Unist school and track guide book

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UNIST School and Track Guide Book

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

School and Track Guide Book


School and Track Guide Book Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

12 Division of General Studies

44 School of Design and Human Engineering

18 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

52 School of Urban and Environmental Engineering

26 School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

60 Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy

34 School of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering

68 School of Technology Management




Choose 2 tracks. One must be from your school. The 2nd may be from any school(your school or another school). Please be reminded that mastering two tracks is not for everyone. Careful planning and personal commitment are required on your part.




All the professors are willing and ready to help you achieve your dream. Find the professors who can see your potential and enhance yourself with them!


your Future

Realize your God-given potential by encounter your future taking on challenges! May all your dreams for your future be fulfilled beyond your imagination.

UNIST School and Track Guide

Vision & Tasks

Goal & Strategies

World-leading university to advance science and technology for the prosperity of humankind


To provide leading-edge

To educate future global

interdisciplinary research

leaders with creativity and

to create a new paradigm


Academic Programs

2009. Mar. 2

1st Matriculation Ceremony

2009. May. 17

UNIST Opening Ceremony

2010. Mar. 2

2010 Matriculation Ceremony

2010. Jun.

The Opening of Super Computing Center

2010. Aug.

The Opening of Hans SchÖler Stem Cell Research Center

2011. Mar. 2

2011 Matriculation Ceremony

2011. Sep. 1

Reappointed ad UNIST President, Dr. Moo Je Cho

World Top 20

2011. Oct. 20

VISION2030 Proclamation

University in Science and Technology by 2020

2012. Feb. 27

2012 Matriculation Ceremony

World Top 10 University in Science and Technology by 2030


Brief History

Global Education

- All the Classes conducted in English

- Plan to recruit up to 20% of foreign professors and international students

Creative Education

- A ll the courses are designed with IT-intensive LMS

- Discussion-oriented classes with Wi-Fi/Smart Phone/

(Blackboard) LMS connected m-campus Interdisciplinary Education - 7 Schools and 23 Major Tracks (all the students have to take 2 tracks)

- Mandatory split appointments of faculty between two schools

Interdisciplinary Education Programs Global Excellence as a Research-Oriented University

Main Strategies

Creativity Multidisciplinary Study Globalization


Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Take 2 tracks with any combinations Electrical and Computer Eng.

Mechanical and Adv. Material Eng.

Nano –Bioscience Chemical Eng.

Design and Human Engineering

Urban and Environmental Eng.

Green Energy Engineering

Technology Management

Electrical Eng.

Thermal-Fluid & Power Eng.

Nanochemical Science

Integrated Industrial Design

Environ. Analysis& Pollution control Eng.

Energy Conv. & Storage

General Management

Computer Science & Eng.

Mechanical Sys Design & Manufacturing

Advanced chemical Eng.

Affective & Human Factors Eng.

Earth Science & Engineering

Nuclear Science& Eng.

Tech Mgt / InfoSystem / Entrepreneurship

Device Physics

Materials Science & Eng.


Engineering & Sys. Design

Urban Develop. & Engineering

Finance / Accounting

Disaster & Risk Management Eng.

Marketing / Int’l Business

Biomedical Science

Curriculum for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences • Art and Creativity

• Literature and Creativity

• Globalization and Economy

• Society and Culture

• Evolution of Civilization

• What is I

• Effective Communication

• Music and Creativity

Curriculum for Leadership Education • Leadership and Teamwork

• Innovation and Entrepreneurship

• UNIST Leadership Program


Division of General Studies



The Stepstone for Your Future By utilizing such programs in Division of General Studies, the students can investigate the world of advanced basic sciences as well as their majors in engineering and management.

UNIST provides excellence in education with the convergence of Science, Engineering, and Technology Management. To achieve the educational mission of UNIST, the Division of General Studies provides programs of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (AHS), information Technology, Communication, and Languages. We provide the programs to enhance the students’ creativity and leadership as global leaders. The programs are developed tow-folds: all freshmen take foundation courses of the theoretical concepts and basic skills of each discipline;

Good education starts from building a strong foundation

sophomores and advanced students take the advanced courses to develop the ability to solve actual problems in the real world. With the excellent faculty and outstanding programs, the Division of General Studies prepares students to work in their majors of Science, Engineering, and Business Management fields.



Math & Science


We all welcome you with whole-hearted thanks for visiting the

nition of the fact that our future depends on the fusion between

nurture scientists with a management mindset, and entrepre-

Division of General Studies.

various science and technology fields.

neurs with an engineering mindset. The distinctive features of

In order to forge a seamless curriculum based on the philosophy

Accordingly, the DGS curriculum consists of four base science

the DGS curriculum promise to engender students’ creativity

of technology convergence, DGS provides introductory courses of

courses (Mathematics, Physics and lab, Chemistry and lab, Biol-

and global leadership.

basic science, and AHS (Arts, Humanities, Social Science) cours-

ogy and lab) and ten mandatory AHS courses including comput-

Both the Korean proverb, “Sandalwood is a tree, even when still

es for the first-year students. As a science and technology uni-

er programming and English. The four basic science courses are

a seed” and Aristotle’s “well begun is half done” emphasize the

versity dedicated to contributing to the prosperity of humankind,

mandatory for all students to be well-rounded, no matter which

importance of starting with a solid educational foundation. The

UNIST was founded in 2009 with the mission of cultivating cre-

academic fields they major in. Some AHS courses serve as a

Division of General Studies is devoted to providing students with

ative global leaders in the field of Engineering and Techno-Man-

foundation, such as ‘Literature and Creativity‘, ‘Arts and Cre-

the bricks necessary to build character and wisdom, and turn

agement. UNIST is also striving to achieve its vision to become a

ativity’, ‘Music and Creativity’, ‘Sports and Health’ and ‘What

what was once an impossibility into reality.

top 10 leading science and engineering university by 2030.

Is I’. Other courses titled as ‘Global Economy’, ‘Society and

Thank you.

Specifically, UNIST offers six Science and Engineering and one

Culture’, ‘Evolution of Civilization’, ‘Korean History’ and ‘Effec-

Techno-Management program, where students freely select at

tive Communication’ are offered in order to cultivate creativity,

Chair Professor Z. Zenn Bien

least two tracks from any of the schools to form a multidisci-

critical thinking and leadership. All students are required to take

Head Of DGS

plinary degree, pursuing academic integration between engi-

the management courses like ‘Leadership and Teamwork’ and

neering and business areas. This is planned based on the recog-

‘Innovation and Entrepreneurship’. The DGS curriculum aims to

Division of General Studies




UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Message from the DGS Head




Math & Science


UNIST Leadership Program

The Math & Science area is designed to provide a solid basic knowledge the

The main goal of the course is to cultivate fundamental knowledge about Eng-

The goal of Leadership program is building up students’ character as UNI-

student’s specialities by opening General Science courses like Mathemat-

lish. We are opening Intermediate English and Advanced English courses,

STARS such as honesty, sincerity, cooperative spirit, mutual respect, and

ics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and also make the students to study more

and by using On-line materials and Off-line sessions properly, we are going to

etc. by participating into team activities following a creative planning pro-

effectively and efficiently by harmonizing theoretical studies and laboratory

maximize the effectiveness of studying by level and individually.

cess. It also aims to foster students’ qualities to be leaders such as discus-

works. By following UNIST’s vision, which is completing multidisciplinary

Z. Zenn Bien

Kook Joe Shin

Hae-Woong Lee

Seung-bae Park

Jin-young Kim

- Head of Division of General Studies

- Chair Professor

- Chair Professor

- Associate Professor

- Assistant Professor

-S mart Home, Assistive Robotics &

- Reaction Dynamics in Solution

- Quantum information and Optics

- Philosophy of Science / Ethics

-H uman Communication/Mass Com-

- shinkj@unist.ac.kr

- hwlee@unist.ac.kr

- nature@unist.ac.kr

- http://Shinkj.unist.ac.kr

- http://hwlee.unist.ac.kr

- http://nature.unist.ac.kr

Control Theory - zbien@unist.ac.kr

munication - jyk@unist.ac.kr - http://jyk1234.unist.ac.kr

- http://zbien.unist.ac.kr

sion skills, presentation skills, ability to organize and operate a team, and

courses, we are opening a course named Introduction to disciplines to pro-


vide sufficient information (each department, open track, and multidisci-

The main goal is to educate global personal by cultivating fundamental

plinary studies, etc) to the students, before they start their specialities.

knowledge about languages except English. Open courses are Chinese Foun-

mentoring juniors, etc.

dation, Chinese Forward, and try to increase the students interests through IT

various teaching methods.

The IT area is designed to learn applications and potential of IT; and practical IT skills. The course of Dynamics of IT presents the concept, operation and

AHS (Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences)

application of Information system for business purposes. This course is de-

Various AHS courses are offered to increase the creative power of engineer-

signed to help students understand and use fundamental Information System

ing and business students. In these courses, the students will also acquire

principles, so that they will function more efficiently and effectively as future

the basic knowledge in AHS areas by the means of discussions, presenta-

knowledge workers and managers. Topics include: Hardware and Software

tions, and LMS (Learning Management System) which set them apart from

of computers, Telecommunication and Networks (including the Internet), Da-

the general education courses at other universities.

Sae-ra Yoon

Jeongyeon Kim

Jinsook Choi

Kyong-Mi Paek

Bradley Tatar

Soo-Hyun Mun

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- R ussian Literature and Culture/

- Second language teaching/learning

-C ultural Anthropology/Language

-A rt & Design, Art Education /

- Cultural Anthropology

-M odern German History / Western

Comparative Literature - sayoon@unist.ac.kr

- jkim@unist.ac.kr - http://jkim1234.unist.ac.kr

- http://sayoon.unist.ac.kr

&Culture - jschoi@unist.ac.kr - http://jschoi.unist.ac.kr/

Creative process & practice in

- btatar@unist.ac.kr

the arts

- http://btatar.unist.ac.kr

- kpaek@unist.ac.kr

History - munshyun@unist.ac.kr - http://munshyun.unist.ac.kr

- http://kpaek.unist.ac.kr

tabase Management, E-commerce, Systems development and security. Free Elective Management

The field is formed with free elective courses. It should open various courses,

Management is focused on cultivating fundamental knowledge of Business

so the students can attend the courses more freely.

Administration by opening courses like Leadership and Teamwork, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Economics.


Daehyeon Nam

Minkyu Sung

Inkyoung Lee

JongEun Lee

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Metaphysics of self

- Corpus-based language instruction

-R hetoric of science and technol-

-P iano Performance/ Chamber

-V iolin Performance/Music Peda-

- huiyuhl@unist.ac.kr

- dnam@unist.ac.kr

ogy/Political economy of com-

- http://huiyuhl.unist.ac.kr

- http://corpuslab.unist.ac.kr


AHS provides an integrated suite of course offerings in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences to complete the degree programs of the engineering and business schools. Through the creative

- minkyusung@unist.ac.kr

applications of humanistic knowledge, students learn problem-solving skills and encounter the challenges of critical thinking. Students experience a head-on encounter with the traditions of the En-

- http://minkyusung.unist.ac.kr

lightenment but also with the rapid transformations of today’s information-based society. The AHS curriculum familiarizes students with the intellectual frameworks of the liberal arts and encourages their application to the challenges of global leadership.

Music Performance

gogy/Chamber Music Coaching

- inkyounglee@unist.ac.kr

- jongeunlee@unist.ac.kr

- http://piano.unist.ac.kr

- http://muse.unist.ac.kr UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Description of AHS program

Huiyuhl Yi



4 Mathematics Colloquium 5 AHS lecture schedule 6 AHS special lecture 7 AHS special lecture


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



1 A HS special lecture 2 A HS special lecture 3 AHS special lecture




7 UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



School of Electrical and Computer Engineering


I grew up watching cool Science Fiction (SF) movies such as,

provide you with the education that is necessary to become a

program in the world in the near future.

Star Wars, Back to the Future, Matrix, iRobot, Minority Report,

well-established electrical engineer and beyond. In other words,

Want to explore something truly exciting? Want to devote your

Avatar and so on. I found out I love all fascinating gadgets, and

ECE education will empower you with knowledge and skills to

passion for something that enhances the life quality of mankind?

learned that it is mainly the Electronics & IT Technology which

enables technologies such as Semiconductors, Smart Phones,

Want to have the knowledge that will enable your imagination

enables what we imagine come to life. Also, remember the same

Tablets, Cloud Computing, Robots, Electric Vehicles, and so on!

to be realized?

