Faculty Research Profiles 2013

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Faculty 2013 Research Profiles

World Top 10 University in Science and Technology


President’s Message


Global Research Brand Creation UMI | UMI 소개


Introduction to UNIST Research Groups | 연구그룹 소개


Division for Mechanical & Advanced Materials Engineering 첨단기계·신소재연구부


Division for Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering 나노생명화학공학연구부


Division for Urban and Environmental Engineering 도시공학연구부


Division for Design and Human Engineering 디자인 및 인간공학연구부


Division for Human Convenience-oriented Information & Communication Technology(ICT) 인간편의정보통신연구부


Division for Green Energy 그린에너지연구부


Division for Technology Management 테크노경영연구부


Faculy Rearch Profiles | 연구인력 소개


Index | 색인 (A to Z Listing of Family Names)


World Top 10 University in Science and Technology

A Small, but Great Step toword World Top 10 University UNIST was founded in 2007 as a research-oriented national university in the Metropoli-tan City of Ulsan, which is the capital city of Korean industry. The vision of UNIST is to become a world-leading university to advance science and technology for the prosperity of humankind. With strong support from national and local governments, UNIST aims to be a world top 10 university in science and technology by the tear 2030. The main strategies for this development are creative, interdisciplinary and gobal education and research. Key components of university development are students, faculty and infrastructure. Therefore UNIST is, particularly focusing on recruiting world-class leading young scientists as faculty members and building up sophisticated research infrastructures. We have invited 160 faculty already, and the number will increase up to 500 by the year 2018. During this short period of time, they have published high quality papers in world-leading journals, including Nature, Science, Cell, Nature Materials, Nano-Letters, ACS Nano, and Angewante Chemie, and the number is increasing rapidly. The infrastructure and service of UNIST Central Research Facilities(UCRF) is up-grading continuously. Re-cently we have completed the installation of a sophisticated atomic electron micro-scope, which cost five million dollars, as a first in an Asian university. I want to encourage the publishing of a booklet to introduce research interests and on-going research projects of individual faculty. This will be valuable information for the acceleration of interdisciplinary research, and for guiding graduate students. Moo Je Cho, President of UNIST

World Top 10 University in Science and Technology

Global Rearch Brand Creation UMI UMI 소개

UMI 소개

Glo b a l R e a r c h B r a n d C r e a t i o n U MI

Overview of UNIST Research Activities -“

The Unique Identity for the World-Leading University”

Focused Research Fields in UNIST Research on Basic Sciences

Research on Fundamental & Original Technology

- Base of study on fundamental sources

- Energy for the next generation - Advanced new materials - Bio materials

Research on Applicable & Commercial Technology - Secondary Battery Cells - Graphene - Imaging technology

Focus on concentrated research, interdisciplinary convergence, and actualization of high-tech fields

Unique Research & Education Systems in UNIST *UMI : UNIST Multidisciplinary Institute Multidisciplinary Research

Education & Research

UMI* Research Group Research Center

Interdisciplinary education

Aegis Station

Graduate School



Undergraduate School Track

Creation of

Global Brand - To become a research – oriented world-leading university - To establish systems for stable development of university sustainability - To Enhance educational quality and achieve outstanding research performance


Wo rl d To p 1 0 Un i v e rs i ty i n S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y 


UMI 소개

Glo b a l R e a r c h B r a n d C r e a t i o n U MI

UMI ; UNIST Multidisciplinary Institute “The base camp for World Top 10 University”

Research Groups & Graduate Programs - Potentiate UNIST researchers through interdisciplinary research < An example of relationship between Research Groups and a Graduate Program >

Identity ; The Initiative of UNIST research activities - Work on core sciences, resources, applications and commercialization - Take the lead in knowledge innovation, contributing to the development of industrial technology and national competition Research Organization

Organization - Established for the sake of excellence and efficiency of UNIST core research

Research Organization • Consists of 7 divisions, 49 groups, and 11 centers • The Features of Research Group - Autogenously Constituted groups - Consisted of 5 through 15 professors in various research backgrounds - Selects and advances research subjects - Attracts research centers

Administrative Service Organization • Strategic Research Planning Team plans and runs research promoting strategies • Research Supporting Team attracts and manages research projects


Wo rl d To p 1 0 Un i v e rs i ty i n S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y 


UMI 소개

Glo b a l R e a r c h B r a n d C r e a t i o n U MI

Research Groups / Programs - Several research groups(2~4) operate each graduate program(major)

UCRF ; UNIST Central Research Facility “The Best Assistant to maximize research outputs” - Builds the most advanced research infra-structure such as facility and equipment necessary to conduct research for UNIST members - Maximizes research outputs of UMI with specialists - Consists of 7 labs / centers including an analysis lab, an environmental analysis center, an in vivo research center, a biomed imaging center, etc. - Possesses about 90 types of state-of-the-art analysis equipment (worth 45 billion won) such as an aberration-corrected electron microscope that can do an analysis on a molecular level



Wo rl d To p 1 0 Un i v e rs i ty i n S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y 


UMI 소개

Glo b a l R e a r c h B r a n d C r e a t i o n U MI

KniF 2030 ; Knowledge Intensive Future 2030 “The Key Strategy to Achieve UNIST Vision 2030”

Roles - Empowers UNIST researchers to maximize research potentials - Supports the whole cycle of R &D from training superb research workforce to creating global research brands

Phased Goals

UFP ; UNIST Fellowship Programs “Energy for the Top-notch Researchers”

Nine Bridges Fellowship - Candidates : Joint MS-PhD and PhD students (including admitted students) - Scholarship amount: up to USD 90 thousand for 3 years

Nobel Fellowship(Nobel Laureate joint advisor program) & Star Fellowship(Top-notch Scholar joint advisor program) - Candidates : Joint MS-PhD and PhD students (including admitted students) - Scholarship amount : USD 90 thousand for 3 years + travel expenses of up to USD 30 thousand for research overseas - Benefits : Research guidance from both a prominent scholar (such as an international topnotch scholar) and a UNIST professor

Global Ph.D. Fellowship

Supporting Programs

- Candidates : Joint MS-PhD and PhD students - Scholarship amount : Annually USD 30 thousand - Length of scholarship : 2 years + 3 years (for PhD, 1 year) - UNIST additional support : Travel expenses to attend international symposia (up to USD 4 thousand)

RA/TA Scholarship (full tuition and living expenses) – 100% granted in 2011 - Engineering field : MS - more than USD 940 per month / PhD -more than USD 1,140 per month - Techno Management field : MS - more than USD 840 per month / PhD -more than USD 1,040 per month


Wo rl d To p 1 0 Un i v e rs i ty i n S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y 


World Top 10 University in Science and Technology

Research Groups in UNIST 연구그룹 소개

Division for Mechanical & Advanced Materials Engineering 첨단기계·신소재연구부


Research Groups

다차원 소재 및 시스템

Multiscale Materials and System

바이오 및 지능 로봇 기계공학

Mechanical Engineering

Bio & Intelligent Robots

멀티스케일 & 멀티피직스 시뮬레이션 Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation

스마트 나노/바이오 기계시스템 Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Systems

광전/전자 융합

Opto-Electronics Convergence


Materials Science and Engineering

신기능 재료 합성 및 공정

New Functional Materials and Emerging Device Architectures

저차원 재료의 다지인 - 구현 - 분석

Design-Building-Characterization Group for Low-Dimensional Materials

비선형 복잡계 응용수학

Applied Mathematics

Nonlinear Complex Systems

확률 모델링 및 계산

Stochastic Modeling and Computation


Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

다차원 소재 및 시스템

Core technology

Multiscale Materials and System


Green Manufacturing and Materials Research

◊ Introduction Multiscale system and materials research group has been dealing with the relationships between systems and materials across the full range of engineering scales, from the micro to the macro. This research group is bridging the gap between mechanical systems and promising materials by developing accurate constitutive modeling of the multiscale processes and experimental/theoretical characterizations of materials and systems. The critical parameter that leads to success or failure of material for a particular application is the optimal link between mechanical systems and materials from the micro to the macro. An indispensible part of this research group is optimal design of mechanical systems, including automobiles, aircrafts, power systems, machinery, and their integral components.

◊ Research Topics The ongoing research topics are micro/macro machine design, advanced materials processing/modeling, laser-assisted manufacturing, nano/micro/meso machining, MEMS, composites, biomedical products, controls and mechatronics, acoustics and dynamics, tribology, and energy harvesting and generating systems.

Design and Multiscale Manufacturing of sustainable products - Development and application of light and eco-friendly materials - Manufacturing process and application to renewable energy - Energy saving and pollution in manufacturing process

기기 가공실 설립 및 운영


◊ Core members

국내 최고수준의 가공 장비구축 구축 추진

다차원 소재 및 응용 사업화 센터 추진

Hyung Wook Park/Group Leader(박형욱 교수/연구그룹장), Young Bin Park(박영빈 교수), Heungjoo Shin(신흥주), Hyungsun Ki(기형선 교수), Namhun Kim(김남훈 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Sung Soo Park(박성수 교수), Duck Young Kim(김덕영)교수, Youngil Youm(염영일 교수), Hoon Eui Jung(정훈의 교수)

Hyung Wook Park/Hyungsun Ki School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

Young Bin Park School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

Multiscale Manufacturing

Carbon Based Materials

Sung Soo Park School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

Namhun Ki,/Duck Young Kim Engineering Design

Advanced Engineering Technology


Multiscale Materials and System

Light Metal Materials

Future career opportunities Our research group has been dealing with the relationships between systems and materials across the full range of engineering scales, from the micro to the macro. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and companies related with mechanical and material fields.

Multiscale Materials and System

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 




Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

바이오 및 지능 로봇

Core technology


Bio & Intelligent Robots

 Motion Analysis System

◊ Introduction Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group integrates robotics, control, advanced sensing technologies, and bio-materials for various applications in the fields of bio and intelligent robots. Based on deep understanding of human motor control and anatomy of the human body, Rehabilitation/Medical robots are investigated, and Service/Welfare robots are developed for the improved quality of life and social welfare. By mimicking the characteristics of bio-systems such as insects, Bio-Inspired Robots are explored, and Mobile/Swarm Robots are studied for intelligent interaction with the environment. Multidisciplinary nature of the researches in Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group requires researchers from diverse backgrounds, thus research products have huge scientific, social, and economic impacts. Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group offers great education and research opportunities to UNIST graduates and undergraduates to become creative leaders for both academia and robot industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Rehabilitation/Medical Robots Service/Welfare Robots Bio-Inspired Robots Mobile/Swarm Robots

Advanced Sensors

Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group

Precise Manufacturing

◊ Core members

Dynamic Systems and Control


 Actuator and Sensor

Advanced Materials

 Data Acquisition System


Joonbum Bae/Group Leader(배준범 교수/연구그룹장), Youngil Youm(염영일 교수), Jaesung Moon(문재성 연구교수) Hoon Eui Jung(정훈의 교수)

◊ Affiliated members

 3D Printer

Hyung Wook Park (박형욱 교수), Jaesung Jang(장재성 교수), Heungjoo Shin(신흥주 교수), Sung Youb Kim(김성엽 교수), Young-Bin Park(박영빈 교수), Taesung Kim(김태성 교수), Jeong Min Baik (백정민 교수) , Ju Young Kim(김주영 교수) Jaesung Jang Heungjo Shin Young-Bin Park Taesung Kim Ju Youngg Kim

Youngil Youm Joonbum Bae Jaesung Moon Hyung Wook Park

Advanced Sensing Technologies


Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group provides various education and research opportunities from fundamental robot systems to cutting-edge research areas. Graduate students will be prepared to work at both academia and industries related to robots, control, sensors, bio-systems, and automation.

Joonbum Bae Youngil Youm Jaesung Moon Sung Youb Kim

Joonbum Bae Youngil Youm Jeong Min Baik

Dynamic Systems and Control


Future career opportunities

Bio & Intelligent Robots Research Group


 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

멀티스케일 및 멀티피직스 시뮬레이션

Core technology


Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation

 USC – IBM p690 supercomputer (4 units)

◊ Introduction Researches in Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation group has focused on the computational analysis for various subjects from simple atomic structures of materials to complicated systems including the entire atmosphere of the Earth. Multiscale simulation is a scale bridging scheme combining several different numerical methods to completely investigate the nature of the objective systems which show complex hierarchical phenomena depending on scales. Multiphysics simulation is a powerful tool to analyze the diverse systems revealing unique and interesting characteristics due to the coupling of different physics. An example of multiphysics phenomena is the interaction between electromagnetic field, structural deformation and fluid motion. Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation, essentially requiring interdisciplinary knowledge, is a cutting-edge technology not only to develop new materials but to characterize useful systems based on the computer aided design.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Multiscale simulation from atoms to continua Multisphysics simulation combining fluid/structure/electromagnetic fields Direct numerical simulation of chemically reactive thermal fluid system Geophysical fluid system for global climate prediction Development of new effective and efficient numerical schemes for MSMP systems

◊ Core members

FluidStructure Interaction (FSI) FSI with electromagnetic field / Plasma

CFD with Chemical Reaction

Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation

Global Climate Modeling & Prediction

Quantum -Nano Simulation

 USC – HPC Cluster Systems (1420 cores, 14.1Tflops)

Scale Bridging from Atoms to Continua

Chun Sang Yoo/Group Leader(유춘상 교수/연구그룹장), Hyungson Ki (기형선 교수), Myong-In Lee (이명인 교수), Hyung-Joon Shin(신형준 교수), Sung Youb Kim(김성엽 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Chang Hyeong Lee (이창형교수), Pilwon Kim(김필원 교수), Bongsoo Jang(장봉수 교수), Chang-Yeol Jung(정창열 교수) Sang Kyu Kwak(곽상규 교수), H Ki Multiphysics Phenomena (FSI/Electromagetic/Plasma)

H-J Shin & SY Kim Multiscale Simulation for Nanosystems

Multiphysics Simulation

Multiscale Simulation for Nanosystems

M-I Lee Global Climate Modelling & Prediction

CS Yoo CFD/Combustion/Reaction

CFD/Computational Combustion


Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation

Future career opportunities In accordance with the enhancement of interdisciplinary knowledge and the development of computing power, Multiscale & Multiphysics Simulation becomes one of leading technologies in academia as well as industries. The graduate students with our group will possess the unique and exclusive capability in design and characterization of new materials and systems based on computation. They can continue their professional career at academia as well as industries in various fields.

