The Digestive Process and Colon Cleansing Foods Digestive system is an essential part of human body. Whatever we eat enters into the digestive system and then processed in order to digest food, absorb nutrients and bring out the wasted matter. The whole procedure starts with our mouth and ends with the colon from where all wasted matter goes out from body. When we eat something from our mouth, we start chewing and swallowing the food. The salivary glands then start producing an enzyme that starts the digestion process by breaking down the food into small particles. The chewed or swallowed food then goes through the esophagus. And further it goes to the stomach where it is stored with liquid. The food and liquid then mixed out and it goes into the small intestine. In small intestine the nutrients of food is absorbed and then transported to the other parts of body. Rest of the things is considered as wasted matter that goes out through colon. A good digestion and colon health keeps us healthy and fit. It is extremely essential for human body’s optimal absorption and proper utilization of nutrients. For this colon health supplements can help you to improve digestive and colon health.