11 minute read
What is the one thing that people can say about you? People, who do not know each other, but have a common thread when your name arises. You may not believe this, but there is always someone paying attention to you. As we know, some people are flat out nosy. However, there are others who genuinely admire you. Regardless of the category that person may or may not fit in, you are being observed. You are being observed on how you handle yourself. You are being observed in how you treat others. You are being observed even when you don’t say a word. Remember growing up, our parents use to tell us that actions speak louder than words.
We are facing so many challenges right now. Some of you may say you can’t recall when the last time you had balance in your life. Or the last time you went on a real vacation. For some of us the house is overcrowded and just retreating to the laundry room has been a tranquil experience. After all the ups and downs, after all the highs and lows, what’s the one thing that remains constant about you?
For me, I am resilient. It is absolutely in my blood! After going through two failed marriages, health issues, financial hardships, tragedy, and not seeing several of my personal goals heighten, I know what disappointment looks like. However, I never allowed disappointment to hibernate me. I never allowed it to cause me to be dormant or to run and hide. Truth be told, I allowed disappointment to awaken me. Even when I went through the tragic loss of my brother, grief was attempting to cause me to give up, but resilience always prevailed. The things I ask myself is what lessons have I learned in this situation. How can this situation be a catalyst for me rather than a crutch? Everything in my body, mind and spirit awakens and says giving up is not an option! One of the things I promised my brother Evan, while he was living, was that I would go back and get my graduate degree. When he passed away, my emotions said, what’s the use, but the resilience in my mind said, you can do this. And today, I am three classes away from receiving my Masters in Law degree from Regent University.
Let’s even think for a moment about the three Hebrew boys. Many of us know the story in Daniel Chapter 3. King Nebuchadnezzar put out an edict that when the sound of music is played all must bow and worship the golden image he had made. When the King confronted the three Hebrew boys they said, “We do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter.” (Daniel 3:16b) The Hebrew boys were relentless that the only God that they would serve was the true and living God. And at the end of the story the King also acknowledges that! When you have a chance read Daniel 3. There are so many wisdom nuggets to be discovered.
When it’s all said and done, there will be times when people might say things about you that feels good and they may say things that may not feel so good, but who are you? What do you stand for? What does your character say about you no matter what season you are in? How are you going to respond to the truth and the lies? But most importantly, what do you know about yourself when it comes to your relationship with Christ Jesus? Are you a man or woman full of faith? Do you wait patiently on the Lord? Do you give thanks in all things concerning you? Do you have a forgiving and compassionate heart? Do you trust the Lord with all of your heart? Remember, the most confident thing is trust. So again I ask you, if someone could choose one word to describe you, what would it be? For me, my word is resilient. What is your word?
Live life on the promise of IMPACT!
Min. Carenda Deonne
www.carendadeonne.com 888-473-2221 admin@carendadeonne.com Facebook: @carendadeonne Twitter: @cdpgem Instagram: @carendadeonne Linkedin: @carendadeonne YouTube: @carendadeonne Anchor: www.anchor.fm/takeaim
Proper Foot Care
Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body. However, many of us neglect to properly care for our feet. Improper foot care can contribute to backaches, changes in posture, and can lead to problems with mobility. If you have poor foot health, you’re less likely to engage in physical activity. The result is a higher risk of diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, reduced endurance, and loss of muscle tone. Activities like working, shopping, showering, cooking, and walking are just a few of the daily living activities that are dependent on your ability to be mobile. If you have foot problems or your feet hurt, you won’t be functioning at your best and are less likely to be able to engage in these daily tasks. Keeping your feet healthy is especially important for individuals with chronic health conditions like diabetes and arterial insufficiency.
Proper foot care involves three simple tasks: regular washing, daily inspection, and
wearing proper footwear.
REGULAR WASHING: Wash your feet daily with mild soap and water. Washing removes dead skin cells and helps to keep the feet soft and smooth. Be sure to dry your feet thoroughly with a soft towel, especially between each toe where a fungus may grow. Keep your feet dry throughout the day by wearing clean socks to absorb moisture. If you are a diabetic or prone to foot infections, consider wearing white socks. The dye from colored socks can contribute to irritations of the feet.
DAILY INSPECTION: Take the time to inspect your feet daily. Perform this task after bathing and before bedtime. If you can’t bend over or pull your feet up to check them, use a mirror. If you can’t see well, ask someone else to check your feet. Check between your toes and around the soles and heels for scaling and/or excessive peeling which may indicate fungal growth such as athlete’s foot. Look for cuts, blisters, scratches, redness, and swelling. Catching these issues early can prevent serious complications later, especially if you have diabetes. Also, check for yellowing of the toenails, which often indicates a nail fungus. Avoid putting on nail polish on an infected nail as this could make the problem worse.
Cut toenails carefully. Avoid cutting the nail too short or too close to the toe. This can promote ingrown nails that cause severe pain, can lead to infection, and may require surgical intervention to remove the nail.
Schedule regular examinations by a podiatrist if you are a diabetic. Small wounds could lead to big problems for the individual with diabetes due to poor blood flow to the feet.
Don’t ignore changes in your feet. Swelling, numbness and tingling, and thickening or blackened nailbeds can indicate hypertension, heart disease, or blood clots.