Climate Prediction

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

스마트 나노/바이오 기계시스템

Core technology


Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Systems

 UCRF - Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction The focuses of Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Systems Group are to fabricate nano mechanical sensors and actuators, and their industrial and biological applications. Also the group is to investigate the underlying physics and principles of the sensors and actuators. The assembly of the sensors and actuators for nano-scale mechanical systems such as nano-robot or nano-spy is also one of the main research areas of the group. These research topics will break through many challenges that cannot be solved before. In addition to cutting-edge researches, we offer a number of pertinent courses providing the students with the know-how and practical experience needed through in-depth discussions and laboratory experiments. Education at UNIST within the graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Nano Nano Nano Nano

Mechanical Sensors for Industrial & Biological Applications Actuators & Nano Generators Mechanical Systems Robot

Nano Sensors

Bio sensors for waterborne and airborne particles


Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Self-Powered Devices/Systems

Micro-/Nano Fluidics


 UCRF – Nano Fabrication Center

Micro-/Nano Fabrication

◊ Core members Jaesung Jang/Group Leader (장재성 교수/연구그룹장), Heungjoo Shin (신흥주 교수), Taesung Kim (김태성 교수) Youngil Youm (염영일 교수), Jeong Min Baik (백정민 교수) , Joonbum Bae(배준범 교수), Hoon Eui Jung(정훈의 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Hyungson Ki (기형선 교수), Sebyung Kang (강세병 교수), Sung Kuk Lee (이성국 교수), Hyun-Kon Song (송현곤 교수), Min-Suk Kwon(권민석 교수)

HJ Shin Chemical Sensors

TS Kim Microfluidics


Nano/Bio Sensors


The graduate students of Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Systems Group will be trained to conduct multidisciplinary experiments and they will acquire a wide variety of research skills for mechanical, physical and biological engineering fields. They will also be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and industrial companies.

Y Youm Intelligent Robot

JM Baik Nano-Generators


Future career opportunities

J Jang Bio Sensors

Smart Nano/Bio Mechanical Systems


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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

광전/전자 융합

Core technology


Opto-Electronics Convergence

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Opto-Electronics Convergence Group (OECG) in UNIST is a premier research and educational resource group that creates flexible inorganic/organic photonic and electronic materials and devices that serve the opto-electronics, information technology, telecommunications, energy, and defense sectors. OECG creates the opportunity for disruptive technologies by developing new (nano-)materials with emergent properties and by providing new paradigms for opto-electronic device design and fabrication. This helps enable a new generation of devices and systems that meet the challenges that these sectors and our ever-changing society face in this decade and the future. OECG works closely with many of the research groups at UNIST to provide a focal point for campus-wide efforts on functional inorganic/organic optical and electronic materials.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Electronics and Optoelectronics Convergence Technology Optoelectonic/Nanoelectronic Devices (LED/OLED, Solar Cells, Nanogenerator, Sensor etc.) Synthesis of Green Nano-materials & Fabrication of Flexible Devices (Graphene, Topological Insulator etc.) Control of Thin Films & Nano Structures Atomic Level Characterization of Materials

Hybrid Organic III-Nitride /Inorganic Optoelectronics Optoelectronics

Emerging Tech. for OptoElectronic Materials

Translational Research For Novel Opto-Electronic Devices

Green Nano Materials Synthesis

 OECG – Electronic Materials Lab

High Resolution Fabrication of Printing Nanoelectronic Technology Devices

◊ Core members Soon-Yong Kwon/Group Leader (권순용 교수/연구그룹장), Jang-Ung Park (박장웅 교수), Jeong Min Baik (백정민 교수), Myung Hoon Song (송명훈 교수), Sejin Oh (오세진 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Youngil Yeom(염영일교수), Sung Youb Kim(김성엽 교수), Jaeup Kim(김재업 교수), Jin Young Kim(김진영 교수), Kibog Park (박기복 교수), Sung Soo Park (박성수 교수), Hyunseok Shin(신현석 교수), Min-Suk Kwon(권민석 교수), Hyung-Joon Shin (신형준 교수), Jung-Woo Yoo (유정우 교수), Zonghoon Lee(이종훈 교수), Ki-Suk Lee(이기석 교수), Kyoung-Jin Choi(최경진 교수) J.M. Baik, S.-Y. Kwon, S. Oh LEDs, Nanogenerators, sensors

S.-Y. Kwon, J.-U. Park Graphene, CNTs

Green Nanomaterials

Inorganic Materials


Our group integrates materials, physical and chemical sciences and engineering principles for the study of opto-electronics. Graduate students will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in world-wide academia and opto-electronics companies. M.H. Song OLEDs

J.-U. Park, M.H. Song, J.M. Baik Printed Electronics

Flexible Nanodevices

Future career opportunities

Opto-Electronics Convergence Group

Organic Materials

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

신기능 재료 합성 및 공정

Core technology


New Functional Materials and Emerging Device Architectures

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Researches in New Functional Materials and Emerging Device Architectures group focus on the Active Architecturing Nanostructures for Energy and Environmental Issues as well as the Low-cost Manufacturing Technology for applications in sensor, solar cells, LEDs, generators etc. Active functional materials are distinctly different from passive materials. Their physical and chemical properties are so sensitive to a change in the environment such as temperature, pressure, electric field, magnetic field, optical wavelength, and adsorbed molecules. The materials utilize the native properties and functions of their own to achieve an intelligent action. We study such functional materials, devices, and systems through control of matter on the nanoscale and exploit novel properties and phenomena. Education at UNIST within the graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various nanotechnology industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Metal-Insulator Transition based Nanomaterials and Devices Active Architecturing Nanostructures for Energy and Environmental Issues Energy harvesting technology using Inorganic/organic nanomaterials Future Nano-ink Materials and Printing Technology

◊ Core members

Organic Electronics, Spintronics

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Nano Mechanics, Device Reliability

Translational Research For Novel Diagnostics & Therapeutics

Piezoelectrics and Generators

 UCRF – MOCVD, STM Nano Materials Design & Synthesis

Printing Technology

JeongMin Baik/Group Leader(백정민 교수/연구그룹장), JungWoo Yoo(유정우 교수), HyungJoon Shin(신형준 교수), SungSoo Park (박성수 교수), JuYoung Kim (김주영), JangUg Park(박장웅 교수) , Ki-Suk Lee(이기석 교수) Kyoung-Jin Choi(최경진 교수)

◊ Affiliated members ZongHoon Lee(이종훈 교수), SoonYong Kwon(권순용 교수), MyungHoon Song(송명훈 교수), JaeUp Kim(김재업 교수), JinYoung Kim(김진영 교수), HyunSuk Shin(신현석 교수), Guntae Kim(김건태 교수) HJ Shin Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Interface Science

JM Baik Active Nanomaterials, Piezoelectrics, LEDs

Atomic-scale In-situ Analysis

Nano Materials

SS Park Alloy Design, Metallic Materials Processing, Superplasticity, TEM

JY Kim Multi-functional Nanocomposites, Nano/Bio Mechanics, Device Reliability

Design of Nanostructure and Device JW Yoo Organic/Molecular Electronics, Spintronics, Optoelectronics


New Functional Materials and Emerging Device Architectures

Future career opportunities

Our group focus on the Active Architecturing Nanostructures for Energy and Environmental Issues as well as the Low-cost Manufacturing Technology for applications in sensor, solar cells, LEDs, generators etc. We study such functional materials, devices, and systems through control of matter on the nanoscale and exploit novel properties and phenomena. Graduate student will be prepared to conduct research and developments in lots of companies based on the knowledge of various new functional materials.

Printing Technology JU Park Flexible Devices, Printing Technology

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

저차원 재료의 디자인-구현-분석

Core technology

Design-Building-Characterization Group for LowDimensional Materials


 UCRF - Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction We investigate new low-dimensional materials and devices by designing, building and characterizing at nano and atomic scale. Our group's research foci are on i) creating new materials by advanced synthesis and manipulation method, ii) analyzing atomic and electronic structures using transmissions electron microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy at atomic and nano scale and iii) theoretical calculation and simulation of nano-materials.

◊ Research Topics • • • • • •

Nanoscale Materials Science Atomic-scale Electron Microscopy Computational Advanced Nanomaterials Nanostructured Polymer Materials Theory Functional Hybrid Materials & Devices Robust Multifunctional Materials

◊ Core members Zonghoon Lee/Group Leader(이종훈 교수/연구그룹장), Sung Youb Kim(김성엽 교수) Jaeup Kim(김재업 교수),

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center Exploring New Low-Dimensional Materials

Building Low-Dimensional Nano- Materials and Structures

 UNIST Supercomputing Center

Hyung-Joon Shin(신형준 교수), Jung-Woo Yoo(유정우 교수), Ju-Young Kim(김주영 교수), Ki-Suk Lee(이기석 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Soon-Yong Kwon(권순용 교수), Jeong Min Baik(백정민 교수), Myoung Hoon Song(송명훈 교수), Sung Soo Park(박성수 교수), Kyoung-Jin Choi(최경진 교수), Noejung Park(박노정 교수)

Future career opportunities Our group integrates physical, chemical and materials science and engineering principles to pursue the frontiers of modern low-dimensional materials science and engineering through education and research. We focus on various low-dimensional materials such as metals, compounds, polymers, semiconductors and its hybrid materials at both nano and atomic scale. Our missions in research are to develop new materials and to generate new knowledge through theoretical and experimental investigation on them. Our mission in education is to help graduate students to seek solutions to current issues in lowdimensional materials science and engineering, so that eventually they can be creative leaders who can convert scientific ideas into changes in the real world. Graduate students are going to lead modern research and development in academia and industry.


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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

비선형 복잡계

Core technology

Nonlinear Complex Systems Laboratory ◊ Introduction It is often observed that relatively simple nonlinear systems behave in an apparently unpredictable and erratic manner. On the contrary, it is also well known that chaotic systems can also exhibit an orderly behavior, which brings up the term of complexity. A complex system is a system composed of many interacting parts which as a whole exhibits emerging properties beyond those of the individual parts. Examples include climate, nervous systems, cells and living things, ant colonies, human economies and social structures. The primary objective of research on nonlinear complex systems is to provide unified mathematical frameworks integrating interwoven themes of theory of dynamical systems, numerical modeling and analysis, and engineering and technology applications.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Nonlinear System Reconstruction Nonconventional Multi-scale Computing Complexity Economics Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis

◊ Core members Pilwon Kim/Group Leader(김필원 교수/연구그룹장), Chang-Yeol Jung(정창열 교수), Bong Soo Jang(장봉수 교수), Chang Hyeong Lee(이창형 교수), Chun Sang Yoo(유춘상 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Aaram Yun(윤아람 교수), Jaeup Kim(김재업 교수)

PW Kim Techno Management


Nonlinear System

BS Jang Techno Management




CY Jung Techno Management

CH Lee Techno Management

Complexity Economics


Nonlinear Complex Systems

Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

확률 모델링 및 계산

Core technology


Stochastic Modeling and Computation  UNIST Supercomputing Center

◊ Introduction Many real world systems have important intrinsic or extrinsic random properties. To describe such random properties, stochastic modeling and methods should be used. Stochastic modeling and computation group focuses on the stochastic modeling, analysis and computation of various systems arising in biology, chemistry, physics and social sciences. A variety of stochastic and computational methods can be applied for analyzing and simulating such systems. The group’s current researches focus on the stochastic analysis and simulation of complex biochemical reaction networks with or without diffusion, epidemic modeling and financial engineering. Our group’s research interests also include molecular dynamics, random processes, perturbation analysis and dynamical systems.

◊ Research Topics ∙ Biochemical Reaction Networks ∙ Epidemic Modeling and Analysis ∙ Financial Modeling and Computation ∙ Molecular Dynamics and Interacting Particle Systems

 KISTI PLSI System Probabilistic & statistical modeling

Analysis Tools for Differential Equations


Numerical Computation

◊ Core members

Stochastic Analysis

Stochastic Algorithm & Simulation

Complex Network

Chang Hyeong Lee/Group Leader(이창형 교수/연구그룹장), Chang-Yeol Jung(정창열 교수), Bongsoo Jang(장봉수 교수), Pilwon Kim(김필원 교수), Dougu Nam(남덕우 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Bongsuk Kwon(권봉석 교수), Cheol-Min Ghim(김철민 교수)

CY Jung, Multiscale System BS Kwon PDE

CH Lee Stochastic Analysis and Computation

Numerical Analysis and Computation

Differential Equations

PW Kim Numerical Algorithms and Schemes

Future career opportunities

- Research Universities or Research Institutes - Institutes for Epidemic Modeling such as KCDC - Financial Markets and Banks

D Nam Biostatistics, Bioinformatics

Stochastic Analysis and Computation

CM Ghim Biological Networks and Analysis


BS Jang Numerical Computation

Stochastic Modeling & Computation

Statistics and Bioinformatics

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Division for NanoBioscience and Chemical Engineering 나노생명화학공학연구부


Research Groups

분자설계 및 합성

Molecular design & Synthesis



자연모사 나노시스템

Bio-inspired Nanosystems

첨단 분광학 및 다차원 전산모사

Frontier Spectroscopy & Multiscale Simulation


Chemical Engineering


Green Chemistry


Nano-Convergence Devices



바이오센싱 및 이미징 Bio Sensing & Imaging

바이오시스템 및 대사공학

Bio-Systems & Metabolic Engineering

만성질환 의생명과학

Biomedical Science

Chronic Diseases


Regenerative medical science


Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

분자설계 및 합성

Core technology


Molecular Design and Synthesis


◊ Introduction To understand the basic phenomena in chemistry, medical and material science, it is essential to study the physical behaviors, functions, or materials within the system at a molecular level. Synthetic chemistry is described as a discipline that designs and synthesizes molecular structures related with their functions. Diverse nature of faculties of science and engineering in our group foster interdisciplinary approaches to solve pertinent issues in this area. In addition to cutting-edge researches, we offer a number of pertinent courses providing the students with the know-how and practical experience needed, through in-depth discussions and laboratory experiments.