Electronics and IT industry is making our country Korea to be

With our world-class faculty members and advanced education-

wealthy and strong. Luckily, I have become an early adaptor for

al infrastructures, you will love what you learn at ECE. Currently,

such technology myself. The School of Electrical and Computer

the School of ECE at UNIST is one of the fastest growing schools

Engineering (ECE) is the place which provides the very IT Tech-

in the world with 22 faculty members and 7 administrative and

nology and more. All the fascinating stuffs we see in movies and

technical staff members. Our faculty members are mostly young

daily lives can be realized with the art of engineering learned

but quite experienced in the major areas of computer and electri-

The answer is Exciting ECE!

in the School of ECE.__In the School of ECE, we focus on three

cal engineering with globally renowned reputation either estab-

Join us in the ECE!

major engineering disciplines. (1) Electrical Engineering (EE)

lished through world’s most prestigious institutions, research

track, (2) Computer Science & Engineering track, and (3) Device

centers or companies. They will help you to be proud students

Physics (DPH) track. Each of these three tracks is designed to

of the School of ECE at UNIST that is to be one of the best ECE

Introduction The school of electrical and computer engineering at UNIST is

Our mission is to provide enabling technologies for the future

societies world-wide.

dedicated to educating students in interdisciplinary scholarship

way of life through the convergence of electrical and computer

The school of ECE is establishing collaborations with universi-

that will serve for our future society.

engineering with new nano, bio, and environmental technolo-

ties and companies on the other parts of the globe to provide

Our teaching and research take places in interdisciplinary pro-

gies. Our efforts will bring out exciting new technologies that

global environment for education and researches. Come join our

Franklin Bien, Ph.D.

grams and institutes where traditional departmental boundaries

will contribute not only to Ulsan’s world-leading automotive,

efforts to become a world leading institute in science and tech-

Head, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

are things of the past.

shipbuilding, and petroleum industries but also to industries and


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Welcome to Exciting ECE!


Electrical Engineering EE


EE is a field of engineering deals with everything from solid-state devices and designing integrated circuits to developing information and control systems. It focuses on research and development of

While most of people are familiar with computers, not many people have a good understanding of what computer science and engineering (CSE) is really about. Implementation of computer programs

IT convergence systems which are capable of enriching the future life of human being to be pleasant, secured, convenient and socially connected.

that improve the quality of human life is an important aspect of computer science and engineering, however learning how to write computer programs is not the core discipline of computer science but

A broad range of IT technologies in the EE areas are to be proactively merged together to create new benefits with the advent of ubiquitous information society driven by digital convergence.

just a necessary skill to implement and prove creative and innovative computational logics and ideas in many broad sub-areas of computer science such as algorithms, theoretical computer science,

EE track encourages students and researchers alike to initiate a wide range of interactions among different areas in wireless communications and networking, intelligent control and assistive robotics,

programming languages, operating systems, databases, networks, computer security, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and many more. In CSE track, students learn foundational principles of

multimedia signal processing, digital/analog circuits design, VLSI design, high speed mixed-signal IC, RF and wireless IC design.

the core sub-areas of computer science. Having this curriculum, we cultivate the finest computer scientists and engineers that have the ability of conducting highly creative and innovative research

EE track encompasses the experimentation, design, modeling, simulation and analysis of devices, circuits as well as complete systems. The combination of the educational program and the leading

and creating high-quality computing solutions.

edge testing facilities provides a full cycle exposure from concept to product realization, necessary for a top-notch quality engineer that can bring immediate contributions in both academia and industries.


Career Paths

Research Areas


Career Paths

Research Areas

Sophomore : Digital system lab,

- P rofessor in academia

Communications & Networking

Integrated Circuit Designs

Sophomore : Advanced Pro-

- S oftware engineer

Computer Architecture and

Computer Networks and Security

Basic circuit theory, Electromag-

- Researcher in various research

- Digital Communication Systems

- Analog, mixed-mode, RF circuits

gramming, Digital System Lab,

- Computer system architect

System Software

- C ryptography and System

- W ireless and Mobile Networking

- Digital circuits, CAD & VLSI

Discrete Mathematics, Data

- Network and database admin-

- Computer Architecture

random process. Junior : Microelectronics I, Sig-

- Ubiquitous Sensor Network

- C ommunications system

- Next-Generation Internet & Wi-Fi

- Memory & sensors design

Introduction to Programming

Robotics & Control

- SoC (System On Chip) design

Languages, Probability and Introduction to Random Processes

designer - Robot designer

- Intelligent Control

- Green car and electric vehicle IT

II, Intro. to electronic Devices,

- Signal processing algorithm

- Cognitive Robotics


to control. Senior : Interdisciplinary project,

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology


- CEO in various companies

nals & Systems, Microelectronics Intro. to communications, Intro



Structures, Basic Circuit Theory,


- Compiler

- Advanced Wi-Fi and LTE

- Financial engineer

- Database

- Future Internet

- IT consultant

- Operating Systems

- C omputer and Communication

- Security specialist

- Parallel and Distributed


- Venture entrepreneur



- Assistive Robotics

- 3D IC and packaging

Junior : Computer Organization,

- Circuit designers

- Smart Home Systems

- Smart antennas

Introduction to Algorithms, In-

- S emiconductor process

Signal Processing

- Automotive radars

troduction to Operating Systems,

Information Science and Ma-

- Software Engineering

- Image/Video Processing

Electro-magnetic compatibility

Introduction to Database, Intro-

chine Intelligence

- Computer Graphics

duction to Computer Networks

- Artificial Intelligence

- Visualization

- Neural Network and Machine

- Human Computer Interaction



Electronics experiment lab,

- Computer hardware engineers

- 3D Visual Processing


Analog integrated circuits, Intro.

- IT analyst

- Computer Vision


to VLSI, Digital signal processing,

- Audio Processing

- Electric Vehicle EMC

Senior : Artificial Intelligence,

Communication systems.

- Statistical Signal Processing

- Wireless power transfer

Computer Graphics, Mobile Com-

- Multimedia Data Compression


puting, Interdisciplinary Project

- Patent lawyer

- Scientific Computing

Application Software and Software Engineering

Learning - C omputer Vision and Image Processing

Computation Theory - Algorithms

- Data Mining

- Data Structures

- Natural Language Processing

- Programming Languages - Theory of Computation

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

netics I, Probability & intro. to




Franklin Bien

Youngmin Kim

Ki Jin Han

Jae Joon Kim

Jingook Kim

-A ssistant Professor/Head, Director

-A ssistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-V LSI & CAD, ASIC design

- EM modeling, Electromechanics

-C onvergence IC design, Mixed-

- I C & Automotive EMC, RF interfer-

-A nalog & RF IC design

- y oungmin@unist.ac.kr

- kjhan@unist.ac.kr

- b ien@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://youngmin.unist.ac.kr

- http://esdl.unist.ac.kr


A lot of core technologies and their associated devices, equipments, and giant facilities that have been innovating the human life and leading to the splendid modern civilization, such as public media, ultra-fast communication, information technology, computers, and energy facilities, are essentially based on fundamental physical mechanisms. During the course of developing these technologies,

- h ttp://bien.unist.ac.kr

physicists and electrical engineers have been taking crucial roles as inventors or initiators. In the Device Physics (DPH) track of UNIST, we aim at educating students to be able to apply the knowledge

Mode IC design

ence, ESD

- jaejoon@unist.ac.kr

- j ingook@unist.ac.kr

- https://csdl.unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://icemclab.unist.ac.kr

of basic sciences to engineering applications so that they eventually become such leaders in ground-breaking future technologies. The students majoring in the DPH track will learn about semiconductor engineering, display engineering, optoelectronic devices, plasma, RF and terahertz engineering as well as basic courses such as electromagnetic theory, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, solid state physics, optics, etc.

Jaehyouk Choi

Z. Zenn Bien

Jae-Young Sim

Seungjoon Yang

Giljin Jang

Hyoil Kim

- A ssistant Professor

-C haired Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Integrated circuits and systems

-S mart Home, Assistive Robotics &

- 3 D Visual Processing, Image

- I mage & Signal Processing

-M achine Intelligence & Audio

- Wireless and Mobile networking



Career Paths

Research Areas

Sophomore : Digital System Lab,

- P rofessor and researcher in

Semiconductor Devices &

plasma physics & Applications


- A dvanced Accelerator and

Circuit Theory, Modern Physics of Materials

academia - Researcher and engineer in industry : Semiconductor, display, telecommunication, oil, medical,

Junior : Introduction to Electronic

solar energy, automobile,

Devices, Quantum Mechanics I/


II, Microelectronics Lab, Thermal and Statistical Physics

- Researcher in national laboratories - Researcher and engineer in

Senior : Solid State Physics,

defense industry

Semiconductor Engineering,

- Government officials


- F inancial analysts : Stock, bank,

- Digital/RF nano-electronic device development - Q uantum-embedded device modeling on TCAD

- W ide bandgap semiconductor (Power devices) - Nano-Quantum device physics - S emiconductor electromagnetic wave detector

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- j ysim@unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://icsl.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://zbien.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://vip.unist.ac.kr

Beomseok Nam

Jongeun Lee

Aaram Yun

Won-ki Jeong

Changhee Joo

Young-ri Choi

- A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- Data Intensive Computing

-C omputer Architecture and Compil-

- C ryptography

-B iomedical Image Analysis, Visu-

-C omputer and Communication

-C omputer Systems

- h ttp://dicl.unist.ac.kr/~bsnam

ers for Embedded Systems - jlee@unist.ac.kr

- http://hkim.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://gjang.unist.ac.kr

- a aramyun@unist.ac.kr

alization, GPGPU, and Computer

- h ttp://aaramyun.unist.ac.kr


- h ttp://ecl.unist.ac.kr

- g jang@unist.ac.kr

- hkim@unist.ac.kr

- z bien@unist.ac.kr

- b snam@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://syang.unist.ac..kr

Signal Processing

-w kjeong@unist.ac.kr

Networks - c joo@unist.ac.kr

- y choi@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://ychoi.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://netlab.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://wkjeong.unist.ac.kr

- Development of a versatile simulator for beam, plasma,

Kyunghan Lee

Tsz-Chiu Au

Kibog Park

Min Sup Hur

Eunmi Choi

Kyung Rok Kim

and wave

- A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

-A ssociate Professor

- Assistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- M obile Social Computing and

- M ultiagent Systems, Intelligent

-W ide Bandgap Semiconductor,

- L aser-Plasma based Particle Ac-

- High power THz source and device

-N ano-Electronic Emerging Devices

Novel Electromagnetic wave & Device - Vacuum-based High power THz source - THz imaging - Metamaterials



- s yang@unist.ac.kr

- jaehyouk@unist.ac.kr

femto hard X-ray

- Non-volatile memory device (FRAM, RRAM, MRAM)

Processing, Computer Vision

Compressive Sensing - A new paradigm for imaging - Broad applications: THz imaging, medical imaging, security imaging

Networking, Cloud-powered

Transportation Systems, Autono-

Oxide Thin Film, Charge/Spin

Networking, Information Centric

mous Vehicles, and Automated

Transport at Interface



- k hlee@unist.ac.kr

- c hiu@unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttp://www.cs.utexas.edu/~chiu/

- k ibogpark@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://kibogpark.unist.ac.kr

celerator and X-ray source -m shur@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://cpl.unist.ac..kr

- emchoi@unist.ac.kr - http://emchoi.unist.ac.kr

& TCAD-based Computational Semiconductor Device Physics - k rkim@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://needs.unist.ac.kr

khanleepage Min-Suk Kwon - A ssistant Professor - P hotonic and plasmonic waveguide devices - m skwon@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://mskwon.unist.ac.kr

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Electromagnetics I/II, Basic

Control Theory


2009. 5 The 1st UNIST Expo

What is “Exciting”

2009. 11 The 1st International Workshop on Smart Home System Technology 2009. 12 The 1st International Workshop on Compressive Sensing 2010. 10 IEEK CICS’10 (Conference on Information and Control Systems) 2011. 4 International Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms 2011. 4 Green Energy Vehicle unified workshop 2012. 1 MOU with Samsung Mobile Display 2012. 2 MOU with LG 2012. 6 International Conference on IT Convergence Technology


You can be the next !!

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

Introduction Mechanical Engineering

The School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering focuses on interdisciplinary, world-class research fields. Me-

In addition, Materials Science & Engineering is leading a variety

chanical engineering performs cutting-edge research on (electri-

of research fields such as inorganic materials, semiconductor

cal) automotive, ship-building, MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical

materials, and organic polymers by combining empirical, theo-

Systems), robotics, composite materials, precision manufactur-

retical and computational approaches.

