2 minute read
Live to L.O.V.E.
Love is in the air! This is the season of sweet sentiments, kind gestures, mushy moments, and double the display of adoration and affection. During this season of love, make it a point to live to love like never before. If you know God, then you know how to live to love because God is love (1 John 4:8). As a Christian, you live, move, and have your being in God (Acts 17:28) and since God is the epitome of love, living to love is a light thing. The L.O.V.E. acronym can remind you to live to love. It is a model for you to ensure that you are a Light, Obedient, Victorious, and Expecting. You were not built to be basic, but you were born and blessed to be the righteous of God in the Earth. You live to L.O.V.E. by letting your light shine, obeying and believing God to do great and mighty things in your life, living out your vision to experience a victorious life, and expecting God to exceed your expectation.
Live to love and let your light shine (Matthew 5:16). You are God’s representative and ambassador. Living out your purpose and executing the plan for your life allows your light to shine and gives glory to God. Let the love of God lead you as you illuminate every place you encounter and have a positive impact on everyone you associate with. God desires for you to shine bright like the diamond you are.
Live to love by being obedient to God’s Word and you will be blessed. God honors obedience. Obedience can open doors to opportunities you could never have imagined. Your eyes have not seen, nor your ears have heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things God has prepared for you because you love Him (I Corinthians 2:9).
Live to love and your vision and purpose will lead to victory. Operating in love makes it easy to live out the purpose God has for your life. Love flows easily when you are on the path God set for your life. Knowing your purpose, utilizing the gifts God gave you, and pursuing the plan He has for your life will cause your blessings to manifest and become tangible right before your eyes. Live to love because love unleashes a lavish life in the Lord.
Live to love and expect expansion. God equipped you with all of the gifts and talents that you need to go forward and do great exploits in His name. You have the dunamis power inside of you that gives you the strength to do all things. God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above what you can ask or think according to the power that works in you (Ephesians 3:20). Live to love and the lion’s share is yours.
Jesus promises to be with you always, so you never have to worry that you lack love (Matthew 28:20). For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). Living to love can last long after your lifetime. You can have faith, hope, and love but know that love is the greatest of them all (1 Corinthians 13:13). Live to L.O.V.E.!
Elder Tracey Nicole George www.traceystrinketstotriumph.com