Small Molecules

 UOBC Bio Materials

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Macro Molecules

Synthetic Chemistry

Nano Materials

Synthesis of Small- and Macro-molecules Synthesis of Nanomaterials Biomaterials: Peptides, Carbohydrates Biochemical and Electrochemical Applications of the Synthetic Compounds Biochemical Applications

◊ Core members

Electrochemical Applications

Sung You Hong/Group Leader(홍성유 교수/연구그룹장), Kyoung Taek Kim (김경택 교수), Byeong-Su Kim (김병수 교수),Yung Sam Kim (김영삼 교수), Sang Hoon Joo (주상훈 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Bum Suk Zhao (조범석 교수), Sebuyng Kang(강세병 교수), Jongnam Park (박종남 교수) , Sang Kyu Kwak(곽상규 교수)

SY Hong BS Kim BS Zhao

KT Kim BS Kim

Small Molecules


SH Joo J Park

S Kang YS Kim



Molecular Design and Synthesis


Future career opportunities

Chemistry is a central science that seeks the understanding of the nature and interactions between atoms and molecules. In addition to this essential scientific question, modern nanoscience offers new chances to explore the world of “beyond atoms and molecules” to find and create new phenomena and materials that enlighten the world. The program provides the opportunity for postgraduate students to obtain a thorough fundamental knowledge of synthetic chemistry and nanoscience. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and biomedical companies. Career Options: Chemist, Research Scientist, Research Chemist, Analytical Chemist, Technical Officer, Product Development Chemist, Quality Control Scientist, Patent Agent, Laboratory Technician, Technical Writer, Forensic Technician, Pharmaceutical Development and/or Sales, Product Testing and Analysis.

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

나노생명화학공학연구부/Division for Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering

자연모사 나노시스템

Core technology


Bio-Inspired Nanosystems

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Remarkable physical and chemical characteristics stem from topological and micro/nanostructural features of biological systems. Based on inspiration from natural functional materials, new materials and chemical systems have been developed and utilized for applications such as superhydrophobic surfaces, adhesive materials, photonic materials, electronic materials, and catalysts. We focus on the development of nanoscience, chemistry, physics, and biology to devise new materials for future needs such as new materials and functional nanosystems for renewable energy, environmental friendly chemistry, catalysts, and electronic/photonic systems for next-generation information technology. To achieve this goal, multidisplinary research between nanoscience, chemistry, physics, and biology is essential. Cutting-edge research in all related fields and interdisplinary subjects are pursued as well as world-class teaching and training for future scientists.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Bio-inspired Nanostructures and Nanomaterials Biopolymers and Advanced Diagnostic Tools Biomaterials/Biomimetics

Polymer Chemistry

Nano Fabrication for Bio-inspired Materials

Nanostructures And Nanodevices For Next Generation Materials


◊ Core members Kyoung Taek Kim/Group Leader(김경택 교수/연구그룹장), SungYou Hong(홍성유 교수), HyunHyub Ko(고현협 교수),

Organic & Inorganic Chemistry

 UCRF - BioMed Imaging Center Biosystems Dynamics Chemistry & Physics

Biomaterials Protein Engineering

 In vivo Research Center

SeByung Kang(강세병 교수), BumSuk Zhao(조범석 교수), Chunggi Baig (백충기 교수)

◊ Affiliated members JaeUp Kim(김재업 교수), SooJin Park(박수진 교수), ChangDuk Yang(양창덕 교수), MyoungHoon Song(송명훈 교수), JangUng Park(박장웅 교수), Yoon-Kyoung Cho (조윤경 교수), YoungSam Kim(김영삼 교수)

KT Kim Polymer Chemistry, Biopolymers

SB Kang Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials


Future career opportunities


Our group integrates chemical, physical and biological sciences and Nanoscience principles for the realization of bio-inspired new materials and devices. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and industries.

HY Ko Bio-inspired Nanomaterials Nanostructures

Nanoscience /Nanostructures

Bio-Inspired Nanosystems

Biosystems Dynamics YS Kim, CG Baig Spectroscopy, Fluid Physics


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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

첨단 분광학 및 다차원 전산모사

Core technology


Frontier Spectroscopy & Multiscale Simulation

 2D IR spectrometer

◊ Introduction Experiment and computer simulation have become inseparable main constituents of modern science and technology due to the great synergy. Researches in Frontier Spectroscopy and Multiscale Simulation group span from cutting-edge experiments, such as development of a brand new massspectrometry for small molecules based on optical-dipole force, 2D IR spectroscopy and cell/tissue imaging using multimodal optical imaging technique, to multiscale computational approach embracing atomistic/quantum level via mesoscale all the way up to macroscale. Research nature in this group includes fundamental science and engineering, and their derivative principles such as optics, physical chemistry, chemical physics, statistical mechanics, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics.

◊ Research Topics ∙ 2D IR Spectroscopy on fast dynamics of proteins ∙ Optical Force Spectrometry based on the interaction between molecules and strong laser field ∙ Development of advanced optical imaging techniques ∙ Multiscale modeling and simulations of polymer/nanomaterials ∙ Statistical thermodynamics and chemical physics via molecular modeling and simulation

◊ Core members

Grazing Incidence Atom Optics

Optical Dipole Force

2D IR & Optical Spectroscopy

Biophysical Chemistry with Laser Technology & Computer Simulation

Multimodal optical imaging

 UNIST Supercomputing Center Multiscale Modeling & Simulations

Atomistic & Molecular Simulation

 Advanced Multimodal Imaging

Yung Sam Kim/Group Leader(김영삼 교수/연구그룹장), Bum Suk Zhao(조범석 교수), Chunggi Baig(백충기 교수), Sang Kyu Kwak(곽상규 교수), Woonggyu Jung(정웅규 교수)




C Baig Nonequilibrium multiscale modeling & simulations BS Zhao Atom and molecule optics Gas phase spectrometry

Optical Force Spectrometry

Multiscale Modeling & Simulations

SK Kwak Atomistic and molecular simulation

Future career opportunities YS Kim Ultrafast 2D IR Fast protein dynamics

Ultrafast 2D IR


Frontier Spectroscopy & Multiscale Simulation

Multiscale optical manipulation & imaging

Our research group integrates advanced experimental approaches with laser technologies and computer simulation for the study of physics, chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, materials science, and biomedical engineering. Graduate students will learn modern state-of-the-art experimental and simulation methods & technology, which makes them ready for their future career in academia or industry.

W Jung Optical stimulation and advanced multimodal imaging, Biosensors

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering


Core technology


Green Chemistry

 UCRF - Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Researches in Green Chemistry group encompass design, molecular-level understanding, and applications of new class of catalytic materials and processes. Based on the concepts of molecular engineering and nanotechnology, the design and synthesis of new inorganic, organic, and inorganicorganic hybrid catalytic entities are pursued to implement the greener reactions and processes. In parallel, the molecular-level understanding of reactions and processes are investigated through stateof-the-art spectroscopic techniques as well as theoretical computer simulations. Finally, the applications of new catalytic materials in areas relevant to the emerging energy and environmental issues are also explored. The background of faculties in our group is diverse and researches in our group is in nature multidisciplinary. Education at UNIST within the graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various chemical and petrochemical industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Design and development of new class of catalysts based on molecular engineering and nanotechnology Development of environmentally benign chemical reactions and processes Molecular-level understanding of chemical reaction and processes Energy and environmental applications of nanostructured materials and catalysts

◊ Core members Sang Hoon Joo / Group Leader (주상훈 교수/연구그룹장), Guntae Kim (김건태 교수), Kyoung Taek Kim (김경택 교수), Myoung Soo Lah (나명수 교수), Hoi Ri Moon (문회리 교수), Chunggi Baig (백충기 교수), Sung You Hong (홍성유 교수)

Energy & Environmental Applications

Molecular Simulations

Inorganic Synthesis

Synthesis & Characterizations of new materials for greener reactions and processes

Spectroscopic Characterization

Polymer synthesis

Green Catalytic reaction

◊ Affiliated members Sang Kyu Kwak(곽상규 교수)

Nanostructred Materials

G Kim / Solid oxide fuel cells

Energy and Environmental Applications

YS Kim / Spectroscopy C Baig / Molecular simulation


Green Chemistry

MolecularLevel Understanding

SH Joo / Nanocatalysts BS Kim / Polymer nanomaterials. MS Lah / Hybrid nanomaterials HR Moon / Hybrid nanomaterials

Future career opportunities Our group encompasses chemistry, polymer, physics, and chemical engineering and research is highly multidisciplinary. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and chemical and petrochemical companies.

Greener Reaction and Processes

KT Kim/ Organic reaction SY Hong / Organic reaction

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

나노생명화학공학연구부/Division for Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering


Core technology

Nano-Convergence Devices


 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Nano-Convergence Devices Group is dedicated to the research in areas of electronics, photonics, plasmonics based on nanostructured organic and inorganic materials. The success of our research will require synergistic combination of core technologies of NT, IT, and BT including top-down micro/nano fabrication, bottom-up assembly, printing technology, nanomaterials synthesis, design of electronic, photonic, and plasmonic devices. The interdisciplinary team in Nano-Convergence Devices Group fully support all these core technologies along with in-depth understanding of fundamental principles of devices and materials. Students in Nano-Convergence Devices Group will learn the diverse knowledge about device physics, polymers, nanomaterials, and technologies to fabricate state-of-the-art devices for applications in electronics, photonics, and plasmonics.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Nanoscale electronics, photonics, and plasmonics Flexible electronics Nanofabrications Synthesis of functional nanomaterials

◊ Core members HyunHyub Ko/Group Leader(고현협 교수/연구그룹장), JoonHak Oh(오준학 교수), JangUng Park(박장웅 교수), HyeonSuk Shin(신현석 교수), MyoungHoon Song(송명훈 교수), SoonYong Kwon(권순용 교수),

 Flexible Display Center

Yoon-Kyoung Cho (조윤경 교수), Sang Kyu Kwak(곽상규 교수), Chang Young Lee(이창영 교수)

Graphene Research Center

◊ Affiliated members JeongMin Baik(백정민 교수), KyoungTaek Kim(김경택 교수) , YungSam Kim(김영삼 교수) , JiHyun Jang(장지현 교수)

JH Oh Organic Electronics

HH Ko Functional Nanomaterials HS Shin Nanomaterials & Nanoanalysis

Functional Nanomaterials

Flexible electronics

SY Kwon Frontier Electronic Materials & Devices



JW Park Flexible Nanoelectronics and Biotechnology

MH Song Organic Photonics & Optoelectronics

NanoConvergence Devices

Future career opportunities Students in our group will be graduated with solid academic backgrounds in the interdisciplinary areas of electronics, materials, chemistry, and physics. With all these strong credentials, students can find their careers in the following areas. • • •

Academic faculty positions Researchers in national labs Industries in electronics, materials, chemistry

Nanoscale electronics

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

바이오 센싱 및 이미징

Core technology


Biosensing and Imaging

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Researches in Biosensing and Imaging group focus on the application of engineering principles to design and manipulate biological systems as well as to analyze and understand biological phenomena contributing to the leading-edge technologies, such as the developments of new biomedical diagnostics/therapeutics, nano-bio materials, and cellular imaging. Diverse nature of faculties of science and engineering in our group foster interdisciplinary approaches to solve pertinent issues in this area. In addition to cutting-edge researches, we offer a number of pertinent courses providing the students with the know-how and practical experience needed, through indepth discussions and laboratory experiments. Education at UNIST within the graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various biotechnology industries.

◊ Research Topics · · · ·

Novel Bio Sensing using Micro-/Nano Science & Technology In-vivo Molecular Imaging Advanced Diagnostic Tools Biomaterials & Biomimetics

In vivo Molecular Imaging

Emerging Tech. for Bio Sensing & Imaging

Translational Research For Novel Diagnostics & Therapeutics

Micro-/Nano Fluidics

◊ Core members

Genomic & Proteomic Analysis

 UCRF - BioMed Imaging Center Nano Materials Design & Synthesis

Micro-/Nano Fabrication

 In vivo Research Center

Yoon-Kyoung Cho/Group Leader(조윤경/연구그룹장), JongNam Park (박종남), SeByung Kang(강세병), TaeJoo Park(박태주), HyungJoon Cho(조형준) , Woonggyu Jung(정웅규 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Pann-Ghill Suh(서판길), Min-Suk Kwon(권민석 교수), YoonKyung Do(도윤경), ByoungHeon Kang(강병헌), ChangWook Lee(이창욱), EunMi Choi(최은미), MinSup Hur(허민섭), JaeSung Jang(장재성), HeungJoo Shin(신흥주), TaeSung Kim(김태성), Marc Madou, Steven Soper, Shuichi Takayama, Seungsik Yoo(유승식), Kyung-Tai Min(민경태 교수)

TJ Park In vivo cell and tissue imaging

SB Kang Bio-Inspired Nanomaterials

Molecular Imaging

Nano Materials

JN Park Nanomaterials for imaging

HJ Cho Cancer Imaging, MRI/PET Emerging Imaging modalities

Emerging Imaging Technology


BioSensing & Imaging

Future career opportunities Our group integrates chemical, physical and biological sciences with engineering principles to study the nature in biology and to develop the advanced tools for diagnostics and therapeutics in biomedical applications. Graduate students will have hands-on experience to perform cutting-edge research and developments and will be prepared to be the world-leader in the interdisciplinary field of biomedical research both in academia and industries.

Micro-/Nano Systems YK Cho Lab-on-a-Chips, Microfluidics, Biosensors

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

바이오시스템 및 대사 공학

Core technology


BioSystems and Metabolic Engineering

 UCRF – Proteomics, Metabolomics

◊ Introduction Researches in BioSystems and Metabolic Engineering group focus on the design and construction of new biological systems for useful purposes and integrated microfluidic systems for systems biology and biosensors. Synthetic biology is an emerging field of biology and has drawn much attraction due to its potential to create novel, functional biological parts and systems for special purposes. Since it is believed that the development of synthetic biology can be accelerated through the use of microfluidic technology. In addition to cutting-edge researches, we offer a number of pertinent courses providing the students with the know-how and practical experience needed, through in-depth discussions and laboratory experiments. Education at UNIST within the graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various biotechnology industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Bioinformatics and systems biology Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering Microfluidics for synthetic biology Biorefinary

◊ Core members

Strain Improvement

Bioprocess engineering

Metabolic pathway engineering

Biorefinery Biofuels Biomedicine

Micro-/Nano Fluidics

 NBC - Genomics Systems biology

Micro-/Nano Fabrication

 Korea registry of Biological parts/devices

Sung Kuk Lee/Group Leader (이성국 교수/연구그룹장), Cheol-Min Ghim (김철민 교수), Changha Lee (이창하 교수) Robert Mitchell (로버트 미첼 교수), Taesung Kim (김태성 교수), JaeS ung Jang (장재성 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Dougu Nam (남덕우 교수), Chang Su Lee (이창수 교수)

Future career opportunities Our group integrates biological sciences and engineering principles for the study of biochemical engineering, medicine, biorefinery, or health. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cuttingedge research and developments in academia and biochemical companies.


