9 minute read
Destined For D.O.U.B.L.E
Happy New Year BLESSINGS! Decree and declare that you are destined for double this year. In this new season, look for God to exceed every one of your expectations and give you double the desires of your heart. Because you are a Kingdom citizen, your destiny is designed by God to include every good and perfect gift. In order to receive everything God has for you, you have to be in a position to receive the bountiful blessings He has in store for you. You can use the acronym, D.O.U.B.L.E., to set yourself up for success in manifesting all of the Master’s many blessings. Decree and declare that you are D-disciplined, O-open, U-united, B-bold, L-loosed, and E-expecting God to do great things for you.
You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. when you operate in discipline in every area of your life. With discipline you can defeat anything that comes your way. Discipline helps you to persevere and press your way through any situation or circumstance. The Apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians that all athletes are disciplined in their training to win a prize and you too should use discipline to help you win the eternal prize of everlasting life (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).
Be open to new opportunities. You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. when you are not afraid to try something new. At times, God whispers a word to you to do something and if it is out of your comfort zone or something that you not familiar with you may tend to ignore it. Be willing to do something different and get out of your comfort zone. There is always a good chance that you will discover something that would be a blessing to you and others, make an impact, and ultimately give glory to God. Be open and available for God to use you. Imagine how Mary felt when Gabriel told her she would give birth to Jesus, the Savior of the world. She may not have understood the assignment but she trusted God and was open to the opportunity and said, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” (Luke 1:38)
You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. when you unite with God and are confident in the fact that you can do all things through Him that strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). When you link up with your Lord, you can leave all of your fears behind and move forward following Him to your divine destiny. Remember, iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). Imagine how great your destiny could be when you unite with fellow Christians and together achieve a goal or support each other in a situation.
You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. when you are bold and about your Father’s business. With God on your side, you can be triumphant in any situation even if the task seems impossible to you or to others. Be bold like David and believe you can destroy and have the victory over any giant you may encounter like Goliath (1 Samuel 17:48-50). Choose to be bold and brave because of the big God you serve.
You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. because you are loosed to go for the lion’s share, which is the biggest portion of a thing. Jesus came that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Living the lion’s share is the abundant life. No good thing will God withhold from you if you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11).
You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E. when you expect God to exceed every one of your expectations. He wants to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4) and He is able to do above and beyond what you could ever imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Take the time to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit that resides in you to help you excel in every area of your life. Get ready to go for it all. You are destined for D.O.U.B.L.E.


Welcome to the New Year! We anticipate great things for ourselves and our families in 2022. Consider sharing your wisdom and insight with another individual by becoming a mentor.
What does it mean to be a mentor? Mentors develop positive relationships with individuals. Mentors assist in guiding others in setting and accomplishing goals in business and their personal lives. Mentors are role models and encouragers. Mentors lend a listening, nonjudgmental ear to others. Mentors do not make decisions for their mentees. Mentors listen, ask questions, and give suggestions to support the mentee in making their own decisions. The concept of mentoring is ancient and dates back before Greek mythology. The role of a mentor is derived from the character "mentor" in the book "The Odyssey" whose sole purpose was to guide others in life.
If you are a teacher, successful in business or life, you are probably already a mentor. Students, friends, and family members seek your advice on important matters to them. The influence of mentoring is limitless. Mentors can guide in multiple areas, including career development, marriage, child-rearing, education, business, and spiritual growth.
Mentoring relationships can be formal or informal. Specific career paths and businesses may have a formal mentoring program where junior-level partners are paired with seasoned professionals to guide them in their careers and learn the culture of the organizations to which they belong. Informal mentoring can begin as friendships that develop into synergistic bonds. Mentoring is a shared experience that benefits the mentor and the mentee. It's rewarding to help and guide others. Mentees benefit from the mentor's wisdom, experiences, told mistakes, networks, and success.
Mentoring advocates encourage everyone to commit to one hour each week to mentoring. Advocates believe that everyone has skills and experience to share as a mentor. One hour a week can be all that's needed to effect a positive change in someone's life.
Author Anthony K. Tjan, in an article in the "Harvard Business Review", identifies four behaviors of a successful mentor:
• Put the relationship before the mentorship. • Focus on character rather than competency. • Shout loudly with your optimism, and keep quiet with your cynicism. • Be more loyal to your mentee than you are to your company.
January is National Mentoring Month and focuses on sharing experiences in mentoring and paying tribute to those who serve as mentors. Reflect on your relationship with your formal or informal mentors. Take the time to send a note of gratitude for their position and influence in your life. Your mentor will appreciate the recognition for their commitment to mentoring. Take time this month to consider your role as a mentor. Who can you help on your job, in your family, church, or neighborhood? Commit to taking the opportunity to give guidance when a situation arises.
Have a happy and prosperous Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels 2022. Share your experiences with Assistant Professor at another by becoming a mentor. Coppin State University DWatties-Daniels@coppin.edu healthytips025@gmail.com

