2 minute read
The Struggle Was Real
that I was completely overwhelmed. I remember sitting on the couch with my head in my hands. At that moment I was trying to hold back tears as they silently slid down my face. As I quarantined myself in the living room and everyone was asleep and quiet, at that moment I had peace and serenity. I asked God for help, renewal and strength. He reminded me of the scripture, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3 KJV
The last week of July and the first week of August was truly a struggle. My mind was pulled in several different directions. Typically, I compartmentalize very well. When I’m at home I deal with home. When I’m at work I deal with work and try not to bring work home too often. When I’m at church I’m at church. I try hard to keep these boundaries in place and it works well for my mental health and stability. But during that specific time frame that I previously mentioned, everything was bleeding together, and I felt exhausted and extremely overwhelmed. Back story, my husband and four daughters caught COVID, school was getting ready to start back and the church had several events going on at the same time. Responsibilities were weighing heavy on Pastor Rhoda Turner me. I hadn’t felt like this in a long time. It felt like the bottom was falling out from up under me and Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ www.cffaz.org
I was uplifted and encouraged by God’s voice telling me that He had me. Instead Rhoda of leaning into my own strength I had to lean into the Father. I had to do a trust fall. You know that game where someone stands behind you, but are
TURNER facing you, you cross your arms as they hold theirs out and you fall into their arms. God told me to trust Him and fall into Him knowing that He would keep me. That’s exactly what He did. He kept me and as I listened to Him, He would tell me that someone needed something, and to take everyone the same thing at the same time; because if they don’t need it, they will. By listening to God, it turned an overwhelming experience into a fully whelming experience. The difference is one overtakes you while the other allows you to still be in control. One causes you to feel alone while the other allows you to see that you are not alone, and that God is with you and keeping you from losing your mind. If you are in a place where you are feeling overwhelmed know that God has you and He can and will keep you. Only thing you have to do is allow Him to. Rhoda Turner