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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

만성질환 Chronic Diseases

Core technology

◊ Introduction Molecular etiology is the study of molecular basis of the causation or origin of human diseases. Our researches are focused on the intracellular and intercellular signaling, system-level analysis of diseasome, genomic/proteomic analysis of diseases, and molecular analysis of animal disease models. Through interdisciplinary collaborative efforts, novel findings are translated into the development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics of human diseases. The research group provides a world-class research environment such as a state-of-art animal research center, Olympus biomed imaging center, and cancer research center, and aims to produce young, brilliant, and creative scientific minds, with world-class renown, by educating them so they are fully equipped and familiar with the basic knowledge of biological and medical sciences as well as cutting-edge research technologies in the state-of-the-art facilities provided by UNIST.


 Genomic and proteomic analysis


MALDI-TOFLC-MS/MS In vivo Research Center

Microarray and Genome analysis

◊ Research Topics

Future career opportunities

∙ Functional analysis of biomedical events in body ∙ Regulatory mechanism of pathogenesis in chronic diseases such as cancer, hypertension and neurodegenerative diseases ∙ Development of diagnostic tools and therapeutic agents

 HTS/HCS analysis and HiResolution imaging of live cells

◊ Core members Pann-Ghill Suh (서판길 교수/연구그룹장), Byoung Heon Kang (강병헌 교수), Hyug Moo Kwon (권혁무 교수), Jeong Beom Kim (김정범 교수), Cheol-Min Ghim (김철민 교수), Dougu Nam (남덕우 교수), HTS/HCS system

Chan Young Park (박찬영 교수), Changwook Lee (이창욱 교수), Jang Hyun Choi(최장현 교수)

Our group integrates life science, biomedical science and engineering principles for the study of various chronic diseases including cancers, diabetes, obesity, neurodegeneration, and inflammation. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and biomedical companies.

Imaging instruments

◊ Affiliated members Sebyung Kang (강세병 교수), Byeong-Su Kim (김병수 교수), Yoon Kyung Do (도윤경 교수),

 Analysis of Genetically engineered

Jongnam Park (박종남 교수), Tae Joo Park (박태주 교수), Yoon-Kyoung Cho (조윤경 교수)

PG Suh HM Kwon

animals and Live animal imaging

x x

CM Ghim D Nam

Intra/inter-cellular signaling networks in diseases

Knock-out mouse

System-level analysis of diseasome

Conditional Knockout CY Park JB Kim

C Lee BH Kang

Genomic and proteomic analyses of humans diseases


Live animal imaging with MRI and IVIS

Molecular Etiology

Development of diagnostics & therapeutics

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Div is io n f o r N a n o - B i o s c i e n c e and Chemical Engineering

Core technology


 iPS cell technology

 Novel anti-inflammatory agents

Regenerative Medical Science

Prof. JB Kim

Prof. HM Kwon

◊ Introduction Regenerative medical science is a research of new way of treating injuries and diseases that uses spec ially-grown tissues and cells (including stem cells) and artificial organs through translating scientific di scovery into clinical therapies. It is a new field that brings together experts in biology, engineering, ge netics, medicine and other fields to find solutions to some of the most challenging medical problems faced by humankind. The interdisciplinary group for regenerative medical science is dedicated to und erstanding how tissues are formed and may be repaired against diseases to develop healing cell thera pies. For students interested in or currently pursuing a career in research, the group's unique learning and training environment uses core facility (Hans schoeler stem cell research center, Basic research la boratory, In vivo research center, and UNIST-olympus biomedical imaging center) and technologies th at are germane to biomedical research, in addition to many that are specific to regenerative medicine. Students develop the ability to conduct independent, hypothesis-driven research through applying tec hnologies to individual projects. In addition to offering internships to students who are pursuing care ers in biology, the group provides opportunities for hands-on experience in translational research.

 Adult stem cell technology

 Dendritic cell technology

Prof. PG Suh

Prof. YK Do

◊ Research Topics · Basic research in stem cell and regeneration mechanisms · Personalized, regenerative medicine · Translational research in human diseases

◊ Core members Kyung-Tai Min(민경태 교수/연구그룹장), Hyug Moo Kwon(권혁무 교수), Jeong Beom Kim (김정범 교수), Yoon Kyung Do (도윤경 교수), Pann-Ghill Suh (서판길 교수), Tae Joo Park (박태주 교수)

◊ Affiliated members

 Morphogenesis technology

Byounyg Heon kang (강병헌 교수), Changwook Lee (이창욱 교수), Jang Hyun Choi(최장현 교수)

PG Suh

Prof. TJ Park

 Basic Research Laboratory

JB Kim

Differentiation mechanisms for adult stem cells


 Hans Schöler Stem Cell Research Center

iPS cells and Direct reprograming

 In vivo Research Center  Olympus Biomedical Imaging Center TJ Park

HM Kwon YK Do

Translational research in Immune, Inflammatory disease


Regenerative Medical Science

Differentiation mechanisms in development

Future career opportunities Students and research scientists in “Regenerative Medical Science” research group conduct comprehensive researches in current biomedical science. They also learn core technology in this field and develop advanced technology for translational medicine. These will help them to have there future career in various job positions. It includes professors in academia and research scientist in pharmaceutical companies.

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


Division for Urban and Environmental Engineering 도시환경공학연구부



Environmental Engineering

Research Groups

환경소재 및 공정신기술

Advanced Environmental Materials and Process


기후변화 대응기술


도시 인프라 시스템

Earth and Environmental Sciences Urban Infrastructure Engineering

Climate Change

Urban Infrastructure Systems


Div is io n f o r U r b a n a n d E n v i r onmental Engineering

환경 소재 및 공정 신기술

Core technology


Advanced Environmental Materials and Process

 UCRF – UNIST Environmental Analysis Center

◊ Introduction Due to the emergence of hazardous and recalcitrant pollutants, traditional environmental technologies show significant limitations to provide healthy water, air, and land for human life and ecosystem. Our group focuses on developing new environmental technologies based on advanced materials and processes. Environmental engineers of different backgrounds share their knowhows and experiences to produce innovative ideas for effective pollution control.

Environmental Nanomaterials

◊ Research Topics Membrane Technology

∙ Development of new materials and processes for pollution control - Advanced water treatment processes based on membrane technology - Environmental nanotechnology - Environmental bioprocess engineering - Air pollution control - Carbon dioxide capture and storage

Interdisciplinary Research For Novel Environmental Technology

Environmental Bioprocess

◊ Core members

Waste-Based Binding Material

CCS / Gas hydrate

Micropollutant Analysis

 UNIST Water Hub

Changha Lee/Group Leader(이창하 교수/연구그룹장), Young-Nam Kwon(권영남 교수), Sung-Deuk Choi(최성득 교수) Jae Eun Oh(오재은 교수), Changsoo Lee(이창수 교수), Yongwon Seo(서용원 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Sung Kuk Lee(이성국 교수), Robert J. Mitchell(로버트 미첼 교수)

JE Oh Waste reuse and sustainable cement-based materials C Lee Water treatment using chemical methods

Environmental materials

Environmental process


C Lee Environmental Bioprocess SD Choi Pollution monitoring and modelling

YN Kwon Membrane technology for water treatment

Water treatment

Y Seo CO2 capture and storage

Advanced Environmental Materials and Process Research Group

Future career opportunities Our research group provides students with intensive coursework and research opportunities on development and management of water resources, water and air quality control, waste reuse, pollution analysis, and energy applications. Various career opportunities will be given to graduate students as professors in academia, and R&D engineers and scientists in national labs and engineering companies.

Air pollution control Energy applications

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r U r b a n a n d E n v i r onmental Engineering

기후변화 대응기술 그룹

Core technology


Climate Change  UCRF – Environmental Analysis center

◊ Introduction This research group focuses on any scientific and engineering topics of climate change on a global scale as well as local scale. The research group consists of five sub-groups: (1) Climate modeling, (2) Atmospheric Environment, (3) Remote Sensing/GIS, (4) Carbon Capture & Storage, and (5) Biogeochemistry. The aim of this multi-disciplinary group is to understand the influence of past, current, and future climate changes on the physical and chemical properties of the earth system and to develop advanced technologies to mitigate global warming.

Climate Modeling

Environmental monitoring/ modeling

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Climate change modeling Atmospheric environment Remote sensing/GIS Greenhouse gas reduction Biogeochemistry

Trace Analysis of pollutants

◊ Core members Sung-Deuk Choi/Group Leader(최성득 교수/연구그룹장), Myong-In Lee (이명인 교수), Sarah Kang(강사라 교수), Yongwon Seo(서용원 교수), Jungho Im(임정호 교수)

Climate Change Prediction, Analysis, Mitigation

Carbon capture & storage

 UMS – UNIST monitoring station (향후 추진계획)

Satellite Ground remote measurement sensing/GIS

◊ Affiliated members Myoungsu Shin(신명수 교수) M-I Lee, S Kang Global climate-environment prediction, Analysis of climate change impacts

S-D Choi Monitoring of air pollutants

Climate Modeling Future career opportunities

Atmospheric Environment



Climate Change


Career Available

National Institutes

국립환경과학원, 한국해양연구원, 한국과학기술연구원(KIST), 한국항공우주연구원, 한국 지질자원연구원, 한국기초과학지원연구원, 한국환경정책평가연구원, 국립해양조사원, 국립수산과학원, 한국해양수산개발원, 국립기상연구소, 한국해양연구소부설 극지연구소

Governments J Im Terrestrial ecosystem, Disaster monitoring


Remote sensing/GIS

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Y Seo CO2 capture and storage

Public corporations Miscellaneous

환경부, 국토해양부, 기상청, 해양경찰청, 각 지방 해양수산청 한국환경공단, 한국수자원공사, 한국석유공사, 한국광물자원공사, 한국전력공사, 한국광 해방지공단, 한국농어촌공사 등 교육기관(대학교수 등), 항공, 기상, 해양, 건설, 석유 등 다양한 일반 기업체 등

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r U r b a n a n d E n v i r onmental Engineering

도시 인프라 시스템

Core technology


Urban Infrastructure Systems

Structural Material Testing Lab

◊ Introduction Our group is dedicated to the research and development of sustainable planning, design, material, and management technologies for applications in urban infrastructure systems. The primary research interests focus on energy efficient and resilient urban planning, sustainable design of urban infrastructures, low-carbon high-performance construction materials, and smart structural health monitoring and control for high-rise buildings, long-span bridges, large-space underground structures, roads, gas pipelines, and electric transmission lines. Involved research methodologies range over large-scale experimental testing, nano-scale material characterization, and multi-scale numerical simulation. The ultimate goal of our research group is to make major contributions to improving the sustainability and resiliency of the urban environment for future human society.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Geo-polymer Characterization

Optimal Tall Building Design

Sustainable Design of Urban Infrastructures Low-Carbon High-Performance Construction Materials Smart Structural Health Monitoring and Control Energy Efficient and Resilient Urban Planning

Nano Material Engineering

Climate Change & Extreme Loading Lab (Expected)

◊ Core members Myoungsu Shin/Group Leader (신명수 교수/연구그룹장), Jung-Bang Yun (윤정방 교수), Jae-Eun Oh (오재은 교수), Sung-Han Sim (심성한 교수), Jae-Hong Kim (김재홍 교수), Gi-Hyoug Cho (조기혁 교수), Dong Keun Yoon(윤동근 교수), Marco Torbol(마르코 톨볼 교수) Smart Sensing Technology

◊ Affiliated members Young-Nam Kwon (권영남 교수), Sung-Deuk Choi (최성득 교수), Changha Lee (이창하 교수),

GIS-based Spatial Analysis

Myong-In Lee (이명인 교수), Sara Kang (강사라 교수), Jungho Im(임정호 교수) M Shin Urban & Env. Eng.

JE Oh & JH Kim Urban & Env. Eng.

Low-Carbon High-Performance Construction Materials

Sustainable Design of Urban Infrastructures

GH Cho Urban & Env. Eng.

JB Yun & SH Sim Urban & Env. Eng.

Smart Structural Health Monitoring & Control


Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Systems

Energy Efficient & Resilient Urban Planning

Future career opportunities Academic Positions (university faculty) • Civil Eng. Dept., Urban Planning Dept. National Research Institutes • Korea Institute of Construction Technology, etc. Government Branches • Ministry of Land, etc. Public Enterprise • Korea Highway Corporation • Urban Development Corporation • Korea Land Housing Corporation Private Corporations • Construction Companies • Design Consulting Companies • Private Research Institutes

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 

UNIST Supercomputing Center


Division for Design and Human Engineering



Research Groups

서비스 및 사용자경험 디자인 통합산업디자인

Integrated Industrial Design

Service & User Experience Design


Product Innovation and Invention

감성 및 색채 공학

Affective & Color Engineering

감성 및 인간공학

Affective and Human Factors Engineering

인체공학 및 인체역학

Ergonomics & Biomechanics

인간공학 응용 및 융합

Applied & Converged Human Factors Engineering

공학 및 시스템 디자인

Engineering and Systems Design

최적 시스템 디자인

Complex Systems Design

디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering

서비스 및 사용자경험 디자인

Related topics


Service & User Experience Design (SUXD)

 Design Factory

◊ Introduction SUXD deals with a systematic and multi-disciplinary approach to design solutions for complex problems of the contemporary business and society. Design, nowadays, functions as not only problem-solving but also as problem-finding. SUXD takes user experience methodology to understand consumer needs and service design methodology to generate solutions in the form of products and services. By understanding marketing and business plan, brand identity, product portfolio, design language, students will lead all the product requirements into final design opportunities and solutions.

◊ Research Topics User experience design, design management, strategic design, service design, design for social innovation, design for sustainability

◊ Core members Joon Sang Baek/Group Leader(백준상 교수/연구그룹장), SeonHee Jung (정선희 교수), Kwan Myung kim (김관명 교수), Gyouhyung Kyung (경규형 교수), Xiong Shuping (시옹 슈핑 교수)

Participat ory design

Service prototy ping


 DESIS – Design for social innovation and sustainability lab

Service & User Experience Design

Scenario design


Human Computer Interaction

 S3 – Strategy, sustainability, service lab

◊ Affiliated members NamHun Kim (김남훈 교수), Duck Young Kim (김덕영 교수), YoungShin Kwak (곽영신 교수), Gwansub Shin (신관섭 교수)

SeonHee Jung Kwan Myung kim Joon Sang Baek

Future career opportunities

•Design Strategist •Service designer •UX Designer •Design Researcher NamHun Kim Duck Young Kim


Gyouhyung Kyung Xiong Shuping YoungShin Kwak Gwansub Shin

•Design management consultant •Design planner

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering


Core technology

Product Innovation and Invention


 Prototyping Room

◊ Introduction Product Innovation and Invention group explores on creating innovative products and product-service system for human beings. We are 1) investigating on innovative design concepts employing integrated perspectives of human-centered design and feasibility-based engineering design, 2) developing new methods and tools to invent/develop innovative products exploring state-of-art methods and technologies of Design and Engineering, and 3) applying them to invent/develop real products and product-service systems for the real world. Researches in this group focus on theories and methods for innovation of product business and society and practical knowledge and skill for devising/developing novel and valuable products and product-service systems with interdisciplinary approaches integrating design and engineering. Human needs and technological seeds are two drivers of new product development that are in study.