Ericka J.

Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey is hitting 2022 hitting new strides in his career, with a new show! Judge Steve Harvey will be airing on the ABC Network, starting January 4. I’m excited about checking this out, it should be pretty funny, if you watch him on Family Feud or any of his other endeavors, this should just top it all off ! He keeps inspiring us, and is vastly becoming a living legend! Oh and by the way, if you follow him on social media, as you can see his stylist has him looking quite amazing these days with his wardrobe revamp! We see you Steve!
Damon Little
Baltimore is known for good music, in various genres and types of music and Damon Little has always given us variations in his style while yet staying true to his soulful contemporary vibe with some good ole “quartet sauce” on it! His latest single “Stand Up” which he wrote, hit the #1 spot on Billboard for the first time in his career as well! BMore Stand UP!
Jonathan Nelson
Congrats to Baltimore’s Own Jonathan Nelson! While Jonathan has given us multiple hits with each of his releases, and many have made Billboard charts, he has hit the #1 Spot with his lead single “Manifest” for the first time in his career, this is huge! There are so many jewels we can grasp from this scenario, especially with being a re-release of the song, his message never changed or his lyrics, it was just time to manifest at his new level! This time it went to #1! Keep “manifesting” and making Baltimore proud!
Bishop Desmond Tu Tu
Last month, December 26, we lost a Major General, in the person of Bishop Desmond Tu Tu. The Nobel Peace Prize Winner and fearless leader of the Apartheid movement, was also the first Black Bishop of Johannesburg, and later in his career became the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town. He fought for racial equality not just in Africa, but across the globe. Much like Nelson Mandela
who was South Africa’s first Black President, they shared a devoted passion to see South Africa better.
If you’ve had a chance to follow the rappers career or even had an opportunity to watch the various documentaries on his career, we not only got a glimpse into the rap/hip hop side of this icon, but we also got to see his spiritual side. His prayers could be seen and heard at his live concerts as well as on his records. However, what most people didn’t know is that he recorded a gospel album back in the late 2000’s that was never released. The project was a double album titled “Walk With Me Now and You’ll Fly with Me Later”. This was said to have been recorded while he was living in Arizona and wanted to focus on a more spiritual direction, instead of the gritty street life. Unfortunately, as of this day, it was never released; however some of the tracks against his wishes are restricted and remain on hard drives, according to sources. In addition, sources also say, DMX wanted to do a gospel tour at Mega Churches in the Southern region, and eventually start a church of his own, “House Of The Afflicted” where his mission and ministry focus would be to the homeless and those who struggle with drug addiction. With no actual “will” left behind, there leaves much to funnel through legally regarding the rights to the project, the fate of the future of the release remains unknown at this time.

Follow Ericka on twitter, www.twitter.com @MissEricka J, facebook www.facebook.com/ErickaJohnson, or via email iammisserickaj@gmail.com

Steve Harvey Jonathan Nelson

Bishop Desmond Tu Tu