Mechanical Engineering is the most essential discipline in engineering. It involves the analysis, design, manufacturing, and control of various systems through a solid understanding of core concepts including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials science, and energy. Me-

ing, lasers fabrication, CAD and biomedical devices.

chanical engineers use the core principles as well as other knowledge in the field to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipments and machineries, heating and cooling systems, motor vehicles, aircrafts, watercrafts, robotics, medical devices and more. Materials Science & Engineering The field of materials science and engineering is directed towards understanding why materials behave the way they do, how materials are made, and how new materials with unique properties can be created. Students will learn specific materials what our daily life is made of such as metals for airplanes

Thermoflulds & Energy


Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering

energy. We firmly believe that the importance of Mechanical

will enhance the global competitiveness of Korea. Being a newly

are pivotal disciplines that are the foundations of Korean indus-

and Science Materials Engineering will be furthered in the years

founded, young university, we will do our best to educate and

tries and play a predominant role in the economic development

to come. The MAME at UNIST was born with the founding of

research with passion and make every effort to stay abreast of

especially in Korea. These disciplines are not only the backbone

the university and its mission to deliver world-class education

the world’s premier research universities. We appreciate your

of the national core industries, such as the automotive, ship-

to students and carry out forefront research in the fields of

support and encouragement!

building, aerospace, steel, and electronics industries, but are

Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences & Engineering,

also at the heart of advanced technologies, such as new elec-

Multidisciplinary research, creativity, and globalization are the

tronic devices, next-generation displays, robotics, energy areas

school’s keywords, with which the MAME is fostering the best

of solar power & thermal energy, wind power, and geothermal

talents and leaders and conducting cutting-edge research that

Students, Staff, and Faculty of the MAME at UNIST

semiconductors for transistors, polymers for flexible devices and get understanding how their structure, from the atomic level to that of common objects, influences mechanical, optical, electrical, magnetic, and chemical properties. Finally,

Nano & Bioengineering

Control & Robotics

Carbon Materials

Ceramic Materials

Materials Science & Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

students can play a key role in creating a wide range of modern technologies; from producing high-strength, lightweight aluminum alloys for new generations of aircrafts to the addition of a layer of atoms on the surface of materials used in semiconductor processing.


Design & Manufacturing

Polymer Materials

Metal Materials

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Welcome to the School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering (MAME) at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)!

and cars, ceramics for solar cells and light emitting diodes,

Electronic Materials


Thermo-Fluid & Power Engineering tfp

Mechanical System Design & Manufacturing sdm

“Thermo-Fluid and Power Engineering deals with the world’s most important problems, such as energy, transportation, health, and climate change.”

Design and Manufacturing directly contributes to elevating the global standard of living Design and manufacturing is a discipline that encompasses the processes involved in converting raw materials

Automobiles, aircraft, ships, and submarines are designed using the principles of fluid mechanics because they move in a fluid such as air and water; they are propelled by a power-generating device

into value-added products The science and technology of design and manufacturing have made dramatic advances on a global scale and continue to have a major impact on the global economies of

such as a jet engine or an internal combustion engine, which are all based on the principles of thermodynamics. More than 90% of all the electric power consumed in the world is generated by a funda-

the standard of living.

mental thermodynamic power cycle, namely the Rankine cycle.

An indispensable part of the field of design and manufacturing is optimal design of mechanical systems, including automobiles, aircraft, power systems, machinery, and their integral components.

Thermo-Fluid & Power Engineering is a branch of engineering that deals with important and exciting problems like these, and has numerous applications, such as cooling problems in microchips, light

In the Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing track, students are educated and trained to learn the underlying principles of mechanical design and manufacturing engineering, and to apply the

emitting diodes and data centers; renewable energy such as wind, geothermal and solar energy; biomechanics problems such as cardiovascular flows; micro/nanofluidics (which is one of the key

knowledge to real-world examples and case studies hands-on.

technologies in biochip research), and heat exchanger design in nuclear power plants.

Disciplines include machine design, advanced materials processing, laser-assisted manufacturing, micro/nano machining, MEMS, biomedical products, controls and mechatronics, acoustics and

In the Thermo-Fluid & Power Engineering track, students will learn the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer, and how these principles are applied to real-world

dynamics, and tribology.


Core Courses


Research Areas

Core Courses


Research Areas

- T hermodynamics

- Faculty in academic

- Microfluidics

- Solid Mechanics

- Faculty in academic

- Robotics

- Fluid Mechanics

- Engineers in various companies

- L ab-on-a-chip, Bio-chips,

- Mechanical Drawing and Lab

- Researchers in various com-

- Biomechanics

- Mechanical Engineering Lab

- Researchers in national labo-

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Aerosols

- Creative Engineering Design I & II

- Applied Thermodynamics

- Nanofluids

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Practicing engineer in industry


- Applied Fluid Mechanics

- C omputational Combustion,

- Machine Element Design

- Consultant

- Nanofabrication

- System Dynamics and Control

- Entrepreneur

- Multiscale Machining

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Propulsion and pollution

- Internal Combustion Engine

- IC Engine

- Applied Solid Mechanics

- Mechatronics and Thermofluid

- Multiphysics Simulation

- Introduction to Finite Element

- Researchers in national labo-

- Nanomechanics

- Manufacturing Processes and Lab





- Numerical Analysis


- Dynamics


- Carbon Nanomaterials - MEMS

- Laser Materials Processing


- Combustion

- Introduction to Plastic

- Air-conditioning and Refrigeration

- Introduction to MEMS

- Multiscale System Design


- Energy System Design

- Optimal Design - Mechanical Vibration - Introduction to Sensors - Acoustics

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Heat Transfer



Materials Science & Engineering mse Materials drive our society and the quality of our everyday lives is improved by revolutionary materials. Materials Science & Engineering is to investigate the relationships that exist between the structure and properties of materials and to engineer the structure of materials to produce a predetermined set of properties. Materials Science & Engineering is directed towards general concept of


Youngil Youm/ Head

Hyungson Ki

Sung Youb Kim

Young-Bin Park

Heungjoo Shin

Mechanical Engineering

- Chair Professor

- Associate Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Robotics

- Laser Materials Processing

- Computational Nanomechanics

- Composite Materials


- youmyi@unist.ac.kr

- hski@unist.ac.kr

- sykim@unist.ac.kr

- ypark@unist.ac.kr

- hjshin@unist.ac.kr

- http://youmyi.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- http://ptlresearch.com

- h ttp://www.unist.ac.kr/profes-

- http://ypark.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/


understanding various materials such as metals, ceramics, semiconductors, polymers, carbon-based nanomaterials and so on. This track enables students to understand why materials behave the


way they do, how materials are made, and how new materials with unique properties can be created, by not only macroscopic but also microscopic understanding of materials. Students will learn about advanced materials based on structural materials covering cars, ships, aerospace, civil, (opto-)electronic materials covering semiconductors, and displays, energy materials covering solar cells, batteries, superconductors, and supercapacitors, and environmental materials. Finally, students can play a key role in a wide range of modern technologies and industrial fields.

Jaesung Jang

Taesung Kim

Hyung Wook Park

Chung Sang Yoo

Joonbum Bae

Hoon Eui Jeong

- Assistant Professor

- Associate Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Microfluidics

- Microfluidics

- Micro/macro-machining

- Computational Combustion

- Bio-Robotics, Control

- hoonejeong@unist.ac.kr

- jjang@unist.ac.kr

- tskim@unist.ac.kr

- hwpark@unist.ac.kr

- csyoo@unist.ac.kr

- jbbae@unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

- http://ufnm.unist.ac.kr/

- http://hwpark.unist.ac.kr/index.

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- http://jbbae.info


Core Courses


Research Areas

- Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering

- C ollege graduates with MSE de-

- Graphene

- Physical Chemistry of Materials I : Thermodynamics

grees find jobs in steel, aerospace,

- LED(Light Emitting Diode)

- Physical Chemistry of Materials II : Reaction Engineering

automotive,biomedical, chemical,

- Polymer Theory

- Introduction to Crystallography

electronics, energy, consulting,

- Organic Semiconductor

- Materials Laboratory I & II

patent law and telecommunications

- Photonic Devices

- Phase Transformation of Materials

industries - virtually any research

- Inorganic Nanomaterials

- Interdisciplinary Project

field and/or industry that uses

- Low Dimensional Materials


- Organic/Molecular Electronics

- Mechanical Behavior of Materials

professor Materials Science & Engineering




Soon-Yong Kwon

Jaeup Kim

Jeong Min Baik

Hyung-Joon Shin

Zonghoon Lee

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Graphene

- Polymer Theory

- Inorganic Nanomaterials

- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

- Atomic-scale TEM/STEM

- sykwon@unist.ac.kr

- jukim@unist.ac.kr

- jbaik@unist.ac.kr

- shinhj@unist.ac.kr

- zhlee@unist.ac.kr

- http://sykwon.blogspot.com/

- http://home.unist.ac.kr/~jukim/

- http://jbaik.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- http://zhlee.unist.ac.kr/index.sko


- State Physics of Materials

-Possible job opportunities in

- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

- Modern Physics of Materials

·Professors in universities

- Structural Light Alloys

Ju-Young Kim

Sung Soo Park

Myoung Hoon Song

Jung-Woo Yoo

Kyoung-Jin Choi

Ki-Suk Lee

- Metal-Based Biomaterials

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Associate Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Mulitfunctional Nanocomposites

- Multifunctional Nanocomposites

- Structural Light Alloys

- Organic Semiconductor

- Organic/Molecular Electronics

- choi@unist.ac.kr

- kisuk@unist.ac.kr

- juyoung@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://metalloy.unist.ac.kr/index.

- mhsong@unist.ac.kr

- jwyoo@unist.ac.kr

- http://choi.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- http://kisuk.unist.ac.kr

- http://opol.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

- Metallurgical Engineering - Thin Film Technology - Surface Engineering

· R esearchers in national laboratories ·Patent Lawers, Researchers · E ngineers in enterprises such as Samsung Eectronics, Hyundai Motors,

- Introduction to Semiconductor

LG Electronics, POSCO, GS Caltex, Kia

- Introduction to Polymer Materials

Motors, Hyundai Heavy Industry, S-Oil, SK

- Soft Materials Engineering

- http://www.jyklab.org/

sko - sspark@unist.ac.kr


Energy, LG Display, LG Chemical, etc


- Dislocation Theory

Sukbin Lee

- Physical Metallurgy

- Assistant Professor

- Electrical Ceramics

- 3 D Generation/Reconstruction,

- Magnetic Properties of Materials - Semiconducting Devices - Semiconducting Process - Polymer Physics

Characterization and Properties of (Metallic) Structural Materials - sukbinlee@unist.ac.kr

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Transmission Electron Microscopy


032 UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

MAME Athletic Meet MAME Research Internship

Creative Engineering Design Presentation


Nano Chemical Science Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Material Chemistry

Biomedical Science Drug Design, Personalized Medicine, Artificial Internal Organ, Regenerative Medicine, Diagnosis, Therapy, Inoculation Colloids

Welcome to the Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering

Engineering. The goal of the discipline is to advance the funda-

neering of novel materials, devices, and processes in order to

(NBC) at UNIST. The School of NBC was founded in 2009 with

mental understanding of biological and chemical systems, to

provide paradigm-shifting solution to the complex issues such

the primary mission to establish world-leading research groups

broaden the basic knowledge on the molecular interactions in

as human health, energy, and environment.

in the interdisciplinary areas of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical

nano-scale, and to translate into innovative designs and engi-

Advanced Chemical Engineering Green, Environment, Catalysis, Reaction Engineering, System Design, Colloids, Thermodynamics


Bio-engineering Biochip·Sensor, Molecular Imaging, Drug Delivery System, Medical Engineering, Biofuels

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

“world-leading research groups in the interdisciplinary areas of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering”



Our goal of education is to prepare the best young students in both

The school of NBC faculty, staff, and students also play a key role

cessful in recruiting highly competitive national grants for group

I encourage you to learn more about Nano-Bioscience and Chem-

The Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering was designed

Students can achieve in-depth knowledge and hands-on experi-

undergraduate and graduate program to be the global leaders in

for the Research Institute of Biological and Chemical Sciences at

research; the World Class University (WCU) and Renewable

ical Engineering at UNIST and be part of the team to make your

for an emerging field combining Chemical Engineering principles

ence on nano materials and devices, polymers, fine chemicals,

broad areas which interface with chemistry, biology, materials

UNIST, of which main trusted areas are “Nanotechnology for Sus-

energy program in 2009 and the prestigious Science Research

dream come true.

with Life Science and Nanotechnology. Students can learn fun-

applied molecular chemistry, bioengineering, biomedical en-

science, and chemical engineering. The examples of the industry

tainability” and “Integrated Biosystems Dynamics”. The excellent

Center (SRC) in 2010. The school of NBC started international col-

damental science and engineering principles that can be used to

gineering, life science, and chemical engineering related sub-

that UNIST graduates in school of NBC would create high-impact

infrastructures such as Nano Fabrication Center, Hans Schöer

laboration from its early years. For example, globally-renowned

improve the quality of life on earth and solve the most challeng-


value include biotechnology, biomaterials, pharmaceuticals, fi ne

Stem Cell Research Center, UNIST OLYMPUS Biomed Imaging

institutions such as University of California at Irvine, Max Planck

ing issues of the 21st century. The field of Nano-Bioscience and

chemicals, catalyst, polymers, electronic devices and materials,

Center, and In-vivo Research Center support the world-leading

Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Indian Institute of Technol-

Chemical Engineering encompasses a wide range of interests

synthesis and processing of chemicals and materials, and envi-

research and education.

ogy at Kanpur are currently in active collaboration.

ronmental engineering etc.