 Digital Design Room

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Integrated Product Design Process, Design Engineering Digital Design; CAD, Integrated CAD Human-centered Design Creativity and Invention  Creative idea generation space

◊ Core members KwanMyung Kim/Group Leader(김관명 교수/연구그룹장), KwanSeop Shin(신관섭 교수), Shuping Xiong(슈핑시옹 교수) SeonHee Jeong (정선희 교수), JoonSang Baek(백준상 교수), Duckyoung Kim(김덕영 교수), Namhun Kim(김남훈 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Youngshin Kwak(곽영신 교수), Gyouhyung Kyung(경규형 교수)

SH Jeong Strategic Design

Shuping Xiong Ergonomically Customized product design KS Shin Physical ergonomics, Usability

JS Baek Service Design

Human-centered Design

Ergonomic Design


Our group integrates industrial design, human factors engineering and engineering design principles for the study of innovative product development. Students trained in our group will be able to play a creative design engineer’s role in new product development process and lead interdisciplinary designengineering research in academia. DY Kim System Design

KM Kim Integrated Product Design

Integrated Product Design

Future career opportunities

Product Innovation & Invention

Design Engineering

NH Kim Manufacturing Process Design

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering

감성 및 색채 공학

Core technology


Affective & Color Engineering

 Color Science & Engineering Lab

◊ Introduction IDEA Lab

Affective engineering is to study the relationships between the physical aspects of products and their affective influences, and to use the knowledge gained to design more satisfying products. In this research group, researches on color and imaging system will be focused along with the general affective engineering research issues.

Human Factors


◊ Research Topics ∙ Affective engineering ∙ Human Vision & Imaging Engineering ∙ Color Engineering

Color Science

Affective & Color Engineering


◊ Core members Youngshin Kwak/Group Leader(곽영신 교수/연구그룹장), Gyouhyung Kyung (경규형 교수)

Computer Science

Xiong Shuping (시옹 슈핑 교수), Gwansub Shin (신관섭 교수)

◊ Affiliated members

Imaging Device Technology

Joon Sang Baek(백준상 교수), SeonHee Jung (정선희 교수), Kwan Myung kim (김관명 교수), NamHun Kim (김남훈 교수), Duck Young Kim (김덕영 교수)

Future career opportunities

Gyouhyung Kyung Kwan Myung kim Joon Sang Baek

Youngshin Kwak SeonHee Jung Duck Young Kim

Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and companies as creative and productive engineer by understanding human’s affective feelings.

Gwansub Shin Xiong Shuping NamHun Kim


 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering

인체공학 및 인체역학

Core technology


Ergonomics & Biomechanics

 Full body motion capture system

◊ Introduction This research group focuses on the study of designing equipment, devices and environments that fit the human body and its movements by quantitatively evaluating interactions among humans and other elements of a system. The primary goals of research of this group include: 1) user or worker safety and health; and 2) work productivity. Research scope includes the interface and shape design of IT devices such as smartphones and data entry devices, IT work environment design such as computer furniture, design of work posture or work patterns for manual material handling tasks such as lifting, pushing, pulling or carrying, and design of foot-wear or walk-aid devices.

◊ Research Topics ∙ Modern computer workstation and user-interface design ∙ Work environment and aid-devices design for the elderly and disabled ∙ Footwear design for balance and gait performance

Inclusive design

Sports biomec -hanics

Product and environment design for user comfort and safety

Musculoskeletal biomechanics

◊ Core members Gwanseob Shin/Group Leader(신관섭 교수/연구그룹장), Shuping Xiong(시옹슈핑 교수), Gyouhyung Kyung (경규형 교수)

Kinematic analysis

Human physiology

Computational biomechanical modeling

 16-channel Electromyography system

 Body balance assessment system

◊ Affiliated members Kwanmyung Kim (김관명 교수)

G Shin Physical ergonomics G Shin Office ergonomics

Occupational Safety


G Kyung Mobility ergonomics

S Xiong Gait and balance

Work Physiology


Ergonomics & Biomechanics

Future career opportunities Students from this group will find promising career opportunities not only in academia but also in various industrial positions such as safety engineers, ergonomic consultants, trainers for professional athletes, IT user-interface designers, forensic biomechanics engineers, consumer product designers, and rehabilitation engineers.

Ergonomic Product Design

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering

인간공학 응용 및 융합

Core technology


Applied & Converged Human Factors Engineering

 High Touch Design Lab  iDEA Lab  Driving Simulator Lab  Usability Engineering Lab

◊ Introduction Applied & Converged Human Factors Engineering focuses on converging and applying knowledge on the human’s affective, cognitive, and physical aspects to the new product/system design and development. The current three core areas are high touch product development, vehicle ergonomics, and ergonomics design.

Human Factors Engineering

High Touch Design

◊ Research Topics ∙ High touch product development ∙ Vehicle ergonomics ∙ Ergonomics design

Affective Engineering

◊ Core members

Applied & Converged Human Factors Engineering

Applied Statistics

Gyouhyung Kyung/Group Leader(경규형 교수/연구그룹장), Myun W. Lee (이면우 교수/Advisor),

Engineering Psychology

Youngshin Kwak (곽영신 교수), Xiong Shuping (시옹 슈핑 교수), Gwansub Shin (신관섭 교수),

Physical Ergonomics

◊ Affiliated members Joon Sang Baek (백준상 교수), SeonHee Jung (정선희 교수), Kwan Myung kim (김관명 교수), NamHun Kim (김남훈 교수), Duck Young Kim (김덕영 교수)

Affect Ergono mics

Cognitio n Future career opportunities

• • •

Myun W. Lee Gyouhyung Kyung Youngshin Kwak


High Touch Product Development

Mobility Ergonomics

Ergonomics Design

Product/system planning, engineering or evaluation/test departments R&D centers in global companies Government or private research institutes and schools

Xiong Shuping Gyouhyung Kyung Youngme Choi

Gyouhyung Kyung Xiong Shuping Gwansub Shin

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


디자인 및 인간공학연구부

/Div is io n f o r D e s i g n a n d H u man Engineering

최적 시스템 디자인

Core technology


Complex Systems Design

 Digital Modeling & Simulation

◊ Introduction Research in ‘Complex Systems Design’ focuses on; i) developing methodologies for optimal system configuration, speedy failure detection and system reconfiguration; ii) designing sustainable manufacturing systems through digital modeling & simulation of human and automation. Research applications and projects in this group cover breadth and depth of systems engineering and engineering design areas. In addition, we offer a number of pertinent courses providing the students with the enhancement of their systematic design knowledge including both systematic engineering tools and creative problem solving methods through in-depth discussions and hand-on team projects. Education in this graduate program leads the students to become professionals with creative problem solving ability and systems engineering knowledge in industries and academia.

Manufacturing Systems Control

Modeling & Simulation

◊ Research Topics ∙ Zero-defect & self-resilient systems ∙ Multi-criteria decision aides (optimization) in collaborative design ∙ Modeling, Simulation and Control of Complex Systems (including Human)

Multi-disciplinary Research For Complex System Integration


◊ Core members

System Design & Integration

Process Modeling & Optimization

 System Failure Analysis & Physical Implementation

Failure Analysis

Namhun Kim/Group Leader(김남훈 교수/연구그룹장), Duck Young Kim(김덕영 교수)

◊ Affiliated members KwanMyung Kim(김관명 교수), Gyouhyung Kyung(경규형 교수), Seon Hee Jung(정선희 교수),

NH Kim System Modeling & Simulation DY Kim Multi-criteria Optimization

Modeling & Simulation

Optimization Future career opportunities DY Kim & KM Kim & SH Jung Systems Design

NH Kim &GH Kyung Human Modeling



Complex Systems Design

Our group integrates product, process and production engineering principles for the study of complex service and product design. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and industrial companies.

Engineering Design

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Division for Human Convenience-oriented Information & Communication Technology(ICT) 인간편의정보통신연구부 Programs

Research Groups

반도체 소자 및 회로 설계

Semiconductor Device & Circuit Design

전기 및 전자공학

Electrical Engineering

영상처리 및 컴퓨터 비전

Image Processing and Computer Vision

전자기장 및 무선전력전송 EM & Wireless Power Transfer

차세대 통신 및 스마트 제어

Advanced Communications and Smart Control

바이오 및 의료영상 Biomedical Image


Computer Engineering

스마트 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 Smart Ubiquitous Computing

클라우드 및 고성능컴퓨팅

Cloud and High-Performance Computing

응집물질물리 소자물리

Device Physics

Condensed Matter Physics

차세대 전자기파 소자 Thz Sensing and Device



플라즈마 및 빔 물리

Plasma and Beam Physics


Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

반도체 소자 및 회로 설계

Core technology


Semiconductor Device & Circuit Design

 EDA tools for IC designs and analysis

◊ Introduction Researches in Semiconductor Device & Circuit Design Research Group focus on the application of electrical engineering principles to design digital, analog, and mixed-signal integrated circuits and to develop novel materials or devices for the ICs. Faculties from diverse area in our group collaborate to discover new devices and to design low-power and high-performance electronic circuits. This research group encompasses the experimentation, design, modeling, simulation, and analysis of devices, circuits as well as complete systems. The combination of the educational program and the leading edge design, analysis, and testing tools/facilities provides a full cycle exposure from concept to product realization, necessary for a top-notch quality electrical engineer that can bring immediate contributions in both academia and industries.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Digital, analog, and mixed-signal integrated circuit designs Wireless IC and system-on-chip (SoC) designs Semiconductor device modeling and analysis by using various EDA tools Emerging electronic devices and novel design techniques

VLSI & Digital IC designs

Emerging devices modeling

Research For Novel Semiconductor Devices & IC Design Techniques

Packages & Interconnect

◊ Core members

Analog and RF IC designs

 Various measurement & testing equipment Wireless IC & SoC designs


 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

Youngmin Kim/Group Leader (김영민 교수/연구그룹장), Franklin Bien (변영재 교수), Ki-jin Han (한기진 교수), Jingook Kim (김진국 교수), Jae Joon Kim (김재준 교수), Kibog Park (박기복 교수), Kyung Rok Kim (김경록 교수), Jaehyuk Choi (최재혁 교수), Jongeun Lee(이종은 교수)

Franklin Bien Analog & Mixed IC designs

RF front-end circuits Mixed signal circuits Youngmin Kim VLSI & CAD

Jaehyuk Choi IC & Systems

3D IC IC EMC, RF IC & package

Wired/wireless IC Automotive IC PMIC

Packages & Interconnects Wireless devices

Jae Joon Kim Convergence semiconductor design

Wireless IC, Low-power sensor

Kibog Park Emergent materials & devices

Non-volatile memory Wide band gap devices

VLSI & CAD Digital IC designs

Ki-jin Han Electronic & Electrical systems


Jingook Kim IC & EMC

Semiconductor Device & Circuit Design

Kyung Rok Kim Nano-electronic device

Future career opportunities

Our group focus on the researches of circuit designs and emerging devices for future electronic systems. Graduate students will be prepared to perform cutting-edge researches and developments in academia and semiconductor-related industries. -

Professor in academia Researches in various research institutes Circuit designers Semiconductor devices engineers Semiconductor process engineers Computer hardware engineers

Low-power digital/RF systems

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

영상처리 및 컴퓨터 비전

Core technology


Image Processing and Computer Vision

 ECE – Visual Data Capturing and Display System

◊ Introduction Visual data have been widely used in various fields as an effective media for information transfer. Visual Processing and Understanding Group performs the researches to extract useful information from visual data and analyze the visual information for human understanding, based on the various interdisciplinary fields including electrical engineering, computer science and cognitive science. The major research topics cover image and video processing, 3D visual processing, computer vision and graphics as well as human visual system and visual perception. Through the various related courses offered in our group, students learn the basic theories of image processing and computer vision and practice the application experiments using the various visual data capturing devices, computing machines, and display systems. Possible application areas of our researches are visual communication, robot vision systems, bio-medical imaging, security, and entertainment.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Image and Video Processing 3D Visual Processing Computer Vision High Performance Visual Computing

Image & Video Processing

3D Visual Processing

Computer Vision

Convergence Research of Visual Processing & Understanding

High Performance Visual Computing

 ECE – Computing System

◊ Core members Jae-Young Sim/Group Leader(심재영 교수,/연구그룹장), Seungjoon Yang(양승준 교수), Giljin Jang(장길진 교수),

Realistic Display Tech.

