Η βιωματική αντίληψη του χώρου.

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The experiential perception of space

Urban adaptations to population changes in the refugee Drapetsona


In this research paper, the urban transformations in Drapetsona during the Asia Minor Catastrophe will be examined in connection with the refugee influx in the area. The spatial and social formation of the neighborhood is approached through a dialectical lens, investigating the relationship between society and the individual. Key characteristics of the study area, such as heavy industry and other functions that were established, are analyzed to understand the socio-spatial reality of the settlement. At the same time, the study explores the reconstruction of urban space and the role of informal public spaces in shaping social networks. It highlights spaces of socialization, such as thresholds, courtyards, ‘kafeneia,’ and ‘tekedes,’ which functioned as gathering points and arenas of shared experience, ultimately contributing to the formation of collective identity and culture. Within these networks, the significance of public space as a medium of social cohesion and cultural expression is emphasized. Finally, the research underscores the need to reassess contemporary public space design practices, with the broader aim of fostering social cohesion and cultural diversity.

Key words: dialectic; lived space; industry; refugee; thresholds; rebetiko; urban popular culture

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1: Le Pirée (πηγή: Handbook for Travellers, Baedeker, 1894)


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