The faculties of the school of NBC have been already very suc-

Yoon-kyoung Cho

including biomedical and genetic engineering, green energy and

Head, school of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering

environments, and advanced materials.

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

School of NanoBioscience and Chemical Engineering



Advanced Chemical Engineering ACE

The NCS offers a through knowledge in all areas of chemical science including organic, inorganic, physical, biological chemistry and nanosciene. In addition to gaining chemical concepts, students will

A chemical process is a combination of steps, in which starting materials are converted into desired products using equipment and conditions. ACE track provides a challenging curriculum including

have an improved capacity to think creatively and logically while carrying out their research as research interns and undergraduate researchers. Apart from computing/lab skills, NCS track students

thermodynamics, synthetic chemistry, biotechnology, environmental health and safety industry, and reaction engineering, Chemical engineers are involved in manufacturing, research, education,

will learn the value of collaboration and teamwork as a part of a group from the lectures and research experience. A large number of students pursues their graduate degrees, MS and Ph.D in chemistry

process design and development, and marketing.

and related areas to be a world-leading professional in academia and research institutions.

Core Courses


Research Areas

Core Courses


Research Areas

- Organic Chemistry I

- Chemist

- A tom and molecule optics (Graz-

- Organic Chemistry I

- C hemical Plant Process

- C atalysis

- Analytical Chemistry

- Research Scientist

ing incidence atom optics)

- Organic Chemistry II

- Research Chemist

- Optical force spectrometry

- Chemical Reaction Engineering

- Process Safety Engineer

- Physical Chemistry I

- Analytical Chemist

- Sustainable Inorganic Chem-

- Transport Phenomena I

- Product Engineer

- Transport Phenomena

- Inorganic Chemistry

- Technical Officer

- Introduction to Polymer Science

- Manufacturing Production

- Organic/inorganic nanomateri-

- Quality Control Scientist




- Professor

- F unctional nanodevices/sensors

- Fast dynamics of proteins

- Biomedical Specialist

- Polymer Rheology

- Laboratory Technician

- Spectroscopic characterization

- Patent Agent

- Multiscale Modeling/Simula-

of material-based complexes

- Forensic Technician

- Inorganic Nanomaterials

- P harmaceutical Development

- Nanocatalysis

and/or Sales - Product Testing and Analysis. UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

ronment applications

and Engineering

- T hermodynamics / Statistical

- Patent Agent - Technical Writer


istry - Materials for energy and envi-


- Project Engineer - Quality Control Engineer

tions - Molecular Physcis - Energy materials

- Polymer Synthesis, Supramolecular Chemistry, Biopolymers - C arbohydrates and Biologically active Compounds - Electrode materials

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Product Development Chemist

- Physical Chemistry I


Bioengineering BEN

Biomedical Science BMS

Bioengineering (BEN) applies concepts and methods of physics, chemistry, life science, mathematics, and computer science to solve problems in life sciences, using engineering’s own analytical and

BioMedical Science undergraduates often go into careers related to their discipline, ranging from basic science researcher studying fundamental problems in life science to clinical data managers

synthetic methodologies. Bioengineering uses physical and mathematical sciences to analyze, design and manufacture inanimate tools, structures and processes as well as the rapidly-developing

analyzing variety of information from human disease research. The most abundant employment opportunities are provided by government-funded research institutes, university research centers,

body of knowledge known as molecular biology and biomedical science, to study many aspects of living organisms. The main fields of bioengineering include biomedical engineering, biomimetics,

medical research institutes, and industrial biomedical research laboratories. Many undergraduates go to higher level education, MS and Ph.D. degree program, to enhance their research capabilities

biotechnology, cell and tissue engineering, genetic and metabolic engineering, and bioenergy and bioprocess engineering. The Bioengineering track provides not only a number of pertinent courses

and employment.

which cover broad range of basic science and practical engineering, but also practical experience through in-depth discussions and laboratory experiments.

Core Courses


Research Areas

Core Courses


Research Areas

- Biochemistry I

- Research Scientist

- Biosensing and imaging

- Biochemistry I

- Research Scientist

- C ancer research

- Biochemistry Laboratory

- Bioengineering Technical Of-

- Micro/Nanofluidics & Lab-on-

- Biochemistry Laboratory

- Pharmaceutical Developers

- A ging and degenerative

- Molecular Biology

- Clinical data analyst

- Optics & medical diagnostics

- Cell Biology

- Health care specialist

- Stem cell research

- Biomedical & tissue engineering

- Anatomy and Physiology

- Transport Phenomena in Biological Systems - Nano-Bioengineering

ficer or Specialist - P rocess and Product Engineer and/or Manager

- Forensic science professional

- Inflammatory diseases

- Soft matters

- Biomedical Specialist

- Diabetes and metabolic

- Biomedical Specialist

- P rotein & biomolecular engi-

- Business analyst

Manager - Biotech and/or Biomedical Company CEO - Q uality Control Scientist and/

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology


- Pharmaceutical Developers - Biotech Engineer and/or



neering - Biopolymers and supramolecular assembly - Drug delivery systems

- Biotech Engineer and/or Manager - Biotech and/or Biomedical Company CEO

diseases - Immunology - C alcium signaling and dynamics in disease - Neurological disorders

- Biocompatible materials

- Bioinformatics developer

- Structural biology

or Engineer

- Synthetic biology

- Quality Control supervisor

- Bioinformatics

- Patent Agent

- Systems biology

- Patent Agent

- Developmental Biology

- Project Manager

- Biofuels

- Project Manager

- Laboratory Technician

- Applied microbiology

- Biotech sales specialist

- Technical Writer

- Laboratory supervisor - Technical Writer

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Chemical Reaction Engineering



Pann-Ghill Suh

Hans R. Schテカler

Yoon窶適young Cho

Byoung Heon Kang

Chan Young Park

Sung Kuk Lee

Yung Sam Kim

Ja-Hyoung Ryu

Woonggyu Jung

Bum Suk Zhao

Wonyoung Choe

- P rofessor/Dean of Planning &

- Chair Professor

- Associate Professor/Head

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Associate Professor

- E stablishment of Pluripotency Dur-

- L ab-on-a-chip, Biosensors, Sur-

- C ancer biology, Cell death

- C alcium Signaling, Drug Discovery,

- Biofuels, Synthetic Biology

-U ltrafast 2D IR Spectroscopy, Fast

-C ancer Drug Delivery, Cancer Im-

-O ptical imaging, Fiber optic sensor,

-A tom and Molecule optics,

-M etal-Organic Frameworks for

Research - Dean of Academy-Industry Cor-

ing Development

poration, Signal transduction on

- office@mpi-muenster.mpg.de

metabolic diseases cell differentia-

- h ttp://www.mpi-muenster.mpg.de/

tion (cancer &stem cells)


- pgsuh@unist.ac.kr

faces and Interfaces, Microfluid-

pathway, Mitochondrial biology,

Molecular Cell Biology, Immunol-

- sklee@unist.ac.kr

Protein Dynamics, Peptide-Solvent

aging, Stimuli-Sensitive Polymer,

Early disease detection, Wound-

Physical Chemistry, Optical Force

Sustainable Materials Chemistry:

ics, Nanorheology

Anticancer drug development

ogy, Neurobiology.

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/


Supramolecular Assembly, Organic

healing monitoring


Gas separation, optical sensors,

- ykcho@unist.ac.kr

- kangbh@unist.ac.kr

- cypark@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/yoon-

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/




- kimys@unist.ac.kr

Chemistry, Synthetic Peptide As-

- wgjung@unist.ac.kr

- zhao@unist.ac.kr

stimuli-responsive materials,

- http://kimys.unist.ac.kr/


- h ttps://www.sites.google.com/

- http://amol.unist.ac.kr

oxygen reduction reaction, and


- jhryu@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/




heterogeneous catalysis - c hoe@unist.ac.kr - h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ thechoegroup/

Chang Wook Lee

Kyung-Tai Min

Cheol-Min Ghim

Chunggi Baig

Dougu Nam

Hyunhyub Ko

Jang Hyun Choi

Chang Young Lee

Sang Kyu Kwak

- Assistant Professor

- Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- S tructural biology, Protein bio-

- M olecular and Cellular Neurobiol-

- S yntheitc Biology, Stochastic Bio-

- Multiscale Modeling and Simulations

- Bioinformatics, Systems Biology,

- F unctional Nanomaterials and

- Obesity, Diabetes, Metabolic Syn-

-N anomaterials, Neuroengineering,

-M olecular Modeling and Simula-

chemistry and X-ray crystallogra-

ogy: mitochondrial dynamics, neu-

phy, Cellular biophysics, Membrane

ronal polarity, - - dendritic spine

- cmghim@unist.ac.kr

terials, Rheology of Macromolecular

- dougnam@unist.ac.kr

fusion and fission, Aging

structure, local protein synthesis

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

Fluids and Constitutive Modeling,

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- changwook@unist.ac.kr

- ktaimin@unist.ac.kr

chemistry, Molecular Evolution


- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

of Polymer/Bio/Nano-photonic Ma-

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics/

Applied Statistics


Statistical Mechanics


Devices, Organic/Inorganic Hybrid

drome, Signal Transduction, Global


Gene Expression

- hyunhko@unist.ac.kr

- janghchoi@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/dia-


- cbaig@unist.ac.kr


Analytical Chemistry - cylee@unist.ac.kr - h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ cyleegroup/

tion, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Molecular Physics - skkwak@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/ skkwak/

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ chunggibaig/ Hyug Moo Kwon

HyungJoon Cho

Jang-Ung Park

Kyoung Taek Kim

Sang Hoon Joo

Sung You Hong

- Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Transcriptional regulation in

- C ancer Imaging, MRI/PET method

- F lexible and Stretchable Electron-

- P olymer Synthesis, Supramolecu-

- Inorganic Nanomaterials, Energy

- O rganic and Inorganic Synthesis,

inflammatory diseases - hmkwon@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://sites.google.com/site/ triilabunist/

Development, Emerging Imaging

ics, High-Resolution Printing,


Bioimplantable Medical Device

- hjcho@unist.ac.kr

- jangung@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/


lar Chemistry, Biopolymers

Materials, Catalysis

- ktkim@unist.ac.kr

- shjoo@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/




Carbohydrate Chemistry,Medicinal Chemistry, Catalyst and Coupling reactions - syhong@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://sites.google.com/site/


Jeong Beom Kim

Robert James Mitchell

Sebyung Kang

Yoonkyung Do

Joon Hak Oh

Tae Joo Park

- Assistant Professor

- Associate Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- R egenerative Medicine, Stem Cell

- A pplied Microbiology, Biofuels,

- P rotein Engineering, Bio-Inspired

- C ellular and Molecular Immunol-

- O rganic Semiconductors, Polymer

- M olecular mechanisms for the

Biology, Developmental Biology,

Predatory Bacteria, Toxicogenom-

Nanomaterials Synthesis, Protein

ogy, Dendritic Cell Immunobiology,

Nanomaterials, Organic Solar Cells,


ics, Bioremediation

Mass Spectrometry

Vaccine Development

Organic Transistors, Sensors,

- jbkim@unist.ac.kr

- esgott@unist.ac.kr

- sabsab7@unist.ac.kr

- doy@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/unist-

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/pro-

- h ttp://www.unist.ac.kr/profes-





Graphenes. - joonhoh@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://sites.google.com/site/ unistoel/

morphogenesis during vertebrate development - parktj@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://sites.google.com/site/unistmorphogenesis/

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



042 UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

NBC Sports Competition Day Special Lecture by Dr. John B. Gurdon


School of Design and Human Engineering



The educational vision for the DHE School is to educate “21st century Leonardo da Vincis for a new renaissance era” with a novel interdisciplinary educational and research paradigm for Design-Engineering integration.

Design & Human Engineering


Engineering &

Industrial Design

Systems Design


(ESD) Design

To educate New Design Paradigm Leaders

To develop “UNIST Trans-Disciplinary Design Hub”

21C Leonardo Da Vinci

Convergent design engineering venture valley (education + research + industry + business)


Affective & Human Engineering

The School of Design and Human Engineering (DHE) focuses on theoretical and practical studies related to innovative design creation by investigating human physical, cognitive and emotional needs. The DHE emphasizes synthetic thought processes that require interdisciplinary and convergent knowledge from (but not limited to) art, engineering and the cultural & natural sciences.


The DHE provides three specialized tracks - Integrated Industrial Design (IID), Affective & Human Factors Engineering (AHE), and Engineering & Systems Design (ESD) including

Research-Oriented VS. Practice-Oriented Program

color science. A wide range of curricula develops students as global experts performing creatively in diverse areas across design and engineering.

“Creativity is the heart of the matter!”

