enhancing learning quality. There are some differences between the ways the two classes introduced the ILM. For the General Physics class, the lecture size was regular, and it combined the ILM
for one hour and the original lecture style for another hour. Students study the learning materials and quizzes on BlackBoard before the class by themselves, and then learn it from professor in the real class. Professor uses clicker question during the lecture in order to check students’ understanding, and smallgroups of students submit exercise problems after discussion in class. For the General Chemistry class, it was an entirely newly organized, small size lecture that had class only one time a week. The teaching style was similar to that of the General Physics class, except that any student who solved a problem during the class explained and shared his or her way with other students. Also, Prof. Shin explained that the ILM has a benefit - students can study when they want, because the class has changed from twice to onetimeaweek. Lee Hai-Woong, who lectures General Physics 1 last trimester, cautiously said, “Because of Korean students’ past learning style, students aren’t familiar with discussbase study. And it is hard for me to lead students well as American professors do. But I think ILM is a very efficient way from seeing students concentrate in lectures more by studying in advance.” Shin Kook-Joe, who lectures General Chemistry 2, said, “If students just aim to solve the problem, they can commit a fault, which is just seeing trees, not the forest. So I taught a simple summary trying to
provide overall guidelines” About disadvantage pointed out by students, that too much time is spent studying, Prof. Shin asked back, “If students studied more by taking this course, isn’t that a good thing in itself?” From a survey of students who took the ILM class, about 70% of respondents answered that they prefer the ILM class. 71% of respondents think the ILM class is efficient. Students positively evaluated the ILM’s feature that students should study steadily, and have active interaction with the professor. More than 50% of the respondents answered that they spend within 3 hours studying ‘Pre-class contents’. Comparing the ILM class of Physics to other classes, the ILM class’s mid-term average score is higher by about 3 points. ILM Chemistry scored higher than others by about 2 points. Students insist that as the learning contents become harder to understand, they have difficulty studying by themselves. About that, both Prof. Shin and Prof. Lee said they will try to make lecture note (preclass content) more interesting and easier to understand. From next year, ILM lectures will be scheduled to increase gradually. For General Chemistry, ILM will be applied to every class next year. In the 3rd trimester, 1 of the each class of General Physics 2 and General Chemistry 1 will be lectured as ILM. Son, Jun-seo
UNIST professor Cho Yun-kyeong, elected as editor of Forensic Science International
Green Campus- G.L What students can do to make a Green Campus
Have you heard about GL? It is a social venture that is trying to save the Earth. G.L stands for Green Leader and Green legend. Their motto is “Love the nature, and love people”. Normally, due to developed country developing country deserves the bad effect and the entire problem so they are willing to reconstruct the nature and reduce the problems . They founded the company last year with four people. Actually, before they established the company, they had a chance to work as a group which is run by Korea Green Campus. They all had lots of interest before they got in to UNIST and the 4 members had lots of time to talk about environmental things. They made a great achievement last year when they won the second prize from the Green Campus principal. In addition, they also participated in the Green Leader camp. They learned so many things through this group project, and they want to keep doing this, so they made the company which name is G.L. The company grew up so quickly, now they have around 20 people working for them, including interns. Now they are doing two big things, one is eco-nudge and the other one
is the sky that I draw . The first one consists of several activities, such as not making any leftover food or using metal chopsticks instead of wood chopsticks, and recycling. The latter one is they are preparing to launch it is a platform. The platform will be covering the society’s problems; they raise the problem and find the solution. It will be available within the next year. They are trying to avoid depending on CSR they are trying to make the structure to sustain by themselves. Until now they have done several things and they felt it to be worthwhile when students started to have some interest about nature and the environment, and trying to be more active. In addition when they are doing some project at school, they communicate with the other school and improve themselves by learning from each other. I interviewed one of the main members in G.L and he said that while it was a bit hard for them to found the company and maintain it, however, because they are in university they had lots of advantages. People were impressed about their passion and potential, thus, lots of people gave them a hand, like mento. In addition, I asked him if there are any words that he wants to say to the other students, and he said, “Because our school has less chance to interact with other schools, I hope that lots of students could take the opportunity to participate in lots of activities. It doesn’t have to be a big one like establishing a company, but even though it may be easy and simple, try to do lots of things, as many as you can.” Baik, Ji-yeon
UNISTAR AWARDS Lee Soo-yun (School of Design and Human Engineering, Graduate student)
Selected as an Google Antina Borg Student on a scholarship
Pyo Su-jin (School of Technology Management, Senior)
Cho Min-su (School of Technology Management, Senior) Received Best Student Paper Award in APIEMS (The 13th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference)
Kim Dong-uk (School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering, Junior)
Received 2012 University and Public InventionIdea contest prize
Participate as Korean representative on ‘Lab on a Chip’ Cho Yunkyeong (Professor of UNIST) is elected as editor of Forensic Science International ‘Lab on a Chip’ which
Royal Society of Chemistry publish. Professor Cho Yun-kyeong will participate as Korean representative editor in Lab on a Chip field. She will start evaluating research paper and consulting setting direction of edition. She will get a place on 2013 and keep this work for three years. She research Lab on a Disc which
is whole process of high-sensitivity disease diagnosis is integrated. She leads world leading ‘Lab on a Chip’ field through studying core technology of nano-bio fusion research such as carbon nano-wire Bio-censor, biomimic cell chip and cell communicating by signal.
