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Sound the alarm, rev yourself up, and get ready for a reset. You are in the eighth month of 2020 and that signals a new beginning. The pandemic and the racial tensions that the world is experiencing may have you feeling challenged or cheated out of the plans that 2020 had promised to provide as your year of perfect vision. Be encouraged and don’t lose hope because there is still time for God to move. Remember and recall all the plans He has for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), renew your mind (Romans 12:2), and get ready to receive the manifestation of what He promised to you. You are ready for a reset.

The current state of the world can make you question the protection and promises God has for you, but God has saved you, kept you, and protected you from everything you’ve been through over the past few months. If it had not been for God who was on your side, you may have not been able to survive. Like God shielded and protected the children of Israel during the plagues in Egypt, He can and will do the same for you (Exodus 7:14-12:33). Just like He delivered the children of Israel late in the midnight hour with great riches during their exodus from Egypt (Exodus 12-31-50), there is still enough time for Him to do the same thing for you. The moment you think all is lost, God shows up and perfects all the things concerning you (Psalm 138:8). Some people are in a panic because of the pandemic that researchers say may get worse, but your belief in God allows you to rest well because God can and will keep you safe in His arms (Psalm 4:8). You can take refuge in Him and He will protect you from the plague (Psalm 91:1- 16), problems, and plots that pop up that plan to defeat you. Revisit your vision for 2020 and revive your motivation to make it happen. You are ready for a reset. Reboot and restore your faith to move forward with your vision for 2020 by going back to the B.A.S.I.C.S. You must B-believe and have faith in your Heavenly Father (Luke 17:6). A-agree with His word and stand on it (Isaiah 55:11). S-stand still and watch Him work everything out for your good (Romans 8:28). I-ignite a new spark in your spirit that will make your light shine even brighter (Matthew 5:16). C-continue to keep God first and at the forefront of everything (Matthew 6:33). Lastly, S-stand still and see the salvation of God (Exodus 14:13).

Get ready for a revival. The current climate may have blurred your vision but blink and look again. Like Jesus touched the blind man again after he said he “sees men like trees,” He can touch you again and have your vision restored (Mark 8:22-25). Stay steady in your service and don’t grow weary (Galatians 6:9). It’s not how you begin but how your situation ends. Look again. Like King David, your vision may be blurred because of the grief you may be experiencing from the effects of the pandemic and other issues but don’t lose hope (Psalm 6:7). Don’t get to your brink of a breakthrough and blow it. Believe again. Recite your vision, reposition yourself to align with it, and remember that all the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20) so you can rest assured that it’s already Tracey Nicole George done. Get ready and go in the power of www.traceystrinketstotriumph.com the Lord. You are ready for a reset!

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