6+3+ α

100% English Lecture/ Global Internship

Curriculum Path (Double Major)

The DHE deals with the full process of product/system design development. In collaboration with other disciplines, the out-

Global Mind

comes of class projects are combined and synthesised within a product to be produced. We aim to make a product/system

Dr. Myun Woo Lee, Chair Professor, DHE

which can be applied to the real business world and encourage our students to start their own new business models.


Welcome to the UNIST Trans-disciplinary Design Hub!

To achieve our goal of becoming a leading design school not

every problem they face, and create innovative and efficient so-

Founded in 2009, the School of Design & Human Engineering

only in Korea but also globally, we build state-of-art design fa-

lutions to help others and change the way we live.

(DHE) at UNIST offers higher education and research programs

cilities and invite world-renowned professors with outstanding

in 3 major disciplines (Integrated Industrial Design, Affective

research records and industry experience. We also recruit tal-

My colleagues and I are very much committed to this mission.

and Human Factors Engineering, and Engineering & Systems

ented students from around the world who are ready to enjoy

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us. Let us know

Design). By close and active collaboration between faculties,

the challenges and unique opportunities that our program can

how the DHE at UNIST can help you.

and with systematic support from the university, the DHE aims


to establish strong interdisciplinary educational and research programs that combine all 3 areas.

We help our students become creative designers and engineers who can exercise designerly way of thinking and engineering in


Global Academic Industrial Collaboration

Research+Education +Practice


Tech-Design Venture

Design by DHE Made in UNIST

“Designed by UNIST, Made in UNIST”









Head, the School of Design & Human Engineering






SeonHee Jung, Assistant Professor




UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Welcome to the UNIST Trans-disciplinary Design Hub!




Students develop the ability to deal with design language and the principles of form development for industrial product design based on systems of mass production. The IID track is also designed to

Students learn the basic knowledge and functions of human physical, perceptual, cognitive, affective systems, experimental design, color engineering, usability engineering, user experience engi-

foster designers that will lead innovative product development and differentiation through an education spanning the entire process of product development in industrial systems and the business en-

neering, and systems engineering approaches. Affective engineering focuses on understanding the effects of various stimuli on humans (especially their perception and cognition), quantifying human

vironment. In the competitive global business world and high concept society, students will find their place as integrative design thinkers, who are able to integrate user centered design and scientific

emotions, and applying such knowledge to product/system design, engineering and evaluation. Human factors engineering, based on a systems approach, applies what is known about human behavior,

methodology in design, adding creative value to business.

anatomy, physiology, and perceptual / cognitive / affective processes to the planning, design, engineering and evaluation of products, technologies, systems, and work methods / environments.

Core Courses

Research Areas

Core Courses

Research Areas

- Design Thinking

Product Design Engineering

- Design Thinking

Ergonomic Design, Engineering

- Creative Design

- Integrated product development

- Creative Design

and Evaluation

- Design Elements and Principles

- Design theory and methods

- Introduction to Human Factors

- E rgonomic Product Design /

- Design Knowledge and Skill

- Innovative product design

- Product Design Fundamentals

process - Digital design

- Product Design I & II

- High Touch Design

- Experimental Design

- Workplace/Workspace Layout

- Work Measurement & Method

- Usability Engineering - DHM

- Design System

Interaction Design

- Usability Engineering

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Human-centered design

- Safety Engineering

- User-Experience Design

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Emotional Design

- PUI / HMI / HCI / BC

Strategic and Service Design

- Design, marketing and planning

- Strategic design

Career Paths


- Design for services

- P roduct/system planning, en-

- Workplace Layout

- Design firms and agencies (private, public) UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Human Interaction Research

Career Paths specialists in global companies



- Engineering Psychology

- Research institutes and schools

Physical Human Factors Engi-

- Design Management

gineering design or evaluation

- Biomechanics

- Design for social innovation and


- WMSD / Safety


- UI/UX consulting - R &D centers in global engineering companies - Research institutes and schools

Cognitive Human Factors Engineering - HCI - Cognitive Task Analysis - Cognitive Process Modeling

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

I & II





Myun W. Lee

Seonhee Jung

Youngshin Kwak

Gyouhyung Kyung

Duckyoung Kim

- Chair Professor

- Assistant Professor/Head

-A ssistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- High Touch Design

- Strategic Design

- Affective Engineering

- Human Factors Engineering

- System Design

- mwlee@unist.ac.kr

- shjung@unist.ac.kr

- yskwak@unist.ac.kr

- ghkyung@unist.ac.kr

- dykim@unist.ac.kr

- http://mwlee.unist.ac.kr/

- http://shjung.unist.ac.kr/

- http://yskwak.unist.ac.kr

- http://idealab.unist.ac.kr

- http://dykim.unist.ac.kr/

KwanMyung Kim

Namhun Kim

Shuping Xiong

Gwanseob Shin

Joonsang Baek

James A. Self

- A ssistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Product Design Engineering

- Adaptive Process Engineering

- E rgonomic Design,

- Ergonomics, Biomechanics

-P roduct-service system design,

- Design Practice

- kmyung@unist.ac.kr

- nhkim@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

- http://nhkim.unist.ac.kr/

ESD provides students with systematic and innovative approaches to modern engineering design problems that require an in-depth understanding of scientific analysis and engineering synthesis, while always encouraging collaborative creativity. In particular, the program offers advanced education and practical training for students to become skilled at the logical and systematic synthesis and analysis processes, through which basic science principles, engineering technologies and creative/innovative ideas are translated into products, process and other systems in reality. Furthermore, the program teaches students how to plan and manage the entire product development process. This will prepare students to succeed not merely as engineering designers but also as design manager who are capable of driving new product development projects.

Core Courses

Research Areas

- Design Thinking

Engineering design theory &

- Creative Design


- Introduction to Engineering

- Z ero-defect&self-resilient


- maverickhkust@unist.ac.kr - http://shxiong.unist.ac.kr/

- gshin@unist.ac.kr - h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ gsshin/

sustainable design - joonsbaek@unist.ac.kr

- jaself@unist.ac.kr - http://dpr.unist.ac.kr

- http://desis.dothome.co.kr/


- System Control

- System modeling & analysis

- Design for X

- System optimizations

- Engineering Design Methods


- Engineering Design Project

- Digital design tools (VR/AR)

- Manufacturing System Design & Simulation


Applied Biomechanics


- Mechanical Drawing and Lab

- Intelligent system control

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Vehicle electronics & DVI

Ian Oakley

Sooshin Choi

- Assistant Professor

- Visiting Professor

- Human-Computer Interaction

- Product design

- ianokley@unist.ac.kr

- choiss@unist.ac.kr

- http://ianokley.unist.ac.kr

- Embedded systems Career Paths

Manufacturing systems engi-

- A utomobile/aerospace/ship-



- Human in systems

- Research institutes and schools

- Self-reconfigurable systems

- IT consulting firms

- Digital manufacturing

- Design management agencies


and firms

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

building/IT industries


DHE Student Ambassadors’ Interview

Interviews with students


Three of us, the 2nd honorary ambassador of the Design & Human Engineering school, are all enrolling on to 2 tracks at the DHE. We have been working in this position since January of 2012, when our senior students recommended us to the job. They choose us among other undergraduates because of our enthusiasm and our love for our school, The School of Design & Human Engineering. Because we have never done this kind of job before, we were worried at first, but have pride in what we did. So for the last 10 the schools fascinating courses and the exciting activities that we do during the course of the whole year. And by doing so, we were also able to get to know the place where we spend most of our school year. Although we graduated high school 3 years ago, we got to know how much we have changed since graduation. We would not have been able to understand this change if it was not for our honorary ambassador role at the school. Of course, another job was to tell the undergraduates, who did not


know about our DHE, all about the school. Doing all this activity

1. DHE Interior Design

made us tired during the semester, because we also needed to

Renovation(2011.6.10) - TD Room,

study, but by having the chance to meet all the interesting people

Interaction Room and Lobby Area

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with

2. Interdisciplinary Design Workshop(2012.7.23) - Invited Prof. Henri Christiaans from Univ. UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

of TuDelft


we have worked in this role. As it is both a great opportunity to get to know more about our school and a huge responsibility, we really recommend undergraduate, who have a love of the DHE, to become the school’s 3rd honorary ambassadors.

3. ‘ Explore at UNIST DHE School’ Program Organized by Joongang Newspaper Co. & JTBC Broadcasting Co. (2012.6.2)- 110 middle and high school students Participated

in the DHE, it gave us the strength to go on. For almost a year now


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Recent Activities in DHE

months, we have had the chance to show and tell others about


School of Urban and Environmental Engineering


vironments and address many important crosscutting issues arising from them.

tracks (programs) on Environmental Analysis & Pollution Control Engineering(PCE), Earth Science & Engineering(ESE), Urban Development Engineering(UDE), and Disaster & Risk Management Engineering(DRE) for the undergraduate and

The school of Urban and Environmental Engineering (UEE) at

Environmental Analysis & Pollution Control Engineering

The Shool of UEE provides four important inter-disciplinary

UNIST provides a unique interdisciplinary educational program merging environmental engineering, earth science, urban deEarth Science and Engineering

Urban Development Engineering

velopment engineering, and disaster & risk management engineering for the future sustainable and resilient urban built environment against various natural and men-made hazards.

graduate level students. Our discipline is based on the con-

Disaster & Risk Management Engineering

ventional engineering programs of the Earth Science, Environmental Engineering, Civil & Urban Engineering, and Risk Man-

The field of UEE provides humans with infrastructure related to housing, industry, and transportation, which are needed for

agement, and our goal is to integrate and crystallize them.

our daily life and industrial activities. In this field, UNIST aims to nurture intellectuals who can develop cutting-edge technolo-

Steve Jobs, the former Apple CEO, said “You’ve got to find

gies associated with UEE. As such, we are striving to improve

what you love”. With no hesitation, I strongly recommend

human welfare by carrying out research related with improv-

that the area of UEE is what you would love to indulge in. We

ing and protecting nature while, and at the same time, seeking

are looking forward to seeing your active participation in the

to develop methods to efficiently handle urban issues. In this

education and research activities of our school in the near

school of UEE, professors are educating students to gain basic


Sustainable & Resilient Future City

Thank you very much.

knowledge related to UEE at the fundamental level and practical insight into the real problems in our environment and urban society.


There are lots of things to do in this world, but what about

Growing demand of food, energy, water, and housing driven by

“A better environment, a better life” is the motto of the UEE

being indulged in studying Urban and Environmental Engi-

the exploding world population has caused serious environ-

and our dedicated commitment to the society. Meeting with the

neering? On behalf of the School of Urban and Environmental

mental issues including global climate change. Sustainability is

critical need from the society, the School of UEE is designed to

Engineering(UEE) at UNIST, I would like to take this opportunity

becoming a top requirement for adopting any newly developed

develop convergence technologies for preserving the natural

to welcome you to our School of UEE. Your interest, enthusiasm,

technologies, which need to be in a way to minimize adverse im-

environment and improving the quality and safety of our lives in

and participation are the strong engine to move forward the aca-

pacts on the natural environment and at the same time keep the

the built environment. As a part of UNIST, a leading research-

demic programs of our School of UEE.

mankind ever more prosperous.

oriented university, we are dedicated to seriously take the chal-

Chung-Bang Yun, Ph.D.

lenges from our built and natural en

Head, School of Urban and Environmental Engineering

Sustainable City

Resilient City

meets the needs of the present

has capacities for absorbing and

without compromising the ability

counter-acting future shocks and

of future generation’s needs

disasters to its social, economic and infrastructural systems

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Welcome to the UNIST School of Urban and Environmental Engineering“A Better Environment, A Better Life”


Environmental Analysis & Pollution Control Engineering PCE

Earth Science and Engineering ESE

PCE is among the most highly demanded areas of expertise in these times of serious energy and environmental crisis. Producing qualified professionals in the relevant fields, we strive to provide the

The ESE track offers relevant course works to improve the scientific understanding of the climate change and develop modern engineering technologies to mitigate adverse impacts on the Earth

students with the highest quality academic and technical education in analysis and treatment of environmental pollutants. This rack emphasizes the basic principles of various state-of-the-art instru-

climate system by human activity. Major objectives of the track include the monitoring, prediction, and mitigation of climate change, which help societies in minimizing natural disasters and risks by

ments, different analysis techniques, physicochemical and biological treatment of pollutants, environmental remediation, and waste treatment and recycling.

providing scientific evidences. The track educates ESE major students to address various issues on climate and environmental changes in the scale from global to regional, and to urban, by studying core courses of Global Environment, Climate and Environmental Modeling, Remote Sensing, Air/Soil/Water Pollution, Hydrology, and Climate Change Engineering.