Park Dong-ju (School of Technology Management, Sophomore)
Received encouragement prize in 2012 Campus Patent Strategy Universiade
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Feb, 2013
Academy & Culture
E-Library Opens for UNIST Members More books come in handy
UNIST library started new e-library service establishing a technical alliance with yes-24. UNIST members can read more books through their smart phones, tablet PCs. This is not the first e-book service in UNIST, however, there are several e-Book sites that UNIST members can use through their PCs. Partnership with yes24, variety of e-books are easily accessible than before. There are 14 categories from Humanities and Social Science to Comics. There are about 1500 e-books in the UNIST e-library and students can also make requests for the specific books. To use this service, first students and faculty members need to download the UNIST e-library application. This application is downloadable through both Apple’s App Store and Android Market for free. ID is student ID number and password is first 6 digits of registration number
or foreign registration card number which are as same as those of the UNIST library homepage. Each UNIST members can borrow up to 5 ebooks for 6 days. Like paper books in the library, each e-book also has specific quantity for members to check-out. So members sometimes need to wait or reserve for the e-books. “The service is easy to use and the most thing that I like about this is that I don’t have to go to the library to check-out and check-in books” says Kim Min-joo(School of Technology Management). “It’s good service but the books are limited to some categories as novels, I think there should be more books on other categories too” stated Son Ga-eun (Division of General Studies). Choi, Go-eun
Big Data Analysis Competition held at UNIST Chance for learning data applications for business
UNIST graduate school held a Big Data Analysis Competition in the Techno Management Building on October 5th and 6th, 2012. This competition took place to recognize the importance of business data analysis. Juniors and seniors who are interested in data analysis came to the Big Data Analysis Competition from universities all over Korea, such as POSTECH and KAIST. They had been selected during a previous application period, and approximately 50 students came to this competition. They came to compete in data arrangement and data analysis technology ability. In this event, there were competitions and special lectures about big data
UNIST 2nd Cheerleading Festival RAONNURI
On September 14th, the second cheerleading festival, RAONNURI, was held in the gymnasium. Last year, the first festival was held in the amphitheater but was changed due to bad weather. Both years, there were lots of posters on the walls around campus. Also UNICH had a flash mob to advertise RAONNURI in lecture rooms, the dormitory plaza and in front of TMB. Compared to last year’s cheerleading festival, there were some differences in the second RAONNURI. RAONNURI is composed of three parts. The first part is composed of a song of entrance, a performance, an action, a flag, and girls. It is introducing UNICH. The big difference compared to last year was the girl’s song. The number of girl members has increased from five to nine. Because of increased members, the performance show was fancy. Also, the cheer clothes are changed. Last year, the cheer clothes for the girls’ song were the same as the other songs, but this year the clothes were changed specially. It lead to a fervent response. Moreover, new techniques were shown; turn sideward and erecting tower.
The biggest difference was the second part. Last year, POSTECH cheerleading club CHEERO had a celebration performance. This year, UNICH prepared a section in which students can participate. In beginning, a line dance brought everyone’s mood up. The proposing event was also an interesting point. To celebrate her birthday, a boyfriend makes a surprise party to his girlfriend. After that, the game corner ‘Win the UNICH’ started. Various games were prepared, such as a high pitched tone competition and arm wrestling. The participants who won the games received a gift card. In the third part, the action song, Gangnam Style and cheer songs were prepared. In the case of the action song, the new tower was shown. Gangnam Style and the cheer song madean exciting atmosphere with the audience. We can see amore developed RAONNURI overall. Jung Hyo Sic (NBC 11), the captain of UNICH, talked about aspects of the developed RAONNURI and anticipated points. He said, “Compared to last year, this year shows more completeness. Also, this year, we reduced our dependence on other
schools, such as POSTECH Cheero”. He also spoke about lacking points and expected points. “Because of the rain, we couldn’t hold RAONNURI in the amphitheater. I want to hold it in the amphitheater next year to make a better stage. Also, I anticipate UNISTARs can be one with RAONNURI”. At the end of the interview, he said, “Thanks to everyone who participated in RAONNURI.” He asked students to have a steady interest in RAONNURI. Students who saw the performance told their impressions and feelings. Kim Hoyoung (NBC 11) said “I went there because a friend and high school senior had the last performance in this RAONNURI. I saw the performance with half anticipation and half tension, but UNICH showed the great passion. UNICH showed me a unique performance”. Another student, Sung Minho (MAME 11) said “The performance was fantastic and the part when the audience can join in together was also great. If it was held in the amphitheater, it would be even better.” Lim, Do-yeon
analysis in data generation, business analytics, data and process mining, and teamprojects. “The amount of data rapidly increases in the business area in digital generation, so there are some exactly applied examples with business data. This competition will be a good opportunity for students to see examples with data application in business, and learn basic data analysis technology and big data trend,” said Jeong Yunhyeok, the director of this competition, and professor in UNIST’s Techno Management Graduate School. UNIST students Park Min-jeong (senior, Techno Management) won the Best Prize, Kim
Jung-bum (junior, Techno Management) won the Excellent Prize and Yeom Jae-seon (senior, Techno Management) won the Participation Prize among some 50 students in this competition. UNIST Techno Management Graduate School will give the winners a medal and extra points for going on to UNIST Techno Management Graduate School. Kim Jung-bum said, “Since the beginning of the computer revolution, digital information that we call data has amassed. And another revolution called smart device happened, and this revolution accelerated the pace of data accumulation even faster. With the abundance of data and powerful computing power, how to analyze and utilize the data is crucial competency to almost every organization (company, government, school and etc.) I knew this fact before I participated in Big Data Analysis Competition, but experiencing the process and difficulties of data analysis gave me new ways to look at the importance of data analysis. One experience of data analysis was worth more than thousands of readings. Sharing ideas and knowledge with the students from other universities was also a new and exciting experience for me as well. Overall, even though I felt overwhelming tiredness, since this competition was held right after my mid-term, participating in this competition was worth more than sound sleep. I recommend every UNIST student to grab the opportunities like this competition in the future.” Lee, Dong-eun
