1 minute read
My Hardworking Mom

She was a hardworking, loving, kind, and sweet mom. She was a disciplinarian and a homemaker. She was a skilled cook and a diligent woman. She showed love to her children and grandchildren. She raised all of us in the ways of the Lord. We all had to attend church every Sunday. Mom never let us go to bed hungry. If all we had was ‘food,’ at least we had something in our stomachs every night. I was the crybaby. If mama went to the market and didn’t come back on time, I would sit and cry until she got home. I only stopped crying when I heard her call out to Aunt T, then everyone would run out. She taught us that “family matters should be kept behind closed doors” and “what your right hand knows, your left hand should not.” She always warned us, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” and that we should have two accounts, one the spouse knows about and the other one he/she doesn’t know about.
RIP, Mom.
Your Daughter, Eunis (Miss U)
My Miraculous Mom
My mother was my teacher, nurse, and doctor. She taught us to love God and to fear Him. I remember the days when my mother and I would go to the ‘bush’ to gather things for the market. We rode the donkey, selling mangoes, naseberry, and other items we gathered from the farm while growing up. I always remember Mom telling us that no work is degrading as long as you are not lying on your back. My mother instilled many values in me that make me proud of who I am today.
My mother was a miracle worker. She ensured we had clean clothes and nutritious food despite our small budget. She could stretch a dollar to make sure her family had the things they needed. She was my nurse, teacher, counselor, helper, and friend. My mother greeted the world with grace. Others may have had more money than we did, but no one had a better mother. Sleep well, Mom.
Your daughter, Cynthia (Miss I)