Core Courses

Career Paths


Core Courses

Career Paths


- I ntroduction to Environmental

National Research Institutes

Membrane Technology

- Global Environment

National Research Institutes

Climate and Environmental Monitoring

National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea Institute of Science

Water/wastewater/seawater treatment, Foward osmisis membranes,

- Introduction to Environmental

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea Aero-

Air Pollution and Long-range Transport of Pollutants, Satellite

-W ater Pollution

and Technology, Korea Institute of Construction Technology , Korea

Biofouling mitigation

space Research Institute, National Institute of Environ-

Remote Sensing, Atmospheric Monitoring of Persistent Organic

-W ater Treatment Engineering

Environment Institute, etc.

mental Research, Korea Institute of Energy Research,


-W ater & Wastewater Engineering

- A tmospheric and Ocean Sci Advanced Oxidation Technology

Government Branches

Photochemical oxidation, Water treatment using nanoparticles, Chemis-

- Environmental Thermodynamics

Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Af-

try of reactive oxygen species

- Climate Dynamics

- E nvironmental Chemistry

fairs, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, etc. Waste-to-value Biotechnology

- E nvironmental Remediation

P ublic Corporations

Biogas production (CH4, H2), Recovery of nutrients and metals, Bioelec-

-A nalysis of Pollutant

K-water, Korea Environment Corporation

trochemical systems

-A quatic Chemistry Laboratory

Korea Institute Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology, etc.

Development of multi-scale Government and Public Offices

climate prediction models,

- E arth Environment Numerical

Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Land, Transport,

Climate and Environmental

and Maritime Affairs, Korea Meteorological Adminis-

Prediction for Future Climate


Change, Forecasts of Hazard-

Analysis - Environmental Chemistry

ous Weather and Typhoon,

Private Corporations

Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling

- Hydrology

National Companies

Samsung Eng, Hyundai Eng, Hyundai E&C, SK E&C, Doosan Eng, GS E&C,

Water quality modeling, Pollutant transport in

- Introduction to Remote Sensing

Korea Water Resources Corp., Korea National Oil Corp.,

POSCO E&C, Daewoo E&C, Woongjin Coway, Woongjin Chemical, Kolon

aquatic systems, Eutrophication and algal bloom

- Air Pollution Control

Korea Gas Corp., Korea Resources Corp.

Academia and Universities

Climate Prediction and Modeling

- Air Pollution

- Atmospheric Chemistry

Global, Samsung electronics, LG electronics, LSIS, etc. UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology


-W astes Management - E nvironmental Bioprocess



- Climate Change Engineering

Climate Dynamics and Theory Climate Change Mitigation Carbon Capture & Storage, Air

Water/wastewater Treatment

Private Companies

Pollution Control, Application

Energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment

S amsung, LG, SK, Hyundai, POSCO, Korean Air, Asiana

of Gas Hydrates to Energy and

system, Sewage sludge pretreatment process,

Air, Weathernews, K-Weather


Nobel treatment process design Academia and Universities

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



Urban Development Engineering UDE

Disaster and Risk Management Engineering DRE

UDE is a profession that often confronts extreme problems associated with developing and sustaining civilized society by applying fundamental principles of science and mathematics. The mission of

A disaster causes a grave disruption of the functionality of cities, and it sometimes exceeds the ability of the cities to recover in a short period of time. The sustainability of cities is seriously hindered by

our UDE track is to develop engineers with essential expertise in planning, design, construction, and management of urban built environment, who have the enthusiastic nature of their special role in

such disasters. The Disaster & Risk Management Engineering track provides an interdisciplinary undergraduate education, integrating the diverse expertise of urban/civil engineering, environmental

the future of human society. The UDE program consists of major disciplines in urban and civil engineering, such as urban planning, construction materials, structural mechanics and design, smart sens-

engineering and earth/climate engineering to mitigate the impact of unexpected disasters. The track focuses on (1) natural hazard monitoring/prediction; (2) sustainable and resilient infrastructure; (3)

ing and control, and geotechnical engineering. Through innovative education and research, the students will develop dynamic abilities on creating (1) sustainable and (2) resilient urban infrastructure

disaster risk reduction/prevention; and (4) water resources and flood management.

systems for our future generations.

Core Courses

Career Paths


Core Courses

Career Paths


- I ntroduction to Urban Planning

National Research Institutes

Structural Materials

- Natural Hazards

Government Branches

Structural Dynamics and Stochastic Mechanics

-G eographic Information System

Korea Institute of Construction Technology,

Nano-, micro-structure characterization and mechanics for carbon-zero binding materials, sustainable

- Man-made Disasters

Ministry of Public Administration and Security, National Emergency Man-

Earthquake, wind, offshore engineering, damage identification and

-U rban Design

Korea Conformity Laboratories, Architectural

construction materials (e.g., fly ash, slag, recycled aggregate, sulfur concrete), and high performance

- Disaster Analysis

agement Agency, Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, etc.


-U rban Transportation Planning

and Urban Research Institute, etc.

fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

- P robability Concepts in Engi International Organizations

Structural Reliability and Risk Assessment

Government Branches

Structural Mechanics and Design

- S tochastic Mechanics

United Nations (UNDP, UNEP, UNISDR), World Bank, etc.

Reliability-based structural design and maintenance, fragility analysis,

- I ntroduction to Civil Engineering

Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime

Multi-scale applied mechanics, design optimization against multi-hazards, earthquake-resistant design,

- Weather Analysis and Predic-

-M echanics of Materials

Affairs, Board of Audit and Inspection of Korea,

modeling, and assessment for urban infrastructures (e.g., super-tall buildings, long-span bridges)

-S tructural Analysis




Structural Dynamics and Monitoring

-S tructural Engineering Lab

Public Corporations

Structural health monitoring, smart sensors and sensor network, system identification and damage as-

- Water Resources Engineering

Korea Highway Corporation, Korean Railroad

sessment, structural dynamics and experimental methods, structural control

- Disaster Management

-C oncrete Microstructure -P roperties of Concrete

Corporation, Urban Development Corporation, etc.

-S teel Structures - I ntroduction to Structural Dynamics UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Numerical Modeling and

-M atrix Structural Analysis -C oncrete Structures



Geotechnical engineering Soil and rock mechanics, mega-scale foundation engineering, coastal and

Private Corporations

National Research Institutes Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea Institute of Construction

High-impact Weather Prediction

Technology, etc.

Development of numerical models for high-impact weather and climate,

- Economics of Disaster

P ublic Corporations

real-time weather forecasting &

- Vulnerability and Capacity As-

Korea Water Resources Corporation, Korea Land & Housing Corporation,

regional climate modeling


etc. Disaster Risk Management Private Companies

Daelim, Lotte, Dohwa, Hyundai Eng, Samsung

Urban Planning

Eng, etc.

Sustainable and resilient planning, design, and management for the urban built environment


National Disaster Management Institute, Korea Environment Institute,

underwater foundation technology for ocean green-energy development

H yundai, Samsung, GS, Posco, SK, Daewoo,

Academia and Universities


hazard models, probabilistic risk assessment of civil infrastructure

Policy and planning for disaster risk reduction, vulnerability and capacity

Academia and Universities


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

-U rban and Regional Develop-



Chung-Bang Yun

Young-Nam Kwon

Sung-Deuk Choi

Lee, Changha

Myong-In Lee

A Novel Approach to Unveil Mechanisms of Tropical Cyclone Ac-

- C hair Professor / Head

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

tivity Using Very-High Resolution Global Climate Model

- S tructural Dynamics and Stochas-

- M embrane Technology and Aquatic

- M ultimedia Environmental Moni-

- Water Treatment Using Chemical

- C limate Modeling and Environmen-

tic Mechanics


toring and Modeling


tal Prediction

- cbyun@unist.ac.kr

- k wonyn@unist.ac.kr

- s dchoi@unist.ac.kr

- clee@unist.ac.kr

- m ilee@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://cbyun.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://kwonyn.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

- h ttp://artlab.re.kr

- h ttp://climate.unist.ac.kr


Myoungsu Shin

Jae-Eun Oh

Sung-Han Sim

Jae Hong Kim

Sarah Kang

Gi-Hyoug Cho

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- S eismic Design / Tall Buildings /

- L ow Carbon Construction Struc-

- S tructural Health Monitoring,

- M echanics and Material Charac-

- A nalysis of climate change impacts

- R elationship between travel pat-

High Performance FRC

tural Materials

Smart Sensor, Structural Dynamics

terization of Concrete

- m sshin@unist.ac.kr

- ohjaeeun@unist.ac.kr

- s sim@unist.ac.kr

- jaekim@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://msshin.pe.kr

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttp://ssim.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://concrete.unist.ac.kr


(global warming, ozone hole) on circulation - s kang@unist.ac.kr

tern and the built environment - gicho@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://gicho.unist.ac.kr

Meet Our Global PhD Fellowship Winners!

“I am very proud of being a GPF student and full of enthusiasm for my research. I will keep doing my best to live up to the expectations of people who supported me.” -Hyerim KimDevelopment and Application of Smart Membranes for Green Energy Generation and Wastewater Treatment Using Pressure Retarded Osmosis (PRO) Technology “With a ‘go further’ attitude, I will do my very best in every step of my journey to success. I hope to be a leading scientist in the membrane technology field someday.”-Byung Moon Jeon-

- h ttp://skang.unist.ac.kr

DeSign your life at uee Yongwon Seo

Changsoo Lee

Jungho Im

Marco Torbol

Dong Keun Yoon

Dong-Hyun Cha

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- C arbon Dioxide Capture and

- E nvironmental biotechnologies

- E nvironmental Remote Sensing

- R eliability and Risk Assessment of

- disaster risk management, Policy

- Numerical Modeling of High-impact

Storage - y wseo@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://ywseo.unist.ac.kr

for pollution control and energy/

and GIS

resource recovery from waste

- ersgis@unist.ac.kr


- h ttps://ersgis.unist.ac.kr

- cslee@unist.ac.kr

civil infrastructure systems. - m torbol@unist.ac.kr

and planning for disaster risk reduction - dkyoon@unist.ac.kr

Weather and Climate - dhcha@unist.ac.kr - h ttp: //dhcha.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp: //dkyoon.unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ 1




1S econd Year Student Orientation 2 U EE Athletic Meet 3 Teacher’s Day Event 4U EE Family Workshop


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology



Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy


From Principal to Device… Humanity’s Top Ten Problems for next 50 years

1. Energy

2. Water

3. Food

4. Environment

5. Poverty

6. Terrorism & War

7. Disease

8. Education

9. Democracy

10. Popolation

Interdisciplinary Research via Open Lab Matrix Structure

(Richard E. Smalley, Ph.D.Based on a transcript of a talk given for the MIT Enterprise Forum, Houston TX, January 22, 2003)

There are various environmentally friendly renewable energy resources available which have Device

the potential to mitigate the consequences of using fossil fuels and the associated pollution caused by them. These power generation techniques are described as renewable because they

Solar Cells

Fuel Cells Material

are not depleting limited natural resources such as oil and gas which are finite. The Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy has committed itself to pursuing research into these green technologies as a way of shifting our dependence on fossil fuels towards the pro-


duction of more sustainable and economically sound energy source, particularly in the fields of manufacture, supply, storage, transmission, and usage. The Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy is currently carrying out research into the next generation solar cells and photovoltaic systems to harness the infinite potential of the suns

Rechargeable Batteries

Nuclear Energy

energy. In the field of energy conversion and storage, ground breaking research is being conducted on the development of high density energy storage batteries as well as fuel cells to con-

The green technology is a new growth engine in the world, leading industry of the next generation. Due to the trend, Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy concentrates on cultivating advanced talents demanded by industries and also on researching secondary battery, fuel cells, solar cells, and

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

nuclear energy in two tracks which are Energy Conversion & Storage and Nuclear Science & Engi-



vert hydrogen into an electrical current. The application of which will lead to cleaner burning less polluting vehicles. In addition, a more effective use of hydrogen energy will be studied by developing better ways to produce and store hydrogen. Nuclear energy is the largest carbon-free non-fossil energy source as well as the lowest cost supplier for electricity production in the world. The research field in nuclear energy at UNIST includes the advancement of safety in operating nuclear power plants, the development of generation fourth (Gen-IV) small and medium-sized nuclear reactors, the hydrogen production utilizing nuclear energy conversion, and the development of nuclear fusion reactors.

Jaephil Cho, Ph.D. Head, Interdisciplinary school of green energy

Interdisciplinary Green Energy

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Welcome to Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy!


Energy Conversion and Storage ECS

Nuclear Science and Engineering NUE

Energy Conversion and Storage (ECS) track pursues high-quality education and research in the fields of chemical-to-electrical energy conversion and (2) production and storage of hydrogen. The

The science and engineering principles for nuclear engineering are provided, which are related to using the energy released from nuclear fission or fusion such as nuclear power generation, nuclear

ECS track is based on the knowledge of chemistry, physics, and energy engineering, and synergistically combines advanced, emerging disciplines such as nanoscience and biomimetics. The ultimate

propulsion, nuclear radiation applications. Education and research topics include design principles and analyses for nuclear reactions, commercial light water reactors and next generation nuclear

goals of this track are two-fold: (i) the development of energy technologies and systems that can contribute to sustainable human life and (ii) training students into globally competitive, top-notch

reactors such as liquid-metal-cooled fast reactor and gas-cooled reactor for hydrogen generation, nuclear fusion reactor, fuel cycle and nuclear waste disposal, systems and components for nuclear


reactors, nuclear fuel and cladding, nuclear structural materials, and nuclear radiation applications.