Welcome party for international students
The welcome party for international students was held on September 1st in Kyungdong Hall, UNIST. A diverse group of students from different countries participated in this event which was organized jointly by the UIC and UISO. The event, which started at 6:30pm and ended around 9:00pm, consisted of different activities such as the introduction of new students, performances of clubs, election of each country representative and a dinner banquette. The welcome party is usually held twice a year in order to introduce the new international students to the community and form bonds between them. However, this welcome party held on Saturday, had another special purpose in addition to its original objective of greeting new international students. UNIST International Student Organization(UISO) wanted to celebrate the fact that the international student community has grown to reach 100 members. UISO decided to hold an election of each country representative during this special occasion. The elected country representatives are responsible for strengthening communication between each country’s students and UISO, so that the growing international community is informed of the different events going on. This welcome party was not only the first time that semi-casual attire was required, but also the first time that Korean clubs were invited to perform or introduce themselves in front of international students. Among the
Korean clubs that attended, Yoo-Heung(korean traditional drumming club), Unplugged(acoustic club), and UNICH(Unist cheerleading club) prepared a short performance which caught everyone’s attention. Besides the club performances, Marian Adusei(21) from Ghana and Jolly Mercy(21) from Mongolia also dedicated songs on the stage and totally enthralled the audience. Olzhas, one of the new international students, said “It was a nice and fun event.” Korean students who participated in the event were as well satisfied with the experience. Kim Na-kyung, a sophomore DHE student, mentioned “Attending the welcome party helped me make new international friends.” Although the welcome party looked quite successful, there were some miscommunications among staff which created a little bit of confusion regarding the order of activities. There was also a misunderstanding, in which the wrong song was played for the Kazakhstan national anthem during the announcement of each country representative. These are some of the aspects that UISO and UIC could improve for the next welcome party. UISO president, Ahmed Mukhtar, also added “For the next event, we plan to invite more officials from UNIST and have more performances from clubs. Also, we could ask the students to cook their traditional food and there could be some traditional performances.” Belinda Chung Baek
Feb, 2013
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Academy & Culture
Big Data Analysis Competition held at UNIST
Green Ulsan Energy Festival
Chance for learning data applications for business
Green Ulsan Energy Festival For Green Ulsan
UNIST graduate school held a Big Data Analysis Competition in the Techno Management Building on October 5th and 6th, 2012. This competition took place to recognize the importance of business data analysis. Juniors and seniors who are interested in data analysis came to the Big Data Analysis Competition from universities all over Korea, such as POSTECH and KAIST. They had been selected during a previous application period, and approximately 50 students came to this competition. They came to compete in data arrangement and data analysis technology ability. In this event, there were competitions and special lectures about big data
analysis in data generation, business analytics, data and process mining, and teamprojects. “The amount of data rapidly increases in the business area in digital generation, so there are some exactly applied examples with business data. This competition will be a good opportunity for students to see examples with data application in business, and learn basic data analysis technology and big data trend,” said Jeong Yunhyeok, the director of this competition, and professor in UNIST’s Techno Management Graduate School. UNIST students Park Min-jeong (senior, Techno Management) won the Best Prize, Kim
Jung-bum (junior, Techno Management) won the Excellent Prize and Yeom Jae-seon (senior, Techno Management) won the Participation Prize among some 50 students in this competition. UNIST Techno Management Graduate School will give the winners a medal and extra points for going on to UNIST Techno Management Graduate School. Kim Jung-bum said, “Since the beginning of the computer revolution, digital information that we call data has amassed. And another revolution called smart device happened, and this revolution accelerated the pace of data accumulation even faster. With the abundance of data and powerful computing power, how to analyze and utilize the data is crucial competency to almost every organization (company, government, school and etc.) I knew this fact before I participated in Big Data Analysis Competition, but experiencing the process and difficulties of data analysis gave me new ways to look at the importance of data analysis. One experience of data analysis was worth more than thousands of readings. Sharing ideas and knowledge with the students from other universities was also a new and exciting experience for me as well. Overall, even though I felt overwhelming tiredness, since this competition was held right after my mid-term, participating in this competition was worth more than sound sleep. I recommend every UNIST student to grab the opportunities like this competition in the future.” Lee, Dong-eun
UNIST, KIER (Korea Institute Of Energy Research) and Ulsan Metropolitan city took the first steps to make Ulsan city the best green energy city, on October 20th. That day, the first Green Ulsan Energy Festival was held at the Ulsan Grand Park. There were solar boat competitions for elementary, middle and high school students, and a green energy symposium for middle and high school students and soon. The event started from the vision of making Ulsan a carbon dioxide(CO2)-freecity, and came from the efforts of the head of KIER, Professor Yong Seok Jun of Interdisciplinary School of GreenEnergy, Professor Kwan Myung Kim of School of Design and Human Engineering, and other many people. Ulsan is in a good condition to do green growth in that the Energy-related organizations are located in Ulsan city, and UNIST promotes
