8 minute read
Q&A Interview - Apostle Shirley Stanfill
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, welcome back, I am so excited to have this opportunity to talk with you again. Particularly for this momentous occasion, the House of Hope City of Help is celebrating a major milestone. . .30 years! Please tell us about the vision behind House of Hope City of Help and how this journey first began? Did you feel there was an immediate need for this type of resource in the community?
Apostle Stanfill: Most definitely!! It was an absolute need for this resource in our communities. Seen Glory The Untold Story, is a book I wrote about the depths of my process. We all know about the Church, but the Kingdom is quite different because we consider it work, however, the Kingdom is brutally violent. Working in the Kingdom is about saving souls and bringing them back to God. There is a dire need in all areas of the world with all the poverty, strife, violence, despair, disease, and lost souls. We needed 24-hour facilities to kill this evil cancer and that’s how my various programs such as the Women’s House were birthed.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, when you started House of Help City of Hope was there any opposition or naysayers from the community, or did you have their full support?
Apostle Stanfill: We experienced a lot of resistance and negativity from people in the community and especially those in the church. Throughout the years, we’ve had millions of miracles, signs and wonders, and numerous hearts and souls have been transformed and changed in the world. In 1993, I would never have fathomed that I would be in the rehabilitation ministry, but NOW I wouldn’t want it any other way because I’ve been through it all with thousands of people in need and this has strengthened me in all aspects including my relationship and covenant with God. I am a soldier and fighter with determination to the Glory of God and His Kingdom; we are His Humble Bond Servants.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, what can you tell us about the people that have been restored by House of Help City of Hope? I understand that there are numerous testimonies of victory.
Apostle Stanfill: Hallelujah!!! People who have come through House of Help City of Hope will come to the giveback Block Party being held on Saturday, August 5th. They are now successful entrepreneurs, productive citizens, and pastors. They are people who have not been reincarcerated or fallen back into addiction and poverty because of their deliverances, mentally, physically, spiritually, financially, vocationally, socially, and emotionally. They have wholeness in the Kingdom knowing that the Joshua generations does not repeat the generational curse of drugs, imprisonment, and poverty. We have an 85% success rate and supported over 70,000 families and we continue to impact families throughout the world and in our immediate communities.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, looking back at where you were when you started this journey, did you realize then that God had called you to an assignment of this magnitude? Are you at all surprised at where you are today 30 years later?
Apostle Stanfill: When I reflect back on my life, I am humbled, and I truly know that God has blessed me. My grandmother always told me that God had great works in store for me, but I didn’t fully understand. I was saved at nine years old and started preaching at seventeen, however it wasn’t until I was thirty years old after experiencing several prophecies and manifestations that I realized my true calling and purpose. Honestly, thirty to sixty has been the most fulfilling and important years of my life, not only have I been blessed to work for the Kingdom, but I have been blessed with an amazing husband and we are an inseparable team opening international restoration campuses all over the world while delivering and supporting souls from all nationalities and cultures. I am forever humbled, grateful, and thankful for what God is doing for us, to us and through us in every way. We are known as, AKA Real Deal Stanfills, but we call ourselves the Humble Bond Servants of God Amen!!
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G&G: Apostle Stanfill, are there any future plans for House of Help City of Hope?
Apostle Stanfill: Works are in the process of opening an America Better Way Development Center. It consists of outpatient and addiction rehabilitation facilities with training and resource centers as well as parenting, marriage counseling, skill building, wealth building, and programs which also supply food and clothing in various communities. We aim to ease the burden for individuals and families during these trying, and pressuring times.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, what do you have planned for the House of Help City of Hope Anniversary Celebration?
Apostle Stanfill: On Saturday, August 5th in Southeast DC, we are planning a give-back Block Party in our Graceview apartment complex. I’m so excited because it’s going to be so much fun loving on our community with entertainment, good food, games, supplies, clothing, food baskets and much more. We have blocked off the entire area so thousands will be coming. There will be entertainment, and games to giveaways but most of all helping the parents; the awesome parents preparing for going back to school. We invite anyone to come out, help, volunteer, and get some resources. We have so many sponsors and the city is there to support as well. We have so much to be grateful for and to look forward to on every level. God is Good. There will also be an awesome worship service on Sunday, August 6th and the Celebration Gala that evening at 5:00 PM, with Great Food, Entertainment, and awesome amazing Fellowship.