Human Visual Perception

Won-Ki Jeong(정원기 교수), Jongeun Lee(이종은 교수)

SJ Yang Image Processing JY Sim 3D Visual Processing

Signal Processing

Visual Understanding

GJ Jang Audio Processing

WK Jeong Visualization JE Lee High-Performance Computing


Visual Computing

JY Sim, SJ Yang Computer Vision GJ Jang Machine Learning

Future career opportunities

Graduate student will intensively perform the researches on cutting-edge technologies of visual processing and understanding, and become the professors in academia, researchers in research institutes, or the CEOs in various companies. Visual Processing and Understanding

Visual Perception

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

전자기장 및 무선전력전송

Core technology


EM & Wireless Power Transfer

 EDA tools for EM design and analysis

◊ Introduction EM & Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) Research Group was established to research on novel system-level electromagnetic (EM) applications and advanced electronic design solutions supported by EM analysis and modeling. Our current research covers various EM applications, including WPT systems, terahertz remote sensing, plasma applications, EM-based device modeling, analog & power design, and EM compatibility. All research projects are facilitated by our full capability encompassing theory, analysis & modeling, device & system-lever design, and testing. From graduate courses offered for theoretical background as well as opportunities for working on leading-edge topics, students are supported to become leading electrical engineers in EM design and application areas.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Wireless power transfer Plasma, THz, and superconductor applications Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Electronic design automation, wireless system design, power electronics

Electronic design automation

EMC/ Power electronics

Research For Novel EM Applications and EM Design Solutions

THz applications

◊ Core members

Wireless power transfer

 Various measurement & testing equipment Wireless System designs

Plasma applications

 Green Electric Vehicle Research Center

Ki Jin Han/Group Leader (한기진 교수/연구그룹장), Youngmin Kim (김영민 교수), Jaejun Kim (김재준 교수), Jingook Kim (김진국 교수), Franklin Bien (변영재 교수), Eunmi Choi (최은미 교수), Jaehyouk Choi (최재혁 교수), Min Sup Hur(허민섭 교수), Min-Suk Kwon(권민석 교수)

◊ Affiliated members

Jingook Kim IC & EMC

Franklin Bien, Jaehyouk Choi Analog & Mixed IC designs

Wireless power transfer

Electromagneti c Compatibility

THz applications

Jae-jun Kim Convergence semiconductor design

Electronic design automation


Future career opportunities Min Sup Hur Computational plasma

Wireless system design

Youngmin Kim VLSI & CAD

Eunmi Choi High power THz source and device

Plasma applications

EM & Wireless Power Transfer Research

Our group focus on the researches of EM applications and EM-based design solutions for emerging high-speed integrated electronic systems. Graduate students will be prepared to perform cutting-edge researches and developments in various academia and industry fields. Expected career paths include: - Faculty position in academia - Researchers in various research institutes - Electrical engineers (circuit design, testing, SI/PI, EMC)

Ki Jin Han EM system design

Power electronics

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

차세대 통신 및 스마트 제어

Core technology


Advanced Communications and Smart Control

 Future Smart Home Research Center

◊ Introduction Advanced Communications and Smart Control group focuses on research areas that can play key roles in realizing IT convergence systems capable of enriching our future life, such as smart home systems and ambient assisted living environments. Our group consists of faculty members from interdisciplinary research domains including robotics, machine learning, signal processing, cryptography, wireless networking, and communications, who can foster cutting-edge research environments and can make great advances in next-generation communications and control systems. In addition to its top-quality research, our group offers an essential curriculum that helps students to obtain fundamental knowledge on the key theories and scientific methodologies and to gain practical experience in applying such knowledge to analysis and implementation of complex systems. Moreover, the rich infrastructure at UNIST provides various means for students to experiment their ideas in the working environments.

The graduate program in our group aims to nurture inventive researchers and creative experts in both academia and industry, who can play a leading role in his/her own domain and can collaborate with the leaders from other areas.

Network Optimizati -on

Smart Home, Assistive Robotics & Control Theory Machine Intelligence, Acoustic Signal Processing Cryptography, Security Wireless and Mobile Networking Wireless Networks and Network Optimization

Machine Learning

Research for Advanced Communications & Smart Control

Wireless & Mobile Networking

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Intelligent Robotics

Signal Processing & Pattern Recognition

Cryptography And Network Security

 Heterogeneous Wireless Testbed

USRP2 + XCVR2450


◊ Core members



Hyoil Kim/Group Leader(김효일 교수/연구그룹장), Z.Zenn Bien(변증남 석좌교수), Giljin Jang(장길진 교수), Aaram Yun(윤아람 교수), Changhee Joo(주창희 교수) ZZ Bien

A Yun

Intelligent Robotics, Smart Home Systems

Wireless Network, Network Optimization


G Jang

Machine Learning, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition

Cryptography, Security

C Joo

Future career opportunities

Advanced Communications and Smart Control

The research in our group covers various IT-related fields such as electrical engineering, computer science, and mathematics. Graduate students are expected to acquire essential knowledge and practice scientific methodologies in the corresponding research areas, so that they can pursue both academic and industrial careers. The academic career path includes research staff positions in research institutes (e.g., ETRI), and research scientist or faculty positions in academic institutes. The industrial career path includes senior engineers in world-leading IT companies like Samsung, Qualcomm, IBM, etc.

H Kim

Wireless Network, Mobile Cloud Network

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

바이오 및 의료영상

Core technology


Biomedical Image

 ECE Cluster Blade Servers

◊ Introduction Biomedical image research group focuses on developing new computing techniques and systems to help scientists make new discoveries, specifically in the fields of neurobiology and medicine. With advent of the rapid advances in imaging technology, acquisition of high-resolution large-scale biomedical image datasets has become popular. Although such high-quality datasets play a crucial role for scientific discoveries, they also pose challenging problems in handling, processing, and analyzing the datasets. To extract scientifically meaningful information from such large datasets, sophisticated and time-consuming computational methods are required. To tackle these problems, we employ emerging computing and engineering technologies, such as terahertz imaging, parallel computing, machine learning, etc, which is an interdisciplinary research effort that bridges the gap between biomedical sciences and electrical and computer engineering. In UNIST ECE, we also offer a top-notch education program for advanced degrees that helps students become successful researchers and engineers in academia and industry.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Image processing and analysis using machine learning and parallel computing Scientific and information visualization, Bioinformatics T-ray imaging and compressive sensing U-healthcare sensors/systems


Machine Learning

Massively Parallel Computing

Interdisciplinary Research in Biomedical Image Analysis

Data Intensive Computing

Bio-IT Systems

 High-Power THz Gyrotron

T-Ray Imaging

◊ Core members Won-Ki Jeong/Group Leader(정원기 교수/연구그룹장), Giljin Jang(장길진 교수), Beomseok Nam(남범석 교수), Eunmi Choi(최은미 교수), Jae Joon Kim(김재준 교수)

 UNIST Supercomputing Center

◊ Affiliated members HyungJoon Cho(조형준 교수) , Jingook Kim(김진국 교수), Jaehyuk Choi(최재혁 교수), Jong-Eun Lee(이종은 교수), Changhee Joo(주창희 교수), Aaram Yun(윤아람 교수), Young-ri Choi(최영리 교수), Woonggyu Jung(정웅규 교수) GJ Jang Machine Learning

Image Processing

Image Acquisition

EM Choi Terahertz Ray Imaging

Future career opportunities WK Jeong GPU computing, Graphics & Visualization

Parallel Computing BS Nam Data Intensive Computing, High performance middleware


Biomedical Image Analysis & Bio-IT Convergence

Our group conducts interdisciplinary researches that integrate computer science, electrical engineering, and physics for the applications in neurobiology and medicine. Graduate student will be trained to conduct top-notch research and developments in academia and biomedical IT companies. Bio-IT JJ Kim U-Healthcare Sensors/Systems

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

스마트 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅

Core technology


Smart Ubiquitous Computing

 UNIST Supercomputing Center – Linux Server Clusters

◊ Introduction In Smart Information Device Group we focus on the application of computer software and hardware principles to continuously innovate in the field of ubiquitous smart devices, on which we depend for our lives, from business to education, to government, and to entertainment. Faculty members from diverse background foster interdisciplinary research to address cutting-edge issues emerging in the mobile age. In addition to the excellence in research, we offer a number of pertinent courses to equip students with the know-how and practical training needed, through in-depth discussions and intensive laboratory experiences. Education at UNIST within the graduate program will lead the students to become global researchers and technology experts within their areas, ultimately to be creative leaders in academia and diverse electronics and computer industries in Korea and abroad.

Multimedia Signal Processing

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Cloud Computing

Embedded systems and software Wired and wireless networks Data intensive and cloud computing Multimedia and 3D signal processing

Translational Research for Smart Ambient Information Devices

3D Graphics and Display

◊ Core members Jongeun Lee/Group Leader(이종은 교수/연구그룹장), Changhee Joo(주창희 교수), Beomseok Nam(남범석 교수),

Embedded System Architecture

Wireless Network and Mobile Computing

Embedded Software and HCI

 3D Smart TV, Smart Phone, Smart Tablet

Seungjoon Yang(양승준 교수), Jae-Young Sim(심재영 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Won-Ki Jeong(정원기 교수), Aaram Yoon(윤아람 교수)

J Lee Embedded systems and software

Network and Cloud Computing

Embedded Systems

S Yang / J-Y Sim Multimedia and 3D signal processing, compression

B Nam Data intensive computing

Large Data Processing


C Joo / B Nam Network modeling and analysis, Cloud computing

Smart Information Device

Future career opportunities Our group integrates computer software and hardware principles, along with broader electrical engineering principles such as multimedia signal processing and 3D graphics and display to generate continuous innovations in the filed of smart information devices. Graduate students will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and development in academia as well as in numerous electronics and software companies.

Multimedia Processing

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

클라우드 및 고성능컴퓨팅

Core technology


Cloud and High-Performance Computing

 Cluster Blade Servers

◊ Introduction Supercomputing research focus on computation/data intensive tasks such as computational problems in quantum physics, weather forecasting, oil reservoir exploration, molecular modeling, and physical simulation. Traditionally supercomputers used custom hardwares such as vector processors that allow them to perform computations in parallel. Nowadays, these parallel processing techniques have been implemented in relatively inexpensive commodity hardwares. The world fastest supercomputers are now being implemented with clustered commodity processors. Along with this trend, Grid and Cloud computing have emerged as new computing paradigms, which focus on connecting computing resources to each other seamlessly. By federating low performing computers virtually and loosely, Folding@Home reported 8.8 petaflops of processing power in 2011, which outperforms Tianhe-1A (the world fastest supercomputer in 2011) by an order of magnitude. UNIST Cloud and HighPerformance Computing group investigates how to build more scalable, robust, secure, and high performing Cloud computing systems that provide supercomputing power. Education at UNIST within the ECE graduate program leads the students to become leading researchers and experts within their area as well as creative leaders for both academia and various high performance computing industries.

High Performance Architecture

Computer Security

Massive Parallel Computing

Scalable, Robust, Secure, and High performing Supercomputing

Virtual Machines, Cloud Platforms

 Education Cluster Desktops

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Computation, Data Intensive Computing

Novel Bio Sensing using Micro-/Nano Science & Technology In Vivo Molecular Imaging Advanced Diagnostic Tools Biomaterials/Biomimetics

Computer Networks  UNIST Supercomputing Center

◊ Core members Beomseok Nam/Group Leader(남범석 교수/연구그룹장), Aaram Yun(윤아람 교수), Won-Ki Jeong(정원기 교수), Hyoil Kim(김효일 교수), Young-ri Choi(최영리 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Jong-Eun Lee(이종은 교수), Changhee Joo(주창희 교수), B Nam Data Intensive Computing, High performance middleware

A Yun Cryptograph, Computer Security

Computation/Data Intensive Computing

Y Choi Virtual machine, Sensor Network

W Jeong GPU computing, Biomedical image analysis

Massive Parallelism


Future career opportunities


Supercomputing & Cloud computing

Our group integrates all the aspects of computer systems research. Graduate student will be trained to understand the entire system software stack, to implement large computer systems software, and to think logically when it comes to solving a large and complicated computational problems. System software engineer/researcher is one of the top-paying job groups in high-tech industry.

Cloud Platform, Network H Kim MANET, Mobile cloud

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)


Core technology


Condensed Matter Physics  UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Aalysis Lab

◊ Introduction Condensed Matter Physics is the largest research branch in contemporary physics, which explores the physical properties of condensed phases of matter. It has also been supplying the foundation of various electronic and optoelectronic devices that are the essential parts of the modern information technology. The Condensed Matter Physics Research Group focuses on profoundly understanding the fundamental physical properties of various materials including metals, semiconductors, dielectrics, superconductors, ferroics(ferroelectric, ferromagnetic), and soft matters, especially in nm scale where quantum phenomena become manifested. Based on the solid understanding of material properties, we eventually pursue developing future nano-electronic devices that would overcome the limitation of the current Si-based technology.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Self-assembly based synthesis of low-dimensional materials and their applications Interface charge/spin transport in nm-scale spatial resolution Next-generation non-volatile memory devices Synthesis of functional new materials using atomic and molecular self-assembly First-principle quantum-mechanical calculation of material properties

First-principle Quantum Calculation Nano structured Polymer Mateirals Theory

Synthesis of Nano Quantum Materials & Development of New Devices

Organic Materials & Devices

◊ Core members Nojeong Park/Group Leader(박노정 교수/연구그룹장), Jaeup Kim(김재업 교수), Jin Young Kim(김진영 교수),

Quantum Materials & Interface Transport

Nano electronic Devices


 Parallel Computing Cluster

Kibog Park(박기복 교수), Jung-Woo Yoo(유정우 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Kyung Rok Kim(김경록 교수), Cheol-Min Ghim (김철민 교수)

Kibog Park, Kyung Rok Kim Nanoelectronic Materials & Devices

Nojeong Park First-principle Quantum Calculation

Semiconductor Physics & Devices

Solid State Theory

Future career opportunities Jin Young Kim, Jung-Woo Yoo Organic Electronic & Spin Devices

Jaeup Kim Nanostructured Polymer Mateirals Theory

Soft Matter Theory


Condensed Matter Physics

Organic Materials & Devices

After finishing Ph.D degree and some Post-Doc experiences, various kinds of jobs such as the followings would be possible. • • • • •

Academia: Professors, Researchers Industry: Semiconductor, Display, Telecommunication, Medical, Oil, Solar Energy National Laboratories Defense Agencies & Companies Financial Analysts

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 



Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i e nce-oriented Information & Communicat i on Technol ogy( I CT)

차세대 전자기파 소자

Core technology


THz Sensing and Device ◊ Introduction The most advanced sources, detectors, and applications of electromagnetic waves are studied in an unexplored wavelength regime. One of the uprising issues of specific wavelength regime is the submillimeter wave, which is more famously known as THz wave or T-ray from the analogy with the X-ray. The THz lies on the extremes of two major frequency ranges: microwave by vacuum electronics and laser by atomic fluorescence. Due to such a difficulty in making it, the THz-based study of lightmatter interactions had remained as an exotic research area up to the very recent date. However diverse methods to generate and detect the THz have been suggested and tested successfully, so these days, the THz has become a real ‘topic’ in many scientific societies. In our group, we have renowned experts in THz source, detectors, and sensing/imaging algorithm. With this army, we will lead the world-class research in the advanced electromagnetic wave device.

