2 minute read
Aligned and Anointed
Link up with the Lord! He has something good for you. August marks the eighth month of the year and the number eight means a new beginning. Now is the perfect time for you to reset and realign yourself with the Lord. Now is the perfect opportunity to ask Him to create in you a clean heart and to renew a right spirit within you (Psalm 51:10). God wants to do a new thing in your life (Isaiah 43:19). Align with Him and allow Him to do so. This month is the perfect time to begin afresh, come into agreement with God, get aligned with Him, and receive the anointing He has just for you.
Alignment with God sets you in position of agreement. Agreement with Him means that you are willing to follow His precepts and principles and live out your purpose with Him leading and guiding you along the way. Alignment with Him fulfills His promise to always go before you and to never leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). Alignment with God makes you respond to Him with a “yes, I agree” answer at all times even if you don’t understand or have the faith to trust Him. Alignment and agreement with God are always a set up for success. Alignment and agreement with God will always work out for your good (Romans 8:28).
Alignment with God guarantees you have an advocate and ally in Him. Alignment isn’t always easy, but it is indeed worth it. At times, when you align with your God-given purpose, you have to be loosed from situations and circumstances that hinder your walk with Him and that don’t align with God’s will for your life. Alignment with God gives you the blessed assurance that He is in front of you to guide you, on your side to cheer you on and hold your hand along the way, and in the back of you to give you the push, prod, or propelling that you need in every area of your life. Take advantage of the advocate and ally you have in your Almighty God.
Alignment with God gives you access to His bountiful blessings. No good thing will He withhold from you if you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11). He wants to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Jabez used the avenue of prayer to access God and align with Him. Scripture says, “Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked (I Chronicles 4:10). God wants to grant all your requests too. Alignment activates the anointing and gives you access to His favor, freedom, and a bumper crop of blessings that far exceed your expectation (Ephesians 3:20).
Jesus is the perfect example of what it means to align with God. He told His Father, “Not my will but your will be done.” (Luke 22:42). He was willing to sacrifice His life to align and come into agreement with His Father. His obedience in alignment crowned Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Affirm today, “I am aligned and anointed of God!”
Elder Tracey Nicole George www.traceystrinketstotriumph.com