fields for Energy. They established three strategies to realize the vision. First, the existing infrastructure of Ulsan has to change in turn. Second, we have to develop the TechnologyConvergence and Integration. Lastly, they are planning the strategy for cultivating talented people in energy research. The Green Ulsan Energy Festival is based on these strategies. In reality, green growth is hard to realize, so they planned a differentiated event. Most of the similar green energy competitions are held for a day, and hold a solar car competition. They benchmarked the solar boat competition of foreign countries and they composed the system that educating and competition about 4, 5 times. These processes were for developing the capability of students about green energy. Above all, they educate about solar cells to enlighten. After the education, they set a task related to education. Like this, they did several education processes about completing tasks, then selected the students who participated in the final. Through the camp, the students have time for sharing their vision. The mentors made the teaching material about various fields and they held the symposium to raise the talented people. After the festival, students who participated said that attracting voluntary participation from students by getting systematic training was good and they learned many things. Also, they liked
presenting their vision at the camp. A student said that she gained confidence through the festival and wrote a letter for her professor, mentor and teacher. But some students wanted to financial support more than now during the competitions. The mentors replied they also learned many things by helping each other, so it was a real mentoring program. Professor KwanMyung Kim said, “We are not just establishing a vision and strategy, but we will benchmark this by visiting Germany and Spain this year and next year to make Ulsan a real future Green Energy city.” The Green Ulsan Energy festival will expand to undergraduate students and be held as a national festival next year. Kim, Si-in
Eco UNIST Students lead green revolution. UNIST Students’ effort to make a green world step by step.
Welcome party for international students
The welcome party for international students was held on September 1st in Kyungdong Hall, UNIST. A diverse group of students from different countries participated in this event which was organized jointly by the UIC and UISO. The event, which started at 6:30pm and ended around 9:00pm, consisted of different activities such as the introduction of new students, performances of clubs, election of each country representative and a dinner banquette. The welcome party is usually held twice a year in order to introduce the new international students to the community and form bonds between them. However, this welcome party held on Saturday, had another special purpose in addition to its original objective of greeting new international students. UNIST International Student Organization(UISO) wanted to celebrate the fact that the international student community has grown to reach 100 members. UISO decided to hold an election of each country representative during this special occasion. The elected country representatives are responsible for strengthening communication between each country’s students and UISO, so that the growing international community is informed of the different events going on. This welcome party was not only the first time that semi-casual attire was required, but also the first time that Korean clubs were invited to perform or introduce themselves in front of international students. Among the
Korean clubs that attended, Yoo-Heung(korean traditional drumming club), Unplugged(acoustic club), and UNICH(Unist cheerleading club) prepared a short performance which caught everyone’s attention. Besides the club performances, Marian Adusei(21) from Ghana and Jolly Mercy(21) from Mongolia also dedicated songs on the stage and totally enthralled the audience. Olzhas, one of the new international students, said “It was a nice and fun event.” Korean students who participated in the event were as well satisfied with the experience. Kim Na-kyung, a sophomore DHE student, mentioned “Attending the welcome party helped me make new international friends.” Although the welcome party looked quite successful, there were some miscommunications among staff which created a little bit of confusion regarding the order of activities. There was also a misunderstanding, in which the wrong song was played for the Kazakhstan national anthem during the announcement of each country representative. These are some of the aspects that UISO and UIC could improve for the next welcome party. UISO president, Ahmed Mukhtar, also added “For the next event, we plan to invite more officials from UNIST and have more performances from clubs. Also, we could ask the students to cook their traditional food and there could be some traditional performances.” Belinda Chung Baek
Since last term, several teams of UNIST students have striven to increase recycling in the students’ dormitory by making recycling bins. Eco-nudge, UNEP ANGEL, For-cheong and the Students’ Dormitory Union joined up for changing the system of recycling in the students’ dormitory. Before this, there had not been any place to throw plastic waste away, although the plastic garbage took a big share of the whole waste. At first, they put up stickers, which classified the garbage into small groups adding a plastic category in the original wastebasket on the first floor of each dormitory building. Then, they made and distributed the recycling bags to students by order of the first 100 applications in the dormitory square. Its purpose is for students to sort the waste basically in their rooms. Moreover, they made a change in the center garbage in the dormitory. They added the category of the food waste. On this project, 4 teams participated. Among them, the prime mover was Eco-nudge. Econudge is a GL affiliated organization, which is
social enterprise in UNIST. Specifically, they carried on several campaigns in order to make a green campus. Kim Sae-hoon, the leader of Eco-nudge, said “We are planning to expand the eco-wave to the whole Ulsan city with the Ulsan 21 Environment Committee.” UNEP ANGEL is an undergraduate & graduate students volunteer group for the environment that belongs to ‘UNEP National Committee for the Republic of Korea’. Along with For-cheong, a student union of AntiCorruption and Civil Rights Commission, UNEP ANGEL has plans to reduce the disposable cups in the UNIST cafe, Pandorothy, by giving a discount when people take their tumbler. Not only that, they have devised an energy conservation movement within the students’ dormitory by giving a prize to the students who get the lowest utility bills. To make an efficient communication between them and the management agency, Serve One, the Students’ Dormitory Union helps the three groups by acting as a bridge. Han Seong-ho, the leader of UNEP ANGEL in