K. Kim

M. Kwon

K. Park Oxide Thin Film Charge/Spin Transport at interface Wide Bandgap Semiconductor

Optoelectronics Nanophotonics

and Applications in

Gyrotron-based ultraintense THz source and other novel methods Semi-conductor-based portable THz detector Optoelectronics Compressive sensing for fast imaging

◊ Core members Eunmi Choi/Group Leader(최은미 교수/연구그룹장), Yongmin Cho (조용민 교수), Min Sup Hur (허민섭 교수), Kyung Rok Kim (김경록 교수), Min-Suk Kwon (권민석 교수), Kibog Park (박기복 교수)

◊ Affiliated members


TeraHertz Devices

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Quantum Device and TCAD modeling Nanoelectronics Low Power Multifunctional Device

M.S. Hur

Bio, Safety, and

Laser-Plasma Particle Accelerator Nuclear Fusion


E. Choi

H. Cho

High Power THz Source and Device Nuclear Fusion Particle Accelerator

Biomedical Imaging In vivo multimodel imaging (MRI,PET,OPTICA)

Y. Cho Theoretical Physics High Energy/Particle Cosmology, Early Universe Compressive Sensing



Hyungjoon Cho (조형준 교수),

K. Park, K. Kim Nano material physics and nano electronics

Y. Cho/High energy physics H. Cho/PET+MRI physics

Future career opportunities

Semi-conductor-based THz detector

Compressive Sensing/Imaging

M. Kwon Optoelectronics

E. Choi, M.S. Hur Beam and plasma physics

THz source


After finishing post-doc abroad, possibly get a job in

THz Sensing and Device Research

• Physics and electronics related National Research Institutes (KAERI, ETRI, KERI or renowned international laboratories) • Faculty in a university • Electronics companies (Samsung, LG, etc)

Optoelectronics Nanophotonics

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Div is io n f o r H u m a n C o n v e n i ence-oriented Information & Communicati on Technol ogy( I CT)

플라즈마 및 빔 물리

Core technology


Plasma and Beam Physics

◊ Introduction Research on Plasma and beam physics spans from fundamental understanding of charged particle beam dynamics to contemporarily frontier research such as fusion science, accelerator, and industrial developments. Plasma and Beam Physics is truly multidisciplinary subject, which stems from physics oriented questions, but requires versatile fields to solve the problems and realize an idea based on it. Plasma and Beam Physics Research Group at UNIST is targeting big science driven research topics such as fusion, accelerators and astrophysics in which our research topics cover current magnetically confined fusion scheme, next generation fusion diagnostics, laser-beam interaction, emerging accelerator concepts, high power millimeter wave/THz radiation scheme and etc. The Plasma and Beam Physics Research Group at UNIST is tightly engaged with national big science facilities and national labs which will offer research opportunities on cutting edge science to graduate students.

Plasma physics

THz radiation and sensing

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Laser-beam interaction / Beam-wave interaction Millimeter wave/THz wave radiation source development Fusion science Fusion engineering Next generation accelerators

RF technology

Plasma and Beam physics research

Plasma diagnostics

◊ Core members

Fusion plasmas

• •

Various in-house developed PIC code for simulating plasmas Microwave generator for plasma heating 8.5 T Superconducting magnet Precision Network Analyzer Beam dynamics codes

Accelerator physics and engineering

MinSup Hur/Group leader(허민섭 교수,/연구그룹장), Eunmi Choi(최은미 교수), more will be affiliated till 2015

◊ Affiliated members More will be affiliated soon

MinSup Hur Laser-plasma physics

Laser-Beam interaction

Millimeter/THz radiation source

MinSup Hur, Eunmi Choi Plasma diagnostics, plasma heating

MinSup Hur, Eunmi Choi Beam dynamics, instabilities, Superconducting RF cavities

Next generation Accelerator

10 0

Plasma and Beam Physics

Future career opportunities

Eunmi Choi High power THz radiation source

• • • •

National research labs: NFRI, KAERI, KRISS, PAL and etc. Industry: Samsung, LG, Hynix, and etc. Hospitals Academia

Fusion science and engineering

 F a c u l ty 2 0 1 3 -2 0 1 4 R e s e a rc h P ro fi l e s 


Division for Green Energy 그린에너지연구부


배터리과학 및 기술

Battery Science and Technology

Research Groups

배터리 과학 및 기술

Battery Science and Technology



유무기하이브리드 소재 에너지 변환 및 저장

Energy Conversion and Storage

Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials


Su-Moon Park Institute of Electrochemistry

차세대 태양전지

Next Generation Solar Cells

원자력시스템공학 원자력 공학 및 과학

Nuclear Science and Engineering

Nuclear System Engineering


Nuclear Science


Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

배터리 과학 및 기술

Core technology


Battery Science and Technology

 UCRF - Nano Fabrication Center, Analysis Lab

◊ Introduction Researches in Battery Science and Technology group focus on the application of scientific principles to design and fabricate novel next generation battery systems, which is a key aspect of today’s green technology such as portable electronics, electric vehicles, and ‘smart grid’ power distribution. In order to make significant breakthrough in battery technology, Battery Science and Technology group also make a good effort to understand scientific phenomena such as charge and ion transport, and crystallographic transition of materials based on the fundamental electrochemistry and solid state chemistry. In addition to cutting-edge researches, we provides the students with a sound basic and practical engineering knowledgebase which is overlaid with established and emerging battery technology learning through in-depth discussions and laboratory experiments. Studying a graduate course in our group offers the students a firm professional basis in both of academia and industry.

◊ Research Topics ∙ Synthesis of cathode and anode materials ∙ Synthesis of 0, 1, 2D nanomaterials for cathode and anode Li storage materials ∙ Electrochemistry and spectroscopy of conducting polymer ∙ Patterning of current collector ∙ Next generation batteries: Metal-Air battery, Na-S battery ∙ Building the robust interface between electrodes and electrolytes ∙ In-situ characterization of electrodes (in-situ Raman, in-situ XRD, in-situ FT-IR)

Engineering Analysis & computation

Electrochemistry & Spectroscopy HR-TEM

Materias Science for Energy

Multidisciplinary Research for Battery Science & Technology

Polymer Science for Energy

Nano Materials Design & Synthesis

Micro-/Nano Fabrication



 ITRC - Center for Battery Materials for Mobile IT Devices

Dry room

Battery Cycler

In-situ Raman

In-situ FT-IR

◊ Core members Jaephil Cho/Group Leader(조재필 교수/연구그룹장), Su-Moon Park(박수문 교수), Hyun-Kon Song(송현곤 교수), Soojin Park(박수진 교수), Nam-Soon Choi(최남순 교수), Jongnam Park(박종남 교수), Kyu Tae Lee(이규태 교수), Yoon Seok Jung(정윤석 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Byung-Su Kim (김병수 교수) J Cho, S Park Synthesis and characterization of energy materials

SM Park, NS Choi, YS Jung Electrochemistry and spectroscopy of energy materials

Electrolyte, Binder, In-situ analysis

Anode Materials

HK Song, J Park Electrochemistry and materials chemistry

Cathode Materials

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J Cho, KT Lee Next generation battery

Battery Science and Technology

Future career opportunities

Students in Battery Science and Technology group prepare for careers in the energy filed, creating next generation batteries from the engineered novel materials and searching for renewable sources of energy, after learning how to apply the principles of scientific methods to energy engineering problems. According to the statistics from ministry of employment and labor, employment of energy engineers would be expected to increase rapidly over the decade in the energy and nanotechnology services, manufacturing, and research & development fields. Graduates of a doctoral degree program in Battery Science and Technology group qualify for several engineering, research and academic careers including energy engineer, chemist, materials scientist, university professor and so on.

Metal-Air Battery

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

그래핀 Graphene ◊ Introduction The research spectrum covers multidisciplinary areas from fundamental sciences to practical applications. More than twenty faculties from different disciplines are actively contributing their own expertise to graphene researches. The foci of researches are chemical syntheses of high-quality graphene, preparations of large-area transparent graphene electrodes, characterization, evaluation, mass production, graphene/polymer composites, and electrodes for energy conversion and storages. Higher education at UNIST in this program will allow students being leaders in both academia and industries.

Core technology -

Edge-selective functionalization of graphene Graphene oxide Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) graphene Characterization using advanced TEM Device fabrications

 UCRF – Clean Room

 UCRF – Advanced TEM

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙


Chemical syntheses of high-quality graphene Preparations of large-area transparent graphene electrodes Graphene/polymer composites Energy conversion and storages Device fabrication

JEOL 2100F Probe Corrected STEM/TEM

◊ Core members Jong-Beom Baek/Group Leader (백종범 교수/연구그룹장), Hyun Suk Shin (신현석 교수), Byung-Su Kim (김병수 교수),

FEI Titan G2 Cube: monochromated & Cs corrected, X-FEG and quantum GIF

Young-Bin Park (박영빈 교수), Zonghoon Lee (이종훈 교수) , Nojeong Park (박노정 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Soon-Yong Kwon (권순용 교수), Sung Youp Kim (김성엽 교수), Ji Hyun Jang (장지현 교수)

 Low-D Carbon Materials Center

Hyung-Joon Shin (신형준 교수), Jang-Ung Park (박장웅 교수), Sang Hoon Joo (주상훈 교수), Joon Hak, Oh (오준학 교수), Huynhyup Ko, (고현협 교수), Myung Hoon Song (송명훈 교수),

Future career opportunities The group will provide a broad spectrum of high-quality education and research environments. The research areas include not only graphene but organic, polymer, analytical, physical sciences and engineering. The study in this program will open up new eyes for cutting-edge researches and developments in academia and industries.

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

유무기 하이브리드소재

Core technology


Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials

 UCRF – High-Performance X-ray diffractometer

◊ Introduction A frontier research group pioneering a new convergence research area for the development of the next generation organic/inorganic hybrid materials ∙ Development of new synthetic methods for new organic/inorganic hybrid materials with improved properties ∙ Development of organic/inorganic hybrid materials as gas storage/separation materials using patterned hybrid materials ∙ Pursuit of new electrochemical application of organic/inorganic hybrid materials as energy storage materials

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Synthesis and principle of organic/inorganic hybrid materials Optimization of the synthesis and application of new developed organic/inorganic hybrid materials Development of 2D patterns for organic/inorganic hybrid materials Development of patterned organic/inorganic hybrid materials as gas storage/separation materials Analysis of electrochemical property and development of new materials of porous organic/inorganic hybrid materials for energy storage devices

◊ Core members

Optoelectronic Materials Synthesis

Electrochemistry and Energy Material

Mobile hydrogen storage

Functional OrganicInorganic Hybrid Materials

High Performance Polymer Synthesis

Nano Materials Design & Synthesis

 UCRF – High-Resolution Microscope

Heterogeneous Catalyst

Myoung Soo Lah/Group Leader(나명수 교수/연구그룹장), Hoi Ri Moon문회리 교수), Jong-Beom Baek(백종범 교수), Changduk Yang(양창덕 교수), Ji-HyunJang(장지현 교수) , Sang Hoon Joo(주상훈 교수), Won Young Choi(최원영 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Kyoung Taek Kim(김경택 교수), Kyu Tae Lee(이규태교수), Yongseok Jun(전용석 교수)

Baek, Lee & Jun / Green Energy Joo / NBC

Jang & Baek / Green Energy

Electrochemistry and Energy Materials

Nano Patterning

Future career opportunities Lah & Moon / Green Energy Joo / NBC

Lah, Moon & Yang / Green Energy Kim / NBC

Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials

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Organic /Inorganic Hybrid Materials

CO2 Capture and Storage / Catalysis

Our research group pursues the development of the next generation organic/inorganic hybrid materials for diverse applications such as gas storage/capture/separation, catalysis, drug delivery, chemical sensor, and proton conducting membrane. The students trained in the research group will be prepared to work in the chemical/material science/engineering fields to pioneer new convergence research areas in academia and industries.

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering


 Core Technology

Su-Moon Park Institute of Electrochemistry  Introduction “The Electrochemistry strikes back.” Energy conversion and storage devices have attracted a lot of attentions from academic and industrial societies. Most of the state-of-the-art energy devices such as rechargeable batteries, fuel cells, supercapacitors and dye-sensitized solar cells are working based on “Electrochemistry” even if materials science and chemistry related to synthesizing nanostructured materials are emphasized. Importance of Electrochemistry is two-fold: The creative application of electrochemical principles has a possibility to open new-concept energy devices; and the electrochemical analysis contributes to solving problems of current energy devices and suggesting solution to the problems.

Research Topics

Members (Core & Affiliated)


Su-Moon Park (leader), Hyun-Kon Song

Electroactive Materials

Byeong-Su Kim, Changduk Yang, Kyoung Taek Kim, Hoi Ri Moon, Soojin Park

New-Concept Electrochemical Devices

Yongseok, Jun, Guntae Kim, Heungjoo Shin , Sang Hoon Joo, Kyu Tae Lee, Jin Young Kim

Electroanalysis --------------------------------------------• Fourier Transformed Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy • Electrochemical Porosimetry • Electrochemical wettability measurement • Coulometric Titration • Micro/nano electrode-based electrochemistry Electroactive Materials ----------------------------------• Redox-active Nanostructures • Electroactive polymers • 2D/3D-nanopatterned electrodes New-concept energy devices -------------------------• Hybridization of two different devices • Non-conventional material based devices • Novel concept devices

 Infrastructure Electrochemistry related instruments -------------• Potentiostat/Galvanostat • Electrochemical impedance spectroscope • Charge/discharge machine • Scanning electrochemical microscope • Rotating ring-disk electrode system • Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance

The Most Important Infrastructure is NOT the instruments But our brainpower.

Join us as a new student or a faculty member. You will be strongly powered by electrochemistry.  Strategies to the top

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering

차세대 태양전지

Core technology


Next Generation Solar Cells ◊ Introduction Due to a limit in fossil fuels and increasing environmental pollution, along with the rapid increase in energy demand, various technologies are required to produce environmentally-friendly and economical energy sources. Therefore, in our research group, the main focus is studying and researching the solar energy which is in the limelight as an environment-friendly and unlimited alternative energy source. Researches will be carrying out on the next generation solar cells such as organic and quantum dot based solar cells. In addition to researches, the graduate program of our group will cover from a basic concepts to practical technology about solar cells including theoretical parts, solar cell structures, various kinds of them, analysis tools, and fabrication skills.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Hybrid Solar Cells

Glove box (Fabrication) Organic Solar Cells

Organic and Compound Semiconductors Synthesis Nanostructure Pattern and Fabrication Organic, Dye Sensitized, Quantum Dot Solar Cells III-nitrides Solar Cell using In-rich Nitrides Nanowires Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells Design for Solar Cell Applications

◊ Core members Jin Young Kim/Group Leader(김진영 교수/연구그룹장), Changduk Yang(양창덕 교수), Yongseok Jun(전용석 교수),

Quantum Dot Solar Cells

Research For Next Generation Solar Cells

Innovative Product Design

Materials Design & Synthesis

Nanostructure Pattern and Fabrication

Ji-hyun Jang(장지현 교수), JoonHak Oh(오준학 교수), Tae-Hyuk Kwon(권태혁 교수)

Glove box (Characterization)

IPCE Measurement System

Solar Simulator

◊ Affiliated members JongNam Park(박종남 교수), Soojin Park(박수진 교수) , KwanMyung Kim(김관명 교수), JeongMin Baik(백정민 교수), Hyun-Kon Song(송현곤 교수), HyeonSuk Shin(신현석 교수), Hyunhyub Ko(고현협 교수) , Min-Suk Kwon(권민석 교수),

JY Kim Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells

Quantum Dot

Hybrid Solar Cells

Y Jun Dye Sensitized, Quantum Dot Solar Cells

Solar Cells

Future career opportunities

Our group integrates chemical, physical, and electrical sciences and engineering principles for the study of materials and devices. Graduate student will be prepared to perform cutting-edge research and developments in academia and energy companies.

