Graduate Union Strategic Plan Booklet

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Prepared by independent consultant Michelle Hamilton October 2023

The Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026


• This Strategic plan comes at a pivotal time in the history of The Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne Incorporated.

• The organisation approaches 2024 with a long and successful history and many strengths to carry it into the future.

• As a membership organisation, however, Graduate Union also faces serious challenges including an aging member base, a lack of new and younger members choosing to become long term members and the need to appeal to new members in a changing world.

• Finding itself in a changing landscape since key strategic decisions were made including:

→ changes in the local marketplace for graduate accommodation services,

→ changes in the number of other alumni associations available for graduates, and

→ changes in how people are choosing to engage with membership organisations, Graduate Union faces a strategic imperative to reconsider and reinvent itself in order to thrive into the future.

• This Strategic Plan is the result of considerable work undertaken by the Council to set a path that balances twin goals:

→ honouring the legacy of the organisation and continuing to meet the needs of current long term members, and at the same time

→ transitioning the organisation to be future focused and ready to meet the needs of future members for many years to come.

• In this context, the Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026 has bold aims to undertake a period of inquiry that will guide the transformation of The Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne Incorporated. Change will be steady and deliberate and, for the period of this plan, will happen while continuing to deliver and grow the existing work that current members know and love.

The Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne Incoporated Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026 Overview PURPOSE

To support Graduates with a commitment to lifelong education and a passion for the exchange of ideas.



We offer connection.

To provide members with opportunities both in person and online to make lasting connections with each other (and with institutions) that support their ongoing fulfillment.


We are for Graduates for life.

To be recognised as the preferred organisation that is focused on supporting Graduates through their graduate studies and for life.


We engage with ideas that matter.

To support a broad collegial community, providing members with regular and robust opportunities to engage with ideas, issues and debates that matter to them.


We are evolving for the future.

To develop new ways of achieving our purpose that honour our legacy and sustain our future.


Graduate House Programming

Research and innovation

Continuing to develop our legacy


Collegiate accommodation for Graduates and Academics.

Fostering and hosting events for members, residents and non-members, Residents, staff and member welfare.

Events, activities and programs for members and nonmembers.

Educational support programming for those currently doing graduate studies

Collegiate programs for resident members

Long term investigation into what potential members would find valuable.

The trial of initiatives based on research findings

New building/ development.

Utilise the opportunities provided by our new location to support and enrich the values and aspirations of The Graduate Union.

Continue to enhance governance structures and decision-making processes to ensure the Association remains well run, effective and compliant.


Member relationships & communications.

Marketing and Promotion. Enhance use of digital technologies.

Resident Communications.

The Graduate Union of the University of Melbourne

Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026


To support Graduates with a commitment to lifelong education and a passion for the exchange of ideas.

We do this by

We are a membership organisation. Membership is the mechanism we use to achieve our purpose. Members make a choice and opt in.

Strategic Objectives

In the years 2024 – 2026 our objectives are:


1. To provide members with opportunities both in person and online to make lasting connections with each other (and with institutions) that support their ongoing fulfillment.


2. To be recognised as the preferred organisation that is focused on supporting Graduates through their graduate studies and for life.


3. To support a broad collegial community, providing members with regular and robust opportunities to engage with ideas, issues and debates that matter to them


4. To develop new ways of achieving our purpose that honour our legacy and sustain our future.

(For further detail about the strategic objectives see Table 1 below.)


To achieve our objectives, we will focus on the following streams of activity:

1. Graduates

a. Collegiate accommodation for Graduates and Academics.

b. Fostering and hosting events for members, residents and non-members.

c. Resident, staff and member welfare.

2. Programming

a. Events, activities and programs for members and non-members

b. Educational support programming for those currently doing graduate studies.

c. Collegiate programs for resident members.

3. Research and Innovation

a. Long term investigation into what potential members would find valuable, and

b. The trial of initiatives based on research findings.

4. Continuing to develop our legacy

a. New building/development.

b. Utilise the opportunities provided by our new location to support and enrich the values and aspirations of the Graduate Union.

c. Continue to enhance governance structures and decision-making processes to ensure the Association remains well run, effective and compliant.