WEARING PROPER FOOTWEAR: Avoid walking barefoot, especially outdoors, at the beach or pool. Shoes and slippers are the simplest way to protect your feet from cuts, bumps, and injuries. Shop for shoes later in the day, when your feet may be slightly swollen. This will support your purchasing a shoe that accommodates the extra space needed for your toes and feet. Wear shoes that offer support and balance your weight evenly over the shoe. Excessively high heels can lead to over-stretching of the ligaments of the heels and ankles cause intense pain. Throw away shoes with holes, protruding nails, worn heels or soles, or that are run over.
Pay attention to your feet. Treat them well. Happy feet will contribute to a happy life!
https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/ hansensdisease/leap/footcareforalifetime.pdf
Dr. Denyce Watties Daniels
Assistant Professor College of Health Professions Coppin State University DWatties-Daniels@coppin.edu healthytips 025@gmail.com
Where there is no vision... PROVERBS 29:18a
Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr., Pastor
Worship Opportunities SUNDAY • 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. (as scheduled)
Mid-Week Worship WEDNESDAY • 7:00 p.m.
Holy Baptism FOURTH SUNDAY • 5:30 p.m.
Holy Communion FOURTH SUNDAY • 6:00 p.m. Early Morning Prayer DAILY • 6:00 a.m.
Educational Ministries Saturday Church School • EACH SATURDAY, 9:00 a.m. The Carter School of Music • MONDAY-SATURDAY Broadcast Ministries Sunday Morning Service • Live Stream, 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. via our website newshilohbaptist.org Sunday Morning Joy • Sundays, 8:00 a.m. -12:00 noon, Magic 95.9 FM Grace & Glory • WMAR, 5 th Sundays, 7:00 a.m.
2100 North Monroe Street • Harold A. Carter Way • Baltimore, Maryland 21217 Phone 410-523-5306 Fax 410-523-9812 Email info@newshilohbaptist.org For more information visit us online at www.newshilohbaptist.org
A Church Determined to Live with Christ
How Do I Normally on any given day whether its male or female, the most asked question I get is, how can I get rid of my spare tire? This is a very real concern for Get Rid of most people I meet, especially women. My first attempt with all clients is to take the holistic natural approach to avoid any side effects or complications. The natural My Jelly way of working it off, needs to be tried before taking the extreme, surgical journey with all the risks that comes with it. The natural approach will always be safe Roll! and easy to apply for anyone and it’s been proven to work for so many people. • Start a water regiment! Drinking water is so Destroying important because according to Wikipedia.org, the human body contains from 55% to 78% of water Belly Fat! depending on a person’s body size. That means, we are only putting back into our bodies what it is already made of. When we are dehydrated, our internal organs cannot perform to its full capacity which leads to weight gain, especially in our mid-section. Today in America, we have a dehydration epidemic because of sugary drinks and high levels of caffeine. This totally throws off your metabolism which is the main engine to help the body burn fat. The good news is this is an easy fix that we can change immediately. Start each day by first drinking at least 8 oz. of water before consuming any other beverage. Also, make sure you are drinking half your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water daily. Another helpful tip is to always have a bottle of water with you and take a drink in 30-minute intervals. Drinking more water every day will naturally boost your metabolism while burning calories and fat.
• Abs are made in the kitchen! As you may have already heard, 80% of health and wellness is good nutrition and this is a true statement. You can work out until the cows come home, but if you do not have a clean nutritional plan, you are wasting your time. I love all types of food; however, I developed a system that really works for some of my clients and myself, and if you apply this program it will certainly work for you. Typically, every week, Monday-Thursday I really watch what I eat, and drink a lot of smoothies during these days. I also eliminate food and drinks that I know will slow down my metabolism and increase belly fat in the body. Drinking herbal tea is a natural beverage that contains spices and is great for boosting your metabolism. Another benefit of herbal tea is to reduce stress and clean the internal organs. Among the vast herbal teas you can try, I like green tea, it contains EGCG. Green tea is proven to help lower body fat and keep you calm. Try to substitute coffee, soft drinks, juices, and other sweet drinks with herbal teas. Also, avoid eating late at night and falling asleep on a full stomach. It’s more difficult for your body to digest food while you are sleeping, and it also hinders your body from getting proper rest. It is much better to eat the bulk of your meals during the day so your body can burn calories naturally while doing your daily activities. Lastly, meal prep and portion control are imperative to achieving the slim waistline and six pack we all desire.
• Short High Intensity Moves! High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a quick exercise that drains a lot of your energy, in little time. This exercise routine is followed by a period of rest where you have low intensity. A good example of this type of training is to sprint for one minute and walk for one minute. I find that most people can handle this program over time. Unlike aerobics that spend a lot of your time but do not burn many calories in the body, HIIT is done in less time and more calories are burned. A theory says that if you spend 40 minutes on a static bike, you only burn fat for 40 minutes. However, the HIITs you do within 10-20 minutes can burn fat throughout your entire day. CHARLES & URSULA HARRIS, Also, do not be afraid to add weights to your abdominal routine because your abs are like any other Fitness Experts muscle, when they are trained with weights, they become more visible quicker. Chizel It Transformation Fitness Center 9006 Liberty Rd • Randallstown Md 21133 443-253-0090 • www.chizelit.com 26 August 2020 | Grace&Glory