3 minute read
Min. Carenda
Your Year to Surrender ALL! Surrender ALL!
Wow! What a blessing! God has crossed us over into a New Year. I would like to suggest that before you embark on anything new, exciting or challenging, first take some time to just lay before the Lord as an act of worship. Start your year in total surrender. Maybe there were somethings that you did not totally surrender to the Lord in 2021, but it’s imperative that you do for 2022. Will you submit, in full, to the authority of the Lord? How long are you going to keep running and hiding? I believe with all my heart, if you surrender to the Lord, the things you had to contend with in 2021, you will not have to contend with in 2022.
Jesus teaches us about surrender. When He and his disciples reached the Garden to pray, the disciples could only go but so far. Jesus withdrew from them, knelt and began to pray. (Luke 22:40-42). The first thing Jesus says in his prayer was, “Father, if you are willing take this cup away from me-nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.” There are so many things just in these two scriptures that I want you to remember about surrender.

1. No one can surrender on your behalf to the Lord, concerning His will for your life. Even the best intercessors might fall asleep. When you come to the place of surrender, it’s a walk with you and the Lord. It’s a personal encounter and commitment to Him.
2. The first thing you want to physically do is kneel and pray. Jesus teaches us Lordship and order. I agree with Dr. Charles Stanley when he says, “We are tallest on our knees.” When you surrender all, remember to kneel.
3. Your act of surrender should be in the form of prayer. The scripture teaches us that He knelt and began to pray. The Lord desires intimacy with us. Even when we surrender that is an intimate moment with the Lord. It should not be taking lightly. And when you pray, seek to know if the Lord is willing. Jesus did. He said, “Father if you are willing take this cup away from me.” However, we can’t stop there. We must also continue as Jesus did by stating, “Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done.” Wow! Will you have a “nevertheless” spirit of surrender in 2022? Will you pull up, as my sister Bonnie would say, in your trust in God believing that His will is what’s best for you? When you go through things that you don’t understand, will you still say “nevertheless”? When you are dealing with grief, hurt and being misunderstood will you still kneel?
4. Surrender is a not so easy process. Do you know that Jesus prayed more than once in that Garden? My scripture tells me the second time he prayed it was more fervent. The bible says that His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground. (Luke 22:44). The process of surrendering may not always feel good. You might feel that things are getting worse before they get better. You might get disappointed at people you thought you could depend on. You might feel that the enemy is pressing even harder against you and your family. However, I am here to tell you, through it all, hold on and hold out.
I pray that in this New Year 2022. Your intimacy with God will go to another level by surrendering. I hope that the revelation that He gives you, will scatter every evil assignment trying to discourage you by surrendering. I hope that after the kneeling, praying, and anguish you will say, “Nevertheless, your will Lord is what’s best for me.”
Happy New Year!
Min. Carenda Deonne
Your #1 Change Agent www.carendadeonne.com