UNIST, said “Thanks to the people in the Students’ Dormitory Union, it was easy to get the management agency’s consent.” Joe You-rah, the leader of For-cheong, mentioned “All of the students can join us and participate the various projects with new ideas.” Kim Sae-hoon emphasized the people’s consciousness by saying, “I think the most important purpose of our project is changing the students’ consciousness regarding the green world.” Kang, Hyun-joo
Midam, the beautiful of volunteering
The Midam Scholarship Committee (Midam), is an NGO created by KAIST students in 2009, which educates local students for free made. Midam ( ) means ‘people who are talking about a beautiful story.’ The aim of Midam is to help to the neglected class of people by using education, and they want to decrease private education. Different from
other organizations operated by the government and enterprise, Midam is operated by students and local community volunteers. KAIST, UNIST, Busan National University, J e o n N a m National University, Gyeongbuk National University and Kumoh National Institute of Technology all have Midam Scholarship Committees. UNIST Midam Scholarship started in 2012. Midam consists of an executive office which is connected to other regional offices. UNIST Midam has executives, mentors and mentees. The executive is comprised of 4 teams. They
manage the overall systems, such as selecting mentors and mentees, and helping to proceed the class. Every weekend, mentors teach mathematics, science, and English to local students for free, on campus. Every semester, Midam recruits mentors and mentees. To become a member of Midam, submit an application ollowing the formation on application. Now they have people for 2nd, next semester they’ll recruit members for 3rd. Recruiting of mentees is assisted by the Education office. They sent papers to each school and chose the mentees. One Midam mentor said, “It is the most satisfiying voluntary work for the local community.” All of Midam’s members feel happiness. The mentors feel satisfied as they give knowledge to students,and mentees get the good education from mentors. Starting with Midam Scholarship Committee, more students will volunteer for the local community andthen the local community will become more beautiful. Jin, Woo-young
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Feb, 2013
Apple VS Samsung, who can smile at last Do you watch it for 2D?
iPhone series and Galaxy series. These are the leaders in the field of cellular phones. To take possession of cellular phone market, Samsung and Apple are trying to make better smart phones than opposite company. Competition between Apple and Samsung is continued at the court in many countries with the problem of intellectual property since April, 2011. What happens at the court and what is the result? How people will react to the result and how the result affects to both of company? In some countries such as Korea, U.S.A, Germany, Netherlands, and so on, Samsung or Apple litigated each other about intellectual property from last year. The subjects of accusation are largely two fields: design property and technology property. Apple claims that Galaxy series plagiarize the user interface and appearance of iPhone and design of icons. And Samsung insists that Apple invade Samsung’s technology patent which is concerned with communication. Many litigations between two companies are going in about 9 countries. In some countries, opinions of Apple are accepted and in other countries opinions of Samsung are accepted. In most countries, the confliction in the court is going good for Samsung. The most impressive result of litigation is Samsung’s defeat in U.S.A. The court of U.S.A accepted the opinion of Apple and gave a verdict that Samsung must compensate 1.05 bil-
lions of dollars to Apple. Members of a jury didn’t accept Samsung’s opinion that Apple invades patent about mobile communication and functions. Samsung mentioned about that verdict ‘By this verdict, American consumers will be given loss. However litigation is not finished.’ After this verdict, prospects are raising that Samsung will have hardship in other countries and it leads price of Samsung stocks to fall down about 15%. However critical opinions of experts were raised in America that verdict has no expertise and so biased. Also the view of American people to Apple became so bad and image of Samsung raised so much. In the result, by this litigation, Apple became worse company and Samsung became better company in America. This leads the result that Galaxy S3 models are sold much more than before the litigation. As iPhone5 is released, Samsung sues the iPhone5 that it also plagiarizes Samsung’s techniques. Other Galaxy series, Galaxy tab, iPhone series, and iPad are sued to be banned for selling. In some countries it is accepted. By the result of litigation, for example, Galaxy series before Galaxy S3 and iPhone series before iPhone 4S and iPad 1, 2 have been banned for selling in Korea. Countries such as Italy don’t judge so far. Samsung and Apple also lodge an appeal where they are given the result which is bad for each company. Kwon, Keun-yeong
From October 26th, high-definition 3D testing broadcasting, supported by Korea Communications Commission, runs on terrestrial regular channels for 2 months. It can be expected that 3D broadcasting will be commercialized in earnest after London Olympic 3D live as well as 3D test broadcasting in the capital area in the last February. 3D testing broadcasting chose the dual stream method. It separates the stream of right sight, so it protects resolution decreasing. It is the service that any added frequency is not necessary to provide HD 2D and 3D together. Therefore, viewers who have 2D TV can watch the same image as well as 3D TV. In the other side, internal reaction for 3D testing broadcasting is blocking yet because of some limitations. First, the rate of users who have necessary equipments for 3D is low. To watch 3D broadcasting, viewers should purchase 3D TV or viewers who have digital TV should install the setupbox for 3DTV. Internal viewers who can explore new technology are very small due to possession of equipment. Moreover, there is worry about health problem for using 3D contents. Governments have done experiment for the safety of 3D watching since May in last year. As a result, they announced ‘Clinical advice for 3D image safety (Ver.1.0)’ and indicated that people who watch 3D contents for 1 hour should get some rest for about 5~10 minutes, people who have motion sickness should be careful to watch it. This testing broadcasting is proceeding on EBS 02:00~03:00, on MBC for 1 hour after regular time ending. The main contents are London Olympic main scene edit version and broadcaster itself facture. Kwon, Hyeri
Korean becomes a Green Leader The Korea-Japan conflict over Dokdo is not just a recent one.