Research Areas

-A nalytical Chemistry

Research Institute

Fuel Cells

Nano Energy Materials

- Electrochemistry


Fuel cells are one of the ways to build hydrogen-based electrochemical

We are actively conducting researches to synthesize and characterize

devices that convert chemical energy to electrical energy directly. There

new energy nanomaterials such as graphen, bio-related materials and

- Electronic Devices - Energy conversion and Storage

P ublic Enterprise

are some of the features that make them attractive, such as their high

computational analysis for leading in the future energy conversion and

- Energy Materials

Korea Gas Corporation, Korea

efficiency, fuel flexibility, and low emission of pollutants. Fuel cells can


- Fuel cell

National Oil Company, Korea

be categorized as several types of PEMFC, MCFC, and SOFC that show

- Inorganic Chemistry

Energy Management Corporation

enormous applications to transport, stationary, and portable purpose in

- Instrumental Analysis -M aterials Science and Engineering -N anoscience and Nanotechnology

extensive power range from 0.5 kW to 5 MW.

- Physical Chemistry

SAMSUNG, LG Electronics Chem-

Solar Cells


Based on an understanding of the fundamental concepts in solar cells, we


will synthesize and characterize the various solar cells such as polymer photovoltaic cells, dye-sensitized solar cells, quantum dot solar cells, and

Graduate School

organic-inorganic hybrid solar cells.

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- Polymer Material Science



Research Areas

Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics

- F undamentals of Nuclear

Research Institute KAERI, KIER,

Nuclear Fuels and Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Nuclear TH supports to fill important needs for more thorough treatments of the


Nuclear fuel rod which includes nuclear fuel and the cladding is the most

processes of energy (heat) generation in nuclear processes, the transport of that


important component for the safety of the NPPs. The research in the lab

energy by the reactor coolant to the power cycle, and the limitations imposed by

focuses on the in- reactor performance of the fuel, including FG behavior,

the transport mechanism on the design of nuclear reactor.

Engineering - Introduction to Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering - Introduction to Nuclear Fuel Engineering

Public Enterprise KHNP, KEPCO,

PCI, cladding corrosion, radiation damage of the materials, fuel fab. tech-


nology, spent fuel and nuclear fuel cycle.

Company DOOSAN, Hyundai

Computational Nuclear Reactor Physics


metal coolant in the Liquid Metal Reactor and the Nuclear Fusion Reactor. The theo-

Heavy Industries, Samsung

The research of computational reactor physics lab is focused on the compu-

and Lab

retical and experimental study on liquid metal circulation and electricity generation

Heavy Industries, Samsung

tational aspects of reactor physics in general in nuclear reactors. It involves

- Nuclear Materials Engineering

system is carried out through the electromagnetic and fluid mechanical approach.

Electronics, Daewoo Heavy In-

nuclear data processing, numerical method developments to predict neutron

& Experiment - Nuclear Radiation Engineering

dustries, AECL(Canada), AREVA

behavior in the nuclear reactors, the design of advanced nuclear reactors, and

Environmental Radiation Safety

(France), GE (USA), Toshiba

high performance computing applied to the simulation of nuclear reactors.

& Experiment

The research covers the environmental radiation monitoring around

Secondary batteries

- Solid State Chemistry

Secondary batteries remain the most promising electrical energy storage systems for a number of applications, such as portable electronics, electric vehicles, and smart grids, by allowing a drastic reduction in fuel

- Nuclear Reactor Numerical Analysis

Nuclear Materials

radiation monitoring and the radioactivity analysis on the radioactive

Government MEST, MKE, NIS,

Nuclear materials engineering is focusing on research and development of

waste from nuclear facilities. The


fuel cladding and structural metals and alloys for operating and advanced

study is implemented with the

nuclear energy system. Fundamental understanding of material behavior

fundamental understanding of

Graduate School SNU, KAIST,

by nano-scale characterization using electron microscopy, SIMS and 3-D

the health physics and radiation measurement.

- Nuclear System Engineering & Experiment

nuclear installations. The main interest is concerned with the gamma

(Japan), Westinghouse (USA)

- Nuclear Reactor Lab

- Solar Cells

consumption and emissions. Structuring of electrode materials plays an

- Quantum Physics

MIT, UC Berkeley, RPI, Penn.

atom probe tomography as well as atomistic modeling using the first-prin-

important role in enhancing battery performance, including specific ca-

- Electromagnetics

State Univ., Purdue Univ., Univ. of

ciple calculation is a key R&D topic.

pacity, rate capability, cycling life, and safety.

Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics (LMMHD) The study is focused on the analysis and experimental characterization for the liquid

- Introduction to Nuclear Reactor - Nuclear Engineering Design


- Organic Chemistry

Core Courses

Michigan-Ann Arbor, Texas A&M

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Core Courses



Konstantin S. Novoselov

Philip Kim

Su-Moon Park

Jaephil Cho

Byeong-Su Kim

Jong-Beom Baek

Jongnam Park

Kyu Tae Lee

Myoung Soo Lah

Nam-Soon Choi

Noejung Park

- C hair Professor

- C hair Professor

- C hair Professor

- P rofessor/Head

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssociate Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-P rofessor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssociate Professor

- M esoscopic systems and nano-

- E lectronic and Thermal and Ther-

- E lectrochemistry and Materials

- E lectrode Materials, Li-ion and

- S oft and Hybrid Nanomaterial

- Graphene, CNTs, High Performance

-D evelopment of advanced

- E lectrode materials for Li-ion bat-

-S upramolecular coordination

-O rganic materials for lithium/

-C omputational and theoretical

structures - e -mail : kostya@manchester.ac.uk - h ttp://www.manchester.ac.uk/ research/konstantin.novoselov/

moelectric Transport in Carbon Nanotubes and Nanowires - e -mail : pkim@phys.columbia.edu


Metal-Air Batteries

- e -mail : smpark@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : jpcho@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/~smpark

- h ttp://jpcho.com/

- h ttp://pico.phys.columbia.edu

for Energy and Biomedical Ap-


plications (Polymer, Graphene,

- e -mail : jbbaek@unist.ac.kr


- h ttp://jbbaek.unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : bskim19@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/

nanomaterials for energy and bio

teries Fundamental electrochemis-


try & solid state chemistry

- e -mail : jnpark@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : ktlee@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/


chemistry, Crystal Engineering - e -mail : mslah@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://mslah.unist.ac.kr

magnesium/sodium rechargeable batteries - e -mail : nschoi@unist.ac.kr

study of energy storage materials - e -mail : noejung@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://ulsanqppc.hicomp.net/

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/ener-




Changduk Yang

Dong-Seong Sohn

Deokjung Lee

Guntae Kim

Hee Reyoung Kim

Hoi Ri Moon

Soojin Park

Tae-Hyuk Kwon

Yongseok Jun

Yoon Seok Jung

- A ssistant Professor

- P rofessor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssociate Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssociate Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

-A ssistant Professor

- O rganic Electronics, Functionaliza-

- N uclear Fuels and Fuel Cycle

- N uclear Reactor Physics; Reactor

- E lectrochemistry & Solid Oxide

- L iquid Metal Magnetohydrody-

- M ulti-functional Nanostructure

- Block Copolymer, Battery, Solar

-S ynthesis of Organic Functional

-D ye-Sensitized Solar Cell, Thin

- L ithium-ion batteries, All-

- e -mail : dssohn@unist.ac.kr

Core Design, Analysis, and Meth-

- h ttp://dsshon.unist.ac.kr/

odology Development

tion of Carbonaceous Solids - e -mail : yang@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://yang.unist.ac.kr/

- e -mail : deokjung@unist.ac.kr

Fuel Cells - e -mail : gtkim@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://gunslab.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://reactorcore.unist.ac.kr

namics, Environmental Radiation

Materials, Hydrogen Storage



- e -mail : kimhr@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : hoirimoon@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://kimhr.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://sites.google.com/site/ hoirimoon

Hyeon Suk Shin

Hyun-Kon Song

In Cheol Bang

Ji-Hyun Jang

Ji Hyun Kim

Jin Young Kim

- A ssociate Professor

- A ssociate Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssistant Professor

- A ssociate Professor

- A ssociate Professor

- Nanochemistry and Nano-analysis,

- S olar cells, biofuel cells, recharge-

- T hermal-Hydraulic Design of

- F abrication and applications

- Materials Science and Engineering

- Polymer Light-Emitting Diode,

Nanometerials for Energy

able batteries

Nuclear and Energy Systems,

of artificial multi-dimensional

for Nuclear Fuel Cladding and


Structural Metals and Alloys

- e -mail : shin@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : philiphobi@unist.ac.kr

Nanofluids Science and Technol-

- h ttp://lnn.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://echem.kr

ogy - e -mail : icbang@unist.ac.kr


Materials and Their Applications

- e -mail : spark@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : kwon90@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://spark.unist.ac.kr

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ tkgroup90/home

Film Solar Cell, Nanomaterials for Energy

solid-state batteries, Atomic layer deposition

- e -mail : yjun@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : ysjung@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://yjun.unist.ac.kr/

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ jungbatt

Polymer Solar Cell, Polymer Battery

- e -mail : clau@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : kimjh@unist.ac.kr

- e -mail : jykim@unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://clau.unist.ac.kr/

- h ttp://unimat.unist.ac.kr

- h ttp://ngel.unist.ac.kr


UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- h ttp://icbang.unist.ac.kr


Student Union of Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy

1. Please introduce yourself. I’m Bonjae Koo who is studying for a master’s degree within the

Head of union

Vice head


Head of ECS track

Vice head of ECS track

Head of NUE track

I am studying Rechargeable battery energy at ‘Energy Materials

and now, I am currently enrolled in a combined Bachelor and Mas-

Laboratory’ with graduate students and undergraduates under

ter’s Course. My advisor is Nam-soon Choi who is a researcher in

the guidance of Professor Nam-Soon Choi.

the field of rechargeable battery energy.

I have participated in the laboratory after having meeting with students and my advisor. Current, I am researching and studying


2. What made you choose Interdisciplinary School of Green En-

Activities of School Union is mainly three

‘undeclared’ status as freshmen. I had an interest in chemical en-

5. What is your future plan?

1. Participation in school events

gineering, and participated in each tracks conference (UMI) that

My dream is to help in further developments in science & technol-

2. Projecting the school events

is related to my interests. Finally, I decided to select the Interdis-

ogy to help solve difficult environmental problems. I have already

3. Overall school performance.

ciplinary School of Green Energy due to my interests.

taken my first step toward my dream by entering the Interdisci-

In my major, students can be research and study developing Sci-

plinary School of Green Energy. I’ll try to transition from ‘walk-

ence & technology areas to help solve the environmental prob-

ing’ to full out ‘running’ as I chase my dream. I will do my best

lems facing humanity. I selected this major because the purpose

to achieve my dream through concentrating on my studies in the

of this major connects with my feelings of hope for the future.

Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy.

3. W hat was the most impressive experience during your under-

6. Please give an advice for the freshmen as alumni.

is performed already in fall semester, also academic seminar and surprise event by all school union is scheduled. facebook : http://ko-kr.facebook.com/unistgee

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

cyworld club : http://club.cyworld.com/unistGEE


1 2 011 UNIBITION 2-3 2012 NBC-GEE Woman Engineering Mentoring 3

trolyte part.

We can study a wide range of engineering courses due to our

formed in spring semester led by School Union and Sports festival


rechargeable battery energy using polymer materials and elec-

Main Activity

Opening day assembly, School presentation for freshman is per-


of work are you doing?

Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy. I entered UNIST in 2009



4. Please introduce your lab. How did you join this lab? What kind

4-5 2012 GEE Athletic Meeting

Interview with a graduate student


I think for many, freshmen life isn’t as enjoyable as they had ex-

The most impressive thing is interactive distance between pro-

pected with so many worries about the future. However, there is

fessor and student is very close. We can easily connect with

no reason for this. Enjoy your UNIST life! Also, set time aside to

them as it deals with our interests about Interdisciplinary School

follow your dreams! I have had an enjoyable time by keeping a

of Green Energy. Besides, professors always give an advice to

bright and positive mind at the Interdisciplinary Green School of

us. Various major courses, conferences and time consulting with

Energy. With an honest, constant effort to improve yourself with

professors helped me eliminate self doubt and worry which I had

passion at the Interdisciplinary Green School of Energy, you might

felt in some of my classes previously.

be one step closer to your dream without even realizing it.