5. Communication

a. Member relationships and communication.

b. Marketing and promotion.

c. Enhance use of digital technologies.

d. Resident communications.

(For further detail about the streams of activity see the Table 2 below.)

Supporting Structures

To deliver these streams of activity and achieve our objectives, we work through the following structures:


Supportedby- Sub-committees

• Finance Audit and Risk Management (FARM)

• Governance & nominations

• Membership, programming and fundraising

• Buildings and facilities

Providing direction and oversight toManagement

Table 1 Strategic Plan 2024 – 2026



To provide members with opportunities both in person and online to make lasting connections with each other (and with institutions) that support their ongoing fulfillment.


Global and local focus Individuals, institutions & organisations Across disciplines, faculties etc University of Melbourne connection

Targets 2024 – 2026

• Deliver relevant and appropriate in person and online events to cater for all members

• Achieve high rating from membership surveys showing satisfaction with the level of connection members feel (to each other, the organisation and other relevant institutions)

• Achieve a diverse range of members reporting high rates of connection

• GU is open to suggestions from members about ways to improve connection

Supported by activity streams:






To be recognised as the preferred organisation that is focused on supporting Graduates through their graduate studies and for life.


Become a preferred group for graduates Support graduates every stage of life

Connect to global graduate focused orgs Include students approaching graduation

Targets 2024 – 2026

• To be the premier union of Graduates in Australia and beyond

• To be visible in relevant contexts to new and midcareer Graduates

To be seen by Graduates as a way to continue a lifelong love of learning

Supported by activity streams:







To support a broad collegial community, providing members with regular and robust opportunities to engage with ideas, issues and debates that matter to them.


Offer opportunities to ‘exercise the mind’

Broad range of ideas and wide range of fields

Connect with affiliated bodies

Foster ideas

Targets 2024 – 2026

• Deliver a range of programs that reflect the ideas and issues that matter to members

• To reflect member and community diversity in programs, events and ideas

• Be recognised as centre for the exchange of ideas amongst graduates and post-graduates

• High rating from membership survey as a safe and collegiate place to exchange and discuss big ideas and topics

Supported by activity streams:






To develop new ways of achieving our purpose that honour our legacy and sustain our future.


Focus on future member needs

Support diversity in membership

Open to change, new ideas and reinvention

Seek sustainability and relevance

New building development provides benefits

Targets 2024 – 2026

• 2024 - To complete an initial research project capturing feedback and ideas from young, midcareer and retired Graduates (non-members) regarding what they would want from a Graduate Union and what would attract them to join

• 2025 – Design and deliver a series of pilot programs/approaches in response to the findings from the 2024 research project and capture ongoing feedback to add to research

• Council conducts regular and ongoing review of lessons from relevant research and innovation and continues to develop new strategy in response

• Successful development of new building remains on track with project timelines and budgets, for the delivery of demonstrable benefits for members and the organisation

• GU maintains sustainable financial position

Supported by activity streams:






To achieve our objectives we will focus on the following streams of activities.

1. Graduate House

a. Collegiate accommodation for Graduates and Academics.

b. Fostering and hosting events for members. residents and nonmembers.

c. Resident, staff and member welfare.


• Host regular GU events.

• Continue and enhance accommodation offering.

• Continue facility hire to members and corporate members.

• GH Residents Group.

• Meeting places for members to use.


• Present GH as the home of GU.

• Create greater awareness of facilities - target UoM faculties and beyond.

• Provide people with a place in which to establish a connection to the organisation.

• Promote GU history.

• Greater visibility to under graduates.

• Communicate a comfortable and inclusive environment to support the development of relationships and connections.

2. Programminga.

a. Events, activities and programs for members and nonmembers.

a. Educational support programming for those currently doing graduate studies.

a. Collegiate programs for resident members.


• Develop annual programming offering, including:

• Monthly lunches - stimulating and relevant.

• Mentoring and reverse mentoring (two way exchange).

• Develop annual programming offering for current Graduate Students including:

• GH residents presenting work.

• Masterclass series.


• Deliver GH focused events.

• Deliver social activities that reflect our diverse membership.

• Identify special interest groups within membership and create targeted content.

• Consider events in partnership with UoM Alumni Association.

3. Research & Innovation

a. Long term investigation into what potential members would find valuable, and

a. The trial of initiatives based on research findings.