Recently, Korea has achieved great accomplishments. October 19th, we were selected as a member of the UNSecurity Council. The next day, October 20th, Korea was selected as the center of the global effort to help developing countries improve the low-carbon growth strategy, and for raising funds to help them to reduce the use of carbon, by becoming a Secretariat of the Green Climate Fund(GCF). The GCF is known as the World Bank of the environment, to solve the environmental problems, and it will become the main financial source for developing countries. It was founded at the16th UNFCCC meeting. UNFCCC is stand for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change It is an international environmental treaty negotiated at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) informally known as the Earth Summit. There was a meeting for three days in Songdo, with about 300 officials from 18 countries. They gathered for this event, and it was selected as the home of the GCF secretariat. Member countries include the U.K, Australia, Denmark, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Ethiopia, the Philippines and Costa Rica and so on.On this day the voting started around 10 am, and 24 countries voted. Korea was one of 3 countries participating as an observer. South Korea was competing with Germany, Switzerland, Mexico,
Namibia and Poland. Five rounds of voting were held to eliminate the country with the smallest vote. Its approval will be held at the end of November this year, in Qatar at the 18th councilmeeting. The GCF temporary secretariat will move to I-tower, which is the building for international secretariats. The GCF is planning to raise funds of about $100 billion annually by 2020. Korea, Denmark, Australia and the UAE have vowed to inject $5 million a year for “core funding,” while other donors, such as Britain and Norway, are contributing unspecified sums on a program basis, according to its officials. The hosting of the GFC US$800 billion fund is expected to improve South Korea’s green growth image. They also predicted that it will help bring large economic benefits by hosting hundreds of U.N. workers and holding about 120 international meetings every year. In addition, there will be lots of pursue about housing, tourism, transportation and so on and it will directly affect the economy, and also it will make for much better for hiring conditions. According to a report by the Korea Development Institute(KDI), a state-run think tank, the hosting of the GCF office will bring about 380 billion won ($343.9 million) worth of economic effects every year. The people who come to live here will generate 650 billion won and the 120 meetings annually will generate 342 billion won. Baik, Ji-Yeon
The historic view of Dokdo conflict.
Last summer, a Korean soccer player, Park Jong-woo, celebrated South Korea’s Bronze medal at the London Olympics with a placard that read, “Dokdo Is Our Territory.” in Korean. Prior to this, the Korean president Lee Myungbak visitied Dokdo before National Liberation Day. Typically the soccer player’s ceremony, it was stamped on Korean that Dokdo belongs to Korea. To mark Dokdo’s Day on Oct 25th, the Korean National Defense Committee also visited Dokdo, in spite o fJapanese pressure. On that day, throughout the country, there were many flash mobs, dancing ‘DokdoStyle’, to celebrate the day. However, in this regard, Japanese anti-Korean sentiment is running high. The far right organizations in Japan demonstrate against Korean. Historically, Dokdo is recorded in the Chronicles of the Three States for the first time. It was called Usan-guk. Usan-guk dedicated the local products to Silla every year. Also, Goryo Dynasty protected Usan-guk against the Yeojin tribe with the Goryo general, Lee Won-goo.