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

GEE Activities

Bonjae Koo


School of Technology Management

Vision World Class School of Technology Management Educating Global Business Leaders!!



Undergraduate / Graduate

Nurture Creative Leaders

APSM / MOT Program

Educating Global Managers


World-leading Research

- E nergy Commodity Trading & Financial Engineering Program - Business Analytics Program

Greetings to all, USTM (UNIST School of Technology Management) aims to become a “World Class School of Tech-

Executive/Global MBA

nology Management, Educating Future Global Business Leaders.” Talented students, distinguished agement education. The USTM is actively collaborating with leading industries in Korea and in the world, and strongly encourages and supports global internship opportunities and the international student & faculty exchange programs with universities worldwide. In response to a continuously changing market and global economy, USTM students will be equipped with the knowledge, capabilities and agility to compete with the global brain powers. The school strives to provide an excellent management education as well as cutting edge research. Though relatively young, the USTM will rapidly ascend to the level of top-tier institutions for technology management education. We nurture talented and inspired students and help them becoming UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

creative global business and academic leaders.


Minseok Song, Ph.D.

Strategic Objectives - Recruits and retains world-class faculty from diverse backgrounds. - Recruits of globally top-notch students. - Formulates curriculum for convergence of scientific and managerial knowledge. - Provides both general and highly specialized knowledge for a global manager. - Has student and faculty exchange programs with globally renowned universities. - Collaborate with world-class international research institutions.

Curriculum General Management

Finance / Accounting

Technology Management / Information Systems / Entrepreneurship

Marketing / International Business

Required 31 Cred. Elective 2 Cred.

Required 16 Cred. Elective 17 Cred.

Required 19 Cred. Elective 14 Cred.

Required 22 Cred. Elective 11 Cred.

Head, School of Technology Management

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

faculty and dedicated administrative supporting teams are pursuing excellence in technology man-


General Management GM

Technology Management / Information Systems / Entrepreneurship TIE

General Management area is designed to provide general management education and committed to enhancing knowledge of business and management issues on all major functional areas.

- T echnology Management is designed to provides a framework for the analysis of a wide range of managerial decision making process in today’s global economy. - Information Systems is designed to provide the necessary understanding in both technical and business issues relating to the business use of information technology. - E ntrepreneurship is about identifying, valuing and capturing business opportunities in a new or existing organization. The area in Entrepreneurship provides the understanding of the entrepreneurial


Core Coueses

Career Paths

Research Areas

Core Coueses

- Organizational Behavior

- F inancial institutions

- Economics

- Organizational Behavior

- System Analysis and Design

Research Areas - Technology Management

- International Business

- Accounting & Consulting Agencies

- Management Policy and Process

- Financial Accounting

- Special Topics in Technology Management

- Information Systems

- Marketing Management

- Broadcasting & Advertisement Agencies

- Society and Enterprise

- Financial Management

- Special Topics in Knowledge & Information Management

- Operation Research

- Financial Accounting

- Manufacturing Firms

- Leadership, Values, and Corporate Responsibility

- Strategic Management

- Managing innovation and Change

-Business Analytics

- Managerial Accounting

- International Trade & Merchandising Firms

- Operations Management

- Entrepreneurship and Venture Management

- E ntrepreneurship

- Financial Management

- IT & Software Service Providers

- Data Analysis &Decision Making

- Special Topics Entrepreneurship

- Strategic Management

- Government Agencies & Public Institutions

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Operations Management

- Universities & Colleges

- Game Theory

- Data Analysis &Decision Making

- Research institution

- Business Ethics

- Microeconomics

- Entrepreneurs

- Legal Environment of Business

Career Paths

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Independent Study

- C onsulting Agencies

- Macroeconomics

- Capstone Projects

- Manufacturing Firms

- Econometrics

- Technology Management

- IT & Software Service Providers

- Game Theory

- Process & Quality Management

- Government Agencies & Public Institutions

- Business Ethics

- Operations Research

- Universities & Colleges

- Legal Environment of Business

- Database and Data Mining

- Research institution

- Independent Study

- Internet Business and Marketing

- Retails & Transportation

- Capstone Projects

- Strategic Management of IT

- Entrepreneurs

- Mobile Business

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

process and the knowledge and skills of the successful entrepreneur.


Finance / Accounting FIA

Marketing / International Business MIB

- F inance is an area to study how individuals, corporations, and other business organizations allocate resources and make financial decisions in the capital markets.

-M arketing studies the issues on acquiring and retaining customers for products and services so as to create a mutually beneficial exchange between a company and its customers.

-A ccounting helps managers to create and disseminate financial accounting information to communicate effectively with investors and capital market participants, and apply managerial accounting

- International Business aims to prepare for the challenges of operating business in the international environment.

information internally to make more efficient financial and economic decisions.


Career Paths

Research Areas

Core Coueses

- Financial Accounting

- Special Topics in Finance


- Financial Accounting Theory

- International Business

- Experimental Design with Applications in Marketing

Research Areas - C onsumer Behavioral marketing

- Managerial Accounting

- Auditing

- Financial Analyst

- Strategic Cost Management Theory and Practices

- Marketing Management

- Case Studies in Marketing

- Q uantitative Marketing

- Financial Management

- International Finance

- Corporate Controller

- Corporate Governance and Firm performance

- Financial Management

- Special Topics in Marketing

- Marketing Strategy - International Business

- Data Analysis &Decision Making

- Bank Executive

- Strategic Management

- Global Business Strategy

- Microeconomics

- Auditor

- Data Analysis &Decision Making

- Case Studies in International Business

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Financial Supervisory Service

- Microeconomics

- Special Topics in International Business

- Macroeconomics

- National Tax Service

- Consumer Behavior

- Econometrics

- Korea Bank

- Interdisciplinary Project

- Business Ethics

- Macroeconomics

- Legal Environment of Business

- Econometrics

Career Paths

- Independent Study

- Business Ethics

- Account Manager

- Capstone rojects

- Legal Environment of Business

- Advertising Manager

- Investment analysis

- Independent Study

- Brand Manager

- Money and Banking

- Capstone Projects

- Media Buyer

- Futures and Option

- Database and Data Mining

- Product Manager

- Intermediate Accounting 1

- Internet Business and Marketing

- Public Relation Specialist

- Intermediate Accounting 2

- Quantitative Marketing Decision Making

- Research Analyst

- Tax Accounting

- International Marketing

- Strategic Cost Management

- International Finance

- Financial Engineering

- Brand Management

- Case Studies in Finance

- Marketing Research - Advertising Management

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Core Coueses



Insook Cho

Dongryul Lee

Keunsuk Chung

Lu Zhang

Jinhyuk Lee

General Management Track

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- L abor Economics / Economics of

- Game Theory and Applications /

- International Capital Flows and

- Diversity management / Staffing

- E conomics of Education and

Education and Health / Pension and

Industrial Organization / Theory of

the Growth Effects / Capital Flows

/ Leadership / Power dynamics in

Health / Economic Growth, Income

Retirement /Applied Microeco-

Contests and Tournaments / Public

under the Presence of Market

organizations / Corporate social

Distribution, and Optimal Govern-


Goods and Behavioral Economics

Imperfection / Economic Growth,


ment Policy

(Non-selfish Behavior)

Income Distribution, and Optimal

- icho@unist.ac.kr - h ttps://sites.google.com/site/elleninsook/

- drlee@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://dongryullee.blogspot.kr/

- l zhang@unist.ac.kr


Yeong-Ho Woo

Kwanho Kim

Hyeongsop Shim

Sangtai Choi

Eunsnh Lee

Finance / Accounting Track

- Chaired Professor

- Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Visiting Professor

- Assistant Professor

- F inancial Market Structure / Finan-

- F inancial Engineering / Risk Man-

- I nitial Public Offerings / Capital

-Q uality of financial reporting /

-Q uality of financial reporting /

cial Regulation / OTC Derivatives

agement / Valuation of Complex

Structure / Mergers and Acquisi-

Audit quality and related regulatory

International Financial Reporting

Markets / Mergers &Aquisitions


tions / Bankruptcy / Credit Risk

systems / International Financial

Standards / Management Ac-


Reporting Standards / Manage-

- j ohnwoo@unist.ac.kr

- jinhyuklee@unist.ac.kr

- i khkim@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://khkim.unist.ac.kr/

Government Policy

- h shim@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://manage18-www.unist.ac.kr

- chungk@unist.ac.kr

ment Accounting

counting - e slee@unist.ac.kr

- s tchoi@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://stchoi.unist.ac.kr/

- h ttp://chungk.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

Jee Young Seong

Sanjana Janardhanan

-Visiting Professor


- L eadership & Teamwork

- R esearch Area : Leadership &

- s jylyk@unist.ac.kr

Teamwork -sanjana@unist.ac.kr

professor Technology Management Information Systems Entrepreneurship Track

Mooyoung Jung

JinHyouk Im

Minseok Song

Su Jung Choi

Chang-Yeol Jung

Bongsoo Jang

Chang Hyeong Lee

Pilwon Kim

Bongsuk Kwon

- P rofessor, Dean of Graduate


- A ssistant Professor, Head of School

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- e -education / e-government/e-

- P rocess mining / Process knowl-

- F inance / Capital Structure

-P artial differential equations, Fluid

-D evelopment of a new compu-

-S tochastic Analysis and Simulation

-N umerical Analysis, Adaptive

- T heory of Partial Differential

School - O il Pricing Methodology

community / Online privacy / Pro-

edge management / Business

- Applications of Fractal Concept /

tection of intellectual properties

- s jchoi1@unist.ac.kr

dynamics, Numerical analysis and

tational algorithm / New solitary

/ Modeling, Analysis and Computa-

numerical methods for differential

Equations and their applications

process analysis, simulation, and

Scientific computing / Asymptotic

wave solutions / Homogenization

tion of Biochemical and Biological

equations / Image Processing,

/ Hyperbollic conservation laws,

Energy Supply Chain Management /

- i mj@unist.ac.kr

optimization / Data mining/busi-

analysis: singular perturbations,

in irregular media / Scientific

Networks / Epidemic modeling /

PDE-based image filters, Pattern

Kinetic theory / Stability of nonlin-

Energy Strategy

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

ness intelligence

boundary layer analysis and its


Financial Engineering

recognition / Complex System

ear waves, Asymptotic behavior

- m yjung@unist.ac.kr


- h ttp://home.unist.ac.kr/professor/ myjung/

- m song@unist.ac.kr

numerical applications / Stochastic

- b sjang@unist.ac.krÂ

- c hlee@unist.ac.kr

Modelling, Multi-scale modelling,

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

partial differential equations and

- h ttp://amath.unist.ac.kr/bbs/

- h ttp://chlee.unist.ac.kr

Biochemical reaction networks


uncertainty quantification


- p wkim@unist.ac.kr

- c jung@unist.ac.kr

of solutions - b kwon@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://amath.unist.ac.kr/~bkwon/

- h ttp://amath.unist.ac.kr/~pwkim/

- h ttp://cjung.unist.ac.kr/

Han-Gyun Woo

Kyootai Lee

Young Bong Chang

Yoonhyuk Jung

Wooje Cho

Byoung Ki Seo

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- P rocess mining / Requirements

- Innovation Management and Strat-

- E conomics of Information

- U sers�f sensemaking and adoption

- S trategy for IT firms / IT Portfolio

- Mathematics / Financial Engineer-

&ERP Systems / Open Innovation - h woo@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://hwoo.blogspot.kr/

egy / Energy Market Environment

Systems Information Technol-

of information technologies / Social

Management and Strategic IT

- k t78@unist.ac.kr

ogy Outsourcing Competition /

technologies / Mobile commerce

Investments / M&A and System

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

Information Technology Value

- y jung@unist.ac.kr

Integration / Information Systems

Creation Organizational Impacts

- h ttps://sites.google.com/site/

Quality/Software Quality


of Information Technology Supply Chain Management

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

- y bchang@unist.ac.kr



ing - bkseo@unist.ac.kr

Marketing / International Business Track

Sangdo Oh

Hyewook Jeong

- Assistant Professor

- Assistant Professor

- Information processing / Implicit

- E motions / Social Relationships and

attitudes and persuasion / Goal, motivation and self-regulation - s angoh@unist.ac.kr

Economic Transactions - h jeong@unist.ac.kr - h ttp://hjeong.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- h ttp://sangoh.unist.ac.kr/index.sko

- w jcho@unist.ac.kr - h ttps://sites.google.com/site/ citrategy/

- h ttp://manage13-www.unist.ac.kr

Research Professor

Young-Sun Roh

Hong-Yeul Lee

- AIC Research Professor

- AIC Research Professor

- y sroh603@unist.ac.kr

- h ylee@unist.ac.kr

UNIST School and Track Guide Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology

Management / Business Processes



·Big Data Analysis Competition


·Exchange Agreement

·Sports Competition Day



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