• Design and deliver a research project to understand what potential members want/don’t want including:

• Survey/focus groups/ interviews with potential members.

• Research into what other ‘like’ organisations are doing (and forming alliances).

• Design, develop and deliver pilot programs that respond to the needs identified in research. (details TBC based on research above).


• Research the need and means by which Graduates want to exchange ideas throughout their life stages.

• Research and understand what university students who might become members need and would value in order to join the organisation.

• Share findings across other activity streams to support trial of new work and new communications approaches.

4. Continuing to develop our legacy

a. New building/development.

b. Utilise the opportunities provided by our new location to support and enrich the values and aspirations of the Graduate Union.

c. Continue to enhance governance structures and decision-making processes to ensure the Association remains well run, effective and compliant.


• Develop a vibrant building as part of the precinct.

• Complementary services.

• Promote new building.

• A modern and well-governed membership Association.

5. Communication

a. Member relationships and communication.

b. Marketing and promotion.

c. Enhance use of digital technologies.

d. Resident communications.


• Member Newsletter.

• Develop social media plan.

• Annual member survey.

• Feedback from GH attendees.

• Develop stakeholder engagement plan.

• Develop communications and PR plan.


• Maximise use of land assets, increase revenue, de-risk liabilities through new building project.

• Develop a plan to convert GU assets into a sustainable revenue stream.

• Seek complementary services as part of the development of the site – and ensure these services add value to the GU.

• Find a partner for the building that enhances the profile of GU.

• Maintain development of new building as organisational priority throughout process.

• Update all policies, procedures, governance documentation and ensure new legislation and best practice is reflected in the documentation.

• Apply best practice processes to management and governance (planning, performance reviews etc.)


• Maintain communication with members.

• Greater communication with regional, national and international members.

• Increase communication with a wider range of members and potential members through the increased use of social media.

• Connect with UoM Alumni Association.

• Define membership benefits.


Horizon 2: 6 months4 years

Research into what younger members want now and into the future and trying/reviewing/ refining aspects of new programming.

Horizon 1: Immediate - 3 years

Keep current programming going for life members and those members who are engaged and enjoying what is offered.

Horizon 3: 4 – 5 years

Programming caters to both old and new member’s needs (organisation is now ready for a new strategic plan to document this new approach that has been based on the research findings from Horizon 2). 2026

Next Steps

1. Consultation

The Council plans to undertake further consultation on the strategic plan including conversations with sub-committee members, staff members and other stakeholders. This document has been provided in WORD doc format to allow for ongoing development to be undertaken by Council and staff as required.

2. Operational Planning

It is recommended that strategic planning be followed by a period of operational planning including the development of annual implementation plans for the organisation. Table 2 above provides a starting point to develop operational and implementation plans.

3. Resourcing Research and Innovation

Operational planning should also consider questions of resourcing especially for areas of new work such as the new focus on researching potential member needs and developing new programming and approaches in line with what is learned through the research. This is a significant program of work across the whole period of the strategic plan and is key to the ongoing success of the organisation. Prioritising the funding and resourcing of this stream of work should be an immediate and ongoing top priority.

4. Regular Leadership and Review by Council

Regular and ongoing reviews of progress towards the achievement of the stated objectives of the plan are recommended as a priority for Council meetings. Regardless of the chosen structures of sub-committees or working groups, leadership from Council as a whole is essential for the success of the strategic plan, especially the focus of the evolution of the organisation.

The ongoing consideration of lessons from the research and innovation stream of activity should be a key focus for Council until such time as a new strategic plan can be developed based on the findings of this research and experimentation. Council may wish to be flexible about whether this is in three years, five years or indeed even before the full three years if circumstances allow this.

It was noted at the end of the first strategic planning workshop that the organisation would need to reconsider questions of whether it needed to continue to exist once it had heard the voices of potential members. Given that this is the key aim of the research and innovation activity stream, the findings of this work should enable the Council to have these ongoing conversations throughout the life of this strategic plan.



of The University of Melbourne Inc.

220 Leicester Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia Telephone: +61 (0)3 9347 3428

Australian Business Number: 55 610 664 963 Incorporated Association Registration Number: A0023234B

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