Several Japanese records staste the people in Ulleungdo and Dokdo were from Gangwon. In the Joseon Dynasty era, one of the kings organized Dokdo and Ulleungdo as the islands of Gangwon-do. Nevertheless, Japanese trespassed on the islands frequently. A fisher-man, Ahn Yong-bok, crossed to Japan in order to let them know that Dokdo and Ulleungdo belonged to the Joseon in the 17thCentury. Moreover, there are some grounds on an ancient map. The Annal Maps of Sejong, Dongguk-yoe-ji-seung-ram, the geography of the former part of Joseon Dynasty, and Pal-do-chongdo, the whole map of Joseon, drew Dokdo as Joseon territory. Besides, in the ancient Japanese map, they indicated the Dokdo as Korean. However, in 1904, around the years of the Japanese occupation of Korea, Japan argued that Dokdo belonged to Japan by the reason that Dokdo was an uninhabited island. Finally, in the following year, Japan merged Dokdo with Shimane, changing the name of the island to Takeshima. After independence, Japan restituted Dokdo to Korea, announcing publicly that Dokdo was detached from Japan. Though Japan returned Dokdo to Korea publicly, they have argued that Dokdo belongs to Japan, making a Takeshima’s Day and trespassing on the island. The conflict between the two countries is getting, exercising a far reaching influence at a national level. Kang, Hyun-joo
Feb, 2013
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Afraid of Darkness, Black out. in the history of power outages occurred in India. The causes of this blackout are India’s outdated power grid and too much supply compared to the demand for electricity. In this blackout, almost 670 million people suffered damage. This blackout affected 9% of the world’s populaEvery summer, emergency news comes that the power reserve margin is only a few percentage points. A Blackout blackout is the worst power outage, when the electricity of a city or large area is cut off at the same time. What causes a blackout, and what problems does it cause? On September 15, 2011, also known as the 9.15 Blackout Event, Korea Power Exchange deliberately blocked the electricity, in rotation, nationwide to prevent a more serious accident. These rolling-blackouts were caused by a power shortage situation. That day, 2,095 people were trapped in elevators, 2,877 traffic lights were stopped and 1,095 rescue requests happened. Also, all spectators and players at the Mokdong Baseball Stadium were trapped in darkness during the game between Nexen and Doosan . Blackouts don’t just happen in Korea. On August 14, 2003, the worst large-scale power outage in U.S. history happened. 7 U.S. states and 1 Canadian province turned to darkness. Although power was restored completely within 3 days, $6 billion in economic damages were suffered, and over 50 million citizens experienced discomfort. Also, on July 30, 2012 the largest blackout
tion in one event. The causes of blackouts are various. First, catching less forecast demand than real demand when the summer cooling demand soar can cause power shortages. Second, unpredictable climatic conditions, like a late heat wave, can cause power shortages. Third, the increase of industrial power consumption is a cause. Most of the places where a lot of electricity is consumed create main export products, such as semiconductors, primary metals, or petrochemicals. It seems difficult to dramatically reduce the amount of electricity. Fourth, natural disaster is a cause. In the case of high-voltage power lines becoming blocked because of natural disaster, large-scale power outages can occur. The following damages can happen when a blackout occurs. 1.Appliances like lights, TV, computer, etc. are completely out of order. 2.Traffic chaos would occur. All traffic lights are turned off and subways are stopped completely. 3.Tap water contamination would occur. Several contaminated water would pour out into the river. Because purification facilities of the pump would have stopped because of
NARO Rocket Launch Delayed Again A long road to the NARO dream The South Korea’s first space launch vehicle, NARO rocket (the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1; KSLV- ) which was scheduled to launch on Oct. 26, was delayed due to the problem with the first stage rocket. This was the third NARO rocket shooting following the first one in 2009 and the second one in 2010. According to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Korea Aerospace Research Institute, NARO launch was delayed due to the damage to gas inlet seals 5 hours to lift-off. The Mission Control Center found that the gas pressure has not risen fully. After that, the Korean and Russian technical staff team examine the gas inlet system and found out that a part of the seal projected from a connecting region. This outer-most rubber ring which was made in Russia found out to be torn. The technology team, however, couldn’t conclude what actually happened. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute agreed that the ring should be sent to Russia
for the additional close examination The Korean and Russian technology team moved the rocket to building and took apart for the detail inspection. After the incident occurred, the NARO rocket stirred up controversy over the joint research with Russia. South Korea has already failed twice to fire its rockets jointly made with them. The first failure was due to the fairing, and second failure was not found because the rocket exploded. People doubt that the joint research is fair. The Russian technology team doesn’t share the first rocket technology just makes the rocket. They think that Korea just launch the Russian rocket in Korea. There are some people saying, however, the budget of aerospace development in Korea is way too low. According to the statics, Korea’s aerospace budget was 2.8 billion million dollar last year, which is 1/200 of US’s. They insist the government should increase the budget to prevent problems due to the mechanical failure. On Nov. 18, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology announced that the replacement for the gas inlet block arrived Korea. The Korean and Russian technical staff team are planned to re-examine the NARO rocket and check the new adaptor block. They did not give the exact date for the NARO launch attempt, but they stated that it wouldn’t be launched in 2012. Choi, Go-eun
the blackout. Contaminated water can even flow into a river. 4.Robberies can happen. CCTV and other security devices are stopped. Much more robberies than the usual robberies can happen. In order to avoid blackouts, if they do not have enough reserve power, the Korea Electric Power sends text messages to the
people in the region likely to be affected. The Ministry of Knowledge Economy announced several actions to prevent blackouts. In the summer, maintain Room temperature above 26 degrees, unplug devices which you aren’t using, and from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00pm, refrain from the use of air conditioners. Jo, Ho-jin
Making Ulsan An Eco friendly city The Balanced National Development is enacted to resolve the regional unbalance of the Korean territory and to develop the distinct features of regions. The government controls the concentration of institutions in Seoul and is constructing 10 innovation cities to transfer public institutions from Seoul to other cities. Ulsan is one of the innovation cities, and it is named Ulsan Green Valley after its ecoenvironment and advanced energy. It will be located in Ujung-dong in Ulsan’s Central district, and the project is planned to finish by the end of 2012. It will accommodate a population of 19,062 and have 9 public energy and labor welfare institutes, such as the Korea National Oil Corporation, Korea East West Power Co., Korea Energy Economics Institute and so on. Ulsan set the following three basic goals. First of all, it will establish networks by connecting industries and learning institutes. For the network city, Ulsan is building a research-manufacturer cluster with the Ulsan Technopark, Ulsan University and UNIST. Next, it would try to improve the residential environment to fully enjoy living. It would build a superior education environment. Finally, it managed to save energy for the city design. For the green city, it is expected for Ulsan to set up low-carbon green growth. As a model city of renewable resources for energy, they’ll use waste resources and rainwater for the city, and adopt an energy sys-
tem of resource recirculation. They’ll also create a green belt by organizing the Yaksa and Yugok rivErs, and they will expand the bike road on the Taehwa riverside. Now the project is in progress, and most of the aims have been completed. It distributed 4,542 apartments and plans to build two elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school by the time of occupancy. The 9 institutes transference will have been conducted by the end of this year. Korea East West Power Co. is now building its head office by using the rainwater saving system. Through this project, Ulsan will be expected not only to create economic effects, but also to develop with Gyeongnam region. It will be helpful for both established companies and new industries to build an infrastructure as an industral city. Jo, Shin-yeong
Do you worry about something?
