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If it is not one thing, it’s another. We have said this to ourselves and to others from time to time. It is usually expressed when we are overwhelmed or wondering if we can take on another issue, assignment, disappointment, trauma and more. Can we move forward with so many challenges in our lives? Yes, we can move forward but it will take time and effort. We will have to refocus on our strengths and not only on our stressors. We must look forward to our future and not dwell on past mistakes. We must acknowledge the good and the bad but then seek to integrate our experiences so we can live full and functional lives.
Not giving up is a continual process affirming our desire to get through what we are going through. Not giving up means we may have to seek help from a counselor, prayer partner or from a friend. Not giving up may require you and I to deepen our connection to God by reading the word, meditating and spending quiet time with God. The pace of life is such that we may have to pause and regroup along the way. Sometimes these pauses come on the hills of sickness, death, loss of employment or relationship transitions. Planning our breaks, if possible, may be the most important key to not giving up. We must be intentional in taking care of ourselves so we can be well when life happens, and we feel like we want to give up.
Knowing how much we can take is not only a faith test, but it is something that we can assess based on where we find ourselves in life. God knows how much we can bear and so do we. Staying in tune with your needs, wants and limits help you to determine if it’s time to take a break or to keep going. Don’t give up most of all because you are not on this journey alone. God is with you and will send you comfort, help and hope when you need it most. Life can be tough but whatever is going on has a time limit. Don’t give up! Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian
Counseling Center