3 minute read
How Does Love Respond?
Summertime is made for family vacations, and true to its mandate my family hit the road and braved the heat of Las Vegas, Nevada. Heat and all, we decided to walk the strip and spend some quality time just walking and enjoying the beauty of the hotel and shops. While we were walking I heard a man speaking. Now, hearing someone speak is not unusual, because there are a lot of people on the strip walking as well. However, there was something about this particular voice that stuck out to me. I didn’t recognize who he was, but I did recognize what he was saying. He was quoting these scriptures:
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The spoken Word will grab your attention even in the midst of a crowd." Romans 6:23.
1 John 2:16: “For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world.”
He continued to speak about the wages of sin being death, sin being the root of all evil and how sin would ultimately lead to the lake of fire. As I listened, I thought to myself is this method truly effective?
I understand the need for preaching the gospel, and that there are many ways to do it. I know that the Word tells us in Mark 16:15 to, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." At that moment in time, the Scripture was speaking to 11 of the disciples. The definition of disciple: is a personal follower of Jesus Christ. The command in Mark was given to those who follow Jesus. I will not begin to judge this man's walk with the Lord, but I did find myself judging his methodology and delivery.
Now don’t get me wrong I’m not condemning his actions. He will ultimately have to give an account for them, just as I will for my actions one day. I am, however, questioning whether his delivery was effective because what I didn't believe was attached to his words and actions was a spirit of love. I believe that Love is the key. What drove me to Christ wasn’t the message of fear, the fear of burning in hell. That was important and useful information later on. However, what drew me was the love that I felt in hearing about His sacrifice for me. It was hearing about Him caring enough about me that He would give His life up so that I could live.
Everyone receives information differently. That approach is what worked for me. If you are one who preaches or teaches about Heaven and Hell, death and life... My encouragement to you is that you would consider adding love to it. As you speak of what someone is losing add what they are gaining as well. His desire is that none should perish, but it is because of His love for us. He didn't try to scare people out of hell. He loved them to heaven.
I try to use the love approach in my everyday walk. I have found it to be more effective than any other approach that I have tried. When I’m speaking to my children about their emotions and feelings I will often ask them, "How does love respond?" When I’m having a discussion with my husband, and he may be wrong, I still ask myself, "How will love respond in this moment?"
I urge you to consider this line of questioning when you are being accused of doing something that you didn’t do, "How does Love respond?" If we are to be true Disciples of Christ we have to be able to show others all of Him; not just the parts that induce fear. Some may think that their lives are already in a state of Hell, so what can this man that we call Jesus offer them. They don't need more fear or more condemnation. What they need from us... from Him is His unconditional Love. We all need it and as Disciples of Christ, we all have it to give.
Pastor Rhoda Turner
Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ www.cffaz.org