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Feb, 2013
Set up your goals and go to UNIST graduate School Prof. Tae-Hyuk Kwon (Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy)
I always emphasize that undergraduate school is much more important than high school. The reason is that the most important thing is what you become, not what you were. The reputation of your university is just what you were. It doesn’t guarantee your brilliant future. Thus, undergraduate school is a very precious period, because it can decide what you will be. For your better future, I will suggest some advice on your undergraduate school experience. You should set up your life goals as soon as possible. When you set up your goals, however, you should have an enough time to think about it, and then carefully decide it. Most students say. “I don’t know how I can decide my future goal, because there are so many choices”. There is a golden rule, which is based on my personal experience. First, choose a job that you can enjoy. Life seems to be Sine wave, because it always has ups and downs. Actually, if you are in an up state, it doesn’t matter what you choose for your job. When your life is in a down, however, how can you overcome this problem? If you really love your job, you can solve it, because you do your best until you solve the problem and go to an up state. If not, you always think about other jobs whenever you are struggling. You might give up your job with tiny problems. Thus, the job that you choose must make you happy. If so, what is the best way to choose the one thing among so many jobs? There is a second golden rule about your choice. Just simplify the group of
choices with a broad concept, like scientist or engineer, and chemist or physicist. You don’t need to make too specialized a goal if you don’t know much about it. In my case, I wanted to be a scientist when I was young. I had always been happy when I dreamed about my future as a scientist. For a scientist, I just chose the one subject that I knew, such as chemistry, physics, earth science and biologyactually, it was very limited to obtain information about scientists in the 1980’s. My decision was chemistry, although I was not good at chemistry. The reason was very simple, because I relatively liked chemistry among science subjects. However, I have never regretted my decision. If you carefully look at your mind and try to see your real character, you can find what you really like and then you can decide your goal. If you need further information, you can easily access the information of your goal through the internet. Or you can visit the UNIST professors’ website if you are interested in graduate school. After you decide your goal and major, never look back and just go for it. Junior and senior years are a period to enhance and strengthen your academic knowledge on your major. To do this, you should take further specialized subjects in your major. Don’t try to take only required subjects for your graduation or an academic grade. It could ruin your future because you don’t have any deep insight and strength in your major. UNIST students can choose two tracks for the purpose of interdisciplinary education. It is better to decide one track as a major track and the other is regarded as second track. In a major track, you must take not only required subjects, but also selected subjects. The second track is enough for required subjects. Generally, selected subjects that mostly open for juniors or seniors are difficult, because they can’t understand without prerequisite subjects that should be learned in sophomore year. However they can enrich your scien-
tific knowledge and give you a strong background for your future goal. As your short term goal, UNIST graduate school can be a brilliant choice. There are a few reasons I suggest this. Although UNIST has a very short history, UNIST has quickly grown in academic research areas. One reason is that all UNIST professors have great passion and brilliant ideas for their research. Second, UNIST has a world class infrastructure, like UCRF. Every scientist who visits UNIST from overseas is surprised when they look around these facilities. I also had never see such brilliant infrastructure before I joined UNIST. Most important and expensive instruments, like scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM)3, are placed in one building. This is amazing! You can be proud of it to other people. If you consider only research environments, UNIST is already the number one university in this country. This is not an exaggeration. UNIST has successfully launched and is starting to be regarded as one of the top research universities. Now it is time for you to further enhance and increase UNIST’s research reputation. You are the hidden weapon. You, all of UNIST’s students, have great potential as research scientists. If many students want go to UNIST graduate school, UNIST can become a top University within the near future. This is very necessary to be a top university. If you look back at POSTECH’s history or other top universities’, you can easily understand it. If many students join UNIST’s graduate school within 10 years, I strongly believe UNIST can be a top University in this country. Furthermore, UNIST can be one of the world famous universities in the near future. Now you, all of UNIST’s students and we, all of UNIST professors, are at the important stage of whether we can become a top quality University or not. If UNIST obtains a high quality reputation, all of the benefit can come to us.
Thus we need to help each other for this purpose. In conclusion, this column suggests to you some advice on your University life. I hope you set up your goals as soon as possible. The important issue is that you choose a goal that you can enjoy. After setting up your goal, you must keep working on it without any hesitation and regret. Don’t give up your goal with tiny problems. As your short-term goal, I suggest that UNIST graduate school can be a good choice for you. This is because UNIST has a lot of potential
to be a high quality University. Furthermore, graduate school can give you much more chance to find your job. For a world class University, UNIST graduate school needs to be fully activated by UNIST students, as well as professors. Finally, I wish this column will be helpful for you to decide your goal. I would like to be clear about this point. These suggestions in this column are based on my personal experience. Thus, they are just suggestions, not the absolute answer.
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