J H Oh Nanostructure Fabrication

Next Organic Materials



Solar Cells C Yang Organic Synthesis

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J-H Jang Nanostructure Pattern

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering


Core technology


Nuclear System Engineering ◊ Introduction Nuclear Safety group focuses its research on the theoretical and experimental approaches to develop the safe and economic nuclear systems as well as to establish the advanced science and technology for future nuclear systems and nuclear fuel cycles. The missions cover nuclear design, nuclear fuel design, thermal-hydraulic design, materials design with economics and safety. Nuclear design begins with preliminary cross-section data. Because the calculational models rely on flux-averaged cross sections, iterations are required as the design process evolves. The flux, power distribution, and burnup contribute to a final specification of fuel loading, i.e., enrichments and fuel management pattern. The thermal-hydraulic design interacts with the power distribution to develop a geometry and its related temperature and flow distributions. These also contribute importantly to material specifications.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Nuclear fuel design: metallic fuel, coated fuel, ceramic fuel, and fuel cycle Reactor Design including neutron transport and diffusion, and reactor core simulator Development of cladding and structural materials in advanced nuclear energy systems Design of advanced nuclear systems, nuclear safety systems and engineered features. Advanced liquid metal transportation for a fast reactor and a nuclear fusion reactor Advanced nuclear radiation protection and detections Nanofluids and Nanocomposites for advanced nuclear coolants and nuclear fuel Ultra-long cycle Fast Reactor(UCFR), UniST Advanced Research Reactor (USTAR), Advanced safety systems and molten core cooling systems for I-Power reactor, Spent fuel storage.

Nuclear fuel Loading and burnup

Neutron Transport & Diffusion

Nuclear fuel Cladding and Structural Materials

Nuclear Safety for the Sustainable Nuclear Energy

 Center for Evolutionary Nuclear Technology and Engineering Research (U-CENTER)

Nuclear Radiation Protection & Detection

Reactor Core and system thermalhydraulics

◊ Core members Dong Seong Son/Group Leader(손동성 교수/연구그룹장), Duk Jung Lee (이덕중 교수), Ji Hyun Kim (김지현 교수), In Cheol Bang (방인철 교수), Hee Reyoung Kim (김희령 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Si Hwan Kim (김시환 교수)

Ji Hyun Kim Nuclear Materials Design

NUCLEAR MATERIALS Dong Seong Son Nuclear Fuel Design



Duk Jung Lee Reactor Core design


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Hee Reyoung Kim Radiation Protection and Detection Design


In Cheol Bang Thermal-hydraulic design


Future career opportunities Graduate students, who will have had further experiences in the Nuclear Safety group covering physics-fundamental, scientific and engineering approach for the study of present and future nuclear power systems will have chances to make new and creative activities in nuclear research institutes, companies and government.

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Div is io n f o r M e c h a n i c a l a n d A dvanced Materials Engineering


Core technology


Nuclear Science

 Center for Radiation Research

◊ Introduction Nuclear Science group focuses its research on the theoretical and experimental approaches to develop the sensor compatible with radiation environment as well as to establish the technology for analyzing micro-quantity radioactivity. Its research area covers nuclear data measurements of neutron, proton, deutrium and photonuclear reaction including nuclide conversion chain information. Also, It has the particle interaction and beam acceleration as the prosperous topics for solving long-half life radioactive waste treatment problems. In addition, its neutron science deals with the material structure and application to nano and bio materials based on the neutron scattering. It supplies various courses and environments to graduate students who will be the prepared resources of the future through mutual discussions and training.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Nuclear Data Measurement and Conversion Chain

Nuclear Spallation and Structure Analysis

Nuclear Reaction Data for Reactor Design Radiation Detection and Measurement Material Analysis using Neutron Particle Interaction Acceleration and Beam

◊ Core members Hee Reyoung Kim/Group Leader(김희령 교수/연구그룹장), Dong Seong Son (손동성 교수), Duk Jung Lee (이덕중 교수),

Sensor and Micro quantity Radioactivity Analysis

Nuclear science for the base of the future energy

Quantum Physicsbased Neutron Spectroscopy

Long Half-life Radionuclide Conversion

Ji Hyun Kim (김지현 교수), In Cheol Bang (방인철 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Si Hwan Kim (김시환 초빙교수) Ji Hyun Kim Particle interaction for radioactive waste treatment

PARTICLE PHYSICS Dong Seong Son Nuclear data for fast reactor



Duk Jung Lee Neutron scattering


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Future career opportunities Hee Reyoung Kim Radiation detection analysis

Nuclear Science Group

Graduate students, who will have had further experiences in the Nuclear Science group covering physics-fundamental, scientific and engineering approach for the study of neutron experiments, accelerator, particle beam, radiation detection and nuclear data, will have chances to make new and creative activities in nuclear research institutes, companies and government.

In Cheol Bang Nuclear structure


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Division for Technology Management 테크노경영연구부


기술경영/정보시스템/기업가정신 Technology Management/ Information System/Entrepreneurship

Research Groups

디지털비지니스 전략 Digital Business Strategy





Finance/Accounting Marketing/International Business

에너지상품 거래/금융공학

Energy Commodity Trading & Financial Engineering

Risk Management Behavioral Decision Making


Financial Mathematics

에너지거래 및 금융공학

Energy Commodity and Financial Engineering


Div is io n f o r G r e e n E n e r g y



Digital Business Strategy

Risk Management

◊ Introduction

◊ Introduction

Digital Business Strategy Research Group provides research leadership for the emerging digital economy. New digital technologies continue to accelerate innovation in business, and now strategic use of those technologies is considered essential requirement for management. We investigate digitalized firms and business from the diverse perspective including information systems, strategy, and economics.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

IT-enabled organizational innovation IT economics, Economics in the digital age Business process mining / Data mining E-commerce / E-education Social media

Risks in financial markets come from uncertainty in market, credit, liquidity and operational factors as well as political and legal risk. Risk management is the identification and assessment of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize and control the impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities. Risk measurement and management can be applied using the valuations theories and trading strategies of financial derivative securities.

◊ Research Topics

◊ Core members Yoonhyuk Jung (정윤혁 교수/연구그룹장), Youngbong Chang (장영봉 교수), Insook Cho (조인숙 교수), Wooje Cho (조우제 교수), Jinhyouk Im (임진혁 교수), Dongryul Lee (이동렬 교수), Minseok Song (송민석 교수),

· · · · ·

Risk Management Financial Engineering Empirical Asset pricing Derivative Security Financial Econometrics

Hangyun Woo (우한균 교수)

◊ Core members

◊ Affiliated members

Kwanho Kim/Group Leader(김관호 교수/연구그룹장), Hyeongsup Shiim(심형섭), Sang-tai Choi(최상태 교수),

Kwanho Kim (김관호 교수), Kyootai Lee (이규태 교수), Keunsuk Chung (정근석 교수)

Bongsoo Jang(장봉수 교수), Pilwon Kim(김필원 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Insook Cho (조인숙 교수), Dongryul Lee (이동렬 교수), Keunsuk Chung (정근석 교수) Information &

Digital Economics

Media Management

Empirical Asset Pricing Business Analytics

Digital Business Strategy

IT Security

Future career opportunities

Derivative Securities

Kwanho Kim Finance/ Techno Management

Financial Engineering

Risk Management

Financial Econometrics

∙ Business fields: IT department in companies, IT companies ∙ Research institutes (e.g., 정보통신정책연구원 (KISDI), 한국인터넷진흥원 (KISA)) ∙ Continuance of research (Doctoral program)

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Div is io n f o r G r e e n E n e r g y

행동 의사 결정

Core Research Financial Engineering

Empirical Asset Pricing

Derivative Securities

Financial Econometrics

Financial engineering is an area which relies on financial mathematics, computational intelligence, probability and statistics, and economic theories to make trading, hedging and investment decisions, as well as facilitating the risk management of those decisions. Empirical Asset Pricing deals with the valuation of financial and real assets. Valuations are needed for many reasons such as investment analysis, capital budgeting, merger and acquisition transactions, financial reporting, taxable events to determine the proper tax liability and in litigation.

Behavioral Decision Making ◊ Introduction The interdisciplinary research group in Behavioral Decision Making was formed in 2011. Our goal is to draw together scholars with diverse disciplinary backgrounds such as marketing, psychology, economics, information systems, sociology, communications and shared research interests in the behavioral analysis of human judgment, decision making, and behavior.

◊ Research Topics Consumer Decision Making and Behavior, Behavioral Economics, Strategic Decision Making, Organizational Behavior

A derivative security is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables. It includes futures, forward, swaps, options and other more exotic derivative securities. In the area of derivative securities, the valuation issues, trading strategies and risk management are the main area of research.

◊ Core members

The area of Financial Econometrics is to study the finance and financial engineering using econometric techniques. The related topics are the asset pricing models, the term structure of interest rates, test of the random walk hypothesis, nontlinear financial models, and other test of financial models using econometrics.

◊ Affiliated members

Hyewook jeong/Group Leader(정혜욱 교수/연구그룹장), Hangyun Woo (우한균 교수), Kyootai Lee (이규태 교수), Dongryul Lee (이동렬 교수), Sangdo Oh (오상도 교수), Soohan Kim (김수한 교수), Jinyoung Kim (김진영 교수-기초)

Wooje Cho (조우제 교수), Yoonhyuk Jung (정윤혁 교수), LuZhang(지앙 루 교수)

Future Career Opportunities Hyewook Jeong Sangdo Oh Dongruyl Lee

Consumer Decision Making and Behavior

Behavioral Economics

Hangyun Woo Kyootai Lee Jinyoung Kim Wooje Cho Yoonhyuk Jung

Soohan Kim

Strategic Decision Making

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Behavioral Decision Making

Organizational Behavior



Div is io n f o r G r e e n E n e r g y

금융수학 Financial Mathematics

The Problem Although economics and psychology are closely related in terms of investigating human decision making, for the most part the two literatures have evolved independently, and there is very little collaboration. This lack of collaboration is a major stumbling block for both fields. The goal of our group is to pursue truly interdisciplinary collaboration of decision making and behavioral process. There is also a broader issue relevant for behavioral decision making. However, the lack of interaction with other social scientists, both in terms of exploring implications of behavioral research for other social sciences. We are also lack of understanding in terms of exploring how insights and methodologies from other social sciences might create further synergies. UNIST can become the leader in interdisciplinary collaboration between psychologists, economists, and other social scientists. If we succeed, we can expect a series of articles in scholarly journals, and perhaps an edited volume as we shape the future of this collaboration.

Future career opportunities Understanding of human decision making and behavior helps to shape the way that the world works and how it moves forward. Careers within the behavioral decision making are essential for tying together different areas of social sciences. By bringing these different areas to a crossroad, further exploration into different areas and further collaboration will be more likely. A variety of industries or managerial sectors such as marketing, human resources, economic research are open for students who study behavioral decision making.

◊ Introduction Financial markets play an important economical role. The traders now use not only huge communication networks but also highly sophisticated mathematical models and scientific computation algorithms. Most of the traders are now using stochastic processes to model the primary assets and deduce theoretical optimal hedging strategies which help to take management decisions. The related questions are various and complex, such as: is it possible to identify stochastic models precisely, can one efficiently approximate the option prices. can one evaluate the risks of severe losses corresponding to given financial positions? These questions are subjects of intensive current researches, both in academic and financial institutions. Financial mathematics will give some clue for those questions.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Price modeling for the financial markets Multivariate and stochastic models Price modeling for the financial markets Optimization and new methods for the pricing models Pricing modeling for the incomplete markets to energy commodity derivatives

◊ Core members Bongsoo Jang/Group Leader(장봉수 /연구그룹장), Bongsuk Kwon(권봉석), Pilwon Kim(김필원), Kwanho Kim(김관호), Hyeongsup Shiim(심형섭)

◊ Affiliated members Chang-yeol Jung(정창렬 교수), Chang-hyeong Lee(이창형 교수), Kyootai Lee(이규태 교수) Bongsoo Jang, Bongsuk Kwon, Pilwon Kim Applied Math

Computational Methods, Pricing model and Analysis

Derivative securities and Risk management

Kyootai Lee Technolgy Management

Hyeongsop Shim, Technology management

Market microstructure

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Kwanho Kim Techonology management

Financial Mathematics

Energy Commodity Derivatives



Div is io n f o r G r e e n E n e r g y

에너지거래 및 금융공학 Core technology ∙ Numerical Analysis and Methodology ∙ Analysis of the Complex Systems

Infrastructure ∙ Large computing powers - Supercomputer Center - KISTI PLSI System

Future career opportunities ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Quantitative Analyst for the financial market Financial trading companies and financial exchanges Bank Investment Bank power companies Insurance companies Public Institutions

Energy Commodity and Financial Engineering ◊ Introduction Energy commodities such as crude oil, gas, and napthah are essential ingredients for civilized lives and industrial productions. Interestingly, securing energy commodities requires deep understanding of energy markets and applying relevant trading strategies that normally accompanies risk management. The oil hub project expected to be launched soon provides an opportunity to generate extra value from running financial institutions specializing in oil spot and futures trading in addition to logistics. Energy commodity and financial engineering research group strives to meet the needs for experienced energy traders and risk managers in the market by focusing on core technologies such as fixed income securities and derivative securities trading and hedging.

◊ Research Topics ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙

Commodity markets and market microstructure Derivative securities and derivative accounting International finance Empirical asset pricing

◊ Core members Hyeongsop Shim/Group Leader(심형섭 교수/연구그룹장), Kwanho Kim(김관호 교수), Sang-tai Choi(최상태 교수), Kyootai Lee(이규태 교수), Keunsuk Chung(정근석 교수)

◊ Affiliated members Bongsoo Jang(장봉수 교수), Chang-yeol Jung(정창렬 교수), Chang-hyeong Lee(이창형 교수), Pilwon Kim(김필원 교수)

Keunsuk Chung Technology Management

Derivative securities and Accounting

International Finance

Kyootai Lee Technolgy Management

Hyeongsop Shim, Technology management

Market microstructure

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Kwanho Kim, Sangtai Choi Techonology management

Energy Commodity and Financial Engineering

Energy Commodity


World Top 10 University in Science and Technology

Faculty Research Profiles 연구인력 소개

A to Z Listing of Family Names

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