G&G: Apostle Stanfill, when you think about the last 30 years, who are the people who were most influential in this journey?
Apostle Stanfill: Wow, the list is so long, so many people in different seasons for the past thirty years who were handpicked by God. Archbishop Dennis is a spiritual mentor despite not being in the addiction ministry. Archbishop knows God and I am forever grateful for him and his beautiful wife, Lady Dee.
Bob Woodson is an activist who supported with lots of training, friendship, and funding. He is a philanthropist, who loves funding these kinds of projects. Bob Woodson’s neighborhood center was extremely important in the growth of House of Help City of Hope. Through Bob, I met so many people such as Mr. Kettle who is the former owner of Century 21. He was a huge donor and philanthropist and, of course, former House Speaker Paul Ryan, he’s a friend and a supporter of House Help City Hope. Bob and his staff, Hattie and Terrance, all supported the center and cheered me on and clapped from the sidelines. Most of all, my daughter, Deliliah Johnson and my son, Sherman Holloway, gave me up to thousands of people and I am forever grateful to them. My daughter works with me and is thriving. I am most appreciative and thankful for their support. They didn’t always understand why we had so many people around us, but in time they fell in love with the ministry and my calling, and they are who they are today because of our mandate from God. Last but not least, and most importantly, God, I want to thank you for choosing, training, molding and developing me. YOU taught, guided, corrected, and chastened me to complete my mission. I am forever humbled and grateful to you God. He is my Friend. Thank you.
Q&A: Apostle Stanfill, how is your husband, Pastor Tim, and what are the two of you doing now. . . you’re always doing something?
Apostle Stanfill: My amazing husband, Pastor Tim is in the process of opening up basketball camps throughout Africa. He and I are doing extremely well to the Glory of God, and we are truly blessed. We are currently between Ghana, the US, and other parts of the world; God has blessed us with awesome relationships and work in Ghana, other African countries, and other parts of the world. Most excitingly, we are producing the Tim and Shirley Show, which is an inspirational, educational, motivational, couples show airing on Dominion TV. Young people are coming to the Lord for guidance; therefore, my husband and I are committed to restoring lives, broken relationships, and hearts, and bringing joy and love to all those around us and each other. Thank you so much for asking. God bless you.
Q&A: Apostle Stanfill, you are a powerful woman of God and a true visionary of hope and restoration, what is your personal passion?
Apostle Stanfill: My spiritual passion is the fire Crusades, which are going to begin in 2024. I’m extremely excited about the end time awakening and going from continent-to-continent, seeing in time anointing set the captives free, and people be made free and productive for the kingdom to prepare for the rapture.

My natural passion is my husband, Pastor Tim Stanfill, I love him with all my heart and soul. He is God Fearing, amazing, supportive, and caring. We are inseparable and work together on everything pertaining to the Kingdom and Ministry. Marriage with my beloved Pastor Tim is everything I envisioned, prayed, and dreamed. I am most grateful for the signs, miracles, and wonders. These manifestations wake me up in the morning and lay me down in prayer as we pray for our lives to be transformed into miracles as we watch lives being saved and delivered each day. My beloved and I will keep going until the rapture or I’m home with God. And last, but not least, my passion is our seven beautiful grandchildren, which are the apple of my eye. We are so proud of them, they are straight A students, beautiful young people, and awesome and amazing personalities.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, shifting gears a little, we must ask you about this year's Stretch Conference. Can you give us a preview of what to expect this year?
Apostle Stanfill: Yes!!! Stretch Conference is October 4th through the 8th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Bethesda, Maryland. Our 2024 theme is, "Like No Other"; a season like no other, favor like no other, and breakthrough like no other. I know it’s going to be powerful because God put this theme in my heart. It’s a season of warfare to break all those chains binding us. Stretch is going to take us to the highest dimensions of the Kingdom unlocking end time mysteries solely to accomplish God’s mandate in our communities and throughout the world. We have people from Congo, Switzerland, Ghana, and other parts of the world joining us. Saturday is our Holy Consecration Service and International Day with our guest of honor and keynote speaker, the wife of the Congolese President. There will be plenty of workshops during the day and fun events; services and prayer in the evening and the outpouring of God’s anointing, power, and revelation for everyone in attendance.
G&G: Apostle Stanfill, is there anything else you would like to add?

Apostle Stanfill: I would like to give a shout out to our Ghana Family and our Cathedral Family. We have a group of leaders that are God-fearing awesome amazing people of integrity that love the Lord. They are our inner circle and our prayer warriors, and it is an absolute delight after pastoring for 30 years to Pastor this particular group of people I am loving it.

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